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424 Chapter 8 ■ Viscous Flow in Pipes E XAMPLE 8.6 Minor Losses GIVEN The closed-circuit wind tunnel shown in Fig. E8.6a is a smaller version of that depicted in Fig. E8.6b in which air at standard conditions is to flow through the test section [between sections (5) and (6)] with a velocity of 200 ft/s. The flow is driven by a fan that essentially increases the static pressure by the amount p 1 p 9 that is needed to overcome the head losses experienced by the fluid as it flows around the circuit. FIND Estimate the value of p 1 p 9 and the horsepower supplied to the fluid by the fan. V 5 = 200 ft/s (4) (5) (6) (7) (3) Test section Flow-straightening screens (8) (2) Q (1) (9) F I G U R E E8.6a (Photograph courtesy of DELTALAB.France.) Fan F I G U R E E8.6b SOLUTION The maximum velocity within the wind tunnel occurs in the test section 1smallest area; see Table E8.6 on the next page2. Thus, the maximum Mach number of the flow is Ma 5 V 5c 5 , where V 5 200 fts and from Eq. 1.20 the speed of sound is c 11716 ft # lbslug # 31460 592 °R46 12 5 1kRT 5 2 12 51.4 °R2 1117 fts. Thus, Ma 5 2001117 0.179. As was indicated in Chapter 3 and discussed fully in Chapter 11, most flows can be considered as incompressible if the Mach number is less than about 0.3. Hence, we can use the incompressible formulas for this problem. The purpose of the fan in the wind tunnel is to provide the necessary energy to overcome the net head loss experienced by the air as it flows around the circuit. This can be found from the energy equation between points 112 and 192 as p 1 g V 2 1 2g z 1 p 9 g V 2 9 2g z 9 h L19 where h L19 is the total head loss from 112 to 192. With z 1 z 9 and V 1 V 9 this gives p 1 g p 9 g h L 19 Similarly, by writing the energy equation 1Eq. 5.842 across the fan, from 192 to 112, we obtain p 9 g V 2 9 2g z 9 h p p 1 g V 2 1 2g z 1 (1) h p where is the actual head rise supplied by the pump 1fan2 to the air. Again since z 9 z 1 and V 9 V 1 this, when combined with Eq. 1, becomes h p 1 p 1 p 9 2 g h L19 The actual power supplied to the air 1horsepower, p a 2 is obtained from the fan head by p a gQh p gA 5 V 5 h p gA 5 V 5 h L19 (2) Thus, the power that the fan must supply to the air depends on the head loss associated with the flow through the wind tunnel. To obtain a reasonable, approximate answer we make the following assumptions. We treat each of the four turning corners as a mitered bend with guide vanes so that from Fig. 8.31 K Lcorner 0.2. Thus, for each corner h Lcorner K V 2 L 2g 0.2 V 2 2g where, because the flow is assumed incompressible, V V 5 A 5A. The values of A and the corresponding velocities throughout the tunnel are given in Table E8.6. We also treat the enlarging sections from the end of the test section 162 to the beginning of the nozzle 142 as a conical diffuser with a loss coefficient of K Ldif 0.6. This value is larger than that of a well-designed diffuser 1see Fig. 8.29, for example2. Since the

8.4 Dimensional Analysis of Pipe Flow 425 TABLE E8.6 250 Location Area ( ft 2 ) Velocity ( fts) wind tunnel diffuser is interrupted by the four turning corners and the fan, it may not be possible to obtain a smaller value of K Ldif for this situation. Thus, COMMENTS By repeating the calculations with various test h Ldif K V 2 6 Ldif 2g 0.6 V 2 section velocities, V 6 5 , the results shown in Fig. E8.6c are obtained. Since the head loss varies as V 2 2g 5 and the power varies as head loss times V 5 , it follows that the power varies as the cube of The loss coefficients for the conical nozzle between section 142 and 152 and the flow-straightening screens are assumed to be K Lnoz 0.2 and K Lscr 4.0 1Ref. 132, respectively. We neglect the head loss in the relatively short test section. Thus, the total head loss is or h L19 30.21V 2 7 V 2 8 V 2 2 V 2 32 or Hence, from Eq. 1 we obtain the pressure rise across the fan as From Eq. 2 we obtain the power added to the fluid as or 1 22.0 36.4 2 28.0 28.6 3 35.0 22.9 4 35.0 22.9 5 4.0 200.0 6 4.0 200.0 7 10.0 80.0 8 18.0 44.4 9 22.0 36.4 h L19 h Lcorner7 h Lcorner8 h Lcorner2 h Lcorner3 h Ldif h Lnoz h Lscr 0.6V 2 6 0.2V 2 5 4.0V 2 442g 30.2180.0 2 44.4 2 28.6 2 22.9 2 2 0.612002 2 0.212002 2 4.0122.92 2 4 ft 2 s 2 32132.2 fts 2 24 p 1 p 9 gh L19 10.0765 lbft 3 21560 ft2 p a 10.0765 lbft 3 214.0 ft 2 21200 fts21560 ft2 34,300 ft # lbs p a h L19 560 ft 42.8 lbft 2 0.298 psi 34,300 ft # lbs 550 1ft # 62.3 hp lbs2hp (Ans) (Ans) a , hp 200 150 100 50 the velocity. Thus, doubling the wind tunnel speed requires an eightfold increase in power. With a closed-return wind tunnel of this type, all of the power required to maintain the flow is dissipated through viscous effects, with the energy remaining within the closed tunnel. If heat transfer across the tunnel walls is negligible, the air temperature within the tunnel will increase in time. For steadystate operations of such tunnels, it is often necessary to provide some means of cooling to maintain the temperature at acceptable levels. It should be noted that the actual size of the motor that powers the fan must be greater than the calculated 62.3 hp because the fan is not 100% efficient. The power calculated above is that needed by the fluid to overcome losses in the tunnel, excluding those in the fan. If the fan were 60% efficient, it would require a shaft h L (200 ft/s, 62.3 hp) 0 0 50 100 150 V 5 , ft/s F I G U R E E8.6c 200 250 300 power of p 62.3 hp10.602 104 hp to run the fan. Determination of fan 1or pump2 efficiencies can be a complex problem that depends on the specific geometry of the fan. Introductory material about fan performance is presented in Chapter 12; additional material can be found in various references 1Refs. 14, 15, 16, for example2. It should also be noted that the above results are only approximate. Clever, careful design of the various components 1corners, diffuser, etc.2 may lead to improved 1i.e., lower2 values of the various loss coefficients, and hence lower power requirements. Since is proportional to V 2 , the components with the larger V tend to have the larger head loss. Thus, even though K L 0.2 for each of the four corners, the head loss for corner 172 is 1V 7V 3 2 2 18022.92 2 12.2 times greater than it is for corner 132. 8.4.3 Noncircular Conduits Many of the conduits that are used for conveying fluids are not circular in cross section. Although the details of the flows in such conduits depend on the exact cross-sectional shape, many round pipe results can be carried over, with slight modification, to flow in conduits of other shapes. Theoretical results can be obtained for fully developed laminar flow in noncircular ducts, although the detailed mathematics often becomes rather cumbersome. For an arbitrary

