YSM Issue 90.5

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Yale Scientific Magazine<br />

VOL. 90 ISSUE NO. 5<br />


DECEMBER 2017<br />

NEWS 6<br />

FEATURES 25<br />


12<br />

15<br />


GALAXY<br />

The Milky Way Galaxy has long been<br />

studied as a model for other galaxies<br />

in the universe. However, Yale professor<br />

Marla Geha is part of a collaboration<br />

exploring just how different the<br />

Milky Way might actually be<br />




Researchers at Yale University have<br />

developed a new way to study<br />

proteins, which led to discovering<br />

the function of BRCA1 breast cancer<br />

genes and its interaction with other<br />

genes in the role of tumor expression<br />

18 FIGHTING<br />


Yale scientists found two potential<br />

enymes to target via cell therapy to<br />

tret the common variety of Parkinson’s<br />

disease with Gaucher disease.<br />

These two enzymes regulate the pathology<br />

of the specific lipids that accumulate<br />

due to Gaucher disease<br />


20<br />

New disovery in skull and brain development<br />

in skull and brain development<br />

has implications for greater<br />

understanding of evoloution of reptiles<br />

and birds<br />



The communiction between nervous,<br />

immune and metabloic systems<br />

changes as people age. A team led<br />

by Christina Carmell and Vishwa Deep<br />

Dixit of the Yale School of Medicine<br />

disovered a subset of microphages<br />

that could open the door to new strategies<br />

to keep people healthier longer<br />

More articles available online at www.yalescientific.org<br />

December 2017<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


q a<br />

&<br />


Even isolated islands such as the<br />

Galápagos are affected by anthropogenic<br />

environmental change. Unfortunately,<br />

one affected group is the Galápagos giant<br />

tortoises, whose populations have decreased<br />

by ninety percent in the past three<br />

centuries, in large part due to hunting in<br />

recent years. The C. elephantopus species<br />

from Floreana Island is considered<br />

extinct, and the C. abingdoni from Pinta<br />

Island recently joined its ranks in 2012,<br />

when the last individual, named Lonesome<br />

George, died. However, a November<br />

2015 international expedition to the<br />

remote Galápagos Islands provides hope<br />

that these extinct tortoises can be revived.<br />

Researchers from Yale went on an expedition<br />

to Isabela Island to locate descendants<br />

of the original Floreana and<br />

Pinta tortoises. These tortoises were likely<br />

thrown off ships by mariners onto<br />

Can we bring back extinct Galapagos turtles?<br />


►Lonesome George was the last Pinta Island<br />

tortoise. His death in 2012 marked the extinction of<br />

another species of the Galápagos giant tortoise.<br />

non-native habitats where, over generations,<br />

they mixed with the native species<br />

to create genetic archives of the now-extinct<br />

species. After analyzing the DNA of<br />

150 tortoises, researchers identified 65<br />

with strong ancestral connections to the<br />

Floreana tortoise, 23 of which now reside<br />

in a captive breeding center.<br />

The Floreana tortoise breeding program<br />

is expected to generate thousands<br />

of offspring for the Floreana Island. For<br />

the first time in 150 years, these mega-herbivores<br />

can be returned to their<br />

native land, returning balance to the ecosystem.<br />

“It is a really exciting prospect to<br />

restore a species that we once thought<br />

was extinct,” said Dr. Joshua Miller, a<br />

member of the 2015 expedition and a<br />

current postdoctoral researcher at the<br />

Yale Department of Ecology and Evolutionary<br />

Biology.<br />


There are many forms of alternative<br />

energy, ranging from solar to<br />

wind. A problem with these forms of<br />

energy, however, is that their availability<br />

is inconsistent, so they must<br />

often be stored for future use. But<br />

what if there were an alternative energy<br />

resource that is available consistently,<br />

all day, every day? Scientists at<br />

Columbia think that the evaporation<br />

of water from lakes might just be that<br />

energy resource.<br />

The scientists at Columbia used B.<br />

subtilis, a common soil bacterium,<br />

to harness the energy released from<br />

evaporating water. B. subtilis forms<br />

spores—a hardy, dormant form of<br />

the bacterium—that expand and<br />

contract in response to relative humidity<br />

in the environment. The researchers<br />

plated these spores onto<br />

small films that could contract with<br />

them. By altering humidity levels in<br />

Can evaporation drive energy production?<br />


►Researchers at Columbia have high hopes for<br />

bacterial colonies that can produce mechanical<br />

energy in response to evaporated water.<br />

the environment, they were able to<br />

induce expansion and contraction<br />

in the spores and thus in the films.<br />

As the films expanded and contracted,<br />

similarly to human muscle,<br />

the motion could be converted into<br />

an energy strong enough to turn on<br />

a small LED light bulb or to power<br />

a small car.<br />

While this technology is incredibly<br />

promising, it’s still a long way<br />

off from serving the public. Details<br />

ranging from how to implement<br />

large scale construction of these<br />

devices to how to circumvent the<br />

legal issues surrounding water access<br />

rights prevent this invention<br />

from becoming a part of your local<br />

community lake tomorrow. However,<br />

this technology poses a lucrative<br />

alternative to fossil fuels, and<br />

maybe even to other forms of environmentally<br />

friendly energy.

F R O M T H E E D I T O R<br />


We are natural storytellers, and science is one of the best stories to tell.<br />

After all, science is full of noble quests to discover the secrets of our natural world. The<br />

characters of science are fascinating: some quirky, most kind, all with a burning passion for<br />

their labor of love. And the stakes of science can be high, ranging from the privacy of our<br />

digital lives to cures for rare and debilitating diseases.<br />

In every issue, we seek to uncover the most fascinating breakthroughs in science. From<br />

seeing how lizard skulls evolved into bird skulls (p. 20) to understanding Parkinson’s disease<br />

by studying a much rarer cousin of the disease (p. 18), the journey of science ranges over a<br />

very wide span of topics. Our cover article this issue describes the galaxy that we live in, and<br />

why researchers believe that it is rather unique compared to other galaxies (p. 12). We also<br />

pursue the deadly killer of breast cancer and seek to understand how one gene, BRCA1, is<br />

able to cause so much damage (p. 15). And we even fight death itself, learning how our bodies<br />

break down with age to find ways to keep the old healthy (p. 22).<br />

While the results of science can make our lives more fulfilling, the journey to reach there<br />

can be equally exciting. The methods of modern scientific exploration - using lasers to probe<br />

neurons (p. 26), creating breathalyzers to monitor exercise (p. 35), or programming bacteria<br />

to grow proteins (p. 32) - challenges our imagination. The diligent scientists who work at<br />

these goals are just as amazing, from undergraduate who work on cell structures (p. 36) to<br />

doctors who fight disease and discrimination (p. 37). Every advancement in science is made<br />

by groups of researchers struggling to solve mysteries of our world. Their tales inspire us to<br />

do the impossible and persevere in the face of challenges.<br />

And science is always relevant. New innovations create safer ways to replace dangerous oil<br />

pipes (p. 7) and create better vaccines to fight off the flu (p. 9). And beyond the endless new<br />

biomedical and engineering technologies, other discoveries - on the origin of diseases (p. 11)<br />

or the rescue of monkeys (p. 6) - define our human spirit.<br />

We write because the story of science fascinates us. New discoveries challenge past paradigms<br />

and propose new world-views, as scientists aim to discover more fundamental truths<br />

in our study of the universe. These stories have impact far greater than merely other scientists,<br />

influencing the fundamental beliefs of humanity.<br />

As this year draws to a close, we thank you for being with us as we have explored these stories<br />

together. Our staff and masthead have tirelessly worked to write, produce, edit, design,<br />

and publish this magazine, and we could not have told these stories without a willing listener.<br />

We are excited for the many more science stories to be told in 2018, and to continue being<br />

