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360 Chapter 7 ■ Dimensional Analysis, Similitude, and Modeling models, and essentially each problem must be considered on its own merits. The success of using distorted models depends to a large extent on the skill and experience of the investigator responsible for the design of the model and in the interpretation of experimental data obtained from the model. Distorted models are widely used, and additional information can be found in the references at the end of the chapter. References 14 and 15 contain detailed discussions of several practical examples of distorted fluid flow and hydraulic models. F l u i d s i n t h e N e w s Old Man River in (large) miniature One of the world’s largest scale models, a Mississippi River model, resides near Jackson, Mississippi. It is a detailed, complex model that covers many acres and replicates the 1,250,000 acre Mississippi River basin. Built by the Army Corps of Engineers and used from 1943 to 1973, today it has mostly gone to ruin. As with many hydraulic models, this is a distorted model, with a horizontal scale of 1 to 2000 and a vertical scale of 1 to 100. One step along the model river corresponds to one mile along the river. All essential river basin elements such as geological features, levees, and railroad embankments were sculpted by hand to match the actual contours. The main purpose of the model was to predict floods. This was done by supplying specific amounts of water at prescribed locations along the model and then measuring the water depths up and down the model river. Because of the length scale, there is a difference in the time taken by the corresponding model and prototype events. Although it takes days for the actual floodwaters to travel from Sioux City, Iowa, to Omaha, Nebraska, it would take only minutes for the simulated flow in the model. 7.9 Some Typical Model Studies Models are used to investigate many different types of fluid mechanics problems, and it is difficult to characterize in a general way all necessary similarity requirements, since each problem is unique. We can, however, broadly classify many of the problems on the basis of the general nature of the flow and subsequently develop some general characteristics of model designs in each of these classifications. In the following sections we will consider models for the study of 112 flow through closed conduits, 122 flow around immersed bodies, and 132 flow with a free surface. Turbomachine models are considered in Chapter 12. Geometric and Reynolds number similarity is usually required for models involving flow through closed conduits. 7.9.1 Flow through Closed Conduits Common examples of this type of flow include pipe flow and flow through valves, fittings, and metering devices. Although the conduit cross sections are often circular, they could have other shapes as well and may contain expansions or contractions. Since there are no fluid interfaces or free surfaces, the dominant forces are inertial and viscous so that the Reynolds number is an important similarity parameter. For low Mach numbers 1Ma 6 0.32, compressibility effects are usually negligible for both the flow of liquids or gases. For this class of problems, geometric similarity between model and prototype must be maintained. Generally the geometric characteristics can be described by a series of length terms, / 1 , / 2 , / 3 , . . . , / i , and /, where / is some particular length dimension for the system. Such a series of length terms leads to a set of pi terms of the form ß i / i / where i 1, 2, . . . , and so on. In addition to the basic geometry of the system, the roughness of the internal surface in contact with the fluid may be important. If the average height of surface roughness elements is defined as e, then the pi term representing roughness will be e/. This parameter indicates that for complete geometric similarity, surface roughness would also have to be scaled. Note that this implies that for length scales less than 1, the model surfaces should be smoother than those in the prototype since e m l / e. To further complicate matters, the pattern of roughness elements in model and prototype would have to be similar. These are conditions that are virtually impossible to satisfy exactly. Fortunately, in some problems the surface roughness plays

a minor role and can be neglected. However, in other problems 1such as turbulent flow through pipes2 roughness can be very important. It follows from this discussion that for flow in closed conduits at low Mach numbers, any dependent pi term 1the one that contains the particular variable of interest, such as pressure drop2 can be expressed as Dependent pi term f a / i / , e / , rV/ m b 7.9 Some Typical Model Studies 361 (7.16) This is a general formulation for this type of problem. The first two pi terms of the right side of Eq. 7.16 lead to the requirement of geometric similarity so that or / im / i / m / e m / m e / Accurate predictions of flow behavior require the correct scaling of velocities. / im / i e m e / m / l / This result indicates that the investigator is free to choose a length scale, l / , but once this scale is selected, all other pertinent lengths must be scaled in the same ratio. The additional similarity requirement arises from the equality of Reynolds numbers r m V m / m m m rV/ m From this condition the velocity scale is established so that V m (7.17) V m m r / m r m / m and the actual value of the velocity scale depends on the viscosity and density scales, as well as the length scale. Different fluids can be used in model and prototype. However, if the same fluid is used 1with m m m and r m r2, then V / / m Thus, V m Vl / , which indicates that the fluid velocity in the model will be larger than that in the prototype for any length scale less than 1. Since length scales are typically much less than unity, Reynolds number similarity may be difficult to achieve because of the large model velocities required. With these similarity requirements satisfied, it follows that the dependent pi term will be equal in model and prototype. For example, if the dependent variable of interest is the pressure differential, 3 ¢p, between two points along a closed conduit, then the dependent pi term could be expressed as ß 1 ¢p rV 2 The prototype pressure drop would then be obtained from the relationship V m ¢p r a V 2 b ¢p r m V m m so that from a measured pressure differential in the model, ¢p m , the corresponding pressure differential for the prototype could be predicted. Note that in general ¢p ¢p m . 3 In some previous examples the pressure differential per unit length, ¢p / , was used. This is appropriate for flow in long pipes or conduits in which the pressure would vary linearly with distance. However, in the more general situation the pressure may not vary linearly with position so that it is necessary to consider the pressure differential, ¢p, as the dependent variable. In this case the distance between pressure taps is an additional variable 1as well as the distance of one of the taps measured from some reference point within the flow system2.

