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410 Chapter 8 ■ Viscous Flow in Pipes It is often necessary to determine the head loss, h L , that occurs in a pipe flow so that the energy equation, Eq. 5.84, can be used in the analysis of pipe flow problems. As shown in Fig. 8.1, a typical pipe system usually consists of various lengths of straight pipe interspersed with various types of components (valves, elbows, etc.). The overall head loss for the pipe system consists of the head loss due to viscous effects in the straight pipes, termed the major loss and denoted h L major , and the head loss in the various pipe components, termed the minor loss and denoted h L minor . That is, h L h L major h L minor The head loss designations of “major” and “minor” do not necessarily reflect the relative importance of each type of loss. For a pipe system that contains many components and a relatively short length of pipe, the minor loss may actually be larger than the major loss. Δp = p 1 – p 2 (1) (2) ρ, μ D V ε Turbulent pipe flow properties depend on the fluid density and the pipe roughness. 8.4.1 Major Losses A dimensional analysis treatment of pipe flow provides the most convenient base from which to consider turbulent, fully developed pipe flow. An introduction to this topic was given in Section 8.3. As is discussed in Sections 8.2.1 and 8.2.4, the pressure drop and head loss in a pipe are dependent on the wall shear stress, t w , between the fluid and pipe surface. A fundamental difference between laminar and turbulent flow is that the shear stress for turbulent flow is a function of the density of the fluid, r. For laminar flow, the shear stress is independent of the density, leaving the viscosity, m, as the only important fluid property. Thus, as indicated by the figure in the margin, the pressure drop, ¢p, for steady, incompressible turbulent flow in a horizontal round pipe of diameter D can be written in functional form as ¢p F1V, D, /, e, m, r2 (8.32) where V is the average velocity, / is the pipe length, and e is a measure of the roughness of the pipe wall. It is clear that ¢p should be a function of V, D, and /. The dependence of ¢p on the fluid properties m and r is expected because of the dependence of t on these parameters. Although the pressure drop for laminar pipe flow is found to be independent of the roughness of the pipe, it is necessary to include this parameter when considering turbulent flow. As is discussed in Section 8.3.3 and illustrated in Fig. 8.19, for turbulent flow there is a relatively thin viscous sublayer formed in the fluid near the pipe wall. In many instances this layer is very thin; d sD 1, where d s is the sublayer thickness. If a typical wall roughness element protrudes sufficiently far into 1or even through2 this layer, the structure and properties of the viscous sublayer 1along with ¢p and t w 2 will be different than if the wall were smooth. Thus, for turbulent flow the pressure drop is expected to be a function of the wall roughness. For laminar flow there is no thin viscous layer—viscous effects are important across the entire pipe. Thus, relatively small roughness elements have completely negligible effects on laminar pipe flow. Of course, for pipes with very large wall “roughness” 1eD g 0.12, such as that in corrugated pipes, the flowrate may be a function of the “roughness.” We will consider only typical constant diameter pipes with relative roughnesses in the range 0 eD f 0.05. Analysis of flow in corrugated pipes does not fit into the standard constant diameter pipe category, although experimental results for such pipes are available 1Ref. 302. The list of parameters given in Eq. 8.32 is apparently a complete one. That is, experiments have shown that other parameters 1such as surface tension, vapor pressure, etc.2 do not affect the pressure drop for the conditions stated 1steady, incompressible flow; round, horizontal pipe2. Since there are seven variables 1k 72 which can be written in terms of the three reference dimensions MLT 1r 32, Eq. 8.32 can be written in dimensionless form in terms of k r 4 dimensionless groups. As was discussed in Section 7.9.1, one such representation is ¢p 1 2rV f~ a rVD 2 m , / D , e D b This result differs from that used for laminar flow 1see Eq. 8.172 in two ways. First, we have chosen to make the pressure dimensionless by dividing by the dynamic pressure, rV 2 2, rather than a characteristic viscous shear stress, mVD. This convention was chosen in recognition of the fact that the shear stress for turbulent flow is normally dominated by t turb , which is a stronger function

8.4 Dimensional Analysis of Pipe Flow 411 y R = D/2 δ s Velocity profile, u = u(y) Viscous sublayer x or ∋ Rough wall δ s Smooth wall ∋ F I G U R E 8.19 Flow in the viscous sublayer near rough and smooth walls. of the density than it is of viscosity. Second, we have introduced two additional dimensionless parameters, the Reynolds number, Re rVDm, and the relative roughness, eD, which are not present in the laminar formulation because the two parameters r and e are not important in fully developed laminar pipe flow. As was done for laminar flow, the functional representation can be simplified by imposing the reasonable assumption that the pressure drop should be proportional to the pipe length. 1Such a step is not within the realm of dimensional analysis. It is merely a logical assumption supported by experiments.2 The only way that this can be true is if the /D dependence is factored out as ¢p 1 2rV / 2 D f aRe, e D b As was discussed in Section 8.2.3, the quantity ¢pD1/rV 2 22 is termed the friction factor, f. Thus, for a horizontal pipe where ¢p f / rV 2 D 2 f f aRe, e D b (8.33) The major head loss in pipe flow is given in terms of the friction factor. For laminar fully developed flow, the value of f is simply f 64Re, independent of eD. For turbulent flow, the functional dependence of the friction factor on the Reynolds number and the relative roughness, f f1Re, eD2, is a rather complex one that cannot, as yet, be obtained from a theoretical analysis. The results are obtained from an exhaustive set of experiments and usually presented in terms of a curve-fitting formula or the equivalent graphical form. From Eq. 5.89 the energy equation for steady incompressible flow is p 1 g a V 1 2 1 2g z 1 p 2 g a V 2 2 2 2g z 2 h L where h L is the head loss between sections 112 and 122. With the assumption of a constant diameter 1D 1 D 2 so that V 1 V 2 2, horizontal 1z 1 z 2 2 pipe with fully developed flow 1a 1 a 2 2, this becomes ¢p p 1 p 2 gh L , which can be combined with Eq. 8.33 to give h L major f / D V 2 2g (8.34)