part of this fantastic community of scholars and friends.<br />

A B O U T T H E A R T<br />

Chunyang Ding<br />

Editor-in-Chief<br />

Since this is my final cover as Arts Editor, I<br />

just want to thank everyone who ever picked<br />

up a copy of the <strong>YSM</strong> in the last 12 months<br />

for giving me a chance. Just kidding, it’s really<br />

thanks to the incredible production and writing/editing<br />

team that this magazine is what it<br />

is today — so thank you all for giving me the<br />

chance to draw galaxies, DNA, mushrooms<br />

and more. I’ve grown as an artist and as a fan<br />

of this magazine with each issue, and I hope<br />

that this final cover design — a fanciful depiction<br />

of a prism of light through our very<br />

own Milky Way — articulates that feeling.<br />

Editor-in-Chief<br />

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Yale Scientific<br />

M A G A Z I N E<br />

Established in 1894<br />

DECEMBER 2017 VOL. 90 NO. 5<br />

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Staff<br />

Yasmin Alamdeen<br />

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Ashwin Chetty<br />

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Mary Chukwu<br />

Lukas Corey<br />

Keyi Cui<br />

Xander DeVries<br />

Victoria Dombrowik<br />

Ayah Elmansy<br />

Allie Forman<br />

Ivory Fu<br />

Kaija Gahm<br />

Lauren Gatta<br />

Hannah Geller<br />

Vivek Gopalan<br />

Advisory Board<br />

Priyamvada Natarajan<br />

Sandy Chang<br />

Kurt Zilm, Chair<br />

Fred Volkmar<br />

Stanley Eisenstat<br />

James Duncan<br />

Stephen Stearns<br />

Jakub Szefer<br />

Werner Wolf<br />

John Wettlaufer<br />

William Summers<br />

Scott Strobel<br />

Robert Bazell<br />

Craig Crews<br />

Ayaska Fernando<br />

Robert Cordova<br />

Katie Handler<br />

Jiyoung Kang<br />

Lauren Kim<br />

Theo Kuhn<br />

Severyn Kushmeliuk<br />

Andrew Kuzemczak<br />

Mindy Le<br />

Sunnie Liu<br />

Robert Luo<br />

Tanvi Mehta<br />

Diyu Pearce-Fisher<br />

Jared Peralta<br />

Miriam Ross<br />

Elizabeth Ruddy<br />

Sonia Ruiz<br />

Marcus Sak<br />

Sophia Sanchez-Maes<br />

Isabel Sands<br />

Chunyang Ding<br />

Emma Healy<br />

Sonia Wang<br />

Christine Xu<br />

Diane Rafizadeh<br />

Andrea Ouyang<br />

Kevin Biju<br />

Will Burns<br />

Amy Xiong<br />

Cheryl Mai<br />

Eileen Norris<br />

Richard Hwang<br />

Catherine Yang<br />

Natasha Zaliznyak<br />

Charlie Musoff<br />

Dawn Chen<br />

Kevin Chang<br />

Cheryl Mai<br />

Bryan Ho<br />

Krisstel Gomez<br />

Stephanie Smelyansky<br />

Jessica Trinh<br />

Wai Pan Wong<br />

Archeta Rajagoplaan<br />

Leslie Sim<br />

Anna Sun<br />

Sida Tang<br />

Vera Villanueva<br />

Eric Wang<br />

Emma Wilson<br />

Alice Wu<br />

Cory Wu<br />

Lisa Wu<br />

Jason Yang<br />

Yulan Zhang<br />

Kelly Zhou<br />

Astronomy<br />

Biological and Biomedical Sciences<br />

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Child Study Center<br />

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Emeritus<br />

Geology & Geophysics<br />

History of Science, Medicine, & Public Health<br />

Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry<br />

Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology<br />

Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology<br />

Undergraduate Admissions<br />

Yale Science & Engineering Association<br />

The Yale Scientific Magazine (<strong>YSM</strong>) is published four times a year by<br />

Yale Scientific Publications, Inc. Third class postage paid in New Haven,<br />

CT 06520. Non-profit postage permit number 01106 paid for May 19,<br />

1927 under the act of August 1912. ISN:0091-287. We reserve the right<br />

to edit any submissions, solicited or unsolicited, for publication. This<br />

magazine is published by Yale College students, and Yale University<br />

is not responsible for its contents. Perspectives expressed by authors<br />

do not necessarily reflect the opinions of <strong>YSM</strong>. We retain the right to<br />

reprint contributions, both text and graphics, in future issues as well as<br />

a non-exclusive right to reproduce these in electronic form. The <strong>YSM</strong><br />

welcomes comments and feedback. Letters to the editor should be under<br />

200 words and should include the author’s name and contact information.<br />

We reserve the right to edit letters before publication. Please send<br />

questions and comments to ysm@yale.edu. Special thanks to Yale STC.

NEWS<br />

in brief<br />

Cayo Santiago: No Monkeying Around<br />

By Sarim Abbas<br />


►The monkeys of Cayo Santiago<br />

comprise some of the best-studied<br />

primates on the planet.<br />

Off the coast of Puerto Rico lies Cayo Santiago,<br />

a 38-acre island home to one of the oldest<br />

primate field sites in the world. But in the<br />

aftermath of Hurricane Maria, the well-being<br />

of its locals and monkey population is at risk.<br />

Scientists have studied Cayo Santiago’s<br />

monkeys for decades, looking at group dynamics,<br />

development and genetics. “It’s one<br />

of the only sites in the world with such a<br />

large population of habituated monkeys,”<br />

said Laurie Santos, a psychology professor<br />

at Yale University who studies animal cognition.<br />

“It’s really the one site where I can<br />

do my cognitive studies of primates on that<br />

large a sample.”<br />

The island is a mere 38 acres, and the monkey<br />

residents can roam freely on the island<br />

without fear from predators. Scientists from<br />

at least nine universities work on the island,<br />

including faculty from Yale Universiy and<br />

the University of Puerto Rico.<br />

But on September 20th, the island’s monkey<br />

population and locals were in the direct<br />

path of Hurricane Maria, a hurricane that<br />

ravaged much of the Caribbean. Now, researchers<br />

and affiliates are rushing to ship<br />

food, clothes and other supplies to help aid<br />

recovery.<br />

Though all monkey groups on the island<br />

have been accounted for, the devastation<br />

to infrastructure, vegetation and fresh-water<br />

sources will no doubt impede their livelihood.<br />

And for many locals—most of them<br />

in the researchers’ employ—the situation is<br />

even more dire. “Some of our long-term staff<br />

and their families have lost everything they<br />

own,” Santos said, “and everyone in the town<br />

has not had power, phone service, or water<br />

for an entire month.”<br />

Despite lackluster official support, researchers<br />

hope their shipment of supplies<br />

will help alleviate the hardship. But until the<br />

locals get back on their feet, all operations on<br />

the island remain on hold.<br />

Hot and Cold: Temperature and Virus Transmission<br />

By Daniel Fridman<br />


►Aedes aegypti mosquitos spread<br />

many diseases, including DENV-2,<br />

chikungunya, Zika, and yellow fever<br />

viruses.<br />

In recent years, news has covered the<br />

emergence and spread of mosquito-transmitted<br />

viruses including Zika, chikungunya, and<br />

dengue. Scientists and public health officials<br />

work to understand, predict, and ultimately<br />

prevent outbreaks. A new Yale study, conducted<br />

as a collaboration between the labs of Paul<br />

Turner and Jeffrey Powell in the department of<br />

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, investigated<br />

the effect of temperature and mosquito genotype<br />

on the infection rates of Aedes aegypti mosquitos<br />

by a type of dengue virus (DENV-2).<br />

Knowing that temperature affects mosquito<br />

susceptibility to infection, the researchers sought<br />

to determine how various mosquito and viral<br />

genotypes affect infection rates at different<br />

temperatures. The researchers studied two<br />

populations of the A. aegypti mosquito from two<br />

locations in Vietnam—Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh<br />

