chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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Ii$l pria ahead of Bogoljubow, L L. NrNoucs,<br />

and RoMANovso. Aiound 1916 nambere was<br />

aUowed <strong>to</strong> retun <strong>to</strong> WaBas. after which he ga,e<br />

up turther <strong>chess</strong> ambilions. In 194 he snccesstuIy<br />

led Warsae in a tea6 narch against L6diprobably<br />

his last appearancc i. com petirivc .hcss .<br />

FLANK! the squares on the a , b , or cliles Gbe<br />

queen\ nank) and the squares on the f-. g-, and<br />

h nles (1he kinat flank), Pawns on these six liles<br />

are flank pawns.<br />

FI,ANK OPENING, a general 1em for any<br />

opening in which neirher ot While-s ce.tre pawns is<br />

advanced lo its fourth rank in lhe nrsl fcw noves.<br />

TLEISCIIMANN, LEO (1881-1930). native ot<br />

Bndapesi *ho sometimes used his Hungarian<br />

surnxne, Forgacs. Dnring the yeais i905 <strong>to</strong> 191:<br />

Fleischmann played in aboul a dozen intcrnational<br />

<strong>to</strong>urnameots, .otabl! Nurembcrs 1906, ostend<br />

1906, Onend Masters 1907, and Hanburg 1910.<br />

He achieved his best perfomance ar Nuremhcrg,<br />

ryine snh s.HLE.Em for thiid place after MAR-<br />

SE^LL and ruNs ahead ol c<br />

anduDMAR. At oslcnd in 1907he rook nlth place<br />

only onc poinl behind the joint winne6, BTRNSTEIN<br />

and RUBr\srErN. HG best win wd at the 'B'<br />

<strong>to</strong>umanenr,Bamen 1905 (not<strong>to</strong>beco.iusedwith<br />

the sfonger 'A' lournament held at Barmen<br />

concurently. and won <strong>by</strong> rNowsK and MARoczrl.<br />

ln l91l he gave up conPetitive.hcss.<br />

TLEISSIG CAMBIT, 237, the MoRM cAMBtr.<br />

probably named alter lhe Ausrian player Max<br />

Fleissis (b. 18,15), tbe elder brolhcr of Bemhard<br />

Flcissig (185!1931).<br />


noN olthe s.orcs GAM.. named alterB. neissig.<br />

TLIGHT, or flightsquare, a square lowhich a king<br />

could be mored, perhaps lor ils own saiety <strong>The</strong><br />

term n used almosl erclusilely <strong>by</strong> conposers<br />

althougn rhe provision of a fiignt, known as an<br />

6.Apr souAxE, is not uncommon in play. Fligit<br />

squa.es may lom palterns such as srAR Elcsrs<br />

a.d pLUs rlrcsrs, which Bay be featlred <strong>by</strong><br />

6nposc6. For an cx<strong>amp</strong>l€ ofa Right that n some<br />

distance f<strong>to</strong>m a kine see EETBSNN.<br />


83), Inte.national Grandnaster (1950), Interna<br />

tional Arbiter (1963), joumalist, one of thc bcst<br />

eightplayers in thewondduringthe 1930s. He was<br />

born inPoland afld moved lo Czechoslovakia i. his<br />

childhood. alter his p rent had died in a nassacre .<br />

FLOHR 119<br />

In the ten years lron 1c28 lo 193? he played in 42<br />

<strong>to</strong>umatuenls, nationalorinlemalional, andshared<br />

or won lirst prize in hallofthem. His besl ic<strong>to</strong>ries<br />

were: sliaa 1932 (+6=7). a tie wirh v'DMARi<br />

Moscow 1935 (+7-12), a iie witnBonNNIKahead<br />

ot LASER and cApABhNcAi Podebrady 1936<br />

(+10=6-l) ah.ad or aLExH,NEi (emeri 1937<br />

(+7=10),atiesith prrkovedaBHErsnaheadof<br />

Alekhine, (BEs, and ENE. He.lso rod so6e<br />

shong bul small events, notably: Hastings 1931-2<br />

(+7=2) ahead ol XASEDAN and Euwri Hasings<br />

193H(+5=4)aheadorAlekhine and unNfuAr;<br />

Hastings 1934-5 (+4=5), a tie pilh Eu*e and<br />

rsoGs abead ofCapablanca and Botlinnihiand<br />

Mareare 1936 (+6:3) ahcad or capablanca. He<br />

drew malches against two oi his closest rivals:<br />

Euwe. 1932 (+3-10 3), and Botlinnfi, 1933<br />

(+2:8 2). Plaling Ior Czechoslo,akia in nlc<br />

Olympiads hc twic. made the best score on firsl<br />

board: 1935 (+9:8) and 1937 (+9-7).<br />

In 193? lrDE designated Flohr 'otlicial challen<br />

ger for rhe {o.ld title. Alekhine accepted the<br />

challenge in 1938. butFlohrNasunable<strong>to</strong> rahe the<br />

slake money because oI the troubled slale oI his<br />

counlry In No!. 1938 fie Sreat ArRo lourdamenl<br />

was ananged: the wodd\ besl eighl players<br />

compeled in a doublcjound contcst. Kercs and<br />

Finesharedfiretp ze, Flohrcame 16l. ra[a(ow-<br />

Er once described Flohr as 'that rock ot safely and<br />

coreclnesaa Flohr-s lechnique- especially in the<br />

.NDcAMEi wasu.surpa$cd bt hn co.temporaries.<br />

Hh <strong>to</strong>urnament vidones olten depended on his<br />

high score againsl tbe lail endeBi he was rarely<br />

able <strong>to</strong> sin a <strong>to</strong>urnamenlgamc against hisequals,<br />

and AVRO was no exception He had, howeve.,<br />

otherworries. OtJeqishbirlh,andanticiparing the<br />

conplete occupalionolhiscountryhy anri Senilic<br />

invadeswho had 6y Oct. l9l8occupicdaparl, he<br />

{as seeking a ne{ home in Russia, Nhere he had<br />

sperl a iew nonths earlier in the ye.r. To sone<br />

ertent Flohr res<strong>to</strong>red his reputalion in the slrong<br />

haining lournamenl hcld at Moscow and Leningrad<br />

inJan. 1939 <strong>by</strong> winning 6xt pdze (+8:8-1)<br />

aheadof Reshevskya.dKeres. Laterintheyearhe<br />

{on a <strong>to</strong>umament held a1 Kemeri and Riga<br />

(+9:6).<br />

Alter the war Flobr played in ihe inte.zonal<br />

Sallsjobaden 19,18, scored<br />

+3=15 1, and shared sixtb place. ln the double<br />

round .ANDTDATES <strong>to</strong>urnament, Budapest 1950,<br />

Flohr agai. failed <strong>to</strong> deleal any of his strongest<br />

rivals i he shared lasr pl ace , afier which he gave up<br />

furrher woru tnle anbirio.s. He entered the<br />

Soviet Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship nine limes lrom rg44 <strong>to</strong><br />

1955, scorine his best resulls, lourth place. in 1944<br />

and 19,18. In collaboration wirh (oro! he wrote<br />

Sa jettches Scha.h t917-1935 (1960), acollectioi<br />

oI4{0 games <strong>by</strong> Soviel playcrs ofwhich nearly 100<br />

Flohr Botvintrik 6th march Bame 1933 Nilla lndian<br />

Defene. Cldsici Vanado.<br />

I d,lNJ6 2c4e6 3Nc3BM 1Q.2.5 5dxc5N.6 6a3

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