410 Chapter 8 ■ Viscous Flow in Pipes<br />

It is often necessary to determine the head loss, h L , that occurs in a pipe flow so that the<br />

energy equation, Eq. 5.84, can be used in the analysis of pipe flow problems. As shown in Fig.<br />

8.1, a typical pipe system usually consists of various lengths of straight pipe interspersed with<br />

various types of components (valves, elbows, etc.). The overall head loss for the pipe system consists<br />

of the head loss due to viscous effects in the straight pipes, termed the major loss and denoted<br />

h L major , and the head loss in the various pipe components, termed the minor loss and denoted<br />

h L minor . That is,<br />

h L h L major h L minor<br />

The head loss designations of “major” and “minor” do not necessarily reflect the relative importance<br />

of each type of loss. For a pipe system that contains many components and a relatively<br />

short length of pipe, the minor loss may actually be larger than the major loss.<br />

Δp = p 1<br />

– p 2<br />

(1) (2)<br />

ρ, μ<br />

D<br />

V<br />

<br />

ε<br />

Turbulent pipe flow<br />

properties depend<br />

on the <strong>fluid</strong> density<br />

and the pipe roughness.<br />

8.4.1 Major Losses<br />

A dimensional analysis treatment of pipe flow provides the most convenient base from which to<br />

consider turbulent, fully developed pipe flow. An introduction to this topic was given in Section<br />

8.3. As is discussed in Sections 8.2.1 and 8.2.4, the pressure drop and head loss in a pipe are dependent<br />

on the wall shear stress, t w , between the <strong>fluid</strong> and pipe surface. A fundamental difference<br />

between laminar and turbulent flow is that the shear stress for turbulent flow is a function of the<br />

density of the <strong>fluid</strong>, r. For laminar flow, the shear stress is independent of the density, leaving the<br />

viscosity, m, as the only important <strong>fluid</strong> property.<br />

Thus, as indicated by the figure in the margin, the pressure drop, ¢p, for steady, incompressible<br />

turbulent flow in a horizontal round pipe of diameter D can be written in functional form as<br />

¢p F1V, D, /, e, m, r2<br />

(8.32)<br />

where V is the average velocity, / is the pipe length, and e is a measure of the roughness of the<br />

pipe wall. It is clear that ¢p should be a function of V, D, and /. The dependence of ¢p on the<br />

<strong>fluid</strong> properties m and r is expected because of the dependence of t on these parameters.<br />

Although the pressure drop for laminar pipe flow is found to be independent of the roughness<br />

of the pipe, it is necessary to include this parameter when considering turbulent flow. As is discussed<br />

in Section 8.3.3 and illustrated in Fig. 8.19, for turbulent flow there is a relatively thin viscous<br />

sublayer formed in the <strong>fluid</strong> near the pipe wall. In many instances this layer is very thin;<br />

d sD 1, where d s is the sublayer thickness. If a typical wall roughness element protrudes sufficiently<br />

far into 1or even through2 this layer, the structure and properties of the viscous sublayer 1along<br />

with ¢p and t w 2 will be different than if the wall were smooth. Thus, for turbulent flow the pressure<br />

drop is expected to be a function of the wall roughness. For laminar flow there is no thin viscous<br />

layer—viscous effects are important across the entire pipe. Thus, relatively small roughness<br />

elements have completely negligible effects on laminar pipe flow. Of course, for pipes with very large<br />

wall “roughness” 1eD g 0.12, such as that in corrugated pipes, the flowrate may be a function of<br />

the “roughness.” We will consider only typical constant diameter pipes with relative roughnesses in<br />

the range 0 eD f 0.05. Analysis of flow in corrugated pipes does not fit into the standard constant<br />

diameter pipe category, although experimental results for such pipes are available 1Ref. 302.<br />

The list of parameters given in Eq. 8.32 is apparently a complete one. That is, experiments<br />

have shown that other parameters 1such as surface tension, vapor pressure, etc.2 do not affect the<br />

pressure drop for the conditions stated 1steady, incompressible flow; round, horizontal pipe2. Since<br />

there are seven variables 1k 72 which can be written in terms of the three reference dimensions<br />

MLT 1r 32, Eq. 8.32 can be written in dimensionless form in terms of k r 4 dimensionless<br />

groups. As was discussed in Section 7.9.1, one such representation is<br />

¢p<br />

1<br />

2rV f~ a rVD<br />

2 m , / D , e D b<br />

This result differs from that used for laminar flow 1see Eq. 8.172 in two ways. First, we have chosen<br />

to make the pressure dimensionless by dividing by the dynamic pressure, rV 2 2, rather than a<br />

characteristic viscous shear stress, mVD. This convention was chosen in recognition of the fact<br />

that the shear stress for turbulent flow is normally dominated by t turb , which is a stronger function

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