City, with average temperatures of 23°C and<br />

28°C respectively—and infected them with two<br />

isolates of DENV-2 originating from the same<br />

locations.<br />

“There is a lot of variation in temperature<br />

in these regions,” said Andrea Gloria-Soria, a<br />

member of Turner’s lab and first author of the<br />

study. “We hypothesized that mosquitos adapt<br />

to the temperature where they live, affecting<br />

virus transmission.” After a 10-day incubation<br />

at temperatures of 25°C, 27°C, or 32°C, the<br />

researchers quantified the number of mosquitos<br />

infected with dengue virus. Their findings showed<br />

that different mosquito populations respond<br />

differently to temperature, with mosquitos from<br />

warmer climates being more susceptible to<br />

DENV-2 infection at colder temperatures.<br />

Local temperatures may influence the risk of<br />

dengue virus outbreaks, and introduction of<br />

mosquitos adapted to warmer climates to cooler<br />

geographic areas may increase infection rates.<br />

“Many people in cooler regions don’t think about<br />

mosquito viruses as a problem, but if mosquitos<br />

are introduced at the right moment, they can<br />

survive and transmit the virus, presenting a<br />

greater risk for outbreaks,” said Gloria-Soria.<br />

6 Yale Scientific Magazine April 2017 www.yalescientific.org

in brief<br />

NEWS<br />

Solarizing Through Social Networks<br />

By Ashwin Chetty<br />

If your friend installed solar panels, you<br />

most likely would too. Recently, researchers<br />

investigated community campaigns in<br />

Connecticut that took advantage of these<br />

effects, in a study led by Duke professor<br />

Bryan Bollinger and Yale professor Kenneth<br />

Gillingham. They found that increased<br />

visibility of solar panels in neighborhoods,<br />

word-of-mouth campaigns, and town events<br />

can make solar installation “contagious.”<br />

The Solar Energy Evolution and Diffusion<br />

Studies 1 (SEEDS 1) project focused on<br />

analyzing Solarize campaigns, which aim<br />

to increase solar adoption. Specifically, the<br />

researchers studied Solarize campaigns in<br />

Connecticut that used two main strategies:<br />

grassroots marketing and group pricing, a<br />

pricing scheme that reduces cost of solar<br />

installation as more people install solar<br />

panels. Gillingham and Bollinger found that<br />

group pricing did not lead to increased solar<br />

installation. However, 20-week campaigns<br />

were more effective than 10-week campaigns<br />

by allowing for more word-of-mouth.<br />

Gillingham and Bollinger are now working<br />

on a SEEDS 2 project, asking another research<br />

question: “How can these campaigns reach<br />

low and moderate-income households?” Their<br />

hypothesis is that changing the messaging of<br />

the campaign to focus on either the community<br />

aspect or the financial attractiveness of solar<br />

installation will increase solar adoption in<br />

these households. In South Carolina, they<br />

are investigating whether access to shared<br />

solar—owning a share of a solar farm instead<br />

of installing panels on a rooftop—increases<br />

solar adoptions by low and moderate-income<br />

households.<br />

“In the past, people have just run the<br />

campaigns, and we were the first ever to test<br />

how to run the campaigns,” Gillingham said.<br />

Even though the research is still ongoing, solar<br />

advocates can immediately apply these findings<br />

in solar adoption campaigns around the country.<br />


►Gillingham and Bollinger found<br />

that increasing solar planet visiblity<br />

through local outreach efforts can<br />

increase solar installation.<br />

Yale Startup Hopes to Deploy Pipe-Inspecting Robots<br />

By Linh He<br />

Big changes are on the way in the petroleum<br />

industry. Soon, a new player will help detect<br />

pipeline corrosion: robots. Dianna Liu, a<br />

former Exxon-Mobil worker and now Yale<br />

School of Management student, founded the<br />

company ARIX with recent Yale graduates<br />

Petter Wehlin ’17 and Bryan Duerfeldt ’17 to<br />

explore how robotics and predictive analytics<br />

technology could be tapped for the oil<br />

industry.<br />

“Like any large company that deals with<br />

operations…[the petroleum industry] is very<br />

dangerous, and they prioritize safety,” Liu said.<br />

However, limited technology exists to ensure<br />

the safety of workers searching for corrosion<br />

in the pipelines that carry petroleum. Liu, who<br />

previously interned in a biomedical company,<br />

was inspired by how technology has improved<br />

the quality of medicine, and wanted to apply<br />

technology to the petroleum industry as well.<br />

Her idea was a promising solution that<br />

holds potential in tackling a $5.4 billion<br />

dollar corrosion issue within the U.S. oil and<br />

gas industry. ARIX’s robots could prevent<br />

human workers from undergoing dangerous<br />

processes to inspect pipe corrosion in<br />

petroleum plants. Rather than having human<br />

workers hang by ropes and walk on unstable<br />

scaffolding to inspect pipes, ARIX proposes<br />

using robots that could travel on the outside<br />

of the pipes while inspecting specific points<br />

along the pipeline. Furthermore, ARIX’s robot<br />

inspection technology can quickly provide<br />

more comprehensive data than people could.<br />

ARIX has received much attention since its<br />

founding. The prototype technology received<br />

the $25,000 Miller Prize from the Tsai Center<br />

for Innovative Thinking at Yale, and has<br />

gained recognition from companies and<br />

investors. While still in its early developing<br />

stages, ARIX has already caught the interest<br />

of the petroleum industry. For now, ARIX<br />

will continue focusing on fine-tuning<br />

the technology, and in the long run, will<br />

potentially look to apply the technology to<br />

other industries beyond gas and oil.<br />


►Dianna Liu (center), Petter Wehlin<br />

(right), and Bryan Duerfeldt (left) are the<br />

three co-founders of ARIX.<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

April 2017<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


NEWS<br />

medicine<br />


Fighting fungi by capturing sugars<br />


For many Yale students, the word “fungus” might call to<br />

mind the dining hall’s hybrid mushroom and beef burgers.<br />

But fungus also has another unsavory meaning—fungal infections<br />

are a major public health concern and can be deadly,<br />

particularly to patients with weak immune systems such as<br />

those with organ transplants, HIV, or cancer.<br />

Fungal infections are responsible for roughly half of<br />

AIDS-related deaths globally Candidemia, a fungal infection<br />

common in organ transplant patients, has a 30-40% mortality<br />

rate. While antifungal treatments exist, they can have side<br />

effects, similar to how chemotherapy can damage a cancer<br />

patient’s body while destroying cancer cells. Furthermore,<br />

fungi are capable of developing resistance to conventional<br />

therapeutics.<br />

Dr. Egor Chirkin and Dr. Viswanathan Muthusamy, researchers<br />

in the Spiegel lab of the Yale Chemistry department,<br />

collaborated with Merck to generate a novel antifungal<br />

compound that would minimize such side effects and prevent<br />

the development of resistance. Their recent paper describes<br />

how Chirkin and Muthusamy designed and tested a<br />

compound that can activate the body’s own immune system,<br />

destroying fungal cells without harming the patient’s own<br />

cells.<br />

“What the field is moving toward is clean killing of pathogenic<br />

cells without a lot of side effects,” said Muthusamy, who<br />

headed the biology aspect of the study. “What better to do it<br />

with than your own immune cells, which are meant to fight<br />

these diseases?”<br />

The scientists were able to harness the power of the immune<br />

system by creating a small molecule with two different<br />

ends, so that one end of the molecule binds to the fungus,<br />

and the other to antibodies already present in human blood.<br />

“On one side, we need something which can always interact<br />

with antibodies, the antibody-recruiting terminus.<br />

On the other side, we need something which can interact<br />

with the pathological cells, some specific target which is expressed<br />

only on the fungal cell wall,” said Chirkin, who used<br />

his chemistry background to design and synthesize potential<br />

molecules.<br />

The researchers began by creating modified versions of a<br />

molecule called calcofluor, which selectively binds to chitin,<br />

a sugar found in fungal cell walls but not human cells. Because<br />

there was not a good test to measure the efficacy of<br />

the molecules Chirkin created, Muthusamy devised a novel<br />

test. The common human pathogen C. albicans was treated<br />

with different antibody-recruiting molecules targeting fungi<br />

(ARM-Fs). When the ARM-F was able to recruit antibodies<br />

to the fungal cell, the complex could be recognized and<br />

“eaten up” by human immune cells. Looking for fluorescently<br />

labeled fungal cells, the scientists were able to quantify how<br />

efficiently the fungal cells were eaten up by the immune cells.<br />

“It is very unique in biology to target fungal cells using<br />

immune effectors; it is not usual in the literature, so we had<br />

to develop our own assays to test the efficacy of these compounds,”<br />

said Muthusamy. This new methodology can be<br />

used by scientists in the future to continue study in the field.<br />

In addition to avoiding side effects, an advantage to the<br />

ARM-F approach is that fungi are unlikely to develop drug<br />

resistance. Unlike common antibiotics, which quickly become<br />

obsolete, an ARM-F drug could likely be used without<br />

drug resistant strains developing. Chitin, the target molecule<br />

on fungal cell walls, is a sugar polymer. While proteins evolve<br />

quickly to evade our immune defense system due to errors<br />

in DNA replication, sugars are not coded for by DNA and<br />

therefore do not possess the same ability to quickly mutate.<br />

“Chitin is a key element of the fungal cell wall, and it is<br />

a polysaccharide. This is a chemical substance, so the fungus<br />

really cannot change it. The fungus can make less of<br />

it, but that also would reduce its chance of survival,” said<br />

Muthusamy.<br />

Moreover, small molecules tend to be more stable than<br />

other drug compounds and can be ingested, unlike biological<br />

molecules. This means that a drug from an ARM-F could<br />

likely be taken orally as a pill—much easier than an injection<br />

or other delivery method.<br />

While this study holds promise, the molecule must undergo<br />

further testing before it can be used on patients. So far, the<br />

ARM-F has only been tested in cells. The molecule must next<br />

undergo rigorous testing in mouse models before entering<br />

clinical trials. If all goes well, many patients stand to benefit<br />

from this work.<br />

►Candida albicans is a common fungal pathogen.<br />


8 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2017 www.yalescientific.org

