chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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t24 F'IlI'fZ<br />

picces are added only 10 provide the innge<br />

vdiadon 1 . . . B(g4)- 2 Oel. Friose vaaations<br />

went our oI ldnion aromd 1900, and Laws. the<br />

inrcnlorof lhete.m, larer republished hisproblem<br />

witboui these two Pieces.<br />

FRrTz, JIND{ICH 0912 ).<br />

Czech @mposer<br />

best k.own Io. his sttrdies, Internaiional Judge ol<br />

<strong>Chess</strong> ComposnioN (1156), lntemalional Grand<br />

nasler lor <strong>Chess</strong> Conpositions (1975),lasyer. At<br />

tstinfluened <strong>by</strong> RNc(, hc says tnat hiscycsserc<br />

opcncd in 1937 shen he dismve.ed rhe so.k ol<br />

Sovier sludy{onposeB. His seleral books include<br />

vtbruni sd.hori ProbLnr (1979). which contaiis<br />

50 problems and 252 studies composed <strong>by</strong> him.<br />

A sludy <strong>by</strong> Fn12 (iatrrl",.,rt, &.r, 1938), a<br />

line ex<strong>amp</strong>le of DoMrNArroN: 1 Eel+ Kb3 2 Nd6<br />

Ne7 3 Bxa5 Nc6+ ,l K.5 Nxa5 5 Kb6 N.4+ 6<br />

Nxc4Bc8 7Nf2 Lxc4 8 Kc7, a.d Black s bishop<br />

FRJTZ VARIATION, 506, line in the No Nrcsrs<br />

DErENctr suggesled <strong>by</strong> the German player Alexan<br />

dc' Fritz (1857-1932) <strong>to</strong> scH'.F.rrER,sho analyscd<br />

tl in Deutsche Schach,eitui|, 1904.<br />

I'ROM DEFENCE,601, a dul)ious,adalion in the<br />

KNc's c^M&r Accepled recomme.ded <strong>by</strong> sALvtri<br />

and, later, <strong>by</strong> the diligent analyst Marlin Severin<br />

Janus Frod (1828 9, or Dennarl{.<br />

rROM GAMBIT, 694, 6(t given <strong>by</strong> GR.co. lhc<br />

Danc S. A. Sdrcfl*n. writinq in Schachz.itutg.<br />

1862. nmed ihis opening alter his munlryman<br />

FRYDMAN, PAULINO (1905 82), International<br />

Master (1955), a leadine Polish playq durins the<br />

l9:r0s He entcred scveral nrte.national evenlsgcncrally<br />

vith nodesl resulrs exept <strong>to</strong>r his nrst<br />

prize (+7-1) ahead of oRrs and sriHLBERc.<br />

Helsinki 1935 From 1928 lo 1939 he represented<br />

his @untry in scven Olympiads. Alter fte Ia( ot<br />

rhcm, Buenos Aires 1939, he vas unable 10 return<br />

home and decided <strong>to</strong>setle in Argcntina.In hislast<br />

importanl <strong>to</strong>urnament. a double-round evedr,<br />

Buenos Aires 1941 (abour cilegory 10), he cane<br />

ftnd, rh.ee poinis bebind the joint sinners,<br />

NdDoN and srihlberg.<br />

FTiaNEa, iuBoMiR 0957 ), cHhosrovak<br />

player, International Grandmaster (1980). His<br />

<strong>to</strong>ur.ament prires includc a risr (snared) at<br />

cienluesos 1980 (+7=5 l), a second at Hradcc<br />

Krrlovd 1981 (+7:7), a shared nBlat Dortduod<br />

1981(+6=4 1), and oulrighl wins at Esbjerg I982<br />

(+6=5) and Tmava 1983 (+8=4-1).<br />

FIrDERER, ANDRLA (1931 ), Yugoslav<br />

player, Inlemational Master (1952). resarch<br />

chcmist Hc had smc modcratc rcsults in Yugoslalia<br />

(fonrth at BIed 1950, s{ond ar Belgrade<br />

1952) but his best ac[ievenetrl was 1hnd equal wilh<br />

pacHMAN and szd6 afier Gss atrd sMYsbv.<br />

HasliDgs 195,F5. He played in the ategory 12<br />

i.re.zonalrouaanenl,Gdleborg 1955, andshared<br />

fourlcc.th placc. <strong>The</strong>se restrhs, suppo ed <strong>by</strong> a<br />

brilliani attacking slyle, showed fair promne; but<br />

he decided 10 pu1 his career irst and <strong>by</strong> aboul 1961<br />

had largely given up @mpctitivc play. He played.<br />

and s@red wcll. in three Olympiads (1952, 1954.<br />

r958).<br />


78), Soviel player, lnternalional Grandmasrer<br />

(1966). Lcninsmd Ch<strong>amp</strong>ion in r953, cochanpion<br />

in 1954 and 1957. His best <strong>to</strong>urnament<br />

win in international play was at Harachov i966<br />

(about calegory 8) when he look lisl prize ahead ot<br />

r^ri'ANov, troRr, and 15 olhercompeli<strong>to</strong>B; and iis<br />

besl <strong>to</strong>n.nament perfo.mance was at Madrid 1973.<br />

wben he rook thid pnE (+6:8 1) aner tuRmv<br />

(his former pupil) and FNAKov. Furnan ,lso<br />

scored veu in three olher lourna,ncnts of abont<br />

category t2: USSR Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship 1949<br />

(+9=5 5), equalfiIth: USSR Chabpionship 1965<br />

(+8:7-,1), cqual fourth; and Bad LauterberA<br />

1977. thnd (+s:8-2) after Karpov a.d IMMAN.<br />

In lhe USSR Fuman sas Nell known as a w.iter oI<br />

<strong>chess</strong> anicbs and, aboveall, as a successlul taider<br />

v.C KirilDv Fum.n USSR Ch.npio6hip pElinina.<br />

ies 1949 Spanish oteniie, wormard varialion<br />

1e4e5 2NBNC6 3Bb5a6.1Ba4Nf6 5Qe2b5 6Bbl<br />

Bc7 7a4b4 3Bd5Nrd5 9cxd5Nd4 10Nxd4exd4 ll<br />

G000 l2Oca.5 l3dxc6epdi.6 l4Qr.6Ra7 15QA<br />

Rc7 16 d3 tsb7 17 Odl Bd6 18 Nd2 Re3 l9 Nc4<br />

wa'lH g%r.rur.<br />

i.% ry % 7g&<br />

,& ,/e % v&.<br />

w '&Lw<br />

&.t'/& fut<br />

"&&,<br />

tffiv&w%<br />

\\.hnc has lo$ lme pa*n $atchiner hn h{ move pemrits<br />

a DoLBTL BhHOr sa.knrr. bur hn grme w6 nor ro bc

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