
from claudia.marcela.becerra.rativa More from this publisher

V4.8 Jupiter red spot V4.9 Streamlines V4.10 Streaklines V5.10 Rotating lawn sprinkler V5.11 Impulse-type lawn sprinkler V5.12 Pelton wheel turbine V6.11 No-slip boundary condition V6.12 Liquid– liquid no-slip V6.13 Laminar flow V4.11 Pathlines V5.13 Energy transfer V6.14 Complex pipe flow V4.12 Unsteady flow V5.14 Water plant aerator V6.15 CFD example V4.13 Streamline coordinates V5.1 Sink flow V5.2 Shop vac filter V6.1 Spinning footballvelocity contours V6.2 Spinning football-velocity vectors V6.3 Shear deformation V7.1 Real and model flies V7.2 Flow past a flat plate V7.3 Reynolds number V5.3 Flow through a contraction V5.4 Smokestack plume momentum V5.5 Marine propulsion V6.4 Vortex in a beaker V6.5 Half-body V6.6 Circular cylinder V7.4 Froude number V7.5 Strouhal number V7.6 Weber number V5.6 Force due to a water jet V5.7 Running on water V5.8 Fire hose V5.9 Jelly fish V6.7 Ellipse V6.8 Circular cylinder with separation V6.9 Potential and viscous flow V6.10 Potential flow V7.7 Stokes flow V7.8 Model airplane V7.9 Environmental models V7.10 Flow past an ellipse

V7.11 Model of fish hatchery pond V7.12 Distorted river model V8.6 Stirring cream into coffee V8.7 Turbulence in a bowl V9.7 Skydiving practice V9.8 Karman vortex street V7.13 Wind engineering models V7.14 Model airplane test in water V7.15 Large scale wind tunnel V7.16 Wind tunnel train model V7.17 River flow model V8.8 Laminar to turbulent flow from a pipe V8.9 Laminar/turbulent velocity profiles V8.10 Entrance/exit flows V8.11 Separated flow in a diffuser V8.12 Car exhaust system V9.9 Oscillating sign V9.10 Flow past a flat plate V9.11 Flow past an ellipse V9.12 Jet ski V9.13 Drag on a truck V7.18 Boat model V7.19 Dam model V8.13 Rotameter V8.14 Water meter V9.14 Automobile streamlining V9.15 Stalled airfoil V7.20 Testing of large yacht mode V8.1 Turbulent jet V8.2 Laminar/turbulent pipe flow V8.3 Intermittent turbulent burst in pipe flow V8.4 Stirring color into paint V8.5 Laminar and turbulent mixing V9.1 Space shuttle landing V9.2 Streamlined and blunt bodies V9.3 Laminar boundary layer V9.4 Laminar/turbulent transition V9.5 Transition on flat plate V9.6 Snow drifts V9.16 Bat flying V9.17 Trailing edge flap V9.18 Leading edge flap V9.19 Wing tip vortices V10.1 Off-shore oil drilling platform. V10.2 Filling your car’s gas tank.

V4.8<br />

Jupiter red spot<br />

V4.9<br />

Streamlines<br />

V4.10<br />

Streaklines<br />

V5.10<br />

Rotating lawn sprinkler<br />

V5.11<br />

Impulse-type lawn<br />

sprinkler<br />

V5.12<br />

Pelton wheel turbine<br />

V6.11<br />

No-slip boundary<br />

condition<br />

V6.12<br />

Liquid– liquid<br />

no-slip<br />

V6.13<br />

Laminar flow<br />

V4.11<br />

Pathlines<br />

V5.13<br />

Energy transfer<br />

V6.14<br />

Complex pipe flow<br />

V4.12<br />

Unsteady flow<br />

V5.14<br />

Water plant aerator<br />

V6.15<br />

CFD example<br />

V4.13<br />

Streamline coordinates<br />

V5.1<br />

Sink flow<br />

V5.2<br />

Shop vac filter<br />

V6.1<br />

Spinning footballvelocity<br />

contours<br />

V6.2<br />

Spinning football-velocity<br />

vectors<br />

V6.3<br />

Shear deformation<br />

V7.1<br />

Real and model flies<br />

V7.2<br />

Flow past a flat plate<br />

V7.3<br />

Reynolds number<br />

V5.3<br />

Flow through a contraction<br />

V5.4<br />

Smokestack plume<br />

momentum<br />

V5.5<br />

Marine propulsion<br />

V6.4<br />

Vortex in a beaker<br />

V6.5<br />

Half-body<br />

V6.6<br />

Circular cylinder<br />

V7.4<br />

Froude number<br />

V7.5<br />

Strouhal number<br />

V7.6<br />

Weber number<br />

V5.6<br />

Force due to a water<br />

jet<br />

V5.7<br />

Running on water<br />

V5.8<br />

Fire hose<br />

V5.9<br />

Jelly fish<br />

V6.7<br />

Ellipse<br />

V6.8<br />

Circular cylinder<br />

with separation<br />

V6.9<br />

Potential and viscous<br />

flow<br />

V6.10<br />

Potential flow<br />

V7.7<br />

Stokes flow<br />

V7.8<br />

Model airplane<br />

V7.9<br />

Environmental models<br />

V7.10<br />

Flow past an ellipse

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