medicine<br />

NEWS<br />


A new direction in bioinformatics<br />



►A nurse prepares a flu shot, inserting the vaccine into a<br />

needle syringe.<br />

Each year, 132 million Americans flock to doctors’ offices,<br />

pharmacies, and clinics for flu shots. With the onset<br />

of “flu season” each year, 41% of the population opts to<br />

get vaccinated. Currently, flu shots are the most effective<br />

way to protect against infection. Despite this, they are only<br />

about 60% effective in adults over the age of 65.<br />

Why does the flu vaccine work for some, and not for others?<br />

The answer, according to a recent study, may lie in our<br />

genes. Dr. Albert Shaw led scientists at Yale University and<br />

four other research centers to find that certain genes correlate<br />

to stronger immune responses. This discovery paves<br />

the road for further genetic research and provides insight<br />

into the future of vaccination.<br />

“We set out to study why people respond differently to<br />

the vaccines. We used the flu vaccine because it is very<br />

commonly used throughout the country and you can collect<br />

a large number of patients,” said Ruth Montgomery,<br />

co-author of the study and associate professor at the Yale<br />

School of Medicine. As Montgomery implied, an important<br />

aspect of the study is its size. The genetic data used<br />

came from four independent institutions. In total, over 500<br />

individuals participated in the study. The data spans five<br />

years of flu vaccination seasons. In combination, these factors<br />

make the conclusions of the study more reliable.<br />

“A big part of our study was comparing responses to vaccination<br />

with younger and older people. In general, older<br />

people have a much less efficient and successful response<br />

to vaccination,” Montgomery said. The ages of the participants<br />

fell into two groups: either under 35 or above 60<br />

years old. Interestingly, the results for the study differed<br />

between the two age groups. The cluster of genes, or “signature,”<br />

that correlated to a stronger immune response in<br />

younger people did not help the older group. Similarly, the<br />

beneficial signatures for the older group did not prove significant<br />

to the younger group. “The older people who respond<br />

use different genes and cellular pathways than the<br />

younger people who respond,” said Montgomery. This<br />

means that our immune responses to vaccination change<br />

with age—a potential subject for further investigation.<br />

The researchers identified the genes that influenced immune<br />

response by examining the younger people that did<br />

not respond well to vaccination. Nine individual genes and<br />

three sets of co-expressed genes were found to impact response<br />

to the flu vaccine. “The beauty of this study was<br />

combining those young non-responders across a number<br />

of different universities and research programs and using<br />

computational tools to try to understand what might<br />

lead to a poor vaccine response in a young healthy donor,”<br />

Montgomery said.<br />

Montgomery cites much of the study’s success to our increased<br />

ability to use computational processes to analyze<br />

biological data. Researchers gathered 47,000 RNA transcripts,<br />

which are a form of genetic information in our<br />

cells, from each patient. With over 500 participants in the<br />

study, this amounts to more than 23 million transcripts in<br />

total. Without the aid of computer algorithms, this massive<br />

amount of data would be impossible to process. With<br />

the bioinformatics analysis led by Dr. Steven Kleinstein,<br />

researchers were able to synthesize the data and make significant<br />

conclusions.<br />

The results of this study point to possible innovations in<br />

vaccination. With the knowledge that older people process<br />

vaccines differently from younger people, scientists<br />

may develop different methods to boost the effectiveness<br />

of vaccines for older people. “It is possible for some sort of<br />

therapeutic approach to boost those immune responses—<br />

or perhaps with a better understanding of the pathways, we<br />

can modify what goes into the vaccination for older people,”<br />

Montgomery said.<br />

Since the study only examined the flu vaccine, scientists<br />

are not yet sure if these genes help in immune responses<br />

to other vaccines. “It’s not always clear whether the results<br />

from this study will apply to responses to other vaccines,<br />

so that would require more study to understand,” she said.<br />

All in all, the work of these collaborators provides exciting<br />

insight into the genetics behind immune response and<br />

opens new doors for future research on vaccines.<br />

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applied physics<br />


Acoustics may contribute to the next computing revolution<br />



►The current state of building a quantum computer. Quantum<br />

computers must be kept in extremely cold environments to<br />

prevent heat from being absorbed by the system, which disrupts<br />

quantum states.<br />

Potentially the most powerful computing tool ever created,<br />

quantum computing technology is likely to continue<br />

to advance in the coming decades. What makes quantum<br />

technology special is its computational power, allowing it<br />

to have a wide range of applications. Among these are the<br />

abilities to break RSA encryptions, which are used by many<br />

governments to encode information on a classical computer,<br />

and to analyze vast amounts of data very quickly.<br />

However, building a quantum computer is difficult because<br />

it poses the challenge of finding a system efficient for<br />

both quantum information processing and effective control<br />

of quantum states. Recently, a collaborative effort by<br />

the Schoelkopf Lab and Rakich Lab at the Yale Quantum<br />

Institute has shown promise in using sound waves to store<br />

quantum information. Their method would increase efficiency<br />

and reduce production costs, which could cause major<br />

advances in the field of quantum computing.<br />

For the last eighty years, the world has relied on classical<br />

computers, which operate using values of zero and one to<br />

store information and solve problems that cannot be worked<br />

out by hand. Classical computers use two-state physical systems,<br />

like transducers or magnets, to define the complete<br />

physical state of a system, and then apply algorithms to manipulate<br />

those states to solve different problems.<br />

Quantum computing breaks from the realm of classical<br />

computing by utilizing the fundamentals of quantum mechanics<br />

to encode information. For a quantum particle with<br />

two possible states, a particle is said to be in a superposition<br />

of both states, meaning the particle can be in both at<br />

the same time. Upon measurement, the particle randomly<br />

chooses one of these states.<br />

These particles are called qubits, or quantum bits, and are<br />

quantum representations of a physical system. Just like a<br />

classical bit, a qubit is a piece of information that can be<br />

used in computation. However, instead of dealing with certainty,<br />

quantum physics deals with probabilities, and thus<br />

the state of the qubit is a probabilistic representation of the<br />

two possible states it could occupy. Using these odd probabilities,<br />

quantum computers can solve complex problems,<br />

including breaking computer encryptions to access secret<br />

data. The possibilities are endless.<br />

Some of the most difficult challenges with quantum computing<br />

are maintaining a particular quantum state and finding<br />

a physical system that can be used to store quantum information.<br />

This is because quantum states are very fragile<br />

and are susceptible to change by any interaction with the<br />

environment around them.<br />

In September 2017, the Schoelkopf Lab and Rakich Lab<br />

at the Yale Quantum Institute announced their success using<br />

a simple-to-produce and very robust device that uses<br />

sound waves to store quantum information. The apparatus<br />

uses a piezoelectric transducer to couple the qubits to<br />

sound waves. The qubit system shows a dramatic increase<br />

in coherence time from previously demonstrated experiments,<br />

giving scientists more control and predictive power<br />

over the qubit.<br />

Furthermore, the apparatus used to couple the qubits to<br />

sound waves requires relatively simple fabrication methods.<br />

“I think that our work demonstrates that it’s possible<br />

to couple superconducting quantum circuits and mechanical<br />

resonators in a simple and high-performance way,” said<br />

Yiwen Chu, lead author of the recent breakthrough and<br />

a post-doctoral researcher in the Schoelkopf Lab. “This<br />

makes them accessible and robust enough to be used in<br />

more complex quantum devices in the future.”<br />

This finding comes at an important and exciting time<br />

in the development of quantum mechanical applications.<br />

“Quantum computing is one of the main examples of how<br />

we can harness quantum mechanics to do something useful,”<br />

said Chu. “Much like other applications of physics,<br />

quantum mechanics is also undergoing that exciting transition<br />

from us being able to understand the physics to being<br />

able to build something useful.”<br />

As quantum systems become more complex and demonstrate<br />

more precise control of qubits, the ultimate goal of<br />

building a quantum computer able to solve even more complex<br />

problems than currently possible will become a reality.<br />

Contributions like this will prove to be the key to their progression<br />

into a more mature and feasible application, making<br />

the once most difficult problems seem trivial.<br />

10<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine December 2017 www.yalescientific.org

