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African Edition


The <strong>Life</strong> of Jesus in You<br />

Student Workbook<br />

African Edition

SEAN International<br />

SEAN (pronounced “Say-an”) means Study by Extension for All Nations.<br />

This SEAN course, <strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong> is a nurtu re course for new believers; which teaches<br />

the basic Christian doctrines and how to apply them to our lives. It is being used in<br />

many parts of the world for the instruction of new Christians, and as a refresher course.<br />

The New International Version of the Bible has been used throughout. If you use other<br />

versions, adjustments will be necessary.<br />

This <strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Student Workbook should only be used under the guidance of a<br />

Group Leader following the companion Group Leader’s Guide, either on a one-to-one<br />

basis or in group learning.<br />

ISBN 978-1-899049-34-9<br />

Our website:<br />

www.seaninternational.com<br />

Our e-mail:<br />

contact@seaninternational.com<br />

First English Edition 1977<br />

New Revised English Edition 2017 - African Edition<br />

Copyright © SEAN International<br />

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a<br />

retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,<br />

photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission from SEAN<br />

International (contact details above).<br />

SEAN International is a UK Registered Charity (No. 286965).<br />


Copyright © 1973,1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights<br />

reserved worldwide.<br />

Published by:<br />

The Method<br />

The Results<br />

Table of Contents<br />

Lesson 1: The New Birth<br />

Lesson 2: Repentance from Sin<br />

Lesson 3: Faith and Forgiveness<br />

Lesson 4 : Obedience<br />

Lesson 5: The Family of God<br />

Lesson 6: Filled with the Holy Spirit<br />

Lesson 7: How to Read the Bible<br />

Lesson 8: How to Pray<br />

Lesson 9: How to Overcome the Devil<br />

Lesson 10: How to Overcome your Old Nature<br />

Lesson 11: How to Overcome the World<br />

Lesson 12: How to share the good news with others<br />

Lesson 13: Baptism<br />

Lesson 14: The Lord’s Supper<br />

Lesson 15: Members of a Local Church<br />

Lesson 16: What is the Church?<br />

Lesson 17: God’s Stewards<br />

Lesson 18: Led by God<br />



<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong> 1

The Method<br />

This “<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong>” course contains teaching on how to live as a Christian. It<br />

is being used in many parts of the world for the instruction of new Christians<br />

and as a refresher course for those who have been Christians for some time.<br />

It is specially aimed at the non-academic but is useful for all types of people.<br />

The lessons in this Student Workbook are planned so that the student can do<br />

them alone at home on a step-by-step basis. They should be used under the<br />

guidance of a Group Leader, following the companion Group Leader’s Guide,<br />

either on a one-to-one basis or in a group meeting.<br />

The Results<br />

“This is the best course for new Christians I have met. Having used it widely in an<br />

English parish I can heartily recommend it.”<br />

The Rt. Rev. P. B. Harris, former Bishop of Southwell<br />

“<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong> works with almost any age. It exposes personal problems to the<br />

Christian Ethic. The members of the group became very supportive of each other and<br />

hated to finish... Great!”<br />

An inner-city minister<br />

“My group got a thrill out of being able to answer correctly. They’re learning more by<br />

this study than they ever learned by listening.”<br />

A deaconess<br />

“I’ve learned so much from this course.”<br />

A civil servant<br />

“I knew all this before, but now I know how to tell others.” An older Christian<br />

“Repetitious, that the word would ‘dwell in me richly,’ and exciting. I could not wait<br />

for my next lesson. I loved it. It taught me so well in getting started in my Christian<br />

life that I am able to take other Christians through it. So far I’ve taken 25 plus people<br />

through it and they are all still going on with Jesus. I never took ‘O’ levels but God is<br />

so faithful when he says ‘He will make the stupid wise.’ I am so grateful to SEAN for<br />

this genius little course.”<br />

Now a counsellor and full-time church worker in London, England.<br />

I’m your teacher and friend. I will be guiding you through this course.<br />

Here is what to do:<br />

1. Read this Student Workbook very carefully and follow all my<br />

instructions throughout.<br />

2. Write the correct answers to the questions in the spaces provided or<br />

tick the correct answers where there is a choice.<br />

3. After you’ve written your answer, you can see if you were right by<br />

looking at the answers at the back of this Student Workbook.<br />

4. If you have any difficulties talk them over with your Group Leader.<br />

5. The Bible verses in the lessons, shaded in grey, are for memorising.<br />

2 SEAN – Study by Extension for All Nations<br />

<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong> 3

Lesson 1<br />

The New Birth<br />

The New Birth<br />

1. Read these beautiful words from the Bible.<br />

“Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he<br />

gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12)<br />

Fill in the spaces in the sentence below according to the words from the<br />

Bible you have just read.<br />

All who r______________ Jesus Christ and b_______________ in his<br />

name have become _______ __________ of __________.<br />

2. In brackets, after the Bible words in point No.1 above, you will see the<br />

name of the book of the Bible from which they are taken. In which book<br />

of the Bible are these words found?<br />

<br />

In the book of ______________.<br />

3. We have learned that all those who received Christ and believed in him<br />

have become ____________________ of God.<br />

4. a) Who become God’s children?<br />

Those who r____________ Christ and b_______________ in him.<br />

b) Which book of the Bible teaches us this? ________________<br />

5. Unfortunately, there are people who say they believe in Jesus Christ, but<br />

who show by their way of life that this is not true.<br />

So it is not enough just to say we believe in Jesus.<br />

To be a child of God we must also r____________ Jesus into our lives as<br />

our Saviour and Lord.<br />

6. Remember that believing without also receiving is not enough. Now<br />

read what the doctor and the three sick people here have to say before<br />

answering the question that follows.<br />

Which of the sick people in this picture (A, B, or C) will have the best<br />

chance of getting better? _______<br />

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Lesson 1<br />

The New Birth<br />

£ b. “I believe in you Lord Jesus; come into my life. I receive you as my<br />

own Saviour and Lord.”<br />

£ c. “I won’t believe in Jesus.”<br />

8. What have those who received Jesus and believed in him become?<br />

__________________ of ___________ .<br />

9. Receiving Jesus is a very important step to take. It means turning away<br />

from what you know is wrong, and asking Jesus to come into your life as<br />

Saviour and Lord. Have you taken this step? (Tick only one)<br />

£ Yes £ No £ Don’t know<br />

10. Read these words from John’s Gospel once more:<br />

“Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave<br />

the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12)<br />

Now, using the spaces below as a guide, repeat these words aloud<br />

(without writing anything). Only look at the words above when you forget<br />

something. Continue repeating them until you are able to do so without<br />

looking above.<br />

7. So then, believing without receiving is not the true faith of a child of<br />

God. Which of the following persons has become a child of God? (Tick the<br />

correct answer). One who says:<br />

£ a. “I believe in you Lord Jesus, but I cannot receive you into my life<br />

as my Saviour because my friends will make fun of me.”<br />

“Yet to all who did r________________ him (Jesus Christ), to those who<br />

b________________ in his name, he g__________ the r_____________ to<br />

b______________ ch______________ of __________.” (J________ 1:12)<br />

11. You have received the Lord Jesus and believed in him. Therefore, what<br />

have you become?<br />

A ______________ of God.<br />

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Lesson 1<br />

The New Birth<br />

12. How wonderful to think that, as a child of God, you now belong to God’s<br />

family. Of the following, mark the one who is most privileged. One who<br />

belongs to<br />

£ a. the Royal family.<br />

£ b. the President’s family.<br />

£ c. God’s family.<br />

£ A £ C<br />

£ B £ D<br />

13. When we receive the Lord Jesus and believe in him, we become members<br />

of God’s family. God himself is our Father. We don’t speak about being<br />

Jesus’ children, but that we are G______ children, and that we belong to<br />

the family of ________.<br />

14. When you received Jesus, you were born into the family of God. The Bible<br />

speaks of this as being born again into a new family.<br />

In other words, you experienced a new ___________________.<br />

15. This new birth doesn’t only make you a member of a new family; you are<br />

also given a new life, the life of Christ himself. This is the life in all its<br />

fullness, the <strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong>, that we are going to study in this course.<br />

How did this new life begin?<br />

With a __________ birth.<br />

16. Now read the next verse in John’s Gospel which tells us that those who<br />

have experienced this new birth are<br />

“Children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a<br />

husband’s will, but born of God.” (John 1:13)<br />

We can see from this that our new birth has nothing to do with our human<br />

parents.<br />

Through whom then, have we been born again?<br />

£ a. God.<br />

£ b. Our human mother and father.<br />

£ c. The person who helped us to receive Christ.<br />

17. Those who receive Jesus and believe in him have become G________<br />

______________.<br />

18. Which of these people is God’s child? (Tick the correct one)<br />

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Lesson 1<br />

The New Birth<br />

19. Now practise again saying the words of John that you learned earlier in<br />

the lesson. If you need to look back, you can find them in point No.1 of<br />

this lesson. (Now write them below).<br />

<br />

“Yet to all who did _________________ him (Jesus Christ), to those who<br />

_________________ in his name, he __________ the ____________ to<br />

become ________________________ of __________.”<br />

(J___________ _____:_____)<br />

20. This new birth is not of human making, but is something done by<br />

________ in you.<br />

21. Jesus said about those who followed him:<br />

“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch<br />

them out of my hand.” (John 10:28)<br />

To be born into the family of God is the beginning of something which<br />

continues forever.<br />

When will you stop being a member of the family of God?<br />

£ a. In a few months’ time.<br />

£ b. When your body dies.<br />

£ c. Never.<br />

£ d. When you do something wrong.<br />

22. Yes, you are a child of God forever. God has accepted you and will<br />

NEVER turn you out of his family. You can, therefore, be really sure that<br />

when you die you will<br />

£ a. cease to exist.<br />

£ b. go to be with God.<br />

£ c. go to be with the devil.<br />

23. Who will you go to live with when you die? _______________<br />

24. To be sure that you are a child of God, in whom should you trust? (Tick<br />

one)<br />

£ a. In your own efforts.<br />

£ b. In your pastor.<br />

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Lesson 1<br />

£ c. In God who made you his child.<br />

25. Who made you a child of God? ________ himself<br />

26. Can God be relied upon? (Yes or No) ___________<br />

27. In view of this, is it possible to be really sure about being a child of<br />

God?__________<br />

28. God is completely reliable; he always does what he says. If everything<br />

depends upon God and not upon you or somebody else, which TWO of<br />

the following should you feel?<br />

£ a. Doubts £ b. Security<br />

£ c. Peace of mind £ d. Uncertainty<br />

XII<br />

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Lesson 2<br />

Repentance from Sin<br />

1. In the first lesson you saw that because you received the Lord Jesus Christ<br />

and believed in him you became a __________ of ________.<br />

2. One of the first things that Jesus said to people was:<br />

“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” (Matthew 4:17)<br />

The basic meaning of “repentance” is a complete change of mind and<br />

direction. It is turning away from sin to God. In other words, becoming a<br />

child of God really amounts to a complete about-face in our lives.<br />

Which of the men shown below (A or B) has truly repented? _______<br />

3. We can see from the above pictures that to repent means that we turn<br />

away from our ________ and towards __________.<br />

4. Now, what is sin? The Bible says:<br />

“for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” (Romans 3:23)<br />

So sin is anything that falls ___________ of God’s perfect standard for us.<br />

5. Suppose competitors in the high jump have to clear 6 feet to qualify.<br />

Which of the following will NOT qualify? (You may tick more than one)<br />

£ a. The high jumper who can’t clear 5 feet 6 inches.<br />

£ b. The man who gives up and withdraws without even trying.<br />

£ c. The high jumper who can clear 5 feet 11 inches.<br />

<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 2<br />

6. You see, it doesn’t matter if the high jumper nearly clears the bar: if he<br />

knocks it down, he falls short of the standard. If sin is falling short of<br />

God’s perfect standard, which of the following are sinners? (Tick them)<br />

£ a. A murderer.<br />

£ b. A thief.<br />

£ c. A decent person who is just a bit selfish once in a while.<br />

7. Sin is like a plague: the smallest germ can spread and do great harm. So<br />

when Jesus calls us to turn away from our sins, he doesn’t only mean<br />

things like murder or stealing. He means everything that will spoil our<br />

character and cause us to fall short of God’s perfect standard for us. From<br />

which of the following sins should we turn away? (Tick more than one)<br />

£ a. Loving God and his ways.<br />

£ b. Being selfish.<br />

£ c. Telling and listening to dirty stories.<br />

£ d. Quarrelling.<br />

£ e. Obeying God in all things.<br />

£ f. Being dishonest in small ways.<br />

8. So to repent means to acknowledge that sin is serious and to turn from it<br />

to God. It is a complete about-face. What kind of a change is this?<br />

£ a. A change of clothing.<br />

£ b. A change in your political view.<br />

£ c. A total change of mind towards sin and God.<br />

9. As we have seen, in the Bible this change of mind and direction is called<br />

‘repentance.’ Although it is a common enough word, the real meaning<br />

of repentance is not very well understood today. For this reason, in this<br />

lesson we will study its true meaning in depth.<br />

In the first place, we already know that repentance means a change of<br />

m______________ and d_____________________.<br />

10. The Bible teaches something else about repentance:<br />

Repentance from Sin<br />

“Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.” (Matthew 3:8)<br />

According to this teaching, what is the evidence of a real change of mind?<br />

(Tick one)<br />

£ a. A changed life.<br />

£ b. To continue to treat sin as unimportant.<br />

£ c. No great difference.<br />

11. Consider the following examples:<br />

BERT takes what does not belong to him. He says he believes in Jesus but,<br />

although he knows that it is wrong to steal and is sorry for his weakness,<br />

he just keeps on doing it.<br />

PETE was always causing trouble with his neighbours; however, when he<br />

believed in Jesus he was sorry about this and began to do everything he<br />

could to live in peace and harmony with them.<br />

Which of these two men (Bert or Pete) shows by a changed life that he<br />

has truly repented?<br />

_________________<br />

12. So what is the evidence of a change of mind and direction?<br />

<br />

A changed l______.<br />

13. Now learn Matthew 3:8 by heart.<br />

“Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.” (Matthew 3:8)<br />

As you have done before, memorise this verse using the spaces below as<br />

a guide.<br />

“P__________ f________ in k___________ with r_______________.”<br />

(______________ 3:8)<br />

14. a) Repentance means a change of m_________ and d______________.<br />

b) The evidence of this is a changed l__________.<br />

15. Many people make the mistake of thinking that repentance is simply<br />

feeling sorry for their sins. They don’t realise the importance of living a<br />

changed life.<br />

XIV<br />

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<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 2<br />

Repentance from Sin<br />

But what is true repentance? (Tick the right answer)<br />

£ a. To feel sorry for your sins but not to leave them behind.<br />

£ b. Not to feel sorry for your sins at all.<br />

£ c. To be sorry for your sins and to begin to live a changed life.<br />

16. So, true repentance is shown by TWO things. Without them there is no<br />

real repentance. Memorise these two evidences of true repentance:<br />

1. sorrow for sins.<br />

2. a changed life.<br />

17. Think back to the examples of Bert and Pete (see No.11 in this lesson).<br />

Both of the men felt sorry for their sins but only one of them repented.<br />

a) How do we know that PETE truly repented?<br />

Because in addition to being sorry for his sins, he didn’t go on in the<br />

same old way, but showed a ch____________ l_________.<br />

b) But we know that BERT did not repent because, in spite of feeling<br />

sorry, he did not show a ch_____________ l_________.<br />

18. What are the two things which give evidence of true repentance?<br />

a) Being s__________ for _________.<br />

b) A ch_____________ l_________.<br />

19. Which of the people in the following pictures is showing true repentance?<br />

£ A £ B £ C<br />

XVI<br />

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Lesson 2<br />

Repentance from Sin<br />

24. Now review the verse that you learned in this lesson with its reference.<br />

If you can’t remember, look back to No.13.<br />

25. Do the Lesson Review at the back of the book.<br />

20. So merely feeling sorry for your sins is NOT true repentance. If you<br />

truly repent,<br />

a) how will you feel about your sins? ____________________<br />

b) how should your life be? ____________________<br />

21. In the list below you will find a false idea about repentance. (Tick it)<br />

£ a. Sorrow for sins without a changed life.<br />

£ b. Sorrow for sins and also a changed life.<br />

£ c. Believing in Jesus as Saviour and Lord.<br />

22. If you truly repent,<br />

a) will you continue to be unconcerned about your sins?<br />

£ Yes £ No<br />

b) will you continue committing the same sins over and over again<br />

as you did before?<br />

£ Yes £ No<br />

23. What two things show that there has been true repentance?<br />

a) ____________________ for ________<br />

b) A ___________________ _____________<br />

XVIII<br />

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Faith and Forgiveness<br />

1. The Bible urges people to:<br />

Lesson 3<br />

Faith and Forgiveness<br />

“...turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus.”<br />

(Acts 20:21)<br />

This verse teaches us two things about true children of God:<br />

a) They have r__________________ of their sins, and<br />

b) They have f__________ in our ____________ ______________.<br />

2. So, true children of God are those who receive Jesus with repentance<br />

and faith. It is with repentance because they have had a ch__________ of<br />

m_______ and with faith because they have believed in the ___________<br />

_____________.<br />

4. According to the angel’s message, what is the meaning of the name<br />

“Jesus”? The word in capitals in the verse will give you a clue.<br />

£ a. Carpenter £ b. Saviour £ c. Angel<br />

5. Read the angel’s message once again:<br />

Mary’s baby was to be called Jesus, which means Saviour, because he was<br />

going to save us from our ___________.<br />

6. The Bible also says: “...Christ died for our sins...” (1 Corinthians 15:3)<br />

What did Jesus do to obtain the forgiveness of our sins? (Tick the correct<br />

answer)<br />

£ a. He took the punishment for our sins by dying for them on the<br />

cross.<br />

£ b. He spoke to his mother on our behalf.<br />

£ c. He overlooked our sins as unimportant.<br />

7. The Bible also says:<br />

“...everyone who believes in him (Jesus) receives forgiveness of sins...”<br />

(Acts 10:43)<br />

Having repented of your sins, in whom did you put your faith in order to<br />

have them forgiven?<br />

_______________________<br />

8. Now memorise this verse with its reference.<br />

“...everyone who believes in him (Jesus) receives forgiveness of<br />

sins...” (Acts 10:43)<br />

Only fill in the spaces below when you can do so without looking above:<br />

3. About 2,000 years ago an angel appeared to a man called Joseph and told<br />

him that his fiancée, the virgin Mary, would give birth to a baby. The angel<br />

said:<br />

“...you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will SAVE his people<br />

from their sins. ” (Matthew 1:21)<br />

According to the angel, who was to be our Saviour from sin?____________<br />

“...everyone who _______________ in him (J_____________) receives<br />

______________________ of _________.” (__________ _____:_____)<br />

9. In order to have your sins forgiven, you must believe in the Lord Jesus. In<br />

other words, you must put your f__________ in him as your Saviour.<br />

10. The Bible teaches:<br />

“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under<br />

heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)<br />

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Lesson 3<br />

To believe in Jesus means to have faith in him. It is to put all your trust in him<br />

