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<strong>TASK</strong> 4<br />

NAME<br />


INDEX NUMBER 1. 2019192340027<br />

IC NUMBER 1. 000117-03-1493<br />

GROUP<br />


CODE<br />

<strong>TASK</strong> TITTLE<br />


E2<br />


MPU3022<br />

<strong>ESSAY</strong><br />





BIL.<br />

PAGES<br />

1.0 Introduction 3<br />

2.0 Development of Children From JERIS Aspects 3-4<br />

3.0 Creativity In Teaching and Learning at Primary Level 4-6<br />

4.0 Conclusion 6-7<br />


1.0 Introduction<br />

A child’s development are the process of growth of a child to teenage years, from dependency<br />

to increase independence. The early years of a child’s life is essential for cognitive, social and<br />

emotional developments. Therefore, it is important that parents take every step necessary to<br />

ensure that children grow up in environments where their social, emotional and educational<br />

needs are met. The development of a child most often occur in unpredictable stages. Although<br />

every child develop in a unique ways, all children are expect to get influence by their<br />

environment at different age level. Children who are between the ages of 6 and 12 grow and<br />

mature at very different rates. It is normal to the children’s growth. There can be big difference<br />

in height, weight and build among healthy children. Diet, exercises and genes are all factors.<br />

Some children begin puberty or close to it before they are teenagers.<br />

Children will start to become more and more independent from their parent. For<br />

example, they may rebel against their parents. They also will look outward that is to their<br />

friends, who are usually of the same gender. Peer approval become very important. This child<br />

may try new behaviors to be part of the groups. This can also be the time that parents or<br />

teachers recognize learning disabilities or behavioral problems in children. These problems<br />

can get worse as time pass, so it is important to get help when the children are still young.<br />

Young children who grow up in environment where their developmental needs are not met are<br />

at an increased risk for delays of one or more areas, such as learning and language. Failure<br />

to invest time and resources during children’s early years may have long term effect on the<br />

foster care and education systems.<br />

2.0 Development of Children From JERIS Aspects.<br />

Primary education in primary school is the foremost and basic right of every children. To<br />

ensure the accessibility to all children is not only the duty of government but also of parents.<br />

The main objective of the primary education is to bring awareness among the children, open<br />

avenues of opportunities along with self-development and reduces inter-generational poverty.<br />

It is the first step in the making of welfare and society. In order to compete with the world,<br />

children are ready for the starting phase of their lives. From the age of four or five years, the<br />

children grow up in their home where they learn about family life and how they to interact with<br />

people. The role of primary education is to ensure the development of children. This means<br />

that all children are able to develop their social, cognitive, spiritual, intellectual, emotional and<br />

physical skills according to the best of their abilities. To get a quality primary education, it is<br />

very important to attend a good pre-school and primary school which can make more influence<br />

on children’s academic progress than their family background or their gender.<br />


Physical development in children enable them to have the ability to interact with the<br />

people and world around them. Physical Education is a process aimed at improving human<br />

performance through physical activity that is closely linked to the acquisition and refinement<br />

of motor skills; development and maintenance of fitness for optimal health and well-being;<br />

acquiring knowledge, and developing positive attitudes towards physical activity. Jenny (1961)<br />

and Williams (1964) argue that Physical Education provides education through physical<br />

activity and that its goals influence all physical development including mental and social<br />

development. Physical education is very important to implement in the primary school<br />

curriculum. This is because, through physical education, various aspects can be developed to<br />

a higher level. For example, an individual's JERIS aspects may be compromised if they neglect<br />

aspects of their physical development.<br />

Emotion is the feeling in someone response to a matter related to an individual's<br />

personal needs and desires. Here it refers to the way in which a person reacts or expresses<br />

an emotional reaction to his own needs and desires. Emotions excitement, anger, anxiety,<br />

fear and other emotional reactions focus on children's focus on important aspects of their lives<br />

and help children develop new ideas, goals and plans. Emotions in children show that they<br />

are sensitive to the circumstances and changes around them. We can find illustrations of<br />

children's emotions in everyday life. In primary school, some children cannot control their<br />

emotion because it is their early education. Some children do not want to go to school. They<br />

afraid or they can not survive with the new environment. So the teachers role are importang<br />

to make sure the children is happy to learn at school. For example, through Visual arts<br />

education they are able to express their feelings in a useful and correct way. The fluctuating<br />

feelings of joy, sadness, anger, dissatisfaction, and moreover children can be expressed<br />

through art.<br />

3.0 Creativity In Teaching and Learning at Primary Level<br />

Being a teacher is one of the most responsible and demanding tasks. However, it is also<br />

rewarding. A teacher is a person who directs and influences people, especially when they<br />

concerns teaching small children in primary school. People are mistaken to think that the task<br />

of a teacher is simply to share experiences and to test the knowledge of students. The truth<br />

is, teachers prepare students for the hardship and pleasure of life, they help young people to<br />

feel self-confident and motivated. A good teacher is able to inspire in a student a craving for<br />

knowledge, a bad teacher, on the contrary, can destroy a student’s ambitions and aspirations.<br />

