MAC Magazine 2019

Mount Aspiring College's annual publication including all the goings on at our school, in Wanaka in the South Island of New Zealand.

Mount Aspiring College's annual publication including all the goings on at our school, in Wanaka in the South Island of New Zealand.


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CONT-<br />

ENTS<br />

Principal’s Welcome 2<br />

BoT Chair Report 3<br />

<strong>MAC</strong> Staff 3<br />

Head Girl, Student BoT Rep<br />

& Head Boy 4<br />

ODT Class Act Awards 5<br />

Scholarships 2018<br />

& NCEA Success 6<br />

Awards Night 7<br />

Where Are They Now? 10<br />

Blues 11<br />

Year 7 Photos 12<br />

Year 8 Photos 16<br />

Year 9 Photos 20<br />

Year 10 Photos 24<br />

Senior Year Level Photos 27<br />

Team Green 28<br />

<strong>MAC</strong>LIC 29<br />

Duke of Edinburgh<br />

International Hillary Award 30<br />

Tug O’ War 31<br />

House Day 31<br />

Camps 34<br />

Outdoor Pursuits 36<br />

International Language Centre 38<br />

<strong>MAC</strong> Hostel 40<br />

Formal 42<br />

Leavers’ Profiles 44<br />

Survivors 51<br />

HQ Profiles 52<br />

CAMPS 34<br />

Survivors' Key 52<br />

Kapa Haka 53<br />

Nepal Trip 54<br />

Whanau Photos 56<br />

Academic Committee 65<br />

Student Writing 66<br />

BP Business Challenge 70<br />

Cultural Committee 71<br />

Drama 72<br />

<strong>MAC</strong>’s Got Talent 73<br />

<strong>MAC</strong>Stock 73<br />

Bands 75<br />

<strong>MAC</strong> Lit 76<br />

Junior Artwork 77<br />

Senior Artwork 78<br />

Festival of Colour 80<br />

Service Committee 83<br />

40 Hour Famine 84<br />

Students in the Community 85<br />

Sports Committee 86<br />

<strong>MAC</strong> Athletics 87<br />

<strong>MAC</strong> Swim Champs 88<br />

<strong>MAC</strong> MTB Champs 89<br />

<strong>MAC</strong> Snow Champs 89<br />

Sports Teams 90<br />


Thank you to all the students and staff who<br />

have contributed to this year’s magazine.<br />

Bella Thomsson - cover design.<br />

Sam Drayton - proofreading.<br />

Mandy Sherson - advertising.<br />

Jacky Toepfer & Chrissi Pettit - sports photos.<br />

Liz Breslin - editing.<br />

Andrew Miller - design.<br />

ILC 38<br />


P R I N C I P A L ' S<br />

W E L C O M E<br />

I runga i te whakaro ko tea mea nui o oa tenei<br />

tangata kua mai ra koutou katoa<br />

Greetings and welcome to our magazine<br />

celebrating <strong>2019</strong>. I have been reflecting on the<br />

changes since I have been at the college and I<br />

would like to share some of those reflections with<br />

you. When I first arrived we had 350 students<br />

compared to today’s roll of 1070. That increase has<br />

told the story as, not only the college but also our<br />

town and its surrounding communities have grown<br />

and developed well beyond the expectations of<br />

the 2020 plans that many of us were involved with.<br />

What is the <strong>MAC</strong> story from my perspective?<br />

• Mission statement:<br />

Our mission is to provide a unique, exciting and holistic<br />

learning adventure for individuals. We aim to provide a<br />

happy, innovative, inclusive and respectful environment<br />

in which to develop lifelong learners. In partnership<br />

with our community, we will help individuals to<br />

develop self-responsibility and confidence to strive for<br />

personal and academic excellence in order to reach<br />

their potential as global citizens.<br />

• Learning vision<br />

Our students will be creative, responsive, independent<br />

and resilient, acting with kindness and respect.<br />

Our curriculum will be broad, emphasising student<br />

agency, critical thinking and collaborative approaches.<br />

• SOAR VALUES - Self, Others, Attitude, Respect.<br />

• We aim to help produce good people with a real<br />

sense of community.<br />

What remains important for me?<br />

• Developing close relationships and knowing<br />

our students - vertical whanau, extra-curricular<br />

involvement, Team Up Conferences, passing on<br />

information via KAMAR, Year 6 to 7 handover.<br />

• Providing many opportunities - a broad, well<br />

rounded educational experience, offering leadership<br />

opportunities, making connections to our community<br />

and further beyond.<br />

• Celebrating and acknowledging success.<br />

• Enjoying the journey.<br />

• Students of all ages mixing successfully and feeling<br />

safe in each other’s company.<br />

• Learning is not restricted to the classroom -<br />

appreciation for and experience of our environment.<br />

• Having home and school working together in<br />

harmony for the benefit of the student.<br />

• Front office - recent discussions on restructure<br />

identified the need to never place efficiency over<br />

openness and welcome.<br />

• Student voice and student leadership.<br />

• Developing systems and strategies to acknowledge<br />

individual progress - Data - academic, behavioural<br />

(pastoral entries and fortnightly grades), notes<br />

from KAMAR.<br />

• NCEA and Junior School academic results.<br />

• Supporting the wellbeing of students and staff.<br />

• Without living in the past we wish to enhance the<br />

features that allowed <strong>MAC</strong> to be a place where<br />

students (and staff) are happy to come to the college<br />

every day and work alongside each other.<br />

2<br />

What am I most proud of?<br />

• I was asked this the other day by a visiting principal.<br />

The simple answer was the students. They prove<br />

over and over again that they value people and<br />

support each other. I am very rarely let down when<br />

the students and staff are in out of school contexts -<br />

(relates to the good person being paramount).<br />

• The breadth of experiences that are offered to our<br />

students.<br />

• The academic results that we do achieve, have<br />

trended up over time.<br />

• To work with a staff that may not agree with each<br />

other but everyone of them interacts with students<br />

as people first and will do everything they can to<br />

support their students.<br />

• The number of students who will always greet you<br />

with a smile, a greeting.<br />

• The spirit or wairua that is always evident in house<br />

competitions.<br />

• The willingness for our staff not to be risk averse<br />

but more so prepared to ensure that EOTC activities<br />

remain available for students.<br />

• COTC Central Otago Teachers Conference.<br />

• PDS Personal Development System.<br />

• KAMAR is now familiar to all staff and more user friendly<br />

than the previous student management system.<br />

What have we improved on?<br />

• Collecting and analysing data which narrows down<br />

to the individual student or groups of students. This<br />

includes academic data, well-being data, pedagogical<br />

feedback, attendance, fortnightly grades.<br />

• From above, developing strategies and supporting<br />

individual needs.<br />

• Including student voice to create change (we are<br />

more adept at saying we know rather than we feel or<br />

think as we have in the past).<br />

• Creating class settings or courses to suit our learners<br />

- Year 9, NCEA course changes.<br />

• Change to Pastoral system to a vertical system in 2020.<br />

• Pathways for students not focussed on university<br />

education (Trades, Gateway, Tourism, OP, Pathways<br />

course) - individualised learning.<br />

• Literacy and numeracy support programmes in Years<br />

7-9.<br />

• Increased counselling resources to support students.<br />

• Smaller class sizes in Years 7-9 to assist them to cope<br />

with re-location and to recognize their large cohort size.<br />

• Development of HQ - providing a setting for<br />

students with high and complex needs that allows<br />

their individual learning needs to be met.<br />

• Personal Development System (PDS)/Appraisal this<br />

has been developed since the last ERO visit and is<br />

now embedded. It is now an online digital version<br />

where teachers can access and add evidence when<br />

appropriate across the year.<br />

• Increased understanding of Te Ao Māori through<br />

professional learning groups and accessing Te<br />

Wananga Tikanga Māori course. Normalising use<br />

of mihi and the ability to run haka, powhiri etc very<br />

naturally are indications of the growth.<br />

• Increasing opportunities for student leadership,<br />

inaugural leaders 2014 and developed to include<br />

leadership committees and student executive who also<br />

in turn mentor the next year groups through the process.<br />

• Curriculum Structure - HOLA - (future proofing -<br />

for growth - understanding and appreciation of<br />

curriculum change on the whole school.<br />

• Change of behaviour management system to<br />

incorporate PB4L Tier 1 and 2 strategies.<br />

• Staff wellbeing - Professional confidential free<br />

counselling available to all staff along with raising<br />

awareness of wellness through full staff meetings.<br />

• BYOD - student use of technology and improved stability<br />

of access via upgraded AP’s and network infrastructure.<br />

• Access of equity devices such as Chromebooks.<br />

These are now deployed first thing each morning<br />

from one place and students ‘self issue and return’.<br />

• WIFI Network architecture upgraded/redesigned to<br />

allow for more control over groups of users.<br />

• Health and Safety improvements, including<br />

procedure updates. We do not pay lip service to<br />

Health and Safety. We take it seriously.<br />

• Property is a continuing growth area and has been<br />

so for 15 years. <strong>MAC</strong> Staff Info site set up as “the one<br />

stop shop” for staff.<br />

• Website reviewed and improved.<br />

• Meeting structure improved.<br />

• Use of Google G-suite has become embedded in<br />

everyday practice.<br />

• Introduction of Blues Awards to recognise<br />

achievement in academia, sport, culture and service<br />

for Year 12 and 13 students.<br />

• Visit from Qtopia to raise awareness around<br />

diversity within the student body which included<br />

a full staff session and a specialised pastoral<br />

session for deans - employment contracts,<br />

enrolment forms, building plans are examples of<br />

changes as a result.<br />

What are we working on?<br />

• Developing strategies that embrace growth as an<br />

opportunity to allow students to flourish.<br />

• Remaining one school but functioning in a way where<br />

no-one is ever lost. People will always override systems.<br />

• Identifying and resourcing individual student needs.<br />

• Developing learning spaces which enhance learning,<br />

not determine it - Flexibility - not preordained style<br />

for the most current fad in education.<br />

• Providing a safe environment in the face of external<br />

pressures, increased levels of anxiety, social media<br />

and instant gratification.<br />

• Developing/building collective leadership capacity<br />

within staff particularly middle leaders. We have<br />

found a professional consultant with a proven<br />

track record that understands the intricacies and<br />

personalities within an organisation and navigates<br />

their way through delivery of a particular message<br />

in a manner which is respectful and well received<br />

by the target audience. (Responsive Consultants)<br />

Although early in the piece, this has been fantastic<br />

in terms of helping senior leaders develop middle<br />

leaders leadership capacity. We have had one of<br />

four sessions so far.<br />

• Building collaborative relationships with colleagues<br />

in the Central Otago region (COTC).<br />

• How do we describe and measure the wellroundedness<br />

of our students?<br />

• Developing report layouts that are visual, easy to<br />

understand for parents with less teacher speak.<br />

• Working on developing understanding and knowledge<br />

of HR within the SLT group through various conferences<br />

and sessions with an employment law firm.<br />

• Using data to make informed decisions for our<br />

learners - we are starting to know what is happening,<br />

now what do we do with it?<br />

• Developing a business manager role to take a<br />

strategic approach to finances and human resources.<br />

• Buildings/spaces created with architects will give us<br />

the flexibility to put people first.<br />

• Teacher wellbeing via the workload survey.<br />

• Level of student voice asked for, listened to and actioned.<br />

• Vertical Deans and increase in number of deans.<br />

• Context of rapid growth (student and staff numbers<br />

in 2015 - present - future) Student roll 2015 - 789,<br />

<strong>2019</strong> - 1079 (36.7% increase), Staff roll 2015 - 117<br />

(Teaching staff 75) <strong>2019</strong> - 132 (Teaching staff 90).<br />

Many years ago my dad told me that you must enjoy<br />

what you do. I continue to love my job, although some<br />

of the challenges differ from those I experienced earlier<br />

in my career but the joy of working alongside young<br />

people never changes.<br />

Enjoy your summer and stay safe.<br />


BoT CHAIR<br />

REPORT<br />

Kia ora koutou,<br />

<strong>2019</strong> has been a busy and challenging year and I<br />

would like to thank everyone who has contributed<br />

positively to the college over the past twelve months.<br />

As <strong>MAC</strong> continues to grow so too do the challenges<br />

faced in terms of campus, cohesiveness and culture.<br />

The Board Agenda in <strong>2019</strong> has been dominated by<br />

future campus developments (frustratingly these<br />

are still a work in progress), the uniform review<br />

which is getting closer to completion and the ERO<br />

review. There is no doubt <strong>MAC</strong> is a more complex<br />

organisation than it was twelve months ago and the<br />

challenge we face collectively over the next year is<br />

to ensure the entire <strong>MAC</strong> community (students, staff,<br />

community and BoT) work together to enhance the<br />

key elements that make <strong>MAC</strong> great.<br />

I would like to acknowledge and thank Paul Tamati<br />

and Dave Crawford who stepped down from their<br />

roles on the BoT and <strong>MAC</strong> Foundation respectively<br />

after long periods of selflessly donating their time<br />

and energy to <strong>MAC</strong>. Thank you to Bronson Toghill<br />

and Luke Faed whose terms as Student and Staff BoT<br />

representatives have come to an end. Thank you also<br />

to the staff who do everything they can to prepare<br />

our students to be the best that they can be.<br />

To the <strong>2019</strong> leavers - the BoT wishes you all the best<br />

for whatever comes next in your lives.<br />

We hope you leave with many happy memories of<br />

good friends and great experiences and that you feel<br />

prepared to make your mark on the world.<br />

Have a safe and enjoyable summer and all the best<br />

for 2020.<br />

Ngā mihi nui<br />


<strong>MAC</strong><br />

Staff<br />

Back: Tim Harper, Ruth Farquhar, Jude Faircloth, Ruby Cave, Gareth Hodges, Neil Stuart, Sye Johnson, Emily Richardson, Helen Best, Rob Bruce, Ed Waddington,<br />

Clare Scurr, Andrew Sloan, Roy Gawn, Dave Cassaidy, Christina Gott, Marcus Bate, Andrew Allen.<br />

3rd row: Carol Bradley, Carys Overton, Vicky Brown, Rachel Warne, Kate Brown, Joanna Hewson-Williams, Stephanie Botha, Natalie Whyte, Sharon Arlidge, Ellie Russell,<br />

Renee Plunkett, Emily Wilson, Nicole McCone, Hannah Gardyne, Megan Van, Jacky Toepfer, Kirsten Mason, Kim Tomlin, Rochelle Robertson, Euan Simpson.<br />

2nd row: Brianna Lobb, Angela Richardson, Tiffany Kemp, Dawn Bosley, Shelley Smith, Deb McMillan, Claire Easterbrook, Melissa Thomson, Gemma Thompson,<br />

Jenni McDougall, Kay Hart, Lana Whipp, Sandra Findlay, Sarah Millwater, Liz Breslin, Michelle Suddaby, Craig Jefferies, Marc Nyika.<br />

Front: Andrew Miller, Perry Brooks, Denise Bruns, Murray Allen, Alastair Hose, Lincoln Bruce, Cameron Flude, Vicki Ashton, Dean Sheppard, Wayne Bosley, Hamish Crosbie,<br />

Simon Nyhof, Gena Bagley, Kathryn Miller, Mat Doyle, Chris Waugh, Charlotte Lucas, Karen Gilfedder, Emily McRae.<br />

Absent: Eleanor Basterfield, Jenny Bayliss, Lesley Baynes, Delfina Blatchley, Tania Brett, Anna Brown, Sarah Carlton, Helen Carter, Nikki Cotter, Jan Craig, Blanca Csiky,<br />

Dan Cullen, Samantha Drayton, Jenny Edgar, Amanda Everingham, Luke Faed, Michelle Fenton, Donna Green, Caitlin Harvey, Liz Hawker, Katharine Heap, Erin Hurley,<br />

Renee Johnson, Katrina Johnstone (leave), Graham Knauf, Sarah-Jane Knowles (leave), Kris Logan, Thelma McMurray, Florence Micoud, Pip Miller, Ronnie Moffat,<br />

Karyn Munro (leave), Jane Newell, Nikki Parker-Webb, Chrissi Pettit, Danielle Pullar, Vicki Rice, Bernie Rillstone-Caig, Georgie Roberts, Kaz Roberts (leave),<br />

Brendon Robertson, Clayton Sargisson, Mandy Sherson, Pete Smalley, Nick Steenson, Graham Stewart, Stephen Tarasiewicz, Clare Thomas-Moore, Kathy Tweedie,<br />

Joanne Waide (leave), Jane Watson-Taylor, Heather Watt, Sonia Williams, Andrea Woolley.<br />