360 Chapter 7 ■ Dimensional Analysis, Similitude, and Modeling<br />

models, and essentially each problem must be considered on its own merits. The success of using<br />

distorted models depends to a large extent on the skill and experience of the investigator responsible<br />

for the design of the model and in the interpretation of experimental data obtained from the model.<br />

Distorted models are widely used, and additional information can be found in the references at the<br />

end of the chapter. References 14 and 15 contain detailed discussions of several practical examples<br />

of distorted <strong>fluid</strong> flow and hydraulic models.<br />

F l u i d s i n t h e N e w s<br />

Old Man River in (large) miniature One of the world’s<br />

largest scale models, a Mississippi River model, resides near<br />

Jackson, Mississippi. It is a detailed, complex model that covers<br />

many acres and replicates the 1,250,000 acre Mississippi<br />

River basin. Built by the Army Corps of Engineers and used<br />

from 1943 to 1973, today it has mostly gone to ruin. As with<br />

many hydraulic models, this is a distorted model, with a horizontal<br />

scale of 1 to 2000 and a vertical scale of 1 to 100. One<br />

step along the model river corresponds to one mile along the<br />

river. All essential river basin elements such as geological features,<br />

levees, and railroad embankments were sculpted by hand<br />

to match the actual contours. The main purpose of the model<br />

was to predict floods. This was done by supplying specific<br />

amounts of water at prescribed locations along the model and<br />

then measuring the water depths up and down the model river.<br />

Because of the length scale, there is a difference in the time<br />

taken by the corresponding model and prototype events. Although<br />

it takes days for the actual floodwaters to travel from<br />

Sioux City, Iowa, to Omaha, Nebraska, it would take only minutes<br />

for the simulated flow in the model.<br />

7.9 Some Typical Model Studies<br />

Models are used to investigate many different types of <strong>fluid</strong> <strong>mechanics</strong> problems, and it is difficult<br />

to characterize in a general way all necessary similarity requirements, since each problem is<br />

unique. We can, however, broadly classify many of the problems on the basis of the general nature<br />

of the flow and subsequently develop some general characteristics of model designs in each<br />

of these classifications. In the following sections we will consider models for the study of 112 flow<br />

through closed conduits, 122 flow around immersed bodies, and 132 flow with a free surface. Turbomachine<br />

models are considered in Chapter 12.<br />

Geometric and<br />

Reynolds number<br />

similarity is usually<br />

required for models<br />

involving flow<br />

through closed<br />

conduits.<br />

7.9.1 Flow through Closed Conduits<br />

Common examples of this type of flow include pipe flow and flow through valves, fittings, and<br />

metering devices. Although the conduit cross sections are often circular, they could have other<br />

shapes as well and may contain expansions or contractions. Since there are no <strong>fluid</strong> interfaces<br />

or free surfaces, the dominant forces are inertial and viscous so that the Reynolds number is an<br />

important similarity parameter. For low Mach numbers 1Ma 6 0.32, compressibility effects are<br />

usually negligible for both the flow of liquids or gases. For this class of problems, geometric<br />

similarity between model and prototype must be maintained. Generally the geometric characteristics<br />

can be described by a series of length terms, / 1 , / 2 , / 3 , . . . , / i , and /, where / is some particular<br />

length dimension for the system. Such a series of length terms leads to a set of pi terms<br />

of the form<br />

ß i / i<br />

/<br />

where i 1, 2, . . . , and so on. In addition to the basic geometry of the system, the roughness of<br />

the internal surface in contact with the <strong>fluid</strong> may be important. If the average height of surface<br />

roughness elements is defined as e, then the pi term representing roughness will be e/. This parameter<br />

indicates that for complete geometric similarity, surface roughness would also have to be<br />

scaled. Note that this implies that for length scales less than 1, the model surfaces should be<br />

smoother than those in the prototype since e m l / e. To further complicate matters, the pattern of<br />

roughness elements in model and prototype would have to be similar. These are conditions that are<br />

virtually impossible to satisfy exactly. Fortunately, in some problems the surface roughness plays

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