The Good Life – November-December 2019

On the cover - West Fargo Fire Chief Dan Fuller, Local Hero - Fargo Police Sergeant Kevin Pallas, Having a Beer with Radio Host, Scott Hennen, Hunting with Bret Amundson and more in Fargo Moorhead's only men's magazine.

On the cover - West Fargo Fire Chief Dan Fuller, Local Hero - Fargo Police Sergeant Kevin Pallas, Having a Beer with Radio Host, Scott Hennen, Hunting with Bret Amundson and more in Fargo Moorhead's only men's magazine.


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MOVING ON,<br />



Almost ten years to the day after my wife, Emily, and I<br />

moved into our first home together, we packed up all our<br />

earthly possessions and moved south … approximately<br />

30 blocks. <strong>The</strong>re were four of us to move this time<br />

around, including our son, Macklin, and our dog, Lucy.<br />

After ten years of accumulation, and now being fully<br />

moved into a home roughly twice the size, it's amazing<br />

how much we crammed into that first home.<br />

Beyond the physical stuff — which we brought with us, for<br />

better or worse — the move provided a wonderful<br />

excuse to get lost in nostalgia over all the<br />

intangible stuff we also crammed in during<br />

the past ten years. We created enough<br />

memories, learned enough lessons<br />

and experienced enough "firsts" to<br />

write a small memoir … minus all<br />

the heroics and achievements one<br />

normally reads about in memoirs.<br />

And so, the hardest part of the<br />

move wasn't physical, although<br />

I'll never again be a willing<br />

participant in moving a piano.<br />

For me, moving felt like<br />

forever walking away from<br />

the set and setting of my life<br />

as a full-time stay-at-home dad<br />

— arguably the greatest time of<br />

my life.<br />

I will never again be greeted by those<br />

seven steps up from the front door to<br />

the living room, where Mack learned to<br />

climb stairs, or the seven steps down to<br />

the basement, where he was often too<br />

adorably afraid to go by himself. I will<br />

never get to chase Mack in circles around the<br />

wall that divided the kitchen from the living<br />

room. I'll never sit under our flowering<br />

front tree with him on a blanket like we<br />

did every sunny day before he learned to<br />

walk. I'll never walk in to wake him up in his<br />

old bedroom, where I put together his crib<br />

not once, but twice … and then a third time,<br />

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when he grew big enough to transform it into a toddler bed.<br />

We'll never walk the same loop around the neighborhood<br />

like we did every day, rain or shine, warm or cold just to get<br />

out of the house for a while. I could go on, obviously.<br />

In the days after the move, I fought hard against the instinct<br />

to drive past the old house, because I knew I would never<br />

make it without crying. Even now, months later, the only<br />

way I will drive through the old neighborhood is if Macklin<br />

is with me and he asks to see the house. (OK, I always bring<br />

it up, but I let him make the final call.)<br />

Last week he accepted my offer, and as we slowly crept by<br />

the old house, Mack said something with a profound deeper<br />

meaning: "I liked that house, Daddy. Yeah, it's a good house.<br />

I like our new house, too."<br />

A weight lifted off my shoulders … promptly falling directly<br />

into my tear ducts. My 4-year-old simplified my feelings for<br />

me, taking the edge off and giving me permission to keep<br />

loving our old home, while still celebrating the beginning of<br />

many new adventures in our new home.<br />

In the weeks leading up to the move, Emily and I wondered<br />

how Macklin would transition to the new house. Not<br />

surprisingly, he handled it the best out of all of us … after<br />

all, he's got the memory and attention span of a 4-yearold.<br />

Emily compulsively painted our bedrooms. Lucy had<br />

an accident the first time she smelled a trace of the prior<br />

owner's dog, something she hadn't done in years. My<br />

transition object was the lawnmower — I took extra care<br />

getting to know the new yard, taking twice as long to mow it<br />

as I otherwise would.<br />

Macklin, however, settled<br />

right in. We knew he was<br />

over the whole move on<br />

day two when he refused<br />

to get dressed for the day.<br />

"It's mine own home<br />

to be naked in," he<br />

declared. He was right.<br />

We were home. •<br />

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NOVEMBER-DECEMBER <strong>2019</strong><br />

Volume 7 • Issue 3<br />

02<br />

FATHERS - Mr. Full-Time Dad<br />

Moving On, Not Letting Go<br />

06<br />

<strong>November</strong>s in North Dakota<br />

Hunting with Bret Amundson<br />

10<br />

18<br />

More Than Survival<br />

8 Ways to Make Winter (Kind of)<br />

Fun Again<br />

ON THE COVER - Dan Fuller<br />

Fueled by Fighting Fire<br />

Amidst Flame and Smoke,<br />

West Fargo Fire Chief Dan Fuller<br />

Keeps His Focus<br />

14<br />

24<br />

Heavy Lifting for a Living<br />

High Power Crane<br />

HABW - Having a Beer with<br />

Radio Host, Scott Hennen<br />

30<br />

Local Hero - Kevin Pallas<br />

Equal Parts Heart, Humility<br />

and Talent<br />

Fargo Police Sergeant Kevin Pallas<br />

Leads with Inspiration, Kindness<br />

and Innovation


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Darren Losee<br />

darren@urbantoadmedia.com<br />


Dawn Siewert<br />

dawn@urbantoadmedia.com<br />


Bret Amundson<br />

Meghan Feir<br />

Ben Hanson<br />

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Darren Losee<br />

darren@urbantoadmedia.com<br />


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Men’s Magazine is distributed six times<br />

a year by Urban Toad Media LLP. Material may not be<br />

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Magazine accepts no liability for reader dissatisfaction<br />

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the views or policies of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Men’s Magazine.<br />