424 Chapter 8 ■ Viscous Flow in Pipes<br />

E XAMPLE 8.6<br />

Minor Losses<br />

GIVEN The closed-circuit wind tunnel shown in Fig. E8.6a is a<br />

smaller version of that depicted in Fig. E8.6b in which air at standard<br />

conditions is to flow through the test section [between sections<br />

(5) and (6)] with a velocity of 200 ft/s. The flow is driven by a fan<br />

that essentially increases the static pressure by the amount p 1 p 9<br />

that is needed to overcome the head losses experienced by the <strong>fluid</strong><br />

as it flows around the circuit.<br />

FIND Estimate the value of p 1 p 9 and the horsepower supplied<br />

to the <strong>fluid</strong> by the fan.<br />

V 5 = 200 ft/s<br />

(4)<br />

(5) (6) (7)<br />

(3)<br />

Test section<br />

Flow-straightening<br />

screens<br />

(8)<br />

(2)<br />

Q (1)<br />

(9)<br />

F I G U R E E8.6a<br />

(Photograph courtesy of<br />

DELTALAB.France.)<br />

Fan<br />

F I G U R E E8.6b<br />


The maximum velocity within the wind tunnel occurs in the<br />

test section 1smallest area; see Table E8.6 on the next page2.<br />

Thus, the maximum Mach number of the flow is Ma 5 V 5c 5 ,<br />

where V 5 200 fts and from Eq. 1.20 the speed of sound is<br />

c 11716 ft # lbslug # 31460 592 °R46 12 5 1kRT 5 2 12 51.4<br />

°R2<br />

<br />

1117 fts. Thus, Ma 5 2001117 0.179. As was indicated in<br />

Chapter 3 and discussed fully in Chapter 11, most flows can be considered<br />

as incompressible if the Mach number is less than about 0.3.<br />

Hence, we can use the incompressible formulas for this problem.<br />

The purpose of the fan in the wind tunnel is to provide the necessary<br />

energy to overcome the net head loss experienced by the<br />

air as it flows around the circuit. This can be found from the energy<br />

equation between points 112 and 192 as<br />

p 1<br />

g V 2 1<br />

2g z 1 p 9<br />

g V 2 9<br />

2g z 9 h L19<br />

where h L19 is the total head loss from 112 to 192. With z 1 z 9 and<br />

V 1 V 9 this gives<br />

p 1<br />

g p 9<br />

g h L 19<br />

Similarly, by writing the energy equation 1Eq. 5.842 across the fan,<br />

from 192 to 112, we obtain<br />

p 9<br />

g V 2 9<br />

2g z 9 h p p 1<br />

g V 2 1<br />

2g z 1<br />

(1)<br />

h p<br />

where is the actual head rise supplied by the pump 1fan2 to the<br />

air. Again since z 9 z 1 and V 9 V 1 this, when combined with<br />

Eq. 1, becomes<br />

h p 1 p 1 p 9 2<br />

g<br />

h L19<br />

The actual power supplied to the air 1horsepower, p a 2 is obtained<br />

from the fan head by<br />

p a gQh p gA 5 V 5 h p gA 5 V 5 h L19 (2)<br />

Thus, the power that the fan must supply to the air depends on<br />

the head loss associated with the flow through the wind tunnel. To<br />

obtain a reasonable, approximate answer we make the following<br />

assumptions. We treat each of the four turning corners as a mitered<br />

bend with guide vanes so that from Fig. 8.31 K Lcorner 0.2. Thus,<br />

for each corner<br />

h Lcorner K V 2<br />

L<br />

2g 0.2 V 2<br />

2g<br />

where, because the flow is assumed incompressible, V V 5 A 5A.<br />

The values of A and the corresponding velocities throughout the<br />

tunnel are given in Table E8.6.<br />

We also treat the enlarging sections from the end of the test<br />

section 162 to the beginning of the nozzle 142 as a conical diffuser<br />

with a loss coefficient of K Ldif 0.6. This value is larger than that<br />

of a well-designed diffuser 1see Fig. 8.29, for example2. Since the

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