O D T<br />

C L A S S<br />

A C T<br />


Scholar is the word that would<br />

probably best define Jaime Toepfer.<br />

The 18-year-old Mount Aspiring<br />

College pupil has a wide range of<br />

interests, but reading and learning<br />

about new things are what she has<br />

always enjoyed the most. Jaime<br />

said she reads both fiction and<br />

non-fiction, ranging across subjects<br />

as diverse as politics, history and<br />

physics, and in the holidays she would read a book every two days.<br />

This year, as well as studying for NCEA level 3, Jaime completed online<br />

papers in law and international relations from the University of Waikato in<br />

the first half of the year, achieving A grades in both, and she is currently<br />

studying a philosophy paper from the University of Canterbury.<br />

In July and August, Jaime spent two and a half weeks at the London<br />

International Youth Science Forum attending lectures on science and<br />

different cultures, and visiting universities and institutes around the<br />

United Kingdom.<br />

Although Jaime has described herself as ‘‘quite academic’’, she said<br />

moving to Wanaka from Auckland when she was 10-years-old gave<br />

her the opportunity to get involved in outdoor activities such as skiing,<br />

mountain biking and tramping.<br />

She sailed on the Spirit of Adventure in 2016, completed a 21-day<br />

Outward Bound course in 2018, and is working towards achieving her<br />

gold Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award.<br />

As she also has Dutch citizenship, Jaime is considering studying for a<br />

liberal arts degree in the Netherlands next year, with a view to eventually<br />

having a career working in an embassy, the United Nations, "or somewhere<br />

I am helping others and making a difference".<br />

Jaime credits her success to having a supportive family, her "amazing"<br />

friends with shared interests, and the teachers who encouraged her to further<br />

explore her passions beyond what she was being taught in the classroom.<br />

Achievements: NCEA levels 1 and 2 with excellence; highest number of<br />

excellence credits at NCEA level 2 (2018); University of Waikato first-year<br />

law and international relations papers (<strong>2019</strong>); school awards for highest<br />

overall achievement in years 7-10, highest achiever English years 11 and<br />

12, highest achiever biology year 12, highest achiever distance learning<br />

year 12; academic blues (2018); academic committee member (2018-19);<br />

attended University of Otago Gifted and Talented Marine Science Camp<br />

(2016); Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Silver Award (2017); attended Aotearoa<br />

Youth Declaration (<strong>2019</strong>); attended Wellington Model Westminster<br />

(<strong>2019</strong>); awarded Royal Society Te Aparangi scholarship and selected to<br />

attend the International Youth Science Forum in London (<strong>2019</strong>).<br />

Role models: No role model.<br />

Hopes for the future: To work for an embassy or the United Nations.<br />


Speaking te reo is a big part<br />

of Flynn Rosie’s busy life.<br />

The 17-year-old Mount<br />

Aspiring College pupil is<br />

part Māori and has a strong<br />

desire to speak the language<br />

fluently — something he<br />

believes will help open doors<br />

for him in future. "My Māori<br />

culture is really important to<br />

me. I love to speak to other<br />

speakers whenever I find<br />

them and I love to make sure<br />

others can hear us speaking".<br />

The 1.85m basketballplaying<br />

musician never<br />

misses a chance to further<br />

his ability in languages.<br />

"I’ve been studying Māori<br />

properly at school for about<br />

three years, and I’ve picked<br />

up a little Brazilian Portuguese, and Mandarin. I’d love to be able to<br />

speak heaps of languages when I’m older".<br />

Flynn was born in Dunedin and spent his early years in Queenstown<br />

before his family moved to Hawea Flat, where Flynn attended<br />

primary school and began Māori language classes. When he was<br />

10-years-old, the family went on "a bit of an adventure" to Perth for<br />

two years while his father David worked on oil rigs.<br />

Flynn was well accepted by his classmates at Craigie Heights<br />

Primary School, in Joondalup, who particularly enjoyed his New<br />

Zealand accent. "Everyone loved it. Coming from New Zealand, we<br />

had grown up quite a bit different, such as sport-wise".<br />

He played football and Australian Rules, and continued his interest<br />

in basketball. He now plays for Mount Aspiring College in the Upper<br />

Clutha men’s basketball league.<br />

He plays guitar and has been drummer in the college jazz band and<br />

two rock bands — Theory and Liquid Breakfast — which have done<br />

well in the Smokefree Rockquest.<br />

Flynn works part-time at the Big Fig restaurant, where he is able to<br />

practice his language skills.<br />

He expects this will help him as he begins an international business<br />

course at the University of Otago next year.<br />

"This will help me on to the track of foreign diplomacy and<br />

foreign relations".<br />

Achievements: Taha Māori award (2018); cultural and sporting<br />

blues; Māori award; Te Waipounamu scholarship and business<br />

award; kapahaka leader; cultural committee deputy chairman;<br />

head Māori pupil; basketball captain (2018-19); band member<br />

and worship team member at New Life Church; Matariki tipu hou<br />

kapahaka member; drum teacher; involved in Yami and <strong>MAC</strong>Stock<br />

music events.<br />

Role model: Dad. "I’ve always looked up to him, often without<br />

even realising".<br />

Hopes for the future: To study business at the University of Otago<br />

and travel the world.<br />


Scholarships2018<br />

T<br />

Timetable for 2018<br />

2018TT<br />

Christie, Riley<br />

Hoffma<br />




DRAMA<br />

Timetable for 2018<br />

Level 3 Excellence<br />



2018TT<br />



Christie, Riley Hoffman-Wall, Tilly Kaye, Zachary McDougall, Luci<br />


DRAMA<br />

<strong>2019</strong> Timetable Actual<br />

<strong>2019</strong>TT<br />

McNabb, Hannah<br />

Sharr<br />

<strong>2019</strong>TT<br />

<strong>2019</strong> Timetable Actual<br />

<strong>2019</strong> Timetable Act<br />

Christie, Riley Hoffman-Wall, Tilly Kaye, Zachary McDougall, Luci<br />

McNabb, Hannah Sharratt, Joseph Simpkin, Emily Strawson, Joe<br />

Weir, Lachlan<br />

Riley Christie Tilly Hoffman-Wall Zachary Kaye Luci McDougall Hannah McNabb Joseph Sharratt Abbott, Libby Emily Simpkin Baird, Lucas Joe Strawson Bates, Olivia Lachlan Burrows, Weir Otto<br />

Level 3 Merit<br />

Timetable Erica Actual Ayres<br />

Manu Barnard<br />

Megan Blackley <strong>2019</strong>TT<br />

Jess Brennan<br />

Kine Diallo<br />

Florrie Dixon<br />

Bowen Greenaway<br />

Max Hall<br />

Emilie Barnett Lucas Buckley Sam Dougherty Jono Harknett<br />

McNabb, Hannah Sharratt, Joseph Simpkin, Emily Strawson, Joe<br />

Dara Beattie-Johnson Jake Connolly<br />

James Beere<br />

Kate Binns<br />

Jessica Curtis<br />

Samuel Davey<br />

Stirling Deaton<br />

Abbott, Libby Baird, Lucas Bates, Olivia Burrows, Otto<br />

Thomas Edwards<br />

Gregor Findlay<br />

Ciara Foggin<br />

Bella Fraser<br />

Millie Heine<br />

Oscar Hetherington<br />

Briar Hight<br />

Alyssa Horning<br />

Hannah Humphreys Chloe McMillan Alex Plimmer <strong>2019</strong>TT Niamh Schmack<br />

Simone Johnson <strong>2019</strong> Timetable Michael MeekActual Greer Porter Casey Scurr<br />

Olivia Weir, Johnstone<br />

Lachlan<br />

Millie Kaiser<br />

Leo Munro-Heward<br />

Jake Nicholson<br />

Ashdon Reid<br />

Bella Richardson<br />

Howard Smith<br />

Wilfred Spearing<br />

Students Frankie 9Kraayvanger<br />

Males 4 Females Milo Palmer 5<br />

Tom Rizzi<br />

Julius Staufenberg<br />

Maggie Little<br />

Kimberley McArthur<br />

Sonya Palmer<br />

Lena Peter<br />

Joshua Rogan<br />

Eliza Rogers<br />

Melanie Telford<br />

Students 9 Males 4 Females 5<br />

Ronan Thompson<br />

Macy Toovey<br />

Annabelle Treacy<br />

Lissie Welch<br />

Holly Wigg<br />

Phoebe Young<br />

Cadzow, Kim Fothergill, Jessie Greeks, Tyler Green, Emma<br />

Abbott, Libby Baird, Lucas Bates,<br />

<strong>2019</strong>TT<br />

<strong>2019</strong> Timetable Actual<br />

Level 2 Excellence<br />

ucas Bates, Olivia Burrows, Otto<br />

Cadzow, Kim Fothergill, Jessie Greeks, Tyler Green, Emma<br />

Kelly, Emma McKay, Peta Nathan, Toby Nepia, Stellar<br />

Abbott, Libby Baird, Lucas Bates, Olivia Burrows, Otto<br />

Cadzow, Kim Fothergill, Jessie Greek<br />

Weir, Lachlan<br />

Students 9 Males 4 Females 5<br />

KAMAR<br />

, Jessie Greeks, Tyler Green, Emma<br />

Kelly, Emma McKay, Peta Nathan, Toby Nepia, Stellar<br />

Novak, Franta Robertson, Jesse Sandri, Billy Toepfer, Jaime<br />

Greeks, Tyler Green, Emma<br />

Kelly, Emma McKay, Peta Abbott, Libby Baird, Lucas Bates, Olivia Burrows, Otto<br />

Cadzow, Kim Fothergill, Jessie Natha<br />

KAMAR<br />

Mt Aspiring College<br />

18 Feb <strong>2019</strong> 3:04 pm (MS)<br />

, Peta Nathan, Toby Nepia, Stellar<br />

Novak, Franta Robertson, Jesse Sandri, Billy Toepfer, Jaime<br />

Toovey, Ashley Watson, Sam Woodnorth, Max Yule, Hayley<br />

Nathan, Toby Nepia, Stellar<br />

Novak, Franta Robertson, Jesse Cadzow, Kim Fothergill, Jessie Greeks, Tyler Green, Emma<br />

Kelly, Emma McKay, Peta Sandr<br />

le Actual<br />

Libby Abbott<br />

Lucas Baird<br />

Shawna Allan<br />

Clements, Oliver<br />

Ruth Bennie<br />

Sarah Bloomfield<br />

Georgia Budd<br />

George Burns<br />

Olivia Bates<br />

Otto Burrows<br />

Level<br />

<strong>2019</strong>TT<br />

2 Merit<br />

KAMAR<br />

Charlotte Chittick<br />

Samantha Clark<br />

Holly Costello<br />

Brayden Courtney<br />

Robbie Craig<br />

Kim Cadzow<br />

Jessie Fothergill<br />

Mt Aspiring College<br />

, Jesse Sandri, Billy Toepfer, Jaime<br />

Chin-Nyika, Kelly, Emma McKay, Peta Nathan, Toby Nepia, Stellar<br />

Billea-Nova<br />

KAMAR<br />

Tyler Greeks<br />

Emma Green<br />

18 Feb <strong>2019</strong> 3:04 pm (MS)<br />

Emma Kelly<br />

Peta McKay<br />

Toby Nathan<br />

Stellar Nepia<br />

KAMAR<br />

Franta Novak<br />

Jesse Robertson<br />

Billy Sandri<br />

Jaime Toepfer<br />

Ashley Toovey<br />

Mt Sam Aspiring Watson College<br />

<strong>2019</strong> Timetable Actual <strong>2019</strong>TT<br />

<strong>2019</strong> Timetable Actual <strong>2019</strong>T<br />

Max Woodnorth<br />

Hayley Yule<br />

20 Feb <strong>2019</strong> 9:58 am (MS)<br />

<strong>2019</strong> Timetable Actual<br />

Boyd, Zelda Burke, Ruby Chin-Nyika, Billea-Nova Clements, Oliver<br />

<strong>2019</strong>TT<br />

Isabella Culshaw Jessie Fraser Ruby Jamison <strong>2019</strong> Timetable Actual<br />

Toovey, Ashley Watson, Sam Woodnorth, Max Yule, Hayley Milan Martinovich Hunter Paull<br />

<strong>2019</strong>TT<br />

<strong>2019</strong> Timetable Morgan Actual Sarginson Molly Todd<br />

Novak, Franta Robertson, Jesse Sandri, Boyd, Billy Zelda Burke, Ruby Toepfer, Chin-Nyika, Jaime Billea-Nova<br />

Andre Dearsly Madi Gainsford Ethan Kerr<br />

Lucas McTavish Ava Plimmer<br />

Clements, Oliver<br />

Tom Scott<br />

Neale, Curtis, Laura Brianna Norman, Eastwood, Estelle<br />

Bronson Toghill<br />

Combe, Alex Lillian Poilvert, Erickson, Gary Ava<br />

Grace Doherty Harry Grimsdale<br />

Mt Aspiring College Patrick Lusty20 Feb <strong>2019</strong> 9:58 Lukas am (MS) Morton Nick Richards Tait Scurr<br />

James Watherston<br />

KAMAR<br />

Mt Aspiring College<br />

Annabel Fairbairn Blake Hartley Devlin Lynden Jasmine Murray Caitlin Roberts Sam Teal<br />

Eva Wilson<br />

Izzy Finlayson <strong>2019</strong> Timetable Actual Lexie Heaphy<strong>2019</strong>TT<br />

Kobi Maibach <strong>2019</strong> Timetable Jessica Actual Paddon<br />

<strong>2019</strong>TT Hamish Robinson Bella Thomsson<br />

Toovey, Ashley Watson, Sam Woodno<br />

Combe, Alex Neale, Curtis, Laura Brianna Eastwood, Lillian Poilvert, Erickson, Gary Ava<br />

Boyd, Zelda Burke, Ruby Chin-Nyika, Billea-Nova Clements, Oliver<br />

Schafer, Gealogo, Lukas Michael Schmack, Gibson, Annika Ryan Shannon, Gray, Grace Kiera<br />

Pujol, Findlay, Olive Jack Eastwood, Lillian<br />

Erickson, Ava<br />

Level 1 Excellence<br />

<strong>2019</strong>TT<br />

, Sam Woodnorth, Max <strong>2019</strong> Timetable Actual Yule, Hayley<br />

<strong>2019</strong>TT<br />

<strong>2019</strong> Timetable Actual<br />

Novak, Franta Robertson, Jesse Sandri, Billy Toepfer, Jaime<br />

Toovey, Ashley Watson, Sam Woodnorth, Max<br />

Norman, Estelle<br />

Yule, Hayley<br />

Gibson, Annika<br />

Gray, Kiera<br />

Boyd, Zelda Burke, Ruby Chin-Nyika, Billea-Nova Clements, Oliver<br />

Combe, Alex Norman, Eastwood, Estelle Lillian Findlay, Pujol, Olive Jack Schmack, Gibson, Annika Ryan Gealogo, Schafer, Lukas Michael Shannon, Gray, Kiera Grace Curtis, Neale, Laura Brianna Poilvert, Erickson, Gary Ava<br />

Smith, Heath, Emma Emily Smith, Hollow, Isobel Jessica Staufenberg, Horan, Rata Leo<br />

Shotwell, Harry, Sammy Siena<br />

Mt Aspiring College<br />

20 Feb <strong>2019</strong> 9:58 am (MS)<br />

KAMAR<br />

Mt Aspiring College<br />

20 Feb <strong>2019</strong> 9:58 am (MS)<br />

<strong>2019</strong> Timetable Actual <strong>2019</strong>TT<br />

Hollow, Jessica<br />

Boyd, Zelda Burke, Ruby Chin-Nyika, Billea-Nova Clements, Oliver<br />

Horan, Rata<br />

Combe, Alex Curtis, Neale, Brianna Laura Eastwood, Norman, Estelle Lillian Poilvert, Erickson, Gary Ava<br />

Harry, Shotwell, Sammy Siena<br />

Smith, Heath, Emma Emily Smith, Hollow, Isobel Jessica Staufenberg, Horan, Rata Leo Findlay, Pujol, Olive Jack Gealogo, Schafer, Lukas Michael Schmack, Gibson, Annika Ryan Shannon, Gray, Kiera Grace Thompson, McArthur, Maddy Aimee Viloria, McKenzie, Czaliya Jessie Vink, McNabb, Jaimee Ben<br />

Suddaby, Jewell, James Sam<br />

KAMAR<br />

Mt Aspiring College<br />

18 Feb <strong>2019</strong> 2:54 pm (MS<br />

Toovey, Ashley Watson, Sam Woodnorth, Max Yule, Hayley<br />

ng College<br />

McKenzie, Jessie<br />

Combe, Alex Curtis, Neale, Laura Brianna Norman, Eastwood, Estelle Lillian Poilvert, Erickson, Gary Ava<br />

McNabb, Ben<br />

Pujol, Findlay, Olive Jack Gealogo, Schafer, Michael Lukas Schmack, Gibson, Annika Ryan Shannon, Gray, Kiera Grace Suddaby, Jewell, Sam James<br />

Thompson, McArthur, Maddy Aimee Viloria, McKenzie, Czaliya Jessie Vink, McNabb, Jaimee Ben<br />

Shotwell, Harry, Sammy Siena<br />

Smith, Heath, Emma Emily Hollow, Smith, Isobel Jessica Staufenberg, Horan, Rata Leo Watson, Jono<br />

