LCL 10 Natural Resources


(o) Any other terms and conditions which may be required by the Accounting Department and the Lummi Natural Resources Department. (p) The buyer agrees to surrender the license and emblem upon official notice from Lummi that requires it. (q) The buyer agrees to abide by all laws, titles, and regulations of the Lummi Nation, all applicable Federal Law and all regulations of the U.S. District Court. (r) The buyer, if purchasing clams, will within two (2) days of a purchase, deliver to the Lummi Natural Resources Department the cleaned official harvest bags in which clams were delivered by Lummi harvesters, and return harvest tags which were attached to the harvest bags in which clams were delivered by Lummi harvesters, after the National Shellfish Sanitation Program required holding period has expired. (s) The buyer will not purchase oysters from citizens of the Lummi Nation, except authorized representatives of the Lummi Natural Resources Department. In the case of severely limited fisheries, particularly shrimp and crab fisheries, where timely reporting of catches is essential to good management, buyers will report the daily landings by area, number of fishers and poundage on a message phone identified on the hotline prior to midnight each day of the fishery. (u) Violation of any portion of the Buyers Agreement issued under the provisions of this Section may lead to the following action by the Accounting office in consultation with the Commission: (1) Revocation of the Buyers License. (2) A penalty of 10% of unpaid taxes and accrued interest for reinstatement after license revocation. (3) An administrative penalty of $10 dollars for each of the first 10 incorrectly filled in Treaty Indian Fish Receiving Tickets, or ticket not presented in a timely manner as required each year, and $25.00 for every such violation thereafter. 10.08.020 Purchase Without a Buyers License It shall be unlawful to purchase fish or shellfish from Lummi member without a current valid Buyers License issued pursuant to Section 10.08.010. Violation of any provision of this section shall be punishable by civil penalties of $100.00, for minor offenses, to $5,000.00, for a buyer who has had his license revoked. If the license has been revoked, the violator must appear before the Council and the Commission before a Buyer’s License may be reissued to the buyer or to the facilities owned by the violator at the time of the violation, and 10.08.030 Illegal Purchases (a) It shall be illegal for buyers to knowingly purchase from Lummi member’s fish and shellfish which has been harvested illegally and not otherwise prohibited in this section. Violation of any provision of this sub-section shall be punishable by civil penalties: First violation $300.00 to $600.00 Second violation $500.00 to $1,000.00 Subsequent violations $750.00 to $5,000.00 (b) It shall be illegal to purchase crab which are smaller than the 6.25” caliper measure across the back in front of the horns. Any processor shaking crab shall retain the backs of all crab currently being processed for inspection of the Natural Resources Enforcement Patrol. Penalty for violation of this sub-section shall be $100.00 per crab smaller than 6.25” caliper measure across the back in front of the horns. (c) It shall be illegal to purchase crab from any fisher not at the at the buyer’s station within 4 hours of a fishery closure. Violation of this sub-section shall be punishable by a Title 10 Natural Resources Code (2008) 22

civil penalty of $500.00 per illegal purchase. Any buyer judged to be guilty of more three violations of this section within a 3 year period, or who has not settled any outstanding judgements assessed for violations of this section, shall be denied any future Lummi Buyers Licenses and a buyers license will be denied for any party using the facilities used in the buying operation. The violator must appear before the Council and the Commission before a Buyer’s License may be reissued to the buyer or to any buyer using facilities owned by the violator at the time of the violation. A Buyers License can not be reissued to the buyer or for the facilities until all obligations from previous licenses have been met. 10.08.040 Buyers Required to Post Bond The purpose of a bond required from buyers is to ensure that all required taxes and surcharges are received by the Nation. Unless otherwise specified by the Finance Director in consultation with the Commission, each buyer shall be required to post a bond in an amount of $20,000.00 or two hundred percent (200%) of the tribal tax which was or should have been collected by him during the preceding fishing season. In the case where there is no history of purchases from Lummi fishers, the bond shall be the equivalent to the taxes, which could be collected from the expected purchases for a three (3) month period. In special cases, the Finance Director, in consultation with the Director and the Commission may establish bonding and/or tax payment conditions in the buyer’s agreement that will meet Lummi tax collection and fisheries development objectives. Conditions such as collateral instead of bond, or daily or weekly payments may be approved the Accounting Department in consultation with the Commission. This bond shall be conditioned on prompt payment of obligations to Lummi; failure to pay taxes and surcharges when due shall be grounds for revocation or suspension of a Buyers License. No buyer shall be issued a license until the balance owing from the previous year is cleared or an agreement on clearing up the balance owing from the previous year has been reached between the buyer and the Finance Director, in consultation with the Director and the Commission. 10.08.050 Violation-Revocation of License Any buyer who shall have disregarded or violated the rules and regulations set forth in this title or issued under the authority of this title must surrender his/her license to purchase fish or shellfish to the Natural Resources Enforcement Patrol upon request by the Finance Director in consultation with the Commission. Violation of this section shall be punishable by a civil penalty of $100.00. 10.08.060 Buyers Identification Cards All persons or businesses purchasing fish from Lummi fishers must have a wholesale fish buyers embossed identification card issued by the State of Washington or applicable tribal government, and make an imprint of that card on the Treaty Indian Fish Receiving Tickets used to record the transaction. Violation of any provision of this section shall be punishable by civil penalties as follows: First offense $ 50.00 to $100.00 Second offense $100.00 to $200.00 Subsequent offenses $150.00 to $500.00 and loss of Lummi Fish Buyers License. 10.08.070 Lummi Fish Buyer Identification Card The Director may issue a tribal fish buyer identification card to any enrolled Lummi or any Party, when it has been determined by the Director, in consultation with the Commission to be in Lummi’s best interest to do so, with a valid Lummi Fish Buyers License issued pursuant to Section 10.08.010, wishing to purchase fish for resale pursuant to the treaty right upon submission of an application containing the information required by the Director. There is no charge for this identification card. A tribal fish buyer identification card is valid for no other Title 10 Natural Resources Code (2008) 23

