LCL 10 Natural Resources

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<strong>10</strong>.02.300 Senior Citizen<br />

Senior Citizen for the purpose of Title <strong>10</strong> shall<br />

mean any citizen named on the official Lummi<br />

membership role who is 62 years or older by<br />

July 1.<br />

<strong>10</strong>.02.3<strong>10</strong> Shellfish Pot<br />

Shellfish pot means a movable trap with one<br />

or more entrance tunnels used to entrap<br />

shellfish in a live condition.<br />

<strong>10</strong>.02.320 Subsistence<br />

Subsistence harvest shall be the taking of any<br />

resource for personal use and not for<br />

commercial gain.<br />

<strong>10</strong>.02.330 Trawl Gear<br />

(a) Otter Trawl shall be defined as a cone or<br />

funnel-shaped net, which is towed or drawn<br />

through the water by one or two vessels. They<br />

may be used on and off of the seabed and with<br />

or without doors:<br />

(1) Bottom trawl means an otter trawl in<br />

which the otter boards or the foot rope of<br />

the net contact the seabed, and includes<br />

Danish and Scottish seine gear.<br />

(2) Roller or Bobbin Trawl shall mean an<br />

otter trawl with foot ropes equipped with<br />

rollers or bobbins made of wood, steel,<br />

rubber, plastic or other hard material which<br />

protects the net during fishing on the<br />

seabed.<br />

(3) Pelagic Trawl means an otter trawl<br />

where the foot rope remains above the sea<br />

bed. They may not have foot ropes<br />

protected at the mouth with rollers,<br />

bobbins, or discs.<br />

(b) Beam Trawl means a bag shaped trawl net<br />

not using weighted otter frames or doors when<br />

operated.<br />

(c) Scallop dredge means trawl gear with<br />

interlocking metal ring meshes.<br />

(d) Cod end shall mean the terminal closed<br />

end of a trawl net and may be single ply or<br />

double ply mesh. A double walled cod end<br />

has two walls of webbing tied knot to knot to<br />

the trawl net and shall not be longer than<br />

twenty-five meshes or twelve feet, whichever<br />

is greater, and shall not be used on pelagic,<br />

roller, or bobbin trawls.<br />

(e) Chafing gear means webbing or other<br />

material attached to the bottom (underside) or<br />

around the cod end of a trawl net to protect the<br />

cod end from wear, and must not be connected<br />

to the terminal, (closed) end of the cod end.<br />

(f) Trawl mesh size shall be the distance<br />

between the inside of one knot and the inside<br />

of the opposite vertical knot in the mesh.<br />

Minimum mesh sizes are met if a wedge of<br />

legal size can be passed through sixteen of<br />

twenty-two meshes each of wet mesh in the<br />

cod end.<br />

<strong>10</strong>.02.340 Treaty Tribe<br />

Any federally recognized Indian Tribe which<br />

possesses or exercises treaty fishing rights<br />

within the case area of United States v.<br />

Washington, 384 F. Supp. 312 (W.D. Wash.<br />

1974) or United States v. Oregon.<br />

<strong>10</strong>.02.350 Unattended Nets<br />

An unattended net shall be defined as a net set<br />

in position to take fish without fishermen or a<br />

designated helper within the immediate area<br />

attending it, or during open hours a stake net<br />

which observations of an enforcement officer<br />

indicate has not been attended for an<br />

acceptable period of time.<br />

<strong>10</strong>.02.360 Unapproved, Prohibited, or<br />

Restricted Clam Harvest Areas<br />

Unapproved, prohibited or restricted clam<br />

harvest areas are defined as those areas which<br />

have not been certified according to the<br />

procedures set forth in the National Shellfish<br />

Sanitation Program and accepted by the<br />

Lummi <strong>Natural</strong> <strong>Resources</strong> Department.<br />

<strong>10</strong>.02.370 Usual and Accustomed<br />

Fishing Grounds and Stations<br />

Those places or stations reserved to the<br />

Lummi in the Treaty of Point Elliott, 1855, as<br />

adjudicated by the United States District<br />

Court for the Western District of Washington<br />

as “usual and accustomed grounds and<br />

stations of the Lummi Indian Tribe”, now the<br />

Lummi Nation, in the litigation known as the<br />

Title <strong>10</strong> <strong>Natural</strong> <strong>Resources</strong> Code (2008)<br />


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