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Frequency-band Transformations 449<br />

FIGURE 8.30<br />

Specifications of frequency-selective filters<br />

such that<br />

H(z) =H LP (Z)| Z −1 =G(z −1 )<br />

To do this, we simply replace Z −1 everywhere in H LP by the function<br />

G(z −1 ). Given that H LP (Z) isastable and causal filter, we also want<br />

H(z) tobestable and causal. This imposes the following requirements:<br />

1. G(·) must be a rational function in z −1 so that H(z) isimplementable.<br />

2. The unit circle of the Z-plane must map onto the unit circle of the<br />

z-plane.<br />

3. For stable filters, the inside of the unit circle of the Z-plane must also<br />

map onto the inside of the unit circle of the z-plane.<br />

Let ω ′ and ω be the frequency variables of Z and z, respectively—that<br />

is, Z = e jω′ and z = e jω on their respective unit circles. Then requirement<br />

2above implies that<br />

∣<br />

∣Z −1∣ ∣ = ∣ ∣G(z −1 ) ∣ ∣ = ∣ ∣G(e −jω ) ∣ ∣ =1<br />

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