1) Radraft 2020 V1 test

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RADAN<br />

RADRAFT <strong>2020</strong> <strong>V1</strong><br />

The Drafting Solution For All 2D Design & Drawing Needs<br />

<strong>Radraft</strong> provides users with a comprehensive drafting solution for all your 2D design<br />

and drawing needs. Although easy to use <strong>Radraft</strong> has many advanced features to<br />

assist with the quick production of drawings and parts. With its compact GUI<br />

(Graphical User Interface) users can access a wealth of drawing tools and<br />

parametric profiles.

RADAN 2D <strong>Radraft</strong><br />

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Any copyright or other intellectual property right of whatever nature which subsists or may subsist in<br />

the presentation and/or content of the programs (including without limitation its look, feel, visual or<br />

other non-literal elements) remains the property of Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence or its<br />

licensor(s) absolutely.<br />

No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system or<br />

translated into any language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, optical, chemical,<br />

manual or otherwise, without the express written permission of Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence.<br />

Unauthorised reproduction or distribution of these programs or any part thereof is unlawful and may<br />

result in civil or criminal penalties.<br />

Radan and the Radan Logo are trademarks of Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence. Windows is a<br />

trademark of Microsoft Corporation.<br />

All product names mentioned in this publication, and not listed above, are acknowledged as the<br />

trademarks of the respective manufacturers and producers of such products.<br />

Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence makes no representations or warranties with respect to the<br />

contents hereof and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of satisfactory quality or fitness for<br />

any particular purpose. Further, Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence reserves the right to revise this<br />

publication and to make changes in the contents hereof without obligation to notify any person of<br />

such changes or revisions.<br />

The information contained within this document is subject to change without notice and does not<br />

represent a commitment on the part of the vendor. The software described in this document is<br />

furnished under a licence agreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of<br />

the agreement.<br />

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Table of of Contents<br />

The Drafting Solution For All 2D Design & Drawing Needs .................................................1<br />

Copyright © 2019 Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence. ......................................................3<br />

Recommended Operating Systems and Hardware .............................................................6<br />

Supported Operating Systems ......................................................................................................................6<br />

Radan Minimum Specifications .....................................................................................................................6<br />

Chapter 1 ~ Radan Overview ........................................................................... 7<br />

Starting Radan software ......................................................................................................7<br />

Screen layout ......................................................................................................................8<br />

User Interface (UI)...............................................................................................................9<br />

Navigating the Workspace ...................................................................................................9<br />

Redraw button ................................................................................................................... 10<br />

Zoomed Redraw button ..................................................................................................... 10<br />

New Part/Drawing button ................................................................................................... 10<br />

Open Part/Drawing button ................................................................................................. 10<br />

Save Part/Drawing button.................................................................................................. 10<br />

Undo button ....................................................................................................................... 10<br />

Redo button ....................................................................................................................... 11<br />

Restart Command button .................................................................................................. 11<br />

Patterns button .................................................................................................................. 11<br />

Information button ............................................................................................................. 11<br />

Filters button ...................................................................................................................... 11<br />

Latch & Snap Options button ............................................................................................. 11<br />

Allow Keystroke button ...................................................................................................... 11<br />

Cancel Cursor Object button ............................................................................................. 11<br />

What’s This? & Help button ............................................................................................... 12<br />

Prompt area ....................................................................................................................... 12<br />

Chapter 2 ~ Basic CAD functions ................................................................... 13<br />

Lines .................................................................................................................................. 13<br />

Latches .............................................................................................................................. 13<br />

Query................................................................................................................................. 14<br />

Coordinates ....................................................................................................................... 15<br />

Arcs ................................................................................................................................... 16<br />

Shapes .............................................................................................................................. 16<br />

Notches and corner details ................................................................................................ 16<br />

Parallel Copies .................................................................................................................. 17<br />

Delete ................................................................................................................................ 17<br />

Cursor Objects .................................................................................................................. 18<br />

Copy (Jump) to cursor ................................................................................................................................ 18<br />

Paste (Fix) in drawing ................................................................................................................................. 18<br />

Step and repeat .......................................................................................................................................... 18<br />

Linear step and repeat ................................................................................................................................ 19<br />