and only in him.<br />

So then salvation, which begins with the forgiveness of sins, is received by<br />

believing (Tick one)<br />

£ a. in our baptism, without real faith in Jesus.<br />

£ b. in the good works that we do.<br />

£ c. partly in Jesus and partly in the Church.<br />

£ d. in Jesus and in him alone.<br />

11. a) What did you do to have your sins forgiven?<br />

Put my _____________ in ____________ as my S_______________.<br />

b) What did Jesus do to obtain this forgiveness for you?<br />

He ______________ on the cross in my place.<br />

12. Yes, Jesus died so that all of your sins could be forgiven. Look at the<br />

drawing:<br />

Faith and Forgiveness<br />

b) This is a simple way of showing how your sins have been forgiven.<br />

How many of the man’s sins have been forgiven, according to the<br />

picture?<br />

£ a. Only some of them<br />

£ b. All of them<br />

£ c. None of them<br />

14. a) If Jesus really has forgiven all your sins, is it possible that you still<br />

have some sins unforgiven? (Yes or No) __________<br />

b) What did Jesus do so that all your sins could be forgiven?<br />

He ___________ on the ______________.<br />

15. The Bible says God will:<br />

“...hurl ALL our iniquities into the depths of the sea.” (Micah 7:19)<br />

Since this is true, how many of your sins have been forgiven?<br />

A_____ of them.<br />

16. Think about each of the following sins:<br />

• The disobedience of your childhood.<br />

• The rebellion of your youth.<br />

• The hardness of your heart as an adult.<br />

How many of these sins did God forgive when you put your faith in Jesus<br />

as your Saviour?<br />

£ a. None of them<br />

£ b. All of them<br />

£ c. Only some of them<br />

a) What burden is the man carrying? _________.<br />

b) But, he leaves his burden at the foot of the _____________.<br />

c) Which man “A” or “B” is free from the burden of sin? ______.<br />

13. Look again at the drawing:<br />

17. It is very important for you to understand clearly the greatness of God’s<br />

forgiveness. The forgiveness of your sins, which Jesus obtained for you<br />

through his death on the cross, is complete.<br />

Think about this wonderful truth:<br />

God forgives all the sins of the one who puts his faith in Jesus.<br />

a) Is man “B” still carrying his burden? (Yes or No) __________<br />

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Lesson 3<br />

In the list below tick each sin that God will forgive if a person truly puts<br />

his or her faith in Jesus as Saviour and Lord.<br />

£ a. Failing to keep a promise.<br />

£ b. Telling dirty stories to one’s friends.<br />

£ c. Murder.<br />

£ d. Sex outside marriage.<br />

18. a) What did Jesus do to gain such complete forgiveness for you?<br />

b) What did you do in order to have your sins forgiven?<br />

Put my _____________ in ____________ as my S_____________.<br />

c) How many of your sins have been forgiven?_____________________<br />

19. As your sins, which separated you from God, have now been forgiven,<br />

which of the following should you be feeling?<br />

£ a. Peace of heart and mind.<br />

£ b. A sense of guilt.<br />

£ c. Worry about whether your sins are forgiven or not.<br />

£ d. A deep sense of joy.<br />

20. Go over the verse you memorised earlier in this lesson, making sure that<br />

you really know it, along with the reference. It can be found in No.8 of this<br />

lesson.<br />

21. What are the two things you should be feeling if all your sins have been<br />

forgiven? _______________________ and _____________________<br />

22. Now please review this lesson at the back of the book.<br />

XXIV<br />

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Lesson 4<br />

Obedience<br />

1. Read the following Bible verse:<br />

“...Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord...”<br />

(Romans 14:9)<br />

This verse teaches us that Jesus died and rose again not only to be our<br />

Saviour but also to be our L___________.<br />

2. Learn and memorize the words that you read in the previous question,<br />

along with the reference, using the spaces below for this:<br />

<br />

“_______________ __________ and ________________ to ___________<br />

so that he might be _______ _____________.”<br />

(_____________ _____:_____)<br />

3. At the time when this was written, the word “Lord” meant master; a<br />

person who had total authority over one. So this verse means that we<br />

should obey him<br />

£ a. when we feel like it.<br />

£ b. at all times.<br />

<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 4<br />

Obedience<br />

£ c. sometimes.<br />

4. Jesus once said:<br />

“If you love me, keep my commands.” (John 14:15)<br />

So if Christ is our Lord we will _______________ his commands.<br />

5. Christ himself said: “No one can serve TWO masters.” (Matthew 6:24) We<br />

must serve and obey Christ and him alone. He must be given first place in<br />

our lives.<br />

a) Who should be the believer’s only Lord and Master? _____________<br />

b) Who then should be your only Lord and Master? _____________<br />

The man in the picture is deceiving the pastor by thinking one thing but<br />

saying something quite different.<br />

Why is it impossible to deceive the Lord in this way? ________________<br />

1 - Christ, the Lord of our Thoughts<br />

6. Obeying and pleasing the Lord Jesus is not like pleasing other people.<br />

People can only see the outside of our lives, so they must judge by that.<br />

However, the Bible says about the Lord:<br />

“Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is<br />

uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give<br />

account.” (Hebrews 4:13)<br />

Look carefully at the picture below.<br />

7. The “eyes” of the Lord look into the most secret part of our soul and see<br />

everything that is there.<br />

So which of the following are true?<br />

£ a. God sees our inner thoughts.<br />

£ b. God knows why I do everything.<br />

£ c. God knows the desires of my heart.<br />

£ d. God cannot see what I do because he is so busy with all the other<br />

things in the world.<br />

£ e. Everything is open to the eyes of God.<br />

8. One of the men God’s Spirit moved to write several books of the Bible was<br />

named Paul. In one place Paul wrote:<br />

“...we take captive every THOUGHT to make it OBEDIENT to Christ.”<br />

XXVI<br />

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Lesson 4<br />

Obedience<br />

(2 Corinthians 10:5)<br />

We can see from these words that we must learn to obey and please Christ<br />

in all of our __________________.<br />

9. In another place Paul wrote:<br />

“...be transformed by the renewing of your MIND....” (Romans 12:2)<br />

To be transformed means to be changed and, according to this verse, this<br />

change must start with our way of THINKING.<br />

That is what is meant when it says that our _________ must be renewed.<br />

10. Paul also tells us how to change our way of THINKING and make our<br />

thoughts OBEDIENT to Christ in the following words:<br />

“...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is<br />

pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent<br />

or praiseworthy – think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8)<br />

If we really do begin to fill our minds with these things it will change our<br />

way of thinking.<br />

So which of the following thoughts will have to go? Tick below those<br />

thoughts that we must not harbour in our mind.<br />

£ a. Untrue and unkind thoughts about a friend.<br />

£ b. Thoughts about how I can deceive someone.<br />

£ c. Dirty thoughts.<br />

£ d. Thoughts of the greatness and love of God.<br />

£ e. Thoughts about how I can help my neighbour in need.<br />

11. However, never make the mistake of believing that you can change your<br />

way of thinking entirely on your own.<br />

Remember that Jesus is your Saviour and that he alone can save you from<br />

all your sins, including your sinful __________________.<br />

12. a) If Jesus is our Lord, what must we do? O__________ him. If you<br />

can’t remember, look back to No.4.<br />

b) Up to now we have been studying just one of the areas of our life<br />

in which we must obey Jesus Christ as Lord, that is the area of our<br />

___________________ .<br />

XXVIII<br />

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<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 4<br />

Obedience<br />

2-Christ, the Lord of our Words<br />

13. When a believer’s mind and thoughts are changed, his way of talking will<br />

be changed as well.<br />

Jesus said:<br />

“For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” (Matthew 12:34)<br />

Therefore, if we obey the Lord Jesus in our thought-life, the things which<br />

come out of our mouth will also change. That is, our w__________ will<br />

also change.<br />

14. To obey Jesus in what we say, we must make sure that we only use good,<br />

clean words. Bad language should not come out of a Christian’s mouth.<br />

Sometimes a new Christian finds it very hard to break the habit of swearing<br />

or lying. But the Bible says:<br />

“Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and<br />

sisters, this should NOT be.” (James 3:10)<br />

You are a follower of Jesus Christ so what kind of words ought to come<br />

out of your mouth?<br />

£ a. Only clean words.<br />

£ b. Bad language.<br />

£ c. A mixture of clean and foul language.<br />

15. In what area of our lives should we obey Christ as Lord?<br />

The _______________ that come out of our mouths.<br />

16. Following are six examples of the use of words. Some of them are good<br />

uses, some are wrong. Look at these examples carefully.<br />

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Lesson 4<br />

Obedience<br />

a) Match the words in the list below with these pictures. Put the letter<br />

of the picture in the space provided.<br />

1) Words used to encourage others. Picture ______<br />

2) Words used to praise God. Picture ______<br />

3) Words used to gossip. Picture ______<br />

4) Words used to talk about Jesus. Picture ______<br />

5) Words used to lie. Picture ______<br />

6) Words used to curse. Picture ______<br />

b) In which three pictures are people using their words in the right way,<br />

and so obeying Jesus as their Lord? ______ ______ ______<br />

17. a) If Jesus is our Lord, what should we be doing? O____________<br />

________<br />

b) What are the two areas of our life, that we have looked at<br />

so far, in which we should be obeying the Lord Jesus Christ?<br />

________________ _____________<br />

3-Christ, the Lord of our Deeds<br />

18. Go over the verse and reference you memorised, using Nos.1 and 2 of<br />

this lesson as a guide.<br />

19. Yes, Christ died and returned to life in order to be Lord. But, calling<br />

Jesus “Lord” is more than a matter of words. Jesus was referring to<br />

people who thought that way when he said:<br />

“Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’, and do not do what I say?” <br />

6:46)<br />

(Luke<br />

It is no good calling Jesus “Lord”, if we do not actually ________ what<br />

he says.<br />

20. We must put our words into practice by DOING what the Lord says. He<br />

expects us to be obedient to him in (Tick one)<br />

£ a. words only.<br />

£ b. thoughts only.<br />

£ c. the things we DO, as well as thoughts and words.<br />

21. When we studied the idea of true repentance we saw that a real change<br />

of mind and attitude results in a changed life. We begin to DO what the<br />

Lord tells us.<br />

We are to obey the Lord in our thoughts and our words as well as by<br />

_____________ what is right.<br />

22. Larry feels that Jesus wants him to help his elderly neighbour, a widow,<br />

who urgently needs someone to help fix her broken window.<br />

a) In which of the pictures does Larry think of helping? _____<br />

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Lesson 4<br />

b) In which picture does he talk about doing it? _____<br />

c) In which picture does he actually DO the good deed? _____<br />

Obedience<br />

25. This is the key to a changed life. It is the <strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong> that the Lord<br />

promises us if we obey him in these three ways. Therefore we must<br />

not only believe in Jesus as our Saviour, but also obey him as our<br />

___________________.<br />

26. Now answer the Review for Lesson 4 at the back of the book.<br />

Ask the Lord to help you obey him in your thoughts, words and deeds. Give<br />

yourself to him afresh now so that he will truly be your Lord and Master.<br />

23. Of course, from time to time, you will sin by thought, word and deed.<br />

When this happens make sure you confess it to the Lord and turn away<br />

from it immediately.<br />

Then you can be sure that this sin will be f_______________.<br />

24. There are three areas of our life in which we should obey Christ as Lord.<br />

What are they?<br />

_______________<br />

_______________ _______________<br />

XXXIV<br />

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<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 5<br />

The Family of God<br />

1. a) What did you become when you received Jesus as your Saviour and<br />

Lord?_______________________<br />

b) To what family do you now belong? To the family of ________<br />

c) Who is your Father in this new family? _____________<br />

Our Heavenly Father<br />

2. Unless he is very evil, a human father loves and cares for his children. I am<br />

sure that you must agree with that.<br />

Which of the pictures below shows a normal father, A, B, or C?Picture ____<br />

4. Jesus said:<br />

The Family of God<br />

“If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your<br />

children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to<br />

those who ask him!” (Matthew 7:11)<br />

According to Jesus’ words, is our heavenly Father more or less loving<br />

than a human father?<br />

_____________________<br />

5. Because we know that our heavenly Father loves and cares for us, we do<br />

NOT need to worry. Jesus said:<br />

“So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or<br />

‘What shall we wear?’ ” (Matthew 6:31)<br />

In this verse Jesus mentions three things that we should NOT worry about.<br />

What are they?<br />

a) What we shall _______________<br />

b) What we shall _______________<br />

c) What we shall _______________<br />

Can I have some<br />

bread, Daddy?<br />

I’ll throw this<br />

stone at her.<br />

I’d also like<br />

some fish.<br />

She can<br />

have this<br />

snake.<br />

Daddy I’m<br />

really hungry.<br />

Here we are,<br />

some fish and<br />

bread for you.<br />

6. Perhaps you are thinking that it is very difficult not to worry about things.<br />

Jesus gives us the reason why:<br />

“So do not worry,... your heavenly Father knows that you need them.”<br />

(Matthew 6:31, 32)<br />

If God is our heavenly Father, why should we not worry about such things?<br />

Because he k__________ all of our n__________.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

3. These three examples were given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ himself<br />

when he was teaching about our heavenly Father’s love and care.<br />

Which of the pictures above is most like our heavenly Father? Picture ____<br />

C<br />

7. Now memorise the words from the verse in No.6.<br />

“So do not ____________,... your __________________ _____________<br />

_______________ that you ______________ _______________.”<br />

<br />

(_________________ _____ : ____ and ____)<br />

8. If a child of God is in a position where he doesn’t know where he can get<br />

enough food and clothing, what should he do?<br />

£ a. Trust his heavenly Father to provide these things.<br />

£ b. Begin to worry and fret about it.<br />

£ c. Go out and steal what he needs from someone else.<br />

XXXVI<br />

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<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 5<br />

9. Of course, as we saw in the last lesson, we have to play our part too. Jesus<br />

also said:<br />

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will<br />

be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)<br />

Our Father in heaven has promised to play his part faithfully and to provide<br />

all the things we really need. But we, for our part, as his obedient children,<br />

must be concerned above everything else with his __________________.<br />

The Family of God<br />

14. Once more, what are two good reasons why, as children of God, we should<br />

not worry about things? Because our heavenly Father<br />

a) knows ___________________________________________.<br />

b) has ______________________________________________.<br />

15. Go over the verse you memorised with its reference, using the guide in<br />

No.7 of this lesson.<br />

10. The great advantage that a child of God has is that he believes that Jesus<br />

said that our heavenly Father k_________ all the things we _________.<br />

11. But the Bible teaches us something more about our heavenly Father:<br />

“...be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave<br />

you;....’ ” (Hebrews 13:5)<br />

Human parents sometimes abandon their children. Of course, our<br />

heavenly Father is not like that. This shows us the second reason why<br />

you, as a child of God, need not worry. What is this reason? Because<br />

your Father in heaven has promised he will never ______________ you.<br />

12. What are two good reasons why as children of God we need never worry?<br />

a) Because our ________________ in _______________ knows all that<br />

we n____________.<br />

b) Because our _________________ in __________________ has<br />

__________________ he will never ________________ us.<br />

13. In the following pictures, who has learned what it means to trust in their<br />

heavenly Father?<br />

£ A £ B £ C<br />

New Brothers and Sisters<br />

16. What a wonderful relationship we now have with the creator of the<br />

universe! You can look up into his face and call him “Father” (just as a<br />

child says “Daddy”) and he loves to call you “My child”.<br />

However, belonging to God’s family means that we also have new brothers<br />

and sisters as well as a heavenly Father. Who are they?<br />

£ a. All those that live in our country.<br />

£ b. All those who have the same human father.<br />

£ c. All those who have received Jesus as Saviour and Lord.<br />

17 Why are they our new brothers and sisters?<br />

Because all those who have believed in Christ have become God’s<br />

_____________, like us. We all therefore have the same heavenly<br />

_____________.<br />

I can’t go to church<br />

in this old dress.<br />

I just don’t know<br />

what I’m going to do<br />

if I don’t get a job.<br />

We’ve done all we can<br />

for our sick child. Let’s<br />

go on praying for him.<br />

18. Who are our new brothers and sisters?<br />

All who have ____________ Jesus as their ___________ and ___________.<br />

19. Jesus gave the following command to his followers. It shows what our<br />

attitude ought to be towards our new brothers and sisters in Christ.<br />

“My command is this: ‘Love each other as I have loved you’.” (John 15:12)<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />


SEAN – Study by Extension for All Nations<br />

<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 5<br />

According to this command, what should be our attitude towards those<br />

who are our brothers and sisters in Christ?<br />

20. Of course, the child of God must love ALL people, not just other Christians.<br />

However in this lesson we are thinking especially about our love to those<br />

within the family of God.<br />

This means that we should love our Christian _____________ and<br />

_____________.<br />

21. Who are our new brothers and sisters?<br />

22. Go back and read Jesus’ command in No.19 once again. According to this<br />

command, how should we love our Christian brothers and sisters?<br />

<br />

Just as __________________________________.<br />

23. Jesus said that we ought to love like he does. We know that Jesus not only<br />

loves those people who are good looking and nice to be with. He loves<br />

ALL people.<br />

Which of the following persons should we love, then?<br />

£ a. Only the nice ones and not the difficult ones.<br />

£ b. Only those who treat us well and who do us no harm.<br />

£ c. Everyone, including the unlikeable people.<br />

24. a) Who are our new brothers and sisters?<br />

b) What attitude should we have towards them? _________________<br />

25. Love can be shown in many ways. Think back to our example of the father<br />

providing good things for his daughter. Suppose he had given her some<br />

chocolates for her birthday. How could the daughter then show her love<br />

towards her little brother?<br />

£ a. By keeping the chocolates all for herself.<br />

£ b. By sharing the chocolates with her little brother.<br />

£ c. By pretending that she didn’t have enough to share.<br />

The Family of God<br />

26. Our heavenly Father has given us so much that we can share with others.<br />

In the following list are examples of both material and spiritual things that<br />

we can share with our brothers and sisters in Christ.<br />

Tick the things which show ways in which we can share with others in<br />

Christ’s love.<br />

£ a. Help out when someone is in financial need.<br />

£ b. Pass on bad news in order to discourage someone.<br />

£ c. Pass on good news in order to encourage someone.<br />

£ d. Grumble at the way someone does things.<br />

£ e. Forgive someone, even if they’ve done you harm.<br />

£ f. Spend the morning looking after the children of a busy mother.<br />

£ g. Help the father of a family to find work.<br />

27. The Bible says:<br />

“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.”<br />

(1 John 3:16)<br />

What was the priceless thing that Jesus gave in order to show his love for<br />

us?____________________<br />

28. Who is the greatest example of love? ____________________<br />

29. If God is our Father in heaven, what are two good reasons why we should<br />

not worry? Because God, our heavenly Father,<br />

a) ______________________________________________________.<br />

b) ______________________________________________________.<br />

In this way you can know the joy of being a contented and useful member<br />

of God’s family.<br />

30. Now review Lesson 5 at the back of the book.<br />

XL<br />

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<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 6<br />

