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658 Chapter 12 ■ Turbomachines Theoretical or ideal head, h i Head Other losses Friction losses Actual head, h a Flowrate F I G U R E 12.9 Effect of losses on the pump head–flowrate curve. Ideal and actual head rise levels differ by the head loss. Figure 12.9 shows the ideal head versus flowrate curve 1Eq. 12.182 for a centrifugal pump with backward curved vanes 1b 2 6 90°2. Since there are simplifying assumptions 1i.e., zero losses2 associated with the equation for h i , we would expect that the actual rise in head of fluid, h a , would be less than the ideal head rise, and this is indeed the case. As shown in Fig. 12.9, the h a versus Q curve lies below the ideal head-rise curve and shows a nonlinear variation with Q. The differences between the two curves 1as represented by the shaded areas between the curves2 arise from several sources. These differences include losses due to fluid skin friction in the blade passages, which vary as Q 2 , and other losses due to such factors as flow separation, impeller blade-casing clearance flows, and other three-dimensional flow effects. Near the design flowrate, some of these other losses are minimized. Centrifugal pump design is a highly developed field, with much known about pump theory and design procedures 1see, for example, Refs. 4–62. However, due to the general complexity of flow through a centrifugal pump, the actual performance of the pump cannot be accurately predicted on a completely theoretical basis as indicated by the data of Fig. 12.9. Actual pump performance is determined experimentally through tests on the pump. From these tests, pump characteristics are determined and presented as pump performance curves. It is this information that is most helpful to the engineer responsible for incorporating pumps into a given flow system. 12.4.2 Pump Performance Characteristics The actual head rise, h a , gained by fluid flowing through a pump can be determined with an experimental arrangement of the type shown in Fig. 12.10, using the energy equation 1Eq. 5.84 with h a h s h L where is the shaft work head and is identical to h i , and is the pump head loss2 h s h a p 2 p 1 g z 2 z 1 V 2 2 V 1 2 (12.19) with sections 112 and 122 at the pump inlet and exit, respectively. Typically, the differences in elevations and velocities are small so that 2g h L h a p 2 p 1 g The power, p f , gained by the fluid is given by the equation p f gQh a (12.20) (12.21) (2) z 2 – z 1 (1) F I G U R E 12.10 Typical experimental arrangement for determining the head rise gained by a fluid flowing through a pump.

12.4 The Centrifugal Pump 659 and this quantity, expressed in terms of horsepower is traditionally called the water horsepower. Thus, h a Pump overall efficiency is the ratio of power actually gained by the fluid to the shaft power supplied. Falling head curve Rising head curve Q (12.22) with g expressed in lbft 3 , Q in ft 3 s, and h a in ft. Note that if the pumped fluid is not water, the g appearing in Eq. 12.22 must be the specific weight of the fluid moving through the pump. In addition to the head or power added to the fluid, the overall efficiency, h, is of interest, where h p f water horsepower gQh a 550 power gained by the fluid shaft power driving the pump The denominator of this relationship represents the total power applied to the shaft of the pump and is often referred to as brake horsepower 1bhp2. Thus, h gQh a550 bhp (12.23) The overall pump efficiency is affected by the hydraulic losses in the pump, as previously discussed, and in addition, by the mechanical losses in the bearings and seals. There may also be some power loss due to leakage of the fluid between the back surface of the impeller hub plate and the casing, or through other pump components. This leakage contribution to the overall efficiency is called the volumetric loss. Thus, the overall efficiency arises from three sources, the hydraulic efficiency, h h , the mechanical efficiency, h m , and the volumetric efficiency, h v , so that h h h h m h v . Performance characteristics for a given pump geometry and operating speed are usually given in the form of plots of h a , h, and bhp versus Q 1commonly referred to as capacity2 as illustrated in Fig. 12.11. Actually, only two curves are needed since h a , h, and bhp are related through Eq. 12.23. For convenience, all three curves are usually provided. Note that for the pump characterized by the data of Fig. 12.11, the head curve continuously rises as the flowrate decreases, and in this case the pump is said to have a rising head curve. As shown by the figure in the margin, pumps may also have h a Q curves that initially rise as Q is decreased from the design value and then fall with a continued decrease in Q. These pumps have a falling head curve. The head developed by the pump at zero discharge is called the shutoff head, and it represents the rise in pressure head across the pump with the discharge valve closed. Since there is no flow with the valve closed, the related efficiency is zero, and the power supplied by the pump 1bhp at Q 02 is simply dissipated as heat. Although centrifugal pumps can be operated for short periods of time with the discharge valve closed, damage will occur due to overheating and large mechanical stress with any extended operation with the valve closed. As can be seen from Fig. 12.11, as the discharge is increased from zero the brake horsepower increases, with a subsequent fall as the maximum discharge is approached. As previously noted, with h a and bhp known, the efficiency can be calculated. As shown in Fig. 12.11, the efficiency is a function p f W # shaft Shutoff head Head Head, ha Brake horsepower, bhp η Efficiency, Efficiency Brake horsepower Normal or design flowrate 0 0 Flowrate, Q F I G U R E 12.11 Typical performance characteristics for a centrifugal pump of a given size operating at a constant impeller speed.