Arc step and repeat .................................................................................................................................... 19<br />

Grid and Hollow grid ................................................................................................................................... 19<br />

Automatic Dimensioning .................................................................................................... 20<br />

Chapter 3 ~ Intermediate CAD functions ........................................................ 21<br />

Text ................................................................................................................................... 21<br />

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Merge 1 ............................................................................................................................. 22<br />

Merge 1 example 1: .................................................................................................................................... 22<br />

Merge 1 example 2: .................................................................................................................................... 22<br />

Merge 1 example 3: .................................................................................................................................... 23<br />

Merge 2 ............................................................................................................................. 23<br />

Merge 2 example 1: .................................................................................................................................... 23<br />

Merge 2 example 2: .................................................................................................................................... 23<br />

Merge 2 example 3: .................................................................................................................................... 24<br />

Partial delete ..................................................................................................................... 24<br />

Partial delete example: ............................................................................................................................... 24<br />

Dimensions ........................................................................................................................ 25<br />

Hatching ............................................................................................................................ 26<br />

Hatch example 1: ........................................................................................................................................ 26<br />

Hatch example 2: ........................................................................................................................................ 26<br />

Patterns ............................................................................................................................. 27<br />

Chapter 4 ~ Post Training Assistance ............................................................. 29<br />

Remote Support ................................................................................................................ 30<br />

Customer Portal ................................................................................................................ 31<br />

Login Creation ............................................................................................................................................ 31<br />

Radan eSupport Community ...................................................................................................................... 32<br />

Additional Training ............................................................................................................. 34<br />

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Windows® 7, Windows® 8 and Windows® 10. Professional/Business versions of these<br />

operating systems are recommended.<br />

Radan will install and run on the 'Home' editions of the above operating systems however,<br />

this is not recommended.<br />

Radan will only run on 64-bit OS versions of windows.<br />

We recommend you keep up to date with the with the la<strong>test</strong> service packs for the supported<br />

operating systems and drivers for your hardware.<br />


CAD/CAM Systems: including PC DNC or Radview DNC client computer:<br />

Pentium 4, 2 GHz CPU or greater<br />

2GB RAM or greater<br />

20 GB available storage<br />

Graphics card capable of 1024 x 768 minimum resolution (32bit mode)<br />

Available RS232 Serial ports (one port per machine requiring RS232 serial DNC)<br />

Network interface using TCP/IP<br />

CAD/CAM with 3D, Radbend, RadviewPlus Server or RadviewDNC Server:<br />

Dual Core, 2.8 GHz CPU or greater<br />

3GB RAM or greater<br />

40 GB available storage<br />

Dedicated graphics card capable of 1024 x 768 minimum resolution (32bit mode)<br />

Available RS232 Serial ports (one port per machine requiring RS232 serial DNC)<br />

Network interface using TCP/IP<br />

These specifications change from time to time, so for up to date information please check our<br />

website at: -<br />

www.radan.com/systemrequirements<br />

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These notes are intended as a guide for the trainee, and describe the use of the Radan software.<br />


There are several ways to start Radan:<br />

Double click the Radan shortcut on your desktop.<br />

Select the All Programs menu and expand out the Radan Software folder.<br />

Select a Radan drawing (Nest or Program) file from within Windows Explorer. These files<br />

have a .drg extension and will have the following icon.<br />

Select a Part (Symbol or Component) file from within Windows Explorer. These files have<br />

a .sym extension and will have the following icon.<br />

Drag and Drop also works both on the Radan shortcut and also into the drawing area of the<br />

Radan screen.<br />

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Standard and Application Specific<br />

Command Prompt<br />

Applications<br />

Drawing Area<br />

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1st level application buttons (2D Cad, 3D, Part Editor and Nest.)<br />

The first row of application buttons define what area of the Radan software you wish to work in.<br />

Once any of the upper row applications are selected, sub applications will appear on the lower row.<br />

