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278 Chapter 6 ■ Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow ( yx + ____ ∂τyx y τ __ δ δx δz ∂ y 2 ( ( xx – ____ ∂σxx x σ __ δ δy δz ∂x 2 ( δy ( zx – ____ ∂τzx z τ __ δ δx δy ∂ z 2 ( ( ( xx + ____ ∂σxx x σ __ δ δy δz ∂ x 2 y ( zx + ____ ∂τzx z τ __ δ δx δy ∂z 2 ( δx δz ( yx – ____ ∂τyx y τ __ δ δx δz ∂ y 2 ( x z F I G U R E 6.11 fluid element. Surface forces in the x direction acting on a for the resultant surface force in the x direction. In a similar manner the resultant surface forces in the y and z directions can be obtained and expressed as dF sy a 0t xy 0x 0s yy 0y 0t zy b dx dy dz 0z (6.48b) The resultant surface force can now be expressed as (6.48c) (6.49) and this force combined with the body force, dF b , yields the resultant force, dF, acting on the differential mass, dm. That is, dF dF s dF b . 6.3.2 Equations of Motion dF sz a 0t xz 0x 0t yz 0y 0s zz b dx dy dz 0z dF s dF sx î dF sy ĵ dF sz kˆ The expressions for the body and surface forces can now be used in conjunction with Eq. 6.45 to develop the equations of motion. In component form Eq. 6.45 can be written as dF x dm a x dF y dm a y The motion of a fluid is governed by a set of nonlinear differential equations. where dm r dx dy dz, and the acceleration components are given by Eq. 6.3. It now follows 1using Eqs. 6.47 and 6.48 for the forces on the element2 that rg x 0s xx 0x 0t yx 0y 0t zx 0z r a 0u 0t u 0u 0x v 0u 0y w 0u 0z b rg y 0t xy 0x 0s yy 0y 0t zy 0z r a 0v 0t u 0v 0x v 0y 0y w 0v 0z b rg z 0t xz 0x 0t yz 0y 0s zz 0z dF z dm a z r a 0w 0t u 0w 0x v 0w 0y w 0w 0z b (6.50a) (6.50b) (6.50c) where the element volume dx dy dz cancels out. Equations 6.50 are the general differential equations of motion for a fluid. In fact, they are applicable to any continuum 1solid or fluid2 in motion or at rest. However, before we can use the equations to solve specific problems, some additional information about the stresses must be obtained.

6.4 Inviscid Flow 279 Otherwise, we will have more unknowns 1all of the stresses and velocities and the density2 than equations. It should not be too surprising that the differential analysis of fluid motion is complicated. We are attempting to describe, in detail, complex fluid motion. 6.4 Inviscid Flow As is discussed in Section 1.6, shearing stresses develop in a moving fluid because of the viscosity of the fluid. We know that for some common fluids, such as air and water, the viscosity is small, and therefore it seems reasonable to assume that under some circumstances we may be able to simply neglect the effect of viscosity 1and thus shearing stresses2. Flow fields in which the shearing stresses are assumed to be negligible are said to be inviscid, nonviscous, or frictionless. These terms are used interchangeably. As is discussed in Section 2.1, for fluids in which there are no shearing stresses the normal stress at a point is independent of direction—that is, In this instance we define the pressure, p, as the negative of the normal stress so that p s xx s yy s zz s xx s yy s zz . The negative sign is used so that a compressive normal stress 1which is what we expect in a fluid2 will give a positive value for p. In Chapter 3 the inviscid flow concept was used in the development of the Bernoulli equation, and numerous applications of this important equation were considered. In this section we will again consider the Bernoulli equation and will show how it can be derived from the general equations of motion for inviscid flow. Euler’s equations of motion apply to an inviscid flow field. 6.4.1 Euler’s Equations of Motion For an inviscid flow in which all the shearing stresses are zero, and the normal stresses are replaced by p, the general equations of motion 1Eqs. 6.502 reduce to rg x 0p (6.51a) 0x r a 0u 0t u 0u 0x v 0u 0y w 0u 0z b rg y 0p 0y r a 0v 0t u 0v 0x v 0v 0y w 0v 0z b (6.51b) rg z 0p (6.51c) 0z r a 0w 0t u 0w 0x v 0w 0y w 0w 0z b These equations are commonly referred to as Euler’s equations of motion, named in honor of Leonhard Euler 11707–17832, a famous Swiss mathematician who pioneered work on the relationship between pressure and flow. In vector notation Euler’s equations can be expressed as rg p r c 0V 1V 2V d (6.52) 0t Although Eqs. 6.51 are considerably simpler than the general equations of motion, Eqs. 6.50, they are still not amenable to a general analytical solution that would allow us to determine the pressure and velocity at all points within an inviscid flow field. The main difficulty arises from the nonlinear velocity terms 1u 0u0x, v 0u0y, etc.2, which appear in the convective acceleration. Because of these terms, Euler’s equations are nonlinear partial differential equations for which we do not have a general method of solving. However, under some circumstances we can use them to obtain useful information about inviscid flow fields. For example, as shown in the following section we can integrate Eq. 6.52 to obtain a relationship 1the Bernoulli equation2 between elevation, pressure, and velocity along a streamline. 6.4.2 The Bernoulli Equation In Section 3.2 the Bernoulli equation was derived by a direct application of Newton’s second law to a fluid particle moving along a streamline. In this section we will again derive this important

