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686 Chapter 12 ■ Turbomachines Compressors are pumps that add energy to the fluid, causing a significant pressure rise and a corresponding significant increase in density. Compressible flow turbines, on the other hand, remove energy from the fluid, causing a lower pressure and a smaller density at the outlet than at the inlet. The information provided earlier about basic energy considerations 1Section 12.22 and basic angular momentum considerations 1Section 12.32 is directly applicable to these turbomachines in the ways demonstrated earlier. As discussed in Chapter 11, compressible flow study requires an understanding of the principles of thermodynamics. Similarly, an in-depth analysis of compressible flow turbo-machines requires use of various thermodynamic concepts. In this section we provide only a brief discussion of some of the general properties of compressors and compressible flow turbines. The interested reader is encouraged to read some of the excellent references available for further information 1e.g., Refs. 1–3, 18–202. P 0 out, psia Multistaging is common in highpressure ratio compressors. 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 PR = 2 P 0 in = 14.7 psia 1 2 3 4 Stage, n 5 12.9.1 Compressors Turbocompressors operate with the continuous compression of gas flowing through the device. Since there is a significant pressure and density increase, there is also a considerable temperature increase. Radial-flow 1or centrifugal2 compressors are essentially centrifugal pumps 1see Section 12.42 that use a gas 1rather than a liquid2 as the working fluid. They are typically high pressure rise, low flowrate, and axially compact turbomachines. A photograph of the rotor of a centrifugal compressor rotor is shown in Fig. 12.33. The amount of compression is typically given in terms of the total pressure ratio, PR p 02p 01 , where the pressures are absolute. Thus, a radial flow compressor with PR 3.0 can compress standard atmospheric air from 14.7 psia to 3.0 14.7 44.1 psia. Higher pressure ratios can be obtained by using multiple stage devices in which flow from the outlet of the preceding stage proceeds to the inlet of the following stage. If each stage has the same pressure ratio, PR, the overall pressure ratio after n stages is PR n . Thus, as shown by the figure in the margin, a four-stage compressor with individual stage PR 2.0 can compress standard air from p 0 in 14.7 psia to p 0 out 2 4 14.7 235 psia. Adiabatic 1i.e., no heat transfer2 compression of a gas causes an increase in temperature and requires more work than isothermal 1constant temperature2 compression of a gas. An interstage cooler 1i.e., an intercooler heat exchanger2 as shown in Fig. 12.34 can be used to reduce the compressed gas temperature and thus the work required. Relative to centrifugal water pumps, radial compressors of comparable size rotate at much higher speeds. It is not uncommon for the rotor blade exit speed and the speed of the absolute flow leaving the impeller to be greater than the speed of sound. That such large speeds are necessary for compressors can be seen by noting that the large pressure rise designed for is related to the differences of several squared speeds 1see Eq. 12.142. The axial-flow compressor is the other widely used configuration. This type of turbomachine has a lower pressure rise per stage, a higher flowrate, and is more radially compact than a centrifugal compressor. As shown in Fig. 12.35, axial-flow compressors usually consist of several stages, with each stage containing a rotor/stator row pair. For an 11-stage compressor, a compression ratio of PR 1.2 per stage gives an overall pressure ratio of 1.2 11 7.4. As the gas p 02p 01 F I G U R E 12.33 Centrifugal compressor rotor. (Photograph courtesy of concepts NREC.)

12.9 Compressible Flow Turbomachines 687 Intercooler Cooling coils Stagnation enthalpy or temperature Inlet to stage 1 Velocity Outlet of stage 2 Pressure Stator Blade Rotor Shaft Stage 1 Stage 2 F I G U R E 12.34 Two-stage centrifugal compressor with an intercooler. Rotor ω Shaft F I G U R E 12.35 Enthalpy, velocity, and pressure distribution in an axial-flow compressor. Axial-flow compressor multistaging requires less space than centrifugal compressors. V12.5 Flow in a compressor stage is compressed and its density increases, a smaller annulus cross-sectional area is required and the flow channel size decreases from the inlet to the outlet of the compressor. The typical jet aircraft engine uses an axial-flow compressor as one of its main components 1see Fig. 12.36 and Ref. 212. An axial-flow compressor can include a set of inlet guide vanes upstream of the first rotor row. These guide vanes optimize the size of the relative velocity into the first rotor row by directing the flow away from the axial direction. Rotor blades push on the gas in the direction of blade motion and to the rear, adding energy 1like in an axial-pump2 and moving the gas through the compressor. The stator blade rows act as diffusers, turning the fluid back toward the axial direction and increasing the static pressure. The stator blades cannot add energy to the fluid because they are stationary. Typical pressure, velocity, and enthalpy distributions along the axial direction are shown in Fig. 12.35. [If you are F I G U R E 12.36 (Courtesy of Rolls-Royce plc.) Rolls-Royce Trent 900 three-shaft propulsion system.

