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450 Chapter 8 ■ Viscous Flow in Pipes Review Problems Go to Appendix G for a set of review problems with answers. Detailed solutions can be found in Student Solution Manual and Study Guide for Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, by Munson et al. (© 2009 John Wiley and Sons, Inc.). Problems Note: Unless otherwise indicated use the values of fluid properties found in the tables on the inside of the front cover. Problems designated with an 1*2 are intended to be solved with the aid of a programmable calculator or a computer. Problems designated with a 1† 2 are “open-ended” problems and require critical thinking in that to work them one must make various assumptions and provide the necessary data. There is not a unique answer to these problems. Answers to the even-numbered problems are listed at the end of the book. Access to the videos that accompany problems can be obtained through the book’s web site, www.wiley.com/ college/munson. The lab-type problems and FlowLab problems can also be accessed on this web site. Section 8.1 General Characteristics of Pipe Flow (Also see Lab Problem 8.130.) 8.1 Obtain a photograph/image of a piping system that would likely contain “pipe flow” and not “open channel flow.” Print this photo and write a brief paragraph that describes the situation involved. 8.2 Water flows through a 50-ft pipe with a 0.5-in. diameter at 5 gal/min. What fraction of this pipe can be considered an entrance region? 8.3 Rainwater runoff from a parking lot flows through a 3-ft-diameter pipe, completely filling it. Whether flow in a pipe is laminar or turbulent depends on the value of the Reynolds number. (See Video V8.2.) Would you expect the flow to be laminar or turbulent? Support your answer with appropriate calculations. 8.4 Blue and yellow streams of paint at 60 °F (each with a density of 1.6 slugsft 3 and a viscosity 1000 times greater than water) enter a pipe with an average velocity of 4 fts as shown in Fig. P8.4. Would you expect the paint to exit the pipe as green paint or separate streams of blue and yellow paint? Explain. Repeat the problem if the paint were “thinned” so that it is only 10 times more viscous than water. Assume the density remains the same. Splitter Yellow Blue F I G U R E P8.4 2 in. 25 ft Green? 8.5 Air at 200 °F flows at standard atmospheric pressure in a pipe at a rate of 0.08 lb/s. Determine the minimum diameter allowed if the flow is to be laminar. 8.6 To cool a given room it is necessary to supply 4 ft 3 /s of air through an 8-in.-diameter pipe. Approximately how long is the entrance length in this pipe? 8.7 A long small-diameter tube is to be used as a viscometer by measuring the flowrate through the tube as a function of the pressure drop along the tube. The calibration constant, K Q¢p, is calculated by assuming the flow is laminar. For tubes of diameter 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mm, determine the maximum flowrate allowed (in cm 3 /s) if the fluid is (a) 20 °C water, or (b) standard air. 8.8 Carbon dioxide at 20 °C and a pressure of 550 kPa (abs) flows in a pipe at a rate of 0.04 Ns. Determine the maximum diameter allowed if the flow is to be turbulent. 8.9 The pressure distribution measured along a straight, horizontal portion of a 50-mm-diameter pipe attached to a tank is shown in the table below. Approximately how long is the entrance length? In the fully developed portion of the flow, what is the value of the wall shear stress? x (m) (0.01 m) p (mm H 2 O) (5 mm) 0 (tank exit) 520 0.5 427 1.0 351 1.5 288 2.0 236 2.5 188 3.0 145 3.5 109 4.0 73 4.5 36 5.0 (pipe exit) 0 8.10 (See Fluids in the News article titled “Nanoscale flows,” Section 8.1.1.) (a) Water flows in a tube that has a diameter of D 0.1 m. Determine the Reynolds number if the average velocity is 10 diameters per second. (b) Repeat the calculations if the tube is a nanoscale tube with a diameter of D 100 nm. Section 8.2 Fully Developed Laminar Flow 8.11 Obtain a photograph/image of a piping system that contains both entrance region flow and fully developed flow. Print this photo and write a brief paragraph that describes the situation involved. 8.12 For fully developed laminar pipe flow in a circular pipe, the velocity profile is given by u(r) 2 (1 r 2 R 2 ) in m/s, where R is the inner radius of the pipe. Assuming that the pipe diameter is 4 cm, find the maximum and average velocities in the pipe as well as the volume flow rate. 8.13 The wall shear stress in a fully developed flow portion of a 12-in.-diameter pipe carrying water is 1.85 lbft 2 . Determine the pressure gradient, 0p0x, where x is in the flow direction, if the pipe is (a) horizontal, (b) vertical with flow up, or (c) vertical with flow down. 8.14 The pressure drop needed to force water through a horizontal 1-in.-diameter pipe is 0.60 psi for every 12-ft length of pipe. Determine the shear stress on the pipe wall. Determine the shear stress at distances 0.3 and 0.5 in. away from the pipe wall.

