Issue 105 / November 2019




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Having known Chrissy pretty much since birth (“his parents<br />

used to babysit mine!”), Lia had a readymade drummer at her<br />

fingertips when needed. George’s acquisition can be as much<br />

owed to his aesthetic as his ability with a bass. “When I met him<br />

I just thought he looked quite cool,” she confesses, before adding,<br />

“I assumed he played an instrument, just from the way he was<br />

dressed.” A little further social media detective work and the<br />

band’s fixtures were in place: “I stalked his Facebook until I found<br />

him and sent a really long message like, ‘I’m not a weirdo, I’m just<br />

looking for band members’.” It paid off, and the band have carried<br />

on an upward trajectory since, sharing a journey from practices<br />

in the front room, a first gig at 14, right up to the release of their<br />

debut EP in August and selling out a December headline show at<br />

Jimmy’s – almost three months in advance. It’s been a progression<br />

they’ve undertaken together, as Lia explains: “It’s the first band<br />

I’ve ever been in, so we’ve all grown up together with it.”<br />

Despite starting so young, the three of them have grown into<br />

the musicians they are under the watchful eye of James Skelly of<br />

The Coral and Skeleton Key Records, who is also credited with<br />

shaping the world of The Mysterines. “As we were so young<br />

when we first started, Jay said to keep everything condensed,<br />

music-wise. I suppose the mystery thing was an unintentional<br />

way to protect our personalities because we were so young. But<br />

then people caught on and we just blagged that we came up<br />

with the idea. We’re sort of mysterious, but not to ourselves.”<br />

The question on everyone’s lips then: why the name? Lia<br />

starts: “I think we wanted something that was quite 80s, a Lost<br />

Boys sort of thing,” she explains. “Jay was saying The Coral<br />

got their name from a mouthwash in the 90s called Oracle or<br />

something, so we were joking about saying Listerine and then Jay<br />

said ‘Mysterine’. We were like, ‘Yeh, let’s just use it!’”<br />

With Take Control now out in the open, the ‘Who Are The<br />

Mysterines’ mantra less prevalent than regular mainstream radio<br />

plays, it leads to the question of whether the band are now<br />

looking to take control of their identity. Will they opt to sculpt<br />

more shadows or present an open book to go with their hairraising<br />

rock ’n’ roll? “I think it will be a good idea to keep [the<br />

mystery surrounding the band] because we are still so young and<br />

have opinions that probably shouldn’t be let out into the world<br />

yet,” Lia adds with humour, casting light on the fact that the band<br />

are still likely to be asked for ID upon entry to most venues they<br />

play. “It’s like a cautious thing. I don’t really like sharing too much<br />

as more music gets released either. I think, sometimes, you can<br />

attach the artist to the person a little too much. For certain artists<br />

that can work, but sometimes you need to take the artist for what<br />

they are; music first.”<br />

Lia’s maturity is palpable. Mainstream media tends to create a<br />

preconception that young people in the music industry aren’t able<br />

to handle the pressure. In this instance, writing music and gigging<br />

from the age of 14 has sped up the steps towards gaining<br />

confidence in ability, especially when it becomes your livelihood.<br />

“There’s a lot you can take from it going in so young, but there<br />

is also a lot that can fuck you up because you’re so young,” Lia<br />

muses. “You don’t really understand how people work yet. When<br />

we first started we just got thrown into the deep end. We were<br />

just saying yesterday, it’s mad to think that we haven’t been to<br />

that many gigs as spectators. Instead we’ve played hundreds.”<br />

Playing such a large number of gigs is no easy feat, especially<br />

when you’re trying to juggle school, the added pressure of<br />

fronting the band and essentially being the spokesperson for<br />

the group. It’s a role that Lia is happy to be taking on, but not<br />

without its caveats of expectations for musical progression and<br />

development. Lia shrugs off the standardised thought of these<br />

expectations. “You get compared to people who have been in<br />

the industry for years, like grown women and men. I haven’t<br />

even finished puberty yet, you know,” she jokes. And it’s not<br />

only confined to the stage and recording studio. While the<br />

efforts are paying off, taking the reins of The Mysterines is an<br />

all-encompassing endeavour. “It can get stressful because I write<br />

everything. I do everything; social media and stuff, too. It’s all<br />

from me, really.”<br />

