Cranford Review 2019

The “Cranford Review” © is a publication of Cranford Community College. Is an annual high standard produced magazine which provides an archive document highlighting various aspects of the life of the academy, its staff, students and community from each academic year. It is a wonderful read and a useful historical document which, with its termly sister publications and occasional special editions, also serves to describe the values of the academy and support the aspirations of the academy, its staff, students and wider community. A colorful layout with a wide range of topics comprising events, extracurricular activities, recognition awards, initiatives, trips and excursions among many others. Hard copies are provided to stakeholders including families, staff, partners, visitors, prospective parents/students, prospective employees and others with an interest or stake in the academy and its students. Headteacher & Director: Kevin Prunty / Editor-in-chief: Jessica Joyce / Graphic Design: Enzo Gianvittorio Danese (Enzo GD) / Printed by: Springfieldpapers.com

The “Cranford Review” © is a publication of Cranford Community College. Is an annual high standard produced magazine which provides an archive document highlighting various aspects of the life of the academy, its staff, students and community from each academic year.
It is a wonderful read and a useful historical document which, with its termly sister publications and occasional special editions, also serves to describe the values of the academy and support the aspirations of the academy, its staff, students and wider community. A colorful layout with a wide range of topics comprising events, extracurricular activities, recognition awards, initiatives, trips and excursions among many others. Hard copies are provided to stakeholders including families, staff, partners, visitors, prospective parents/students, prospective employees and others with an interest or stake in the academy and its students.
Headteacher & Director: Kevin Prunty / Editor-in-chief: Jessica Joyce / Graphic Design: Enzo Gianvittorio Danese (Enzo GD) / Printed by: Springfieldpapers.com


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On<br />

Thursday 18th October<br />

2018, 24 adventure seeking<br />

students and 3 brave staff members set<br />

out on a great adventure to China, little<br />

did we know how great this would be.<br />

After a delayed start to the flight at<br />

Heathrow and a very rushed transfer<br />

in the middle of the night at Doha, we<br />

arrived at Beijing airport nearly 24<br />

hours after we had left London. After<br />

the long process of passport control<br />

and collecting our luggage we were<br />

met by Mark, our liaison from Tianjin<br />

College of Commerce and got on the<br />

coach for the final leg of our journey<br />

to Tianjin.<br />

Our<br />

China<br />

Trip<br />

Adventure<br />

October 2018<br />

Our first full day in China saw both<br />

staff and students trying to negotiate<br />

the food and drink of a very busy<br />

Chinese student canteen. Then off to<br />

the ‘ancient shopping’ street we went,<br />

‘paired’ with our Chinese buddies and<br />

it was time for exploring and shopping,<br />

followed by much needed rest and<br />

recuperation.<br />

Sunday was very special as we drove<br />

up to the amazing Great Wall of China.<br />

This was a truly awe inspiring day<br />

and after 5 hours walking, photos and<br />

shopping for souvenirs we left at the<br />

end of it footsore but happy that we<br />

had such an amazing time. Monday<br />

saw most of the group having a really<br />

interesting time in classes with their<br />

Tianjin College of Commerce buddies.<br />


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