evolutionary biology<br />

NEWS<br />


Human activity likely affects the spread of Lyme disease<br />



►Black-legged deer tick on a blade of grass. Ticks are the<br />

main vectors of Lyme disease<br />

Local Connecticut lore names Plum Island, the home of a high<br />

security government laboratory, as the source of Lyme disease.<br />

The controversial theory claims that infected ticks were accidentally<br />

released from the facility in the early 1970s. The truth, however,<br />

may be more compelling. Recent research, led by Katherine<br />

Walter of the Yale Department of Epidemiology and Microbial<br />

Diseases, suggests that the pathogen has existed for around 60,000<br />

years. Furthermore, it may be human impact, not scientific meddling,<br />

that has caused the sudden surge in sickness.<br />

Strange things appeared to be afoot in Lyme, Connecticut<br />

during the summer of 1976. The town had experienced<br />

a record number of juvenile arthritis cases that year, which<br />

puzzled many physicians and researchers. To make matters<br />

worse, complaints of severe joint pain, headaches, and fever<br />

were spreading like wildfire. What had begun as an isolated<br />

incident swiftly transitioned into a widespread phenomenon,<br />

affecting adults at the same rate it has children.<br />

The mysterious symptoms were later all classified under one<br />

ailment: Lyme disease. Named for the town first believed to be<br />

its epicenter, Lyme is now reported to be the most common vector-born<br />

disease in the United States. According to the Center<br />

for Disease Control and Prevention, there were over 28,000 confirmed<br />

cases in 2015 alone. To examine the spread of Lyme however,<br />

one must first examine its vector, the blacklegged tick.<br />

When one thinks of ticks, the connotation tends to be quite<br />

negative. These small parasites are the often invisible threat<br />

associated with outdoor activity in the late summer and fall.<br />

Their resemblance to spiders, with which they share the same<br />

subclass, is equally unnerving. What makes the blacklegged<br />

tick potentially dangerous however, is the pathogen it carries.<br />

First clinically described in 1982, Borrelia burgdorferi is one<br />

of the few bacteria that seems to directly interact with the cell<br />

tissues it infects, rather than producing a microbial toxin. It<br />

also has an extremely low rate of replication, which allows it<br />

to remain undetected in a host for some time. This creates<br />

difficulties in prescribing treatment, as many patients are unaware<br />

of the infection until it becomes chronic.<br />

Although researchers now have an understanding of the<br />

effects of a B. burgdorferi infection, little is known about<br />

its evolutionary origins. Additionally, it is still unclear why<br />

the United States has seen such a rapid increase of Lyme in<br />

the past 30 years. Walter and her team at Yale have attempted<br />

to expand the current understanding the bacterium.<br />

Walter became interested in the pathogen’s history while a<br />

graduate student in the Yale Department of Epidemiology<br />

and Microbial Diseases. “Looking at molecular evolution<br />

is like looking at records,” Walter said. “Often, the records<br />

for infectious diseases are incomplete.” Her research team<br />

attempted to explain the sudden surge of illness by examining<br />

the genome of B. burgdorferi, using data compiled from<br />

nearly thirty years of fieldwork.<br />

The results of the research proved to be astonishing. They<br />

suggested that B. burgdorferi has been present in the northeastern<br />

United States for around 60,000 years. This differs<br />

from the original theories, which tend to focus on evolutionary<br />

change or pathogen introduction as the cause of its emergence.<br />

Furthermore, the findings point to human activity as<br />

the leading factor in Lyme’s dispersal.<br />

To put this into perspective, imagine the northeast 60,000<br />

years ago. It did not contain the vast expanse of cities and roadways<br />

characteristic of today. The landscape was likely composed<br />

of forests and thick underbrush, making it an oasis for<br />

ticks. Urban development and industrialization have greatly<br />

infringed upon the habitat of the animal hosts, and therefore,<br />

of the tick. In addition, climate change has contributed to consistently<br />

warmer seasons, which in turn have afforded ticks a<br />

longer lifespan. Ironically, while global warming may prove<br />

detrimental to humans, it will promote the survival of parasites.<br />

Increased vigor, as well as sustained migration, will continue<br />

to broaden the scope of Lyme disease in the near future.<br />

There is, however, a glimmer of hope. A research team<br />

from the Cary Institute of Ecosystems found that ticks<br />

seem to dislike dry weather. Nymphs, the intermediate<br />

stage in a tick’s lifespan, experience more difficulty securing<br />

hosts in arid conditions.<br />

If the United States continues to see a decrease in annual<br />

precipitation, it may also see a decline in the prevalence of<br />

Lyme disease. For now, scientists like Walter and her team will<br />

continue to track and study the disease, helping us better understand<br />

our relationship with the environment around us.<br />

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December 2017<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


astronomy FOCUS<br />

Imagine sitting at a movie theater watching the latest blockbuster movie about space. Because<br />

of its vast size, a galaxy pulls in smaller and slower-moving galaxies, trapping them in its orbit.<br />

Eventually this larger galaxy begins stripping away bits of mass from the smaller galaxies and,<br />

eventually, its own stars. You find yourself sitting at the edge of your seat, awaiting what happens.<br />

As exciting as this phenomenon seems, it’s not science fiction, but reality. What’s more, it’s<br />

not just any galaxy—it’s our very own Milky Way.<br />

Galaxies are born in dark matter, a mysterious<br />

substance that comprises about<br />

90% of our universe. The Milky Way is a<br />

central galaxy, meaning it has smaller galaxies,<br />

called satellites, caught in its gravitational<br />

pull. Our galaxy has long been<br />

studied to increase our understanding of<br />

the universe. Specifically, researchers have<br />

based their predictions about dark matter<br />

and the formation of galaxies based<br />

on their observations of the Milky Way’s<br />

satellite population. However, researchers<br />

have discovered that the Milky Way<br />

might be an outlier. Marla Geha, professor<br />

of astronomy at Yale University, is a<br />

leader in this area of research—no other<br />

research group has tried to do a project<br />

as ambitious as hers, requiring extensive<br />

time and resources. By studying 8 galaxies<br />

similar to the Milky Way, Geha’s team<br />

have provided researchers with incredible<br />

new insight—the Milky Way Galaxy may<br />

be more unique than we think.<br />

A taste of the Milky Way galaxy<br />

It is believed that galaxies form in the<br />

center of dark matter structures. Galaxies<br />

emit light from their stars—the more stars,<br />

the brighter the galaxy. Within the Milky<br />

Way, two satellite galaxies, called the Small<br />

and Large Magellanic Clouds, are currently<br />

forming stars from gas. All other satellites<br />

have been stripped of their gas as the Milky<br />

Way eats away at the materials composing<br />

the satellites, a process that occurs when<br />

smaller galaxies orbit the Milky Way.<br />

Researchers have heavily based their predictions<br />

about how galaxies form based off<br />

their research on the Milky Way’s satellite<br />

galaxies. However, Marla Geha, along with<br />

Risa Wechsler, professor at Stanford University,<br />

are interested in how the Milky Way<br />

compares to other galaxies in our universe.<br />

“We have a default assumption that whatever<br />

is in our neighborhood is what we see<br />

everywhere but maybe this isn’t the case,”<br />

Weschler said. The behavior we see in our<br />

own galaxy may not be typical of many other<br />

galaxies in the universe.<br />

The beginning of a SAGA<br />


►The Magellanic Clouds are the only two<br />

star-forming dwarf galaxies found orbiting.<br />

Geha and Weschler, along with their research<br />

team, were interested in exploring<br />

other satellite galaxies beyond the Milky<br />

Way. To investigate these other galaxies,<br />

they started the “Satellites Around Galactic<br />

Analogs” (SAGA) Survey. The purpose<br />

of this survey is to investigate 100 galaxies<br />

similar to the Milky Way galaxy and to<br />

compare their satellite galaxies. Successfully<br />

doing so has implications on how researchers<br />

view galaxies. For example, satellite galaxies<br />

are of interest because it may provide<br />

clues about dark matter and its interaction<br />

with galaxies. When satellite galaxies become<br />

caught in the gravitational pull of<br />

larger galaxies, it is likely dark matter is at<br />

play, though it remains unknown how the<br />

satellite becomes embedded in what is essentially<br />

a halo of dark matter. Moreover,<br />

the behavior of these satellites, such as their<br />

ability to form stars, provides clues about<br />

the relationship between dark matter and<br />

satellites, and why some satellites have lost<br />

the ability to actively form new stars.<br />

To begin their research on both analog<br />

galaxies and their satellites, the team used<br />

already established catalogs to select galaxies<br />

similar to the Milky Way. The researchers<br />

based their criteria on how similar these galaxies<br />

were in luminosity as well as whether<br />

they had a similar large-scale environment.<br />

Galaxies that passed these criteria were added<br />

to the SAGA Survey for further analysis<br />

of their satellite galaxies. Of all the galaxies<br />

►The bright spots in the image are stars in<br />

the Small Magellanic Cloud.<br />

in the catalog, the team has so far added 79<br />

galaxies to the SAGA and have fully investigated<br />

satellites on eight of these analogs. The<br />

next step is examining these galaxies more<br />

closely and searching for embedded satellites<br />

caught in the gravitational pull of these<br />

galaxies which may provide clues of similarities<br />

shared with the Milky Way.<br />

A (red) shift in perspective<br />


Researchers detect satellite galaxies<br />

through their brightness, an indicator of<br />

the number of stars within it. Images of<br />

galaxies are readily available in published<br />

research catalogs. The research team used a<br />

method called photometry, a procedure to<br />

detect light intensity from these galaxy images.<br />

However, photometry poses a problem—there<br />

is no way to tell whether this<br />

galaxy is circling another galaxy. “It’s like<br />

holding a series of galaxy images up of and<br />

trying to decide which is a satellite—you<br />

just can’t know,” Geha said. If researchers<br />

could find a way to measure the distances<br />

between these galaxies, they may be able to<br />

uncover the behavior of these galaxies.<br />

One method the research team used in<br />

uncovering this data was to analyze the<br />

spectra of the galaxies. By scattering the<br />

light emitted by the galaxy, they were able<br />

to observe the characteristic wavelengths of<br />

the light energy emitted. Similar to scattering<br />

white light with a prism to release its<br />

rainbow colors, Geha and the team took<br />

images of galaxies and separated the light<br />

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Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


