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264 Chapter 6 ■ Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow V6.1 Spinning football-velocity contours V6.2 Spinning football-velocity vectors In this chapter we will provide an introduction to the differential equations that describe 1in detail2 the motion of fluids. Unfortunately, we will also find that these equations are rather complicated, non-linear partial differential equations that cannot be solved exactly except in a few cases, where simplifying assumptions are made. Thus, although differential analysis has the potential for supplying very detailed information about flow fields, this information is not easily extracted. Nevertheless, this approach provides a fundamental basis for the study of fluid mechanics. We do not want to be too discouraging at this point, since there are some exact solutions for laminar flow that can be obtained, and these have proved to be very useful. A few of these are included in this chapter. In addition, by making some simplifying assumptions many other analytical solutions can be obtained. For example, in some circumstances it may be reasonable to assume that the effect of viscosity is small and can be neglected. This rather drastic assumption greatly simplifies the analysis and provides the opportunity to obtain detailed solutions to a variety of complex flow problems. Some examples of these so-called inviscid flow solutions are also described in this chapter. It is known that for certain types of flows the flow field can be conceptually divided into two regions—a very thin region near the boundaries of the system in which viscous effects are important, and a region away from the boundaries in which the flow is essentially inviscid. By making certain assumptions about the behavior of the fluid in the thin layer near the boundaries, and using the assumption of inviscid flow outside this layer, a large class of problems can be solved using differential analysis. These boundary layer problems are discussed in Chapter 9. Finally, it is to be noted that with the availability of powerful computers it is feasible to attempt to solve the differential equations using the techniques of numerical analysis. Although it is beyond the scope of this book to delve extensively into this approach, which is generally referred to as computational fluid dynamics 1CFD2, the reader should be aware of this approach to complex flow problems. CFD has become a common engineering tool and a brief introduction can be found in Appendix A. To introduce the power of CFD, two animations based on the numerical computations are provided as shown in the margin. We begin our introduction to differential analysis by reviewing and extending some of the ideas associated with fluid kinematics that were introduced in Chapter 4. With this background the remainder of the chapter will be devoted to the derivation of the basic differential equations 1which will be based on the principle of conservation of mass and Newton’s second law of motion2 and to some applications. 6.1 Fluid Element Kinematics Fluid element motion consists of translation, linear deformation, rotation, and angular deformation. In this section we will be concerned with the mathematical description of the motion of fluid elements moving in a flow field. A small fluid element in the shape of a cube which is initially in one position will move to another position during a short time interval dt as illustrated in Fig. 6.1. Because of the generally complex velocity variation within the field, we expect the element not only to translate from one position but also to have its volume changed 1linear deformation2, to rotate, and to undergo a change in shape 1angular deformation2. Although these movements and deformations occur simultaneously, we can consider each one separately as illustrated in Fig. 6.1. Since element motion and deformation are intimately related to the velocity and variation of velocity throughout the flow field, we will briefly review the manner in which velocity and acceleration fields can be described. Element at t 0 Element at t 0 + δ t = + + + General motion F I G U R E 6.1 Translation Linear deformation Rotation Types of motion and deformation for a fluid element. Angular deformation

6.1 Fluid Element Kinematics 265 x ^i z v ^k ^j V w The acceleration of a fluid particle is described using the concept of the material derivative. u y 6.1.1 Velocity and Acceleration Fields Revisited As discussed in detail in Section 4.1, the velocity field can be described by specifying the velocity V at all points, and at all times, within the flow field of interest. Thus, in terms of rectangular coordinates, the notation V 1x, y, z, t2 means that the velocity of a fluid particle depends on where it is located within the flow field 1as determined by its coordinates, x, y, and z2 and when it occupies the particular point 1as determined by the time, t2. As is pointed out in Section 4.1.1, this method of describing the fluid motion is called the Eulerian method. It is also convenient to express the velocity in terms of three rectangular components so that V uî vĵ wkˆ (6.1) where u, and w are the velocity components in the x, y, and z directions, respectively, and î, ĵ, and kˆ v, are the corresponding unit vectors, as shown by the figure in the margin. Of course, each of these components will, in general, be a function of x, y, z, and t. One of the goals of differential analysis is to determine how these velocity components specifically depend on x, y, z, and t for a particular problem. With this description of the velocity field it was also shown in Section 4.2.1 that the acceleration of a fluid particle can be expressed as and in component form: The acceleration is also concisely expressed as where the operator D1 2 Dt a 0V 0t 01 2 0t is termed the material derivative, or substantial derivative. In vector notation where the gradient operator, 1 2, is D1 2 Dt u 0V 0x v 0V 0y w 0V 0z a x 0u 0t u 0u 0x v 0u 0y w 0u 0z a y 0v 0t u 0v 0x v 0v 0y w 0v 0z a z 0w 0t u 0w 0x v 0w 0y w 0w 0z a DV Dt u 01 2 0x v 01 2 0y w 01 2 0z 01 2 0t 1V 21 2 1 2 01 2 0x î 01 2 0y ĵ 01 2 0z kˆ (6.2) (6.3a) (6.3b) (6.3c) which was introduced in Chapter 2. As we will see in the following sections, the motion and deformation of a fluid element depend on the velocity field. The relationship between the motion and the forces causing the motion depends on the acceleration field. (6.4) (6.5) (6.6) (6.7) 6.1.2 Linear Motion and Deformation The simplest type of motion that a fluid element can undergo is translation, as illustrated in Fig. 6.2. In a small time interval dt a particle located at point O will move to point O¿ as is illustrated in the figure. If all points in the element have the same velocity 1which is only true if there are no velocity gradients2, then the element will simply translate from one position to another. However,