Filled with the Holy Spirit<br />

1. You are now a child of God and a member of the family of God.<br />

Just as you entered your human family by your birth, you have now entered<br />

the family of God by your n___________ birth.<br />

2. Jesus said:<br />

“Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.” (John 3:6)<br />

Who gives this new birth to the child of God?<br />

£ a. His/her human parents.<br />

£ b. The devil.<br />

£ c. The Holy Spirit.<br />

3. It is important that you understand that every child of God has been born<br />

again by the Holy Spirit.<br />

a) So, who has the Holy Spirit? All of the children of ___________.<br />

b) Is it possible for a person to be a child of God without being born<br />

again of the Holy Spirit? (Yes or No)<br />

_______<br />

But perhaps you are wondering, “Who<br />

is this Holy Spirit?” Let’s see...<br />

4. Before the Lord Jesus went up into heaven, he promised to send his<br />

followers a new companion. He told them:<br />

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help<br />

you and be with you forever – the Spirit of truth.” (John 14:16–17)<br />

a) Who is this new advocate that Jesus promised to send us?<br />

<br />

The Holy __________<br />

b) For how long will he be with each Christian? For _______<br />

Filled with the Holy Spirit<br />

5. The Lord Jesus Christ was about to return to heaven to his Father.<br />

He would be leaving this world physically. But he promised that someone<br />

would take his place here.<br />

<br />

Who has taken the place of the Lord Jesus Christ in this world now that<br />

he has returned to heaven?<br />

The _________ __________.<br />

6. Jesus had been with his disciples for about three years and now he was<br />

about to leave them. Nevertheless he told them clearly:<br />

“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” (John 14:18)<br />

In what way did Jesus come to his disciples?<br />

In the person of the _________ __________.<br />

7. Although it is difficult for us to fully comprehend, the Bible teaches us<br />

that God is one, but exists in three persons.<br />

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the<br />

name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,...”<br />

(Matthew 28:19)<br />

Who are the three persons?<br />

a) God, the F______, God, the S_____ and God, the H_____ S_______.<br />

b) Then we know that along with the Father and the Son, the Holy<br />

Spirit is also G_____.<br />

8. Jesus also told his disciples:<br />

“The Spirit of truth... lives with you and will be IN YOU.” (John 14:17)<br />

Look at this glass of water. Where is the water?<br />

£ a. Outside the glass.<br />

£ b. In the glass.<br />

£ c. Nowhere near the glass.<br />

9. a) Just as the water is actually IN the glass, Jesus said that the Holy<br />

Spirit would be ____us.<br />

b) According to the verse in No. 4, for how long will the Holy Spirit stay<br />

in each Christian? <br />

______________<br />

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Lesson 6<br />

10. The Holy Spirit has taken Jesus’ place in the world.<br />

Who are those who have the Holy Spirit in their lives?<br />

£ a. Everyone who is a true child of God.<br />

£ b. All those who have been born of human parents, including non-<br />

Christians.<br />

£ c. Only a few of the more committed members of the church.<br />

11. But God gives us more than this. Look at this glass!<br />

a) The glass in the picture is<br />

£ a. empty.<br />

£ b. part way full.<br />

£ c. full of water.<br />

b) God’s desire for you is that the Holy Spirit may fill you each day and<br />

each moment, just like this water is filling the glass.<br />

If the glass stands for your new life in Christ, then the water stands<br />

for the _________ ____________.<br />

12. God says:<br />

Filled with the Holy Spirit<br />

16. If the Holy Spirit fills us every day he will really transform our life, making<br />

us more and more like the Lord Jesus.<br />

Which of the following changes will be seen in the life of a Christian who<br />

is filled with the Holy Spirit?<br />

£ a. More praise to God.<br />

£ b. Blaming others for things.<br />

£ c. More love to others.<br />

£ d. Courage to talk to others about Jesus.<br />

£ e. Fear to let others know you are a Christian.<br />

£ f. Joy, even when you have problems.<br />

£ g. Bitterness when things go wrong.<br />

£ h. New spiritual power to overcome temptation.<br />

£ i. Great pleasure in reading the Bible and prayer.<br />

17. Which of the people in these pictures show the result of being filled with<br />

the Holy Spirit?<br />

£ A £ B £ C £ D £ E £ F<br />

“...be filled with the Spirit.” (Ephesians 5:18)<br />

So it is God’s command that you be f__________ with the Holy Spirit.<br />

I look marvellous!<br />

Father, thank you that your<br />

word speaks so clearly to me.<br />

13. Memorise the command in No. 12 with its reference.<br />

14. What a truly wonderful thought! God wants to take your life and fill it with<br />

the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Jesus Christ himself!<br />

Just as a drink of cool ________ refreshes our body, so the Holy Spirit<br />

refreshes and renews our spirit.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

15. a) Who came to take the place of Jesus on earth? _________________<br />

b) How many of God’s children have the Holy Spirit in their lives?<br />

_______________________<br />

Lord, you know I’ve been ill,<br />

and I thank you as much as<br />

ever for your care.<br />

Christ means so<br />

much to me.<br />

I would like to follow<br />

Christ, but I can’t<br />

resist drink.<br />

c) For how long is the Spirit given? __________________<br />

d) What command of God did we see in the verse that we learned?<br />

<br />

Be _________ with the ____________.<br />

F<br />

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D<br />

<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />

E<br />


Lesson 6<br />

18. Describing a person filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus said:<br />

“ ...rivers of living water will flow from within them.” (John 7:38)<br />

If a Christian is filled with the Holy Spirit, what will be the result?<br />

£ a. The Holy Spirit will remain bottled up inside their lives.<br />

£ b. The Holy Spirit will overflow to others.<br />

£ c. The Holy Spirit will leave them dry and unsatisfied.<br />

19. You are surrounded by many people who need refreshing! Some of these<br />

are your relatives, friends, neighbours, colleagues, fellow students, etc.<br />

How can this life-giving water reach and refresh them as well?<br />

By overflowing from a Christian who is already filled with the _________<br />

_____________.<br />

20. In the drawing, the top glass is overflowing and the water is<br />

£ a. filling two more glasses.<br />

£ b. running to waste.<br />

21. Look at the picture again.<br />

a) Where does the water come from that is<br />

filling the two glasses underneath?<br />

It is overflowing from the glass that is f_______.<br />

b) If the top glass had only been half full, would it have been<br />

overflowing into the other two glasses? (Yes or No)<br />

_______<br />

c) From what kind of Christians does the Holy Spirit overflow to<br />

refresh the lives of others? From those who are _________ with the<br />

_________ ____________.<br />

22. This, then, is the <strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong> that the Lord promises to us. Are you<br />

thirsty for this <strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong>? The Lord Jesus was speaking about the Holy<br />

Spirit when he said:<br />

“Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.” (John 7:37)<br />

In this context, “To drink” means “to receive.”<br />

Filled with the Holy Spirit<br />

We learn therefore, that we are to r__________ from Christ the water<br />

which is the Holy Spirit.<br />

23. When you became a Christian you received the Lord Jesus Christ simply<br />

by repentance and faith. You can be filled with the Holy Spirit in much the<br />

same way.<br />

Obviously the Holy Spirit cannot fill your life if it is still full of sin and self.<br />

a) Therefore, if you are to be filled with the Holy Spirit, it is absolutely<br />

necessary to r___________ of all your ________.<br />

b) Once you have turned away from all known sin, it is simply a matter<br />

of asking the Lord to fill you with his Holy Spirit, and then having<br />

f________ in his promise to do so.<br />

24. How then can you be filled with the Holy Spirit?<br />

£ a. Waiting many years until you are holy enough.<br />

£ b. Right now, simply by repenting of all known sins, and accepting<br />

by faith this gift from God.<br />

£ c. Automatically, without doing anything about it.<br />

£ d. Never.<br />

25. We can see, therefore, that we constantly need to do two things if we are<br />

to go on being filled with the Holy Spirit. What are they?<br />

a) R_____________ of all known sin.<br />

b) Ask in f__________ to be filled.<br />

26. How many of God’s children have the Holy Spirit?___________________<br />

27. Although all of God’s children have the Holy Spirit in their lives, not all are<br />

filled with the Holy Spirit. Sometimes unconfessed sin, or a lack of faith<br />

and obedience, keeps them from being filled by the Holy Spirit.<br />

<br />

If a Christian has slipped back, what two things do they need in order to<br />

be filled afresh with the Holy Spirit?<br />

__________________ and ___________<br />

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<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 6<br />

28. Read the following two Bible passages on the Spirit-filled life.<br />

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness,<br />

goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control...” (Galatians 5:22–23)<br />

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you<br />

will be my witnesses... to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)<br />

According to these verses, believers who go on being filled with the Holy<br />

Spirit will<br />

A. display the fruit of the Spirit in their own lives.<br />

B. be empowered for effective service in their witness to others.<br />

Which of the above statements is true?<br />

£ a. Only A £ b. Only B £ c. Both A and B<br />

We will return to these Bible verses in our<br />

meeting. Meanwhile, ask the Lord to help<br />

you continually to obey his command in<br />

Ephesians 5:18 to “be filled with the Spirit,”<br />

to his glory.<br />

29. Dear friend, rest assured that as you daily ask the Lord to fill you with his<br />

Holy Spirit, he will steadily transform your life with the fruit of the Spirit<br />

and his power for service.<br />

a) Write out the verse you memorised in this lesson:<br />

“_____ _______________ ________ _____ ____________.”<br />

b) What is the reference? _________________________<br />

c) What are the two things that you need to do in order to be filled<br />

with the Holy Spirit?______________ and _____________________<br />

d) From what kind of Christians does the Holy Spirit overflow in<br />

blessing to others?<br />

From those who are _________ with the _________ ____________.<br />

XLVIII<br />

SEAN – Study by Extension for All Nations

Lesson 7<br />

How to Read the Bible<br />

1. First, memorise the following Bible verse with its reference:<br />

“...‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes<br />

from the mouth of God.’ ” (Matthew 4:4)<br />

Use the spaces below as a guide:<br />

“...‘_________ shall not ___________ on ____________ alone, but on<br />

every _________ that comes from the ______________ of _______.’ ”<br />

<br />

(_________________ _____ : _____)<br />

2. The verse we have just learned speaks about two kinds of food which a<br />

person needs, to be able to live: bread and the Word of God.<br />

Which of these two, bread or the Word of God, is<br />

a) food for the body? _______________<br />

b) food for the soul? _______________________<br />

3. “The Word of God” is the name given to the most important book of all,<br />

the Bible. Where can we get the spiritual food we need for our new life?<br />

(Tick the right answer)<br />

£ a. By leaving the Bible on the bookshelf.<br />

£ b. By reading and listening to the Bible.<br />

£ c. By eating a loaf of bread.<br />

4. What is our spiritual food? The W___________ of __________.<br />

5. It is food that makes a baby grow. When you were born into the family of<br />

God you became a spiritual baby. How do newborn babies feed?<br />

£ a. They feed themselves with a knife and fork.<br />

£ b. They don’t feed at all.<br />

£ c. Someone else feeds them; usually their parents.<br />

6. But, if they are healthy, what will children do as they grow up?<br />

<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 7<br />

How to Read the Bible<br />

£ a. Continue to drink only milk.<br />

£ b. Begin to feed themselves regularly with solid food.<br />

£ c. Hardly eat at all.<br />

7. a) Now so far in this course we have selected short verses from the<br />

Bible for you to memorise; this is like giving a new born child its<br />

bottle of _____________.<br />

b) However, now you are growing stronger as a Christian, it is<br />

important that you learn how to feed yourself by reading a short<br />

passage in the ____________ itself, every day.<br />

£ A £ B<br />

A<br />

B<br />

8. It is likely that you already have a Bible or a New Testament which is a part<br />

of the whole Bible. If not, try to get a copy of the whole Bible as soon as<br />

you can. Be sure to ask your minister or Group Leader about this.<br />

Note: The Bible was not written originally in English. However, there are many English<br />

translations of the Bible. All the Bible verses in this study have been taken from a translation<br />

called the New International Version (or NIV for short). We strongly recommend that you<br />

get a copy of this version.<br />

You need a Bible, because it is the W___________ of ________ and our<br />

sp______________ food.<br />

9. Let’s think a bit more about how we take our food. For example, how often<br />

do you eat? (Tick the right answer)<br />

£ a. Weekly £ b. Monthly £ c. Daily<br />

10. In that case, how often should you take spiritual food?<br />

£ a. Weekly £ b. Monthly £ c. Daily<br />

11. If you read the Word of God daily and obey it, what difference will it make<br />

to your life? (Tick the right answer)<br />

£ a. I will grow into a stronger Christian.<br />

£ b. No difference at all.<br />

£ c. I will know less and less about God.<br />

12. Which of these two Christians is going to grow spiritually? (Tick one)<br />

13. Jesus told his followers:<br />

“...the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you<br />

all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”<br />

(John 14:26)<br />

So, who will be the best person to teach you as you read the Bible?<br />

£ a. A mathematics teacher.<br />

£ b. A football coach.<br />

£ c. The Holy Spirit.<br />

14. So before reading, you should pray and ask the Father to fill you with the<br />

Holy Spirit and to teach you from His Word.<br />

After you have read a part of the Bible, you should then look for the things<br />

which the Holy Spirit wishes to teach you.<br />

In your Bible reading, which should come first?<br />

£ a. Prayer for the help of the Holy Spirit.<br />

£ b. Reading a part of the Bible.<br />

£ c. Looking for the things the Holy Spirit wants to teach you.<br />

15. You can find the things that the Holy Spirit wants to teach you from your<br />

Bible portion by asking a question like this:<br />

“In this passage, which are the words that I understand best and which<br />

speak to me in a special way?”<br />

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<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 7<br />

Should you ask this question before or after praying and reading your<br />

Bible portion?<br />

_________________<br />

16. Let’s take an example. Suppose that you decide to start your daily Bible<br />

readings with the Gospel of John. The following verses are taken from this<br />

book of the New Testament.<br />

Read them carefully.<br />

“He (Jesus) was in the world, and though the world was made through him,<br />

the world did not recognise him. He came to that which was his own, but<br />

his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who<br />

believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”<br />

(John 1:10–12)<br />

There are some words in these verses which you should understand well.<br />

They were an important part of our very first lesson. What are these<br />

words?<br />

“Yet to all who did ______________ him, to those who ________________ in<br />

his name, he gave the right to become c______________ of G_________.”<br />

17. So in answer to our question in No.15 we can say: The words in this<br />

portion of the Bible (John 1:10–12) which speak to my heart in a special<br />

way are those that say:<br />

18. Now look again at the passage quoted in No.16. Read it again and then<br />

underline only those words which you chose in No.17. Have you done it?<br />

__________<br />

19. When you are reading the Bible, some words will speak to your heart in<br />

a special way. These are the things which the Holy Spirit wishes to teach<br />

you from God’s Word. They are your spiritual food for that day.<br />

One way to remember the special words that the Holy Spirit gives you in<br />

your Bible reading is to under__________ them.<br />

20. Over the years many Christians have found it helpful to underline in their<br />

Bibles the verses that spoke to them at particular times. The very fact of<br />

underlining a verse can impress it on your mind and heart, and encourage<br />

you to do something about what it says. However, you may not like the<br />

How to Read the Bible<br />

idea of marking your Bible. You may feel that it “spoils” it to do so. In this<br />

case:<br />

• either underline very faintly with a soft lead pencil so that it can be<br />

erased later<br />

• or write down the verses that speak to you, in a notebook or on a<br />

piece of paper that you keep in your Bible.<br />

In one way or another, I hope that you will follow the instructions given in<br />

this lesson when reading your Bible.<br />

21. Remember that it is best not to underline the whole passage even though<br />

it may be beautiful. The Holy Spirit will show you certain special words<br />

which are your food for that day and those are the words you should<br />

underline.<br />

Which words should you underline? (Tick the right answer)<br />

£ a. The whole passage.<br />

£ b. The words which speak to you.<br />

£ c. None.<br />

22. After you have underlined the words which “spoke” to you, you should<br />

pray again. What would be the best thing to pray about?<br />

£ a. Something to do with the words that “spoke” to you.<br />

£ b. Something you read in a novel.<br />

£ c. Something you have just told a friend.<br />

23. Let’s look again at our example:<br />

<br />

“Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave<br />

the right to become children of God.”<br />

Based on this, your prayer could be something like:<br />

“Heavenly Father I thank you that I am your child. Look after me<br />

today, and help me to be an obedient child in everything I do. Amen.”<br />

After you have read the Bible what should you pray about?<br />

The words which sp__________ to me.<br />

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Lesson 7<br />

24. Yes, it’s not enough just to read and underline the verse. The Bible itself<br />

tells us:<br />

“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it<br />

says.” (James 1:22)<br />

What else must we do, after underlining the words which “speak” to us?<br />

£ a. Merely enjoy the beauty of the words.<br />

£ b. Pray and then put it into practice by doing what it says.<br />

£ c. Reject the teaching as being old fashioned.<br />

25. In this way God will guide us day by day. The Bible itself says:<br />

“Your (God’s) word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”<br />

(Psalm 119:105)<br />

If we don’t want to get lost or walk again in darkness, what should we read<br />

every day to guide us? <br />

_________________<br />

26. a) What should you do to the words in your Bible which spoke to you?<br />

________________________<br />

b) After you have read the Bible what should your prayer be about?<br />

_____________________________________________<br />

27. Practise again the verse in No.1 which you memorised with the reference<br />

.<br />

Remember: Bible reading, prayer and<br />

obedience must always go together.<br />

LIV<br />

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Lesson 8<br />

How to Pray<br />

1. The pictures below show two ways in which a child can communicate with<br />

his father.<br />

Daddy, please will<br />

you get my ball down<br />

from the tree?<br />

OK, but try not<br />

to throw it up<br />

there again.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

The father and the son are talking to each other. Which letter, A or B,<br />

a) represents the father doing the talking? _______<br />

b) represents the son doing the talking? _______<br />

2. Communication takes place when people talk to each other.<br />

As children of God, we can communicate with our heavenly Father in the<br />

same way as a human father and son communicate.<br />

How do you communicate with your heavenly Father?<br />

a) God, my heavenly Father, t__________ to me because I am his child.<br />

b) As a child of God, I can __________ to my heavenly Father.<br />

3. In our last lesson we learned that the Bible is the Word of God. So, the main<br />

way to hear what God is saying to you, is by reading the ______________.<br />

4. It is not enough merely to read the Bible. That alone does not let us<br />

communicate with God, because communication has two parts to it.<br />

<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 8<br />

So if we are truly to communicate with God, we must not only allow him<br />

to a) t____________ to us, but we, too, must also b) t__________ to him.<br />

5. Yes, a child of God must talk to their heavenly Father. The Bible calls this<br />

talking, “prayer”.<br />

a) When a believer prays, who is doing the talking? _______________<br />

b) When a believer reads their Bible, who is doing the talking?_________<br />

6. a) Which is the main book you should read when you want to hear<br />

your heavenly Father talking to you? ____________________<br />

b) What word does the Bible use which means that you are talking to<br />

your heavenly Father?<br />

____________________<br />

7. Prayer is talking with God. It is talking with him confidently and freely,<br />

because you are now a child of God and children are able to talk naturally<br />

and freely with their _________________.<br />

8. How should you be able to talk with your heavenly Father? (Tick more than<br />

one)<br />

How to Pray<br />

11. To “pray continually” does NOT mean that we should spend the whole day<br />

on our knees, without doing any work. It means that we should take every<br />

opportunity to share our thoughts and our work with the Lord, by talking<br />

to him about them.<br />

This means that we should pray (Tick the correct one)<br />

£ a. at any moment of the day or night.<br />

£ b. only in church.<br />

£ c. only on our knees and in private.<br />

12. We can pray to the Lord at any time of the day or night. However, it is<br />

important to set aside a special time each day to pray and to read the Bible.<br />

a) During that special time we must try to put aside all thoughts of<br />

other things so that we can give our undivided attention to our<br />

heavenly __________________.<br />

b) How often should we set aside a special time for prayer and Bible<br />

reading?<br />

At least ____________________.<br />

£ a. Confidently £ c. Fearfully<br />

£ b. Hesitantly £ d. Freely<br />

9. In any happy family the children want to share all their interests with<br />

their parents. Because they are their children, the parents in turn will be<br />

interested in the things that are important to them.<br />

So what kind of things can we talk about freely when we pray to our<br />

heavenly Father? (Tick the correct one)<br />

Now we are going to<br />

look at three kinds of<br />

prayer:<br />

• Asking<br />

• Praising<br />

• Confessing<br />

First let’s look at...<br />

ASKING<br />

£ a. Everything in our life, even the smallest details.<br />

£ b. Only the big things.<br />

£ c. Only things to do with the church.<br />

10. The Bible says:<br />

“ ...pray continually,” (1 Thessalonians 5:17)<br />

Learn this verse by heart, with its reference.<br />

13. In Matthew 7:11, Jesus says that our heavenly Father will give good things<br />

to those who ask him.<br />

a) What kind of things does God want to give us? _________________<br />

b) To whom will he give these?_________________________________<br />

c) In that case, what should we do to receive these things from God?<br />

___________<br />

14. God tells us to ASK, and we should ask for ourselves and our families, and<br />

also for o__________ people’s needs.<br />

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<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 8<br />