2D CAD - Used for producing engineering drawings can<br />

be done in this area. There are no sub applications.<br />

3D - All 3D solids and metalworking is done in this area.<br />

There are 4 sub applications – Assembly, Modelling,<br />

Scene and Radbend.<br />

Part - Used for the creation of the individual parts is done<br />

in this area. There are 2 sub applications – Drafting and<br />

Profiling.<br />


Nest - Used for generating a sheet nest and NC programs<br />

is done in the Nest area. There are 6 sub applications -<br />

Modify, Profiling, Order, Compile, Verify and Blocks.<br />

The left mouse button is used to select applications and is used to place items.<br />

The middle mouse button can be used to:<br />

Zoom<br />

Scroll zoom<br />

Redraw<br />

Press and hold then drag, then release.<br />

Roll the wheel away to enlarge and backward reduce.<br />

Press and release without dragging a window.<br />

Pan Press and middle mouse to pan around .<br />

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This refreshes the screen and cancels any zoom level applied to the workspace.<br />


This refreshes the screen and keeps any zoom level applied to the workspace.<br />


If you are at the top level or in 2D CAD clicking this will start the new drawing dialog. Clicking<br />

this in Part Editor will start the new part dialog.<br />


Open an already programmed Radan part (.sym)<br />

Open an already created Radan drawing / nest (*.drg)<br />

Open a dxf file (Drawing eXchange Format)<br />

Open a dwg file (autocad DraWinG format)<br />

Open an iges file (the International Graphics Exchange Standard)<br />


If you are at the top level or in 2D CAD this will start the save current drawing (.drg file) dialog.<br />

Clicking this in Part Editor will start the save current part (.sym file) dialog.<br />


Undoes whatever the last action did. There are occasions where you may need to press this twice.<br />

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Reinstates any change you have just undone.<br />


Restarts the current command from the beginning, if a mistake is made.<br />


Patterns are like transparent sheets that are laid on top of each other to make a complete drawing.<br />


You can query any feature types for geometrical information and other properties.<br />


You can select what types of features you which to edit when selecting multiple items using a<br />

window<br />


Existing drawn items have various locations that can be used to draw from and to.<br />


This allows the use of the keyboard so that construction shortcuts can be used.<br />


This button allows you to remove any item that appears on the cursor.<br />

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The What’s This? and Help buttons allow you to click any one of the buttons / areas within the<br />

Radan software to take you to the relevant section of the online help. The help button allows you to<br />

search the help by keyword or index.<br />


This instruction area tells you the next step to perform for the current command.<br />

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LINES<br />


Once this button is selected you have access to several types of different<br />

line creation, the default type is Connected Lines. Once selected the<br />

prompt area asks you to indicate start point – click the mouse where you<br />

want to start the feature from. The prompt area now asks you to indicate<br />

end point – click the mouse where you want to finish the feature. You can<br />

then continue to draw connected lines by moving the<br />

cursor and clicking again.<br />

From the Line – sub menu there are several other<br />

options with regards to line type including Unconnected and Rectangle etc.<br />


Whilst creating your drawings or sheet metal parts you often need to<br />

make use of existing geometry. To do this precisely you need to ‘latch’<br />

onto features. These latch points can be found at the start and end of<br />

lines and arcs and the midpoints and intersections of features. To<br />

change the latch settings click the Latch and Snap button. Options<br />

button to bring up the options pop up where you can toggle on and<br />

off particular features to latch to.<br />

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QUERY<br />

The query button can display the information about items within the<br />

drawing.<br />

Feature<br />

Single Point<br />

When you select a feature you will be told its type, and what its geometrical<br />

properties are. If it is a symbol, the Attributes... button will be available,<br />

allowing you to view the attributes for the selected symbol.<br />

Indicate a point to find its position relative to a datum (if one is present) or the<br />

drawing origin.<br />

Point to Point<br />

After you have indicated the first and second points you will be told their<br />

relative positions.<br />

Angle<br />

After you have indicated three points you will be told the interior angle of the<br />

first, followed by one point on each of the two rays that define the V shape.<br />