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When I took a radio job at 107.9 <strong>The</strong> Fox in the spring<br />

of 2000, I envisioned a future of recording studios,<br />

Fargodome concerts and all the free pizza coupons I could<br />

handle. What I didn’t realize is that the outdoor adventures<br />

North Dakota had to offer would change my life forever.<br />

I grew up in a hunting and fishing family that traces our<br />

roots back to Canada and even Sweden. Farming on<br />

the prairie near Norquay, Saskatchewan and then later<br />

near Alvarado, Minnesota gave my ancestors ample<br />

opportunities to live off the land with crops and wildlife.<br />

Our farming days ended when my grandpa moved south<br />

but the love of all things wild stayed strong.<br />

We hunted western Minnesota for pheasants, near<br />

Alexandria for ducks and northwestern Wisconsin for<br />

whitetails.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n real life happened. I went into the wild and wacky<br />

world of radio. Don’t get me wrong, it included some of<br />

the most exciting moments of my life, but it was my LIFE.<br />

Most radio people will tell you that they don’t get much<br />

of a chance to do anything else. I came to that realization<br />

during one fall when the NDSU football team was really<br />

gaining popularity. As much as I enjoyed watching their<br />

success, I was jealous of the Saturday mornings my friends<br />

were spending in the field, instead of tailgating. No offense<br />

to the Bison Nation, but I was being pulled in a different<br />

direction.<br />

One fateful day I was summoned into my boss’s office and<br />

notified that a format change was coming and that after<br />

ten years in the same building, I would be searching for<br />

new employment. Such is life in the radio “biz”.

I almost thanked them as I walked out. It was time for<br />

something new. It was time to get back to what my family<br />

spent most of their free time doing. But it wasn’t just<br />

a knee-jerk response to my newfound freedom; it was<br />

something inside me that was affected by a few hunting<br />

trips across the state Teddy Roosevelt fell in love with.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Badlands<br />

I had a few friends that made yearly trips to western<br />

North Dakota to hunt mule deer. Knowing that drawing<br />

a muley buck tag for rifle was a long shot, I went into<br />

Scheels and picked out a new bow. Soon I was walking<br />

butte ridges in fresh snowfall, staring wide-eyed at the<br />

beautiful expanse around me. I wouldn’t shoot a mule<br />

deer that year, but the first-timer bow hunting experience<br />

in that landscape caused me to leave the 30.06 at home<br />

<strong>–</strong> by choice <strong>–</strong> ever since.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Waterfowl<br />

Duck hunting was what I enjoyed most growing up. I<br />

even have a class ring from high school with a mallard<br />

and shotgun shells on it. I bet you’d get expelled for<br />

something like that now. Anyway, I loved hunting ducks.<br />

I just wasn’t very good at it. I also didn’t hunt in a great<br />

flyway and didn’t have many friends that did it either.<br />

Most of my family had given up on green wings and<br />

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focused on whitetails. So it was usually just me trudging<br />

out to the slough and hoping to see something come<br />

into range.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n I moved to North Dakota.<br />

I knew a few guys that hunted hard and were very good<br />

at it. <strong>The</strong>y had these crazy contraptions called “layout<br />

blinds”. Us water hunters from Minnesota and Wisconsin<br />

didn’t use them often, but in the prairie pothole regions,<br />

you have more options for field hunting.<br />

Dick Voight at KFGO lent me a blind the next morning I<br />

was peering through the mesh top wondering what was<br />

about to happen. As the sun crept over the horizon the<br />

air filled with more ducks and geese than I’d seen in all<br />

my falls. Again, my eyes were as wide as a wheat field<br />

and as I shot holes in the sky, I thought to myself, “I need<br />

to get one of these layout blinds.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> Snow Geese<br />

When people ask me what my favorite thing to do is,<br />

I usually answer with “Snows.” <strong>The</strong>y can be absolute<br />

jerks 99% of the time, but when they do it right, there’s<br />

nothing else like it. <strong>The</strong>y’re the only waterfowl around<br />

that can number in the thousands when they bomb into<br />

your decoys. <strong>The</strong>ir noise can drown out an ambulance

and the wariness the older birds often have makes them<br />

tough to trick. While so much satisfaction comes from<br />

a successful hunt, it’s not what makes me get weak in<br />

the knees about them. It’s the sheer numbers of the<br />

migrating birds that can be seen in one day. It’s mindblowing<br />

when there are flocks stringing across your<br />

entire field of view with endless more flocks behind<br />

them, barking and squawking their way north in the<br />

spring or south in the fall. And when it happens, there’s<br />

just simply nothing else like it.<br />

I’d heard about the spring migration from a few people<br />

but anecdotal evidence doesn’t do the sight justice. So<br />

one day, I drove west from Fargo, then south, then west,<br />

then north a little, then west again until I saw a flock.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n I stopped. I didn’t have a gun or a license or decoys<br />

or an ecaller or even a camera that day. Just my eyes. I<br />

parked on the side of that road for hours and watched<br />

snow geese fly overhead nonstop the entire time. Again,<br />

my eyes were lit up like the Fargo <strong>The</strong>ater sign and from<br />

then on, I knew I’d be obsessed with these white birds.<br />

Since those experiences, I’ve shot big deer with my<br />

bow, traveled to Argentina for ducks and Saskatchewan<br />

for snows, and while it all started with my family<br />

introducing me to the outdoors, it was the <strong>November</strong>s<br />

in North Dakota that changed my life forever. •<br />

"Duck hunting was what<br />

I enjoyed most growing up.<br />

I even have a class ring from<br />

high school with a mallard<br />

and shotgun shells on it.”<br />

- Bret amundson<br />

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As soon as September hit, I knew something was different.<br />

