Issue 105 / November 2019




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SAY<br />


Working at the heart of the<br />

North West based Low Carbon<br />

Eco-Innovatory – a university<br />

affiliated research and action<br />

group – Dr Ariel Edesess and<br />

Daniel Blunt underline that the<br />

fight to reverse climate change<br />

is nearing the final round, yet the<br />

contest is far from decided.<br />

It was the 1950s and 60s: World War Two was over and the<br />

world was trying to heal. With the end of the war came a<br />

global population boom. The rate of growth reached a peak<br />

of two per cent per year in the late 1960s (as compared<br />

to one per cent per year now). This accelerated increase in<br />

population, coupled with limited food resources, was alarming to<br />

many, and sparked what is now called the Green Revolution, or<br />

the Third Agricultural Revolution.<br />

In this “revolution”, resources (both financial and human)<br />

were diverted towards collaborative research and technology<br />

initiatives designed to increase food production. The Green<br />

Revolution was, for the most part, a resounding success. And,<br />

while it is true that an unacceptable amount of people are still<br />

without basic nourishment, this is due to unequal distribution of<br />

resources and inequality, not the amount of food produced.<br />

We are presently faced with creeping global warming,<br />

perhaps the greatest threat to the human race we have ever seen.<br />

The oft-used description of global warming is as an “existential<br />

crisis”, named so because it could threaten the entire existence of<br />

the human race. For most of us, global warming exists mainly as<br />

something to be afraid of, to rally up against, to use as an excuse<br />

to rage against capitalism, or to deny is happening at all. The<br />

success of the Green Revolution in increasing food production<br />

(notwithstanding its many flaws) provides us with a blueprint of<br />

how to approach another, seemingly, Herculean challenge.<br />

Every day, I work closely with the public and small-tomedium<br />

sized businesses in Liverpool city and Lancashire regions<br />

to meet the goals laid out in the various local and global emission<br />

reduction plans. While the range of feelings about climate action<br />

is as broad as the issue itself, the majority of feelings encountered<br />

can be roughly summarised by the following: recognising the<br />

problem and feeling anxious and motivated to contribute to<br />

solution; recognising the problem but believing that, because of<br />

their sector or business, they are not part of finding a solution;<br />

recognising the problem but struggling to see any financial<br />

benefit for making changes; recognising the problem and feeling<br />

“The fight is not yet<br />

lost – the world as<br />

we know it today is<br />

not set in stone”<br />

overwhelmed and incapacitated to help; recognising the problem<br />

but feeling that it is hopeless or caused by large corporations, and<br />

therefore not their individual responsibility.<br />

While these are wholly understandable reactions to an<br />

immeasurably complex problem, they should not dictate how<br />

we move to address the challenge. Luckily, this is not the first<br />

time humanity has faced a major global crisis and we have some<br />

examples to help readjust how we approach and think about this<br />

crisis.<br />

With the recent passing of Paul Polak on 10th October, a<br />

world-renowned innovator, entrepreneur, anti-poverty warrior<br />

and one of my personal heroes, the urgency to highlight his<br />

accomplishments and what we can learn from them for the<br />

current fight against global warming has increased. Born into a<br />

Jewish family in Czechoslovakia in 1933, Polak fled the advancing<br />

Nazis with his family when he was six years old. Following a<br />

perilous and terrifying journey through Germany, where young<br />

Paul even paraded as a member of the Hitler youth to hide<br />

his family’s true identify, the family eventually found refuge in<br />

Ontario, Canada.<br />

This experience could have left him with a bitterness towards<br />

humanity, but instead he chose to direct his innate curiosity to<br />

understanding and trying to help others in need. Polak practised<br />

psychiatry for two decades before shifting his attention to the<br />

problem of global poverty, especially those who were surviving<br />

on $1-2 per day.<br />

Animated by his experiences as a child and equipped with his<br />

training as a psychiatrist, Polak sought to fill the gaps where the<br />

Green Revolution failed to reach those most in need. What made<br />

Polak special was where others saw insurmountable obstacles,<br />

he simply saw challenges that needed solutions – or, as he said<br />

to me once, “People often say I’m an innovator... if innovation is<br />

walking along a sidewalk and, on reaching a step, you step up<br />

and continue walking, then sure, I’m an innovator.”<br />

Polak understood that the key to changing behaviour and<br />

affecting change was to look for solutions most in harmony with<br />

the people for whom the solution is intended, to include them in<br />

the process, to track progress, and to adjust the approach when<br />

needed. His most basic tenet was to treat people who are lower<br />

on the socio-economic ladder (in his work, those making $1-2 a<br />

day) as customers rather than charity recipients. At the heart of<br />

this message is an appreciation of the role of human dignity and<br />

feeling of accomplishment in promoting behavioural change.<br />

The climate crisis fight is not the same as the anti-poverty<br />