Symbol<br />

Similar to the Feature option, but allowing easier selection of symbol<br />

features only.<br />

Geometry<br />

Similar to the Feature option, but allowing easier selection of geometry (line<br />

and arc) features only.<br />

Annotation<br />

Similar to the Feature option, but allowing easier selection of annotation<br />

features only.<br />

Tooling<br />

Similar to the Feature option, but allowing easier selection of tooling features<br />

only. This option is available in tooling mode.<br />

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When precise measurements are required, you need to use a combination of<br />

the tools within the Location portion of the GUI situated in the bottom left<br />

corner of the software.<br />

In general values entered are relative to the origin of the rubber band, the<br />

only exception is when the Drafting Datum is being used.<br />

From the diagram below you can see that your rubber band is fixed, this is<br />

at X=0, Y=0.<br />

Y+<br />

Cursor<br />

X-<br />

Rubber band<br />

X+<br />

Origin X=0, Y=0<br />

Y-<br />

If you wish to define a location in the upper right-hand quarter, both X and Y values need to be<br />

positive. Likewise a location in the lower left-hand quarter requires both X and Y values to be<br />

negative.<br />

For the other two quarters, positive X and negative Y define locations in the lower right-hand<br />

quarter. Finally, negative X and positive Y values define the upper left-hand quarter. The origin<br />

maybe moved at any time by using the Origin button.<br />

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ARCS<br />

This selection opens up all the options to do with the creation of arcs; the<br />

default type is Full Circle. A full circle can be defined either by its radius<br />

or diameter, entering a value for either radius or diameter will<br />

automatically update the other. Once selected, there<br />

will be a preview of the arc on the end of the cursor.<br />

Left click the mouse to place the arc down in the<br />

workspace at the desired location.<br />

The Arc – sub menu contains additional arc<br />

generation types including Centre & 2 points and Through 3 points etc.<br />

SHAPES<br />

Once selected this opens up a sub menu containing a number of<br />

preconfigured geometric shapes that can be altered to<br />

suit your needs, cutting down on shape generation<br />

time and the need to create shapes from scratch. The<br />

default selection is Rectangle and these can be<br />

defined in several ways, either by Length, Height and<br />

Orientation; by 2 opposite vertices or 3 vertices.<br />

The Shape – sub menu contains a number of<br />

predefined shapes including Obrounds, Single/Double<br />

D’s etc. Each shape can be rotated using the Orientation box.<br />

Angles are measured counter clockwise.<br />


When selected, this opens a sub menu containing a number of different<br />

preconfigured notches and corners ranging from simple corner details<br />

such as radii and chamfers, through to mitred corners and vee notches.<br />

All of which can be modified to suit individual<br />

needs.<br />

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This function allows the user to create parallel features to existing ones a<br />

set distance away. The default selection is Features and depending on<br />

which side of the existing feature the parallel one is generated from<br />

depends on the relative cursor position to the existing feature.<br />

Using a horizontal line as an example, if the cursor is above the existing<br />

line when the selection is made the generated<br />

parallel line will be above the selected one by the<br />

distance set. Likewise if the cursor is below the<br />

existing line when the selection is made the<br />

generated parallel line will be below the selected one by the distance set.<br />

The Parallel Copies – sub menu options allows you to choose either a single<br />

feature to parallel, or a profile. To make a parallel copy of an existing profile<br />

you need to select two adjacent features on the profile you wish to make a<br />

parallel copy of, keeping the cursor on the correct side of the profile.<br />

DELETE<br />

This function allows you to delete features placed in the workspace.<br />

Features can be deleted individually or by dragging a selection window<br />

around a group of features. To delete an individual feature first you need<br />

to highlight it by moving the cursor close to the intended feature until it<br />

changes color. At this point a single left mouse click will delete that<br />

feature.<br />

To delete a number of features all in one go drag a<br />

selection window round the intended features.<br />

Various options can be set using the Selection Settings area. Here you can<br />

select items using a Polygon Window or a Profile. Also items can be selected<br />

either inside or outside the selected window along with crossing.<br />

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The Cursor objects button is the start point for the manipulation of an<br />

object currently residing on the end of the cursor. Within the cursor sub<br />

menu are functions enabling the user to 'jump' (copy) features from the<br />

workspace to the cursor, or to place objects already on the cursor into the<br />

workspace.<br />



Use this command to copy geometry from the workspace to the cursor.<br />

The prompt area states Jump: Point to anchor point. This is the point the<br />

feature/s will be picked about. The prompt then states Jump: Indicate<br />

feature to jump, or drag a window.<br />

Use this command to manipulate the feature/s using the Scale: Orient:<br />

and Shear: fields to change the size, rotation and slant. A left click of the<br />

