chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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ABBAAA DEFENCE.582, standard line, knosn<br />

<strong>to</strong> porERro, iiBl published <strong>by</strong> HnschSilberschoidt.<br />

1829, .nd played in lhe lournament Abbdia (now<br />

Opatija) 1912iall8ames iD tbis event had<strong>to</strong> begin<br />

with rhe nNG's GAMB'r Accepted.<br />

ABONYI GAMDIT, 690, the rENlrsoN GAMB",<br />

tavourcd <strong>by</strong> the Hungarian mastei IsFAn Abonyi<br />

(r88G1942).<br />

aBRAHAMS VARIATION. 66 in the o!trENs<br />

cAMur Declined. h the 1925 Llncashne CountY<br />

Ch<strong>amp</strong>uo\hrp thc Enelbh plcrcr CerdlLl AbrJ<br />

hrms (l!07-8n1, pliyrng aCJinsr Hulmr\ inko'<br />

duccd the nove ? . . . a5 and lhe gnme conrinued<br />

8axb5Bxc3 9Bxc3nb5 10b3 Bb? 11bxc4b4<br />

In rhis position it has yer 10 hc shown lhat White\<br />

cenrral pawn nxioiily h oI more r(ount than<br />

Bla.ks rwo passed paNns on the Oucen\ side.<br />

Abrrhami playcd this lanation against hn coun<br />

tyman William Winler (1898 1955) in 1929 and in<br />

thc same year Wintcr played it againsl Notcboonr,<br />

alter rhon il is sometines named.<br />

<strong>The</strong> prccnmor, known lrom a l6tb cenlury<br />

manuscript, vasPublishcd b,s Lqo in 160411d4<br />

d5 2 c4 d&,1 3 c4 b5 ,l a,I.6 5 axbs cxb5 6 b3<br />

b4 7 bxc,la5 8Bf,lNd7 I NA. Pietro CARRERA,<br />

wriling in 1617. made his only criricisn ol Salvio's<br />

analrsis in rhis variationr he suggesled 8 . . . Bd7<br />

iasieid ora Nd?. or 9 Oa4 instead oI9 NA.<br />

salvio nurscd his injured pride lor 17 yeais and<br />

rhendcvotedachapleroiiis book<strong>to</strong> a bitleratia.k<br />

on Carera <strong>The</strong>.rgumenl wasPointless: all these<br />

varialions give white a won g!ne.<br />

ABU'L-FATII AHMAD, p[yer and author. lhe<br />

suNivinx opies of his 1llh or l2th-ce.tury<br />

manusc;pt- made in the Tadzhik languaee, indi<br />

cate tnat he camelronSistnn, a land spanning thc<br />

Alghan Iranian bordcri a l6th cenlury Pcnian<br />

nanusoipt suggcsts he r.s an lndian. Three<br />

copies ol hh manuscriPl were dkcovered in 1951.<br />

theearlicst daiing from 1665i tNo areinBukh.raone<br />

in sanartand, and tney may not accuratcly<br />

renecl the original which was wiiitcn mo.e than<br />

500 vca6 ea.iier. <strong>The</strong> contcnts include the usud<br />

lege;ds oI the gamc\ origin, poeos, puzlcsi ten<br />

opcnins systems (rA'BiY^r, and 287 MANSnB^r<br />

A(ordrne ro Sorier sourks 127 of rhe man:nbar<br />

.. nor ,; M' rk , H^r,.v ,f Cli?ss: bur thetr<br />

style, judging lrom rhose Ln;{; oubidc Rusia. is<br />

sinilar-which is nol snrprising lor the compiladon<br />

was madc l.om the sane souras. lhe libraries ol<br />

kfahan, Ray (near Tehran). and orher lslanic<br />

cnies In 1024 Ab[ l-Qrsin Mahmnd rebuill<br />

Ghazna (Afehanislai) as tbe caPiralol his newly<br />

*on emprrr, and rhe srerr lbraries lere broughr<br />

rhere$rih r rcn Jea6cnd \cre denro)ed whcn lhe<br />

ciw Nas sacted-..1150. Abn'llath made his<br />

coilcdio. in Ghazna and states thar he tftrelled <strong>to</strong><br />

India. Irao. and Klorasan, meetina none who<br />

conld mat.lr him in plaY. IIe probanly comPosed<br />

Iew mansnbat himsclfispecilically he laid claim lo<br />

lbur. tbree of shich are based on $e work of<br />

A study given <strong>by</strong> Ahn'l-fath (nansnba no. 233).<br />

Thc pieces \ho\n rs quecn\ Jnd bishop\ dre<br />

flNzlNs ind Fn\ re\pe.li!elv Whire Jru$\ bv<br />

dnring thc black king round the board, a lavourite<br />

ftemc (ofien usins kniphts rarher than a rook)<br />

knosn as the sateNheel (ad dnhbiya). 1 Rg8+<br />

Kd7 2Rd8+(c6 3Rd6+Kh5 'lRb6+ Kc4 5<br />

Rb4+ Kd3 6Rd4+ Ke2 ?Rd2+KB 8RO+<br />

(94 9Rt4+ (h5 10 Rh,l+ Kg6 11Rh6+ KO 12<br />

Rl6+ Ke8 13Rl8+.Ii1...Kf? 2RA+ wirh<br />

AcADtMtEs DEs JEUX, a Dame popular in the<br />

17tb and l8thcenturicsforcompendiuosof i.door<br />

ganes and amusements <strong>The</strong> besr known eqnivalent<br />

in English is lro!.,et Gar.s 'rhe .ompile$<br />

oftcn borrowed extensivcly irom lhe worts ol<br />

ErLrDoR or Gnlco. such general books mly havc<br />

his<strong>to</strong>rical lalue, sometines becausc lhcy are the<br />

l8r stronghold oI obsolele rulcs.<br />

ACCELERATED DRAGON, as7 in thc cru^N<br />

DFrNc.. also known as the Simagin Vanalion.<br />

'l'he name m.y be considcred a nnnomer: the<br />

dra8on comes sooner rather lhan lasler,<br />


olsmall adlantagesonehyone\!ith theobject thal

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