Last winter "done did me in," as it were. I’m not even being<br />

that dramatic. Think of it this way: We live in a place where<br />

outdoor festivals celebrating winter get canceled because<br />

it’s too dangerously frigid outside.<br />

Before you think, “<strong>The</strong>n just move, you snowflake,” please<br />

hold on. I’m trying to make the best of the impending death<br />

of all that’s still alive, like when I searched for “fun winter<br />

activities” the other week. I kept stumbling on less than<br />

mediocre “ideas,” such as drinking hot liquids to pass the<br />

time, or using something called a telephone to talk to a<br />

friend.<br />

This is why I took the matter into my own hands. My husband<br />

Tim and I decided to come up with a "Winter Sur-thrive-al"<br />

list of activities we could do to stay sane from January to<br />

March (let's be honest — May) when the temps are so cold<br />

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it makes your snot freeze in your<br />

nose. While I’ll apologize for the<br />

name, I won’t apologize for the<br />

ideas I’m listing because they’re a<br />

lot better than telling you to drink<br />

warmer than usual beverages.<br />

Since it's unlikely the January<br />

gales will carry us off to the island<br />

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Whether you're married, dating, have living<br />

relatives or know someone you can kind of call a<br />

friend, make up a new tradition with them.<br />

of Java, let’s make the best of our time on the frozen<br />

prairie with yet another list of some not-too-bad ideas<br />

for your loved or liked ones and you to do together this<br />

season.<br />

Winter Sur-thrive-al Activities<br />

1. Learn a language on your own or with a friend<br />

or lover<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are plenty of apps and podcasts available that can<br />

teach you other languages for free. Coffee Break Languages<br />

podcasts and the DuoLingo app are two excellent options.<br />

If you learn with a buddy, you can challenge each other and<br />

keep the momentum going. Once you have some fluency<br />

going on, you can also have secret conversations in public<br />

and talk about other people in front of their backs, just<br />

like my Spanish speaking friends did to me in high school.<br />

Please note: When people stare, point and laugh, they’re<br />

definitely talking about you.<br />

2. Make up some traditions<br />

Whether you're married, dating, have living relatives or<br />

know someone you can kind of call a friend, make up a<br />

new tradition with them. <strong>The</strong>re's a reason people have<br />

lasting traditions throughout their family lineage. It helps<br />

people bond, and it's something to look forward to during<br />

the season of depression (this excludes lutefisk).<br />

3. Sleep in on a Saturday and watch cartoons<br />

Maybe it's because my love for cereal as a child was an<br />

unhealthy obsession. Perhaps it's because I still love and<br />

protect my stuffed animals. Whatever the reasons are,<br />

I still believe some Saturdays should be spent sleeping<br />

in until at least 9:35 a.m., eating cereal and watching<br />

cartoons.<br />

4. Host dress-up dinner parties<br />

Tim and I are big proponents of costumed dining (dressup<br />

dinner parties). In the last few years, we've probably<br />

had at least one every season with some of our friends.<br />

You can make it a murder mystery, too, if you desire.<br />

<strong>The</strong> main point is to have a theme, make sure everyone<br />

dresses up, assign food or beverage items for people to<br />

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bring, and see what strangeness ensues throughout the<br />

evening. Remember to take pictures.<br />

5. Plan a trip, big or small<br />

You can take a little excursion during the months<br />

aforementioned or plan ahead for a spring or summer<br />

vacation. Having something to look forward to is of<br />

utmost importance, and, if you do the planning early, you<br />

don't have to spend your time indoors on your devices<br />

hashing out all the details when you could be outside<br />

planting asparagus or kayaking down the dirty ol’ Red.<br />

6. Sunday dinner<br />

This kind of ties in with No. 3, but consider having a<br />

weekly or monthly ritual of feasting with those whom you<br />

love the most.<br />

7. Volunteer and help others<br />

<strong>The</strong> Midwest is a brutal place in the fall, winter, and,<br />

well, the spring, especially if you don’t have a warm place<br />

to call your own. Help people and animals often. This<br />

actually benefits you, too, and will give you a greater<br />

sense of purpose. Even if you don’t volunteer at a soup<br />

kitchen or a shelter, you can help the homeless by creating<br />

care packages filled with everyday items. When you see<br />

them on the street, you’ll be prepared. Maybe throw in a<br />

blanket, some food, water, gloves, socks, and a Bible or<br />

another book filled with reminders of hope — anything to<br />

help people survive.<br />

8. Get all kinds of cozy with your kids (or S.O.)<br />

Don’t underestimate the power of playing games (not<br />

mind games). Maybe Candy Land isn’t in your top 10,<br />

but playing board games, working on puzzles, or finding<br />

some other activity your kids will love helps you connect<br />

and lighten up — unless you’re one of those crazies that<br />

has to win every time in order to be happy.<br />

Whether you choose to try any of these ideas or not,<br />

make sure you set fun goals for yourself this winter. We<br />

need little things to look forward to every day amidst the<br />

simultaneously bland and busy weeks. Don’t just wait for<br />

excitement; create it. •

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“<br />







<strong>–</strong> TODD BREIDENBACH<br />


When you get into a conversation with a crane operator —<br />

you know, the guys sitting in the cab running the big cranes<br />

lifting giant beams, HVAC units or million dollar engines — two<br />

questions always pop up: Have you ever dropped anything and<br />

how in the world do you go to the bathroom?<br />

According to Todd Breidenbach — owner of High Power Crane,<br />

a regional crane company named in honor of his faith and jointly<br />

operated with his wife out of Sabin, Minn. — it turns out the second<br />

question is rather benign for most crane operators. <strong>The</strong>y simply call for<br />

a break, climb out and take care of business, as they’re operating mobile,<br />

truck-mounted cranes. <strong>The</strong> tower crane operators, on the other hand, are<br />

stuck hundreds of feet up in the air and can’t simply climb out when nature<br />

calls.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> crew gets breaks,” Breidenbach explained. “If you gotta stop and take a<br />

break you just tell the guys, as there’s usually nothing pressing other than if you’re<br />

holding a load in the air or if you’ve got somebody in a man basket that’s suspended,<br />

you can’t get out of the cab… you can’t get out of the cab with a suspended load.”<br />

