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370 Chapter 7 ■ Dimensional Analysis, Similitude, and Modeling F I G U R E 7.9 Instrumented, small-waterplane-area, twin hull (SWATH) model suspended from a towing carriage. (Photograph courtesy of the U.S. Navy’s David W. Taylor Research Center.) on the ship. Ship models are widely used to study new designs, but the tests require extensive facilities 1see Fig. 7.92. It is clear from this brief discussion of various types of models involving free-surface flows that the design and use of such models requires considerable ingenuity, as well as a good understanding of the physical phenomena involved. This is generally true for most model studies. Modeling is both an art and a science. Motion picture producers make extensive use of model ships, fires, explosions, and the like. It is interesting to attempt to observe the flow differences between these distorted model flows and the real thing. 7.10 Similitude Based on Governing Differential Equations Similarity laws can be directly developed from the equations governing the phenomenon of interest. In the preceding sections of this chapter, dimensional analysis has been used to obtain similarity laws. This is a simple, straightforward approach to modeling, which is widely used. The use of dimensional analysis requires only a knowledge of the variables that influence the phenomenon of interest. Although the simplicity of this approach is attractive, it must be recognized that omission of one or more important variables may lead to serious errors in the model design. An alternative approach is available if the equations 1usually differential equations2 governing the phenomenon are known. In this situation similarity laws can be developed from the governing equations, even though it may not be possible to obtain analytic solutions to the equations. To illustrate the procedure, consider the flow of an incompressible Newtonian fluid. For simplicity we will restrict our attention to two-dimensional flow, although the results are applicable to the general three-dimensional case. From Chapter 6 we know that the governing equations are the continuity equation and the Navier–Stokes equations 0u 0x 0v 0y 0 r a 0u 0t u 0u 0x v 0u 0y b 0p 0x m a 02 u 0x 2 02 u 0 2 y b r a 0v 0t u 0v 0x v 0v 0y b 0p 0y rg m a 02 v 0x 2 02 v 0y 2 b (7.28) (7.29) (7.30) where the y axis is vertical, so that the gravitational body force, rg, only appears in the “y equation.” To continue the mathematical description of the problem, boundary conditions are required. For example, velocities on all boundaries may be specified; that is, u u B and v v B at all boundary points x x B and y y B . In some types of problems it may be necessary to specify the pressure over some part of the boundary. For time-dependent problems, initial conditions would also have to be provided, which means that the values of all dependent variables would be given at some time 1usually taken at t 02. Once the governing equations, including boundary and initial conditions, are known, we are ready to proceed to develop similarity requirements. The next step is to define a new set of

7.10 Similitude Based on Governing Differential Equations 371 variables that are dimensionless. To do this we select a reference quantity for each type of variable. In this problem the variables are u, v, p, x, y, and t so we will need a reference velocity, V, a reference pressure, p 0 , a reference length, /, and a reference time, t. These reference quantities should be parameters that appear in the problem. For example, / may be a characteristic length of a body immersed in a fluid or the width of a channel through which a fluid is flowing. The velocity, V, may be the free-stream velocity or the inlet velocity. The new dimensionless 1starred2 variables can be expressed as Each variable is made dimensionless by dividing by an appropriate reference quantity. y u = V v = 0 p = p 0 y* u* = 1 v* = 0 p* = 1 r, m Re x = x Actual x* = 1 x* Dimensionless as shown in the figure in the margin. The governing equations can now be rewritten in terms of these new variables. For example, and The other terms that appear in the equations can be expressed in a similar fashion. Thus, in terms of the new variables the governing equations become and u* u V x* x / v* v V y* y / 0u 0x 0Vu* 0x* 0x* 0x V 0u* / 0x* 0 2 u 0x V 0 2 / 0x* a 0u* 0x* b 0x* 0x V 0 2 u* / 2 0x* 2 0u* 0x* 0v* 0y* 0 p* p p 0 t* t t (7.31) c rV t d 0u* 0t* c rV 2 0u* 0u* d au* v* / 0x* 0y* b c p 0 / d 0p* 0x* c mV / d a 02 u* 2 0x* 02 u* 2 0y* b 2 (7.32) c rV t d 0v* 0t* c rV 2 0v* 0v* d au* v* / 0x* 0y* b F I/ F Ic c p 0 / d 0p* mV 3rg4 c 0y* / d a 02 v* 2 0x* 02 v* 2 0y* b 2 (7.33) F P F G F V The terms appearing in brackets contain the reference quantities and can be interpreted as indices of the various forces 1per unit volume2 that are involved. Thus, as is indicated in Eq. 7.33, F I/ inertia 1local2 force, F Ic inertia 1convective2 force, F p pressure force, F G gravitational force, and F V viscous force. As the final step in the nondimensionalization process, we will divide each term in Eqs. 7.32 and 7.33 by one of the bracketed quantities. Although any one of these quantities could be used, it is conventional to divide by the bracketed quantity rV 2 / which is the index of the convective inertia force. The final nondimensional form then becomes c / tV d 0u* 0u* 0u* u* v* 0t* 0x* 0y* c p 0 rV d 0p* 2 0x* c m rV/ d a 02 u* 0x* 02 u* 2 0y* b 2 c / tV d 0v* 0v* 0v* u* v* 0t* 0x* 0y* c p 0 rV d 0p* 2 0y* c g/ V d c m 2 rV/ d a 02 v* 0x* 02 v* 2 0y* b 2 (7.34) (7.35) We see that bracketed terms are the standard dimensionless groups 1or their reciprocals2 which were developed from dimensional analysis; that is, is a form of the Strouhal number, p 0rV 2 /tV