How to Pray<br />

15. In this picture, she is a___________ for somebody else.<br />

20. In the picture, this person is p____________ God.<br />

Lord, please heal Michael.<br />

21. The Bible says:<br />

Lord, how<br />

wonderful<br />

you are!<br />

16. Prayer is talking to God, and there are different kinds of prayer.<br />

When we talk to our heavenly Father about the things we need, what kind<br />

of prayer is this?<br />

A_____________<br />

“Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of<br />

praise – the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.” (Hebrews 13:15)<br />

a) According to this verse when should we praise God?_____________<br />

b) It is not always easy to praise God; in this verse it is called our<br />

__________________ of praise.<br />

The second kind of prayer is...<br />


22. What can we offer to God in thanks for his love?<br />

<br />

The sacrifice of p____________.<br />

23. What are the two kinds of prayers that we have looked at so far?<br />

___________________________ ___________________________<br />

17. At times our prayers consist of only asking for the things we need, and it<br />

seems that we only want to receive but never to give to God.<br />

Is it a good thing always to receive and never to give? (Yes or No) ________<br />

The third kind of prayer is....<br />


18. We receive our salvation from God, as well as many other blessings. Which<br />

of the following should we give to God? (Tick more than one)<br />

£ a. Sincere thanks.<br />

£ b. Only occasional prayers when we have a problem.<br />

£ c. Praise.<br />

£ d. Hymns, sung without thinking about God.<br />

19. In the special times we set apart for prayer, as well as in our free moments<br />

throughout the day, we should be giving praise and thanks to the Lord.<br />

a) We p___________ him because of who he is, for his greatness, love<br />

and faithfulness.<br />

b) We th___________ him for all the things which he has given us.<br />

24. The Bible says:<br />

“If we confess our sins, he (God) is faithful and just and will forgive us our<br />

sins.” (1 John 1:9)<br />

According to this verse, what must we do when we have sinned?<br />

______________________<br />

25. In this picture, the man is __________________ his sin to God.<br />

Lord, I insulted<br />

Mr. Brown,<br />

forgive me.<br />

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Lesson 8<br />

26. a) Read again the verse quoted in No.24. When we confess our sins<br />

what does God do?<br />

__________________<br />

b) What has Christ done so that we can receive forgiveness of our sins?<br />

<br />

D__________ on the ____________.<br />

27. In the pictures below we can see the three kinds of prayer. Fill the spaces<br />

with the appropriate word.<br />

a) Picture A _________________________________<br />

b) Picture B _________________________________<br />

c) Picture C _________________________________<br />

Lord, give our<br />

minister wisdom.<br />

Dear father, forgive<br />

me for offending.<br />

How great<br />

is your love<br />

Lord!<br />

A B C<br />

28. Review the verse you memorised at the beginning of this lesson with its<br />

reference. It is in No.10.<br />

29. Now do the Review for this lesson at the back of the book.<br />

LX<br />

SEAN – Study by Extension for All Nations

Lesson 9<br />

How to Overcome the Devil<br />

Now that you are a child of God<br />

you will have to face three powerful<br />

enemies that attack your spiritual life:<br />

1. The devil (Satan)<br />

2. Your old nature<br />

3. The world around you<br />

1. The Devil (Satan)<br />

1. God is the creator of everything, and all good things come from him.<br />

Satan (the devil) became God’s enemy. Therefore, we know that Satan is<br />

the source of everything which is (Tick the correct one)<br />

£ evil. £ good.<br />

2. The Lord Jesus taught two things about the devil:<br />

“...He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth... for he<br />

is a liar...” (John 8:44)<br />

Jesus says that the devil is a m_______________ and a l________.<br />

3. We’ll look first at the fact that the devil is a murderer.<br />

What does a murderer destroy in another person? __________________<br />

4. Although the devil may sometimes wish to take our physical life from us,<br />

he is more interested in destroying our new life. In the garden of Eden,<br />

the devil tempted Adam and Eve, and he spoiled their spiritual life, that<br />

is, their fellowship with God.<br />

Right from the beginning the devil was a m_______________.<br />

<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 9<br />

5. When we first believe in Christ we receive a new spiritual life from God.<br />

We are now children of God and can talk freely to him. He also talks to us<br />

through his Word. The devil cannot take this spiritual life away from us,<br />

but he will do all he can to tempt us and spoil our fellowship with God.<br />

From whom does the devil want to separate us?<br />

__________________<br />

6. Who wants to take away our spiritual life and stop our fellowship with<br />

God?__________________<br />

7. The devil tries to tempt us to do what is wrong or anything that goes<br />

against the will of God. He knows that if we fall into temptation and<br />

commit sin, we will feel as if God is far away.<br />

When we obey the devil, what happens to our fellowship with God? (Tick<br />

the correct answer)<br />

£ a. We feel nearer to God.<br />

£ b. We feel further away from God.<br />

£ c. There is no change in our feelings<br />

towards God.<br />

8. It’s not that we stop being God’s children or<br />

that God actually goes away from us.<br />

satan<br />

a) If a son is disobedient to his father, does he stop being a son?<br />

<br />

(Yes or No) __________<br />

b) So, neither do we, when we sin, stop being God’s _______________.<br />

9. However, when we fall into temptation, our fellowship with God becomes<br />

clouded by sin. But God has provided a remedy. Remember how the Bible<br />

says:<br />

“If we confess our sins, he (God) is faithful and just and will forgive us our<br />

sins...” (1 John 1:9)<br />

So, if you have sinned, what should you do? (Tick only one)<br />

GOD<br />

£ a. Try to forget what happened.<br />

£ b. Ask forgiveness and then do it again tomorrow.<br />

£ c. Confess sincerely and ask for forgiveness and the Holy Spirit’s<br />

help to overcome the temptation.<br />

£ d. Try to cover it up.<br />

£ e. Do nothing.<br />

How to Overcome the Devil<br />

10. When you have sinned, your fellowship with God can be restored the very<br />

moment you confess to the Lord and ask for forgiveness.<br />

When should you confess your sins? (Tick the best answer)<br />

£ a. Wait until you go to bed at night.<br />

£ b. As soon as you realise you have sinned.<br />

£ c. In a couple of days’ time.<br />

£ d. When you begin to feel better about it.<br />

11. Of course it is always better not to give in to temptation in the first place.<br />

So in order that you will know how to stand against temptation, memorise<br />

our key verse for this lesson, with its reference.<br />

“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from<br />

you.” (James 4:7)<br />

Use the spaces as a guide: “S_____________ yourselves, then, to __________.<br />

R______________ the _______________, and he will _____________ from<br />

___________.”<br />

(J___________ _____ : _____)<br />

12. According to this verse, when the devil tempts us we should ___________<br />

him.<br />

13. If we resist the devil what will he do?<br />

(According to the verse we have learned)<br />

____________ from us.<br />

14. So, we must _______________ the devil so that he will ___________<br />

_________________________.<br />

15. We have seen that the devil is a m________________, because he wants<br />

to destroy our spiritual l_________.<br />

16. Jesus also said that the devil is a liar who wants to deceive us. When we<br />

are tempted, many different thoughts pass through our minds. Which of<br />

the following should we recognise as lies?<br />

£ a. “It won’t matter if I do it only once.”<br />

LXII<br />

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<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 9<br />

£ b. “No one will see me.”<br />

£ c. “I’ll do what God wants.”<br />

£ d. “I’ll enjoy my life now, and change when I start a family.”<br />

£ e. “I must resist the devil.”<br />

17. a) If these are lies, from whom do they come? ________________<br />

b) What must we do when the devil tempts us? ___________________<br />

18. What are the two things we know about the devil?<br />

<br />

He is a _________________ and a _________.<br />

19. One way the devil deceives many today is in the various forms of the<br />

occult. Read what God feels about this:<br />

“Let no one be found among you... who practises divination or sorcery,<br />

interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or cast spells, or who is a medium<br />

or spiritist...” (Deuteronomy 18:10–11)<br />

In these verses God is condemning all forms of the occult, which includes<br />

spiritism, occult books, fortune-telling, ouija boards, etc.<br />

What does God call these occult practices?<br />

£ a. Permissible £ b. Harmless £ c. Evil<br />

20. Let’s take a closer look at the verse we learned by heart in No.11. First,<br />

review it; then answer the following:<br />

Before we can resist the devil effectively, what must we do first,<br />

according to this verse?<br />

____________________________<br />

21. Many people make the mistake of trying to resist the devil without first<br />

submitting to God. They are sure to fail.<br />

What does it mean to “submit yourself to God”?<br />

£ a. Seek above all things to do the will of God.<br />

£ b. Obey God from time to time.<br />

£ c. Say we fear God but then go on in sin.<br />

How to Overcome the Devil<br />

22. So then, if we expect to resist the devil and stand against temptation, we<br />

must first s____________ ourselves to God in this way.<br />

23. Which of the following people will be able to resist the devil? (Tick only one)<br />

£ a. The man who does as he likes.<br />

£ b. The woman who does as she likes.<br />

£ c. The person who wants to do the will of God in everything.<br />

24. What is the first thing we should do to resist the devil?<br />

<br />

S____________ to ________.<br />

25. What does it mean to submit ourselves to God?<br />

Seek above all things to do the w__________ of ________.<br />

26. According to the verse we memorised (James 4:7), when we submit<br />

ourselves to God, and resist the devil, what will the devil do?<br />

___________________________<br />

27. The devil will flee from us because we have received the Lord Jesus Christ<br />

into our lives and have been filled with his Holy Spirit. He is our Lord. The<br />

Bible says:<br />

“...the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”<br />

(1 John 4:4)<br />

a) Who is the “one” who is in us? J_____________<br />

b) Who is the “one” who is in the world? The d_________<br />

c) Which of the two has more power? ______________<br />

28. Paul wrote:<br />

<br />

“And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he (Jesus) made a public<br />

spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.” (Colossians 2:15)<br />

When was the devil, and all his powers, defeated?<br />

When Christ died on the __________.<br />

29. What happened to Satan and all of his powers when Jesus died on the<br />

cross?<br />

He was d_____________.<br />

30. Who had this great triumph over Satan? _____________________<br />

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SEAN – Study by Extension for All Nations<br />

<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 9<br />

31. Jesus Christ has already won the victory over Satan! He triumphed over<br />

him when he died on the cross and rose again on the third day. Since you<br />

are a child of God and Jesus lives in you through his Holy Spirit, who is<br />

more powerful? (Tick one)<br />

£ a. Evil spirits £ b. Satan £ c. You are<br />

32. Do not make the mistake of thinking that you are more powerful than<br />

Satan all by yourself.<br />

The believer is more powerful than Satan because the Holy S___________<br />

lives in those who have received Christ.<br />

33. For this reason you can be very sure that the devil will flee from you when<br />

you r__________ him.<br />

34. But you must first s____________ yourself to _________. Only then can<br />

you r_________ the devil. And only then will Satan _________ from you.<br />

35. Now do the Review for Lesson 9.<br />

Thank the Lord that his power in us is<br />

far, far greater than the devil’s.<br />

Submit to Jesus Christ and resist the<br />

devil. Then Satan will flee from you.<br />

LXVI<br />

SEAN – Study by Extension for All Nations

Lesson 10<br />

How to Overcome your Old Nature<br />

In our last lesson we learned about our first<br />

enemy, the devil. In today’s lesson we will look<br />

at an enemy that attacks you from within.<br />

2. Your Old Nature<br />

1. Paul, speaking about his struggle against the devil and sin, wrote:<br />

“For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do –<br />

this I keep on doing.” (Romans 7:19)<br />

Many Christians are like Paul.<br />

What is it that they keep doing that they don’t want to do?___________<br />

2. This spiritual struggle comes about because we are now God’s children<br />

and so have TWO natures. The first, the OLD nature, is the one we received<br />

from our human parents when we were born into this world.<br />

How long have you had your old nature? (Tick the correct answer)<br />

£ a. Since your human birth.<br />

£ b. Since your new birth.<br />

£ c. Since you received Christ.<br />

3. In some translations of the Bible the terms “flesh” or “sinful nature” are<br />

used. However, in our studies, we are calling the nature we received from<br />

our parents the ____________ nature.<br />

4. When you believed in Christ, you were born again as God’s child and<br />

received a new nature. You received your new nature through your new<br />

_________________.<br />

<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 10<br />

5. a) How long have you had your old nature?<br />

<br />

Since your hu________ b_________.<br />

b) How long have you had your new nature?<br />

<br />

Since your _____________ __________.<br />

Under each picture write which nature is uppermost:<br />

Welcome, brother, come<br />

and share our meal.<br />

I’ll help the poor<br />

when I have time.<br />

How to Overcome your Old Nature<br />

6. Although as Christians we received a new nature from God, we did not<br />

lose our old nature.<br />

So then, how many “natures” have you now?<br />

___________<br />

7. You have had your old nature since the moment you were born. But you<br />

now have another nature, the new nature, which you received when you<br />

believed in Christ.<br />

LXVIII<br />

When did you receive your new nature?When I was born ____________.<br />

8. Paul says:<br />

“...put off your old self (old nature), which is being corrupted by its<br />

deceitful desires;” (Ephesians 4:22)<br />

According to this verse is your old nature good or bad? _____________<br />

9. Your old nature always tends to do (Tick the correct one)<br />

£ a. what will please God.<br />

£ b. what is right.<br />

£ c. what is wrong.<br />

10. In other words your old nature continually inclines to s_______.<br />

11. Which of our two natures (answer “old” or “new”)<br />

a) has continually acted in a way that will satisfy its own desires?<br />

________<br />

b) wants to do things pleasing to God? ________<br />

12. The people in the following pictures are both Christians, but in one<br />

picture the old nature is still uppermost and in the other the new nature<br />

is uppermost.<br />

SEAN – Study by Extension for All Nations<br />

<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />

a) ___________________ b) __________________<br />

13. a) What does the old nature want to do? ____________<br />

b) Does a Christian still have their old nature? (Yes or No) __________<br />

14. A Christian’s old nature wants to sin and their new nature wants to please<br />

God. These two always oppose each other. The result of this is<br />

£ a. a constant spiritual struggle within us.<br />

£ b. a life free of all spiritual struggle.<br />

£ c. our new nature always dominates so we never sin at all.<br />

15. So, we see that not only do we have to fight against our enemy, the devil,<br />

but also against another enemy that is within us, our ___________ nature.<br />

16. God teaches us that we are not able to please him with our old nature.<br />

However, when we are born again, we receive another nature which is the<br />

nature of Jesus Christ himself. This nature is called our _________ nature.<br />

17. What is our new nature? It is the nature of __________.<br />

18. The subheading of this “<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong>” course is “The <strong>Life</strong> of Jesus in<br />

You”. God has given us the very life and nature of Christ. His life in us can<br />

overcome the evil of our old sinful nature.<br />

Therefore, when we feel strongly tempted or fall into sin, what should we<br />

do? (Tick the correct one.)<br />

£ a. Become discouraged with our new life in Christ.<br />

£ b. Repent and call on Jesus so that his life will be shown in us.<br />

£ c. Return to the life we lived before we were born again.<br />


Lesson 10<br />

19. What is our new nature? The life of ______________ in us.<br />

20. For example, suppose you have a really bad temper and you know you<br />

must be more patient. You must remember that you have the nature of the<br />

one who is always patient.<br />

You should ask God to show the nature of _________________ in you.<br />

21. If you find it difficult to love someone, remember that Christ loves that<br />

person and ask God that the l_______ of ___________ be shown in you.<br />

22. Paul learned this truth and so he could say:<br />

“...I no longer live, but Christ lives in me....” (Galatians 2:20)<br />

Learn this verse by heart with its reference, using the spaces below as a<br />

guide.<br />

“...I no _________ _________, but __________ ________ in _____....”<br />

<br />

(G________________ _____ : _____)<br />

23. a) According to the verse you have just learned, who lived in Paul?<br />

_________________<br />

b) Christ lives in us as well, and we should allow his life and<br />

n_______________ to show through us.<br />

How to Overcome your Old Nature<br />

25. The new nature which makes it possible to live in a way that pleases God<br />

is the nature and life of ______________ within us.<br />

26. How then is it possible for us to please God and to win the struggle<br />

against our old sinful nature? (Tick the correct one)<br />

£ a. By doing the best we can and, if that doesn’t work, by asking God<br />

to help us.<br />

£ b. Thinking we can manage in our own strength with only a little bit<br />

of extra help from God.<br />

£ c. Right from the start we should have no trust in ourselves. We<br />

must pray and trust only in Christ and his Spirit within us.<br />

27. In whom, then, should we put our trust in order to overcome our old<br />

nature? (Tick the correct one)<br />

£ a. In ourselves.<br />

£ b. Completely in Christ without holding anything back.<br />

£ c. Trust in Christ and also in ourselves.<br />

28. Review the verse you memorised with its reference. You’ll find it in No. 22<br />

.<br />

24. Which of these people is learning to allow the nature and life of Christ to<br />

take control of their life? (Tick only one)<br />

£ A £ B £ C<br />

Lord, I’m so nervous,<br />

help me have your peace.<br />

It’s no use, I<br />

can’t give it up.<br />

I’m such a spiritual<br />

person that I can resist<br />

all those temptations.<br />

Put your complete trust in Jesus Christ and in his<br />

life in you. Then you will be able to over come your<br />

old nature. The more you put your trust in him,<br />

the stronger your new nature will become.<br />

A B C<br />

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SEAN – Study by Extension for All Nations<br />