FOCUS<br />

astronomy<br />

into many different wavelengths, or colors.<br />

Objects moving away from the Milky Way<br />

emit less intense light and subsequently undergo<br />

a shift in wavelength toward the red<br />

end of the color spectra where wavelengths<br />

are longer. Therefore, a galaxy with a larger<br />

redshift is moving further away. By gathering<br />

this information, the researchers were better<br />

able to understand the position of potential<br />

satellite galaxies, filling in the missing gap in<br />

knowledge about whether these galaxies are<br />

indeed satellites of a central galaxy.<br />

However, using this process to obtain redshifts<br />

comes with its own set of difficulties.<br />

For example, spectroscopy is expensive and<br />

time consuming. In addition, the slower<br />

that a galaxy moves, the fainter and harder<br />

it becomes to detect the redshifts. Though<br />

the research team was able to target over<br />

17,000 redshifts, the spectra obtained may<br />

be not only from galaxies themselves, but<br />

also from stars and other objects. Therefore,<br />

they needed to further filter out the<br />

redshifts corresponding to galaxies from<br />

those caused by other natural phenomena.<br />

To create a more efficient system for detecting<br />

redshifts of galaxies, the researchers<br />

observed the relative wavelengths of satellite<br />

galaxies and their redshift range. They<br />

found a range in which the redshifts were<br />

similar among satellites, indicating that<br />

redshifts in this range were the most likely<br />

to correspond to satellite galaxies. By going<br />

back over their collected sample of redshifts<br />

and selecting redshifts that fell within<br />

the “satellite galaxy” range, they were able<br />

to leave out redshift data from unwanted<br />

sources. Using this refined redshift information,<br />

researchers were able to locate 25<br />

satellites from analog galaxies, providing<br />

us a new perspective on the nature of many<br />

potential satellite galaxies in the universe.<br />

The SAGA continues<br />


►The Milky Way Galaxy has long been studied,<br />

and houses numerous satellite galaxies.<br />

While the study has surprised the research<br />

team, there still remains much to<br />

uncover, and they are just getting started.<br />

The team is leading in this field—there<br />

is no other research team doing such an<br />

ambitious project. Once the SAGA is completed,<br />

scientists will better understand<br />

the Milky Way from a cosmological standpoint<br />

and how it compares to other analogs.<br />

“We’re really proud of the progress<br />

we made and we are well underway in answering<br />

the question of how atypical our<br />

galaxy may be,” Geha said.<br />

With a goal of analyzing 100 analog<br />


►Using optical telescopes, more than<br />

10,000 distant galaxies can be seen.<br />

galaxies similar to the Milky Way, the researchers<br />

are already analyzing the data<br />

of other analogs for their satellites. With<br />

more efficient methods for detecting redshifts,<br />

the team can more effectively locate<br />

even the faintest satellites. While Geha is<br />

not certain what the rest of their data will<br />

indicate once they finish analyzing all satellite<br />

galaxies, she believes it might take as<br />

few as two to four years to finish the survey<br />

and make more conclusions. “Once<br />

the SAGA Survey is complete, I think<br />

we will really understand our galaxy in a<br />

much broader context,” Geha said. Until<br />

then, the SAGA continues in uncovering<br />

the mystery of our galaxy.<br />



The Milky Way Galaxy—an outlier?<br />

The process of obtaining redshift information<br />

to determine satellite galaxies is<br />

a slow process, but it comes with a great<br />

payoff. The team’s analyses of these satellite<br />

galaxies have revealed an interesting finding:<br />

the analog galaxies contain mostly star<br />

forming satellite galaxies. Unlike the Milky<br />

Way, the results from the 8 analog galaxies<br />

indicated 26 of the 27 satellite galaxies are<br />

actively forming stars. “If more information<br />

supports this finding, we need to start<br />

reevaluating how we view our own satellite<br />

galaxies in the Milky Way,” Wechsler said.<br />

JESSICA TRINH is a sophomore Neuroscience major in Branford College.<br />

She is the Vice President of Synapse and is excited to teach middle schoolers<br />

about STEM. She also teaches health education in New Haven middle schools,<br />

nutrition counseling at HAVEN Free Clinic, and is currently leading a research<br />

project on nutrition.<br />

THE AUTHOR WOULD LIKE TO THANK Dr. Marla Geha and Dr. Risa<br />

Wechsler for their time and enthusiasm for sharing their research.<br />


Geha, M., Wechsler, R.H., Mao, Y.Y., et al. 2017. “The SAGA Survey I: Satellite<br />

Galaxy Populations Around Eight Milky Way Analogs. The Astrophys. J. 847, 1-21.<br />

Geha, M., Wechsler, R.H., Bernstein, R., et al. 2017. The SAGA Survey.<br />

Retrieved from http://sagasurvey.org<br />

14 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2017 www.yalescientific.org


the genes<br />

behind<br />

CANCER<br />

by LESLIE SIM || art by LAUREN TELESZ<br />

The BRCA1 gene has been studied<br />

for over two decades due<br />

to its relationship with cancer<br />

growth, with researchers hoping<br />

to elucidate the processes and mechanisms<br />

of BRCA1 in order to effectively<br />

create cancer treatments. On the surface,<br />

we can only observe the physical symptoms<br />

of cancers affecting millions every<br />

year. Delve one step deeper within the<br />

body, and it becomes clear how the growth<br />

of malignant cancer tumors has severe<br />

weakening effects on every bodily system,<br />

from the immune system to other organ<br />

systems. Zoom one final step deeper,<br />

and the root cause is revealed: the genes<br />

we are born with are intricate yet delicate<br />

structures that can be impacted by the environment<br />

or through its own replication<br />

and functions. It is these genes and their<br />

mutations that greatly affect one’s chances<br />

of rampant cancerous growth. One of the<br />

genes that has been identified as a culprit<br />

in such tumor growth and excessive cell<br />

replication is BRCA1.<br />

Over the last twenty-five years alone,<br />

since the BRCA1 gene was discovered,<br />

about 70 million women have been diagnosed<br />

with breast cancer and ovarian cancer.<br />

The BRCA genes have been identified<br />

as significant factors in the role of cancer<br />

growth, but scientists have never been able<br />

to explain exactly why and. It’s been over<br />

two decades—the number of people who<br />

are affected by cancer is increasing and our<br />

time is dwindling.<br />

Fortunately, researchers in the Sung Lab<br />

at Yale, led by Patrick Sung and Weixing<br />

Zhao, have tackled the problem by developing<br />

their own system of protocol to discover<br />

the function of BRCA1 and its interaction<br />

with other genes in the role of<br />

tumor expression. Despite failures in other<br />

labs for years, the Sung lab was certain<br />

that given the right amount of experience,<br />

time, and careful work with the genes and<br />

proteins of interest, they would be able to<br />

build upon previous research to further<br />

study the elusive gene in a novel way.<br />

The Mysterious BRCA1 Gene<br />

BRCA1 is a gene that produces proteins<br />

that prevent cells from multiplying uncontrollably—a<br />

process responsible for eventually<br />

forming a tumor. Although the gene<br />

has been studied extensively over the last<br />

two decades, it has remained a mystery exactly<br />

which proteins BRCA1 is responsible<br />

for expressing and how it interacts with<br />

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December 2017<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


FOCUS<br />

genetics<br />


►Engagement of the BRCA1-BARD1 complex in homologous DNA pairing. In this analogy, the lasso is BRCA1(red)-BARD1(green), the cowboy<br />

is the recombinase RAD51, the large horse is homologous DNA, and the small horse is single-stranded DNA resected from double strand breaks<br />

(DSBs). Caption courtesy of the Sung Lab.<br />

other genes like BARD1. We do know that<br />

the protein made by BRCA1 is involved in<br />

a process called DNA repair, in which it interacts<br />

with other molecules to find damage<br />

within a molecule of DNA and then repair<br />

it. This process is critical to normal cell<br />

function because, when mutations arise,<br />

whether accidentally or through environmental<br />

factors, our bodies require a mechanism<br />

to fix the errors in DNA before the<br />

DNA can be used to produce flawed or unwanted<br />

proteins. In normal humans, there<br />

will be two copies of the functional BRCA1<br />

gene present—one from the mother and<br />

another from the father. As accumulation<br />

of natural mutations or environmental factors<br />

such as radiation from external agents<br />

constantly damage DNA, one or both of the<br />

copies of the gene that coordinates repair<br />

may have mutations or be destroyed. If this<br />

occurs, it is very likely that the DNA repair<br />

mechanism to suppress tumor growth will<br />

be unable to function normally, and there is<br />

a high likelihood of cancer arising.<br />

Among people who inherit just one functioning<br />

copy of the BRCA gene, chances are<br />

that over the years, the functioning gene<br />

will be lost due to environmental damage,<br />

and being devoid of the remaining functional<br />

BRCA gene can eventually lead to<br />

cancer. Mutations in both of the BRCA<br />

genes, called BRCA1and BRCA2, are associated<br />

with all forms of cancer but are<br />

most strongly linked to breast and ovarian<br />

cancer. While it is still a debate why mutations<br />

in these genes primarily affect these<br />

two types of cancers, some believe that<br />

gene expression-related stress is higher in<br />

cells where breast cancer originates. Estrogen-responsive<br />

genes, such as the ones in<br />

breast and ovary tissue, are therefore more<br />

susceptible.<br />

16 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2017 www.yalescientific.org