KAMAR<br />

20 Feb <strong>2019</strong> 9:58 am (MS)<br />

KAMAR<br />

Mt Aspiring College<br />

Zelda 18 Feb <strong>2019</strong> 2:54 Boyd<br />

pm (MS)<br />

Mt Aspiring College<br />

Alex Combe Jack Findlay<br />

Ruby Burke Brianna Curtis Michael Gealogo<br />

Billea-Nova Chin-Nyika Lillian Eastwood Annika Gibson<br />

Oliver Findlay, JackClements<br />

Gealogo, Michael Ava Gibson, Annika EricksonGray, Kiera Gray<br />

Kiera<br />

Level 1 Merit<br />

Harry, Sammy Heath, Emily Hollow, Jessica Horan, Rata<br />

Meg Breen<br />

Libby Bron<br />

Phoebe Bron<br />

KAMAR Angus Cagney<br />

Ethan Carleton<br />

6<br />

Annabel Carter<br />

Aden Cassaidy<br />

Yasmin Christian<br />

Jacob Curtis<br />

Quinn Curtis<br />

Jewell, Sam Thompson, McArthur, Maddy Aimee Viloria, McKenzie, Czaliya Jessie Vink, McNabb, Jaimee Ben<br />

Watson, Jono<br />

KAMAR<br />

Mt Aspiring College<br />

18 Feb <strong>2019</strong> 2:54 pm (MS)<br />

Himaya Dalton<br />

Tyler Danielson<br />

Hugo Darby<br />

Winter, Abigail<br />

Sophie KAMAR Fenn<br />

Levi Fletcher<br />

Sammy Harry<br />

Emily Heath<br />

Jessica Hollow<br />

Rata Horan<br />

Sam Jewell<br />

Cecilia Gardner<br />

Phoebe Garland<br />

Kate Goodsell<br />

Kahu Mt Aspiring Griffin College<br />

Aimee McArthur<br />

Jessie McKenzie<br />

Ben McNabb<br />

Laura Neale<br />

Estelle Norman<br />

Sophie Hodgkiss-Blyth<br />

Charlie Holmes<br />

Ned Hudson<br />

Rhys Hughes<br />

Maye Hall<br />

Oscar Humphreys<br />

Marcus Hetherington Finlay Jones<br />

Gary Poilvert<br />

Olive Pujol<br />

Lukas Schafer<br />

Ryan Schmack<br />

Shotwell, Harry, Sammy Siena<br />

Smith, Heath, Emma Emily Hollow, Smith, Isobel Jessica Staufenberg, Horan, Rata Leo Schafer, Lukas Schmack, Ryan Shannon, Grace Suddaby, Jewell, Sam James<br />

Thompson, McArthur, Maddy Aimee Viloria, McKenzie, Czaliya Jessie Vink, McNabb, Jaimee Ben<br />

Watson, Jono<br />

Suddaby, Jewell, James Sam Thompson, McArthur, Maddy Aimee McKenzie, Viloria, Czaliya Jessie Vink, McNabb, Jaimee Ben<br />

Smith, Emma Smith, Isobel Staufenberg, Leo Watson, Jono<br />

Winter, Abigail<br />

Wright, Campbell<br />

Mt Aspiring College<br />

KAMAR<br />

18 Feb <strong>2019</strong> 2:54 pm (MS)<br />

Mt Aspiring College<br />

Wright, Campbell<br />

18 Feb <strong>2019</strong> 2:54 pm (MS)<br />

KAMAR<br />

18 Feb <strong>2019</strong> 2:54 pm (MS)<br />

KAMAR<br />

Winter, Abigail<br />

Mt Aspiring College<br />

Wright, Campbell<br />

Mt Aspiring College<br />

18 Feb <strong>2019</strong> 2:54 pm (MS)<br />

18 Feb <strong>2019</strong> 2:54 pm (MS)<br />

Liam Kemp<br />

Zoe Labes<br />

Owen Lea<br />

Ashley MacCulloch<br />

Lachie MacDonald<br />

Tess Martin<br />

Grace Shannon<br />

Siena Shotwell<br />

Emma Smith<br />

Isobel Smith<br />

KAMAR<br />

Winter, Abigail<br />

Wright, Campbell<br />

Jack Miller<br />

Maggie Miller<br />

Josephine Plimmer<br />

Fergus Read<br />

Ella Robinson<br />

18 Feb <strong>2019</strong> 2:54 pm (MS)<br />

Leo Staufenberg<br />

James Suddaby<br />

Maddy Thompson<br />

Czaliya Viloria<br />

Mt Aspiring College<br />

18 Feb <strong>2019</strong> 2:54 pm (MS)<br />

Milly Robinson<br />

Maude Rogers<br />

Hayley Secker<br />

Ines Stephani<br />

Greysea Steven<br />

Winter, Abigail<br />

Wright, Campbell<br />

KAMAR<br />

Jaimee Vink<br />

Jono Watson<br />

Abigail Winter<br />

Campbell Wright<br />

Willow Strawson<br />

Joel Suddaby<br />

Samantha Traynor<br />

Laurie Watson<br />

Paris Woodhouse<br />

Mt Aspiring College

AWARDS<br />

NIGHT<br />

2 0 1 8<br />

Year 7<br />

Highest Achievers (class)<br />

Anton Jones, Amy Benson, Tai Treadwell-Burke, Brooke Hutchison,<br />

Archie North, Bayne Deaton, Jack Wyeth, Lena Pollard, Neve Brugman,<br />

Nina Iseli-Adams, Sara Ambrose, Tom Sides.<br />

High Achievement (subjects)<br />

Amy Benson, Tai Treadwell-Burke, Lena Pollard, Tom Sides, Ben McMurray,<br />

Tay Simpson, Bonnie McGregor, Nina Iseli-Adams, Kelly Quirke,<br />

Sophie Walsh, Otis Murphy, Lulu Pettit, Max Byrne, Melissa Emasu,<br />

Neve Brugman, Kobi Simmers, Abi Croft, Annika Massey,<br />

Anton Jones, Archie North, Bayne Deaton, Ben Infantado, Ben Pell,<br />

Bryne Bloxham, Chloe Latimer, Ella Sarginson, Emily Schmidt,<br />

Eva Gilbertson, Hannah Piper, Isaac Beale, Isabella Noble-Kirkbride,<br />

Jack Wyeth, James Dougherty.<br />

SOAR Awards<br />

Otis Murphy, Anna Corthell, Sophie Walsh, Ben Infantado, Ruby Cochrane,<br />

Kyan Prince, Kobi Simmers, Jonty Keenan, Evelyn Armstrong,<br />

Chloe Latimer, Ben McMurray, Abi Croft.<br />

Year 8<br />

Highest achiever (class)<br />

Annelise Wedgwood, Bradley Gendall, Caity Curtis, Clarke West,<br />

Connor Waghorn, Giovanni Austin-Moorhouse, Isabella Soper,<br />

Jamie Burdon, Jemma Brake, Sebastian Rhind, Tayla Doran, Zara Bailey.<br />

High achievement (subjects)<br />

Annelise Wedgwood, Nina Lee Smith, Matilda Metcalfe, Jemma Brake,<br />

Isabella Soper, Clarke West, Ella Faithful, Jake Green, Jessie Winter,<br />

Melia Brett, Oscar Goodwin, Tayla Doran, Thomas Benson, Zara Bailey,<br />

Muireann Green, Milly Lewis, Max Birkby, Kate Beaton, Jem Curtis,<br />

Cade Cameron, Caity Curtis, Anataia White, Ella Miles, Emily Redwood,<br />

Giovanni Austin-Moorhouse, Henry McConnell, Illume Sadowski-Synnott.<br />

SOAR Awards<br />

Zoe Eckhoff, Oscar Goodwin, Niamh Townsend, Ngaio Groenen,<br />

Max Roughan, Jake Green, India Yule, Harry Anderson, Ferg Perriam,<br />

Eve Bretherton, Emma Arthur, Ajay Quirk.<br />

Year 9<br />

Highest Achievers (class)<br />

Abby McArthur, Benjamin Silipo, Emma Palmer, Harry Gilbertson,<br />

Hayden Watson, Hayley Ambrose, Isla Henderson, Jamie Kerr,<br />

Layton Osnabrugge, Matai Wells.<br />

High Achievement (subjects)<br />

Hayden Watson, Bella Robertson, Kiara Bercelli, Luke Smith, Matai Wells,<br />

Benjamin Silipo, Hayley Ambrose, Isla Henderson, Holly Davey,<br />

Jazz Simonsohn, Kimiya Byrne, Layton Osnabrugge, Casey Irwin,<br />

Scarlett Norman, Tao Hawkey-Hight, Abby McArthur, Amon Gasson,<br />

Bryan Clark, Christie Southwick, Dakota Rowe, Ella Parker, Emily O'Donnell,<br />

Hunter Rowan, Ikey Emanuel, Jacob Field, Kiara Searing, Kyle Evans,<br />

Liam Williamson, Lucia Kamphuis, Olivia Jones, Olivia McLachlan,<br />

Romy Guichard, Samantha Laird, Sophia Perkins, Tamara Burrows,<br />

Bella Sarginson, Toby Davies.<br />

SOAR Awards<br />

Claire Edwards, Cormick Lea, Hana Dean, McKay Watson, Millie Cranfield,<br />

Rory Read, Seth Carleton, Tao Hawkey-Hight, Taylor Gilson, Yasmin Coombe.<br />

Junior Mathmatics Award<br />

Layton Osnabugge.<br />

Year 10<br />

Highest Achiever (class)<br />

Annabel Hutchison, Zoe Smith, Tom Millis, Thomas Gibson, Tesoro Levy,<br />

Ollie Blyth, Lea McTavish, Kahu Nepia, Hannah Craig, Caleb Eason.<br />

High Achievement (subjects)<br />

Annabel Hutchison, Tesoro Levy, Jack Willson, Danielle Carney,<br />

Evie Simonsohn, Hannah Craig, Holly Chamberlain, Jessica Courtney,<br />

Kahu Nepia, Tom Millis, Lucia Brown, Lucy Fenton, Ollie Blyth, Abby East,<br />

Summer Rasmussen, Red Simpson, Patrick Hartley, Molly Thomsson,<br />

Mackenzie Barnett, Aleisha Turner, Alexa McKay, Caleb Eason,<br />

Emma Davies, Holly Gibson, Indy Wilton, Julian Barker, Patrick Hartley.<br />

SOAR Awards<br />

Abhishek Rameshanand, Georgia McGregor, Grace Green, Isla Gellatly,<br />

Jack Culshaw, Nikita Sinclair, Ryan Young, Hunter Hewson, Tesoro Levy,<br />

Taki McLachlan.<br />

Year 11<br />

Highest Achiever<br />

Abigail Winter (Geography, Science, English), Siena Shotwell (Visual<br />

Art, Drama), Ben McNabb (Mathematics, Computing), James Suddaby<br />

(History), Oli Prince (Woodwork), Laura Neale (Food & Nutrition),<br />

Annika Gibson (Spanish), Michael Gealogo (Physical Education),<br />

Ryan Schmack (Spatial & Product Design), Estelle Norman (Music),<br />

Ruby Burke (Economics, English and Business), Molly Baverstock<br />

(Outdoor Pursuits), Olivia Vuleta (Māori).<br />

High Achievement<br />

Abigail Winter (Mathematics, Music), Jessie McKenzie (Science,<br />

Mathematics), Maddy Thompson (Physical Education, Science),<br />

Siena Shotwell, Kiera Gray, Jaimee Vink, Annika Gibson (English),<br />

Ben McNabb, Jack Findlay (Science), Ruby Burke (English, Visual Art),<br />

Charlie Holmes (Mathematics), Jono Watson (Economics and Business),<br />

Liam Kemp (Outdoor Pursuits).<br />

Special Awards<br />

Liam Kemp (Treble Cone Scholarship), Ben McNabb (Mathematics<br />

Scholarship).<br />

Year 12<br />

Highest Achievement<br />

Hayley Yule (Economics, Geography, English), Olivia Bates (Visual<br />

Art Photography, Visual Art Design), Ruth Bennie (Spanish, Biology),<br />

Peta McKay (Food & Nutrition, Mathematics with Statistics),<br />

Stellar Nepia (History, Drama), Billy Sandri (Music, Mathematics with<br />

Calculus), James Watherston (Physics), Angus Harraway (Mechanical<br />

Engineering), Flynn Rosie (Māori), Heidi Niederer (Tourism),<br />

Jack Harker (Woodwork), Jamie Toomey (Outdoor Pursuits),<br />

Tyler Greeks (Visual Art Painting), Jesse Robertson (Chemistry),<br />

Robbie Craig (Spatial & Product Design), Annabel Fairbairn (Physical<br />

Education), Sam Teal (Business), Tom Scott (Computer Studies),<br />

Molly Todd (Agri-Business), Shea Williams (Gateway), Ella James<br />

(Pathways).<br />

High Achievement<br />

Olivia Bates (English, Business), Otto Burrows (Outdoor Pursuits, Physics,<br />

English), Billy Sandri (Chemistry), Jaime Toepfer (Biology, Distance<br />

Learning), Jessie Fothergill (English), Jordan Fox (Outdoor Pursuits).<br />


Year 13<br />

Year 13 Highest Achievement:<br />

Hannah McNabb (Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics with Calculus),<br />

Bella Fraser (Geography, Spanish), Zachary Kaye (Economics),<br />

Dara Beattie-Johnson (History, Drama), Holly Wigg (Visual Art Painting),<br />

Gregor Findlay (Spatial & Product Design, Physical Education), Erica Ayres<br />

(Food & Nutrition), Annabelle Treacy (Visual Art Design), Luci McDougall<br />

(Visual Art Photography), Joe Strawson (Physics, Mathematics & Statistics),<br />

Emilie Barnett (Business & Enterprise), Sam Howard (Agri-Business),<br />

Riley Christie (Music), Nicholas Boyne (Gateway), Marli Reyta (Tourism),<br />

Manu Barnard (English), Joshua Rogan (Design Technology),<br />

Olivia Johnstone (Mathematics with Statistics), Tom Rizzi (Computer Studies),<br />

Wilfred Spearing (Outdoor Pursuits), Dara Beattie-Johnson (Drama).<br />

High Achievement<br />

Phoebe Young (Biology, English), Hannah McNabb (Physics, Mathematics),<br />

Zachary Kaye (Chemistry), Maggie Little (Business & Enterprise),<br />

Lucas Buckley (Physical Education), Kate Binns (Geography).<br />

Special Award<br />

Dara Beattie-Johnson (Historical Records), Emilie Barnett (Senior Language).<br />

Special Awards<br />

Junior Sports Awards<br />

Tom Sides, Millie East, Zach Smith, Zoe Smith (Cross Country),<br />

Archie North, Grace Heath, Cruz Morland, Kate Bennie, Benjamin Silipo,<br />

Emma Palmer (Swimming), Thomas Benson, Riley McRae, Millie East,<br />

Niamh Townsend, Ryan Young, Georgie Bruce, Zoe Smith, Fergus Read,<br />

Rhys Hughes (Athletics), Lucia Georgalli (Snowboarding), Kahu Nepia<br />

(Sailing), Zoe Smith (Junior Sport).<br />

Premier Sports Awards<br />

Erica Ayres (Fairplay), Zoi Sadowski-Synnott (Girls Sports), Gregor Findlay<br />

(Boys Sports).<br />

Trinity<br />

Maude Rogers - Grade 3 Guitar (Pass), Erica Hudson - Grade 1 Piano (Pass),<br />

Erica Hudson – Initial Flute (Distinction), Olivia Helmore – Grade 1 Clarinet<br />

(Distinction), Amy Benson – Grade 1 Clarinet (Distinction), Bayne Deaton -<br />

Grade 1 Piano (Distinction), Bayne Deaton – Grade 1 Jazz Saxophone (Merit),<br />

Lena Pollard – Grade 1 Flute (Merit), Saffron Millar - Piano Grade 1 (Pass),<br />

Bryne Bloxham - Grade 1 Piano (Merit), Matilda Metcalfe – Grade 2 Jazz<br />

Piano (Merit), Matai Wells – Grade 5 Clarinet (Merit), Kimiya Byrne – Grade 5<br />

Clarinet (Merit), Lauren Rimmer – Grade 4 Flute (Merit), Daisy Orbell – Grade<br />

1 Jazz Saxophone (Distinction), Abby McArthur- Grade 3 Piano (Merit) and<br />

Grade 4 Piano (Merit), Meadow Chamberlain - Grade 3 Violin (Distinction),<br />

Isobel Smith – Grade 5 Piano (Merit), Seth Carleton - Grade 5 Violin (Pass)<br />

Kahu Nepia – Grade 4 Jazz Saxophone (Distinction), Lillian Eastwood - Grade<br />

