chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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130 GLIGORIC<br />

burst in<strong>to</strong> 1ea6 alter naking a blLrnder<strong>to</strong>take rhe<br />

move back: <strong>by</strong> losins this Aame GlisoriC iaiied <strong>to</strong><br />

qualify. but a sympathcric oreanizcr adnirled hin<br />

<strong>to</strong> lhe linnl. Orphued around 1940, Gligorii was<br />

takcn nr<strong>to</strong> thc house ot the president oI the<br />

Belgrade <strong>chess</strong> cltrbwho larcr used hn inAuence lo<br />

bave Gligo a remoled lrom thc frcnt during the<br />

rvrr Neverihele\s he \av f.nln.frh!' i.ii!.<br />

serlice as a parlisan and was twice decoraled for<br />

He lirt bccamc widcly known in 1947 .flei<br />

$inning a<strong>to</strong>umamenl at Wanawtwopoink ahcad<br />

oi BorEsuesn, L. p CIMN. and sMtslo! who<br />

Ncre busy watching each olher. I d ihe next33lears<br />

he plared in ahoul 60 inlcrnalional lournamenls<br />

and $on or shared lwelve lirsi prizes, otheNise<br />

oflen taking a high place. His ben wins were<br />

sh.red: Dalas 1957, category 12 (+4=9 1), with<br />

Rlsr.vsRiSalajevo 1962 (+5=6) Nirh rcRrscn;<br />

Belsrade 1969 (+6=8- l) witn ,vKov, MAru, ovt,<br />

and po Luc^yEls(r . I Ie won outright atTorremolinos<br />

1961 (+6=5), Belgr.de 1962 (+6=5), Reykjavik<br />

r964 (+ll:l 1)- and Monlilla 1977<br />

(+5=4). Oiher sood rcsurrs wcrc achicvcd at<br />

zurich 1959, . second place (+9:4 2) aier,^L<br />

ahcad ol nsdr.R lnd $R.s, and !t Bled 1961,<br />

category 13, a score ol +7=11-1 10 share third<br />

place wi$ Keres and pErRosv,\N alier Tal aDd<br />

Gligoria plared in seven intcrzonal <strong>to</strong>urnanen[<br />

and becane a.^N!rD^r lhree rinres. ln 1952 hc<br />

shared fifth place al tbe Saltsjdbaden inreronal,<br />

Dut made littlc inpressio! i. the lotlowing Candi<br />

dates <strong>to</strong>urnanenl. h l95E he <strong>to</strong>ok sccond place<br />

(+8=10 2) alter ral in the Por<strong>to</strong>roi intezonal.<br />

and sharcd 6ftt place N h FrscBER in ihe Candi<br />

daies <strong>to</strong>urnanrenr olrhc folloqing year ln 1967he<br />

came second (+7:14) equar sith {rnrrx and<br />

rcRcrNor at sou$e. and rhen lost the candidares<br />

quarteFfinal malch <strong>to</strong> Tal.<br />

<strong>The</strong> besl Yusosla! ptaycr loi ahout 20 years<br />

Aom 1951, Gligoriasonor shared6stplace in the<br />

nadooal chanpionship ll tines lrom 1947ro 1965,<br />

and played ifl 14 Olympiads (1950J,1, 1978)i he<br />

played on fiEl boa.d o. allbulonc occasion (1951)<br />

and led his ountry <strong>to</strong> vic<strong>to</strong>ry in 1950 shcn thc<br />

Olympiad Nas held at Dubrolniki and ar Munich in<br />

1958 he madc thc hesl n6t bo.rd $ore (+9=6).<br />

His thoroughly prolessioDal srvlc is based on<br />

syslenatic study and sell-discipline. Earl, h hh<br />

carccr he decided lo play the nNGs rNDr^N<br />

DETENCL and thc srcrLrAN DDTDNCE, both oi which<br />

he studied inrensively aod <strong>to</strong> which hc contributed<br />

many 6es ideasr his eipert undeBtanding olthese<br />

delences matcrially aided his success. He also<br />

Brnes aboul the gane, and in 1952 published.l0,<br />

Partija Sre<strong>to</strong>zara Glieonio His best-knosn book<br />

is rn.l.. ! .tpdity (1972); ihe English-language<br />

edition (orirhich 200,000 copies were sold) wason<br />

sale three days after the end oltnc chamlionship<br />

match, and a iew weeks later Fren.h, Gennan.<br />

Spanhh, and Portueuese edidons were published.<br />

(s* ^NMirrcNN.<br />

Movr.)<br />

D. Le\r. Svao.ar Alikoril s Chesr Career 1915 70<br />

(1972) contains 63 gamcs and biography<br />

Korhtroi Glig.'ia IIavanal96'r King:I"dianDcfcn.c<br />

1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 B6 I Ncr Bg7<br />

700N.6 3d5Nc? 9Nd2Nd7 l0b415 11Nb31xe4 12<br />

Nrc4 Nt6 l3 NE3 Nr5 14 \xr5 Bxf5 15 Bc3 h5 16 13<br />

ad7 17 Od2h6 lsaa Raeri<br />

{&<br />

t<br />

'%:<br />

{r"<br />

^<br />

22. .Nel -OclBs,l 24Bxs1oxg4 25Rr.7Bc5 25<br />

tsd,lRrll+ 27Qill Rr3 23Qa1Qf4 29gr\igl white<br />

cr,rcoRri vARrATroN- 2(i2 in thc xrN.fs rNDr<br />

if 7... Ng4 8B95.<br />

^NDrrENcri<br />

GOLOMBDK,HARRY(1911 ).Englishplayei<br />

andauthor, lnternltionll Nlastcr(1950),lntcrnarional<br />

Arbitcr (1956). In 1945 Golonbek becane<br />

<strong>chess</strong> corespondent oI lrd Im?r, and aboul a<br />

year later decided ro be@me a prolcssional<br />

<strong>chess</strong> plalcr. Hc won the British Chanpionship<br />

thrcc tinres (19,17, 19.19, 1955J and played in nine<br />

Olympiads fron 1935 lo 1!62. An experienccd<br />

arbner and a good linguisl, supcnisor of man,<br />

inponanr lournanrcnts and nratches. he served Ior<br />

:10 ycarc on the FIDL Comnission tbat makes,<br />

imends, and arbitrates upon the laws ind rulesol<br />

<strong>chess</strong> His m.ny books include Cdpdbld,.d's<br />

Eundred Rest Gdh$ (1947). Th. wottd chds<br />

Chan?ioftthi? 194811919). RAis B?st Can6 al<br />

Cr,ss (195,1). and,4 Ed,on,f <strong>Chess</strong> (1976\.<br />


. club fonndcd i0 1913 b, James Fmncis Magee<br />

(1867 1955) ol Philadelphia. Good CoBpanion<br />

sas his tanslation oiBoNUs socrus.lhc namc ofa<br />

nedieval nanuscripl containing many problems.<br />

Cluh mcmber usually met Nice a month <strong>to</strong> t.ke<br />

part in solving <strong>to</strong>umeys. Several speci.l <strong>to</strong>urneys<br />

Bere afanEed so lhal compcti<strong>to</strong>s thc world over<br />

couldparlicipaie,solvingintbeirownlocalities.To<br />

obtain a plentilul supply oI No MovEns lbr its<br />

solvers the cluborganized corlosing <strong>to</strong>unrcys: for<br />

these and the lostcring of new problem ideas lhe<br />

club be.ame fanous. ConposeB from many<br />

.ountriesjoined and in the 1920s there were about<br />

600 nembeis, the most disliDgunhcd ot whom<br />


times a year the club issued a magazine devoted

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