<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


How to Overcome the World<br />

Lesson 11<br />

How to Overcome the World<br />

The Christian’s third enemy is...<br />

“Do not love the world or anything in the world....” (1 John 2:15)<br />

It’s true that God’s children still live in the world. However, the Bible says<br />

that a child of God should not love the ___________; in other words the<br />

things on this earth that are a_____________ ______.<br />

5. Memorise the verse in No.4 with its reference. Use the spaces below as a<br />

guide.<br />

“Do not _________ the __________, or _____________ in the<br />

___________.”<br />

(1 ____________ _____ : _____)<br />

3. The World<br />

1. Jesus was talking about his disciples when he said:<br />

“...they are not of the world any more than I am of the world.”<br />

(John 17:14)<br />

Here the word “world” has a special meaning. It doesn’t mean the world<br />

in which we live, with its beauty, mountains, rivers and animals. Here<br />

it means the ways of the people who are against God, like their way of<br />

greed, hate, selfishness and pride.<br />

Who are those who do NOT belong to the world in this sense, according<br />

to Jesus’ words?<br />

All of his d____________________<br />

2. What does the word “world” mean in the verse from the Bible above?<br />

The ways of the people who are ______________ __________ .<br />

3. When Jesus said that his followers were not a part of the world, he meant<br />

that they are not a part of those things which are against God. The Bible<br />

also says:<br />

“...the whole world is under the control of the evil one.” (1 John 5:19)<br />

Who controls the things of this world?<br />

£ You £ The big bankers £ The devil<br />

4. Those who have received Jesus are commanded in the Bible:<br />

6. a) Which people do not belong to the world?<br />

<br />

All of G_________ __________________<br />

b) Who controls this world? The d____________<br />

7. In other words, we can say that those who are NOT children of God are<br />

under the power of the d___________. Their attitudes, as well as their<br />

way of life, are controlled by the things of this _____________.<br />

8. If the devil controls this world, will those who belong to the world be for<br />

or against God and his children? _______________________<br />

9. Christ also said this about his disciples:<br />

“...the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I<br />

am of the world.” (John 17:14)<br />

That’s the reason why there are those who criticise and give us a hard<br />

time because of our faith in Jesus. Even members of our own family may<br />

do this to us.<br />

What unpleasant treatment can we expect from some of those who belong<br />

to the world? (Tick the correct one)<br />

£ Praise £ Persecution £ Love<br />

10. Persecution takes many forms. Sometimes it is just unkind words or<br />

teasing. At other times it may be in the form of threats or physical harm,<br />

and in some places it has meant imprisonment and even death. Which of<br />

LXXII<br />

SEAN – Study by Extension for All Nations<br />

<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 11<br />

the pictures below are examples of persecution because of Christ? (Tick<br />

more than one)<br />

£ A £ B £ C<br />

Don’t come near my house<br />

now you’re a Christian!<br />

He’s mad – he’s<br />

become a Christian!<br />

I think that it’s<br />

great that you’ve<br />

become a Christian.<br />

Paul wrote:<br />

How to Overcome the World<br />

“But our citizenship is in heaven....” (Philippians 3:20)<br />

Although we live on the earth for the time being, we shouldn’t think<br />

of this as our permanent home because we expect to live forever in<br />

_________________.<br />

15. Where is our real home? ___________________<br />

16. The Bible says:<br />

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son.”<br />

(John 3:16)<br />

A B C<br />

11. Jesus told his disciples:<br />

“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.” (John 15:18)<br />

and also:<br />

“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness.”<br />

(Matthew 5:10)<br />

Which of the following thoughts can give you strength when the people<br />

of this world mistreat you? (Tick it)<br />

£ a. My relatives shouldn’t treat me like this.<br />

£ b. Jesus also suffered persecution and hatred.<br />

£ c. If things go on like this I shall give up following Christ.<br />

12. What kind of treatment can you expect from some of those who belong<br />

to the world?<br />

Per______________________<br />

13. a) Who controls this world? ___________________<br />

b) Who do NOT belong to this world? __________________________<br />

14. We get strength from knowing that Jesus was able to stand under<br />

persecution. We can also get strength from knowing that the Bible teaches<br />

that this present world is not our permanent home. Persecution will come<br />

to an end.<br />

Note: In this verse the meaning of the word “world” is different again. Here it means all<br />

human beings everywhere.<br />

Whom does God love? (Tick the correct one)<br />

£ a. All those who are in the world.<br />

£ b. Only those who already belong to his family.<br />

£ c. Only those who have already gone to heaven.<br />

17. It’s true, God loves everyone in the world, in spite of their hate and<br />

persecution of Christ and his followers.<br />

God wants to free them from the power of this w__________ and from<br />

the control of the d______________.<br />

18. If God loves everyone, what should we be doing?<br />

£ a. Mixing only with our fellow Christians and not having contact<br />

with our old unbelieving friends.<br />

£ b. Speaking in a critical manner to those who don’t believe in God.<br />

£ c. Showing God’s love to everyone by the way we live.<br />

In the next lesson you will learn how<br />

to pass on the message of salvation to<br />

others who are not yet Christians.<br />

LXXIV<br />

SEAN – Study by Extension for All Nations<br />

<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 11<br />

19. We need to show the love of God to all people not only by our words but<br />

also by what we do.<br />

Even though our real home is in h____________ we must still show the<br />

love of God to others by improving our behaviour and relationships with<br />

those living in this ________________.<br />

20. The best place to begin showing the love of God to others in the world is<br />

in our home.<br />

For example, in the verse below Peter is talking to wives who have<br />

husbands that still belong to the world because they have not accepted<br />

Jesus Christ. He writes:<br />

“Wives,... submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them<br />

do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the<br />

behaviour of their wives.” (1 Peter 3:1)<br />

They should show the love of God for their husbands, not so much by<br />

their words, but by their b________________.<br />

21. a) What sort of unpleasant treatment can we expect from some people<br />

in the world?<br />

P___________________.<br />

b) In spite of this, we should show the love of God to them by our<br />

b_________________ as well as our words.<br />

22. In No.20 of this lesson, Peter is speaking to wives whose husbands are not<br />

yet Christians. Now let’s see what Paul has to say about relationships in<br />

the home and how we should behave as Christians.<br />

a) Husbands: “… husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies...<br />

After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their<br />

body,…” (Ephesians 5:28,29)<br />

If you are a husband, how should you love and care for your wife?<br />

<br />

Just as I care for my own b___________.<br />

b) Children: “...obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.”<br />

(Ephesians 6:1)<br />

<br />

If you are a son or daughter, what should you do?<br />

______________ my parents.<br />

How to Overcome the World<br />

c) Parents: “...do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the<br />

training and instruction of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4)<br />

If you are a parent, how should you bring up your children?<br />

I should t____________ and i_______________ them in the things<br />

of the Lord.<br />

23. In what way, other than by our words, can we show our love for God to<br />

those in the world?<br />

By our b_________________.<br />

24. Our behaviour is also important in our work. The following are Paul’s<br />

instructions to workers (in those days slaves!):<br />

<br />

“...obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of<br />

heart, just as you would obey Christ.... Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were<br />

serving the Lord, not men.” (Ephesians 6:5,7)<br />

When you are at work, who are you really serving?<br />

Not just a human boss but __________.<br />

25. Paul then goes on to say to the slave owners:<br />

“And masters, treat your slaves (that is, your employees) in the same way.<br />

Do not threaten them, since you know that he who is both their Master<br />

and yours is in heaven, and there is no favouritism with him.” (Eph. 6:9)<br />

Now, praise God, in most countries slavery is abolished. But if you are an<br />

employer, how should you treat the people who work under you? (Tick<br />

the correct ones)<br />

£ a. Fairly.<br />

£ b. With harsh demands.<br />

£ c. With patience.<br />

26. Which of the following are examples of behaviour that will show the love<br />

of God to others in the world? (Tick more than one)<br />

£ a. “I’ll help you wash the dishes, Mum.”<br />

£ b. “I don’t care if my wife is tired; it’s her job to do the housework.”<br />

£ c. “My husband makes fun of me because I follow Jesus, but I do<br />

not answer him back nor feel bitter.”<br />

£ d. “We must take some food over to that sick lady.”<br />

LXXVI<br />

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Lesson 11<br />

£ e. “We’re going to win the match even if we have to cheat.”<br />

£ f. “The boss has gone out, we can goof off for the rest of the<br />

afternoon.”<br />

£ g. “My workers deserve every consideration.”<br />

27. No matter where we are, at home, at work or at play, we must show the<br />

love of God to others, by our words and by our b_________________.<br />

28. a) In spite of the fact that we show the love of God to those in the<br />

world, there will still be people who will p_______________ us<br />

because we are followers of Jesus.<br />

b) Where is our real home? _________________________<br />

29. John wrote:<br />

“For everything in the world... comes not from the Father but from the<br />

world.” (1 John 2:16)<br />

In the same verse, he lists the things the world offers:<br />

“ ...the lust (cravings) of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of<br />

life... ”<br />

This shows us once again, that the one who controls this world is the<br />

_________________.<br />

30. The things of the world listed above can be a strong temptation for us, as<br />

children of God, because of our old nature.<br />

But, according to what we learned in Lesson 9, when we are tempted we<br />

should s_____________ourselves to God, and r_____________ the devil<br />

and he will f__________ from us.<br />

31. Review the verse you memorised in this lesson with its reference. Instead<br />

of loving the things of this world, we can love Jesus, who by his death on<br />

the cross freed us from the control of this world and of the devil.<br />

Whom should we love?<br />

___________________________<br />

32. Now do the Review of Lesson 11 at the back of the book.<br />

The more we love Jesus, the more we will overcome the world.<br />


SEAN – Study by Extension for All Nations

Lesson 12<br />

How to Share the Good News with Others<br />

In our last lesson we saw that we<br />

must show the love of God to the<br />

world. One way we can do this is by<br />

sharing the good news of Christ with<br />

those who do not yet know him.<br />

1. Apart from our words, how can we show the love of God to others?<br />

<br />

By our b_______________.<br />

2. But we must also talk about Jesus. He has commanded us to tell others<br />

the good news.<br />

If Jesus is our Lord what should we do about his commandments?<br />

___________________<br />

3. One of the last commands that Jesus gave to his followers was this:<br />

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel (good news) to all creation.”<br />

(Mark 16:15)<br />

According to these words, you must (Tick the correct one)<br />

£ a. accept his gift of salvation ourselves but say nothing about it to<br />

anyone else.<br />

£ b. take the good news about Jesus to all people.<br />

£ c. pass on the good news only to those people we like but not to<br />

those who persecute us.<br />

4. To how many people must we tell the good news about Jesus?<br />

____________________<br />

<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 12<br />

5. Important Exercise:<br />

Make sure you have your copy of the Evangelistic Leaflet “How can I get<br />

to know God?” which should be provided with this Student Workbook. If<br />

you need one, ask your Group Leader. You can also obtain more Leaflets<br />

from the contact and e-mail address printed on the inside front cover of<br />

this book or you can download and print it for free from our website:<br />

www.seaninternational.com under “Courses”.<br />

This lesson will teach you how to use this Leaflet to explain the good<br />

news of salvation to your friends and others.<br />

6. In this lesson you will need your Evangelistic Leaflet to learn how to<br />

share the good news of Jesus with others, so keep it to hand. First, turn<br />

to Picture A in the Leaflet.<br />

Picture A – “God Loves You ”<br />

Picture A illustrates John 3:16. Now read the verse John 3:16 on the back<br />

of the Leaflet.<br />

According to this verse, who does God love?<br />

____________________<br />

7. The word “world ” here refers to all the people in the world and not just<br />

to Christians.<br />

In that case, how does God feel about those who are not his children?<br />

Does he love them or hate them?<br />

_________________________<br />

8. You are happy and contented to know that God loves you. I am sure that<br />

you will be rejoicing in your new relationship as God’s child.<br />

Now you must tell your friends and neighbours that God _____________<br />

them too, and that they can also become God’s ___________________.<br />

9. This is good news indeed! Everyone should know about it. By showing a<br />

friend Picture A, and the verse from John 3:16, what are you able to tell<br />

them?<br />

“God l__________ everyone. This means God loves me, and he loves<br />

__________ as well. ”<br />

How to Share the Good News with Others<br />

Picture B – “Your Sins have Separated you from God ”<br />

10. Look at Picture B in your Leaflet, and read Isaiah 59:2, the corresponding<br />

verse on the back of the Leaflet.<br />

a) What does our sin do to us? _________________ us from _______.<br />

b) In this state, can your friend fully enjoy God’s love? (Yes or No)<br />

_______<br />

11. By using Picture B and Isaiah 59:2 you can show your friend how they<br />

cannot fully enjoy God’s love while they are _____________ from God by<br />

their _______.<br />

12. a) When you show Picture A to your friend, what will you say to them?<br />

<br />

“Look, God _________ you”.<br />

b) When you show them Picture B with Isaiah 59:2, what will you say to<br />

them?<br />

“Here the Bible tells us that you cannot fully enjoy God’s love while<br />

your ____________ has __________________ you from _________.”<br />

Picture C – “Christ Died to Lead us Back to God”<br />

13. Because sin has separated people from God, we need someone to lead us<br />

back to God. See Picture C. Read 1 Peter 3:18 on the back of your Leaflet.<br />

a) Who died for our sins? __________________<br />

b) Why did he die? To ___________ us to _________.<br />

14. Therefore Christ helps us by leading us to God.<br />

What did Christ do to lead us to God?<br />

_________________________<br />

15. When you show your friend Picture C with 1 Peter 3:18, what can you tell<br />

them?<br />

“Look, Christ _________ for you, to l___________ you to ________.”<br />

16. You should now be able to use your Leaflet to show your friend, in a<br />

simple, easy way, the good news of Jesus’ forgiveness. Let’s practise.<br />

a) When you show them Picture A with John 3:16, you can say:<br />

“Look, this verse tells us that God _____________ you.”<br />

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Lesson 12<br />

b) When you show Picture B with Isaiah 59:2, you can say:<br />

“But see how your ___________ have ________________ you from<br />

__________.”<br />

c) When you show Picture C with 1 Peter 3:18 you can say:<br />

“But here we have the good news that Christ ___________ for you,<br />

to______________________________________.”<br />

Picture D – “You can become God’s Child”<br />

17. Look at Picture D and read John 1:12 on the back of the Leaflet.<br />

a) According to this verse what did some do?<br />

<br />

_________________ him and __________________ in him.<br />

b) And so they became _______________________________.<br />

18. If your friend receives Christ and believes in him what will they become?<br />

______________________________<br />

19. What should your friend do to become a child of God?<br />

_________________ in Christ and __________________ him as Lord.<br />

20. So then, as you show them Picture D with John 1:12 you can say:<br />

“So you see you can become God’s _____________ if you _____________<br />

__________________________________________________________.”<br />

21. Using the pictures and verses from your Leaflet what could you tell a<br />

friend about<br />

Picture A?___________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________<br />

Picture B? ___________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________<br />

Picture C?___________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________<br />

Picture D?___________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________<br />

How to Share the Good News with Others<br />

22. 1) Either before or after explaining the four pictures to your friend,<br />

you could tell them how YOU became a child of God and what a<br />

wonderful experience it is.<br />

2) Also it is often helpful to ask your friend which of the three pictures,<br />

B, C or D, represents their life at the present time.<br />

3) If the answer is B or C, ask “would you like to take the same step as<br />

the man in picture D, like I did?”<br />

4) Again, if the answer is “yes” pray with them the prayer in Section F<br />

inside the Leaflet (opened up).<br />

23. If in fact your friend receives Christ, there are three further important<br />

steps which you should take.<br />

1) Explain Sections G, H, and I in the Leaflet.<br />

2) Introduce your friend to your pastor (or find out what time it would<br />

be convenient to do this).<br />

3) Ask for a copy of this study course “<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong>” (and its<br />

accompanying Group Leader’s Guide) and find someone who can<br />

help you to lead them during the studies.<br />

24. If your friend doesn’t yet understand how to receive Christ, but would<br />

like to know more, take them to meet your pastor or a more experienced<br />

Christian friend, so that they can talk together.<br />

LXXXII<br />

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<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Baptism<br />

Lesson 13<br />

Baptism<br />

1. Just before he returned to his Father in heaven, Jesus said to his followers:<br />

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,...” (Matthew 28:19)<br />

What did people everywhere become?<br />

2. Jesus continued by saying:<br />

D________________ of Jesus.<br />

“...baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the<br />

Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”<br />

(Matthew 28:19–20)<br />

What are the two things which Jesus told his followers to do for the new<br />

believers?<br />

They are to ____________ them and to ____________ them.<br />

3. Who commanded believers to be baptised? _________________<br />

4. If the Lord Jesus commanded baptism and you have not been baptised, is<br />

it important that you should be? (Yes or No)<br />

____________<br />

6. When Paul believed in the Lord Jesus as his Saviour and Lord, God spoke<br />

to him through a man called Ananias and said:<br />

“...Get up, be baptised and wash your sins away, calling on his name.”<br />

(Acts 22:16)<br />

So in baptism we use water as a sign of cleansing. It is a sign others can see,<br />

which stands for Jesus p_______________ our hearts from_____________.<br />

7. Just as water washes our bodies, so the blood of Christ p______________<br />

our hearts from __________.<br />

8. What is it that purifies our hearts from sin?<br />

<br />

The __________ of ____________.<br />

9. The Bible says:<br />

“...everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his<br />

name.” (Acts 10:43)<br />

When are we purified from sin? (Tick the correct one)<br />

£ a. When we go to church.<br />

£ b. When we believe in Christ.<br />

£ c. When we are baptised.<br />

10. We are not purified at the moment of our baptism but when we<br />

______________ in _________________.<br />

LXXXIV<br />

Now, let’s look at the meaning of baptism.<br />

5. When you first believed in Jesus all your sins were forgiven. The Bible<br />

says:<br />

“...the blood of Jesus... purifies us from all sin.” (1 John 1:7)<br />

When Jesus died on the cross, it was to lead us to God. He forgives our<br />

sins and p______________ our hearts.<br />

SEAN – Study by Extension for All Nations<br />

11. God forgives our sins at the moment we believe in Christ and receive<br />

him into our life. Our hearts cannot be purified by something that only<br />

touches our outward bodies.<br />

This is the reason why baptism by itself does NOT bring forgiveness of<br />

sin and cleansing. It is a sign to everybody around us that our hearts have<br />

been purified from sin when we received Christ into our heart by faith.<br />

When we are baptised, we are saying to all people, “God has made my<br />

heart clean just like this water makes my body clean.”<br />

Why does God forgive us? (Tick the correct one)<br />

£ a. Because we are baptised.<br />

£ b. Because we have done nothing wrong.<br />

£ c. Because we believe in Christ and his blood purifies us.<br />

<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 13<br />

Baptism<br />

12. What does baptism represent? ________________ from ________.<br />

13. Baptism is a visible sign of the purifying that God gives. Something<br />

invisible is something we cannot see.<br />

So something visible is something we can __________.<br />

14. We cannot see inside our hearts, so purifying us from sin is something<br />

invisible. However, baptism is a v_____________ sign.<br />

15. So, baptism does not make us pure from sin; on the contrary, it<br />

£ a. is something that no one sees; it happens inside us.<br />

£ b. is a visible sign to others that God has purified our heart from sin.<br />

£ c. is unimportant.<br />

16. From where is our sin washed away? (Tick the correct one)<br />

£ a. From within our heart.<br />

£ b. From the outside of the body only.<br />

£ c. From the part touched by the water of baptism.<br />

17. What is the visible sign that represents this inward purifying?<br />

___________________<br />

18. When are we purified from sin? When we ______________ in Jesus.<br />

19. The time of a person’s baptism is a happy one to be remembered. Our<br />

heart should be filled with joy and praise to the Lord for forgiving ALL<br />

our sins by the blood of the Lord Jesus shed for us on the cross of Calvary.<br />