civil penalty of $500.00 per illegal purchase.<br />

Any buyer judged to be guilty of more three<br />

violations of this section within a 3 year<br />

period, or who has not settled any outstanding<br />

judgements assessed for violations of this<br />

section, shall be denied any future Lummi<br />

Buyers Licenses and a buyers license will be<br />

denied for any party using the facilities used<br />

in the buying operation. The violator must<br />

appear before the Council and the<br />

Commission before a Buyer’s License may be<br />

reissued to the buyer or to any buyer using<br />

facilities owned by the violator at the time of<br />

the violation. A Buyers License can not be reissued<br />

to the buyer or for the facilities until all<br />

obligations from previous licenses have been<br />

met.<br />

<strong>10</strong>.08.040 Buyers Required to Post<br />

Bond<br />

The purpose of a bond required from buyers is<br />

to ensure that all required taxes and<br />

surcharges are received by the Nation. Unless<br />

otherwise specified by the Finance Director in<br />

consultation with the Commission, each buyer<br />

shall be required to post a bond in an amount<br />

of $20,000.00 or two hundred percent (200%)<br />

of the tribal tax which was or should have<br />

been collected by him during the preceding<br />

fishing season. In the case where there is no<br />

history of purchases from Lummi fishers, the<br />

bond shall be the equivalent to the taxes,<br />

which could be collected from the expected<br />

purchases for a three (3) month period. In<br />

special cases, the Finance Director, in<br />

consultation with the Director and the<br />

Commission may establish bonding and/or tax<br />

payment conditions in the buyer’s agreement<br />

that will meet Lummi tax collection and<br />

fisheries development objectives. Conditions<br />

such as collateral instead of bond, or daily or<br />

weekly payments may be approved the<br />

Accounting Department in consultation with<br />

the Commission. This bond shall be<br />

conditioned on prompt payment of obligations<br />

to Lummi; failure to pay taxes and surcharges<br />

when due shall be grounds for revocation or<br />

suspension of a Buyers License. No buyer<br />

shall be issued a license until the balance<br />

owing from the previous year is cleared or an<br />

agreement on clearing up the balance owing<br />

from the previous year has been reached<br />

between the buyer and the Finance Director,<br />

in consultation with the Director and the<br />

Commission.<br />

<strong>10</strong>.08.050 Violation-Revocation of<br />

License<br />

Any buyer who shall have disregarded or<br />

violated the rules and regulations set forth in<br />

this title or issued under the authority of this<br />

title must surrender his/her license to purchase<br />

fish or shellfish to the <strong>Natural</strong> <strong>Resources</strong><br />

Enforcement Patrol upon request by the<br />

Finance Director in consultation with the<br />

Commission. Violation of this section shall be<br />

punishable by a civil penalty of $<strong>10</strong>0.00.<br />

<strong>10</strong>.08.060 Buyers Identification Cards<br />

All persons or businesses purchasing fish from<br />

Lummi fishers must have a wholesale fish<br />

buyers embossed identification card issued by<br />

the State of Washington or applicable tribal<br />

government, and make an imprint of that card<br />

on the Treaty Indian Fish Receiving Tickets<br />

used to record the transaction.<br />

Violation of any provision of this section shall<br />

be punishable by civil penalties as follows:<br />

First offense<br />

$ 50.00 to $<strong>10</strong>0.00<br />

Second offense<br />

$<strong>10</strong>0.00 to $200.00<br />

Subsequent offenses<br />

$150.00 to $500.00 and loss of Lummi Fish<br />

Buyers License.<br />

<strong>10</strong>.08.070 Lummi Fish Buyer<br />

Identification Card<br />

The Director may issue a tribal fish buyer<br />

identification card to any enrolled Lummi or<br />

any Party, when it has been determined by the<br />

Director, in consultation with the Commission<br />

to be in Lummi’s best interest to do so, with a<br />

valid Lummi Fish Buyers License issued<br />

pursuant to Section <strong>10</strong>.08.0<strong>10</strong>, wishing to<br />

purchase fish for resale pursuant to the treaty<br />

right upon submission of an application<br />

containing the information required by the<br />

Director. There is no charge for this<br />

identification card. A tribal fish buyer<br />

identification card is valid for no other<br />

Title <strong>10</strong> <strong>Natural</strong> <strong>Resources</strong> Code (2008)<br />


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