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126 Chapter 3 ■ Elementary Fluid Dynamics—The Bernoulli Equation 3.8 Restrictions on Use of the Bernoulli Equation Proper use of the Bernoulli equation requires close attention to the assumptions used in its derivation. In this section we review some of these assumptions and consider the consequences of incorrect use of the equation. 3.8.1 Compressibility Effects Δp Δp ~ V 2 V One of the main assumptions is that the fluid is incompressible. Although this is reasonable for most liquid flows, it can, in certain instances, introduce considerable errors for gases. In the previous section, we saw that the stagnation pressure, p stag , is greater than the static pressure, p , by an amount ¢p p stag p static rV 2 static 2, provided that the density remains constant. If this dynamic pressure is not too large compared with the static pressure, the density change between two points is not very large and the flow can be considered incompressible. However, since the dynamic pressure varies as V 2 , the error associated with the assumption that a fluid is incompressible increases with the square of the velocity of the fluid, as indicated by the figure in the margin. To account for compressibility effects we must return to Eq. 3.6 and properly integrate the term dpr when r is not constant. A simple, although specialized, case of compressible flow occurs when the temperature of a perfect gas remains constant along the streamline—isothermal flow. Thus, we consider p rRT, where T is constant. 1In general, p, r, and T will vary.2 For steady, inviscid, isothermal flow, Eq. 3.6 becomes RT dp p 1 2 V 2 gz constant The Bernoulli equation can be modified for compressible flows. where we have used r pRT. The pressure term is easily integrated and the constant of integration evaluated if z 1 , p 1 , and are known at some location on the streamline. The result is V 1 V 2 1 2g z 1 RT g ln ap 1 p 2 b V 2 2 2g z 2 (3.23) Equation 3.23 is the inviscid, isothermal analog of the incompressible Bernoulli equation. In the limit of small pressure difference, p 1p 2 1 1p 1 p 2 2p 2 1 e, with e 1 and Eq. 3.23 reduces to the standard incompressible Bernoulli equation. This can be shown by use of the approximation ln11 e2 e for small e. The use of Eq. 3.23 in practical applications is restricted by the inviscid flow assumption, since 1as is discussed in Section 11.52 most isothermal flows are accompanied by viscous effects. A much more common compressible flow condition is that of isentropic 1constant entropy2 flow of a perfect gas. Such flows are reversible adiabatic processes—“no friction or heat transfer”— and are closely approximated in many physical situations. As discussed fully in Chapter 11, for isentropic flow of a perfect gas the density and pressure are related by pr k C, where k is the specific heat ratio and C is a constant. Hence, the dpr integral of Eq. 3.6 can be evaluated as follows. The density can be written in terms of the pressure as r p 1k C 1 k so that Eq. 3.6 becomes C 1 k p 1 k dp 1 2 V 2 gz constant The pressure term can be integrated between points 112 and 122 on the streamline and the constant C evaluated at either point or C 1k 1k 1C 1k 1k p 1 r 1 p 2 r 2 2 to give the following: p2 C 1 k p 1 k dp C 1 k k a k 1 b 3p1k12 k 2 p 1k12 k p1 k a k 1 b ap 2 p 1 b r 2 r 1 1 4

3.8 Restrictions on Use of the Bernoulli Equation 127 Thus, the final form of Eq. 3.6 for compressible, isentropic, steady flow of a perfect gas is k a k 1 b p 1 V 2 1 r 1 2 gz k 1 a k 1 b p 2 V 2 2 r 2 2 gz 2 (3.24) The similarities between the results for compressible isentropic flow 1Eq. 3.242 and incompressible isentropic flow 1the Bernoulli equation, Eq. 3.72 are apparent. The only differences are the factors of 3k1k 124 that multiply the pressure terms and the fact that the densities are different 1r 1 r 2 2. In the limit of “low-speed flow” the two results are exactly the same, as is seen by the following. We consider the stagnation point flow of Section 3.5 to illustrate the difference between the incompressible and compressible results. As is shown in Chapter 11, Eq. 3.24 can be written in dimensionless form as p 2 p 1 ca1 k 1 kk1 Ma 2 p 1b 1 d 1 2 1compressible2 (3.25) where 112 denotes the upstream conditions and 122 the stagnation conditions. We have assumed z 1 z 2 , V 2 0, and have denoted Ma 1 V 1c 1 as the upstream Mach number—the ratio of the fluid velocity to the speed of sound, c 1 1kRT 1 . A comparison between this compressible result and the incompressible result is perhaps most easily seen if we write the incompressible flow result in terms of the pressure ratio and the Mach number. Thus, we divide each term in the Bernoulli equation, rV 12 2 p 1 p 2 , by p 1 and use the perfect gas law, p 1 rRT 1 , to obtain p 2 p 1 V 2 1 p 1 2RT 1 Since Ma 1 V 1 1kRT 1 this can be written as p 2 p 1 p 1 kMa2 1 2 1incompressible2 (3.26) For small Mach numbers the compressible and incompressible results are nearly the same. Equations 3.25 and 3.26 are plotted in Fig. 3.24. In the low-speed limit of both of the results are the same. This can be seen by denoting and using the binomial expansion, 11 ~ e 2 n 1 ne ~ n1n 12 ~2 e 2 p 1k 12Ma 12 2 e ~ Ma 1 S 0, , where n k1k 12, to write Eq. 3.25 as p 2 p 1 kMa2 1 a1 1 p 1 2 4 Ma2 1 2 k 24 Ma4 1 p b 1compressible2 For Ma 1 1 this compressible flow result agrees with Eq. 3.26. The incompressible and compressible equations agree to within about 2% up to a Mach number of approximately Ma 1 0.3. For larger Mach numbers the disagreement between the two results increases. 1 0.8 0.6 Compressible (Eq. 3.25) ______ p 2 – p 1 p 1 0.4 k = 1.4 0.2 Incompressible (Eq. 3.26) 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Ma 1 F I G U R E 3.24 Pressure ratio as a function of Mach number for incompressible and compressible (isentropic) flow.