Furthermore, the whole congregation should be excited by the things the<br />

Lord has done.<br />

What does baptism symbolise?<br />

20. Who has commanded us to be baptised? ____________________<br />

Why not take some time right now to thank God for<br />

cleansing you from sin!<br />

Baptism also stands for other great spiritual truths but we<br />

cannot deal with them all in one lesson. As you read your<br />

Bible, you will learn more and more. Here are some further<br />

Bible passages you could read about baptism.<br />

• A sign of cleansing from sin:<br />

Acts 2:38<br />

Hebrews 10:22<br />

1 Peter 3:21<br />

• Identifies us with Christ:<br />

Galatians 3:27<br />

Romans 6:3–6<br />

Colossians 2:12<br />

LXXXVI<br />

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Lesson 14<br />

The Lord’s Supper<br />

1. The Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion first took place when our Lord<br />

Jesus had his last meal with his disciples.<br />

READ the description of this occasion below, which is taken from<br />

1 Corinthians 11:23–26. The numbers indicate where each verse begins.<br />

23 “...The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, 24 and<br />

when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, ‘This is my body, which is<br />

for you; do this in remembrance of me.’ 25 In the same way, after supper<br />

he took the cup, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do<br />

this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.’ 26 For whenever you<br />

eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he<br />

comes.” (1 Corinthians 11:23–26)<br />

Have you read this passage?<br />

__________<br />

2. What happened on the same night that the Lord Jesus celebrated the first<br />

Lord’s Supper? (See verse 23 in the passage above)<br />

<br />

Jesus was b_________________.<br />

3. Jesus first celebrated what we now call the Lord’s Supper on the night he<br />

was to be betrayed. In other words, it started the night before his (Tick<br />

the correct one)<br />

£ death. £ birth. £ resurrection.<br />

4. a) In verse 24 above, Jesus said of the bread:<br />

“This is my _______________ which is for you.”<br />

b) In verse 25 above, Jesus said of the cup:<br />

“This cup is the new covenant in my ______________.”<br />

5. When Jesus spoke of the bread and the cup, he was speaking of his broken<br />

body and his shed blood.<br />

To what event was he referring?<br />

To his d ______________.<br />

The Lord’s Supper<br />

6. So what are we to remember when we take part in the Lord’s Supper?<br />

<br />

The _____________ of _____________.<br />

7. Memorise these words about the Lord’s Supper, with their reference:<br />

“For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the<br />

Lord’s death until he comes.” (1 Corinthians 11:26)<br />

8. To help us remember his death on the cross Jesus used two visible things.<br />

Visible things are things we can s__________.<br />

9. What are the two visible things that we use in the Lord’s Supper to<br />

remember his death, according to the verse we have just learned?<br />

1) ____________ 2) _____________<br />

10. What event do we remember in the Lord’s Supper?<br />

11. What two visible things do we use?<br />

1) ____________ 2) _____________<br />

12. In baptism we also use something visible. What is it?<br />

£ Bread £ Water £ A cup with wine<br />

13. God commands us to use visible things in baptism and the Lord’s Supper<br />

so that, seeing and tasting, our faith may be strengthened. The use of<br />

these things helps us to have<br />

£ a. less faith.<br />

£ b. more faith in the things they stand for.<br />

£ c. faith in material things.<br />

14. What is represented by (See verses 23, 24 and 25 in the passage at the<br />

beginning of the lesson.)<br />

a) the bread? The ______________ of ________________.<br />

b) the cup? The ______________ of ________________.<br />


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Lesson 14<br />

The Lord’s Supper<br />

15. Jesus said:<br />

“Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in<br />

them.” (John 6:56)<br />

So, in the Lord’s Supper we express our union with ___________.<br />

16. In many places the New Testament tells us we live in Christ and he lives in<br />

us. The subtitle of this course, “The <strong>Life</strong> of Jesus in You”, reminds us of this<br />

glorious truth, that Jesus lives _______ us.<br />

17. At what special time can you remember this precious union which you<br />

have with Christ?<br />

When you take part in the ______________’s ______________.<br />

18. So when you eat the bread and drink the cup at the Lord’s Supper, you can<br />

ask in faith that, just as the bread and the wine strengthen your body, so<br />

too your spiritual life may be fed and strengthened continually.<br />

This is through your union with ___________ who lives in you.<br />

19. We are united with Christ by what he did for us on the cross. What event<br />

do we remember in the Lord’s Supper?<br />

20. But there is something more. In the Lord’s Supper we not only show our<br />

union with Christ but also with our brothers and sisters in the faith. The<br />

Bible says:<br />

“Because there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all share<br />

the one loaf.” (1 Corinthians 10:17)<br />

The Lord’s Supper also shows us that (Tick the correct one)<br />

£ a. we should feel sad and lonely.<br />

£ b. every man must live for himself.<br />

£ c. we are all members of one body or family.<br />

21. Therefore, in the Lord’s Supper we not only show our union with Christ<br />

but also with our b_______________ and s______________ in the faith.<br />

22. With whom do we show our union in the Lord’s Supper?<br />

1) With ______________________.<br />

2) With our _____________ and ____________ in Christ.<br />

23. If in the Lord’s Supper we are showing our union with our brothers and<br />

sisters, which of the following persons is doing this sincerely? Someone<br />

who says: (Tick the correct one)<br />

£ a. “I can’t forgive Simon for what he did to me.”<br />

£ b. “Jean spoke badly of me and I’m still bitter.”<br />

£ c. Pete had reason to be angry with me, but I’ve asked him to<br />

forgive me and we’re friends again now.”<br />

24. The Bible says:<br />

“Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and<br />

drink from the cup.” (1 Corinthians 11:28)<br />

It also says that we must not take part in the Lord’s Supper:<br />

“...in an unworthy manner...” (1 Corinthians 11:27)<br />

So if you are aware of a sin in your life, and you come to take the Lord’s<br />

Supper, what ought you to do? (Tick one.)<br />

£ a. Repent of your sin and take part in the Lord’s Supper, thanking<br />

him for his forgiveness.<br />

£ b. Repent of your sin but continue to feel so guilty that you do not<br />

take part.<br />

£ c. Repent now, so you can take part in the Lord’s Supper, even<br />

though you don’t intend to stop sinning in the same way<br />

tomorrow.<br />

25. With whom do we show our union in the Lord’s Supper?<br />

1) ___________________________<br />

2) ______________________________________________<br />

26. What event are we remembering? _______________________________<br />

XC<br />

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<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 14<br />

27. However, we do not only remember something that happened in the past.<br />

We also look forward to what will happen in the future.<br />

Read verse 26 of the passage at the beginning of the lesson.<br />

Here it says that we proclaim his _____________, which took place<br />

in the past, until he comes, which refers to his second coming in the<br />

f______________.<br />

28. What is the future event which we remember in the Lord’s Supper?<br />

The second c_____________ of Christ.<br />

29. Christ himself talked about this when he began the Lord’s Supper. He said:<br />

“...I will not drink again from the fruit of the vine until that day when I<br />

drink it new in the kingdom of God.” (Mark 14:25)<br />

a) Christ here speaks of the future kingdom that will be set up after he<br />

has ______________ a second time to this earth.<br />

b) “Drink it new (or anew)” is a biblical phrase for joy. For us, who<br />

believe in Christ, his second coming will be a day of great (Tick the<br />

correct one)<br />

£ rejection. £ happiness. £ condemnation.<br />

30. When we take part in the Lord’s Supper, of what joyous future event are<br />

we thinking?<br />

____________________________________<br />

31. Review the verse you memorised in this lesson with its reference. See No. 7<br />

.<br />

Give thanks to the Lord because he gave his<br />

body and blood to bring forgiveness of sin and<br />

fellowship with him and with each other, and<br />

because one day he will come again.<br />

32. Now review this lesson at the end of the book.<br />

XCII<br />

SEAN – Study by Extension for All Nations

Lesson 15<br />

Members of a Local Church<br />

The way people are received into<br />

membership can vary from church to<br />

church, so it is important that you consult<br />

with your Group Leader on how to become<br />

a full member of your church.<br />

1. When you received Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord you became a<br />

member of the family of God, commonly called the universal church. The<br />

word universal is used because the church includes all of God’s children<br />

throughout the ages, from all parts of the world.<br />

How many believers make up the universal church? (Tick the correct one)<br />

£ a. Just those who lived in the times of the apostles.<br />

£ b. All believers from every country, throughout the ages.<br />

£ c. Only believers from the U.S.A.<br />

2. Which of the following belong to the universal church? (Tick the correct<br />

ones)<br />

£ a. Your minister or pastor.<br />

£ b. An African believer.<br />

£ c. An atheist.<br />

£ d. You yourself, after receiving Christ.<br />

3. Because God’s children are found all over the world, it is impossible for<br />

them to gather together in just one place. So believers come together in<br />

smaller groups in the towns or neighbourhoods where they live.<br />

The smaller groups of believers who come together as a congregation are<br />

called (Tick one)<br />

<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 15<br />

£ a. a local church. £ b. the universal church.<br />

4. In other words, the universal church is made up of many, many smaller<br />

groups called local churches.<br />

Which of the following are part of the local church you attend? (Tick the<br />

correct ones)<br />

£ a. The minister or someone responsible for the church.<br />

£ b. A believer in Latin America.<br />

£ c. An atheist.<br />

£ d. You yourself, after being received as a member.<br />

5. You, along with all other believers as God’s children, are members of<br />

the u__________________ church. However, you should also become a<br />

member of a church near where you live, that is, your ________________<br />

church.<br />

6. What is the name and address of a local church where you wish to become<br />

a member? (You should talk to your Group Leader about this the next time<br />

you meet)<br />

Church:_____________________________________________________<br />

Address:____________________________________________________<br />

7. The local church is part of the universal family of God. The members of<br />

our human family share together the benefits and the responsibilities of<br />

being a family.<br />

In the same way, the members of God’s family must also share both the<br />

benefits and the responsibilities of the family of God.<br />

Who then should share in the benefits and the responsibilities in your<br />

local church?<br />

£ a. Only the ministers and their helpers.<br />

£ b. Only the more experienced members.<br />

£ c. All the members of the church family.<br />

Members of a Local Church<br />

8. Here is a list of some of the benefits you should receive as a member of<br />

your local church.<br />

• Fellowship with other Christians.<br />

• Being baptised and taking part in the Lord’s Supper.<br />

• Learning more about the Word of God.<br />

• Receiving pastoral care.<br />

• Being trained to serve the Lord effectively.<br />

Think for a moment, then answer: How many of these benefits are<br />

necessary for your spiritual growth? ______________________<br />

9. Yes, you need the benefits offered to you by your local church but, to<br />

enjoy them to the full, you also need to know your responsibilities as a<br />

member of the local church. The Bible says:<br />

“Let us consider... not giving up meeting together, as some are in the<br />

habit of doing, but encouraging one another...” (Hebrews 10:25)<br />

a) What bad habit did some members of that church have?<br />

The bad habit of not _________________ ____________________.<br />

b) Instead of that, what are Christians to do, according to this verse?<br />

They are to _______________________ one another.<br />

10. Memorise the verse above, in No.9, using the spaces below as a guide:<br />

“Let us consider not __________ up _______________ ________________,<br />

as _________ are in the ____________ of doing, but _________________<br />

one _______________.”<br />

(H____________ _____ : _____)<br />

First Responsibility: Attend and take part in church services<br />

11. The verse you have just learned teaches us that we should attend the<br />

meetings of the local church and take part in them to encourage one<br />

another.<br />

A fire burns better when all the hot coals are brought together in one<br />

place. When the coals are scattered, the fire will go out. It is the same<br />

with Christians. We are to gather together and encourage one another in<br />

the Christian walk.<br />

XCIV<br />

SEAN – Study by Extension for All Nations<br />

<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 15<br />

According to the verse you have just learned, what is your first responsibility<br />

as a church member? (Tick the correct one)<br />

£ a. Go to church without taking part.<br />

£ b. Attend and take part in all I can.<br />

£ c. Attend and take part as little as possible.<br />

12. Therefore, as far as possible, when there is a meeting of your local church,<br />

what is your responsibility?<br />

To a_____________ and t__________ p_____________.<br />

13. Just as a fire burns more brightly when the coals are all together, so also your<br />

spiritual health depends, to a large degree, on your attending and taking<br />

part in the meetings of your congregation. The devil knows this, too, and<br />

will do everything he can to prevent you attending. Do not give in; do not<br />

be deceived.<br />

Your responsibility according to the Bible verse you have just learned<br />

is to _______________ and __________ ______________ in the<br />

______________.<br />

14. Here is a list of things you should do to fulfil your first responsibility.<br />

Study this list and then answer the question that follows.<br />

1) Arrive on time, ready to give to others as well as to receive.<br />

2) Sing with joy, paying close attention to the words.<br />

3) Be ready to pray with fellow members of the local church and, when<br />

necessary, to lead the congregation in prayer.<br />

4) Listen carefully to the preaching of God’s Word and then try to put<br />

the teaching into practice.<br />

5) Give as generously as possible.<br />

6) Greet everyone with friendliness and love. Make new people feel<br />

really welcome.<br />

7) Tell others about Jesus and bring them to church.<br />

If you want to take your first responsibility as a member of your church<br />

seriously, how many of these things should you do? (Tick the correct one)<br />

£ Some £ All £ None<br />

Have you read it several times?<br />

Members of a Local Church<br />

Read the previous list several times so<br />

that you are sure how to take part in the<br />

meetings of your church.<br />

Second Responsibility: Pray for the Church<br />

______________<br />

15. We studied different kinds of prayer in Lesson 8. In that lesson you memorised<br />

1 Thessalonians 5:17. It talks about the responsibility of prayer.<br />

Write out 1 Thessalonians 5:17__________________________________<br />

16. Paul wrote:<br />

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but... against the spiritual<br />

forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12)<br />

And later on he added:<br />

“...With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s<br />

people.” (Ephesians 6:18)<br />

The Bible teaches that the church is fighting a spiritual battle against<br />

the devil. What is our most effective weapon in this spiritual struggle?<br />

______________<br />

17. Prayer is an important responsibility of each member of the local church.<br />

In the list below mark those things or people for which we should be<br />

praying. (Tick more than one)<br />

£ a. Your minister.<br />

£ b. Other workers in your church.<br />

£ c. All the other members.<br />

£ d. Meetings and services for that week.<br />

£ e. That the pastor wouldn’t preach too long.<br />

£ f. That the good news may by taken to unbelievers.<br />

XCVI<br />

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<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 15<br />

18. It is important to pray constantly for and with the local church, its minister<br />

and members. This way you can help the church in its work and in its fight<br />

against the devil. In the list below, mark all the things the church should<br />

do, that you could pray about.<br />

£ a. Take the message of salvation to the whole neighbourhood.<br />

£ b. Stay a small group and never grow.<br />

£ c. Live comfortably, not thinking of the needs of others.<br />

£ d. Show the love of God in action, relieving the social and material<br />

needs of others.<br />

£ e. Be a channel of the Holy Spirit’s power, bringing spiritual<br />

encouragement to many.<br />

£ f. Allow the devil to enter, through unconfessed sin, thus bringing<br />

the work of God to a standstill.<br />

£ g. Teach all the members, so they may grow in the Lord.<br />

£ h. Cooperate with other churches to expand God’s kingdom<br />

together.<br />

19. So far we have studied two responsibilities that you have as a member of<br />

your local church. What are they?<br />

1) A___________ and t_________ p____________ in the meetings.<br />

2) P_____________ for the _________________.<br />

Remember that in this great work not only the<br />

minister but you and all other members of the<br />

church are responsible. God will guide you and<br />

give you his strength through his Holy Spirit.<br />

Third Responsibility: Give Material Help to the Church<br />

Members of a Local Church<br />

20. We should also give material help to the church; God’s work requires<br />

money if it is to be carried out properly.<br />

What does “Give material help” mean? (Tick the correct one)<br />

£ a. Give money and other goods.<br />

£ b. Keep everything for your own family.<br />

£ c. Just pray, giving nothing.<br />

21. At the meetings of your church, and on other occasions, there will be<br />

opportunities to ____________ money, etc. for the needs of God’s work.<br />

22. The Bible says:<br />

“On the first day of every week (Sunday), each one of you should set aside a<br />

sum of money in keeping with your income.” (1 Corinthians 16:2)<br />

According to this verse, how much should we give? (Tick the correct one)<br />

£ a. A huge fixed sum, even when we earn little or nothing.<br />

£ b. In keeping with our earned income.<br />

£ c. The smallest coin we have in our pocket.<br />

23. It may be that you are not very well-off and only able to give a little to the<br />

church. Don’t worry, the Lord understands this. The important thing is to<br />

give according to your income.<br />

Look at the following pictures. With whom will God be more content, A<br />

or B?_______________<br />

This<br />

This __________<br />

week I<br />

week I<br />

earned £500. I’ll give<br />

earned £100. I’ll give<br />

£5 to God’s work in<br />

my church.<br />

£10 to God’s work in<br />

my church.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

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Lesson 15<br />

24. In Lesson 17 we will consider in more detail this important third<br />

responsibility to the church. For the moment, what is it?<br />

To g________ ma___________ help to the ____________.<br />

25. The Bible says:<br />

Fourth Responsibility: Do Works of Service<br />

“So Christ himself gave... the teachers, to equip his people for works of<br />

service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” (Ephesians 4:11–12)<br />