fight or the Green Revolution, but they are all inescapably linked.<br />

Mountains of research show over and over again that it will<br />

be people lower on the socio-economic ladder who are most<br />

impacted by the climate crisis. This is true worldwide, from<br />

Kolkata to Merseyside. Here in Liverpool, it might not look like a<br />

community decimated by wildfire or a village washed away in a<br />

hurricane, but it might look more like fuel poverty, leaking houses<br />

due to extreme rainfall and flooding, or rising food costs, and it<br />

will be those already struggling to make ends meet who are hit<br />

the worst.<br />

The climate crisis monster we find ourselves facing<br />

encompasses far more than the environmental realm – its roots<br />

are buried in centuries of deep-set behavioural patterns and<br />

social paradigms. Years and years of damaging activity, pursued<br />

even when we suspected, and then became fully aware of the<br />

impacts, have driven us to this crossroad. Tackle the beast and its<br />

many faces? Or be blissful in our apathy, ignorance and business<br />

as usual?<br />

We all know which is the easy option, and we’ve probably<br />

all felt justified in reneging on our personal responsibilities to be<br />

better – to use less, reuse more, throw away less, and vocally<br />

support difficult or disruptive plans, policies, or technologies.<br />

It is exhausting, and anxiety-inducing to be in a constant state<br />

of worry about the looming destruction of humanity and it is<br />

much easier to ‘opt-out’ and just keep planning your next trip to<br />

Tuvalu – yet we all play a big role in challenging the climate crisis.<br />

So, how do we take on this issue as individuals (yes, yes, we<br />

are all individuals!) and maximise our impact? Put simply, there is<br />

no single answer. There is not one action you could do that would<br />

be the ‘right’ way to go – each one of us must choose our own<br />

way to contribute. Your contribution is not just certain individual<br />

choices you can make, like choosing to go meat and/or dairy-free<br />

a couple of times a week, reducing and reusing water whenever<br />

possible, or driving less – your most important tool is your voice<br />

and how you exercise your expectations of how society should<br />

operate.<br />

But, more important than any action we can take today is<br />

our resilience and drive to insist on change, to be different and<br />

better from how we were before. The fight is not yet lost – the<br />

world as we know it today is not set in stone, and “that’s just how<br />

it is” is not how it should always be. We should learn from Paul<br />

Polak’s philosophies, such as talking to the people who have the<br />

problem and listening to what they have to say, focusing on small<br />

solutions to big problems, seeing and doing the obvious, and<br />

learning from mistakes and adjusting when required.<br />

Polak is an example that each one of us can be an influencer<br />

and that each one of us has the capacity to affect major change.<br />

When choosing your own path forward to address the crisis, here<br />

are four useful points to remember: keep it local, keep it timely,<br />

keep it personal, and keep it honest – uncertainty is not your<br />

enemy. I’ll leave you here with a reminder from Hannah Arendt:<br />

“We are free to change the world and start something new in it.”<br />

By reading this piece, I hope you’ve felt encouraged to take<br />

action. This list is by no means comprehensive, but here are some<br />

activities to take part in/actions you take:<br />

• Clean ups (CleanupUK, the National Trust and Keep Britain<br />

Tidy all have easy routes to involvement).<br />

• Seed bombing (get yourself some seed balls and go wildflower<br />

guerrilla gardening – like a rebel Alan Titchmarsh).<br />

• Write letters to local government to insist on reducing public<br />

transport prices and build better green infrastructure. I mean,<br />

it feels like Liverpool City Centre is actually a deterrent for<br />

cyclists right now (believe it not, your letters are actually read<br />

and if enough people speak up, they are obliged to take action).<br />

• Change daily habits: reduce water use, turn off lights, don’t<br />

charge phone overnight, switch off cars at long traffic lights,<br />

reduce and reuse waste (standard but worth remembering).<br />

• Promote holistic solutions – think creatively. Ask questions, find<br />

supportive peers.<br />

• Adjust expectations, both of yourself and of the companies you<br />

spend money on. Demand drives the market, we can influence<br />

the market by changing our consumer behaviours.<br />

• Engage your company or place of work with the Low Carbon<br />

Eco-Innovatory at LJMU. We exist to help small-medium<br />

businesses in Liverpool, Sefton, Wirral, St Helens, Knowsley<br />

and Halton develop low carbon products, processes and<br />

services by engaging them with our team of researchers. We<br />

work across all sectors and love to be given a challenge! Want<br />

to decarbonise your business but don’t know where to start?<br />

Give us a shout. Developing the next great piece of green tech<br />

and need it testing? You know who to call (Disclaimer: it’s not<br />

Ghostbusters).<br />

Words: Dr Ariel Edesess and Daniel Blunt<br />

Photography: Robin Clewley / robinclewley.co.uk<br />

ljmu.ac.uk/ecoinnovatory<br />

The Low Carbon Eco-Innovatory is a partnership between<br />

Liverpool John Moores University, University of Liverpool and<br />

Lancaster University. Find out more about how to get involved<br />

with their Clean Growth UK action at @EcoInnovatory.<br />


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