mouse will place the cursor object into the workspace.<br />


This command allows the user to produce linear and arc patterns of the<br />

current cursor object/s via the popup menu.<br />

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Holes in a line can be defined by number off, pitch or both. Select a<br />

start and end point and the feature is then generated.<br />


1. START 2. END<br />

Holes on an arc can be defined by number off, pitch, angle or a<br />

combination of these. Select a center, start and end point of the rotation<br />

and the features are generated.<br />

3.END<br />


1.CENTER<br />

2.START<br />

Holes in a grid can be defined in exactly the same way as the others. In<br />

a similar way to the linear step and repeat, this can be defined by<br />

number off features, pitch or both. The grid needs to be defined in two<br />

directions (X & Y) to specify the size of grid to be generated.<br />

2.FIRST<br />

1.START<br />

3.SECOND<br />

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A very quick way of dimensioning any drawing is to use Automatic Dimensioning. This gives an<br />

inspection style of dimensioning to any geometry contained in the current drawing. This is<br />

accessed via the pulldown menu [Utilities] [Dimension Utilities] [Automatic Dimensioning] giving<br />

access to the following popup menu to alter which points are dimensioned and to what precision:<br />

Any alterations made to the settings can be saved away as new defaults from the Settings button or<br />

to recall or reset original settings. Click OK to automatically dimension the current geometry.<br />

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TEXT<br />


This allows you to add text to your CAD drawings. There are two text<br />

editors available, the single line text editor:<br />

And the multi-line text editor:<br />

Using either editor you can type in the text required and by using the Text Settings section of the<br />

GUI change the text colour, height, ratio, slant and font. The standard Radan fonts range from 1 -<br />

19 and look like this:<br />

The multiline editor gives the user lots of options with regards to the formatting and general look<br />

of the text to be used. These options are accessed via the buttons on the multiline text editor popup.<br />

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Format:<br />

The user can set the alignment of the text as well as creating borders.<br />

Command The user can use advanced formatting such as mirroring of text.<br />

Font<br />

From this button the user can access the 19 Radan fonts and any True Type<br />

Font from the Operating Systems font directory.<br />

Attribute Within Radan Drawings and Symbols certain information regarding these files<br />

is stored in attributes. These can then be used in lines of text.<br />

Symbol<br />

The user can add all manner of drafting symbols ranging from diameter to<br />

surface finish.<br />

Once the text is set, it can be rotated by using the [Orient: 0] field. The text can then be placed in<br />

the drawing either by left clicking in the workspace at the location required or by setting an origin<br />

and using a co-ordinate system to place the text accurately.<br />

MERGE 1<br />

This function allows you to extend or trim lines or arcs to other items. Click<br />

the Merge 1 button and the prompt area asks you to Point to first line/arc.<br />

Click the mouse to select the first feature and the prompt area now asks you<br />

to indicate second line/arc, click the feature close to the trimming item.<br />

MERGE 1 EXAMPLE 1:<br />

Start<br />

Item to trim<br />

Cutting edge<br />

Result<br />

...the result<br />

extends the<br />

first line into<br />

the second<br />

line.<br />

MERGE 1 EXAMPLE 2:<br />

Start<br />

Item to trim<br />

Cutting edge<br />

Result<br />

...the result<br />

trims the first<br />

line back to<br />

the second<br />

line.<br />

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MERGE 1 EXAMPLE 3:<br />

Start<br />

Item to trim<br />

Cutting edge<br />

Result<br />

...here the<br />

result is the<br />

opposite to the<br />

2nd example.<br />

Remember that the item you select first is the item that will change. Also the side you select the<br />

items is the side you will keep.<br />

MERGE 2<br />

Unlike Merge 1, this command allows you to extend or trim both the items<br />

selected. Click the Merge 2 button and the prompt area asks you to Point to<br />

the first line/arc. Simply click the mouse close to the item to merge and the<br />

prompt area now asks you to indicate second line/arc, click the mouse close<br />

to the other item.<br />

MERGE 2 EXAMPLE 1:<br />

Start<br />

Item to trim<br />

Cutting edge<br />

Result<br />

...the result<br />

trims both<br />

lines together.<br />

MERGE 2 EXAMPLE 2:<br />

Start<br />

Item to trim<br />

Cutting edge<br />

Result<br />

...the result<br />

extends both<br />

lines together.<br />

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MERGE 2 EXAMPLE 3:<br />

Start<br />

Item to trim<br />

Cutting edge<br />

Result<br />

...the result<br />

extends and<br />

trims the lines.<br />

Remember that the side you find the items on is the side that you will keep.<br />