Problems 451 8.15 Repeat Problem 8.14 if the pipe is on a 20° hill. Is the flow up or down the hill? Explain. 8.16 Water flows in a constant diameter pipe with the following conditions measured: At section 1a2 p a 32.4 psi and z a 56.8 ft; at section 1b2 p b 29.7 psi and z b 68.2 ft. Is the flow from 1a2 to 1b2 or from 1b2 to 1a2? Explain. *8.17 Some fluids behave as a non-Newtonian power-law fluid characterized by t C1dudr2 n , where n 1, 3, 5, and so on, and C is a constant. 1If n 1, the fluid is the customary Newtonian fluid.2 (a) For flow in a round pipe of a diameter D, integrate the force balance equation 1Eq. 8.32 to obtain the velocity profile u1r2 n 1n 12 a ¢p 1n 2/C b c r 1n12n a D 1n12n 2 b d (b) Plot the dimensionless velocity profile uV c , where V c is the centerline velocity 1at r 02, as a function of the dimensionless radial coordinate r1D22, where D is the pipe diameter. Consider values of n 1, 3, 5, and 7. 8.18 For laminar flow in a round pipe of diameter D, at what distance from the centerline is the actual velocity equal to the average velocity? 8.19 Water at 20 °C flows through a horizontal 1-mm-diameter tube to which are attached two pressure taps a distance 1 m apart. (a) What is the maximum pressure drop allowed if the flow is to be laminar? (b) Assume the manufacturing tolerance on the tube diameter is D 1.0 0.1 mm. Given this uncertainty in the tube diameter, what is the maximum pressure drop allowed if it must be assured that the flow is laminar? 8.20 Glycerin at 20 °C flows upward in a vertical 75-mm-diameter pipe with a centerline velocity of 1.0 ms. Determine the head loss and pressure drop in a 10-m length of the pipe. 8.21 Determine the magnitude of the velocity gradient at points 10, 20, and 30 mm from the pipe wall for the flow in Problem 8.20. 8.22 A large artery in a person’s body can be approximated by a tube of diameter 9 mm and length 0.35 m. Also assume that blood has a viscosity of approximately 4 10 3 N # sm 2 , a specific gravity of 1.0, and that the pressure at the beginning of the artery is equivalent to 120 mm Hg. If the flow were steady (it is not) with V 0.2 ms, determine the pressure at the end of the artery if it is oriented (a) vertically up (flow up) or (b) horizontal. 8.23 At time t 0 the level of water in tank A shown in Fig. P8.23 is 2 ft above that in tank B. Plot the elevation of the water in tank A as a function of time until the free surfaces in both tanks are at the same elevation. Assume quasisteady conditions—that is, the steady pipe flow equations are assumed valid at any time, even though the flowrate does change (slowly) in time. Neglect minor losses. Note: Verify and use the fact that the flow is laminar. 8.24 A fluid flows through a horizontal 0.1-in.-diameter pipe. When the Reynolds number is 1500, the head loss over a 20-ft length of the pipe is 6.4 ft. Determine the fluid velocity. 8.25 A viscous fluid flows in a 0.10-m-diameter pipe such that its velocity measured 0.012 m away from the pipe wall is 0.8 ms. If the flow is laminar, determine the centerline velocity and the flowrate. 8.26 Oil flows through the horizontal pipe shown in Fig. P8.26 under laminar conditions. All sections are the same diameter except one. Which section of the pipe (A, B, C, D, or E) is slightly smaller in diameter than the others? Explain. Q 15 ft 5 ft 10 ft 6 ft 15 ft 60 in. 56 in. A 46 in. 20-foot sections F I G U R E P8.26 B C 8.27 Asphalt at 120 °F, considered to be a Newtonian fluid with a viscosity 80,000 times that of water and a specific gravity of 1.09, flows through a pipe of diameter 2.0 in. If the pressure gradient is 1.6 psi/ft determine the flowrate assuming the pipe is (a) horizontal; (b) vertical with flow up. 8.28 Oil of SG 0.87 and a kinematic viscosity n 2.2 10 4 m 2 s flows through the vertical pipe shown in Fig. P8.28 at a rate of 4 10 4 m 3 s. Determine the manometer reading, h. SG = 0.87 4 m 20 mm SG = 1.3 Q F I G U R E P8.28 h D 39 in. E 26 in. 3 ft 2 ft at t = 0 3 ft 25 ft B A 0.1-in. diameter, galvanized iron F I G U R E P8.23 8.29 Determine the manometer reading, h, for Problem 8.28 if the flow is up rather than down the pipe. Note: The manometer reading will be reversed. 8.30 A liquid with SG 0.96, m 9.2 10 4 N # sm 2 , and vapor pressure p v 1.2 10 4 Nm 2 1abs2 is drawn into the syringe as is indicated in Fig. P8.30. What is the maximum flowrate if cavitation is not to occur in the syringe?

