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336 Chapter 7 ■ Dimensional Analysis, Similitude, and Modeling the variables may be described by some combination of basic dimensions, such as MT 2 and L, and in this case r would be equal to two rather than three. Although the use of the pi theorem may appear to be a little mysterious and complicated, we will actually develop a simple, systematic procedure for developing the pi terms for a given problem. 7.3 Determination of Pi Terms A dimensional analysis can be performed using a series of distinct steps. Several methods can be used to form the dimensionless products, or pi terms, that arise in a dimensional analysis. Essentially we are looking for a method that will allow us to systematically form the pi terms so that we are sure that they are dimensionless and independent, and that we have the right number. The method we will describe in detail in this section is called the method of repeating variables. It will be helpful to break the repeating variable method down into a series of distinct steps that can be followed for any given problem. With a little practice you will be able to readily complete a dimensional analysis for your problem. Step 1 List all the variables that are involved in the problem. This step is the most difficult one and it is, of course, vitally important that all pertinent variables be included. Otherwise the dimensional analysis will not be correct! We are using the term “variable” to include any quantity, including dimensional and nondimensional constants, which play a role in the phenomenon under investigation. All such quantities should be included in the list of “variables” to be considered for the dimensional analysis. The determination of the variables must be accomplished by the experimenter’s knowledge of the problem and the physical laws that govern the phenomenon. Typically the variables will include those that are necessary to describe the geometry of the system 1such as a pipe diameter2, to define any fluid properties 1such as a fluid viscosity2, and to indicate external effects that influence the system 1such as a driving pressure drop per unit length2. These general classes of variables are intended as broad categories that should be helpful in identifying variables. It is likely, however, that there will be variables that do not fit easily into one of these categories, and each problem needs to be carefully analyzed. Since we wish to keep the number of variables to a minimum, so that we can minimize the amount of laboratory work, it is important that all variables be independent. For example, if in a certain problem the cross-sectional area of a pipe is an important variable, either the area or the pipe diameter could be used, but not both, since they are obviously not independent. Similarly, if both fluid density, r, and specific weight, g, are important variables, we could list r and g, or r and g 1acceleration of gravity2, or g and g. However, it would be incorrect to use all three since g rg; that is, r, g, and g are not independent. Note that although g would normally be constant in a given experiment, that fact is irrelevant as far as a dimensional analysis is concerned. Step 2 Express each of the variables in terms of basic dimensions. For the typical fluid mechanics problem the basic dimensions will be either M, L, and T or F, L, and T. Dimensionally these two sets are related through Newton’s second law 1F ma2 so that F MLT 2 . For example, r ML 3 or r FL 4 T 2 . Thus, either set can be used. The basic dimensions for typical variables found in fluid mechanics problems are listed in Table 1.1 in Chapter 1. Step 3 Determine the required number of pi terms. This can be accomplished by means of the Buckingham pi theorem, which indicates that the number of pi terms is equal to k r, where k is the number of variables in the problem 1which is determined from Step 12 and r is the number of reference dimensions required to describe these variables 1which is determined from Step 22. The reference dimensions usually correspond to the basic dimensions and can be determined by an inspection of the dimensions of the variables obtained in Step 2. As previously noted, there may be occasions 1usually rare2 in which the basic dimensions appear in combinations so that the number of reference dimensions is less than the number of basic dimensions. This possibility is illustrated in Example 7.2. Step 4 Select a number of repeating variables, where the number required is equal to the number of reference dimensions. Essentially what we are doing here is selecting from the original list of variables several of which can be combined with each of the remaining

7.3 Determination of Pi Terms 337 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 variables to form a pi term. All of the required reference dimensions must be included within the group of repeating variables, and each repeating variable must be dimensionally independent of the others 1i.e., the dimensions of one repeating variable cannot be reproduced by some combination of products of powers of the remaining repeating variables2. This means that the repeating variables cannot themselves be combined to form a dimensionless product. For any given problem we usually are interested in determining how one particular variable is influenced by the other variables. We would consider this variable to be the dependent variable, and we would want this to appear in only one pi term. Thus, do not choose the dependent variable as one of the repeating variables, since the repeating variables will generally appear in more than one pi term. Form a pi term by multiplying one of the nonrepeating variables by the product of the repeating variables, each raised to an exponent that will make the combination a dimensionless. Essentially each pi term will be of the form u i u i b 1 u i c 2 u i 3 where u i is one of the nonrepeating variables; u 1 , u 2 , and u 3 are the repeating variables; and the exponents a i , b i , and c i are determined so that the combination is dimensionless. Repeat Step 5 for each of the remaining nonrepeating variables. The resulting set of pi terms will correspond to the required number obtained from Step 3. If not, check your work—you have made a mistake! Check all the resulting pi terms to make sure they are dimensionless. It is easy to make a mistake in forming the pi terms. However, this can be checked by simply substituting the dimensions of the variables into the pi terms to confirm that they are all dimensionless. One good way to do this is to express the variables in terms of M, L, and T if the basic dimensions F, L, and T were used initially, or vice versa, and then check to make sure the pi terms are dimensionless. Express the final form as a relationship among the pi terms, and think about what it means. Typically the final form can be written as By using dimensional analysis, the original problem is simplified and defined with pi terms. D V (1) (2) ρ, μ Δp = (p 1 – p 2 )/ ß 1 f1ß 2 , ß 3 , . . . , ß kr 2 where ß 1 would contain the dependent variable in the numerator. It should be emphasized that if you started out with the correct list of variables 1and the other steps were completed correctly2, then the relationship in terms of the pi terms can be used to describe the problem. You need only work with the pi terms—not with the individual variables. However, it should be clearly noted that this is as far as we can go with the dimensional analysis; that is, the actual functional relationship among the pi terms must be determined by experiment. To illustrate these various steps we will again consider the problem discussed earlier in this chapter which was concerned with the steady flow of an incompressible Newtonian fluid through a long, smooth-walled, horizontal circular pipe. We are interested in the pressure drop per unit length, ¢p / , along the pipe as illustrated by the figure in the margin. First (Step 1) we must list all of the pertinent variables that are involved based on the experimenter’s knowledge of the problem. In this problem we assume that ¢p / f 1D, r, m, V2 where D is the pipe diameter, r and m are the fluid density and viscosity, respectively, and V is the mean velocity. Next 1Step 22 we express all the variables in terms of basic dimensions. Using F, L, and T as basic dimensions it follows that ¢p / FL 3 D L r FL 4 T 2 m FL 2 T V LT 1