According to these verses, who are supposed to do works of service?<br />

_____________________________<br />

26. In our next lesson we are going to study this responsibility in greater<br />

detail. However, we need to see right now that membership in the local<br />

church has a fourth responsibility.<br />

What is the fourth responsibility of church membership?<br />

To make ourselves available for __________ of ____________.<br />

27. There are many ways in which you can serve the Lord within the local<br />

church. Perhaps you are a carpenter (like Jesus was), a plumber, a painter,<br />

a secretary, a housewife, a musician, or perhaps you have some other skill,<br />

like being good at flower arranging. Whatever your abilities you can use<br />

them in some way to serve the Lord and your community through your<br />

local church.<br />

What abilities do you have? Write them in the space below.<br />

28. Sometimes we make the mistake of thinking that the ministry of the local<br />

church is just preaching or leading the worship. Of course this is important,<br />

but there are many other ways of serving the Lord. Discuss with your Group<br />

Leader ways in which you could use your abilities to serve the Lord in your<br />

church.<br />

Write down a few ideas here:<br />

Members of a Local Church<br />

29. Make a list of the four responsibilities of a member of a local church (those<br />

we have studied in this lesson).<br />

1) _____________ and _________ __________ in the ______________.<br />

2) ____________ for the church.<br />

3) _____________________________________ to the church.<br />

4) Do ____________ of _________________.<br />

30. Review the verse you memorised in this lesson in N° 9 with the reference.<br />

31. While all believers are members of the universal church, you should also<br />

become a member of a _____________ ____________.<br />

32. What are the four responsibilities of a member of a local church?<br />

1)<br />

2)<br />

3)<br />

4)<br />

You should become a member of your<br />

local church as soon as possible. Talk to your<br />

pastor about membership and don’t forget<br />

you will receive benefits as well as challenging<br />

responsibilities.<br />

Why not find out what works of service you can<br />

do right away?<br />

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Lesson 16<br />

What is the Church?<br />

5. Each part of the body has a different job to do:<br />

What is the Church?<br />

Today we are going to learn<br />

some more important things<br />

about the church.<br />

a) Your ________ are for ___________ things.<br />

b) Your ________ are for ___________ things.<br />

c) Your _________ are for ________________.<br />

1. The Bible says:<br />

“...Christ is the head of the church, his body,...” (Ephesians 5:23)<br />

The word “church” here does not mean the building where we meet but<br />

rather ourselves, those who believe in the Lord Jesus.<br />

So this verse teaches us that, as his church, we the believers are the<br />

b___________ of Christ here on earth.<br />

6. It is much the same way in the church, the body of Christ. Each member<br />

of the body of Christ has different jobs to do in the service of God and of<br />

others. Look carefully at the pictures.<br />

2. Christ is in heaven so people can’t see him in this world but, if we are his<br />

body here on earth, people should be able to see Jesus Christ living in<br />

__________.<br />

3. a) Where should unbelievers be able to see Jesus? In _______.<br />

b) Why? Because the church is the ______________ of Christ.<br />

Each Person has Different Gifts<br />

4. You have only one body, but there are several different parts; for example,<br />

your eyes, hands. (Add two other examples of different parts of the human<br />

body).<br />

____________________________ ____________________________<br />

A B C<br />

a) In which two of the pictures above is everybody doing the same job?<br />

<br />

Pictures ______ and _______<br />

b) In which picture is everyone doing different jobs? Picture ______<br />

c) So which picture is an example of how each believer could have a<br />

different job? <br />

Picture ______<br />

Note: obviously teams of people can work at the same job – the idea is that we all have<br />

special gifts.<br />

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Lesson 16<br />

7. These pictures are a simple way of illustrating the following Bible teaching:<br />

“ ...so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs<br />

to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to<br />

each of us...” (Romans 12:5, 6)<br />

Each member of the body of Christ has received a different g__________.<br />

8. The gifts which are being talked about here are abilities which are given<br />

by God. To whom has God given these abilities? To b______________.<br />

9. The Bible goes on to say:<br />

“...If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith;<br />

if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach;” (Romans 12:6, 7)<br />

In other words, we are (Tick the correct one)<br />

£ a. all to prophesy.<br />

£ b. to use the ability we are given.<br />

£ c. all to teach and serve.<br />

10. So some believers have been given an ability to teach, others to govern,<br />

others to give comfort.<br />

Someone who has the gift to help the needy, should help them.<br />

Someone who has the gift to teach, should _________________.<br />

Someone who has the gift to encourage should ____________________.<br />

11. The Bible says:<br />

Each Person is Important<br />

What is the Church?<br />

“But to EACH ONE of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.”<br />

(Ephesians 4:7)<br />

“...and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.”<br />

(1 Corinthians 12:11)<br />

a) Is there any believer who has no gift from God, whatever? ________<br />

b) Have you, then, a gift to use in the service of Christ? _________<br />

12. Some believers make the mistake of thinking that they have nothing to<br />

offer in the Lord’s work. However, this is NOT true.<br />

According to the verses in No.11 above, e___________ one of us has been<br />

given an ability by __________.<br />

13. Other believers make just the opposite mistake. They think they are very<br />

gifted and become proud. This kind of pride causes them to look down on<br />

other members of the body as being too simple.<br />

In the church, how many members have gifts? (Tick the correct one)<br />

£ a. Only those who are always in the centre of things.<br />

£ b. Only those who are well educated.<br />

£ c. Everyone, including the most shy and humble member.<br />

14. So it is that the Bible says:<br />

“The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I don’t need you!’ And the head cannot<br />

say to the feet, ‘I don’t need you!’ ” (1 Corinthians 12:21)<br />

No gift from God is too small or<br />

insignificant. You, too, have gifts<br />

you can use for God’s work.<br />

How many members of the local church are needed by all the other<br />

members? <br />

_____________________________<br />

15. Which of the following is right? Someone who says:<br />

£ a. “I have the ability to serve the Lord but my sister in Christ has not.”<br />

£ b. “My brother in Christ is gifted to serve the Lord but I am not.”<br />

£ c. “My fellow Christians and I are very different but we each have<br />

distinct gifts for serving the Lord.”<br />

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Lesson 16<br />

16. What has God given to each one so that we may all serve him?<br />

________________<br />

17. Which of the following should you do? (Tick the correct ones)<br />

What is the Church?<br />

Which of the following pictures illustrates the cartoon picture on the<br />

previous page?<br />

£ A £ B<br />

£ a. Be jealous of another Christian’s gifts.<br />

£ b. Look down on another Christian because they are less gifted than<br />

you.<br />

£ c. Use the gifts that God has given you, and thank him.<br />

£ d. Appreciate the useful gifts God has given to others, and thank<br />

him for them.<br />

18. What ought you to do with the gifts that God has given you?<br />

____________________<br />

A<br />

B<br />

19. Which of these attitudes ought you NOT to have towards your brother or<br />

sister in Christ?<br />

£ a. Jealousy £ b. Thankfulness £ c. Scorn<br />

20. What attitude should we have when the other members of the body of<br />

Christ use their gifts?<br />

Th_________________<br />

21. The different parts of the human<br />

body cannot be divided. When<br />

a person goes to work, they go<br />

there with ALL their body. It<br />

is impossible to leave parts of<br />

one’s body (say, one’s hand or<br />

nose) at home. The whole body<br />

stays together; it is ONE. In a<br />

similar way, it is wrong for some<br />

believers to stay at home when<br />

the rest of the body of Christ is<br />

gathered together for worship<br />

and the services of the church.<br />

22. Every member of the body has something to share with the rest.<br />

So is it right for some of the members of the congregation to stay at home<br />

during the church services? <br />

_____________<br />

23. As a member of the body of Christ and of the family of God, we need each<br />

other.<br />

For this reason we should be together as much as possible and when there<br />

is a service or meeting we ought to _______________ and _____________<br />

______________.<br />

When others use their gifts we ought to be th_______________ for these<br />

as well.<br />

24. Now do the Review for this lesson at the back of the book.<br />

Unfortunately, many churches are just like the man in this cartoon picture.<br />

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Lesson 17<br />

God’s Stewards<br />

God’s Stewards<br />

6. Let’s take, for example, our material possessions: our house, our clothes,<br />

our money, etc.<br />

Which of the following “stewards” are using correctly the things that God<br />

has given them? (Tick the correct ones)<br />

In Lesson 15 we saw briefly that one of our<br />

responsibilities as church members is to support<br />

the work of the church, financially. In this<br />

lesson we will consider what this means.<br />

I want that ring –<br />

the most expensive<br />

one with diamonds.<br />

You’re always<br />

welcome here!<br />

I hardly have any money, but I’ll<br />

trust God to supply what I need.<br />

What’s mine is<br />

mine I don’t care<br />

about orphans!<br />

1. The Bible says:<br />

“...O Lord... everything in heaven and earth is yours....”<br />

(1 Chronicles 29:11)<br />

Who, then, is the owner of everything?<br />

__________<br />

2. How many things belong to God? _________________<br />

3. God owns everything, but he has made Christians stewards of some<br />

of these things. A steward is like the manager of an estate who has to<br />

administer all the affairs of the estate.<br />

But to whom does the estate belong? (Tick the correct one)<br />

£ a. The manager £ b. The owner £ c. Someone else<br />

4. Again, the Bible says about God:<br />

“...Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes<br />

from your hand.” (1 Chronicles 29:14)<br />

To be God’s manager or steward means that everything belongs to ______<br />

and not to _____.<br />

5. We are stewards of all that God has entrusted to us, both material things,<br />

like money and possessions, as well as our time, our abilities etc.<br />

So, as good stewards of God, for whom should we use everything that<br />

we possess?<br />

_________________<br />

£ A £ B £ C £ D<br />

7. In Old Testament times, that is, before Jesus was born, God’s people gave<br />

at least a tenth of all they earned for the Lord’s work. This was called their<br />

“tithe.” For example:<br />

a) from every 10 sacks of wheat a farmer harvested, he would give<br />

____ sack to God.<br />

b) from every 100 sacks he harvested he would give _____ to God.<br />

c) from every 1000 sacks he harvested he would give _____ to God,<br />

and so on.<br />

8. Of course, nowadays it is often not possible to give our tithe in sacks of<br />

wheat. But, just the same, we can give a tenth of our income to the Lord.<br />

In this case: for every £100 we earn we would put aside £_____ for the<br />

Lord’s work.<br />

9. Although everything belongs to God, the Old Testament law of the tithe,<br />

or tenth, gives us a practical guide as to the proportion of our income that<br />

we should separate for the Lord’s work.<br />

What proportion of their earnings did God’s people give to the Lord in<br />

Old Testament times?<br />

__________________<br />

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Lesson 17<br />

10. The Bible says:<br />

“ ‘...Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse’... says the Lord Almighty,<br />

‘and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so<br />

much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.’ ”<br />

(Malachi 3:10)<br />

According to this Old Testament verse, how much blessing did God<br />

promise to those who gave their tithe of a tenth to him?<br />

So much that they would not have _______________________________.<br />

11. Many Christians today receive the same kind of blessing from giving their<br />

tithe to the Lord; that is when they give a __________ part of all they earn<br />

to the Lord’s work.<br />

12. The New Testament puts it this way:<br />

“On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of<br />

money in keeping with your income.” (1 Corinthians 16:2)<br />

According to this verse, how should we set aside our offerings to God?<br />

£ a. Pay a fixed quota, even if our income fluctuates.<br />

£ b. Give according to what we have earned.<br />

13. a) In the Old Testament, what proportion of their earnings did God’s<br />

people give to him? <br />

____________________<br />

b) What amount are we told to give in the New Testament?<br />

<br />

In k________________ with our i________________.<br />

14. Paul says:<br />

“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich,<br />

yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might<br />

become rich.” (2 Corinthians 8:9)<br />

So if God’s people in the Old Testament gave a tenth to the Lord, what<br />

must “giving in keeping with our income” mean for those of us who have<br />

experienced the greatness of Christ’s loving gift to us?<br />

£ a. Give less than the tenth they gave.<br />

£ b. Give at least a tenth or more as our income allows.<br />

£ c. Nothing, as the word “tithe” isn’t found in the New Testament.<br />

God’s Stewards<br />

15. a) Although even this is only a proportion of our income, we must<br />

always remember that in reality e_________________ we have<br />

belongs to him and not to __________.<br />

b) For whom will a good steward use all that they possess? _________<br />

16. Perhaps you are wondering how these tithes and offerings of God’s<br />

people should be used. The Bible gives us various examples of this. For<br />

instance in Romans 15:26 Paul tells us of some Christians who made “a<br />

contribution (took a collection) for the poor among the saints (that is, for<br />

Christians).”<br />

Following this example, what would be a good use of our offerings?<br />

£ a. To give to a poor family in great need.<br />

£ b. To give to a friend who is quite well off.<br />

£ c. To give to a wealthy neighbour to repay him for some favour he<br />

rendered our church.<br />

17. But the Bible speaks of other good uses of our offerings:<br />

“The one who receives instruction in the word must share all good things<br />

with their instructor.” Galatians 6:6)<br />

“and everyone who was willing... brought an offering to the Lord for the<br />

work on the tent of meeting....” (Exodus 35:21)<br />

According to these verses, how else should our offerings be used?<br />

18. For what purposes could our offerings be used? (Tick the correct ones)<br />

£ a. To help the poor.<br />

£ b. To support a political campaign.<br />

£ c. To support our Christian ministers.<br />

£ d. To support the church building and practical needs.<br />

19. In actual fact we should give for the support of all God’s work. When we<br />

are giving to this, or to the people mentioned above, as good stewards<br />

we must always remember that we are only returning that which already<br />

belongs to __________ and not to _____.<br />

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Lesson 17<br />

20. When speaking of these offerings, the Bible says:<br />

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not<br />

reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. ”<br />

(2 Corinthians 9:7)<br />

a) Therefore, with what kind of attitude should we give to God?<br />

_____________________<br />

b) What kind of attitudes should we avoid?<br />

<br />

Giving r_________________ or under ________________.<br />

God’s Stewards<br />

25. Being good stewards of our time does NOT mean that we have to spend all<br />

day long reading the Bible and praying; nor does it mean always spending<br />

our time doing things directly for the church. It DOES mean that we must<br />

spend ALL of our time doing things in ways pleasing to the Lord.<br />

Which of the following people know how to make the most of every<br />

opportunity for the Lord?<br />

£ A £ B £ C<br />

21. When writing to the Christians in Philippi, who had been supporting him<br />

financially, Paul wrote:<br />

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in<br />

Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)<br />

With what kind of attitude should we give to God?<br />

£ a. Reluctantly, for fear of what our own future holds.<br />

£ b. Cheerfully, confident in God’s care for us.<br />

*!!*#! Another<br />

20 minutes to drink a<br />

cup of coffee!<br />

A<br />

Janet prepares the<br />

food more carefully now<br />

that she’s found the<br />

Lord.<br />

B<br />

Man! John sure<br />

works better since he<br />

became a Christian!<br />

C<br />

22. You may have heard the saying, “United we stand, divided we fall.” Just<br />

imagine all the good your church could do for the Lord if ALL its members<br />

gave according to what the Bible teaches.<br />

Therefore, with what kind of attitude should we give to the Lord?<br />

______________________________<br />

23. Remember, we should always give cheerfully, especially for the _________<br />

and for our _______________________.<br />

24. The Bible tells us to live “making the most of every opportunity,...”<br />

(Ephesians 5:16)<br />

So being good stewards of the things God has given us NOT ONLY means<br />

giving our money for the Lord’s work but, according to this verse, we<br />

must also be good stewards of our time by<br />

£ a. doing wrong.<br />

£ b. squandering it in useless activities.<br />

£ c. filling it with worthwhile things.<br />

26. A true saying is, “Time flies”. So, good stewards ought to make the most<br />

of every moment.<br />

If the Lord is the owner of all our time, which of the following ought we<br />

to do?<br />

£ a. Just enough work to get by.<br />

£ b. Work well and hard, even when no one is looking.<br />

£ c. Spend all day long reading the Bible and praying.<br />

£ d. Seek God’s will in everything and then obey him.<br />

27. Finally, as we saw in the previous lesson, we should also offer to the<br />

Lord all our gifts or abilities. Ask the Lord to reveal to you what are your<br />

particular gifts. Here are a few more examples.<br />

Write the letter of the appropriate drawing by the side of the phrase it<br />

matches:<br />

CXII<br />

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<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 17<br />

A B C D<br />

a) _____ Helping to clean the church.<br />

b) _____ Arranging the seats for a special meeting.<br />

c) _____ Welcoming newcomers to the church service.<br />

d) _____ Directing the choruses in the family service.<br />

28. What are the three things that we, as good stewards, should use for the<br />

Lord and his service?<br />

£ a. Our material possessions and money.<br />

£ b. A few minutes a day.<br />

£ c. Our leftover coins.<br />

£ d. All our time.<br />

£ e. Our gifts and abilities.<br />

29. Now do the Lesson Review at the end of the book.<br />

CXIV<br />

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Lesson 18<br />

Led by God<br />

Before starting this lesson, read the seven<br />

sections of this Cartoon Strip carefully. It<br />

tells how John and Mary found God’s will,<br />

before coming to an important decision.<br />

Mary, do you<br />

think we should<br />

consider moving<br />

to the new<br />

housing project<br />

where there’s<br />

no witness for<br />

Christ yet?<br />

1<br />

Well it’s a big<br />

step, but I’m<br />

sure God will<br />

guide us to do<br />

what’s right.<br />

2 Lord, show<br />

us your will in<br />

this important<br />

decision.<br />

3 Next week ...<br />

Look! In Mark 1:38 Jesus said<br />

to his disciples, “...Let us go... to<br />

the nearby villages – so that I<br />

can preach there also....”<br />

<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 18<br />

Led by God<br />

It’s a very needy area. However, I<br />

think both of you have the experience<br />

and gifts to do a good job.<br />

What advice<br />

can you give<br />

us pastor?<br />

4<br />


I feel so happy<br />

with our new<br />

home!<br />

Me too! This<br />

move was clearly<br />

God’s will for us.<br />

5<br />

Two weeks later ...<br />

1. It is important that you know and obey the will of God.<br />

I have to admit I was<br />

doubtful. But now God has<br />

given me peace about it.<br />

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;...”<br />

(Psalm 32:8)<br />

According to this verse, is it possible for you to know God’s will for you?<br />