It is vital for any teacher to constantly develop. So, teachers must be creative and innovative<br />

in teaching.<br />


With a fast growth of information technology, the ways of teaching students demand<br />

fundamental change. The process of learning should be creative and captivating. Hence,<br />

teachers have to take advantage of educational innovations in order to keep follow with recent<br />

developments. Creativity is highly appreciated everywhere. Because of this, a teacher should<br />

always be open to new ideas and ready to adjust to actual situations. In order to develop<br />

creativity and innovation, teachers should improved their skills. Nowadays, there are lots of<br />

books and professional courses for teachers who want to develop their skills. Creative<br />

teachers are many side people who have various interests and hobbies. For example, a<br />

person who enjoys playing the guitar can effectively use his or her hobby in the classroom.<br />

Singing songs is one of the best ways to improve pronunciation. Hobbies and different<br />

occupations can assist teachers to enrich their teaching methods. Students always accept<br />

such practices with joy and interest.<br />

Brilliant ideas usually arrived unexpectedly, so it is useful to collect and organize them.<br />

When a favorable opportunity occurs, try out your ideas and experiment with them. Some<br />

people believe that creativity is an inborn trait and it cannot be acquire. However, every person<br />

have the potential to become creative. It is important not to be afraid to try something new.<br />

There are many exercises that can boost your creativity, so do not focus on the result, try to<br />

free your mind and enjoy thinking. Teachers who stick to old methods without trying something<br />

new will never succeed. At a certain point, it is important to stop, look back and evaluate your<br />

experience. A creative teacher is able to develop creativity skills in children and the ability to<br />

think creative is a necessary tool for young people to succeed in various job. Creative students<br />

are not afraid of change. They are more confident and flexible. Children who use imagination<br />

to find new ways of solving different problems are able to memorise information without the<br />

need of cramming ideas. They can easily make connection and look at usual things with a<br />

fresh eye.<br />

Being an innovative teacher is about looking beyond what you do well at the present<br />

times. Try to discover the bright ideas of tomorrow and bring them into effect. Modern<br />

educators should look for new ways to improve teaching and learning. The world around us is<br />

constantly changing, so we cannot just stand still. Thus, innovation presupposes doing<br />

something in different ways. Some teaching methods have to be a little bit improve, others<br />

need total transformation. The aim of innovation is to create an approaching which is better<br />

than the previous one. Teachers all around the world are able to developed and share<br />

innovative ways of learning with the help of technology so that they can create visual and<br />

interactive learning environments for students who live in rural areas and remote parts of a<br />

country. Problem based learning helps to develop creativity and the ability to think critically. A<br />

good educator knows that knowledge is not the aim, but a means of creating problem solvers.<br />


Teachers have to encourage students to question all information and to associate it with their<br />

background knowledge.<br />

Another way of facilitating innovation in teaching is to assign students to create<br />

multimedia projects in groups. Doing so, enables students to cooperate effectively, to<br />

exchange opinions and experiences. In the new learning framework, the role of a student is<br />

more significant than the role of a teacher. That is why teachers should use educational<br />

programs and approaches which promote student centered learning. A teacher is becoming a<br />

facilitator, whose aim is to direct and assist students. Simmons (2012) described the<br />

importance of faculty talking with each other, sharing teaching ideas and challenges. These<br />

kinds of collaborative conversations encourage an atmosphere of safety and the ability to take<br />

risks. When faculty were ask what kind of strategies work, some of the responses included,<br />

“sharing ideas across discipline,” “creating an environment of open collaboration,” and<br />

“providing for interdisciplinary and capstone courses as well as cross-class project”.<br />

Use active learning techniques to engage students, and encourage innovation and<br />

creativity. Some faculty create games and use concept maps, songs, study guides. As one<br />

faculty member stated, “learning happens when you trap a student in an environment where<br />

they can’t escape without thinking.”<br />

4.0 Conclusion.<br />

In conclusion, teachers are the frontline fighters in educating the nation. Becoming a teacher<br />

is not only holding a position that has been a respected profession since time immemorial but<br />

also a teacher of the future of an educated child, determining the type of human being and the<br />

form of the nation. All of these teachers' roles are well known but there is still much to be done<br />

by our educators. They must work with the government to come up with the latest learning<br />

techniques to make their lessons easier for students to understand. At the same time, students<br />

should give good cooperation to teachers when they are in the school district.<br />

Education is a catalyst for the building of the Nation especially to inculcate the spirit of<br />

citizenship, especially in the early stages of the students and continued at a high level. Efforts<br />

should be made to strengthen the sharing of values and patriotism through activities involving<br />

various ethnic groups in schools. This is where the role and responsibility of the teacher plays.<br />

However, all efforts towards building a nation need careful and ongoing planning. By adopting<br />

such a positive attitude, the teacher must be successful in educating her students up to the<br />

ivory tower. The role of teachers is very important because any individual who is a great leader<br />

of a country has been educated to succeed because of the role of teacher in school or<br />


university. It is hoped that the values that have been instilled and nurtured at this school level<br />

will continue to be practiced by the students as they leave school. Indirectly the vision of<br />

building a nation state itself will be achieved.<br />



Amabile, T. (1983). The Social Psychology of Creativity. New York: Springer.<br />

Baer, J. (1997). Creative Teachers, Creative Students. Boston, M. A.: Ally & Bacon.<br />

Dvid Starbuck (2012). Creative Teaching: Learning with Style. New York: Continuum<br />

Internasional Publishing Group.<br />

James P. Downing (1997). Creative Teaching: Ideas to Boost Student Interest. United States:<br />

Greenwood Publishing Group.<br />

Noreffazlin Norjahan (2011). Tahap Kreativiti Guru Dan Aktiviti Pengajaran Sains Yang<br />

Kreatif. Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.<br />


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