As for that first question, you’d think for a guy who’s been lifting unwieldy objects<br />

into the air the better part of two decades, Breidenbach would have at least one good<br />

story to share about dropping something. Lucky for him and all his clients, no such story<br />

exists.<br />

“Thank God I’ve never dropped anything,” Breidenbach said with a noticeable sigh of relief.<br />

“I’ve been fortunate, and none of our guys have ever dropped anything either.”<br />

Fortunate, yes. Lucky, perhaps. But more so, the combined years of experience on Breidenbach’s<br />

crew is absolutely the key element to the company’s record of safety and success. Lucky for their<br />

customers, though, crane operators are required to carry a special kind of insurance.<br />

“Once we have it picked up off the ground [on the end of our hook], basically we own it until<br />

we set it back down again,” Breidenbach explained. “Our insurance covers anything you have<br />

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EVERY TIME.” <strong>–</strong> TODD BREIDENBACH<br />

hanging off the end of your crane. MRI machines being<br />

placed inside hospitals, for example, back in the day were<br />

million dollar picks.”<br />

Getting His Start<br />

As one might imagine, Breidenbach didn’t just one day<br />

wake up and decide to climb into “the upper” of a crane —<br />

the control seat of the crane itself, vs. “the lower” where,<br />

on a truck-mounted crane, you actually drive the crane<br />

down the road to the job site. He worked his way up,<br />

gaining experience on job sites, learning how to maintain<br />

the cranes and set up the rigging required to operate a<br />

crane and safely get the job done.<br />

“I wasn’t really interested in cranes at first,” Breidenbach<br />

admits, “I was actually working at the penitentiary in Sioux<br />

Falls, S.D., as a stepping stone into a law enforcement<br />

career. But I happened to see an ad in the paper for a crane<br />

company and decided to apply for a rigger roll. Later on<br />

the company announced that they needed a driver, and I<br />

had a CDL, so I started helping move the cranes around…<br />

eventually I started doing maintenance on the cranes, and<br />

soon enough I started the process to become a certified<br />

crane operator.”<br />

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Fast forward 20 years, and Breidenbach knows the<br />

whole process start to finish and continues to do his<br />

own maintenance on his fleet of truck-mounted cranes,<br />

which range from the 50-ton crane he started his<br />

company with, all the way up to his largest crane which<br />

is a 265 ton.<br />

On the Job<br />

On any given day, Breidenbach and his crew from High<br />

Power Crane can be found moving any number of large<br />

items, including ethanol plant equipment, rooftop<br />

heating and cooling units, trusses for new commercial<br />

construction, large propane tanks, hot tub and even<br />

pools.<br />

“We’ve moved some crazy stuff,” Breidenbach said with<br />

a chuckle. “Typically, a contractor calls us up because<br />

they need something fairly heavy moved on a job site<br />

and there’s usually some elevation involved, so they<br />

need a crane to move it. A lot of the contractors when<br />

building apartment, they’ll call us to set the trusses on<br />

top of the building. A lot of heating and cooling guys will<br />

call us to set their units on top of the roofs… take old<br />

ones down and put new ones up.”

Like most things in life, there’s more to it than simply<br />

picking things up and putting them back down.<br />

When the crew pulls up to a job site, they get to put<br />

on their detective hats and inspect the challenge<br />

that lay before them. Every job is different, but more<br />

importantly every job site is different, presenting<br />

unique challenges for setup and rigging.<br />

“Experience helps. <strong>The</strong> biggest thing with running a<br />

crane is knowing where you can put it, where you can<br />

set up and where you can’t, because every time you<br />

pull up to a job site there are different challenges,”<br />

Breidenbach said. “That’s what makes it so enjoyable<br />

— every job is different. It takes different rigging and<br />

different setups. It’s a different scenario every time.<br />

“We just got done setting a 40,000 pound propane<br />

tank,” he continued. “We came in with the right<br />

amount of counter weights, the right size crane, the<br />

right size pads and the right rigging. We were in and<br />

out of there in about two hours. Everything went like<br />

clockwork.”<br />

And that’s the good life for a crane operator. When<br />

you’ve got a million dollars hanging off your hook,<br />

clockwork precision is exactly what you need.<br />

“I’ve been blessed to run my business alongside my<br />

wife and a great team of operators,” Breidenbach said.<br />

“I get to work with so many great customers I’ve met<br />

over the years. Everyday, doing what I do, because I<br />

love it.” •<br />

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Destined for Firefighting<br />

Firefighting runs in West Fargo Fire Chief Dan Fuller’s blood. Much of<br />

his family has served or currently serves in fire services including his<br />

sister, dad, uncle and cousin. As a boy, Fuller knew firefighting was the<br />

only thing he would do when he grew up. As proof of his dedication at<br />

such a young age, he even has a small picture of his six-year-old self<br />

dressed in a firefighter’s helmet and jacket tucked into a frame on his<br />

office wall.<br />

Fuller found his start serving the public with the Police Explorers<br />

in his hometown near Boston, Massachusetts. Police Explorers is<br />

a career-oriented program that grants young adults the opportunity<br />

to delve into a career in law enforcement by working with local law<br />

enforcement. This program eventually led Fuller to a job working as<br />

a Security Officer for one of the malls near his hometown. Since his<br />

stint as a Security Officer, Fuller has acquired more than 20 years of<br />

know-how in public safety with experience in law enforcement, fire<br />

services and emergency medical services.<br />

Fuller joined the West Fargo Fire Department as Fire Chief in 2015<br />

after serving as a captain at the Minot Rural Fire Department, a<br />

senior firefighter with the City of Minot Fire Department, and a<br />

flight paramedic with Northstar Criticair in Minot, North Dakota.<br />

Additionally, in July 1999, Fuller enlisted in the Air Force where he<br />

served for 8 years active duty in Security Forces.<br />

Focusing on Risk Reduction in Light of West Fargo Growth<br />

In the time that Fuller has been West Fargo Fire Chief, the<br />

Department has undergone significant growth in order to continue<br />

effectively serving the rapidly growing West Fargo community. <strong>The</strong><br />

West Fargo Fire Department has transitioned from a 40-member, allvolunteer<br />

force, to a combined paid on call and career staff system of<br />

63 members.