450 Chapter 8 ■ Viscous Flow in Pipes<br />

Review Problems<br />

Go to Appendix G for a set of review problems with answers. Detailed<br />

solutions can be found in Student Solution Manual and Study<br />

Guide for Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, by Munson et al.<br />

(© 2009 John Wiley and Sons, Inc.).<br />

Problems<br />

Note: Unless otherwise indicated use the values of <strong>fluid</strong> properties<br />

found in the tables on the inside of the front cover. Problems<br />

designated with an 1*2 are intended to be solved with the<br />

aid of a programmable calculator or a computer. Problems<br />

designated with a 1†<br />

2 are “open-ended” problems and require<br />

critical thinking in that to work them one must make various<br />

assumptions and provide the necessary data. There is not a<br />

unique answer to these problems.<br />

Answers to the even-numbered problems are listed at the<br />

end of the book. Access to the videos that accompany problems<br />

can be obtained through the book’s web site, www.wiley.com/<br />

college/munson. The lab-type problems and FlowLab problems<br />

can also be accessed on this web site.<br />

Section 8.1 General Characteristics of Pipe Flow (Also<br />

see Lab Problem 8.130.)<br />

8.1 Obtain a photograph/image of a piping system that would<br />

likely contain “pipe flow” and not “open channel flow.” Print this<br />

photo and write a brief paragraph that describes the situation involved.<br />

8.2 Water flows through a 50-ft pipe with a 0.5-in. diameter at<br />

5 gal/min. What fraction of this pipe can be considered an entrance<br />

region?<br />

8.3 Rainwater runoff from a parking lot flows through a 3-ft-diameter<br />

pipe, completely filling it. Whether flow in a pipe is laminar or<br />

turbulent depends on the value of the Reynolds number. (See Video<br />

V8.2.) Would you expect the flow to be laminar or turbulent? Support<br />

your answer with appropriate calculations.<br />

8.4 Blue and yellow streams of paint at 60 °F (each with a density<br />

of 1.6 slugsft 3 and a viscosity 1000 times greater than water) enter<br />

a pipe with an average velocity of 4 fts as shown in Fig. P8.4.<br />

Would you expect the paint to exit the pipe as green paint or separate<br />

streams of blue and yellow paint? Explain. Repeat the problem<br />

if the paint were “thinned” so that it is only 10 times more viscous<br />

than water. Assume the density remains the same.<br />

Splitter<br />

Yellow<br />

Blue<br />

F I G U R E P8.4<br />

2 in.<br />

25 ft<br />

Green?<br />

8.5 Air at 200 °F flows at standard atmospheric pressure in a pipe<br />

at a rate of 0.08 lb/s. Determine the minimum diameter allowed if<br />

the flow is to be laminar.<br />

8.6 To cool a given room it is necessary to supply 4 ft 3 /s of air<br />

