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444 Chapter 8 ■ Viscous Flow in Pipes 1.00 0.98 C v 0.96 Range of values depending on specific geometry 0.94 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 8 Re = ρVD/ μ F I G U R E 8.45 Venturi meter discharge coefficient (Ref. 23). Thus, the flowrate through a Venturi meter is given by The Venturi discharge coefficient is a function of the specific geometry of the meter. Q C v Q ideal CA T B 21p 1 p 2 2 r11 b 4 2 (8.40) where A T pd 2 4 is the throat area. The range of values of C v , the Venturi discharge coefficient, is given in Fig. 8.45. The throat-to-pipe diameter ratio 1b dD2, the Reynolds number, and the shape of the converging and diverging sections of the meter are among the parameters that affect the value of C v . Again, the precise values of C n , C o , and C v depend on the specific geometry of the devices used. Considerable information concerning the design, use, and installation of standard flow meters can be found in various books 1Refs. 23, 24, 25, 26, 312. E XAMPLE 8.15 Nozzle Flow Meter GIVEN Ethyl alcohol flows through a pipe of diameter FIND Determine the diameter, d, of the nozzle. D 60 mm in a refinery. The pressure drop across the nozzle meter used to measure the flowrate is to be ¢p 4.0 kPa when the flowrate is Q 0.003 m 3 s. SOLUTION From Table 1.6 the properties of ethyl alcohol are r 789 kgm 3 As a first approximation we assume that the flow is ideal, or and m 1.19 10 3 N # sm 2 . Thus, C n 1.0, so that Eq. 1 becomes From Eq. 8.39 the flowrate through the nozzle is or Re rVD m 4rQ pDm 41789 kgm 3 210.003 m 3 s2 p10.06 m211.19 10 3 N # sm 2 2 42,200 Q 0.003 m 3 s C n p 4 d 2 B 214 10 3 Nm 2 2 789 kgm 3 11 b 4 2 1.20 10 3 C nd 2 21 b 4 where d is in meters. Note that b dD d0.06. Equation 1 and Fig. 8.43 represent two equations for the two unknowns d and C n that must be solved by trial and error. (1) d 11.20 10 3 21 b 4 2 1 2 In addition, for many cases 1 b 4 1, so that an approximate value of d can be obtained from Eq. 2 as d 11.20 10 3 2 1 2 0.0346 m Hence, with an initial guess of d 0.0346 m or b dD 0.03460.06 0.577, we obtain from Fig. 8.43 1using Re 42,2002 a value of C n 0.972. Clearly this does not agree with our initial assumption of C n 1.0. Thus, we do not have the solution to Eq. 1 and Fig. 8.43. Next we assume b 0.577 and C n 0.972 and solve for d from Eq. 1 to obtain 12 1.20 103 d a 21 0.577 4 b 0.972 or d 0.0341 m. With the new value of b 0.03410.060 0.568 and Re 42,200, we obtain 1from Fig. 8.432 C n 0.972 in (2)

8.6 Pipe Flowrate Measurement 445 agreement with the assumed value. Thus, d 34.1 mm (Ans) 60 d = D COMMENTS If numerous cases are to be investigated, it may be much easier to replace the discharge coefficient data of Fig. 8.43 by the equivalent equation, C n f1b, Re2, and use a computer to iterate for the answer. Such equations are available in the literature 1Ref. 242. This would be similar to using the Colebrook equation rather than the Moody chart for pipe friction problems. By repeating the calculations, the nozzle diameters, d, needed for the same flowrate and pressure drop but with different fluids are shown in Fig. E8.15. The diameter is a function of the fluid viscosity because the nozzle coefficient, C n , is a function of the Reynolds number (see Fig. 8.43). In addition, the diameter is a function of the density because of this Reynolds number effect and, perhaps more importantly, because the density is involved directly in the flowrate equation, Eq. 8.39. These factors all combine to produce the results shown in the figure. d, mm 50 40 30 20 10 D d Gasoline Alcohol 0 F I G U R E E8.15 Water Carbon tet Mercury There are many types of flow meters. Numerous other devices are used to measure the flowrate in pipes. Many of these devices use principles other than the high-speed/low-pressure concept of the orifice, nozzle, and Venturi meters. A quite common, accurate, and relatively inexpensive flow meter is the rotameter, or variable area meter as is shown in Fig. 8.46. In this device a float is contained within a tapered, transparent metering tube that is attached vertically to the pipeline. As fluid flows through the meter 1entering at the bottom2, the float will rise within the tapered tube and reach an equilibrium height that is a function of the flowrate. This height corresponds to an equilibrium condition for which the net force on the float 1buoyancy, float weight, fluid drag2 is zero. A calibration scale in the tube provides the relationship between the float position and the flowrate. Q V8.13 Rotameter Float at large end of tube indicates maximum flowrate Position of edge of float against scale gives flowrate reading Tapered metering tube Metering float is freely suspended in process fluid Float at narrow end of tube indicates minimum flowrate Q F I G U R E 8.46 Rotameter-type flow meter. (Courtesy of Fischer & Porter Co.)