658 Chapter 12 ■ Turbomachines<br />

Theoretical or ideal head, h i<br />

Head<br />

Other<br />

losses<br />

Friction losses<br />

Actual head, h a<br />

Flowrate<br />

F I G U R E 12.9 Effect of losses<br />

on the pump head–flowrate curve.<br />

Ideal and actual<br />

head rise levels differ<br />

by the head loss.<br />

Figure 12.9 shows the ideal head versus flowrate curve 1Eq. 12.182 for a centrifugal pump<br />

with backward curved vanes 1b 2 6 90°2. Since there are simplifying assumptions 1i.e., zero losses2<br />

associated with the equation for h i , we would expect that the actual rise in head of <strong>fluid</strong>, h a , would<br />

be less than the ideal head rise, and this is indeed the case. As shown in Fig. 12.9, the h a versus<br />

Q curve lies below the ideal head-rise curve and shows a nonlinear variation with Q. The differences<br />

between the two curves 1as represented by the shaded areas between the curves2 arise from<br />

several sources. These differences include losses due to <strong>fluid</strong> skin friction in the blade passages,<br />

which vary as Q 2 , and other losses due to such factors as flow separation, impeller blade-casing<br />

clearance flows, and other three-dimensional flow effects. Near the design flowrate, some of these<br />

other losses are minimized.<br />

Centrifugal pump design is a highly developed field, with much known about pump theory<br />

and design procedures 1see, for example, Refs. 4–62. However, due to the general complexity of<br />

flow through a centrifugal pump, the actual performance of the pump cannot be accurately predicted<br />

on a completely theoretical basis as indicated by the data of Fig. 12.9. Actual pump performance<br />

is determined experimentally through tests on the pump. From these tests, pump characteristics<br />

are determined and presented as pump performance curves. It is this information that is most<br />

helpful to the engineer responsible for incorporating pumps into a given flow system.<br />

12.4.2 Pump Performance Characteristics<br />

The actual head rise, h a , gained by <strong>fluid</strong> flowing through a pump can be determined with an experimental<br />

arrangement of the type shown in Fig. 12.10, using the energy equation 1Eq. 5.84 with<br />

h a h s h L where is the shaft work head and is identical to h i , and is the pump head loss2<br />

h s<br />

h a p 2 p 1<br />

g<br />

z 2 z 1 V 2 2 V 1<br />

2<br />

(12.19)<br />

with sections 112 and 122 at the pump inlet and exit, respectively. Typically, the differences in elevations<br />

and velocities are small so that<br />

2g<br />

h L<br />

h a p 2 p 1<br />

g<br />

The power, p f , gained by the <strong>fluid</strong> is given by the equation<br />

p f gQh a<br />

(12.20)<br />

(12.21)<br />

(2)<br />

z 2 – z 1<br />

(1)<br />

F I G U R E 12.10 Typical<br />

experimental arrangement for determining<br />

the head rise gained by a <strong>fluid</strong> flowing<br />

through a pump.

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