As the name implies, this command allows the user to remove part of a<br />

line or arc. The segment selected is removed up to the closest<br />

intersecting features.<br />

Click the Partial Delete button and the prompt area asks you to Point to<br />

the line/arc segment to be deleted. Left click the feature and that section<br />

will be deleted.<br />


Start<br />

Item to delete<br />

Result<br />

...the result<br />

removes the<br />

line up to any<br />

crossings.<br />

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There are a number of different ways to dimension your drawings<br />

manually. From the dimensions sub menu you can select the style of<br />

dimension you wish to use - ranging from Linear and Chain Linear to<br />

Angular and Diametric.<br />

To change the appearance of the dimensions use the Dim Settings area to<br />

control the dimension style.<br />

The Dim Settings menu lets you choose Pen Colour for dimension text, colour<br />

of dimension lines, height (in mm), ratio - lets you stretch the text, slant for<br />

italic style, the Radan font style and the dimension precision - how many<br />

decimal places the dimension is shown to.<br />

The dimension values are automatically calculated from the drawing, this is<br />

also known as the calculated dimension value. If you click the [Text] button a<br />

new dialog appears:-<br />

In the text box you can see \C this means use the calculated dimension value. If you need to add<br />

additional text to the calculated dimension add the additional text either before or after the \C.<br />

Additional dimension settings are available by clicking the<br />

[More] button at the bottom of the Dim Setting area. Here you<br />

can set specific details about the dimension, like changing the<br />

size of the dimension terminators.<br />

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To cross hatch any closed shape you need to:<br />

Click the Cross Hatching button<br />

From the sub menu click the Smart Hatching button<br />

Set the required [Pitch:] and [Angle:] of the hatch you require.<br />

The prompt asks to Point to feature in profile - click a line or arc that makes<br />

up part of the hatch outline.<br />

The prompt now says Indicate point inside the region. This is used as a reference location for the<br />

hatching.<br />


Start<br />

Point to line<br />

Point inside<br />

Result<br />


Start<br />

Point to line<br />

Point inside<br />

Result<br />

You should only hatch areas with completely enclosed outlines; otherwise the hatching may 'leak'<br />

across the drawing. Hatching is associated with the geometry and will change automatically if you<br />

make changes to the profile or any holes within the outline. You may need to do a Redraw to see<br />

the change.<br />

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Every feature in a drawing is contained within a pattern. Patterns are like transparent sheets laid<br />

on top of each other to make a complete drawing. The drawing looks complete, but its features can<br />

lie on any of the pattern 'sheets'. Patterns are very similar to layers in some other CAD and<br />

graphics applications.<br />

Many commands that work on individual features (eg. move) can be applied to a pattern. This is<br />

similar to applying commands to windows of features.<br />

Every drawing has at least one pattern, which is automatically created when a drawing is first<br />

started. It is called the root pattern (often referred to simply as ' / '). In addition to the root pattern,<br />

you can create as many other patterns as you want.<br />

Note that patterns are only used in 2D CAD mode or the Nest editor. They are not used for the<br />

stand-alone symbols created in the Part Editor.<br />

When in 2D CAD, open the side Splitter button and press the Patterns button to display the Pattern<br />

tab on the side of the drawing area.<br />

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The current patterns in the drawing will be displayed, by default one pattern exists. This is called /.<br />

New patterns can be added using the New button.<br />

The currently open pattern is marked with a folder symbol. To<br />

open a different pattern right hand mouse click the pattern name<br />

from the list and select the Open menu option.<br />

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Following any training there may be a need to ask for some assistance from time to time. Radan<br />

provides many ways supporting new customers who are learning the basics within the software, as<br />

well as existing customers with more complex issues. Some methods include the following: -<br />