6.4 Inviscid Flow 279<br />

Otherwise, we will have more unknowns 1all of the stresses and velocities and the density2 than<br />

equations. It should not be too surprising that the differential analysis of <strong>fluid</strong> motion is complicated.<br />

We are attempting to describe, in detail, complex <strong>fluid</strong> motion.<br />

6.4 Inviscid Flow<br />

As is discussed in Section 1.6, shearing stresses develop in a moving <strong>fluid</strong> because of the viscosity<br />

of the <strong>fluid</strong>. We know that for some common <strong>fluid</strong>s, such as air and water, the viscosity is small,<br />

and therefore it seems reasonable to assume that under some circumstances we may be able to<br />

simply neglect the effect of viscosity 1and thus shearing stresses2. Flow fields in which the shearing<br />

stresses are assumed to be negligible are said to be inviscid, nonviscous, or frictionless. These terms<br />

are used interchangeably. As is discussed in Section 2.1, for <strong>fluid</strong>s in which there are no shearing<br />

stresses the normal stress at a point is independent of direction—that is,<br />

In this<br />

instance we define the pressure, p, as the negative of the normal stress so that<br />

p s xx s yy s zz<br />

s xx s yy s zz .<br />

The negative sign is used so that a compressive normal stress 1which is what we expect in a <strong>fluid</strong>2<br />

will give a positive value for p.<br />

In Chapter 3 the inviscid flow concept was used in the development of the Bernoulli equation,<br />

and numerous applications of this important equation were considered. In this section we will again<br />

consider the Bernoulli equation and will show how it can be derived from the general equations of<br />

motion for inviscid flow.<br />

Euler’s equations<br />

of motion apply to<br />

an inviscid flow<br />

field.<br />

6.4.1 Euler’s Equations of Motion<br />

For an inviscid flow in which all the shearing stresses are zero, and the normal stresses are replaced<br />

by p, the general equations of motion 1Eqs. 6.502 reduce to<br />

rg x 0p<br />

(6.51a)<br />

0x r a 0u<br />

0t u 0u<br />

0x v 0u<br />

0y w 0u<br />

0z b<br />

rg y 0p<br />

0y r a 0v<br />

0t u 0v<br />

0x v 0v<br />

0y w 0v<br />

0z b<br />

(6.51b)<br />

rg z 0p<br />

(6.51c)<br />

0z r a 0w<br />

0t u 0w<br />

0x v 0w<br />

0y w 0w<br />

0z b<br />

These equations are commonly referred to as Euler’s equations of motion, named in honor of<br />

Leonhard Euler 11707–17832, a famous Swiss mathematician who pioneered work on the relationship<br />

between pressure and flow. In vector notation Euler’s equations can be expressed as<br />

rg p r c 0V 1V 2V d<br />

(6.52)<br />

0t<br />

Although Eqs. 6.51 are considerably simpler than the general equations of motion, Eqs. 6.50,<br />

they are still not amenable to a general analytical solution that would allow us to determine the<br />

pressure and velocity at all points within an inviscid flow field. The main difficulty arises from the<br />

nonlinear velocity terms 1u 0u0x, v 0u0y, etc.2, which appear in the convective acceleration.<br />

Because of these terms, Euler’s equations are nonlinear partial differential equations for which we<br />

do not have a general method of solving. However, under some circumstances we can use them to<br />

obtain useful information about inviscid flow fields. For example, as shown in the following section<br />

we can integrate Eq. 6.52 to obtain a relationship 1the Bernoulli equation2 between elevation, pressure,<br />

and velocity along a streamline.<br />

6.4.2 The Bernoulli Equation<br />

In Section 3.2 the Bernoulli equation was derived by a direct application of Newton’s second law<br />

to a <strong>fluid</strong> particle moving along a streamline. In this section we will again derive this important

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