3 Piano (Distinction) and Grade 5 Flute (Pass), Estelle Norman - Grade 7<br />

Piano (Distinction) and Grade 6 Theory (Distinction).<br />

ABRSM<br />

Maude Rogers - Grade 4 Theory (Distinction), Evie Simonsohn - Grade 5<br />

Theory (Distinction).<br />

National and International<br />

Achievements<br />

National<br />

Bella Fraser (Orienteering), Aden Cassaidy, Joel Suddaby,<br />

Madi Gainsford, Red Simpson (Kayaking), Ronan Thompson, Cam Melville<br />

Ives, Lucia Georgalli (Snowboarding), Campbell Wright, Daniel Wright,<br />

Olivia Helmore, Olivia Jones (Cross Country Skiing), Phoebe Garland,<br />

Thomas Benson (Skiing), Benjamin Silipo (Swimming), Kalani Muirhead<br />

(Mountain Biking), Deia Carson-Wolfe (Trampolining).<br />

National and International<br />

James Suddaby (Kayaking), Zoi Sadowski-Synnott, Rory Johns<br />

(Snow-Boarding), Ben Harrington, Kate Richards, Alistair Garland,<br />

Howard Smith, Maggie Little, Chloe McMillan, Manu Barnard, Luca Harrington,<br />

Gustav Legnavsky (Skiing), Meg Harraway (Waterskiing), Holly Wigg (Karate),<br />

Phoebe Young (Cycling and Mountain Biking), Natalie Mitchell (Triathlon).<br />

Junior Cultural & Service Awards<br />

Flynn Phillips, Anataia White (Speech), Nicole Meyer (Debating),<br />

Luke Smith (Monologue), Kimiya Byrne (Music), Tamaki Yamamoto (Top<br />

Junior International Student).<br />

Cultural Awards<br />

Flynn Rosie (Te Korowai o te Maatauranga), Casey Scurr (Drama),<br />

Leo Munro-Heward (Performing Arts), Rory Johns (Music), Eliza Rogers<br />

(Art).<br />

Service Awards<br />

Mel Telford, Kate Binns, Emily Simpkin, Erica Ayres, Stirling Deaton,<br />

Sonya Palmer, Jessica Curtis, Greer Porter, Bella Richardson,<br />

Alicia Stock, Bella Fraser, Sam Coupland, Tilly Hoffman-Wall, Toby Balls,<br />

Simone Johnson, Ashdon Reid, Pyper Turner, Gregor Findlay,<br />

Claudia Wilkinson, Wilfred Spearing, Mitchell Collett, Kenzie Muir,<br />

Nadia McNeilly, Casey Scurr, Sam Pearce, Hannah McNabb, Millie Heine,<br />

Chester Neill, Bowen Greenaway, Madi Mulqueen, Sampson Mollan,<br />

Riley Christie (Students in the Community with Distinction).<br />

Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award: Libby Bron, Emily Heath,<br />

Oliver Thomas, Dylan Rimmer, Neve Stalker, Nicole Meyer, Emma Davies,<br />

Lucy Fenton, Gracie Cartlidge, Tesoro Levy, Meg Thomas, Maddi Frazer,<br />

Whitney Bennett, Olivia Connolly, Lauren Rimmer, Molly Thomsson<br />

(Bronze), Aimee McArthur, Olive Pujol, Siena Shotwell, Ben McNabb,<br />

Meg Weedon, Mila Arnerich (Silver), Millie Heine, Simone Johnson,<br />

Sam Coupland, Erica Ayres (House), Olivia Johnstone (Top Hosteller),<br />

Lena Peter (Top International Student), Riley Christie, Erica Ayres,<br />

Shenee Pryde (Special Recognition), Maggie Little (Student Council<br />

Recognition), Luci McDougall (Whole-Hearted Contribution).<br />

Scholarships<br />

Ruth Bennie, Amy Richards (Leadership), Kenzie Muir (Medical),<br />

Jake Nicholson (Hospitality), Madi Mulqueen, Gregor Findlay,<br />

Bella Fraser, Emilie Barnett, Simone Johnson, Julius Staufenberg<br />

(Leadership and Role-model), Hannah McNabb (Engineering),<br />

Leo Munro-Heward (Music), Dara Beattie-Johnson (Law), James Beere<br />

(Aviation).<br />

Junior Premier Awards<br />

Tayla Doran, Millie Scott, Abi Croft, Zoe Frazer, Dylan Rimmer,<br />

Ollie Blyth, Mihi McLachlan, Kahu Nepia (Culture), Thomas Benson,<br />

Lucia Georgalli, Gustav Legnavsky, Kate Bennie, Benjamin Silipo, Abby East,<br />

Georgie Bruce, Zoe Smith (Sport), Jemma Brake, Angelique Price,<br />

Charlotte Hunt, Sebastian Rhind, Holly Gibson, Red Simpson,<br />

Maddi Frazer, Meg Thomas (Service), Jemma Brake, Ollie Blyth,<br />

Holly Gibson (Whole-Hearted Contribution – Junior).<br />

Premier Awards<br />

Zachary Kaye (Dux), Hannah McNabb (Proxime Accessit), Bella Fraser<br />

(Best All Round Girl), Sam Coupland (Best All Round Boy).<br />



Where<br />

A r e<br />

T h e y<br />

NOW?<br />


Best All Round Girl 2018<br />

The thought of university always made me feel<br />

scared but excited at the same time as I had no<br />

idea what to expect. I was buzzing to move out<br />

of Wanaka where I had lived my whole life to a<br />

new place while studying something I always<br />

dreamed about.<br />

I followed this dream and I am now in<br />

Christchurch at the University of Canterbury<br />

studying a Bachelor of Teaching and Learning<br />

in Primary. I am halfway through the second<br />

semester and getting prepared to go on<br />

placement for four weeks.<br />

My highlight of this year has definitely been<br />

living in the halls. I have always heard past<br />

students say living in the University Halls of<br />

Residence is one of the best experiences<br />

you will ever have… they were not wrong. I<br />

would recommend anyone who is thinking<br />

of attending uni or polytech to live in a<br />

hall. The social environment means you<br />

will create lifelong best friends. The social<br />

aspect is amazing, but most halls offer extra<br />

academic support from residential assistants<br />

and tutors. The house mums and other staff<br />

help the transition from home to uni life. I<br />

would recommend being in a catered hall as<br />

this means you do not have to stress about<br />

cooking and cleaning. This allows you to<br />

focus on attending lectures, spending more<br />

quality time on assignments, exercising (to<br />

avoid the “Fresher 5”... or 15!) and having a<br />

social life. The first year of uni is full on and<br />

there is so much to take in. It is important to<br />

maintain a healthy balance between having<br />

fun and keeping a high standard of your work.<br />

Halls will, most likely, be the best part of your<br />

university experience.<br />

My advice to Year 12 and 13 students would<br />

be… Be excited and do something you enjoy.<br />

I think this is very important if you are going<br />

10<br />

to study or work, as it will make you so much<br />

more enthusiastic and diligent. If you still don’t<br />

know what you are doing, don’t rush to make<br />

a decision as there is no pressure. To the Year<br />

12’s who have to start thinking about what they<br />

will do, I think the most beneficial thing to do is<br />

talk. I talked to Year 13’s, I talked to people at<br />

uni so I could get an idea of how they found the<br />

teaching degree and the city. This helped me<br />

decide if going to Christchurch to do teaching<br />

was the right decision for me. I also volunteered<br />

at the local primary schools for Students in the<br />

Community. By talking to people and getting<br />

involved in schools, I knew that I found teaching<br />

fun and interesting and it was definitely<br />

something I could see myself doing.<br />

I didn’t feel fully prepared when I moved away<br />

from home to uni, but I quickly realised you just<br />

have to open your arms, soak it all in and be<br />

ready to step out of your comfort zone. Moving<br />

out of the bubble we call Wanaka is so different<br />

to what I could have imagined. Christchurch is a<br />

fun city and very different from the small town I<br />

grew up in as there is so much happening and<br />

I still learn new things all the time. It is hard to<br />

be fully prepared because living at home and<br />

going to <strong>MAC</strong> is completely different from<br />

being in a big city with new people and high<br />

expectations from the tertiary institution. I<br />

am quite nervous to be teaching the future<br />

generation but I am looking forward to seeing<br />

where I end up and what I achieve.<br />

To the <strong>2019</strong> Year 13’s: Good luck with the rest<br />

of your schooling adventure and I hope you<br />

all have a good time at university, polytech,<br />

travelling or anything you do!<br />


Best All Round Boy 2018<br />

After leaving high school I initially moved to<br />

Timaru where I completed my private pilot's<br />

licence through the South Canterbury Aero<br />

Club. This would have to be the highlight of<br />

my year so far. I am now living on-campus<br />

at the Nelson Aviation College where I am<br />

currently completing the theory exams for my<br />

commercial pilot's licence.<br />

The thing I have found most difficult since<br />

leaving <strong>MAC</strong> was not having a course structure<br />

for the first half of the year; I was required to<br />

self-manage my studying and organise times<br />

and dates to sit my exams. I found this a bit of a<br />

shock coming straight out of high school.<br />

The best advice I can give to current Year 13<br />

students would be to consider every available<br />

option and not feel pressured to go to<br />

university if that isn't what you are wanting to<br />

do. And the best advice I can give to Year 12s is<br />

to get amongst everything that your final year of<br />

school has to offer as you will regret it if you just<br />

watch from the side-line.<br />


2018 Dux of Mount Aspiring College<br />

Zach is currently studying a Bachelor of<br />

Engineering at the University of Canterbury and<br />

planning to specialise in Software Engineering.<br />

Initially, moving to live and study in Christchurch<br />

seemed like a huge step but, "once I settled in, I<br />

found it easy to remain focused and motivated<br />

with my course work and also to enjoy the<br />

time meeting new people. If I did have any<br />

issues, the University of Canterbury and Hall<br />

of Residence staff along with my family were<br />

incredibly supportive."<br />

Zach says that he felt well-prepared for his<br />

university course because Mount Aspiring<br />

College had provided him with a wide number<br />

of NCEA internals and externals. Some of his<br />

university friends struggled because their<br />

schools had not offered such a broad scope<br />

which meant that they had to learn whole new<br />

topics from scratch within a matter of weeks.<br />

A highlight of Zach’s time at university so far<br />

has been meeting new people. "The University<br />

of Canterbury and its clubs and societies give<br />

you a great opportunity to meet new people<br />

as they host many social events throughout<br />

the year". What aspect of university life has<br />

been harder for him than expected? "In the<br />

last week of term, you often find out that<br />

there are multiple tests and assignments due<br />

the first week back from break", says Zach,<br />

"I found it difficult adjusting to the fact that<br />

your lecturers expect you to do a lot of study<br />

during the term breaks".<br />

Zach has some sound advice for <strong>MAC</strong> students<br />

thinking of attending university or polytech<br />

next year: "For the students who are interested<br />

in tertiary education, I would recommend a<br />

hall of residence in your first year. At a hall,<br />

you get to meet a bunch of new people and<br />

the halls offer numerous services, tutors, social<br />

events, etc. I would also recommend studying<br />

a degree you will enjoy. Most degrees offer<br />

electives, so if there is a subject that you<br />

enjoyed at school but is not what you intend to<br />

major in, then you can still take it".<br />

And advice for current Year 12 students: "Next<br />

year is your last year at high school. Don’t<br />

stress too much over your grades and exams.<br />

Try and spend as much time as possible with<br />

your friends because it can become difficult<br />

to remain in contact once everybody leaves<br />

school. Don’t worry if you are currently unsure<br />

of what you want to do when you leave<br />

school. Talking to friends who are already at<br />

uni can be a major help in deciding if it is the<br />

best option for you".

B L U E S<br />

A W A R D S<br />

A C A D E M I C<br />

Ruby Burke<br />

Otto Burrows<br />

Alex Combe<br />

Ava Erickson<br />

Jack Findlay<br />

Michael Gealogo<br />

Annika Gibson<br />

Kiera Gray<br />

Emily Heath<br />

Rata Horan<br />

Sam Jewell<br />

Aimee McArthur<br />

Jessie McKenzie<br />

Laura Neale<br />

Ryan Schmack<br />

Siena Shotwell<br />

Isobel Smith<br />

Emma Green<br />

Maddy Thompson<br />

Jonathan Watson<br />

Abigail Winter<br />

Campbell Wright<br />

Libby Abbott<br />

Olivia Bates<br />

Jesse Robertson<br />

Billy Sandri<br />

Bella Thomsson<br />

Mia Treadwell-Burke<br />

Hayley Yule<br />

C U L T U R E<br />

Flynn Rosie<br />

Jaimee Vink<br />

Daniel Hadida<br />

Estelle Norman<br />

Jessie McKenzie<br />

Isobel Smith<br />

Kiera Gray<br />

Siena Shotwell<br />

Cecilia Gardner<br />

Stellar Nepia<br />

Ruby Burke<br />

Laura Neale<br />

Ayla Smalls<br />

S E R V I C E<br />

Kate Goodsell<br />

Annabel Fairbairn<br />

Eva Wilson<br />

Peta McKay<br />

Kate Richards<br />

Max Swift<br />

Caitlin Roberts<br />

Hayley Yule<br />

Olivia Bates<br />

Ruth Bennie<br />

Aimee McArthur<br />

Christina Lamb<br />

Emma Smith<br />

Maggie Stiven<br />

Meg Harraway<br />

Siena Shotwell<br />

Madi Gainsford<br />

Fletcher Cavanagh<br />

Jessie Fothergill<br />

Daniel Kemner<br />

S P O R T<br />

Fiona Murray<br />

Michael Gealogo<br />

Leo Staufenberg<br />

Campbell Wright<br />

James Suddaby<br />

Ryan Schmack<br />

Molly Todd<br />

Lukas Schafer<br />

Kate Richards<br />

Brianna Curtis<br />

Jack Findlay<br />

Maggie Stiven<br />

Meg Harraway<br />

Georgia Budd<br />

Aden Cassaidy<br />

Madi Gainsford<br />

Milly Robinson<br />

Hamish Robinson<br />

Joel Suddaby<br />

Fergus Read<br />

Rata Horan<br />

Lachie MacDonald<br />

Fletcher Cavanagh<br />

Ines Stephani<br />

Rhys Hughes<br />

Phoenix Brownlie<br />

Sam Teal<br />

Ruth Bennie<br />


7BB<br />

Class name: 7BB<br />

Front: Eve Buckland, Will Blyth, Luca Frires, Eden Faed, Dorothy Anderson, Cody Gemmell, Riley Upfold, Jessica Penney.<br />

Middle: Lachlan Christian, Dylan Brown, Chantel Thurston, Olivia Huddleston, Jessie McNeil, Jack Lamb, Zeph Foster, Isaiah Chin-Nyika, Mrs Brianna Lobb.<br />

Back: Elizabeth Pell, Che De’Souza, Grace Thomas, Kyra Secker, Carys Miller, Cholula Brown, Ania-Kanu Saklani.<br />

Absent: Niks Yates, Celeste Rumore.<br />

7BW<br />

Class name: 7BW<br />

Front: Nathalie Urquhart, Cody Labes, Joseph Combe, Joe Miller, Isaac Moore, Eli McArthur, Hannah Gibb.<br />

Middle: Arliya Bartley, Catty David, Ethan Prince, Coast Morland, Eli Walker, Zoe Nicholson, Mila Culpitt, Mrs Kate Brown.<br />

Back: Lily Cousins, Chad Blunden, Kyra Secker, Jack Gollop, Evy Green, Seb Small, Midori Osnabrugge.<br />

Absent: Arlo Hanning, Millie Quick, Lucy Radford.<br />


7CA<br />

Class name: 7CA<br />

Front: Axel Macdougall, Ryan Enoka, Zoe Blasby, Rebecca Blanc, Beatrix Creswick, Sophie Gillies, Jazmine Allison, Lia Hunter.<br />

Middle: Summer Schryvers, Amaya East, Jorja Miles, Harry Oxley, Jack Scott, George Allwood, Flynn Kilbride, Mia Waite.<br />

Back: Monty Brown, Luke Gendall, Mikayla Duncan, Dan McKean, George Geck, George Holland, Myles Nichol, Amber Leslie, Miss Ruby Cave.<br />

Absent: Douglas Wise.<br />

7KN/BH<br />

Class name: 7KN<br />

Front: Louie Macandrew, Sophia Gooch, William Schurink, Ashley Rasmussen, Mae Pfahlert, Harris Orbell, Jemma Spear, Fletcher Davison.<br />

Middle: Hunter Shuker, Jessica Hodge, Kezik Magill, Bede Pemberton, Vincent Gerrard, Jah Skeen, Marley Scott Walker, Lili Kaler, Miss Sarah-Jane Knowles.<br />

Back: Ella Asberg, Lily Campbell, Lucas Stewart, Jessie Dye, Eliza Rowley, Lincoln Rimmer, Leah Polk, Chloe Field.<br />


7KP<br />

Class name: 7KP<br />

Front: Lucas Barron, Barnes Metcalfe, Caitlin O’Donnell, Dara Gahan, Isis-Joy Duffy-McLeod, Kate Castillejos, Sam Beale, Hugh Ragg.<br />

