Let Us Draw Nigh! by Andrew Murray

The Way to a Life Abiding Continually in the Secret of God's Presence

The Way to a Life Abiding Continually in the Secret of God's Presence


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The message comes to a sinful man that he maj<br />

have his continual abode in the Most Holy;<br />

that, more real and near than with his nearest<br />

earthly friend, he may live in unbroken fellowship<br />

with the Most High God. He is assured<br />

that the blood of Christ can cleanse his conscience<br />

in such power that he can draw nigh to<br />

God with a perfect conscience and with undoubting<br />

confidence, and can ask and expect to live<br />

always in the unclouded light of God's face.<br />

He receives the assurance that the power of the<br />

Holy Ghost, coming from out of the Holiest,<br />

can enable him to walk exactly in the same path<br />

in which Christ walked on His way to God, and<br />

make that way to him a new and living way,<br />

with nothing of decay or weariness in his progress.<br />

This is the fulness of faith we are called<br />

to. But, above all, to look to Jesus in all the<br />

glory in which He has been revealed in the<br />

Epistle, as God and Man, as Leader and Forerunner,<br />

as Melchisedek, as the Minister of the<br />

sanctuary and Mediator of<br />

the new covenant<br />

in one word, as our great Priest over the house<br />

of God. And, looking to Him, to claim that He<br />

shall do for us this one thing, to bring us nigh,<br />

and even on earth give us to dwell without a<br />

break in the presence of the Father.<br />

Faith ever deals with impossibilities.<br />

Its only

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