through an 8-in.-diameter pipe. Approximately how long is the entrance<br />

length in this pipe?<br />

8.7 A long small-diameter tube is to be used as a viscometer by<br />

measuring the flowrate through the tube as a function of the pressure<br />

drop along the tube. The calibration constant, K Q¢p, is<br />

calculated by assuming the flow is laminar. For tubes of diameter<br />

0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mm, determine the maximum flowrate allowed<br />

(in cm 3 /s) if the <strong>fluid</strong> is (a) 20 °C water, or (b) standard air.<br />

8.8 Carbon dioxide at 20 °C and a pressure of 550 kPa (abs) flows<br />

in a pipe at a rate of 0.04 Ns. Determine the maximum diameter allowed<br />

if the flow is to be turbulent.<br />

8.9 The pressure distribution measured along a straight, horizontal<br />

portion of a 50-mm-diameter pipe attached to a tank is shown in the<br />

table below. Approximately how long is the entrance length? In the<br />

fully developed portion of the flow, what is the value of the wall<br />

shear stress?<br />

x (m) (0.01 m) p (mm H 2 O) (5 mm)<br />

0 (tank exit) 520<br />

0.5 427<br />

1.0 351<br />

1.5 288<br />

2.0 236<br />

2.5 188<br />

3.0 145<br />

3.5 109<br />

4.0 73<br />

4.5 36<br />

5.0 (pipe exit) 0<br />

8.10 (See Fluids in the News article titled “Nanoscale flows,” Section<br />

8.1.1.) (a) Water flows in a tube that has a diameter of<br />

D 0.1 m. Determine the Reynolds number if the average velocity<br />

is 10 diameters per second. (b) Repeat the calculations if the<br />

tube is a nanoscale tube with a diameter of D 100 nm.<br />

Section 8.2 Fully Developed Laminar Flow<br />

8.11 Obtain a photograph/image of a piping system that contains<br />

both entrance region flow and fully developed flow. Print this<br />

photo and write a brief paragraph that describes the situation involved.<br />

8.12 For fully developed laminar pipe flow in a circular pipe, the<br />

velocity profile is given by u(r) 2 (1 r 2 R 2 ) in m/s, where R<br />

is the inner radius of the pipe. Assuming that the pipe diameter is<br />

4 cm, find the maximum and average velocities in the pipe as well<br />

as the volume flow rate.<br />

8.13 The wall shear stress in a fully developed flow portion of a<br />

12-in.-diameter pipe carrying water is 1.85 lbft 2 . Determine the<br />

pressure gradient, 0p0x, where x is in the flow direction, if the<br />

pipe is (a) horizontal, (b) vertical with flow up, or (c) vertical with<br />

flow down.<br />

8.14 The pressure drop needed to force water through a horizontal<br />

1-in.-diameter pipe is 0.60 psi for every 12-ft length of pipe. Determine<br />

the shear stress on the pipe wall. Determine the shear stress<br />

at distances 0.3 and 0.5 in. away from the pipe wall.

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