Middle: Louie Hose, Ben Hilton, Joe Rowley, Aryn Henderson, Amelia Sramek, Ryan Coupe, Lucas Hay, Xander Maguire, Mrs Tiffany Kemp.<br />

Back: Mia Cohen, Jackson Smitheram, Taja Rowan, Kaya Knights-Johnston, Arlo Mackay, Amelia Latchford.<br />

Absent: Zoe Hindmarsh, Jack Mitchell, Tabitha St Amand.<br />

7RU<br />

Class name: 7RU<br />

Front: Jack Labes, Chloe Laird, Lola Ritchie, Chloe Murray, Olivia Shore, Sophia Tuck, Isabella Urquhart, Ryan Clark.<br />

Middle: Charlie Roy, Victor Edwards, Jalen Carleton, Pieta Craig, Fenella Craig, Gabe Booth, Tyler Gawn, Harrison Eastwood, Miss Ellie Russell.<br />

Back: Toby Gunn, Xander Hearle, Ruby Norman, Sophie Emmerson, Olive Sedon, Isley Tata.<br />

Absent: Josie O’Brien, Marley Lahood.<br />


7SC<br />

Class name: 7SC<br />

Front: Ryan Stembridge, Max Bretherton, Lorenzo Prescott, Oskar Sharpe, Max Good, Ayla Howard, Robert McRae, Angus Beaton.<br />

Middle: Stella Dineen, Otillia Pryor, Madison Hosking, Janie Colebrook, Lucy Maibach, Kate Barrett, Bella Edwards, Mathilda Watterson.<br />

Back: Alex Coupland, Korbyn Palmer, Sylvia Trotter, Caitlin McConnell, Lexi Brown, Lucy Liddell, Saxon Pepper, Mrs Clare Scurr.<br />

Absent: Lucas Parry, Oliver Bardwell.<br />

7TO<br />

Class name: 7TO<br />

Front: Cody Brett, Ollie Taylor, Archie Bruce, Hannah Gillespie, George Young, Tom Bankshaw, Blaise Lockie, Skye Watson.<br />

Middle: Sam Soper, Savannah Abell, Violet Davidson, Kahlarni Hondelink, Cormac Lee-Smith, Abby Jago, Kiana Babbington, Mrs Gemma Thompson.<br />

Back: Caitlin Evans, Sienna Christian, Aria Winter, Ashleigh Peat, Hunter Cranfield.<br />

Absent: Benjamin Eckhoff, Saria Halabi, Zack Kirk.<br />


8BS<br />

Class name: 8BS<br />

Front: Archie North, Madi Cooper, Anton Jones, Olivia Rudhall, Sara Ambrose, Kyan Prince, Sofia Heath, Harry Hope.<br />

Middle: Chilli Papai, Amy Benson, Daniel Wright, Bianca James, Lola Underwood-Vize, Zavier Taylor, Layla Brooks, Isaac Beale, Ms Helen Best.<br />

Back: Ollie Morgan, Jonte Connolly, Max Porter, Finn Van Maren, Thomas Buick, Cam Melville Ives.<br />

Absent: Archie Goodall, Stella Dawson.<br />

8HU<br />

Class name: 8HU<br />

Front: Sacha Swanson, Shelley Lambert, Melissa Emasi, Ella Briscall, Flynn Phillips, Hugo Sinclair, Laura Bacigalova, Tai Treadwell-Burke.<br />

Middle: Miss Erin Hurley, Sienna Collins, Livi Arnold, Jack Humphries-Ladbrook, Charlie Anderson, Baxter Pollard, Max Byrne.<br />

Back: Finn Thomsson, Jin Ho Hong, Caoimhe Heath, Otis Murphy, Sam Pratt, Zedyn Fellows.<br />

Absent: Nina Iseli-Adams, Tia McCutcheon, Jai Horkings, Lena Pollard, Sam Pratt, Abbey Pedersen.<br />


8LB<br />

Class name: 8LB<br />

Front: Ben Infantado, Brooke Hutchison, Lili Arratia, Erica Hudson, Kelly Quirke, Neve Brugman, Melody Macdonald, Jaime Olley.<br />

Middle: Fred Johnson, Georgia Lindsay, Charlie Scurr, Will Thomson, Evie Pendlebury, Reuben Dale, Bayne Deaton, Anna Corthell, Ms Lesley Baynes.<br />

Back: Fin Melville Ives, Gabe Jefferson, Emily Stembridge, Lulu Pettit, Ava Fussell, Justin Lam.<br />

Absent: Ezekiel Marr, Riley McRae, Harriet Sargood Ross, Meadow Johnstone.<br />

8JN<br />

Class name: 8JN<br />

Front: Lucia Georgalli, Huck Levy, Daisy Sanders, Riley Henley, Philip Massey, Suki Leigh, William Bale, Sabina Gibson.<br />

Middle: Tara Hewitt, Emily Schmidt, Ben Davies, Campbell Lanigan, Ethan Van Niekerk, James Masters, Jessica Gould, Zoe Learmonth, Miss Renee Johnson.<br />

Back: Beau Gordon, Ben Webb, Evelyn Armstrong, Riley Miller, Isabella Noble-Kirkbride, Emily McCarthy.<br />

Absent: Aiden Fitzpatrick, Hudson Weathington.<br />


8RI<br />

Class name: 8RI<br />

Front: Miki Bercelli, William McKeown, Taylah Jones, Sophie Walsh, Bonnie McGregor, Emily Gibb, Jonty Keenan, Abbey Ragg.<br />

Middle: Caelan Purnell, Will Anderson, Anthony Edwards, Ollie Baldwin, Tay Simpson, Will Miller, Cooper Scott, Jack Wyeth, Miss Emily Richardson.<br />

Back: Bryne Bloxham, Madi Jolly, Carlos Parker, Paige Blunden, Olivia Helmore.<br />

Absent: Rowan Rosie, Tawa Carson-Wolfe, Jinwoo Hong, Vanessa Vickers.<br />

8RN<br />

Class name: 8RN<br />

Front: Mya Walker, Kanuka Elms, Tamehana Urquhart, Hannah Wright, Morris Gordon, Ben McMurray, Marshall Bell, Zoe Raffills.<br />

Middle: Emily Lovelock, Caspin Orbell, Blake West, Tom Sides, Kyle Millar, Kate Watson, Charlotte Hunt, Tivi De’Souza.<br />

Back: Henry Allison, Rylan Nichol, James Dougherty, Sophie McKenna, Annika Massey, Tom Gasson, Nicola MacKay, Kobi Simmers, Ms Rochelle Robertson.<br />

Absent: Jackson Clark.<br />


9BP<br />

Class name: 9BP<br />

Front: Lilly Hampson, Matthew Nolan, Angelique Price, Lochie Hunt, Luke Horrocks, Billie Willson, Joshua Allison, Matilda Metcalfe.<br />

Middle: Presayous Tata, Muireann Green, Zoe Antone, Sam Parry, Trae Hessian, Aria Thor-Poet, Haylee Jermyn, Mia Carter.<br />

Back: Bailey Shuker, Sakiko Saka, Bradley Gendall, Isabella Soper, Niall Alexander.<br />

Absent: Grayson Bailey, Gabrielly Dias.<br />

9CD<br />

Class name: 9CD<br />

Front: Cade Cameron, Molly Wilson, Hamish Sherlock, Emilie Nicholson, Bella Templeton, Finn Kemp, Zoe Frazer, Connor Waghorn.<br />

Middle: Lindsay Lambert, Thomas Benson, Julia Gilson, Sage Kellahan, Hunter Wilton, Rhi David, Elliot Bain, Jaleesa Webb.<br />

Back: Emma Arthur, Chloe Cartlidge, Ella Miles, Laura Watkins, Bryce Voyce.<br />

Absent: Sam Caumette, Locky Dey.<br />


9GL<br />

Class name: 9GL<br />

Front: Ben Hawkins, Tayla Doran, Eva Humphreys, Milly Lewis, Max Carter, Oscar Georgalli, Carter Titterton, Maddox Peneamene.<br />

Middle: Zoe Eckhoff, Jessica McKenna, Niamh Townsend, Oscar Waddington, Lily Ashe, Brooke Leslie, Tyler McGregor.<br />

Back: Nova Gillam, Mica Drake, Noah Stephens, Eleanor Bennett, Ashley Buckland.<br />

Absent: Max Birkby, Zac Scott, Otto Young.<br />

9MD<br />

Class name: 9MD<br />

Front: Freya Berry, Morgan Antone, Kate Bennie, Ajay Quirk, Lila Grace, Amba Cameron-Small, Pyper Arnold, George Crotty.<br />

Middle: Nina Lee Smith, Estelle Gellatly, Jorja Liddell, Holly James, Lucas Buick, Caity Curtis.<br />

Back: Kalan Nichol, Oscar Goodwin, Ty Muirhead, Harry Pelle.<br />

Absent: Harry Anderson, Louis Darby, Ella Kaler, Blake Lang.<br />


9SF<br />

Class name: 9SF<br />

Front: Anataia White, Max Knight, Annalise Millar, Jessie Winter, Gustav Legnavsky, Henri Fenn, Amelie Woonton, Brooke McWhirter.<br />

Middle: Mai Beattie-Johnson, Alexandra Hewson, Charlotte Aubrey, Lachlan Davison, Ally Paterson, Oliver Cohen, Cooper Mills.<br />

Back: Caleb Turner, Leo Duncan, Luca Dennison, Karin Murata, Julia Shepherd, Will Carney.<br />

Absent: Sierra Clegg.<br />

9SP<br />

Class name: 9SP<br />

Front: Indigo Thompson, Sebastian Rhind, Paige Gawn, Archie Orbell, Jack Jeffs, Grace Gillies, Scarlett Fenton, Ava Hay.<br />

Middle: Jake Green, Saffron Millar, Jemma Brake, Sam Sharratt, Hazel Murray, Clarke West, Illume Sadowski-Synnott, Mrs Michelle Suddaby.<br />

Back: Ben Payne, Ruby McLachlan, Breanna Thurston, Amelia Young, Jack Kilbride, Sara Jewell, Cuba Pavlovich.<br />

Absent: James Portugal, Cruz Morland.<br />


10BP<br />

Class name: 10BP<br />

Front: Aimee Harrold, Josh Webb, Louis McCutcheon, Ryan Reid, Ben Silipo, Dane Morisawa, Lyla Chamberlain, Ruby Boyd.<br />

Middle: Penelope James, Sophia Perkins, Charlotte Bell, Aneka Rossiter, Eliza Hardaker, Xion Lippe.<br />

Back: Liam Williamson, Amelia Mitchell, Olivia McLachlan, Torben Craig, Kimiya Byrne.<br />

Absent: Amon Gasson, Ocean van Riel, Nico Arnold.<br />

10CD<br />

Class name: 10CD<br />

Front: Cullen Meyer, Layton Osnabrugge, Nico Semeri, Cormick Lea, Toby Davies, Isla Henderson, Olivia Jones, Bonnie Traynor.<br />

Middle: Mr Neil Stuart, Daisy Orbell, Tai Olley, Kyle Evans, Ikey Emanuel, Louis von Heraud-Parker, Tayla Upfold, Evie Sinclair.<br />

Back: Kaia Rosie, Anika Fay, Mikaela Harridge, Hunter Rowan, Samara Goodall, Lucy Miller, Tamara Burrows.<br />

Absent: Kaia Cassaidy, Taylor Gilson.<br />


10MD<br />

Class name: 10MD<br />

Front: Timo Heath, Sam Johnson, McKay Watson, Logan Hay, Lewis Gardner, Jackson Vallance, Olly Lyon, Emma Pearce.<br />

Middle: Mr Roy Gawn, Ella Parker, Amelia Holmes, Scarlett Norman, Bella Sarginson, Neve Faed, Mrs Kirsten Mason.<br />

Back: Samantha Laird, Millie Cranfield, Amber Kelsen, Jenna Peat, Bella Robertson, Jacob Field.<br />

Absent: Taane Bayce-Horsley, Andraya Abo Saada, Wilson Bell, Kriti Bhandari, Ben Simmers.<br />

10SF<br />

Class name: 10SF<br />

Front: Luke Hancock, Kyle Castillejos, Quinn Secker, Otis Harry, Ryan Clements, Heath Parkhill, Jessica Owers, Corin Suddaby.<br />

Middle: Pipi Horan, Bryan Clark, Matai Wells, Jessie Barkman-White, Hayden Watson, Kahu Allan, Hayley Ambrose, Mrs Dawn Bosley.<br />

Back: Rose Armstrong, Hugo Smith, Caitlin Bailey, Jamie Kerr, Kate Harry, Luka van Maren.<br />

Absent: Christie Southwick, Luke Smith, Mackenzie Allison.<br />


10SP<br />

Class name: 10SP<br />

Front: Corbin Te Wehi, Toby Horton, Minnie Harker Gilmour, Tao Hawkey-Hight, Eligh Hollegien, Caleb Wright, Reuben Collett, Benji Pujol.<br />

Middle: Dart Watson, Lucia Kamphuis, Emma Palmer, Charlotte Laming, Maggie Dougherty, Ma’nea Apa, Amber Hewitt, Ms Nicola Parker-Webb.<br />

Back: Deia Carson-Wolfe, Sophie Plimmer, Taine Smith, Kiara Bercelli, Will Collins, Monty Hewson, Jazz Simonsohn.<br />

Absent: Maisy Millwater, KC Miller, Phoebe Brownlie.<br />

10TC<br />

Class name: 10TC<br />

Front: Ewan Hughes, Rory Read, Hunter Kee, Bailey Sharp, Harry Gilbertson, Emily O’Donnell, Emily Findlay, Finn Thomson.<br />

Middle: Jemma Jordi, Jack Lanigan, Mia Gerrard, Claire Edwards, Dakota Rowe, Abby McArthur, Mr Euan Simpson.<br />

Back: Lukas Henderson, Seth Carleton, Romy Guichard, Carter Hewson, Tammy Miller.<br />

Absent: Maya Mueller, Casey Irwin, Hana Dean, Kiara Searing, Caleb Smith.<br />


Year 11<br />

Year 12<br />

Year 13<br />


Tug O'War<br />

House Day<br />





LTD<br />

• Members of Certified Builders Association of NZ<br />

• Design & Draughting<br />

• Residential Construction<br />

• Alterations & Renovations


Y9<br />


The Berwick experience is one that will stay in the<br />

minds of every Year 8 student. We spent hours<br />

laughing, singing the school song and working<br />

together, while at Berwick. 8LB in particular, learnt<br />

a lot about each other. We learnt of each others<br />

strengths and of our own weaknesses.<br />

Collaboration was a key factor to our Berwick trip<br />

and our class strived to work as a team for every<br />

minute of those four days. We would always be<br />

offering to help and contribute to others. The<br />

memories we made are unforgettable, without<br />

them we would not be the class we are today.<br />

Y8<br />

Year 8 is no longer a bunch of singular students,<br />

we are now a group of students who can work as a<br />

team until the end.<br />






The picture which I have chosen is from<br />

my first day when I arrived in Wanaka and<br />

visited Beacon Point, which was a very<br />

important moment for me, because it was<br />

such a beautiful place to be, but it felt so<br />

weird to be so far from home. - YONA<br />




My time in Wanaka was incredible!<br />

With my new loving family, <strong>MAC</strong> and<br />

amazing friends, I got to experience<br />

so much. I couldn't have possibly<br />

imagined a better time, which I'm so<br />

grateful for!<br />

Hi! I’m MARIA (14) from<br />

Germany. I am a very enthusiastic<br />

and exuberant person. I love<br />

Wanaka and the community of<br />

Mount Aspiring College as well as<br />

the activities in and around town.<br />

Helooo! I am ENZO, I’ve been here<br />

for one term. I think I spent one of<br />

the best moments of my life here,<br />

I made lots of friends around the<br />

world and for once in my life, I<br />

was glad to go to school. About<br />

myself, I love swimming in the lake,<br />

mountain biking, hiking and skiing<br />

but also being with my friends.<br />

SVEN - 'chilling' at the Snowfarm!<br />

HANNES<br />

20<br />

1 9<br />

I have to admit that no food is as good as Italian cuisine (of<br />

course, lol), but this place is "sick as"! Here are some pics<br />

of me doing random stuff around Kiwi Land, but right now<br />

I'm wondering why are photos square if the camera lens is<br />

round??? If you search the number 241.543.803 in Google,<br />

you'll find pictures of people with their heads in a freezer???<br />

A 'Z' is just a 7 on his knees!?! - GRETA, direct from Italy<br />



ATOM<br />

38<br />


SILKE, FRANZI and me (NINA) on top of Mount<br />

Roy after watching the sunrise.<br />


Konnichiwa from Sosei High School,Hokkaido<br />

Hi, I am MARINA from Germany and I really enjoy<br />

my time in New Zealand. A few days ago I visited this<br />

beautiful waterfall with my host family:<br />

RURIKA<br />

RASMUS<br />

I loved my time at <strong>MAC</strong>! Everyone was so lovely<br />

and made my stay amazing. I really enjoyed doing<br />

stuff and going out with my friends, like doing a few<br />

hikes! - SOPHIE<br />

Enjoying my time in Wanaka :) - JOSEFINE KLATT<br />


I'm COLOMBA<br />

from Chile. I'm really<br />

enjoying my time in<br />

New Zealand! I've been<br />

skiing and hanging out<br />

with my friends. Here is<br />

a picture of me and a<br />

friend skiing at Treble<br />

Cone for OP!<br />

This is me, - MORITZ at Treble<br />

Cone with WELTON. It is great<br />

here in NZ. I think it is one of the<br />

most beautiful countries I have<br />

ever seen. I am very happy to be<br />

here and I have already done so<br />

much cool stuff.<br />

Hi, I am BRIT from Amsterdam.<br />

I’m really enjoying my time in NZ!<br />

Hi I'm MARIA, and<br />

I am from Denmark.<br />

In this picture<br />

I'm down by the<br />

lake and enjoying<br />

my time here in<br />

Wanaka.<br />

HOLLIS<br />

Don't mind me on those pictures. Mind the beautiful nature! That's<br />

why I am here. WYN BACHLER<br />

After 18 intense months, Overseas<br />

Flight Training is complete!!!!! Last 737<br />

simulation done. Give me back some<br />

props please! - MARILOU (former ILC<br />

student 2015)<br />

KEVIN<br />


HOSTEL<br />

2 0 1 9<br />

The Hostel <strong>2019</strong> has definitely been one to remember. With lots of<br />

highs and lows, twists and changes, we have all come out of it grateful<br />

for the experience and for our weird and wonderful family. We have<br />

done many exciting outdoor pursuits during the year, some of which<br />

will be named as highlights by our five houses. This year we had three<br />

girls houses, Rob Roy, Cascade and Avalanche and two boys houses,<br />

Arawhata and Liverpool.<br />

ROB ROY <strong>2019</strong> consists of, Emma Green, Grace Doherty, Georgia<br />