<br />

£ Yes £ No<br />

It seems a fair price,<br />

and the living room is big<br />

enough for services.<br />

6<br />

2. Look at the first picture in the Cartoon Strip on the first page of this<br />

lesson. John and Mary were thinking about moving to a new area. How<br />

were they going to make this important decision?<br />

<br />

Mary was sure that _________ would guide them.<br />

3. Mary was right! God has promised to guide us in every area of our lives.<br />

According to the verse in Psalm 32 in No.1 above, believers can be sure<br />

that G________ will make clear the w_______ they should go.<br />

4. Now memorise Psalm 32:8 as given in No.1 above, using the spaces below<br />

to help you.<br />

“I will i____________ you and t________ you in the _________ you<br />

_____________ _______.”<br />

(____________ _____ : _____)<br />

5. The words you have just memorised are a beautiful promise that our<br />

heavenly Father has given to each one of his children.<br />

In every decision we have to make, God wants us to<br />

£ a. make a mistake and go the wrong way.<br />

£ b. be uncertain as to which is the right way to go.<br />

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Lesson 18<br />

£ c. be sure that he will lead us into the right way.<br />

We will now consider the<br />

various ways in which God<br />

leads us into the right way.<br />

Led by God<br />

b) So a second way in which God can lead us is through the teaching<br />

we find in the ________________.<br />

12. We should never do anything that we know to be against the teaching of<br />

the Bible. For example, the Bible clearly says:<br />

“Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his<br />

neighbour.” (Ephesians 4:25)<br />

So which of the following statements is true?<br />

£ a. According to this verse, believers should not lie.<br />

£ b. According to this verse, believers can lie.<br />

6. What certainty can a Christian have when taking important decisions in<br />

their life? That ____________ will lead them.<br />

7. See Picture 2 in the Cartoon Strip.<br />

What was the first thing that John and Mary did to find out what was<br />

God’s will for them?<br />

__________________<br />

8. So the first way in which God will lead us is through ____________.<br />

9. See Picture 3 in the Cartoon Strip.<br />

What is the second way by which God shows us his will?<br />

We should read the ________________ which is the ____________of<br />

__________.<br />

10. As John and Mary prayed and read the Bible, these words spoke to them<br />

in a special way:<br />

“Jesus replied, ‘Let us go somewhere else – to the nearby villages – so that I<br />

can preach there also. That is why I have come.’ ” (Mark 1:38)<br />

From this verse, John and Mary understood that it is God’s will that the<br />

gospel must be ________________ to other places where there was no<br />

strong witness as yet.<br />

11. a) When the words of the Bible strike us with special force, we realise<br />

that God is sp______________ to us directly through his Word.<br />

13. a) For example: if, in order to get a job, you have to lie, is this in<br />

agreement with God’s Word, the Bible?<br />

_________<br />

b) So, if it is impossible to get that job without lying, can it really be<br />

the will of God for you?<br />

________<br />

14. Another example, taken from 2 Corinthians 6:14, is especially important<br />

for young Christians. It says:<br />

“Do not be yoked together with unbelievers.”<br />

This clearly teaches that a Christian ought not to marry a person who is<br />

an _____________.<br />

15. If a Christian wishes to marry an unbeliever, in which of the following<br />

ways can he or she know that this is NOT God’s will?<br />

£ a. By the teaching of the Bible.<br />

£ b. By what their friends say.<br />

£ c. By what they feel in their own hearts.<br />

16. Is God ever going to lead us to do something that is directly forbidden in<br />

the Bible?<br />

_________<br />

17. So we have seen two of the ways in which the Lord leads his children.<br />

What are these?<br />

a) See Picture 2 By p________________<br />

b) See Picture 3 By the ______________<br />

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Lesson 18<br />

18. See Picture 4 in the Cartoon Strip. Here John and Mary seek the advice of<br />

their ______________ as to whether he thinks it wise for them to move<br />

to the new area or not.<br />

19. Another way in which God often leads us is through the advice of mature<br />

Christians. Which of the following would God be most likely to use in<br />

leading us into the right path?<br />

£ a. One who is less spiritually mature than we are.<br />

£ b. One who has about the same spiritual maturity as we do.<br />

£ c. One who is more spiritually mature than we are.<br />

20. We should never hesitate to seek the advice of other ________________,<br />

especially of those who are_____________ spiritually mature than we are.<br />

21. We should be careful about the people whose advice we seek. Which of the<br />

following qualities should you look for in the those whose advice you seek?<br />

They (Tick the correct ones)<br />

£ a. don’t obey the Lord.<br />

£ b. have a good knowledge of the Bible and its teaching.<br />

£ c. have a close walk with the Lord.<br />

£ d. lack spiritual maturity.<br />

£ e. will only say what they think will please you.<br />

£ f. will tell you frankly what they believe is right, even if you may<br />

not want to hear it.<br />

22. List the three ways that we have seen in which God leads us, according to<br />

the picture in each case.<br />

a) In Picture 2 ______________________________________________<br />

b) In Picture 3 ______________________________________________<br />

c) In Picture 4 Advice of other m___________ ______________<br />

23. See Picture 5 in the Cartoon Strip.<br />

John and Mary share that God has given them perfect ___________ about<br />

their possible move to a new area.<br />

24. The Bible says:<br />

Led by God<br />

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.” (Colossians 3:15)<br />

Here the word “rule” means to act as a guide or referee.<br />

So when we are considering such a step as John and Mary, if the peace of<br />

God is not ruling in our hearts it could be an indication that perhaps God<br />

is telling us that what we are considering is<br />

£ a. not in accordance with his will.<br />

£ b. in accordance with his will.<br />

£ c. not of great importance anyway.<br />

25. What will we feel in our hearts if we are following God’s will?___________<br />

26. So far, we have considered four ways in which God leads us into his will.<br />

What are these?<br />

a) In Picture 2 ________________________________________<br />

b) In Picture 3 ________________________________________<br />

c) In Picture 4 Advice of other ____________ ______________<br />

d) In Picture 5 The ____________ of _________ in our hearts.<br />

27. Finally, one other way in which God can lead us is by the circumstances.<br />

That is, when the circumstances are favourable God may be saying “Yes”;<br />

when they are not favourable he may be saying “No” or “Not yet”. See<br />

Picture 6 in the Cartoon Strip.<br />

God continued to lead John and Mary through favourable circumstances,<br />

in this case by finding a suitable _____________ in the new area.<br />

28. When John and Mary found this suitable house in the new neighbourhood,<br />

what other way was God using to guide them? (Tick the correct one)<br />

£ a. Through favourable circumstances.<br />

£ b. Through the toss of a coin.<br />

£ c. Through dreams and visions.<br />

29. Here is another example, this time when the circumstances are NOT<br />

favourable. If you think that it is God’s will for you to make a long journey<br />

CXX<br />

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<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson 18<br />

on a certain day and, after prayer, you cannot get a ticket to do so, through<br />

which of the five ways has God made his will known to you?<br />

By means of the __________________________.<br />

30. It is important to know that circumstances alone should not be used to<br />

find God’s will. Circumstances help to confirm or otherwise what the other<br />

four ways of finding guidance are suggesting. So, circumstances help us<br />

to find the will of God only when we have also p_____________ asking<br />

for God’s guidance, read the B___________, asked the a_____________<br />

of other mature believers, and have the p_____________ of Christ in our<br />

hearts on the matter.<br />

31. There are times when circumstances may seem unfavourable but we feel<br />

sure from our prayer and Bible reading that something is the will of God.<br />

This can be God testing our faith. However, if it is God’s will, we can be<br />

sure that he will change the circumstances.<br />

Circumstances which were unfavourable will become f______________ if<br />

it is the will of God.<br />

32. So, sooner or later, God will lead us forward by making the<br />

c__________________ favourable.<br />

33. List the five ways by which we can know what God’s will is.<br />

1. _______________________________________________________<br />

2. _______________________________________________________<br />

3. _______________________________________________________<br />

4. _______________________________________________________<br />

5. _______________________________________________________<br />

34. Now do the last Lesson Review.<br />

So, before you make decisions, pray and<br />

read God’s Word. Then you can trust<br />

him to lead you by the ways that we<br />

have learned in this lesson.<br />

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1. As a result of having received Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord, what<br />

have you become?<br />

______________________________<br />

2. To what family do you now belong as a result of this?<br />

______________________________<br />

3. Who made you a child of God? ______________________________<br />

4. What kind of birth have you now experienced? ____________________<br />

5. For how long will your new life as a child of God last? _______________<br />

6. If you have received Christ and believed in him, what can you say about<br />

yourself, now? (Tick the correct answer).<br />

£ a. “I can’t really tell whether I am a child of God or not.”<br />

£ b. “I am now really sure that I am a child of God.”<br />

£ c. “I am not a child of God as yet.”<br />

7. Here is the Bible verse we learned by heart in the lesson. Fill in the blanks<br />

with the missing words.<br />

<br />

“Yet to all who did _________________ him (Jesus Christ), to those who<br />

________________ in his name, he __________ the ____________ to<br />

become ___________________ of ___________.”<br />

(J____________ _____:_____)<br />

8. In which book of the Bible can you find these words? _______________<br />

Your Group Leader will give you the correct answers to this Review at your next<br />

meeting.<br />

<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson Reviews<br />

Lesson Reviews<br />

1. If you have truly repented,<br />


a) how will you feel about your sins? __________________<br />

b) how should your life be? __________________<br />

2. Which of the following shows a person who has truly repented?<br />

£ a. One who thinks: “Although I am sorry that I have deceived Albert,<br />

I am afraid that for me it’s a necessary evil.”<br />

£ b. One who says: “Albert, I am terribly sorry that I deceived you the<br />

other day. Please forgive me.” And then with Christ’s help tries to<br />

make it right.<br />


1. If Christ is truly your Lord, what must you do? _____________________<br />

2. In which three areas of your life should you do this?<br />

_____________________<br />

_____________________<br />

_____________________<br />

3. Write out the verse you memorised in this lesson, with its reference:<br />

£ c. One who says: “I really enjoy deceiving that old fool, Albert.”<br />

3. Write out the words and reference of the verse that you learned about<br />

turning from your sins.<br />

<br />

Reference: ___________________________________<br />


(_______________________)<br />


1. What did Jesus do to save us and to obtain forgiveness for us?<br />

________________________<br />

1. What are two good reasons why we should not worry, if we are God’s<br />

children?<br />

a)<br />

b)<br />

2. Write out the verse that you memorised in this lesson, with the reference.<br />

2. What did you do to receive forgiveness?<br />

Put my f__________ in ______________ as my S______________.<br />

3. How many of your sins have been forgiven? __________________<br />

4. Once you have had all your sins forgiven, what are two things that you<br />

ought to feel more and more in your heart?<br />

<br />

________________ and ________________<br />

5. Write out the verse you memorised in this lesson, along with the reference.<br />

<br />

Reference: __________________________________<br />

3. Who are our new brothers and sisters in the family of God?<br />

4. What should our attitude be towards them? __________________<br />

5. Who is our great example of this? __________________<br />

_______________________<br />

Reference: _________________________<br />

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Lesson Reviews<br />

Lesson Reviews<br />


1. Who came to take the place of Jesus in the world?__________________<br />

2. Who is the Holy Spirit? ____________<br />

3. How many of God’s children have the Holy Spirit? __________________<br />

4. For how long? __________________<br />

5. What is God’s command to us about the Holy Spirit? ________________<br />

6. From what kind of Christians will the Holy Spirit overflow in blessing to<br />

others?__________________________________________________<br />


1. What is our spiritual food? ____________________________<br />

2. How often should we read it? ________________________<br />

3. When some words from the Bible speak to me in a special way, what<br />

should I do to them in the Bible? ___________________________<br />

4. After reading the Bible what should I pray about?<br />

5. Write out the verse which you learned by heart.<br />

7. What are the two things we need to do constantly if we are to be filled<br />

with the Holy Spirit? ______________ and ________________________<br />

8. Which of the following show signs of being filled with the Holy Spirit?<br />

<br />

Reference: ___________________________<br />


Where was<br />

God on 9/11?<br />

The change in me you<br />

mention is because I’ve<br />

become a Christian.<br />

I thank God<br />

I’m so perfect!<br />

Sister, please<br />

forgive me for<br />

what I said.<br />

1. What is the word the Bible uses for our talking to God?________________<br />

2. There are two parts to communication with our heavenly Father.<br />

a) On the one hand, God _______________ to us is through the<br />

_______________.<br />

b) On the other hand, we ______________ to God in ______________.<br />

A B C D<br />

9. Write the verse you learned in this lesson, with its reference.<br />

3. How often should we set aside a special time for prayer and reading the<br />

Bible?<br />

At least ______________________________.<br />

4. What are the three kinds of prayer we have seen in this lesson?<br />

___________________ ___________________ ___________________<br />

5. Write below, the verse you memorised with its reference.<br />

<br />

Reference: _________________<br />

<br />

Reference: __________________________<br />

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Lesson Reviews<br />

Lesson Reviews<br />


5. Write out below the verse you memorised, with its reference:<br />

1. What two things do we know about the devil?<br />

He is a _________________ and a _________________ .<br />

2. What should we do when the devil tempts us? _____________________<br />

3. What should we do first, before we do this to the devil?<br />

____________________________<br />

4. When we do this, what will the devil do? _________________________<br />

5. Who is the more powerful, Christ or the devil?_____________________<br />

6. Write below the verse you learned in this lesson with its reference:<br />

Reference:______________________<br />


1. Who controls this present world? _________________________<br />

2. Which people do not belong to the world?_________________________<br />

3. Where is the believer’s real home? _________________________<br />

4. What sort of treatment can we expect from some of those who belong to<br />

the world?<br />

_________________________<br />

Reference:___________________________<br />

5. How can we show the love of God to the people in the world?<br />


1. How many natures does the believer have? ____________<br />

2. What are these two natures?<br />

<br />

_____________________ and ____________________<br />

3. a) How long have you had the first of these natures?<br />

b) For how long have you had your other nature?<br />

6. Which of the following show the love of God to the world by their<br />

behaviour? (Tick the correct ones)<br />

£ a. The person who works well and honestly.<br />

£ b. The married man who has another woman.<br />

£ c. Parents who discipline their children well and fairly.<br />

£ d. The woman who’s always grumbling about her husband.<br />

£ e. The boy who copies during an exam.<br />

£ f. The person who helps someone who has problems.<br />

7. Write below the verse you learned in this lesson:<br />

4. What is the new nature which makes it possible for us to overcome the<br />

sinful desires of our old nature?<br />

<br />

<br />

Reference: ___________________________<br />


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<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


Lesson Reviews<br />


Write down what you would say as you show a friend the different pictures in<br />

your Leaflet.<br />

Picture A _______________________________________________________<br />

Picture B _______________________________________________________<br />

Lesson Reviews<br />

c) What two visible things do we use?<br />

1) ____________ 2) _____________<br />

d) With whom do we show our union?<br />

1) ____________________________<br />

2) ___________________________________________________<br />

2. Write here the verse you memorised with its reference:<br />

Picture C _______________________________________________________<br />

Picture D _______________________________________________________<br />

<br />

Reference: ___________________________<br />



1. Who commanded us to be baptised? _______________________<br />

2. What does baptism symbolise?__________________________________<br />

3. At what moment are we cleansed from sin?<br />

4. What is the visible sign of this cleansing? ____________________<br />

1. To carry out his/her responsibilities, every believer should become a<br />

member of __________________________<br />

2. What are the four responsibilities of a member of a local church?<br />

1)<br />

2)<br />

3)<br />

4)<br />

3. Write here the verse you learned in the lesson with its reference.<br />


1. In the Lord’s Supper:<br />

a) What past event do we remember? ___________________________<br />

b) What future event do we look forward to? _____________________<br />

<br />

Reference: ___________________________<br />

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Lesson Reviews<br />

Lesson Reviews<br />


1. People should be able to see Christ today through his body.<br />

The body of Christ here in the world is made up of the whole<br />

______________; that is, all of us who are_________________.<br />

2. What has God given to each of his children so that they may serve him?<br />

____________<br />

3. What attitude ought we to have towards the gifts of other Christians?<br />

_____________________<br />

4. What must we do with the gifts God has given us? _________________<br />

5. How many members of the body of Christ are necessary to the rest?<br />

_______________________<br />

6. What ought we to do about the services and meetings of the church?<br />

7. Which of these shows a right attitude?<br />

Someone who says:<br />

£ a. “Most of the members of my church are not very gifted. It is a<br />

good thing that I have so many gifts or we would never get by.”<br />

£ b. “It’s a good thing that George is so gifted. That means I don’t<br />

need to do very much.”<br />

£ c. “Our pastor is such a good preacher, but I get discouraged because I<br />

don’t seem to have any gifts with which to serve the Lord.”<br />

£ d. “It is the ministers’ job to take care of the church. They have all<br />

the training and abilities. I shouldn’t have to take part.”<br />

£ e. “I really enjoy our services. Everybody does their part and the<br />

Lord is blessing the church.”<br />


1. To be a steward of God means that everything belongs to the ___________<br />

and not to _________.<br />

2. For whom does a good steward of God use all that they have?__________<br />

3. List the three things that we ought to use for the Lord if we are to be good<br />

stewards.<br />

a)<br />

b)<br />

c)<br />

4. a) In the Old Testament, what proportion of their income did God’s<br />

people give to the Lord?<br />

__________________<br />

b) Should Christians give more or less than this, as their income<br />

allows?____________<br />

c) Why?___________________________________________________<br />

5. With what kind of attitude should we give to the Lord?________________<br />

6. To meet the needs of which two groups of people can our offerings in<br />

church be especially used? ____________________________________<br />


Make a list of the five principal ways in which God guides us, as illustrated in<br />

the pictures on the first two pages of this Lesson 18.<br />

1. In Picture 2: _______________________________________________<br />

2. In Picture 3: _______________________________________________<br />

3. In Picture 4: _______________________________________________<br />

4. In Picture 5: _______________________________________________<br />

5. In Picture 6: _______________________________________________<br />

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“Dear heavenly Father, guide me by your Holy Spirit,<br />

that I may find spiritual food for today in my reading<br />

from your Word. I ask this in the name of Jesus<br />

Christ, my Saviour and Lord. AMEN.”<br />


Cut along dotted line<br />

FOLD<br />

HERE<br />

Congratulations! You have now completed this <strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong> course.<br />

If you want to continue to study, talk to your Group Leader or Pastor about<br />

other courses that are available.<br />

We recommend the “Big Picture” as your next course. It sets out in a<br />

clear and simple way how all the books of the Bible fit together to give us a<br />

wonderful picture of God’s plan for humankind.<br />

Meanwhile, may God bless you as you continue to grow in your<br />

<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong> with him.<br />

1. Does this passage teach me something about: God<br />

the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, humankind,<br />

the world? What is it?<br />

2. Does it teach me something I should or should not<br />

do? What is it?<br />

FOLD<br />

HERE<br />

3. Does it give me a promise from God? What is it?<br />

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Lesson 18 Lesson 15<br />

“I will instruct you and teach you in the<br />

way you should go; ...” (Psalm 32:8)<br />

Lesson 14 Lesson 11<br />

“Let us consider... not giving up meeting<br />

together, as some are in the habit of doing,<br />

but encouraging one another... ”<br />

(Hebrews 10:24, 25)<br />



TO YOU?<br />

“For whenever you eat this bread and drink<br />

this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death<br />

until he comes.” (1 Corinthians 11:26)<br />

“Do not love the world or anything in the<br />

world....” (1 John 2:15)<br />

Lesson 10 Lesson 9<br />

“...I no longer live, but Christ lives in<br />

me....” (Galatians 2:20)<br />

Lesson 8 Lesson 7<br />

“...pray continually;”<br />

(1 Thessalonians 5:17)<br />

Lesson 6 Lesson 5<br />

“...be filled with the Spirit.”<br />

(Ephesians 5:18)<br />

Lesson 4 Lesson 3<br />

“...Christ died and returned to life so that<br />

he might be the Lord...” (Romans 14:9)<br />

“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the<br />

devil, and he will flee from you.”<br />

(James 4:7)<br />

“...‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but<br />

on every word that comes from the mouth<br />

of God.’ ” (Matthew 4:4)<br />

“So do not worry,... your heavenly<br />

Father knows that you need them.”<br />

(Matthew 6:31–32)<br />

“...everyone who believes in him receives<br />

forgiveness of sins...” (Acts 10:43)<br />


SEAN is a small missionary organisation that reaches out through its courses<br />

to more than 100 countries in over 80 languages. Using our materials, national<br />

Christians reach areas where foreign missionaries cannot venture.<br />

Please consider now if you would like to help others by praying and supporting<br />

our ministry. You can find out more about SEAN International and the courses<br />

which are available by visiting our website:<br />

www.seaninternational.com, or by email to contact@seaninternational.com.<br />

Lesson 2 Lesson 1<br />

“Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.”<br />

(Matthew 3:8)<br />

“Yet to all who did receive him, to those<br />

who believed in his name, he gave the right<br />

to become children of God.” (John 1:12)<br />

CXXXVI<br />

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<strong>Abundant</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />


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