“What excites me most is being able<br />

to shape and mold the department<br />

to what works best for West Fargo,<br />

while implementing nationwide best<br />

practices such as Community Risk<br />

Reduction.” <strong>–</strong> Dan Fuller<br />

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Recently, the West Fargo Fire Department unveiled their<br />

second-ever strategic plan to cover the years <strong>2019</strong>-2023.<br />

With this plan, the Department is anticipating more<br />

energetic growth of West Fargo and initiating programs<br />

to accommodate such. <strong>The</strong> plans include continued<br />

community risk reduction, an additional fire station, and at<br />

least 24 more personnel to be hired.<br />

<strong>The</strong> West Fargo Fire Department has recently shifted to<br />

heavily focus on increasing community awareness and<br />

prevention about various hazards. <strong>The</strong>y’ve transitioned<br />

beyond presentations at schools to excite kids about fire<br />

safety and instead aim to connect with the community by<br />

attending community events, canvassing neighborhoods,<br />

facilitating workplace fire safety training, and leading<br />

trainings on active assailant situations.<br />

According to the Department’s most recent strategic plan,<br />

“<strong>The</strong> department isn’t just about responding to fires, but<br />

rather, responding and reducing all hazards within our<br />

community. While fire suppression, emergency medical<br />

services, hazardous materials response, and technical<br />

rescue are the major operational areas we focus our<br />

efforts on, it is important to note that equal time should be<br />

dedicated to Community Risk Reduction efforts.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> plan continues to include that, “when an act of terrorism<br />

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occurs, or a natural disaster strikes, the department will be<br />

on the front line. That is a fact and an expectation of our<br />

community, as well as communities across our country.<br />

In addition to the response, if the department can reduce<br />

the seriousness of an incident through Community Risk<br />

Reduction, or even prevent it from occurring at all, then we<br />

are bound to do so.”<br />

To adequately carry out Community Risk Reduction<br />

efforts, the West Fargo Fire Department is focusing on<br />

potential threats that may arise in 2-5 years. Fuller wants<br />

the community to know that, “issues that will come up in<br />

six months have already been dealt with. We’re looking way<br />

beyond that now.”<br />

“What excites me most is being able to shape and mold<br />

the department to what works best for West Fargo,<br />

while implementing nationwide best practices such as<br />

Community Risk Reduction,” said Fuller.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Fuller Family<br />

Fuller’s active family helps to ensure that he has a full, fun<br />

schedule. He recently celebrated his one year anniversary<br />

with Naomi, his wife, who works as a Registered Nurse<br />

with Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota. <strong>The</strong>ir<br />

blended family of seven guarantees that the couple attends<br />

at least two sporting events a week as their oldest three

kids are heavily involved in sports including lacrosse, football, track & field, and<br />

basketball. Although the two youngest aren’t involved with sports yet, Fuller is<br />

almost certain they will be.<br />

Serving as West Fargo Fire Chief is, without a doubt, a team effort and Fuller’s<br />

family plays a huge role in making it possible.<br />

“My family supports me through understanding that, occasionally, Dad has to<br />

leave for a fire or emergency and that, a few nights a week, I’m in meetings until<br />

8 or 9 at night. When I am gone, my wife Naomi really supports me because she<br />

stays here and takes care of five kids who are involved in several sports teams<br />

and after school activities. My in-laws live in Fergus Falls, and they are great to<br />

come and watch the kids when I have out of town meetings and Naomi travels<br />

with me,” said Fuller.<br />

Dan at age six.<br />

“It is making a difference,<br />

every day, and just maybe,<br />

leaving the community in a<br />

better place than when you<br />

walked in.”<strong>–</strong> Dan Fuller<br />

A Learner at Heart<br />

Aside from reading in his free time, Fuller routinely seeks continued education.<br />

“Continuous learning leads you to constantly look at the way you are and compels<br />

you to make changes based on others’ best practices. In the fire department, we<br />

are constantly changing to meet a moving goal of providing the best services<br />

possible to the community. I am constantly changing and adapting my leadership<br />

style to meet the demands of a growing organization and community and readying<br />

myself for whatever is next in my career,” said Fuller.<br />

He recently completed a four-year training course from the Federal Emergency<br />

Management Agency’s U.S. Fire Administration’s National Fire Academy<br />

Executive Fire Officer Program. <strong>The</strong> EFOP is a series of four graduate equivalent<br />

courses with four applied research projects with concentrations on executive<br />

development, community risk reduction, fire services in emergency operations<br />

and leadership.<br />

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“Much of my free time was spent on completing the applied<br />

research projects for the course. Now that the course is<br />

finished, I’m looking to fill that free time back up with more<br />

advanced education,” said Fuller.<br />

Next, Fuller has his eyes set on <strong>The</strong> National Preparedness<br />

Leadership Initiative at the Kennedy School at Harvard<br />

University. <strong>The</strong> two part course with class time in <strong>December</strong><br />