genetics<br />

FOCUS<br />

Solving the Mystery<br />

BRCA1 has been a mystery for so long<br />

in part because the protein encoded by the<br />

BRCA1 gene is large and complex—with<br />

many components that make it difficult to<br />

work with when trying to avoid denaturing.<br />

The first main challenge in their research was<br />

purifying the protein itself. Proteins, in comparison<br />

with other macromolecules such as<br />

carbohydrates, are much more unstable due<br />

to their various components and ability to<br />

denature, or become inactive, in suboptimal<br />

conditions. Sung says it took several years<br />

of experience to finally design a method to<br />

not only express a very large protein but also<br />

work with the proteins without rendering it<br />

inactive. The researchers working with the<br />

protein had to work quickly and gently with<br />

the delicate proteins in a room with a controlled<br />

temperature in order to preserve the<br />

proteins in their functioning state. Leaving<br />

the protein in a high or low temperature environment<br />

or leaving it out for longer than<br />

about half an hour could denature it to the<br />

point where it could no longer be studied.<br />

Their novel approach allowed them to express<br />

thousand-fold the amount of protein<br />

that was previously possible.<br />

After overcoming this obstacle, the team<br />

was set on further studying the proteins. But<br />

there was still one missing piece to the puzzle<br />

– the BRCA-BARD1 complex required a<br />

helping hand in performing their DNA repair<br />

task.<br />

The team hypothesized that the BRCA1-<br />

BARD1 complex works with an enzyme<br />

called Rad51 because they observed certain<br />

properties in protein factors that suggested<br />

a cooperation with Rad51. To test their<br />

hypothesis, they purposely induced DNA<br />

damage in BRCA1 and then placed purified<br />

elements in a test tube to determine whether<br />

the DNA repair system worked. If the DNA<br />

repair mechanism was successful, then that<br />

proved their hypothesis that Rad51 indeed<br />

was the enzyme that cooperated with the<br />

complex to carry out DNA repair.<br />

They were able to conclude that Rad51<br />

recognized the damaged DNA and paired<br />

it up with an undamaged molecule of DNA<br />

to initiate the DNA repair reaction. Furthermore,<br />

the BRCA1-BARD1 complex is essential<br />

to the DNA repair reaction—when the<br />

complex was unable to form, the repair did<br />

not take place, and mutations affecting either<br />

BRCA1 or BARD1 decreased the effectiveness<br />

of repair.<br />


►Dr. Patrick Sung (right), and associate<br />

researcher Dr. Youngho Kwon (left).<br />

Cancer Treatment’s Bright Future<br />

Patrick Sung said that his passion for research<br />

originated in his intellectual curiosity<br />

and realization as a college student that<br />

cancer was a huge problem that needed to<br />

be cured. His ultimate goal is to develop<br />

drugs that target specific known pathways<br />

to treat cancer, and despite the large strides<br />

this recent paper represents in the field, his<br />

work is far from done. After the discovery<br />

of the cooperation between BRCA1,<br />

BARD1, and the Rad51 enzyme, it still remains<br />

a question how BRCA1 and BRCA2<br />

function together. BRCA2 is also a part of<br />

the complex and plays a definite role in the<br />

DNA repair mechanism as well, but it is not<br />

as clearly understood as BRCA1. With their<br />

novel approach to successful protein purification,<br />

these researchers hope to reconstitute<br />

the larger complex including BRCA2<br />

and determine its relation to cancer formation.<br />

Moreover, they are interested in understanding<br />

how mutations work so that<br />

they can find a basis for using compounds<br />

in cancer treatment.<br />

While many questions remain targets of<br />

Sung’s continued research, it is likely that<br />

both the biological discovery and technical<br />

contribution to the protein purification<br />

process will lead to progress in treating<br />

cancers. Now that researchers know how<br />

the protein factors of BRCA1 function,<br />

they can test it in combination with other<br />

genes to see if they can sensitize cancer<br />

cells to available cancer drugs and determine<br />

the efficacy of those drugs—a process<br />

that would help physicians optimize their<br />

prescriptions for their treatments. On the<br />

other hand, they can also use their knowledge<br />

of how the genes bind and function<br />

to develop new compounds that can regulate<br />

DNA repair processes and eventually<br />

be used in preventative cancer drugs. In<br />

the future, the scientists would like to fully<br />

understand the pathways of BRCA genes to<br />

the point where, by studying an individual’s<br />

genes, they can advise the patient about<br />

how likely it is that they will have cancer<br />

and when they might be most susceptible<br />

to cancer so that they may plan their futures<br />

accordingly.<br />

The fight against cancer is well and alive,<br />

as researchers around the world make<br />

strides towards treatments and preventions.<br />

As the Sung Lab passionately scrapes<br />

away the mysteries of BRCA1, we can be<br />

hopeful that we are well on our way towards<br />

answers for curing cancer.<br />



LESLIE SIM is a first year in Jonathan Edwards College at Yale University<br />

interested in cancer research and biophysics. She enjoys fencing, food<br />

photography, and exploring New Haven streets aside from being a writer for<br />

the Yale Scientific.<br />

THE AUTHOR WOULD LIKE TO THANK the Sung Lab at Yale and would<br />

like to thank, in particular, Professor Patrick Sung, Dr. Weixing Zhao, and<br />

Dr. Youngho Kwon for sharing their knowledge with me in interviews and<br />

expressing enthusiasm about cancer research.<br />


Zhao, Weixing et al. “BRCA1-BARD1 promotes RAD51-mediated homologous<br />

DNA pairing.” Nature, vol. 550, no. 360, 4 October 2017, pp. 360-365.<br />

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Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


