Bosnian horoscop - SNAKE

Snake is a sign with whom circle of fate begins. According to believes of Bosnian Illyrians, this animal was one of the most important deities and protectors of the family. Its reign lasts from 15 October to 15 November. The mythological protector of this sign is the goddess - Snake Boe.

Snake is a sign with whom circle of fate begins. According to believes of Bosnian Illyrians, this animal was one of the most important deities and protectors of the family. Its reign lasts from 15 October to 15 November. The mythological protector of this sign is the goddess - Snake Boe.


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The <strong>Bosnian</strong> <strong>horoscop</strong>e has an ancient shamanistic background, as it encompasses all the living<br />

beings that exists on Earth (humans, animals, trees, and plants), which permeates the mystical<br />

path of a snake, in fact, monitors its spiritual transformation into a dragon, a mythical force<br />

symbolizing resurrection and a new life.<br />

According to the beliefs of our ancestors, the Forefather of the Illyrian originated from a snake,<br />

and precisely because of this, the snake symbolizes the beginning or the first sign. Its privileged<br />

position is confirmed by the legend and stories of <strong>Bosnian</strong> Bogumils, followers of Arian<br />

Christianity, according to which the snake was created 40 years before the creation of the first<br />

man. The snake in its winding path through every subsequent sign of the circle of destiny<br />

embodies the indestructible seed of life that takes on evolution in a different forms, thus<br />

acquiring consciousness or knowledge of existence. This seed of life represents universal wisdom,<br />

which is in fact the core of the soul, the divine manifestation.<br />

Personal number<br />

The <strong>Bosnian</strong> <strong>horoscop</strong>e is very compatible with numerology, and these two divination systems<br />

are perfectly intertwined and complemented. In this way, we have a very precise insight into the<br />

characteristics of an individual sign and of those born in the period as long as it takes. This<br />

approach has proven to be successful, since it reflects in more detail the characteristics of an<br />

individual, which ultimately contributes to better understanding, but also determining his<br />

destiny.<br />

The secret lies in a personal number owned by each of us and it is obtained by collecting the<br />

date of birth and deducing to a single number.<br />

The following is an example of a person born in the Warrior sign, whose date of birth is:<br />

12.03.1980. The given date is summarized as it follows: 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 8 = 24/6.<br />

These are some general examples and explanations for individual personal numbers and signs:<br />

Persons born in the Frog, Pigeon and Grandmother signs with personal number 6 are<br />

radocholics, hard-working and careerists.<br />

Persons born in the Snake, Frog and Salamander signs, especially women, with personal number<br />

5 are very jealous and possessive, but also willing to selflessly give themselves to their partner<br />

and make sacrifices.<br />

People born in Snake and Salamander signs with a personal number 1 are generally nice and well<br />

looking. But, almost always, they have a problem with their ego, stubbornness, and psyche and<br />


Persons born with Rue, Swallow, Salamander and Snake with personal numbers 1, 3 and 8 are<br />

most susceptible to the effects of black magic, or generally negative energy, and it's the most<br />

victims among them.<br />

<strong>SNAKE</strong><br />

Snake is a sign with whom circle of fate<br />

begins. According to believes of <strong>Bosnian</strong><br />

Illyrians, this animal was one of the most<br />

important deities and protectors of the family.<br />

Its reign lasts from 15 October to 15<br />

November. The mythological protector of this<br />

sign is the goddess - Snake Boe.<br />

Otherwise, they feel insecure and become<br />

stubborn.<br />

The Snake-people in their surroundings often<br />

leave a wrong impression, although they are<br />

not complicated people. The explanation for<br />

such behavior is in the symbolism of a<br />

<strong>horoscop</strong>e - the serpent personifies exoticism,<br />

mysticism, magic, even eccentricity.<br />

People who are born in this sign are very fond<br />

of money, but as we have already emphasized,<br />

they avoid authority, so they always try to<br />

make a living through their business life,<br />

either starting a company or pursuing a<br />

hobby that will bring them money.<br />

Since autumn is a period of prosperity, when<br />

we have almost all the fruits of nature on the<br />

table, Snakes are rightly gourmet because<br />

they enjoy food and drink above all else.<br />

People born in the Snake symbol are more<br />

traditional, they are faithful to their home<br />

and family. They do not like changes,<br />

sometimes because of laziness, and<br />

sometimes because they are not inclined to<br />

assume all responsibility for themselves. Only<br />

people who are more dominant than them,<br />

but also friendly, can stimulate them to action.<br />

Because of this, they have health problems<br />

and are prone to weight gain. In addition,<br />

they are prone to problems with circulation,<br />

spine and kidneys.

