chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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EALKBEER VARIA'I ION, 321 . la Schachzeita|,<br />

1857, TALruER reconnended, but did not ongin<br />

ate, this slandard reply ro th<br />

IAMILY CttEC(, a lo.k, trsually <strong>by</strong> aknighl, that<br />

simultaneously gives check and attacksa queen.In<br />

fie <strong>chess</strong> olumn of the ai,erp.ol Weekb Cowie\<br />

1886. lhe English player and problcmist Oliler H.<br />

Labooe k.1861F1925) clained that the posiiion<br />

t5k1 l3qzPqlp7 I lpsQl8,P/1P4P1/5RK1 (Forsylh<br />

nolalio.) had occured in play. and that he had<br />

won <strong>by</strong> 1 RA+ RriS 2 QxhT+ I3h7 3<br />

g7xf8=N+, a typical exarplc oI a lamily cneck.<br />

Pc<strong>to</strong>syan Spasky loth match 8ame. wond L'i'am<br />

pionship l9a6 Englsh Opening<br />

1NrNf6 29396 lc4Bg7 183200 5G0Nc6 6N€<br />

d6 7d4a6 8d5Nas 9Nd2c5 10QCc5 11b3N34 12<br />

e,l15 13 sxl5 $15 14Ndlb5 15f]e4 16Bb2Bxb2 17<br />

Oxb2exf3 13BrflNe5 198e21.1 20st4Bh3 21Nc3<br />

Bxll 22 1.dr NE6 23 Bg4 Nxft? 24 Rxl4 Rxf4 25<br />

Be6+R 26Nc4 Qh4 2?Nid6 Qg5+ 23Khl Ra7 29<br />

a t&<br />

wniie played 30 Qhs+ .nd Blac* rcsigned because ol thc<br />

i:tnily $c.l 31 Nrt+. (See Bru!D!R.)<br />

FARAGo, IVAN (1946 ), Hunsarian playe..<br />

Irternational Grandmaster (1976). an economni<br />

graduate qho became a <strong>chess</strong> profesional. His<br />

<strong>to</strong>urnament lic<strong>to</strong>ries include Halle 1978 (+5=8) a<br />

tic with $^^( and USLMANN, Kecskem6t 1S?9<br />

(+?=8), Hungariai ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship 1981 (+2=7)<br />

equalNirh rcRnscn, and svendborg 1981(+6=3).<br />

FEGATFjLLo ATTACI{.508 in lhe No $rc rs<br />

DErENc.. an extensively analysed variation that<br />

lavours Wllne. It was known <strong>to</strong> the 16th €ntury<br />

Italiannasteisand thc name isltalianforaPieceol<br />

liver, implying pcrhaps that thesaoilice ofwhitc\<br />

kniAhr is likc a slice of liver used as bait.<br />

[ERS, rhe nedieval piece lhat supPlanred thc<br />

ERziN and sas in tum supplanted <strong>by</strong> thc ouEEN.<br />

Besides having lhe sane nole as thc fipaD (one<br />

squar€ diagonally id any direclio.) the fers had lhe<br />

poser olleapingon itsfst nrove, sith fte choicc<br />

oIa V4 ora VS leap. aninnolation dalinsrrom ar<br />

leasr the 12ih cenrury. (see rzRA.) Alec created<br />

<strong>by</strong> pronotion aho had this poNer oI leaPing For<br />

exanple, a previouslyunmoved fers al dl could hc<br />


mored <strong>to</strong> e2 or c2 or, even iI surounded <strong>by</strong> otbe.<br />

nen, ro b1, b3, d3, B- or fl. when draughls<br />

(cheques) was fist played in Encland ihe same<br />

a.d the pieces wele called feBes.<br />

IIANCEETTo (pron. ryanket<strong>to</strong>), the developmenr<br />

of a whitc bishop ai g2, h3, b2, or a3, or a<br />

hlack bhhop at 97, h6, b7, or a6: the @ncomirant<br />

pawn fomation: <strong>to</strong> 6ake snch a development.<br />

Depending on whcthcr a king's o. queen\ bishopn<br />

sodevelopedtheiancher<strong>to</strong>isdesqibed.sking'sor<br />

gucenis respectively. To nove the knight\ pawn ro<br />

the fourh ranh inslead of tnc thnd rank is <strong>to</strong> make<br />

ad extended nancheno. <strong>The</strong> exchange oi a bishop<br />

so dcreloped nay leave a weakened lianchet<strong>to</strong>, a<br />

refe.e.ce <strong>to</strong> the one or two holes that a.e lefi in the<br />

wate ot the knigh!'s pasn\ advane. A Player Nho<br />

deleiops both bishops lhis Nay makes a double<br />

St.ategic use of the lianchet<strong>to</strong>. pioneered <strong>by</strong><br />

sr^uNroN and L. pAlLsEN, has si.ce be.one the<br />

basis ot nany opcninss. <strong>The</strong> word is denled fron<br />

the l1alianr",.,, a flank, and Francesco Piacenza,<br />

in his baok I C<strong>amp</strong>eg1ianenti deali S.a../,i (Turin,<br />

1683). desdibes iank ope.i.gs as nanchelti.<br />

Modein usagc dates f<strong>to</strong>m Lorlr, 1763.<br />


FEN'T IO thE SPd'Sg OPENING.<br />

FIDATDD, or afhdarns, inrmune Irom caPlure. In<br />

pasi timcs problemists sonetioes specificd thal<br />

ceriain pieces or parns rere 6darcd, a slipulation<br />

often used <strong>to</strong> circumvent their lack ol composing<br />

\Iill or merclv <strong>to</strong> deceive the soller: but in rhe<br />

iollosineexa;ple the use olndatcd men iscenlral<br />

ro rhe unknovn conposcr's ideas.<br />

A FArRt pRoBLrM from a l4th-century French<br />

manuscripr. White is <strong>to</strong> checkmate Black s ling<br />

on h1 snh a FrRS. rhc a-pawns and the ler€s <strong>to</strong><br />

shich alonc they may be promoted are 6dated. 1<br />

KIzKh2 2Rb4(rEMpo'pl^y) 2... Khl 3Rb3<br />

Khz .1Kf1Kh1 5Rb2h2 6Rh5axb5 7a6b4 8<br />

a?b3 9aE=F b2 l0Ki2bl:F 11(I1(awarrNc<br />

MovE) I L . . Fd3 (lhe fe6\ leap: if ll ...Fc2<br />

lvhite makes a leap, 12Fc6) 12Fb7 (not 12Ic6?<br />

Fe2+ 13 KD Ft3 1,1Fd5 Fe4 nnd rhe blick ters

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