Access to all of this can be found by visiting our website at www.radan.com and selecting the<br />

Support & Services link across the top.<br />

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It is possible that the Help Desk will on occasions, require Remote Access to your PC to assist with<br />

support. This is done via the TeamViewer application which, if your PC does not currently run, can<br />

be accessed in two ways:<br />

(i)<br />

Via the Radan Website under Support & Services.<br />

or<br />

(i)<br />

Access is also directly available from within Radan using the Remote Support link in Help.<br />

Whichever way you use, a TeamViewer window will appear. Your<br />

Help Desk representative will then ask for Your ID and then the<br />

Password, for remote access can be granted.<br />

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To create a new login first open a web browser session and enter the web address<br />

www.radan.com/supportmenu and select Hexagon Customer Portal.<br />

Or from within Radan software click the dropdown menu 'Help' followed<br />

by 'Contact Support' and follow the links.<br />

If you already have a User Name and Password you can enter them or<br />

alternatively click 'Create a new account'<br />

To be able to create a new login you will need two important pieces of information. Your Radan<br />

Customer ID and the 24 digit Servercode for your Radan software. These two pieces of<br />

information are unique to each individual company and need to be entered into the relevant fields<br />

before clicking next.<br />

The next window will show all the company details for the Radan Customer ID entered. Check that<br />

it is correct and either select a contact listed against that customer or if you are not a listed contact,<br />

create a new user name. Once the user name has been selected you need to create a password for<br />

the login.<br />

Go back and login using the User Name and password created to access the portal front page:<br />

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The Radan eCommunity membership is formed of knowledgeable Radan users and resellers from<br />

around the world with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Radan eSupport Community is a<br />

place to join conversations, collaborate with others, and get valuable information you won't find<br />

anywhere else. We ask that you please follow these simple posting guidelines.<br />

Rules of the eSupport Community<br />

The #1 rule is to discuss Radan information.<br />

Radan Technical Support, bugs, or direct reseller support should be taken directly to<br />

your Radan reseller.<br />

While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, profanity, insulting<br />

posts or personal attacks.<br />

You agree that the administrative staff of eSupport Community reserve the right to remove,<br />

edit, move or close any thread, private message, forum, social group, or any other aspect of<br />

the site for any reason we see fit. You agree that the administrative staff has the right to<br />

disable, ban, delete, or modify user accounts for any reason.<br />

We value your feedback. Please let us know how we can improve this community by posting your<br />

comments in the Radan Community forum.<br />

The eSupport Community site is accessible from the Vero Customer Support portal, through the<br />

Customer Community Forums button.<br />

The first time you select that button, a login and password will be generated for the eSupport site<br />

that is the same as your customer portal login.<br />

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Initial access of the eSupport site takes you to a landing page, providing buttons reflecting the<br />

Hexagon products your company is licensed for. Selecting the Radan button takes you to the<br />

Radan eSupport Community Home Page.<br />

On the Radan eSupport Community site you will find the following categories of information and<br />

resources:<br />

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Whatever your needs, we have a training course to enable you to maximise the benefit of your<br />

investment in Radan software, from a basic introduction training course to specialised<br />

functionality. If required, a training programme can be tailored to meet your company’s own<br />

specific training needs.<br />

The Radan philosophy is to offer effective customer training in a world where training is<br />

welcomed as an investment in the future of your business. To assist you to maximise the benefit of<br />

your investment in your chosen solution, we offer a comprehensive portfolio of training courses for<br />

all levels. We pride ourselves that our courses are customer specific, practical, realistic and jargonfree.<br />

Manufacturing technology develops at a rapid rate every year and Radan Software leads the way.<br />

With each release of Radan, new productivity enhancing features and functions are introduced.<br />

Purpose-built training facilities offer delegates the opportunity to spend time with experts. Each of<br />

our Training Officers has been chosen for their drive and commitment to quality training. They<br />

understand the real issues facing our customers and skills they need to exploit the full potential and<br />

power of the installed system to enhance their business.<br />

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Check out the website for all the la<strong>test</strong> dates and course availability at www.radan.com/training<br />

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