Taylor, Megan Lockett and Sarah Bloomfield. As a collective, despite the<br />

various injuries, we have gained some amazing experiences through OP<br />

with some of the most memorable consisting of, the orientation tramp,<br />

the Catlins, the Kepler, and skiing every Sunday. Other memorable<br />

moments which we’ve experienced together include the ball, <strong>MAC</strong>’s<br />

Got Talent and the awards ceremony, plus many more. Our dysfunction<br />

has bought us closer together as we spend hours cleaning the stacks<br />

of dishes. All in all, we are a family and have had the best year together<br />

getting to know one another and sharing amazing times together.<br />

Introducing AVALANCHE aka Avo est. <strong>2019</strong>…<br />

Lexie is where? Libby is biking. Sam is studying.<br />

Ashley (Poovey) is eating too many Weet-Bix. Izzy is making her lunch.<br />

Our week consists of late night baking, honest hour, cinnamon-brown<br />

sugar toast, fighting over vermicelli rice paper rolls. Some fascinating<br />

features of Avo include, the scoby living in our cupboard, fire wardenspaceship<br />

shower and the broken momento shelf just to name a few. As<br />

a unit we have had an absolute blast this year and consider ourselves a<br />

very tight family. We have many highlights including, the Kepler, skiing,<br />

Brewster Hut, the Catlin’s, the school ball but more importantly the after<br />

party. Overall we are grateful for our mini family and the bond we will<br />

have for many years to come. Thanks to Cat for helping make the year<br />

one of the best ever.<br />

This year in CASCADE, with Betty Chapman, Lizzie Laws, Emma Kelly,<br />

Niamh Stuart, Charlotte Chittick and Michele Olsen has been one of<br />

the best for each girl in this house. When we came into this house<br />

there was an immediate family connection between the six of us. We<br />

have worked together late into the night on projects due the next<br />

day, baked together (a few too many times), had fancy dress dinners<br />

together and have supported each other through thick and thin each<br />

and every day of the week. It was a challenge at the start figuring out<br />

who would cook on what night and who would clean what part of the<br />

house when it needed to be done but soon enough we came up with<br />

a steady routine and it has worked ever since. Us girls in Cascade have<br />

a tight connection that will never be broken and we will always be a<br />

family even once we leave the hostel.<br />


LIVERPOOL is a clean house consisting of six people Ashton, Andre,<br />

George, Franta, Lukas and Paddy. Liverpool shows what it's truly like to be<br />

at the hostel and what each individual has to go through during their time<br />

in the hostel. All six members of the house display their true personality in<br />

different ways all of which bring our house together and have made our<br />

year thoroughly enjoyable. OP has been the biggest highlight for most this<br />

year. Fears have been conquered on these Sundays. Patrick going up and<br />

beyond three metres without shedding a tear, or Lukas going upside down<br />

in a kayak without having to wet exit. Apart from conquering these fears,<br />

each member has had a one-of-a kind experience, and each member has<br />

a highlight.<br />

Ashton, Andre, George, Franta, Lukas - The Kepler.<br />

Patrick - Not the Kepler.<br />

Hi from ARAWHATA (Max, Blake, Toby, Harry, Morgan and Damon) We all<br />

have had such an eventful year, full of so many different highlights. From<br />

the seemingly basic stuff such as organising our own food to epic new<br />

experiences like surfing in the Catlins, this year has been incredibly valuable<br />

to all of us. One of the most noticeable skill improvements that we have<br />

made is our ability to cook, and our ever-increasing ability to consume<br />

milk by the gallon, which may have caused a hostel milk shortage. We<br />

have truly become a family and have enjoyed many epic traditions such<br />

as poker nights and various other traditions. We have all bonded and have<br />

become masters of mediation skills, through our many disagreements. But<br />

these disagreements have only made us stronger, our whole house agrees<br />

that OP has been the pinnacle of our year in the Hostel. From surfing in<br />

the Catlins, hiking through thigh-deep snow on the Kepler trail, the OP<br />

programme has given us so many lifelong memories. Thanks so much to<br />

Cat for making all of these amazing experiences happen. We have also<br />

been so delighted to have the marvellous Jenny and Ellie joining the<br />

hostel team this year, you guys are doing an epic job.<br />


42<br />

<strong>2019</strong><br />

F O R M A L<br />

Images by DC Photos

LEAV E RS ,<br />


























OLLIE<br />


SAM TEAL<br />






























BEN BOYD<br />

























SUR<br />

VIV<br />

ORS<br />


BARKER<br />

BAS<br />

BBR<br />

BBW<br />

BBU<br />

BCB<br />

BAS - Caitlin Bailey, Sam Bastion, Sam Beale, Angus Beaton, Eve Bretherton, Fenella<br />

Craig, Beatrix Creswick, Hugo Darby, Abby East, Archie Goodall, Luke Hancock,<br />

Alexis-Sofia Harvey-Wills, William Hogg, Casey Irwin, Finn Kemp, Kaya Knights-<br />

Johnston, Lachie MacDonald, Xander Maguire, Joe Miller, Lukas Morton, Kalani<br />

Muirhead, Flynn Phillips, Josephine Plimmer, Lorenzo Prescott, Kahu Rupapera, Kyra<br />

Secker, Julia Shepherd, Cam Truebridge, Amelie Woonton, Hayley Yule.<br />

BBR - Sara Ambrose, Will Anderson, Ma'nea Apa, Pyper Arnold, Sam Caumette,<br />

James Dougherty, Linus Gerold, Kahu Griffin, Damon Jackson, Marley Lahood,<br />

Christina Lamb, Gustav Legnavsky, Xion Lippe, Ibrahim Mohammed, Lucas Muniz<br />

Silveira, Zoe Nicholson, Sam Parry, Rurika Sekino, Olivia Vuleta, Sophie Walsh.<br />

BBU - Marcel Bartley, Max Byrne, George Crotty, Abby Fisher, Estelle Gellatly,<br />

Holly Gibson, Samara Goodall, Ngaio Groenen, Cormick Lea, Annika Massey,<br />

Lucas McTavish, Estelle Norman, Elizabeth Pell, Saxon Pepper, Max Roughan, Ella<br />

Sarginson, Morgan Sarginson, Quinn Secker, Hunter Wilton.<br />

BBW - Arliya Bartley, Kriti Bhandari, Max Bretherton, Georgie Bruce, George Burns,<br />

56<br />

BFL<br />

Samantha Clark, Mila Culpitt, Louis Darby, Kate Goodsell, Lilly Hampson, Flynn<br />

Harvey-Wills, Alexandra Hewson, Jessica Hodge, Madison Hosking, Jonty Keenan,<br />

Shelley Lambert, Fin MacDonald, Caitlin McConnell, Jessie McNeil, Coast Morland,<br />

Tai Olley, Lucas Parry, James Roughan, Lukas Schafer, Charlie Scurr, Hayley Secker,<br />

Benjamin Silipo, Bonnie Traynor, Sylvia Trotter, Jaleesa Webb.<br />

BCB - Seth Allan, Henry Bowering, Archie Bruce, Kim Cadzow, Robbie Craig, Maggie<br />

Dougherty, Theo Greenlees, Bianca James, Madi Jolly, Philip Massey, Damien<br />

McGilvray, Tammy Miller, Emilie Nicholson, Ryan Reid, Kaia Rosie, Harriet Sargood<br />

Ross, Hamish Sherlock, Anna Villa Alta Galeano, Niks Yates.<br />

BFL - Sam Bastion, Olivia Bates, Wilson Bell, Phoebe Bron, Mathew Brooks, Jasmine<br />

Edwards, Victor Edwards, Aiden Fitzpatrick, Declan Lambert, Patrick Llewellyn,<br />

Nicola MacKay, James Masters, Laura Neale, Cuba Pavlovich, Dylan Rimmer, Zac<br />

Scott, Molly Thomsson, Sam Watson, Tamaki Yamamoto.<br />

BJN - Dorothy Anderson, Lily Ashe, Grayson Bailey, Tama Battson, Lily Campbell,<br />

Kyle Castillejos, Caleb Eason, Jessie Fothergill, Brit Gruental Klestadt, Clover Lippe,

BLO<br />

BJN<br />

BMO<br />

BPL<br />

BSC<br />

BWE/BWP<br />

Aimee McArthur, Ernst Meyer, KC Miller, Riley Miller, Cruz Morland, Carlos Parker,<br />

Toto Tanabe, Ashton Towers, Samantha Traynor.<br />

BLO - Isaac Beale, Marshall Bell, Sarah Bloomfield, Bryne Bloxham, Kate Castillejos,<br />

Janie Colebrook, Timo Fitzpatrick, Phoebe Garland, Blake Hartley, Amber Hewitt,<br />

Kareem Jodeh, Lindsay Lambert, Greta Lattuada, Brooke Leslie, Gary Poilvert, Sakiko<br />

Saka, Tait Scurr, Alex Sudron, Aleisha Turner, Portia Vuleta, Josh Webb.<br />

BMO - Shawna Allan, Livi Arnold, Weston Bell, Ollie Blyth, Gabrielly Dias, Millie East,<br />

Kiera Gray, Penelope James, Devlin Lynden, Thomas Masters, Bonnie McGregor,<br />

Ben Pell, Lincoln Rimmer, Marley Scott Walker, Jay Sherlock, Cate Sullivan, Jackson<br />

Vallance, Maria Wassard, Indy Wilton.<br />

BPL - Hayley Ambrose, Ashley Bates, Thomas Benson, Matthew Botting, Maelle<br />

Darby, Oscar Goodwin, Lila Grace, Carter Hewson, Fred Johnson, Liam Kemp, Zach<br />

Kirk, Amber Leslie, Sophie McKenna, Scarlett Norman, Shanae Sanders, Callum<br />

Smith, Eamon Smith, Zoe Smith, Keltan Voyce.<br />

BWI<br />

BSC - Amy Benson, Toby Blatch, Will Blyth, Libby Bron, Flynn Brown, Kimiya Byrne,<br />

Brittany Dunckley, Amaya East, Levi Fletcher, Isla Gellatly, Patrick Hartley, Olivia<br />

Huddleston, Abby Jago, Jemma Jordi, Emma Kelly, Logan Lambert, Lea McTavish,<br />

Tawhiri Rupapera, Ania-Kanu Saklani, Jack Scott, Taine Smith, Franzi Traunfellner, Caleb<br />

Turner, Bryce Voyce, Ben Webb, Sara Wright, Kevin Yoo, George Young, India Yule.<br />

BWI - Hannah Craig, Locky Dey, Jack East, Bella Edwards, Madi Gainsford, Romy<br />

Guichard, Tara Hewitt, Luke Horrocks, Taylah Jones, Jaydon Jordi, Jessie McKenzie,<br />

Haydn Miles, Ollie Morgan, Rowan Rosie, Summer Schryvers, Corbin Te Wehi, Bella<br />

Thomsson, Noah Vincenzi-Johnson.<br />

BWE/BWP - Charlotte Bell, Eleanor Bennett, Isaac Chung, Neva Clausen, Marcus<br />

Hetherington, Monty Hewson, Harry Hope, Jack Lamb, Owen Lea, Jessica McKenna,<br />

Tom Millis, Ty Muirhead, Lulu Pettit, Lauren Rimmer, Flynn Rosie, Daisy Sanders, Hugo<br />

Smith, Finn Thomsson, Ashley Toovey.<br />


IRON<br />

IBA<br />

IBE<br />

IBN<br />

IBL<br />

ICS<br />

IBA - Laura Bacigalova, Mackenzie Barnett, Jessa Bennett, Eve Buckland, Mia Carter,<br />

Enzo Clasadonte, Torben Craig, Lachlan Davison, Kate Fryer, Luca Harrington,<br />

Ruby Jamison, Milly Lewis, Patrick Lusty, Harris Orbell, Tom Roberts, Ari Rowe,<br />

Nikita Sinclair, Isobel Smith.<br />

IBE - Jazmine Allison, Shae Barrett-Corrigan, Meg Breen, Phoenix Brownlie,<br />

Piper Cavanagh, Sierra Clegg, Joseph Combe, Jacob Farrell, Harry Gilbertson,<br />

Holly James, Amber Kelsen, Matthew Nolan, Emma Palmer, Benji Pujol, Zoe Raffills,<br />

Nick Richards, Phenix Smith, Jemma Spear, Blake West.<br />

IBL - Caycee Beck, Seth Carleton, Deia Carson-Wolfe, Annabel Carter,<br />

Luca Dennison, Ben Infantado, Rasmus Jansen, Louie Macandrew, Brooke<br />

McWhirter, Lucy Miller, Daniel O'Donnell, Michele Olsen, Caspin Orbell, Eve<br />

Paddon, Nicole Pittaway, Lucy Radford, Sebastian Rhind, Vanessa Vickers, Hayden<br />

Watson, Moana Watson.<br />

IBN - Liam Allan, Zoe Antone, Danielle Carney, Bryan Clark, Zedyn Fellows,<br />

Emily Gibb, Grace Gillies, Emma Green, Lia Hunter, Jake Jamison, Anton Jones,<br />

Zoe Labes, Chloe Laird, Cormac Lee-Smith, Tess Martin, Eli McArthur, Carys Miller,<br />

Daisy Orbell, Jessica Paddon, Jessica Penney, Sam Sharratt, Bailey Shuker, Seb Small,<br />

58<br />

IDL<br />

Jackson Smitheram, Amelia Sramek, Ryan Stembridge, Sam Teal, Jack Willson.<br />

IBV - Lili Arratia, Lyla Chamberlain, Alex Combe, Tayla Doran, Jordan Fox,<br />

Cameron Gibbins, Lucas Hay, Sam Horton, Charlotte Hunt, Noa Hunter,<br />

Tegan Labes, Milan Martinovich, Cam Melville Ives, Jasmine Murray, Pippa Raffills,<br />

Dakota Rowe, Joe Rowley, Hugo Sinclair, Liam Williamson.<br />

ICS - Layla Brooks, Trinity Clegg, Jonte Connolly, Fletcher Davison, Bayne Deaton,<br />

Imogen Dougherty, Phoenix Fay, Sven Frischgesell, Sophie Gillies, Mikaela Harridge,<br />

Otis Murphy, Matthias Pfeil, Emily Schmidt, Luke Smith, Martha Toghill, Connor<br />

Waghorn, Blake Walker, Annelise Wedgwood, Eva Wilson.<br />

IDL - Ben Boyd, Aden Cassaidy, Fletch Cavanagh, Olivia Connolly, Pieta Craig,<br />

Brianna Curtis, Mica Drake, Jessie Fraser, Eligh Hollegien, Olivia Jones, Fin Melville<br />

Ives, Emily O'Donnell, Archie Orbell, Olly Rowe, Cooper Scott, Red Simpson, Finn<br />

Thomson, Billie Willson, Bobbie Wilson-Davies, Amelia Young.<br />

IED - Niall Alexander, Ethan Arratia, Cody Brett, Betty Chapman, Hollis Chow, Mae<br />

Cradock, Ava Fussell, Mia Gerrard, Brooke Hutchison, Maggie Miller, Rylan Nichol,<br />

Ally Paterson, Jenna Peat, Ajay Quirk, Charlie Roy, Emily Stembridge, Will Thomson,<br />

Louis von Heraud-Parker, Mathilda Watterson.