<strong>2019</strong> and June 2020 will “equip leaders with the skills,<br />

knowledge, and abilities to effectively lead during crisis in<br />

the 21st century.”<br />

Giving Back is <strong>The</strong> <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> red lights, sirens, and big fire truck are assuredly<br />

glorious parts of the job, but what consistently fuels the<br />

West Fargo Fire Chief the most is more intrinsic.<br />

“I’m passionate about serving the community. My whole<br />

career has been about that <strong>–</strong> serving others. As I’ve gotten<br />

older, have started to slow down a bit, and especially in the<br />

role I’m in now, what keeps me motivated is the drive to put<br />

others first,” said Fuller.<br />

Fuller’s motivation to serve others expands outside of the<br />

fire station on 1st Avenue as he proudly serves on the<br />

Advisory Board for the Salvation Army, Sanford Health<br />

EMS Education, and the North Dakota Fire Chiefs<br />

Association along with being a member of the West Fargo<br />

Exchange Club. Previously, he has served on the North<br />

Dakota Firefighters Association Certification Advisory<br />

Board and the Professional Firefighters of North Dakota.<br />

“My favorite part of being on the Salvation Army board is<br />

seeing the way how that organization does the most good<br />

for those who are underserved in our communities. From<br />

providing meals in their downtown center, to coats for kids,<br />

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ack to school haircuts, and helping to<br />

navigate the path from homelessness<br />

to getting a roof over their heads, the<br />

organization does a lot to help. Not<br />

to mention their emergency disaster<br />

services, who routinely help the<br />

fire department with rehab of our<br />

firefighters and help homeowners<br />

who have suffered a loss of house,<br />

food, clothing, etc.,” said Fuller.<br />

When asked what the good life means<br />

to Fuller, he thoughtfully said, “To<br />

me, the good life means serving the<br />

community you live in through hard<br />

work and dedication. It is making a<br />

difference, every day, and just maybe,<br />

leaving the community in a better<br />

place than when you walked in.”<br />

In the short four years Fuller has<br />

been Fire Chief, he, coupled with<br />

collaboration from his entire team,<br />

family, and the city of West Fargo,<br />

is already helping to create a more<br />

beautiful and safe West Fargo<br />

community. •<br />

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Scott Hennen, the popular conservative host of What’s On<br />

Your Mind? (aired on WZFG 1100 AM and stations across<br />

North Dakota), has been a part of talk radio since the ‘80s,<br />

but he started working in the radio industry years prior.<br />

Hennen’s parents were on the air, enveloping him in a world<br />

of entertainment, information and opinions. With radio<br />

programmed into his DNA, Hennen began working at a station<br />

part time before he turned 12 years old. By high school, he<br />

was working full time at the local station in his hometown of<br />

Montevideo, Minn.<br />

As we visited in Drekker’s Brewhalla, Hennen told me more<br />

about his life, career and what’s on his mind.<br />

<strong>Good</strong> <strong>Life</strong>: What’s one thing from your childhood you<br />

wish would get popular again?<br />

Scott Hennen: Atari video games. <strong>The</strong>y were the most<br />

primitive thing. You move the little square at the bottom<br />

and you had to catch the Ping-Pong ball when it came on<br />

the screen. That’s what passed as a video game when I<br />

was growing up.<br />

GL: If you wouldn’t have grown up with such an<br />

influence in the radio industry, do you think you still<br />

would’ve ended up in radio?<br />

SH: It’s hard to say. I feel like it’s almost genetic<br />

because you don’t know anything else. I had a very<br />

good friend in high school whose dad was a funeral<br />

director and they owned a funeral home. I would go on<br />

a couple of “body runs” with them, as they were called.<br />

I actually thought, “I could do this.” I was fascinated<br />

by it and wanted to help people who were grieving. In<br />

the conversations I had with people who had lost loved<br />

ones, I kept thinking of what a tough time that would be<br />

and how I hoped they had faith at that point. Funerals<br />

often bring people to the faith that often wouldn’t<br />

have come to it otherwise. <strong>The</strong>y wonder where they’re<br />

going. That was a way to connect my faith to another<br />

profession. But all I’ve ever known is radio, so it was a<br />

thought exercise more than anything.<br />

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GL: What is your faith?<br />

SH: I call myself an Evangelical Catholic. I spent a lot of<br />

my years as a Catholic thinking that just meant to go to<br />

church on Sunday. Most of my adult years were just about<br />

going to mass. My grandparents were devout Catholics.<br />

My dad converted before he married my mom. My mom<br />

was a very devout Catholic and a strong pro-lifer, so that<br />

was really instilled in me, but honestly, it isn’t as though<br />

we talked about Jesus a lot at home. I’ve since come to<br />

have my faith grow and come to understand that no<br />

matter if I’m Catholic or Protestant, it has to be more than<br />

going to church. It has to be more than just being a good<br />

person. It has to be about having a personal relationship<br />

with Jesus Christ. And the more I’ve learned that the more<br />

I’ve blossomed in the faith. I love the Catholic faith a lot<br />

because it’s so rich. <strong>The</strong> first university was Catholic, and<br />

healthcare — so much has come from the Catholic faith.<br />

GL: What do you think is one thing people prioritize<br />

too much these days?<br />

SH: When I grew up, I’ll never forget my mom and dad<br />

looking at a house that had two garage stalls when we<br />

were going to move into a new house in Montevideo. That<br />

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made me think, “We’re the Brady Bunch! We’re like that<br />

house on TV!” Now it’s not uncommon to see four-car<br />

garages. Honestly, I have nothing against people having<br />

things. I have a three-stall garage at home full of junk,<br />

so I’m not perfect in any stretch, but we're going down a<br />

dangerous path as a culture, valuing stuff more than we<br />

value what we can take with us, and it's none of this; it's<br />

not a lake home or a nicer truck.<br />

GL: If you were to turn into any celebrity for a day,<br />

whose life would you want to live for 24 hours?<br />

SH: I love Johnny Carson because he was such a great<br />

interviewer. He was funny but you really learned<br />

something about the person he was interviewing.<br />

He had great interviewing skills. As a talk show host<br />

and an interviewer, you know where you want the<br />

interview to go, so you kind of push it that way, rather<br />

than just letting it happen and ask a lot of questions.<br />

My dad always said to just listen intently and don’t<br />

worry about what you’re going to ask next, just listen<br />

to them because in their answer you’ll get your next<br />

question.<br />

GL: Well, I’m not doing that very well.<br />

SH: You can’t! You have to go to the next topic.