3.8 Restrictions on Use of the Bernoulli Equation 127<br />

Thus, the final form of Eq. 3.6 for compressible, isentropic, steady flow of a perfect gas is<br />

k<br />

a<br />

k 1 b p 1<br />

V 2 1<br />

r 1 2 gz k<br />

1 a<br />

k 1 b p 2<br />

V 2 2<br />

r 2 2 gz 2<br />

(3.24)<br />

The similarities between the results for compressible isentropic flow 1Eq. 3.242 and incompressible<br />

isentropic flow 1the Bernoulli equation, Eq. 3.72 are apparent. The only differences are the factors<br />

of 3k1k 124 that multiply the pressure terms and the fact that the densities are different 1r 1 r 2 2.<br />

In the limit of “low-speed flow” the two results are exactly the same, as is seen by the following.<br />

We consider the stagnation point flow of Section 3.5 to illustrate the difference between the<br />

incompressible and compressible results. As is shown in Chapter 11, Eq. 3.24 can be written in<br />

dimensionless form as<br />

p 2 p 1<br />

ca1 k 1 kk1<br />

Ma 2<br />

p<br />

1b 1 d<br />

1 2<br />

1compressible2<br />

(3.25)<br />

where 112 denotes the upstream conditions and 122 the stagnation conditions. We have assumed<br />

z 1 z 2 , V 2 0, and have denoted Ma 1 V 1c 1 as the upstream Mach number—the ratio of the<br />

<strong>fluid</strong> velocity to the speed of sound, c 1 1kRT 1 .<br />

A comparison between this compressible result and the incompressible result is perhaps most<br />

easily seen if we write the incompressible flow result in terms of the pressure ratio and the Mach<br />

number. Thus, we divide each term in the Bernoulli equation, rV 12 2 p 1 p 2 , by p 1 and use the<br />

perfect gas law, p 1 rRT 1 , to obtain<br />

p 2 p 1<br />

V 2 1<br />

p 1 2RT 1<br />

Since Ma 1 V 1 1kRT 1 this can be written as<br />

p 2 p 1<br />

p 1<br />

kMa2 1<br />

2<br />

1incompressible2<br />

(3.26)<br />

For small Mach<br />

numbers the compressible<br />

and incompressible<br />

results are nearly<br />

the same.<br />

Equations 3.25 and 3.26 are plotted in Fig. 3.24. In the low-speed limit of both of the<br />

results are the same. This can be seen by denoting<br />

and using the binomial expansion,<br />

11 ~ e 2 n 1 ne ~ n1n 12 ~2 e 2 p 1k 12Ma 12 2 e ~ Ma 1 S 0,<br />

, where n k1k 12, to write Eq. 3.25 as<br />

p 2 p 1<br />

kMa2 1<br />

a1 1 p 1 2 4 Ma2 1 2 k<br />

24 Ma4 1 p b 1compressible2<br />

For Ma 1 1 this compressible flow result agrees with Eq. 3.26. The incompressible and compressible<br />

equations agree to within about 2% up to a Mach number of approximately Ma 1 0.3.<br />

For larger Mach numbers the disagreement between the two results increases.<br />

1<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

Compressible<br />

(Eq. 3.25)<br />

______ p 2<br />

– p 1<br />

p 1<br />

0.4<br />

k = 1.4<br />

0.2<br />

Incompressible<br />

(Eq. 3.26)<br />

0<br />

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1<br />

Ma 1<br />

F I G U R E 3.24 Pressure<br />

ratio as a function of Mach number<br />

for incompressible and compressible<br />

(isentropic) flow.

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