However, Lia is quick to outline that it is far from a selfreflective<br />

endeavour. The Mysterines are a band that are toploaded<br />

by the lead singer-songwriter and guitarist, but only with<br />

all the other parts pulling in tandem do they become a force to<br />

be reckoned with. “When I bring the songs to the boys they turn<br />

it around in a different way. It’s like putting bread in the toaster,<br />

the toast is the final product,” Lia explains. I like the analogy.<br />

Bread is always better after a quick run in with the toaster; gives<br />

it an edge. “There is definitely an energy there that needs to be<br />

communicated when we play live.”<br />

Beyond strong influences from Bob Dylan, Aretha Franklin, PJ<br />

Harvey and Patti Smith, I’m intrigued to find out where she gets<br />

her songwriting inspiration from. If I think back to when I was in<br />

my early teens I wouldn’t know where to start with writing my<br />

own music, yet Lia has managed to turn those turbulent times<br />

into clever lyrics and angsty songs. “I think it’s changed over<br />

time,” she muses. “Initially, when I was younger. it was from<br />

my perspective on feelings, which it still is to a certain point.<br />

Sometimes I’ll write something and I still don’t realise what it’s<br />

about until I’ve got over the issue. I’ll look back at the song like,<br />

‘Oh shit, that’s what that was about’. I think now, because I’m<br />

a bit older, I like to get points across in songs, especially from<br />

a female perspective. But love is probably the main thing, it’s<br />

probably the main thing everyone writes about, really.”<br />

Touching on the female perspective she mentions can often<br />

be a subject lingered on when speaking to female musicians.<br />

But when you’re fronting a heavy rock band in a city that lacks<br />

this sort of genre, more so with the recent end of Queen Zee,<br />

I want to find out how she feels being in this position as a<br />

young woman. Does society load it with a greater responsibility,<br />

expectation and rules, and does she even notice the pressure<br />

at the age of 18? “I feel like a lot of people get those questions<br />

and they are quick to jump to the answer of, ‘Being a girl in the<br />

industry is no different to being a boy’, but it really is. There<br />

is a major difference,” she says passionately. “The way you’re<br />

perceived and treated is sometimes even more positive than<br />

boys, but then sometimes it’s really degrading,” she adds,<br />

with an expression that lightly leans on the experiences she<br />

is mentally recalling. “The lads have gone through it with me<br />

as well. Their perspective on feminism has changed over time<br />

because they have watched me deal with it. Two years ago, if<br />

you had asked them if sexism exists in the music industry they<br />

probably wouldn’t be so certain, but now they would say, ‘Yes’.<br />

It’s not in the way that girls are better than boys or boys are<br />

better than girls. I think it’s more the fact you become a gimmick<br />

in some ways. It’s mad, sometimes people shock you and treat<br />

you normally, it’s good when that happens because you feel a lot<br />

more comfortable.”<br />

The Mysterines are certainly no gimmick. They’re in good<br />

company, slowly on their way to sharing a platform with some<br />

of the biggest female voices the band take their cues from. The<br />

Mysterines are leading a charge. They’re leading it with a power<br />

and maturity the music industry needs. They are only just getting<br />

started with an exciting future built from the humble beginnings,<br />

one where the alluring charm of mystery has paved the way to<br />

near ubiquity within the Liverpool scene.<br />

“It’s hard to see far ahead,” Lia says, as we wind down our<br />

conversation. “We’re just taking it as it comes and not getting<br />

ahead of ourselves because the pressure kicks in then. I’m just<br />

letting myself grow into a style as a writer. Hopefully we’ll still be<br />

doing this in five years, because if not I’d have to get a job,” she<br />

laughs. As far as I can see, the only job now for The Mysterines is<br />

to keep the music coming and the posters at eye level. Finishing<br />

with a sigh and a smile she ends with a grounding comment, “It’s<br />

been a long road and there’s probably more shit to come, but it’s<br />

been great. It’s all worth it.” !<br />

Words: Sophie Shields / @sshields43<br />

Photography: John Johnson / johnjohnson-photography.com<br />

soundcloud.com/themysterines<br />

Take Control is out now via Pretty Face Recordings. The<br />

Mysterines play Jimmy’s on 7th December.<br />

Thanks to Vessel Liverpool Studios – and keep your eyes open<br />

for behind the scenes content from this photoshoot on Bido<br />

channels.<br />



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