444 Chapter 8 ■ Viscous Flow in Pipes<br />

1.00<br />

0.98<br />

C v<br />

0.96<br />

Range of values<br />

depending on specific<br />

geometry<br />

0.94<br />

10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 8<br />

Re = ρVD/<br />

μ<br />

F I G U R E 8.45 Venturi<br />

meter discharge coefficient (Ref. 23).<br />

Thus, the flowrate through a Venturi meter is given by<br />

The Venturi discharge<br />

coefficient<br />

is a function of the<br />

specific geometry<br />

of the meter.<br />

Q C v Q ideal CA T B<br />

21p 1 p 2 2<br />

r11 b 4 2<br />

(8.40)<br />

where A T pd 2 4 is the throat area. The range of values of C v , the Venturi discharge coefficient,<br />

is given in Fig. 8.45. The throat-to-pipe diameter ratio 1b dD2, the Reynolds number, and the<br />

shape of the converging and diverging sections of the meter are among the parameters that affect<br />

the value of C v .<br />

Again, the precise values of C n , C o , and C v depend on the specific geometry of the devices<br />

used. Considerable information concerning the design, use, and installation of standard flow meters<br />

can be found in various books 1Refs. 23, 24, 25, 26, 312.<br />

E XAMPLE 8.15<br />

Nozzle Flow Meter<br />

GIVEN Ethyl alcohol flows through a pipe of diameter FIND Determine the diameter, d, of the nozzle.<br />

D 60 mm in a refinery. The pressure drop across the nozzle<br />

meter used to measure the flowrate is to be ¢p 4.0 kPa when<br />

the flowrate is Q 0.003 m 3 s.<br />


From Table 1.6 the properties of ethyl alcohol are r 789 kgm 3 As a first approximation we assume that the flow is ideal, or<br />

and m 1.19 10 3 N # sm 2 . Thus,<br />

C n 1.0, so that Eq. 1 becomes<br />

From Eq. 8.39 the flowrate through the nozzle is<br />

or<br />

Re rVD<br />

m<br />

<br />

4rQ<br />

pDm<br />

41789 kgm 3 210.003 m 3 s2<br />

p10.06 m211.19 10 3 N # sm 2 2 42,200<br />

Q 0.003 m 3 s C n p 4 d 2 B<br />

214 10 3 Nm 2 2<br />

789 kgm 3 11 b 4 2<br />

1.20 10 3 C nd 2<br />

21 b 4<br />

where d is in meters. Note that b dD d0.06. Equation 1<br />

and Fig. 8.43 represent two equations for the two unknowns d and<br />

C n that must be solved by trial and error.<br />

(1)<br />

d 11.20 10 3 21 b 4 2 1 2<br />

In addition, for many cases 1 b 4 1, so that an approximate<br />

value of d can be obtained from Eq. 2 as<br />

d 11.20 10 3 2 1 2 0.0346 m<br />

Hence, with an initial guess of d 0.0346 m or b dD <br />

0.03460.06 0.577, we obtain from Fig. 8.43 1using Re <br />

42,2002 a value of C n 0.972. Clearly this does not agree with<br />

our initial assumption of C n 1.0. Thus, we do not have the solution<br />

to Eq. 1 and Fig. 8.43. Next we assume b 0.577 and<br />

C n 0.972 and solve for d from Eq. 1 to obtain<br />

12<br />

1.20 103<br />

d a 21 0.577 4 b<br />

0.972<br />

or d 0.0341 m. With the new value of b 0.03410.060 <br />

0.568 and Re 42,200, we obtain 1from Fig. 8.432 C n 0.972 in<br />


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