7.3 Determination of Pi Terms 337<br />

Step 5<br />

Step 6<br />

Step 7<br />

Step 8<br />

variables to form a pi term. All of the required reference dimensions must be included<br />

within the group of repeating variables, and each repeating variable must be dimensionally<br />

independent of the others 1i.e., the dimensions of one repeating variable cannot be<br />

reproduced by some combination of products of powers of the remaining repeating variables2.<br />

This means that the repeating variables cannot themselves be combined to form<br />

a dimensionless product.<br />

For any given problem we usually are interested in determining how one particular<br />

variable is influenced by the other variables. We would consider this variable to be<br />

the dependent variable, and we would want this to appear in only one pi term. Thus, do<br />

not choose the dependent variable as one of the repeating variables, since the repeating<br />

variables will generally appear in more than one pi term.<br />

Form a pi term by multiplying one of the nonrepeating variables by the product of<br />

the repeating variables, each raised to an exponent that will make the combination<br />

a<br />

dimensionless. Essentially each pi term will be of the form u i u i b<br />

1 u i c<br />

2 u i<br />

3 where u i is one of<br />

the nonrepeating variables; u 1 , u 2 , and u 3 are the repeating variables; and the exponents<br />

a i , b i , and c i are determined so that the combination is dimensionless.<br />

Repeat Step 5 for each of the remaining nonrepeating variables. The resulting set of<br />

pi terms will correspond to the required number obtained from Step 3. If not, check your<br />

work—you have made a mistake!<br />

Check all the resulting pi terms to make sure they are dimensionless. It is easy to make<br />

a mistake in forming the pi terms. However, this can be checked by simply substituting<br />

the dimensions of the variables into the pi terms to confirm that they are all dimensionless.<br />

One good way to do this is to express the variables in terms of M, L, and T if the<br />

basic dimensions F, L, and T were used initially, or vice versa, and then check to make<br />

sure the pi terms are dimensionless.<br />

Express the final form as a relationship among the pi terms, and think about what<br />

it means. Typically the final form can be written as<br />

By using dimensional<br />

analysis, the<br />

original problem is<br />

simplified and defined<br />

with pi terms.<br />

D V<br />

(1) (2)<br />

ρ, μ<br />

<br />

Δp = (p 1<br />

– p 2 )/<br />

ß 1 f1ß 2 , ß 3 , . . . , ß kr 2<br />

where ß 1 would contain the dependent variable in the numerator. It should be emphasized<br />

that if you started out with the correct list of variables 1and the other steps were completed<br />

correctly2, then the relationship in terms of the pi terms can be used to describe the problem.<br />

You need only work with the pi terms—not with the individual variables. However, it<br />

should be clearly noted that this is as far as we can go with the dimensional analysis; that<br />

is, the actual functional relationship among the pi terms must be determined by experiment.<br />

To illustrate these various steps we will again consider the problem discussed earlier in this<br />

chapter which was concerned with the steady flow of an incompressible Newtonian <strong>fluid</strong> through<br />

a long, smooth-walled, horizontal circular pipe. We are interested in the pressure drop per unit<br />

length, ¢p / , along the pipe as illustrated by the figure in the margin. First (Step 1) we must list<br />

all of the pertinent variables that are involved based on the experimenter’s knowledge of the problem.<br />

In this problem we assume that<br />

¢p / f 1D, r, m, V2<br />

where D is the pipe diameter, r and m are the <strong>fluid</strong> density and viscosity, respectively, and V is the<br />

mean velocity.<br />

Next 1Step 22 we express all the variables in terms of basic dimensions. Using F, L, and T<br />

as basic dimensions it follows that<br />

¢p / FL 3<br />

D L<br />

r FL 4 T 2<br />

m FL 2 T<br />

V LT 1

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