686 Chapter 12 ■ Turbomachines<br />

Compressors are pumps that add energy to the <strong>fluid</strong>, causing a significant pressure rise and<br />

a corresponding significant increase in density. Compressible flow turbines, on the other hand, remove<br />

energy from the <strong>fluid</strong>, causing a lower pressure and a smaller density at the outlet than at<br />

the inlet. The information provided earlier about basic energy considerations 1Section 12.22 and<br />

basic angular momentum considerations 1Section 12.32 is directly applicable to these turbomachines<br />

in the ways demonstrated earlier.<br />

As discussed in Chapter 11, compressible flow study requires an understanding of the principles<br />

of thermodynamics. Similarly, an in-depth analysis of compressible flow turbo-machines<br />

requires use of various thermodynamic concepts. In this section we provide only a brief discussion<br />

of some of the general properties of compressors and compressible flow turbines. The interested<br />

reader is encouraged to read some of the excellent references available for further information<br />

1e.g., Refs. 1–3, 18–202.<br />

P 0 out, psia<br />

Multistaging is<br />

common in highpressure<br />

ratio<br />

compressors.<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0<br />

0<br />

PR = 2<br />

P 0 in = 14.7 psia<br />

1 2 3 4<br />

Stage, n<br />

5<br />

12.9.1 Compressors<br />

Turbocompressors operate with the continuous compression of gas flowing through the device. Since<br />

there is a significant pressure and density increase, there is also a considerable temperature increase.<br />

Radial-flow 1or centrifugal2 compressors are essentially centrifugal pumps 1see Section 12.42<br />

that use a gas 1rather than a liquid2 as the working <strong>fluid</strong>. They are typically high pressure rise, low<br />

flowrate, and axially compact turbomachines. A photograph of the rotor of a centrifugal compressor<br />

rotor is shown in Fig. 12.33.<br />

The amount of compression is typically given in terms of the total pressure ratio, PR p 02p 01 ,<br />

where the pressures are absolute. Thus, a radial flow compressor with PR 3.0 can compress standard<br />

atmospheric air from 14.7 psia to 3.0 14.7 44.1 psia.<br />

Higher pressure ratios can be obtained by using multiple stage devices in which flow from the<br />

outlet of the preceding stage proceeds to the inlet of the following stage. If each stage has the same<br />

pressure ratio, PR, the overall pressure ratio after n stages is PR n . Thus, as shown by the figure in<br />

the margin, a four-stage compressor with individual stage PR 2.0 can compress standard air from<br />

p 0 in 14.7 psia to p 0 out 2 4 14.7 235 psia. Adiabatic 1i.e., no heat transfer2 compression of a<br />

gas causes an increase in temperature and requires more work than isothermal 1constant temperature2<br />

compression of a gas. An interstage cooler 1i.e., an intercooler heat exchanger2 as shown in Fig. 12.34<br />

can be used to reduce the compressed gas temperature and thus the work required.<br />

Relative to centrifugal water pumps, radial compressors of comparable size rotate at much<br />

higher speeds. It is not uncommon for the rotor blade exit speed and the speed of the absolute flow<br />

leaving the impeller to be greater than the speed of sound. That such large speeds are necessary<br />

for compressors can be seen by noting that the large pressure rise designed for is related to the differences<br />

of several squared speeds 1see Eq. 12.142.<br />

The axial-flow compressor is the other widely used configuration. This type of turbomachine<br />

has a lower pressure rise per stage, a higher flowrate, and is more radially compact than a<br />

centrifugal compressor. As shown in Fig. 12.35, axial-flow compressors usually consist of several<br />

stages, with each stage containing a rotor/stator row pair. For an 11-stage compressor, a compression<br />

ratio of PR 1.2 per stage gives an overall pressure ratio of 1.2 11 7.4. As the gas<br />

p 02p 01<br />

F I G U R E 12.33 Centrifugal<br />

compressor rotor. (Photograph courtesy of<br />

concepts NREC.)

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