MAC Magazine 2019

Mount Aspiring College's annual publication including all the goings on at our school, in Wanaka in the South Island of New Zealand.

Mount Aspiring College's annual publication including all the goings on at our school, in Wanaka in the South Island of New Zealand.


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P R I N C I P A L ' S<br />

W E L C O M E<br />

I runga i te whakaro ko tea mea nui o oa tenei<br />

tangata kua mai ra koutou katoa<br />

Greetings and welcome to our magazine<br />

celebrating <strong>2019</strong>. I have been reflecting on the<br />

changes since I have been at the college and I<br />

would like to share some of those reflections with<br />

you. When I first arrived we had 350 students<br />

compared to today’s roll of 1070. That increase has<br />

told the story as, not only the college but also our<br />

town and its surrounding communities have grown<br />

and developed well beyond the expectations of<br />

the 2020 plans that many of us were involved with.<br />

What is the <strong>MAC</strong> story from my perspective?<br />

• Mission statement:<br />

Our mission is to provide a unique, exciting and holistic<br />

learning adventure for individuals. We aim to provide a<br />

happy, innovative, inclusive and respectful environment<br />

in which to develop lifelong learners. In partnership<br />

with our community, we will help individuals to<br />

develop self-responsibility and confidence to strive for<br />

personal and academic excellence in order to reach<br />

their potential as global citizens.<br />

• Learning vision<br />

Our students will be creative, responsive, independent<br />

and resilient, acting with kindness and respect.<br />

Our curriculum will be broad, emphasising student<br />

agency, critical thinking and collaborative approaches.<br />

• SOAR VALUES - Self, Others, Attitude, Respect.<br />

• We aim to help produce good people with a real<br />

sense of community.<br />

What remains important for me?<br />

• Developing close relationships and knowing<br />

our students - vertical whanau, extra-curricular<br />

involvement, Team Up Conferences, passing on<br />

information via KAMAR, Year 6 to 7 handover.<br />

• Providing many opportunities - a broad, well<br />

rounded educational experience, offering leadership<br />

opportunities, making connections to our community<br />

and further beyond.<br />

• Celebrating and acknowledging success.<br />

• Enjoying the journey.<br />

• Students of all ages mixing successfully and feeling<br />

safe in each other’s company.<br />

• Learning is not restricted to the classroom -<br />

appreciation for and experience of our environment.<br />

• Having home and school working together in<br />

harmony for the benefit of the student.<br />

• Front office - recent discussions on restructure<br />

identified the need to never place efficiency over<br />

openness and welcome.<br />

• Student voice and student leadership.<br />

• Developing systems and strategies to acknowledge<br />

individual progress - Data - academic, behavioural<br />

(pastoral entries and fortnightly grades), notes<br />

from KAMAR.<br />

• NCEA and Junior School academic results.<br />

• Supporting the wellbeing of students and staff.<br />

• Without living in the past we wish to enhance the<br />

features that allowed <strong>MAC</strong> to be a place where<br />

students (and staff) are happy to come to the college<br />

every day and work alongside each other.<br />

2<br />

What am I most proud of?<br />

• I was asked this the other day by a visiting principal.<br />

The simple answer was the students. They prove<br />

over and over again that they value people and<br />

support each other. I am very rarely let down when<br />

the students and staff are in out of school contexts -<br />

(relates to the good person being paramount).<br />

• The breadth of experiences that are offered to our<br />

students.<br />

• The academic results that we do achieve, have<br />

trended up over time.<br />

• To work with a staff that may not agree with each<br />

other but everyone of them interacts with students<br />

as people first and will do everything they can to<br />

support their students.<br />

• The number of students who will always greet you<br />

with a smile, a greeting.<br />

• The spirit or wairua that is always evident in house<br />

competitions.<br />

• The willingness for our staff not to be risk averse<br />

but more so prepared to ensure that EOTC activities<br />

remain available for students.<br />

• COTC Central Otago Teachers Conference.<br />

• PDS Personal Development System.<br />

• KAMAR is now familiar to all staff and more user friendly<br />

than the previous student management system.<br />

What have we improved on?<br />

• Collecting and analysing data which narrows down<br />

to the individual student or groups of students. This<br />

includes academic data, well-being data, pedagogical<br />

feedback, attendance, fortnightly grades.<br />

• From above, developing strategies and supporting<br />

individual needs.<br />

• Including student voice to create change (we are<br />

more adept at saying we know rather than we feel or<br />

think as we have in the past).<br />

• Creating class settings or courses to suit our learners<br />

- Year 9, NCEA course changes.<br />

• Change to Pastoral system to a vertical system in 2020.<br />

• Pathways for students not focussed on university<br />

education (Trades, Gateway, Tourism, OP, Pathways<br />

course) - individualised learning.<br />

• Literacy and numeracy support programmes in Years<br />

7-9.<br />

• Increased counselling resources to support students.<br />