IHR - Kahu Allan, Melia Brett, Ashley Buckland, Jalen Carleton, Will Carney, Kaia<br />

Cassaidy, Charlotte Chittick, Jack Culshaw, Jacob Curtis, Ashleigh Doran, Anika Fay,<br />

Eva Gilbertson, Andrew Hay, Sophie Hodgkiss-Blyth, Ashleigh Peat, Hunter Shuker,<br />

Shuto Suzuki, Jono Watson, Skye Watson.<br />

IJO/IKP - William Bale, Phoebe Brownlie, Alex Coupland, Amelia Craig, Isabella<br />

Culshaw, Caity Curtis, Stella Dineen, Jessie Dye, Jacob Field, Troy Fryer, Vincent<br />

Gerrard, Lochie Hunt, Holly Ingram, Cody Labes, Samantha Laird, Suki Leigh, Jack<br />

Miller, Caitlin O'Donnell, Joshua Orton, Alfredo Ospina Robledo, Maude Rogers,<br />

William Schurink, Oskar Sharpe, Charlie Sharratt, Tay Simpson, Emma Smith,<br />

Presayous Tata, Carter Titterton, Ollie Williams-Holloway.<br />

ISM - Morgan Antone, Whitney Bennett, Gabe Booth, Ruby Boyd, Neve Brugman,<br />

Georgia Budd, Lucas Buick, Daniel Clark, Sophie Emmerson, Chloe Field, Hannah<br />

Gillespie, Saria Halabi, Ben Harrington, Lexie Heaphy, Timo Heath, Ayla Howard,<br />

Oscar Humphreys, Jack Labes, Olivia McLachlan, Ben McMurray, Will Miller, Neco<br />

Richter, Celeste Rumore, Billy Sandri, Grace Shannon, Marina Susse, Isley Tata,<br />

Clarke West, Ryan Young.<br />

ITO - Julian Barker, Zelda Boyd, Thomas Buick, Tawa Carson-Wolfe, Colomba<br />

Corces, Annabel Fairbairn, Hannah Gibb, Ava Hay, Cameron Howell, Jack<br />

Humphries-Ladbrook, Nina Lee Smith, Axel Macdougall, Eliza Rowley, Evie Sinclair,<br />

Leo Staufenberg, Dart Watson, Kate Watson, Grace Winter.<br />

IWG - Joshua Allison, Angus Cagney, Ethan Carleton, Blaze Clegg, Anna Corthell,<br />

Amelia Dore, Eliza Hardaker, McKenzie Hart, Logan Hay, Caoimhe Heath, Toby<br />

Horton, Eva Humphreys, Kezik Magill, Abby McArthur, Karin Murata, Joshua Nolan,<br />

Olive Pujol, Illume Sadowski-Synnott, Zach Smith, Bronson Toghill.<br />

IED<br />

IJO/IKP<br />

IHR<br />

ITO<br />

ISM<br />

IWG<br />


PISA<br />

PCL<br />

PBT<br />

PGO<br />

PBD<br />

PAL - Josh Arthur, Kate Bennie, Yasmin Christian, Ikey Emanuel, Mitchell Evans,<br />

Eamon Green, Daniel Hadida, Emily Heath, Jack Lanigan, Phoebe McFadgen, Tyler<br />

McGregor, Jessica Owers, Emma Palmer, Sophia Perkins, Hannes Reinhardt, Caitlin<br />

Roberts, Romili Townsend, Tai Treadwell-Burke, Laura Watkins, Aria Winter.<br />

PBD - Andraya Abo Saada, Otto Burrows, Yannick Coombe, Catarina David, Grace<br />

Doherty, Kanuka Elms, Ryan Enoka, Thomas Evans, Jack Findlay, Zeph Foster, Dara<br />

Gahan, Jake Green, Aryn Henderson, Leightyn Hessian, Ashton Holsted, Pipi Horan,<br />

Jack Kilbride, Josefine Klatt, Zoe Learmonth, Georgia Lindsay, Ewan Little, Nikita<br />

Mayen, Matilda Metcalfe, Mae Pfahlert, Ellise Price, Ethan Prince, Aneka Rossiter,<br />

Bailey Sharp, Molly Wilson.<br />

PBK - Taane Bayce-Horsley, Ruth Bennie, Miki Bercelli, Yasmin Coombe, Rhi David,<br />

Benjamin Eckhoff, Henri Fenn, Cecilia Gardner, Lukas Henderson, Paul Katthoefer,<br />

Ronan Kaye, Ethan Kerr, Huck Levy, Emily Lovelock, Charlie McKean, Helene Price,<br />

Olivia Shore, Christie Southwick, Tabitha St Amand, George Taylor.<br />

PBT - Alfie Baldwin, Kasia Balls, Jessie Barkman-White, Brayden Courtney, Katey<br />

Donovan, Melissa Emasu, Caspian Ferens, Sabina Gibson, Minnie Harker Gilmour,<br />

Sam Johnson, Campbell Lanigan, Georgia McGregor, Barnes Metcalfe, Zak Miller,<br />

Chloe Murray, Angelique Price, Ollie Taylor, Daniel Wright, Otto Young.<br />

PCL - Elliot Bain, Ollie Baldwin, Amba Cameron-Small, Madi Cooper, Tivi De'Souza,<br />

Leo Duncan, Harrison Eastwood, Ava Erickson, Maddi Frazer, Josh Hasler, Sofia<br />

Heath, Zoe Hindmarsh, Victor Justen, Jamie Kerr, Louis McCutcheon, Myles Nichol,<br />

Ella Parker, Silke Schneider, Niamh Stuart, Zavier Taylor.<br />

PGO - Mackenzie Allison, Ottavia Barra Caracciolo, Cholula Brown, Monty Brown,<br />

Luke Gendall, Oliver Haines, Trae Hessian, Jinho Hong, Nina Iseli-Adams, Meg<br />

Kilbride, Ella Miles, Toby Nathan, Rory Read, Milly Robinson, Olivia Rudhall, Kiara<br />

Searing, Tamehana Urquhart, Finn van Maren.<br />

PHO - Max Birkby, Sarah Bloomfield, Baylee Campbell, Chicane Cooper, Violet<br />

Davidson, Che De'Souza, Luca Frires, Cody Gemmell, Jessica Gould, Evy Green,<br />

Aimee Harrold, Grace Heath, Tom Heather, Hunter Hewson, Sam Jewell, Olly<br />

Lyon, Dan McKean, Fiona Murray, Kalan Nichol, Leah Polk, Ashley Rasmussen, Ella<br />

Robinson, Tom Sides, Sophie Spaninks, Hannah Stephens, Meg Thomas, Nathalie<br />

Urquhart, Jessie Winter.<br />

PRB - Emma Arthur, Will Christian, Mikayla Duncan, George Geck, Thomas Gibson,<br />

Harry Gillespie, Sophia Gooch, Albie Haynes, Jessica Hollow, Louie Hose, Hunter<br />

Kee, Flynn Kilbride, Chloe Latimer, Ashley MacCulloch, Tia McCutcheon, Jorja<br />

Miles, Hazel Murray, Jaime Olley, Maddox Peneamene, Mohan Piron, Oli Prince,<br />

Sam Soper, Noah Stephens, Jamie Toomey, Tess Treadwell-Burke, Isabella Urquhart,<br />

Ocean van Riel, Dilara Van, Campbell Wright.<br />

PSL/PTA - Jemma Brake, Sienna Christian, Reuben Dale, Annika Gibson, Ben Hawkins,<br />

Leithen Henderson, Ewan Hughes, Lizzie Laws, Blaise Lockie, Elena McFadgen, Taki<br />

McLachlan, Cooper Mills, Emma Niederer, Chilli Papai, Fergus Read, Caleb Smith,<br />

Ethan Van Niekerk, Czaliya Viloria, James Watherston, Caleb Wright.<br />


Best wishes to all Mt Aspiring College<br />

leavers from the team at<br />



proud sponsors of the annual<br />



ph: (03) 443 0710<br />

23 Cardrona Valley Road, Wanaka<br />

www.wanakamedical.co.nz<br />


10:30AM - 3:30PM<br />

66 Anderson Road, Wanaka<br />

0210 699 177


68<br />

New Zealand has many introduced species that have both<br />

positive and negative impacts on our native environment.<br />

Early settlers have introduced a number of these animals<br />

and plants. Five of the most impactful species are rabbits,<br />

mustelids, deer, cattle and pine trees.<br />

Rabbits were introduced to New Zealand in the 1830s to make<br />

it more like the English countryside, where they were shot as<br />

a recreational sport. However in areas such as Central Otago<br />

rabbits have eaten much of the expensive grass supplied<br />

for cattle by farmers as well as burrowing out lots of dirt and<br />

making the ground unproductive and unstable. As they can<br />

reproduce up to six babies every two months they have<br />

become more of a pest. Currently, nationwide, rabbits eat<br />

almost $50 million worth of grass every year so some people<br />

have invented ways to try to limit their numbers. Unfortunately<br />

it would be almost impossible to completely eradicate them<br />

without causing damage to other innocent animals and plants.<br />

Methods to eradicate them have been those such as shooting,<br />

poisoning and hole plugging. Hole plugging is when the<br />

rabbits hole is blocked with dirt and rocks so that the rabbits<br />

can’t escape to get food. They eventually starve to death.<br />

However some more insightful ideas were attempted such as<br />

introducing their natural predator mustelids to hunt them.<br />

Mustelids such as stoats and ferrets were introduced in the<br />

1870s to help control the ever growing rabbit population.<br />

Although rabbit numbers stabilized for many years, native birds<br />

and eggs were killed because they were a defenseless target<br />

that would make for an easy meal. As a result of this many of<br />

these native species are now endangered and millions of<br />

dollars worth of government funding is being poured into<br />

trapping and poisoning mustelids. The goal is to make New<br />

Zealand predator free by 2050, so some islands and sanctuaries<br />

are purely dedicated just to keep them alive for that day. From<br />

that though another problem may arise. With all of the mustelids<br />

gone from here rabbit numbers may rise again uncontrollably.<br />

Another issue is 1080. Currently agencies such as DOC use the<br />

controversial poison, 1080, to kill these predators. As 1080 is<br />

large scale drop, many people are opposed to it because other<br />

animals like deer also die from the poison.<br />

New Zealand has many species of deer, most of which were<br />

introduced in the mid 1800s. Deer came to introduce hunting<br />

as a sport in the country. However deer thrived in the alpine<br />

environments of the southern area, and by the 1930s, paid<br />

deer cullers were employed to kill hundreds of thousands<br />

of deer. Deer were killed mainly because of the damage in<br />

the bush they were causing, purely as a result of their size<br />

and destructive nature. Deer culling continued on late into<br />

the 1900s until it was eventually stopped when deer farming<br />

began in Central Otago. Nowadays deer farming makes<br />

millions for New Zealand through the export of meat and<br />

also the antler velvet which is used in medicine worldwide.<br />

We have the largest deer farming industry in the country<br />

in Central Otago and New Zealand is currently the largest<br />

industry in the world with approximately one million deer<br />

inside the fence. Still there are many wild deer but there is no<br />

need to eradicate them as their numbers are kept steady by<br />

recreational hunters such as myself. Though there are many<br />

deer in New Zealand sheep and cattle outnumber them 20-1.<br />

We try and try so hard to fit in<br />

So much time is spent becoming ‘perfect’<br />

All this time we try to figure out who we are,<br />

who we want to be<br />

Never realising the answer was standing before us all the while<br />

We are who we are<br />

Every one of us unique<br />

In each and every way<br />

Everything we do<br />

The choices we make<br />

They outline our future and show us who we truly are<br />

The person truly in our heart and soul<br />


Sheep were introduced to New Zealand by Captain James<br />

Cook in 1773, the very first time a European strode our<br />

shores. Cattle came not long after in the early 1800s. Since<br />

then they have become by far the biggest industry in the<br />

country and their products such as meat, wool and milk<br />

have become world famous. However lots of native bush<br />

has been cleared for them to graze on grass and in Central<br />

Otago especially, thousands of dollars worth of water is<br />

being used for irrigation. On top of that these animals<br />

can pollute the air and the waterways. The methane that<br />

comes from cows (poo, fart, burp) is a greenhouse gas<br />

and emissions are contributing to climate change. Poo can<br />

also end up in rivers and streams leading to heaps of our<br />

waterways being deemed to be un-swimmable. On a high<br />

note, farmers have made lots of money out of their animals<br />

and many people are employed because of them, such as<br />

shearers, farm workers, factory employees and vets. This<br />

leads to sheep and beef being the two biggest industries in<br />

the country ahead of forestry.<br />

The forestry industry is built around pine trees which were<br />

introduced to New Zealand in the 1870s by Californian gold<br />

miners. They were planted to make an easily sustainable<br />

wood and paper supply for the influx in population of the<br />

area due to the Central Otago gold rush. Because they grow<br />

fast and tall, and seed often, they became a very invasive<br />

species that quickly spread out across the land suffocating<br />

other plants from the sunlight, and invading native habitat.<br />

Eradication methods include group fellings, poisoning and<br />

if the situation is completely uncontrolled then forestry NZ<br />

may buy the land and log it themselves. Nowadays there<br />

are approximately two million pines (1,575,900 forestry<br />

and about 450,000 privately planted); most of which are<br />

logged and then shipped overseas to be made into either<br />

paper, furniture or planks. Although New Zealand’s forestry<br />

industry supplies only 1.1% of the worlds wood it makes $5<br />

billion for our economy, as well as employing over 20,000<br />

people. However almost 7% of NZ’s land area is planted up<br />

with pines, much of which used to be native bush. Luckily, as<br />

of <strong>2019</strong> though, the local population of pine trees is quite<br />

