actions for good co-inhabitance

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<strong>actions</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>good</strong> <strong>co</strong>-<strong>inhabitance</strong>

jardín<br />

oloitzcuintli<br />

jalatla<strong>co</strong> / oaxaca / méxi<strong>co</strong>

1<br />

always <strong>co</strong>nsider the other people<br />

who live and work here.

2<br />

water is precious, scarce and poorly distributed<br />

in the city, please be a <strong>good</strong> steward of<br />

oaxaca’s water.

3<br />

plants are very important <strong>for</strong> us and<br />

we love them. enjoy the garden<br />

without damaging them.

4<br />

when entering or leaving, lock the street door<br />

to mantain us safe.<br />

if a key is lost, it incurs a <strong>co</strong>st because we must change the door lock and give each<br />

neighbor and guest a new key.

5 noisy parties and events are not allowed.<br />

in ac<strong>co</strong>rdance with the jalatla<strong>co</strong> neighborhood policies, parties must end at eleven at night.

6<br />

subletting is <strong>for</strong>bidden: our apartments are<br />

designed to serve two people and guests are<br />

not accepted overnight.<br />

however, exceptions can be made <strong>for</strong> an extra fee.

7<br />

don’t leave clothes hanging around to dry<br />

and pick up after yourself.<br />

enjoy and let’s keep our garden, passages and terraces pleasant <strong>for</strong> hanging out..

8<br />

please do not smoke inside the apartment;<br />

feel free to smoke outside.

9 the apartments are not appropiate <strong>for</strong> pets...<br />

and do not let in our mischievous xoloitzcuintlis!<br />

we accept <strong>co</strong>mpanion animals in special cases, but they can not urinate or defecate inside<br />

the apartments, nor in the <strong>co</strong>mmon areas. if this does happen, please clean it up.

10<br />

review your apartment’s inventory. we ask you<br />

to please leave everything just as you recieived it.<br />

if you break something let us know and <strong>co</strong>ver the <strong>co</strong>st of the damage.

if your stay is brief<br />

we will take care of<br />

your garbage, but if you<br />

are staying <strong>for</strong> longer<br />

than a week:<br />

dirty garbage<br />

on mondays, wednesdays<br />

and sundays between 6 - 7 am<br />

the truck rings its bells when<br />

it gets to our street <strong>co</strong>rner and<br />

we all go out to empty our<br />

trash cans.<br />

recyclables<br />

we separate them into<br />

labeled trash cans<br />

latas y<br />

aluminio<br />

envases<br />

de pet<br />

vidrio<br />

papel y<br />

cartón<br />

<strong>co</strong>mpost<br />

you are wel<strong>co</strong>me to <strong>co</strong>ntribute<br />

with raw fruits and vegetables.<br />

the can <strong>for</strong> this is placed at<br />

our patio. carcasses and <strong>co</strong>oked<br />

food are not accepted.<br />

ask us if you have any questions.<br />

11<br />

garbage, garbage, garbage, garbage...<br />

yes, it is a global problem but we at jardín xoloitzcuintli have learned to deal with it.

¡enjoy!<br />

jardín<br />


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