6.1 Fluid Element Kinematics 265<br />

x<br />

^i<br />

z<br />

v<br />

^k<br />

^j<br />

V<br />

w<br />

The acceleration of<br />

a <strong>fluid</strong> particle is<br />

described using the<br />

concept of the material<br />

derivative.<br />

u<br />

y<br />

6.1.1 Velocity and Acceleration Fields Revisited<br />

As discussed in detail in Section 4.1, the velocity field can be described by specifying the velocity<br />

V at all points, and at all times, within the flow field of interest. Thus, in terms of rectangular<br />

coordinates, the notation V 1x, y, z, t2 means that the velocity of a <strong>fluid</strong> particle depends on where<br />

it is located within the flow field 1as determined by its coordinates, x, y, and z2 and when it<br />

occupies the particular point 1as determined by the time, t2. As is pointed out in Section 4.1.1,<br />

this method of describing the <strong>fluid</strong> motion is called the Eulerian method. It is also convenient to<br />

express the velocity in terms of three rectangular components so that<br />

V uî vĵ wkˆ<br />

(6.1)<br />

where u, and w are the velocity components in the x, y, and z directions, respectively, and<br />

î, ĵ, and kˆ v, are the corresponding unit vectors, as shown by the figure in the margin. Of course,<br />

each of these components will, in general, be a function of x, y, z, and t. One of the goals of<br />

differential analysis is to determine how these velocity components specifically depend on x, y,<br />

z, and t for a particular problem.<br />

With this description of the velocity field it was also shown in Section 4.2.1 that the<br />

acceleration of a <strong>fluid</strong> particle can be expressed as<br />

and in component form:<br />

The acceleration is also concisely expressed as<br />

where the operator<br />

D1 2<br />

Dt<br />

a 0V<br />

0t<br />

01 2<br />

0t<br />

is termed the material derivative, or substantial derivative. In vector notation<br />

where the gradient operator, 1 2, is<br />

D1 2<br />

Dt<br />

u 0V<br />

0x v 0V<br />

0y w 0V<br />

0z<br />

a x 0u<br />

0t u 0u<br />

0x v 0u<br />

0y w 0u<br />

0z<br />

a y 0v<br />

0t u 0v<br />

0x v 0v<br />

0y w 0v<br />

0z<br />

a z 0w<br />

0t u 0w<br />

0x v 0w<br />

0y w 0w<br />

0z<br />

a DV<br />

Dt<br />

u 01 2<br />

0x v 01 2<br />

0y w 01 2<br />

0z<br />

01 2<br />

0t<br />

1V 21 2<br />

1 2 01 2<br />

0x î 01 2<br />

0y ĵ 01 2<br />

0z kˆ<br />

(6.2)<br />

(6.3a)<br />

(6.3b)<br />

(6.3c)<br />

which was introduced in Chapter 2. As we will see in the following sections, the motion and<br />

deformation of a <strong>fluid</strong> element depend on the velocity field. The relationship between the motion<br />

and the forces causing the motion depends on the acceleration field.<br />

(6.4)<br />

(6.5)<br />

(6.6)<br />

(6.7)<br />

6.1.2 Linear Motion and Deformation<br />

The simplest type of motion that a <strong>fluid</strong> element can undergo is translation, as illustrated in Fig.<br />

6.2. In a small time interval dt a particle located at point O will move to point O¿ as is illustrated<br />

in the figure. If all points in the element have the same velocity 1which is only true if there are no<br />

velocity gradients2, then the element will simply translate from one position to another. However,

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