chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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pa of the bod! qhrch rr A dcstred tu Jrlclop'<br />

Succe$ at chc$ a arded <strong>by</strong> intelLirenLe lngic,<br />

creative poweri delerdination, and selldircipline,<br />

but wh.rc <strong>chess</strong> bas bcen a oopuhort subject at<br />

school there n .o conclusire evidence lhat $esc<br />

ituahnes h,ve hcen JeteloFcd in a hrgher dcgree<br />

rhan w.uld ha\e Iolloscd if a dit{e(nt but<br />

acadenically relevant subject had becn laueht.<br />

<strong>The</strong> same nay bring social bencfits lor schoolchildrcn.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y may leam <strong>to</strong> cope with ihe<br />

bchaviour.l demands oI {inning or losing and <strong>to</strong><br />

re$ftm ,mpuhilenr$ (ruLH $D Mrvt L{{r.<br />

{hlr l.u :.:(lem,c ach'ever\ ma! hc able lu shinc<br />

a! the eame. On thc othe.handtie.e are negalile<br />

rsnecE. Aner ndberty. Ih.{ Cirls who d. noL plal<br />

I pcll x. '.vr<br />

\ee rhemselve\ as wo6e beciu\e<br />

thcy a.e gid;, which lowes their sclf_esleen.<br />

Educationalisls rhercfore arguc lhal the game<br />

shotrldberauAhlofl ly atpre-Pubery. <strong>The</strong> abilityol<br />

<strong>chess</strong> <strong>to</strong> engagc interest and encouraCc concenfa<br />

tio. can lead <strong>to</strong> obsession.<br />

ETCHTH RANK, lhc opPonenfs fiBt rank or back<br />

rank where bis picces statd in the ARRAY.<br />

EIGITT OFFTCERS PUZZLD. onc oi a group ot<br />

puzles rn whrch rhc er8hr whrtc pkc$ (o(lic{sl.<br />

wth or {rrhodr blacl' prr@\. ate lu be placed un<br />

rhrboxd l'heerehr$h'trptecerm:vheplaced$<br />

lhii rhey ha\r rhe largerl posible number nr<br />

mnles (ttrtr,. (seL !L,NsrRlooN r^sk )Jn (rcts<br />

Er.lid. 1849, (rrrc proposcd that eighl whne<br />

DEcer cnd Lhe black tuns.houl! be placcd on rheir<br />

\lrrrrne srruares, and while sh.uld mdre rn huF<br />

tccn noves, Nhich is easily done, and his pieces<br />

should at rhc same time command everysquareon<br />

lhe board, Nhich is imPossible nowever 6anv<br />

noves are nade. Kling's end rosirion 7R/5k2/<br />

O3B3/3N,1/38.1/3K,1/3N4/6R] (FoNm NoHoN)<br />

'utreol14lb6rDo uon(rn shrch white s pieees<br />

c.mmdnd bl :uu;ks. \o thar hv rclledDo and<br />

roratioa there aie in a1I1.152 positions (8 x l,r-1).<br />

,\nother task is <strong>to</strong> place the white Pieces so that<br />

rhey have thc mininum nnmber oI mo,cs. which<br />

navbc solved thus: 40/1N61BRK5/BORN4 <strong>The</strong>rc<br />

are ren noles. Curiously, lhe minimun is the same<br />

rf e Ehr bl/ck nie.e\ dre ako p aceLlon rhc bnarJ. d<br />

,, h'.v..I hr DAwso^. ar€ P,!6/.,rtr. lol5.<br />

'"\r<br />

and shoNn in de diagran.<br />

ELiS(ASES 101<br />

nIcHT PAWNS GAME. see PAws cAM..<br />

ETGET QUEENS PUZZLE, a problem lisr posed<br />

in Scha.h.enung, 1848: eighl quccns are <strong>to</strong> be<br />

ptaced on tbe board so that no.e mmnands a<br />

square ocupied <strong>by</strong> anoiher (one solution: quccns<br />

on a3, b5. c2- d8, e6,14, g7,.nd hl). By 1850 the<br />

mirhenatician Johann Gaus (lr7!1855) and tbe<br />

astronomerHeinnchSchumache.(1780 i850)had<br />

found lhe 12 basic solntions which <strong>by</strong> rotation and<br />

reflecdon give a <strong>to</strong>tal oL solutions (nol 96<br />

because onc slulion is semi-symmernc.l). tn_<br />

rerest then shifted <strong>to</strong> a gcne.alized versjon: the<br />

placing oI n queens on an .2 board, a pule that<br />

has an exlensive herature ol ils o$.. Anotber<br />

version is lo place eight queens on a noimal board<br />

so that thev comnand the fewesl ntrnbe! ot<br />

sauares .nd r. 6nd rhe numher or ba$c trays rn<br />

sirh thncan bedone.<strong>The</strong> Jn!\eEseem <strong>to</strong> be i3<br />

and live. but this bas not been denonstrated<br />

nathemalically (one answe.: queens on al. b1, cl,<br />

b2, C, a5, a6, and b6). Sixreen quccns can be<br />

placed solhat not more than two arc on anyrank,<br />

EIGET ROOXS PUZZLE. Piace eight <strong>to</strong>oks on<br />

the board so that none connands a squaie<br />

oduDred bv another atrd disNver in hur mnnr<br />

wi Lts ian be done Thc rooks muhr ror<br />

c;mpk be placed on ofle lone diagonal MaDy<br />

solutions are easily lound and their <strong>to</strong>ral number<br />

including rcflections and rolalions n 40.320. Four_<br />

1cen bnhops (e.g. eighr on the nBt rank and six on<br />

rhe erghlh ran[ lr.m hR C8) or ]2 LniehL (all utr<br />

souare\olonc.olour)md1 be nlaredon rhe borrd<br />

; rhar n.ne command\ a (quare u(upred <strong>by</strong><br />

Dudeney suggested a similar Puzzlcl place as<br />

nanypiecesaspossibleon tbe boardsoihat nolro<br />

prr(+ ol rhc.ame kinJ rould atack orEuanj one<br />

anolh.r it the presence ol.ther kind\ ot pielc\<br />

werc ignored. Eight quecns, eiSht rooks. l'l<br />

bishops and 2l koigh6 may be soPlaced according<br />

<strong>to</strong> his solution: (Forsyrh notaiion) BBBBORBB/<br />



'Ihe mathenarician Hcnry Ernesl Dudency<br />

(1857 1930) was Enaland\'ki.sofpuzzle makcr'<br />

and he claimed <strong>to</strong> have been the invcn<strong>to</strong>rofcross<br />

EKSTR('M VARIATIoN, 386. plated <strong>by</strong> Folke<br />

Eksrdm (190G ) asainsr Svenssonin rhe Sw.dnh<br />

Corresponde.ce Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship, 19G..<br />


lnlernationalGr.ndmaster(1952) Atrheaeeol16<br />

hc tied for liisr nlace in lhe Austrian Chanpion_<br />

+'D. held 'n<br />

h s home lown Innrbru!l' lnfro\ing<br />

rd;rdlv. hc uun a mat.h aeainsr sArr MANN rn 1q12<br />

(+l=i lr. rout secnnd prue (+l=Z) atrrr E.<br />

srrrN ER ar xecstemir 1933, and .ame fisl (+5 =6)<br />

equal wirh l-. srEtNER in the lStb Trebitsch

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