Botvinnik Semi-Slav, The (Pedersen)

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THE ANTI-MoSCOW VARIATION: 6 i&.h4!? 167<br />

or ... 'ilic7 and ... 0-0-0) 18lLlxb6 'ii'xb6+<br />

19 'ithl J..e7 20 lLle4 J..b7 21 f5 with a<br />

strong attack for White, Savchenko­<br />

Izkuznykb, Russian Club Cup (Maikop)<br />

1998.<br />

Returning to the position after 12<br />

lLlc5! (D):<br />

B<br />

12 ... J..g7?!<br />

<strong>The</strong> type of position that arises after<br />

this move is clearly in White's favour,<br />

so Black needs to look for an improvement<br />

around here.<br />

a) 12 ... lLlbd7!? 13lLlxd7 J..xd7 14<br />

J..xc4 leads to the same kind of position,<br />

which is better for White.<br />

b) Curiously Sakaev does not examine<br />

12 ... J..xc5!? 13 dxc5 lLlbd7,<br />

which looks more critical. Baburin<br />

says 14 'ii'd6 is unclear, and Black<br />

may actually be able to defend with<br />

14 ... J..b7 15 :tdllDxe5 16 'ilixe5 'ii'e7.<br />

Of course, White has plenty of compensation,<br />

but there is no clear way to<br />

break through. I would prefer 14 J..d6,<br />

intending to centralize the queen on d4.<br />

Both 14 ... 'ilia5 15 'ii'd4 and 14 ... lLle4<br />

15 'ii'd4 lLldf6 16 h4 g4 17 lLle5 look<br />

good for White.<br />

13 J..xc4 0-0<br />

13 ... lLlbd7 14lLlxd7 J..xd7 15 'ii'd3<br />

'fie7 16 J..b3 is clearly better for White<br />

according to Sakaev.<br />

14 ~c2lLlbd7 15 h4 gxh4<br />

This opens lines against his own<br />

king. However, 15 ... g4!? 16lDg5! :te8<br />

17 0-0-0 also gives White a fantastic<br />

attack.<br />

16 lLlxd7 J..xd7 17 :txh4 ±<br />

Sakaev-Kobaliya, Russian Ch (St<br />

Petersburg) 1998.<br />

B)<br />

9 ... J..b4!?<br />

This has for some time been slightly<br />

underestimated (or just neglected) but<br />

has lately been the preference of some<br />

very strong players. In fact Black wins<br />

a pawn unless White plays 10 e5,<br />

which is simply undesirable since it<br />

buries his own bishop while conceding<br />

important central squares.<br />

10 'iic2 (D)<br />

10 0-0 offers the pawn sacrifice under<br />

slightly different circumstances.<br />

1O ... J..xc3 11 bxc3 lLlxe4 and now:<br />

a) 12 'fic2lLlxg3 13 fxg3lDd7 and<br />

now, rather than 14 'ilie4?! 'ilic7 15<br />

lLld2 J..b7 16 J..h5 0-0-017 :txf7 c5!,<br />

when Black had strong counterplay in<br />

Utemov-Mukbametov, Moscow 1990,<br />

White should play 14 lLle5 lLlxe5 15<br />

dxe5, intending J..h5.<br />

b) 12lDe5!? and then:<br />

bl) 12 ... lLlxc3 13 'ilic2 and now<br />

13 ... lLlxe2+ 14 'fixe2 with ideas such

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