GL: If you could start a secret society, what<br />

would it be about?<br />

SH: Jesus.<br />

GL: Would you want it to be secret, though?<br />

SH: Well, you don’t want Jesus to be a secret,<br />

but I think there are a lot of people that are<br />

good people that really think they have all the<br />

elements they need. “I go to church. I don’t steal<br />

from anybody. I’m a good person.” But I’d love to<br />

tell people that just being a good person doesn’t<br />

mean they’re going to Heaven. You’re saved by<br />

grace from God alone, and you get that from a<br />

personal relationship with him. I'd say, “This is<br />

the most important meeting you’ll have of the<br />

entire week.” I'd want to get people to come who<br />

wouldn’t if they knew it was about Jesus. By the<br />

way, I love talking to people about it. What I don’t<br />

like doing is forcing it on people. If it creeps you<br />

out or you think I’m shoving it down your throat, I<br />

get it. That’s fine. I would just love to have a nonthreatening<br />

conversation about it without any<br />

judgment.<br />

GL: What does living “the good life” mean<br />

to you?<br />

SH: I think everyone has to find their own good<br />

life, but for me the good life is not far from what<br />

I have. <strong>The</strong> time with family, the time building a<br />

company with a great partner and the chance<br />

I get to talk on the radio every day — that’s the<br />

good life. You always want more time for more of<br />

the things you love, so more time to do all of that<br />

would make the good life even better. I love the<br />

life I have. I really do. •<br />

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Holiday<br />

Giving<br />

Urban Toad Media and <strong>The</strong> <strong>Good</strong><br />

<strong>Life</strong> Men’s Magazine would like to<br />

wish our readers and contributors a<br />

happy and healthy holiday season.<br />

Please consider donating to one of<br />

these incredible organizations.<br />

One less gift under your tree could<br />

make the world of difference to<br />

someone else.<br />

urbantoadmedia.com / THE GOOD LIFE / 29


Fargo Police Sergeant Kevin Pallas<br />

leads with inspiration, kindness and innovation.<br />


As a police officer, Sergeant Kevin Pallas is as humble as<br />

he is good. <strong>The</strong> 56-year-old West Fargo resident has been<br />

an officer for 23 years with the Fargo Police Department<br />

and is presently serving in his 35th year as a North<br />

Dakota Police Officer. Currently, he supervises the School<br />

Resource Officer (SRO) program, Community Trust<br />

Officer (CTO) program, Cultural Liaison Officer (CLO)<br />

program and the Park Liaison Officer (PLO) program.<br />

A Full Resume<br />

Originally from Superior, Wisconsin, Sgt. Pallas still<br />

upholds his status as a bona fide Cheesehead proudly<br />

supporting the Green Bay Packers. Upon graduating<br />

from Superior Senior High School, he attended the<br />

Law Enforcement Academy in Hibbing, Minnesota from<br />

1983-85, along with attending the Community College<br />

in Hibbing as well. He received his first law enforcement<br />

position as an officer in Bowman, ND in 1985.<br />

“Being so young, the instructors always said, ‘Go where<br />

you get hired first and get some experience.’ That ended<br />

up turning into Bowman, ND. <strong>The</strong> southwestern town was<br />

smaller - about 2,500 people, so that was helpful. It was<br />

a busy little city just coming out of the first oil boom in<br />

the mid-80s with a lot of travelers coming through for the<br />

Black Hills,” said Sgt. Pallas.<br />

<strong>The</strong> following year in 1986, he became<br />

an officer in Wahpeton, ND through late<br />

1996. He enjoyed his years in Wahpeton as<br />

a patrol officer and was able to be the<br />

first school liaison officer to the schools<br />

while developing a crime prevention<br />

program in the city as well and in January of<br />

1997, he joined the Fargo Police Department<br />

as an officer.<br />

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Sgt. Pallas was initially drawn to Fargo because, “We<br />

have so many different divisions. I knew that a larger<br />

department is going to give a person more opportunities<br />

to experience and challenge oneself. <strong>The</strong> more you<br />

can do and experience, it’s fulfilling, and it gives you a<br />

purpose.”<br />

Sgt. Pallas was promoted to Sergeant in March of 2001<br />

and has since served in several different positions<br />

including in the roles of Defensive Tactics Instructor,<br />

Police Training Officer, Training Sergeant, and the<br />

Negotiator Team Leader for the Red River Valley SWAT<br />

team.<br />

“Being in a larger, progressive department that really<br />

is looking forward as our administrators do, there are<br />

so many opportunities to be able to go into. We’re very<br />

fortunate that we have support with our administration<br />

as well as our city commission going forward with<br />

having the best equipment, the best training, and the<br />

best facilities,” said Sgt. Pallas.<br />

Steadfast Supervising<br />

With 12 officers currently reporting to Sgt. Pallas, he<br />

maintains a full schedule. “I strive to keep the programs<br />

that I oversee operating in the best way possible by<br />

allowing new things to come into play, always looking<br />

forward and not just settling on what we’ve done to<br />

date,” said Sgt. Pallas.<br />

Some of the projects that Sgt. Pallas is grateful to have<br />

overseen include the Unity and the It’s Time music<br />

videos, Fargo United, summer youth camp, an outdoor<br />

activity summer program, and a collaborative school<br />

assemblies initiative created with the CTO team.<br />

With the CLO program, most recently, CLO<br />

Vince Kempf and CTO David Carlson started a<br />

New American swimming program. Through<br />

the support of Sammons Financial,<br />

the pair partnered with Concordia<br />

College and Family Wellness Center<br />

to offer swimming lessons for New<br />

American children to help them<br />

build confidence in the water.<br />

<strong>The</strong> program was developed by<br />

both officers after two tragic<br />

drowning accidents during the summer of 2018 in the<br />

FM area involving New American children.<br />

At 18 years old, the SRO program serves as a resource<br />

for the schools, to build relationships with the students<br />

and do enforcement action when necessary. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