Female-Serpent<br />

The woman of this sign can literally be a real<br />

snake - very "poisonous" or sharp tongue,<br />

jealous and prone to dramatization. In a<br />

considerable percentage, they are<br />

subordinated or exploited by partners<br />

because they are not accompanied by much<br />

happiness in love. Despite this, the Serpent is<br />

a stubborn woman who does not surrender<br />

easily, fights and is always pushed forward.<br />

The women of this sign are very interesting,<br />

imaginative, peculiar, somewhat egocentric,<br />

and prone to refined things. They are<br />

attracted to men who know how to impose<br />

themselves either by their behavior or<br />

appearance. In this sense, they also reveal<br />

their naivety, which is somewhat sympathetic.<br />

They have deep emotions, and in order to<br />

maintain a romantic relationship with<br />

someone, they are prone to some of their<br />

hidden games.<br />

Business is important to them because they<br />

want to prove themselves through it, they<br />

can be quite thorough, but they also have a<br />

hard time admitting their mistakes. But an<br />

agreement is possible with them. When it<br />

comes to family, the female Serpent creates a<br />

comfortable environment, because peace in<br />

the house is her priority. She shows love for<br />

her children and partner. Although she may<br />

act differently, she knows how to be a true<br />

fighter and can fight for the person she cares<br />

about. Likewise, if she cuts you off from her<br />

life then there is no more going back.<br />

Female-Serpent with personal number 1 is<br />

very social, cheerful and often hyperactive.<br />

However, she also likes to stand out in society,<br />

to emphasize herself, while being quite<br />

cunning and flexible. Her negative features<br />

are: a tendency to lie and deceit and she can<br />

often be a sting. In business, she likes to<br />

mediate and always do something extra, on<br />

the side. She's ambitious, but she has to<br />

watch her nerves.<br />

The female-Serpent whose personal number<br />

is 6 is also cheerful, but unlike number 1, she<br />

is quite honest and naive. She feels best when<br />

she is in the company of people, she is<br />

generous, communicative and likes to joke<br />

around.<br />

A female-Serpent with a personal number 8 is<br />

generally of good physical appearance, even<br />

in old age. She is protective, prone to panic<br />

and open expression of dissatisfaction, and<br />

what she lacks are patience and tact. She<br />

often has problems with her head through<br />

frequent migraines or sinusitis.<br />

The female-Serpent with personal number 9<br />

is passionate, possessive, but also lazy, prone<br />

to acting victim and reckless statements. She<br />

can be ungrateful and vindictive.<br />

Man-Serpent<br />

Recognizable for this sign, and especially for<br />

the male part, is the fact that these are the<br />

people who, unlike all other signs of the circle<br />

of fate, have the most difficult character<br />

changes. They are defensive. But they are<br />

also a real example of extroverts - they love<br />

being in the company, especially if they are in

the spotlight, they like to communicate and<br />

be on the move. Their negative traits are<br />

certainly selfishness, arbitrariness, cowardice,<br />

a tendency to gossip and avoid responsibility.<br />

A large number of men of this sign are<br />

detected with a certain amount of<br />

self-destructiveness, that is, they are known<br />

to be their greatest enemies. Inborn<br />

stubbornness prevents him from<br />

encountering reality, he has a hard time<br />

admitting his mistakes and is therefore faced<br />

with additional, unnecessary problems and<br />

difficulties.<br />

He is a gourmet, loves to enjoy food,<br />

atmosphere and attention. He often has a<br />

problem with expressing emotions, which he<br />

loves to suppress or negate, though in the<br />

soul he longs for tenderness and attention. It<br />

is easy to upset and scare him. But he has a<br />

hard time showing it because he tends to<br />

portray himself as powerful and dangerous.<br />

He likes to take care of the weaker than<br />

himself because that is how he raises his ego<br />

and confidence.<br />

infidelity and deception, but also to other<br />

vices. He has a strong libido.<br />

Male-Serpent with personal number 6 is<br />

unreliable, uses lies to portray himself in the<br />

best possible light and can gossip at others.<br />

But in addition, he is very sociable, loves<br />

women and a comfortable life. He is stubborn<br />

and rarely admits his mistakes.<br />

Amulet for the Snake<br />

Find in nature the skin that the snake has<br />

thrown away and place it in your home to the<br />

top of a wardrobe and hide it there. Break<br />

and take the piece and carry it around,<br />

preferably in a wallet. In this way, people of<br />

this sign are protected against negative<br />

energy.<br />

When it comes to work, he is precise and<br />

detailed but not overly fast. Because of this,<br />

he does not like a tense work atmosphere or<br />

pressure. Stress affects him a lot. As a partner<br />

he is passionate, possessive but to some<br />

extent capricious. He is one of those partners<br />

who every now and then needs to be<br />

reminded of who they have beside<br />

themselves.<br />

Male-Serpent with personal number 2 takes<br />

his career very seriously and tries to be as<br />

good as possible in business. However, we do<br />

not find such an element in the field of<br />

emotional life where he shows a tendency to

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