

06 Galen: The Godfather of Medicine of Bingen and Abbess Hildegard Champions of Mental and Euphemia: Nightingale: The Legend and Florence Legacy the of Death: Walking the Wards of a Houses Hospital Victorian and Freak Shows: A Troubled Medicine Relationship 14 18 22 36 Quarantine! The Village of Eyam Magazine that takes you closer to The past one theme at a time the I N S I D E H I S T O R Y 14 I S S U E 0 1 / M E D I C I N E A N D S U R G E R Y 10 C O N T E N T S 10 Physical Health in the Middle Ages 26 32 36 44 22 44 The History of the Plague Doctors Major Jonathan Letterman The Art of Anatomy insidehistorymag @inside__history 06 INSIDE HISTORY



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