small and fully under control. Thankfully they no longer<br />

pose a deadly threat to the surrounding forest and habitat.<br />

On a whole New Zealand has seen its fair share of introduced<br />

species, most of which have varied effects on the native<br />

area and are difficult to keep under control. The planning<br />

needed when introducing a new animal or plant needs to<br />

be monumental, and unfortunately our native environment<br />

was not ready for some of these species. Thankfully, because<br />

of modern technology and insight some of these unwanted<br />

species are being eradicated, making New Zealand a better<br />

home for our natives.<br />


Fishing<br />

The boat slides through the water. We soon get<br />

to our favourite fishing spot. The boat slides<br />

away from the reef so we cruise back over the<br />

reef and bait up again.<br />

Suddenly I feel a tug. Another one comes - then<br />

I strike. I have got one, so I flick the switch and<br />

the reel pulls it up. It is a bluenose. We gaff it<br />

and put it in the chilly bin.<br />

We head to a different spot where you catch<br />

blue cod.<br />

We get heaps. We start to gut the fish and have<br />

a little fish while we do that. We cruise back into<br />

shore, pack up and drive back to Wanaka.<br />


B<br />

P<br />

B U S I N E S S<br />

C H A L L E N G E<br />

The BP Business Challenge was an incredible experience<br />

that was really eye-opening for the eighty students in Year<br />

11 that participated in the three day event. Wednesday<br />

22 nd May was the first day - we were introduced to our<br />

facilitators for the next three days, Paul and Erica, both<br />

with plenty of experience with all things business,<br />

architecture and thinking outside of the box. On this day,<br />

we didn’t just think out of the box, some of us also got out<br />

of our comfort zones.<br />

Day 1 was all about introducing and getting used to<br />

things. We competed in the North Block as groups in lots<br />

of challenges, one of them including re-designing the<br />

traditional ‘shopping trolley’ and then pitching our ideas to<br />

everybody else. All of us developed a deeper understanding<br />

for the concept of pitching and what to do as well as what not<br />

to do. It built up our confidence and got us all comfortable<br />

with speaking in front of others.<br />

Day 2 was not just another day in a row that we got to<br />

wear mufti. Rather, it was a day of getting our heads<br />

down and turning our passions into a business. At the<br />

end of Day 1, we all wrote on sticky notes, huge issues<br />

and problems we see in the world, some including plastic<br />

pollution, education, mental health, etc and if there is<br />

one thing we learnt from Erica and Paul, it was that you<br />

can’t have a solution without a problem. There must be<br />

a reason behind the drive of creating a business, so we<br />

all chose the problem we felt resonated with us the most<br />

and started to create our business from there. We were<br />

in groups of around six, but it differentiated. It was really<br />

important that we were in groups with the topic that we<br />

were passionate about, it gave us an inner drive to fight<br />

for a solution to the problem. We got into our groups,<br />

brainstormed and all tried to put our weight in to make<br />

the best business of them all.<br />

We started Day 3 with our minds full of ideas. Some of us<br />

had done the hard work on their pitches the night before. It<br />

was a mad rush to the end but Paul’s kind words and Erica’s<br />

enthusiasm helped us to the finish line. One crazy kahoot<br />

later determining which space in the North Block we got<br />

to use to present our business, all of our pitch locations<br />

were set up and ready for the five local community judges<br />

to come and experience our blood, sweat and tears of the<br />

last 48 hours. After five intense eight-minute pitches the<br />

challenge was done.<br />

Every team left it out on the table, with amazing ideas<br />

that left the judges with a hard decision ahead of them.<br />

During the time we all filled out a survey to say how<br />

amazing Erica and Paul were, then they were back with<br />

the rankings. Everyone did amazingly well, Paul said that<br />

we were "up there" in all the many schools he has visited.<br />

A huge congratulations to third place - CEO Georgia<br />

Robertson with their idea of SEA 2 SEE (blue light glasses).<br />

Second place was awarded to Nico Richter’s group, who<br />

designed CO2 absorbing tiles. Winners, Meg Thomas’<br />

team, deskYOUcation, created a tabletop that wowed the<br />

judges. Her amazing team consisted of Isla Gellatly, Nicole<br />

Meyer, Whitney Bennett, Alexa McKay, Tess Treadwell-<br />

Burke, Dylan Rimmer, Luca Harrington and Nevada<br />

Wolfgramm. Congratulations!<br />

If you are considering participating in the BP Business<br />

Challenge, we would wholeheartedly tell you… do it!<br />

The business skills and confidence you gain is priceless.<br />

Take these opportunities, it is well worth it. Many of us<br />

definitely consider the memories and challenge of it to<br />

be a highlight of Year 11.<br />



Open 7:10pm - 7:30 Start<br />

Doors<br />

on Door - Adults $10 / Students $5<br />

Tickets<br />

by Year<br />

Presented<br />

Drama 13<br />

N A<br />

D<br />

By Dennis Kelly<br />

Wednesday 23rd & Thursday 24th October<br />

Presented by Box Theater and Mt Aspiring College Year 11 Drama students<br />

Eating The<br />

Wolf<br />

BY SARAH<br />


7pm <strong>MAC</strong> Peeerformanceee Room<br />

Tueeesday 24th & Weeedneeesday 25th Seeepteeembeeer<br />

Entry by Gold Coin Donation<br />

by arrangement with playmarket

M A C S T O C K<br />


e a s e<br />

Paris Woodhouse,<br />

Jessie McKenzie.<br />

Chainges<br />

Luca Georgalli, Lillian Eastwood<br />

Waning Gillibous<br />

Oscar Goodwin, Otis Murphy,<br />

Philip Massey, Max Byrne.<br />

Liquid Breakfast<br />

Luca Geogalli, Daniel Hadida,<br />

Patrick Lusty (absent), Flynn Rosie,<br />

Devlin Lynden.<br />

TYBO<br />

Oliver Prince, Hadley Tamati, Luca Harrington, Dylan Rimmer.<br />

Smashing Yams<br />

Kimiya Byrne, Oliver Prince, Lauren Rimmer, Kahu Nepia,<br />

Oscar Goodwin.<br />

Absent: Tao Hawkey-Hight, India Yule.<br />

Last Minute<br />

Caleb Eason, Tana Hansen,<br />

Red Simpson, Elliot Frost.<br />

Absent: Evie Simonsohn.<br />

Better than nothing<br />

Archie Orbell.., Harry Anderson:D, Henry McConnell?,<br />

Clarke West!<br />

Okie Dokie<br />

Ethan Arriata, Ollie Blyth, Kahu Nepia.<br />

Moss on Rock<br />

Imogen Dougherty, Eve Paddon, Georgia<br />

McGregor, Emma Niederer, Helene Price.<br />

Purple Hats<br />

Billy Sandri, Liam Beaton, Kobi Maibach.<br />

Not Relevant<br />

Harry Grimsdale, Liam Allan, Luca Georgalli,<br />

Hunter Paull.<br />

Not Yet Rated<br />

Ethan Carleton, Tom Heather, Quinn Curtis, Toa Roode,<br />

Owen Lea.<br />

BANDS<br />

Senior Jazz Combo<br />

Lauren Rimmer, Flynn Rosie, Kimiya Byrne, Olly Rowe,<br />

Daniel Hadida, Estelle Norman, Alastair Monteith.<br />

8th Dimension<br />

Front: Otis Murphy, Nikki Cotter, Kimiya Byrne, Silke Schneider, Amy Benson.<br />

Back: Helen Carter, Tao Hawkey-Hight, Max Porter, Matai Wells, Liam Williamson, Max Byrne.<br />

Absent: Lauren Rimmer, Ollie Blyth.<br />



YEAR 7YEAR 8 YEAR 10<br />


S E N I O R<br />

A R T W O R K<br />

1 2<br />

3<br />

4 5<br />

6 7 8 9 10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14 15 16<br />


19<br />

17<br />

18<br />

20<br />

21 22<br />

23<br />

24 25<br />

26<br />

27 28<br />

29 30 31<br />

1. Hamish Robinson. 2. Samantha Clark. 3. Kodi Maibach. 4. Bella Thomsson. 5. Joel Suddaby. 6. Ella Robinson. 7. Ruby Burke. 8. Amy McArthur. 9. Jessica Hollow. 10. Georgia Budd. 11. Sophie Fenn.<br />

12. Ruby Burke. 13. Georgia Budd. 14. Milly Robinson. 15. Ruby Burke. 16. Kobi Maibach. 17. Fiona Murray. 18. Ava Erickson. 19. Luca Georgalli. 20. Samantha Clark. 21. Ella Robinson. 22. Sophie Fenn.<br />

23. Rata Horan. 24. Jessica Hollows. 25. Ruby Burke. 26. Hamish Robinson. 27. Luca Georgalli. 28. Phoebe Garland. 29. Siena Shotwell. 30. Georgia Budd. 31. Ruby Burke.<br />


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8AM - 10PM EVERYDAY<br />

72 Ardmore Street, Wanaka. phone: 03 443 6748 www.urbangrind.co.nz

All the staff at<br />

PlaceMakers Wanaka<br />

wish the students of<br />

Mount Aspiring College<br />

every success.<br />

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.<br />

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.<br />

It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.<br />

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?<br />

Actually, who are you not to be?<br />

You are a child of God.<br />

Your playing small does not serve the world.<br />

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.<br />

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.<br />

It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone.<br />

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.<br />

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”<br />

Marianne Williamson<br />

Locally Owned and Operated<br />

Wanaka Placemakers, 8 Connell Terrace, PO Box 275, Wanaka<br />

Phone: 03 443 0080 / Fax: 03 443 8270 / Email: tim.davis@placemakers.co.nz



Front: Izzy Finlayson, Bridget O’Brien, Abby East, Sophie Hodgkiss-Blyth, Meg Breen,<br />

Summer Rasmussen.<br />

Back: Indy Wilton, Zoe Smith, Piper Cavanagh, Annabel Fairbairn, Holly Gibson,<br />

Emily Wilton (COACH).<br />


Front: Alexa McKay, Whitney Bennett, Nicole Meyer, Kirsten Blackley.<br />

Middle: Tracey Gibson (COACH), Shanae Sanders, Maggie Stiven,<br />

Jordan Fox, Emily Wilson (COACH).<br />

Back: Abigail Winter, Isla Gellatly, Josie Plimmer.<br />


Front: Scarlett Norman, Emily O’Donnell, Olivia Jones, Emily Findlay, Ella Parker.<br />

Back: Lucy Miller, Samara Goodall, Neve Faed, Eliza Hardaker, Olivia McLachlan.<br />


Front: Ava Hay, Eva Humphreys, Emilie Nicholson, Jessie Winter, Annalise Millar.<br />

Back: Renee Plunkett (MANAGER), Sara Jewell, Georgie Gillespie, India Yule,<br />

Pyper Arnold, Isabella Soper, Louise Carney (COACH).<br />


Front: Grace Heath, Taylah Jones,<br />

Bonnie McGregor, Eva Gilbertson,<br />

Sophie Walsh, Millie East,<br />

Ruby Cochrane, Mya Walker.<br />

Back: Lili Kaler, Amaya East,<br />

Millie Quick, Sophia Gooch,<br />

Mila Culpitt, Evy Green, Ella Asberg.<br />

Absent: Livi Arnold, Daisy Sanders.<br />


Front: Rory Read, Eligh Hollegien, Harry Gilbertson, Toby Davies, Otis Harry.<br />

Back: Ben Simmers, Ewan Hughes, Ben Silipo, Xion Lippe.<br />


Front: Amelia Holmes, Kiara Bercelli, Olivia Jones, Emily O’Donnell, Scarlett Norman.<br />

Back: Eliza Hardaker, Jamie Kerr, Samara Goodall, Lucy Miller.<br />



Front: Ben Silipo, McKay Watson,<br />

Jack Liddell, Zach Smith, Laurie Watson,<br />

Campbell Wright, Olivia Jones,<br />

Emilie Nicholson.<br />

Middle: Piper Cavanagh, Emma Palmer,<br />

Kate Bennie, Amelia Holmes, Jack Findlay,<br />

Nicole Meyer, Ella Parker, Oliver Haines,<br />

Olivia Sutherland.<br />

Back: Isabella Soper, Rose Armstrong,<br />

Amelia Young, Rhi David, Pippa Raffills,<br />

Daniel Kemner, Ben McMurray,<br />

Cooper Mills, Tom Sides.<br />


Front: Ben Silipo, Olivia Jones,<br />

Red Simpson, Zach Smith,<br />

Campbell Wright,<br />

Laurie Watson, Jack Liddell,<br />

McKay Watson.<br />

Middle: Rata Horan, Ella Parker,<br />

Jack Findlay, Emily Heath,<br />

Emilie Nicholson,<br />

Amelia Holmes,<br />

Piper Cavanagh,<br />

Olivia Sutherland.<br />

Back: Muireann Green,<br />

Rhi David, Pippa Raffills,<br />

Melia Brett, Abigail Winter,<br />

Rose Armstrong.<br />



Front: Millie East, Catarina David,<br />

Amaya East, Ania-Kanu Saklani,<br />

Emily Stembridge, Lulu Pettit.<br />

Row 2: Blaise Lockie, Grace Heath,<br />

Taylah Jones, Anton Jones,<br />

Ben McMurray, Millie Quick,<br />

Ryan Enoka, Riley McRae.<br />

Row 3: Sam Beale, Louie Macandrew,<br />

Skye Watson, Fletcher Davison,<br />

Tom Sides, Jojo King,<br />

William Schurink, Codi Gemmell,<br />

Fred Johnson.<br />

Back: Sophia Tuck, Chantel Thurston,<br />

Kezik Magill, Louie Hose,<br />

Jessie McNeil, Harriet Sargood-Ross.<br />

GET 2 GO FINALS TEAM (2018)<br />

Georgia Robertson, Lachy Moore, Red Simpson, Alexa McKay,<br />

Whitney Bennett, Jessica Courtney, Jack Liddell, Zach Smith.<br />


Front: Lucas Barron, Hunter Cranfield, Ania-Kanu Saklani, Catty David, Taja Rowan,<br />

Bella Edwards, Stella Dineen, Amaya East, Chantel Thurston, Tilly Pryor.<br />

Middle: Hugh Ragg, Sam Beale, Arlo Hanning, Georgia Lindsay, Annika Massey,<br />

Abbey Ragg, Harry Hope, Louie Macandrew.<br />

Back: William McKeown, Riley McRae, Tom Sides, Hunter Tuck, Millie East, Caoimhe Heath,<br />

Kate Brown (MANAGER).<br />


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Front: Millie East, Scarlett Norman, Pippa Raffills,<br />

Rhi David.<br />

Back: Amelia Young, Henry Bowering, Amaya East.<br />

Absent: Archie Bruce, Georgie Bruce, Abby East,<br />

Jasmine Edwards, Kyle Evans, Abby Fisher,<br />

Estelle Gellatly, Danny Holt, Ewan Hughes,<br />

Rhys Hughes, Olivia McLachlan, Emilie Nicholson,<br />

Ryan Schmack, Zoe Smith, Leo Staufenberg,<br />

Niamh Townsend, Laurie Watson, McKay Watson,<br />

Skye Watson, Jessie Winter, Campbell Wright,<br />

Ryan Young.<br />


Liam Williamson, Ben McMurray.<br />


Front: Romy Guichard,<br />

Maggie Miller, Ava Plimmer,<br />

Monty Hewson.<br />

Back: Sophie Plimmer,<br />

Carter Hewson, Ellie Bennett.<br />


Front: Joel Suddaby,<br />

Madi Gainsford, James Suddaby.<br />

Back: Dave Cassaidy (MANAGER),<br />

Corin Suddaby, Aden Cassaidy.<br />

RDA<br />

Emma Pearce, Cruz Morland, Eamon Smith, Ewan Little, Zach Scott, Caleb Smith.<br />

Absent: Sabina Gibson, Leightyn Hessian, KC Miller, Tammy Miller.<br />


Ruth Bennie, Jacob Curtis.<br />

Absent: Reuben Collett.<br />

MTB<br />

Front: Amy Benson, Cooper Mills, Ty Muirhead, George Crotty, Thomas Benson,<br />

Kalani Muirhead, Niall Alexander, Rylan Nichol, Emily Schmidt.<br />

Back: Ryley Spargo, Archie Orbell, Luke Hancock, Henri Fenn, Mica Drake,<br />

Taane Bayce-Horsley, Ned Hudson.<br />

Absent: Flynn Harvey-Wills, Mathilda Watterson, Vincent Gerrard.<br />


Front: Tom Millis, Erica Hudson, Kahu Nepia, Stellar Nepia, Yasmin Christian.<br />

Back: Will Christian, Anataia White, Sebastian Rhind, Bonnie McGregor.<br />

Absent: Caleb Eason, Ned Hudson, Nina Lee Smith.<br />

ROWING<br />

Front: Emily Findlay, Ashley Toovey,<br />

Sophie Fenn, Sophie Hodgkiss-Blyth,<br />

Tao Hawkey-Hight, Emma Smith.<br />

Middle: Quinn Curtis, Ruby Boyd,<br />

Lyla Chamberlain, Pipi Horan,<br />

Maggie Stiven, Ella Parker,<br />

Neve Faed, Owen Lea.<br />

Back: Aneka Rossiter,<br />

Samara Goodall, Rata Horan,<br />

Sammy Harry, Hayley Ambrose,<br />

Amber Hewitt.<br />

Absent: Lucia Brown, Patrick Hartley,<br />

Sophia Perkins, Bella Sarginson,<br />

Oliver Thomas.<br />


RUGBY 1 ST XV<br />

Back: Ashton Towers, Zak Miller,<br />

Kamryn Reddy, Mitchell Evans,<br />

Sam Teal, Jono Watson,<br />

Ryan Jones, Jesse Robertson,<br />

TJ Lilly.<br />

Middle: Hamish Crosbie (COACH)<br />

Harry Gillespie, Sam Horton,<br />

Marcus Hetherington,<br />

Milan Martinovich, Rhys Hughes,<br />

Ollie Williams-Holloway, Otis Harry,<br />

Callum Smith, Matthew Robinson<br />

(COACH).<br />

Front: Carl Schmack (COACH),<br />

Ryan Schmack, Fergus Read,<br />

Tait Scurr, Hamish Robinson (CO-<br />

CAPTAIN), Jack East (CO-CAPTAIN),<br />

Ethan Kerr, Matthew Wilson,<br />

Lachie MacDonald, Craig Read<br />

(COACH).<br />


Front: Anna Barrett, Emma Kelly, Lizzie Laws, Georgia Budd, Ashley Toovey, Bridget O’Brien, Amy Richards, Tayla Upfold.<br />

Back: Shelley Barrett (MANAGER), Michele Olsen, Jamie Kerr, Kate Richards, George Taylor, Olive Pujol, Eliza Hardaker,<br />

Lauren Rimmer, Samantha Laird, Tony Barrett (coach), Jono Groters (COACH).<br />

Absent: Amber Kelsen, Bobbie Wilson-Davies, Jessie Barkman-White.<br />

RUGBY U15<br />


Front: Ben Simmers,<br />

Rory Read, Cullen Meyer,<br />

Eligh Hollegien, Otis Harry,<br />

Luke Hancock, Ewan Hughes,<br />

Louis McCutcheon.<br />

Back: Jacob Field, Jake Green,<br />

Clarke West, Taine Smith,<br />

Ben Hawkins, Dane Morisawa,<br />

Benji Pujol.<br />

Absent: George Crotty,<br />

Thomas Evans, Lochie Hunt,<br />

Tyler McGregor,<br />

Maddox Peneamene.<br />


Front: Edward Jackson,<br />

Henry Bowering, William McKeown,<br />

Ruby Cochrane, Bonnie McGregor,<br />

Kyle Millar, Riley McRae,<br />

James Dougherty.<br />

Middle: Rylan Nichol,<br />

Kahlarni Hondelink, Kate Watson,<br />

Tom Sides, Marshall Bell,<br />

Ella Sarginson, Riley Upfold,<br />

Flynn Kilbride.<br />

Back: Monty Brown, Aria Winter,<br />

Kiana Babbington, Evy Green,<br />

Henry Allison.<br />


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