370 Chapter 7 ■ Dimensional Analysis, Similitude, and Modeling<br />

F I G U R E 7.9 Instrumented,<br />

small-waterplane-area, twin<br />

hull (SWATH) model suspended from<br />

a towing carriage. (Photograph courtesy<br />

of the U.S. Navy’s David W.<br />

Taylor Research Center.)<br />

on the ship. Ship models are widely used to study new designs, but the tests require extensive facilities<br />

1see Fig. 7.92.<br />

It is clear from this brief discussion of various types of models involving free-surface flows<br />

that the design and use of such models requires considerable ingenuity, as well as a good understanding<br />

of the physical phenomena involved. This is generally true for most model studies. Modeling<br />

is both an art and a science. Motion picture producers make extensive use of model ships,<br />

fires, explosions, and the like. It is interesting to attempt to observe the flow differences between<br />

these distorted model flows and the real thing.<br />

7.10 Similitude Based on Governing Differential Equations<br />

Similarity laws can<br />

be directly developed<br />

from the equations<br />

governing the<br />

phenomenon of<br />

interest.<br />

In the preceding sections of this chapter, dimensional analysis has been used to obtain similarity<br />

laws. This is a simple, straightforward approach to modeling, which is widely used. The use of dimensional<br />

analysis requires only a knowledge of the variables that influence the phenomenon of<br />

interest. Although the simplicity of this approach is attractive, it must be recognized that omission<br />

of one or more important variables may lead to serious errors in the model design. An alternative<br />

approach is available if the equations 1usually differential equations2 governing the phenomenon<br />

are known. In this situation similarity laws can be developed from the governing equations, even<br />

though it may not be possible to obtain analytic solutions to the equations.<br />

To illustrate the procedure, consider the flow of an incompressible Newtonian <strong>fluid</strong>. For simplicity<br />

we will restrict our attention to two-dimensional flow, although the results are applicable<br />

to the general three-dimensional case. From Chapter 6 we know that the governing equations are<br />

the continuity equation<br />

and the Navier–Stokes equations<br />

0u<br />

0x 0v<br />

0y 0<br />

r a 0u<br />

0t u 0u<br />

0x v 0u<br />

0y b 0p 0x m a 02 u<br />

0x 2 02 u<br />

0 2 y b<br />

r a 0v<br />

0t u 0v<br />

0x v 0v<br />

0y b 0p 0y rg m a 02 v<br />

0x 2 02 v<br />

0y 2 b<br />

(7.28)<br />

(7.29)<br />

(7.30)<br />

where the y axis is vertical, so that the gravitational body force, rg, only appears in the “y equation.”<br />

To continue the mathematical description of the problem, boundary conditions are required.<br />

For example, velocities on all boundaries may be specified; that is, u u B and v v B at all boundary<br />

points x x B and y y B . In some types of problems it may be necessary to specify the pressure<br />

over some part of the boundary. For time-dependent problems, initial conditions would also<br />

have to be provided, which means that the values of all dependent variables would be given at<br />

some time 1usually taken at t 02.<br />

Once the governing equations, including boundary and initial conditions, are known, we are<br />

ready to proceed to develop similarity requirements. The next step is to define a new set of

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