is an officer in each middle school and high school.<br />

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Ultimately, the program acts as a liaison between the<br />

police department and the school district. Contrastingly,<br />

the PLO program is fairly new at just over a year old.<br />

PLO Josh Marvig works to make a connection with<br />

the parks, to be visible in the parks, and during park<br />

engagements with the community.<br />

Sgt. Pallas cites the most motivating part of his work<br />

as the officers he supervises and works with daily.<br />

“I’ve been a supervisor for 18 years out of my 23 years<br />

here and working with officers that do everything<br />

that they possibly can to provide the best service is<br />

extremely inspiring. <strong>The</strong>y always come up with great,<br />

positive ideas. That’s what’s so inspiring about working<br />

with officers who have vision, energy, excitement, and<br />

youth, I might add. It’s fantastic seeing some of these<br />

guys that are in their 20s and 30s have that energy<br />

and motivation to make Fargo a better place,” said Sgt.<br />

Pallas.<br />

Coping With <strong>The</strong> Job<br />

Working in law enforcement for 34 years does not come<br />

without its challenges. As such, Sgt. Pallas has been<br />

exposed to several difficult situations and experiences.<br />

“Having somebody in my life<br />

over the course of my career<br />

who has been with me right<br />

from the very start of the<br />

academy <strong>–</strong> she’s been my<br />

rock.” <strong>–</strong> Kevin Pallas<br />


“We see the darker side of things. Especially when it<br />

comes to people hurting each other, people passing<br />

sooner than they obviously should due to violence or<br />

automobile accidents. Anything like that is always<br />

tough to see. Abuse and domestic violence, of course,<br />

are always difficult to be a part of too,” said Sgt. Pallas.<br />

Resources available to Fargo police officers include<br />

the Employee Assistance Program through the<br />

Village available for communication needs and the<br />

Peer Assistant Crisis Team which is comprised of<br />

nearly a dozen officers available to be confided in and<br />

for conversation when needed. Talking with those<br />

resources, along with family, has proven extremely<br />

helpful for Sgt. Pallas in working through some of the<br />

tougher situations he’s been exposed to.<br />

“I’m very fortunate; I’ve been married to the same girl,<br />

my high school sweetheart, for my whole career. Kris<br />

and I dated in high school and we got married a year<br />

after graduation. Having somebody in my life over the<br />

course of my career who has been with me right from<br />

the very start of the academy - she’s been my rock. My<br />

colleagues have been supportive as well. We’re very<br />

close in law enforcement so to be able to talk through<br />

things is important.<br />

So, over the years to have that connection with my<br />

wife and to be able to communicate with her has been<br />

huge. I’m not necessarily sharing all the details, but I<br />

am able to communicate generalities of some of the<br />

darker things, and, of course, all the great things too,”<br />

said Sgt. Pallas.<br />

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Beyond Policing<br />

Aside from the support, affirmation, and companionship<br />

from Kris, Sgt. Pallas has also benefited in receiving free<br />

haircuts. “Kris has been a stylist for over 25 years - she<br />

does a fantastic job. I haven’t paid for a haircut in 27<br />

years,” said Sgt. Pallas.<br />

Celebrating 38 years together, the couple enjoys simply<br />

spending quality time together.<br />

“In the summer months we enjoy being out and about.<br />

We bought a Camaro convertible a few years back and<br />

treated ourselves for our 50th birthdays. We do some light<br />

travel to Lake Superior and the countryside of Northern<br />

Wisconsin to visit family and enjoy the lake.”<br />

“We’ve been to well over 100 concerts since we’ve been<br />

together. We enjoy live music from different genres. My<br />

wife is a fantastic cook and baker. So, we like to experience<br />

different foods and restaurants,” said Sgt. Pallas.<br />

Heart First<br />

Although Sgt. Pallas’s track record is undoubtedly<br />

impressive, what truly stands out the most about him is<br />

his heart. In every role that Sgt. Pallas has held, he has<br />

sought to lead with his whole heart while striving to do<br />

his best each day on the job. Simply put, he’s the kind of<br />

34 / THE GOOD LIFE / urbantoadmedia.com<br />

“I couldn’t have asked for a<br />

better career and being part<br />

of a such a large picture of what<br />

it’s all about. It’s about community<br />

service and knowing that you have<br />

made a difference in people’s lives,<br />

along with getting to know people and<br />

making connections. That’s priceless.”<br />

<strong>–</strong> Kevin Pallas

police officer that any citizen would want to look out for<br />

them.<br />

“I couldn’t have asked for a better career and being part<br />

of such a large picture of what it’s all about. It’s about<br />

community service and knowing that you have made a<br />

difference in people’s lives, along with getting to know<br />

people and making connections. That’s priceless,” said<br />

Sgt. Pallas.<br />

In reflecting on his storied career, Sgt. Pallas highlighted<br />

about the importance of developing close relationships<br />

with family, friends, and people of the same mindset.<br />

“In law enforcement, fire services and first responders in<br />

general, because of the nature of the work, we just have<br />

a different kind of closeness because we experience so<br />

many things that are very sensitive. I won’t say that we<br />

have a better kind of closeness because everybody in<br />

their professions have their closeness. However, having<br />

that relationship builds that - that good life of connecting<br />

under a common purpose.<br />

To me, the good life is knowing at the end of the day that<br />

the work that you do means something at the end of a<br />

career. It’s a “well done” and knowing that everything<br />

that one would do has meaning when a career comes to<br />

an end,” said Sgt. Pallas. •<br />

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