• Smaller class sizes in Years 7-9 to assist them to cope<br />

with re-location and to recognize their large cohort size.<br />

• Development of HQ - providing a setting for<br />

students with high and complex needs that allows<br />

their individual learning needs to be met.<br />

• Personal Development System (PDS)/Appraisal this<br />

has been developed since the last ERO visit and is<br />

now embedded. It is now an online digital version<br />

where teachers can access and add evidence when<br />

appropriate across the year.<br />

• Increased understanding of Te Ao Māori through<br />

professional learning groups and accessing Te<br />

Wananga Tikanga Māori course. Normalising use<br />

of mihi and the ability to run haka, powhiri etc very<br />

naturally are indications of the growth.<br />

• Increasing opportunities for student leadership,<br />

inaugural leaders 2014 and developed to include<br />

leadership committees and student executive who also<br />

in turn mentor the next year groups through the process.<br />

• Curriculum Structure - HOLA - (future proofing -<br />

for growth - understanding and appreciation of<br />

curriculum change on the whole school.<br />

• Change of behaviour management system to<br />

incorporate PB4L Tier 1 and 2 strategies.<br />

• Staff wellbeing - Professional confidential free<br />

counselling available to all staff along with raising<br />

awareness of wellness through full staff meetings.<br />

• BYOD - student use of technology and improved stability<br />

of access via upgraded AP’s and network infrastructure.<br />

• Access of equity devices such as Chromebooks.<br />

These are now deployed first thing each morning<br />

from one place and students ‘self issue and return’.<br />

• WIFI Network architecture upgraded/redesigned to<br />

allow for more control over groups of users.<br />

• Health and Safety improvements, including<br />

procedure updates. We do not pay lip service to<br />

Health and Safety. We take it seriously.<br />

• Property is a continuing growth area and has been<br />

so for 15 years. <strong>MAC</strong> Staff Info site set up as “the one<br />

stop shop” for staff.<br />

• Website reviewed and improved.<br />

• Meeting structure improved.<br />

• Use of Google G-suite has become embedded in<br />

everyday practice.<br />

• Introduction of Blues Awards to recognise<br />

achievement in academia, sport, culture and service<br />

for Year 12 and 13 students.<br />

• Visit from Qtopia to raise awareness around<br />

diversity within the student body which included<br />

a full staff session and a specialised pastoral<br />

session for deans - employment contracts,<br />

enrolment forms, building plans are examples of<br />

changes as a result.<br />

What are we working on?<br />

• Developing strategies that embrace growth as an<br />

opportunity to allow students to flourish.<br />

• Remaining one school but functioning in a way where<br />

no-one is ever lost. People will always override systems.<br />

• Identifying and resourcing individual student needs.<br />

• Developing learning spaces which enhance learning,<br />

not determine it - Flexibility - not preordained style<br />

for the most current fad in education.<br />

• Providing a safe environment in the face of external<br />

pressures, increased levels of anxiety, social media<br />

and instant gratification.<br />

• Developing/building collective leadership capacity<br />

within staff particularly middle leaders. We have<br />

found a professional consultant with a proven<br />

track record that understands the intricacies and<br />

personalities within an organisation and navigates<br />

their way through delivery of a particular message<br />

in a manner which is respectful and well received<br />

by the target audience. (Responsive Consultants)<br />

Although early in the piece, this has been fantastic<br />

in terms of helping senior leaders develop middle<br />

leaders leadership capacity. We have had one of<br />

four sessions so far.<br />

• Building collaborative relationships with colleagues<br />

in the Central Otago region (COTC).<br />

• How do we describe and measure the wellroundedness<br />

of our students?<br />

• Developing report layouts that are visual, easy to<br />

understand for parents with less teacher speak.<br />

• Working on developing understanding and knowledge<br />

of HR within the SLT group through various conferences<br />

and sessions with an employment law firm.<br />

• Using data to make informed decisions for our<br />

learners - we are starting to know what is happening,<br />

now what do we do with it?<br />

• Developing a business manager role to take a<br />

strategic approach to finances and human resources.<br />

• Buildings/spaces created with architects will give us<br />

the flexibility to put people first.<br />

• Teacher wellbeing via the workload survey.<br />

• Level of student voice asked for, listened to and actioned.<br />

• Vertical Deans and increase in number of deans.<br />

• Context of rapid growth (student and staff numbers<br />

in 2015 - present - future) Student roll 2015 - 789,<br />

<strong>2019</strong> - 1079 (36.7% increase), Staff roll 2015 - 117<br />

(Teaching staff 75) <strong>2019</strong> - 132 (Teaching staff 90).<br />

Many years ago my dad told me that you must enjoy<br />

what you do. I continue to love my job, although some<br />

of the challenges differ from those I experienced earlier<br />

in my career but the joy of working alongside young<br />

people never changes.<br />

Enjoy your summer and stay safe.<br />


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