Studying the Few to Serve the Many<br />

By Sunnie Liu || Art by Lisa Wu<br />

18<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine December 2017<br />

The ultimate goal is to provide the greatest<br />

amount of happiness for the greatest number<br />

of people, according to philosopher Jeremy<br />

Bentham.1 Take the U.S. government for example:<br />

it awards grants to scientific research<br />

that provides the most benefits for the maximum<br />

number of people.<br />

As a result, scientific research on disease in<br />

America usually centers around the most common<br />

health issues. The National Institute of<br />

Health reports that the three diseases that received<br />

the most federal funding in 2016 were:<br />

cancer, cardiovascular disease, and HIV/AIDS,<br />

which affect patient populations in the hundreds<br />

of thousands. However, researchers like<br />

Yale professor Dr. Pramod Mistry are studying<br />

uncommon diseases to help underserved patients<br />

with rare health problems.<br />

He combined his work on the rare Gaucher<br />

disease with the Chandra neurology laboratory’s<br />

work on the much more common Parkinson’s<br />

disease, a neurodegenerative disorder that<br />

affects movement. In a recent paper in The Journal<br />

of Neuroscience, this joint project, led by Yale<br />

graduate student Yumiko Taguchi, showed that<br />

the mutations that predispose patients to Parkinson’s<br />

disease are the same mutations responsible<br />

for Gaucher disease. For the first time,<br />

the scientists pinpointed the common mechanism<br />

linking Parkinson’s and Gaucher disease,<br />

setting the foundation for potential new treatments<br />

for Parkinson’s disease that target proteins<br />

directly associated with the pathway.<br />

Underserved patients<br />

While learning about health problems that<br />

affect a large part of the population is certainly<br />

important, Mistry always had an interest in rare<br />

diseases. “At a very human level, I was touched<br />

by how underserved these patients were by the<br />

medical profession,” explained Dr. Mistry.<br />

His passion for helping the underserved patients<br />

with rare diseases led him to study Gaucher<br />

disease—a genetic disorder caused by mutations<br />

in a gene called GBA. These mutations<br />

reduce or eliminate the ability of the enzyme<br />

to break down certain fatty molecules, also<br />

known as lipids, leading to the accumulation<br />

of lipids at toxic levels within cells, damaging<br />

tissues and organs.<br />

Over the years, Mistry encountered a number<br />

of case of patients with Gaucher disease who<br />

also developed Parkinson’s disease. Mistry partnered<br />

with the Chandra lab to study the biology<br />

underlying this correlation. “It was known that<br />

mutations in GBA are the most common risk<br />

factor in developing Parkinson’s disease, but we<br />

now wanted to determine the molecular mechanisms,”<br />

stated Taguchi. The researchers hoped<br />

that to learn more about the relationship between<br />

Gaucher and Parkinson’s disease at a molecular<br />

level, and, by extension, discover potential<br />

targets for treating Parkinson’s disease.<br />

Behind the scenes of Parkinson’s disease<br />

In order to understand the correlation between<br />

Parkinson’s and Gaucher disease, one<br />

must first understand how Parkinson’s develops.<br />

Parkinson’s disease is characterized<br />

by the formation of Lewy bodies, abnormal<br />

clumps of protein that develop inside nerve<br />

cells. Aggregation of the protein α-synuclein<br />

comprises the majority of Lewy bodies, so<br />

mutations in the gene that encodes α-synuclein<br />

lead to Parkinson’s disease.<br />

Although mutations in the gene that encodes<br />

α-synuclein are the direct cause of Parkinson’s,<br />

there are particular risk factors that make these<br />

mutations more likely to happen. Normally,<br />

people have two copies of the gene that creates<br />

this protein. If someone has a mutation in only<br />

one copy, they won’t show symptoms because<br />

the other copy of the gene can make enough<br />

GCase1 protein for normal human function.<br />

However, if someone has Gaucher disease, they<br />


medicine<br />

FOCUS<br />


►Yumiko Taguchi, the Yale graduate student<br />

who led the effort on this research project.<br />

have a mutation in both copies of the gene, so<br />

they cannot generate sufficient GCase1 protein.<br />

Interestingly, both patients with a mutation<br />

in only one copy of the gene and patients with<br />

mutations in both copies—Gacuher disease patients—are<br />

more susceptible to Parkinson’s disease.<br />

Those with just one mutated copy of the<br />

gene have a 5-fold increased risk, and those with<br />

two mutated copies have an even higher risk at<br />

20-fold. The scientists wondered how GCase1<br />

mutations might give rise to Parkinson’s disease.<br />

GCase1 protein plays a key role not only<br />

in Parkinson’s, but also in Gaucher disease.<br />

In patients with Gaucher disease, the protein<br />

does not break down a particular complex<br />

lipid GlcCer into the normal simple lipid<br />

products, so both the original and produced<br />

lipids build up. The accumulation of these lipids<br />

characterizes Gaucher disease. Thus, the<br />

researchers proposed that the original complex<br />

lipid GlcCer may contribute to the development<br />

of Parkinson’s disease.<br />

Since mutations that encode α-synuclein<br />

and Gaucher disease both correlate with<br />

Parkinson’s disease, the scientists wanted to<br />

study the relationship, if any, between α-synuclein<br />

and Gaucher disease. A test tube study<br />

showed that the lipids accumulating in Gaucher<br />

disease accelerate the build-up of α-synuclein.<br />

The findings also pinpointed the two<br />

lipids, GlcSph and Sph, that promote more<br />

α-synuclein aggregation than any other lipids<br />

in human cells and neurons.<br />

Justin Abbasi, an undergraduate Yale student<br />

who worked on this research project, summarized<br />

the results: “The proposed mechanism<br />

was really exciting to think about because it<br />

made sense: the lipids build-up caused by Gaucher<br />

disease leads to a protein build-up that<br />

characterize Parkinson’s disease.<br />

After the scientists determined the link between<br />

Parkinson’s disease and the lipids associated<br />

with Gaucher disease, they decided to test<br />

how Gaucher disease mutations affected the<br />

manifestation of Parkinson’s disease. This time,<br />

however, they wanted to conduct the experiments<br />

on mouse models instead of in test tubes.<br />

Relationship status: It’s complicated<br />

The researchers were curious about how<br />

the abnormal breakdown of lipids seen in<br />

Gaucher disease impacted Parkinson’s disease,<br />

so they looked at the lipid levels in the<br />

brains of young mice with Parkinson’s disease.<br />

The scientists discovered that the accumulation<br />

of the lipid GlcSph at concentrations<br />

seen in Gaucher disease produces an<br />

increased amount of the protein α-synuclein.<br />

In addition, the researchers noticed that<br />

as the concentration of GlcSph increased, its<br />

effect on α-synuclein aggregation increased.<br />

These two findings suggest that the accumulation<br />

of GlcSph may exacerbate the aggregation<br />

of α-synuclein in the brain.<br />

Another relationship studied was that of<br />

the accumulation of lipids in the brain and<br />

the mortality of mice with Parkinson’s disease.<br />

The data showed that the mice with Parkinson’s<br />

disease died prematurely, implying that<br />

the mutations in the GBA gene accelerated the<br />

development of Parkinson’s disease. The scientists<br />

also found that the mice who died prematurely<br />

had five times as much of the protein GlcCer<br />

as normal, suggesting a strong correlation<br />

between Parkinson’s disease-related morbidity<br />

and increased lipid levels in the brain.<br />

Connecting these two ideas, the scientists<br />

concluded that for mice with Parkinson’s disease,<br />

α-synuclein aggregated in regions where<br />

GlcCer had built up.<br />

There is no I in team<br />

“Unfortunately, there is no cure to Parkinson’s<br />

disease. You can relieve the symptoms, but that’s<br />

it,” lamented Yumi. However, this new study<br />

provides hope for patients suffering with Parkinson’s<br />

disease: the scientists were able to pinpoint<br />

specific enzymes in the metabolic pathway<br />

that lead to the form of Parkinson’s disease<br />

that stems from mutated GBA genes. Out of all<br />

the various lipids that accumulate due to Gaucher<br />

disease, the researchers found that the<br />

build-up of GlcSph caused the biggest increase<br />

in the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease because<br />

GlcSph accelerated α-synuclein aggregation<br />

the most. Thus, targeting the enzymes involved<br />

with GlcSph offers a potential treatment<br />

for Parkinson’s disease. The data pointed to two<br />

particular enzymes, ASAH1 and glucocerebrosidase<br />

2 (GBA2), as the most promising targets<br />

for treating Parkinson’s disease.<br />

None of these findings would have been<br />

possible without the teamwork between Mistry,<br />

with his Gaucher disease expertise, and the<br />

Chandra Lab, with its neurology expertise. This<br />

case is one of the many important interdisciplinary<br />

science research projects changing the<br />

way we understand disease. Mistry supports<br />

interdisciplinary research as a way for different<br />

branches of knowledge to converge in discovery.<br />

“Any meaningful science now is team science.<br />

The more collaborations you do, the better and<br />

more meaningful your results are going to be,”<br />

asserted Mistry.<br />

Not-so-random mutations<br />



SUNNIE LIU is a first-year prospective art and history of science, medicine, and public<br />

health double major on the pre-med track in Morse College. She writes, photographs,<br />

designs, and illustrates for the Yale Scientific Magazine and volunteers to teach<br />

science and mental health to students in New Haven.<br />

THE AUTHOR WOULD LIKE TO THANK Yumiko Taguchi, Justin Abbasi, Dr.<br />

Sreeganga Chandra, and Dr. Pramond Mistry for their time and for their enthusiasm<br />

about their research.<br />


Neudorfer, O., N. Giladi, D. Elstein, A. Abrahamov, T. Turezkite, E. Aghai, A. Reches,<br />

B. Bembi, and A. Zimran. “Occurrence of Parkinson’s Syndrome in Type 1 Gaucher<br />

Disease.” QJM 89, no. 9 (September 01, 1996): 691-94. Accessed October 20, 2017.<br />

doi:https://doi.org/10.1093/qjmed/89.9.691.<br />

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December 2017<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


FOCUS<br />

evolutionary biology<br />

B I R D<br />

BRAINS<br />

by SARAH ADAMS<br />

art by ISA DEL TORO<br />

The head is arguably one of the most distinct features of vertebrates. Sensory organs accumulated into a mass at the<br />

front of the body over the course of evolution have now become a seminal feature of evolution. Protecting this vital<br />

organ is the skull, a bony structure that must closely encase the brain throughout its entire development—from embryo<br />

to adult. It seems only natural for the skull and brain to be closely connected to each other throughout development.<br />

How can two structures evolve as one entity?<br />

Recently, researchers at Yale formally<br />

mapped out this relationship between reptile<br />

and bird brain and skull roof development<br />

for the first time. “Mammals tend to<br />

be more popular to study in developmental<br />

biology because of their complexity compared<br />

to lower vertebrates like reptiles,” said<br />

Bhart-Anjan Bhullar ‘05, assistant professor<br />

of geology and geophysics at Yale. “But,<br />

because of the large size of mammalian<br />

brains, some fundamental structural relationships<br />

can become obscured.” In human<br />

embryos, for instance, the forebrain rapidly<br />

grows over smaller parts of the brain in<br />

the back of the head, making it difficult to<br />

track the relationship between the skull and<br />

brain during development. Reptiles and<br />

birds, on the other hand, have a clearer regions<br />

of the brain that correspond to certain<br />

regions of the skull, making it easier to<br />

track how the skull forms over parts of the<br />

brain. Through combined approaches in<br />

fossils research and developmental biology,<br />

researchers have been able to show for the<br />

first time that the growth and evolution of<br />

the brain has also triggered corresponding<br />

changes in structure and shape of the skull<br />

for millions of years.<br />

Separate but together<br />

In order to understand how the brain<br />

and skull work together, the fossil record<br />

can help distinguish how skull is separated<br />

into different parts that correspond<br />

to different parts of the brain. “The brain<br />

has three partitions in all vertebrates: the<br />

forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain,” said<br />

Matteo Fabbri, graduate student and lead<br />

author of the published paper. “These partitions<br />

enable embryonic cells to differentiate<br />

into certain bones.” Fabbri and others<br />

at the Bhullar Lab used 3D morphometric<br />

analyses, which visualized patterns of<br />

variation in the brain and skull into different<br />

groupings based on shared qualities, to<br />

examine the skull-morphology and deep<br />

history of the brains of Reptilia and Aves.<br />

“The forebrain will signal to the frontal,<br />

the midbrain signal to the parietal, and the<br />

posterior brain regions will signal to the<br />

back of the skull,” said Fabbri. The presence<br />

of this partition, present in mammals<br />

and reptiles alike, means that it has major<br />

implications for the morphology of the<br />

skull and how it evolves with these parts of<br />

the brain over time.<br />

The research team also examined different<br />

stages of the embryo of various reptiles<br />

by taking eggs at different stages of incubation,<br />

then looking inside of the shell to examine<br />

what the embryo looked like that that<br />

moment. This close examination enabled the<br />

Bhullar Lab to closely study the link between<br />

brain and roofing bones of the skull in early<br />

development. “Logic in developmental biology<br />

is very different from how we think with<br />

the fossil record, but both have the same aim:<br />

to understand why a reptile is like this and a<br />

bird is like this; they are simply complementary<br />

ways of approaching the question.” said<br />

Fabbri. While the fossil record has long been<br />

used to frame the evolutionary relationship<br />

based on morphological differences at<br />

a macro-level, comparative embryology allows<br />

for the developmental level of relation<br />

to be addressed in evolution. The Bhullar<br />

Lab also used CT scanning—which combines<br />

many X-ray measurements to create<br />

an cross-sectional image of an object without<br />

cutting into it—to examine the bone-tobrain<br />

relationship in embryos for the first<br />

time. Despite the physical differences of an<br />

alligator, lizard, and modern-day chicken,<br />

this technology simultaneously visualized<br />

20 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2017 www.yalescientific.org

evolutionary biology<br />

FOCUS<br />

and compared their developing brains and<br />

skull roofs, revealing that they all share the<br />

same developmental pattern.<br />

All three taxa showed direct, one-to-one<br />

correspondence between the developing<br />

forebrain and midbrain with the earliest<br />

stage of development of the frontal and parietal<br />

(roof and sides) bone areas of the skull.<br />

For every degree of development by the<br />

brain, the skull develops to the same extent.<br />

This one-to-one correspondence in embryos<br />

between major parts of the brain and early<br />

skull-roof elements’ developments shows<br />

that the nature of the relationship between<br />

the brain and skull shifts during avian lineage<br />

evolution. Previous studies assumed<br />

that the avian frontal had a fused origin that<br />

caused the resulting shift in avian skull-roof<br />

element identity. These findings collectively<br />

support the notion that the brain is important<br />

in patterning the skull roof.<br />

Not only did Fabbri and the Bhullar Lab<br />

find that there was there a shift in morphology<br />

and relative size to skull from reptiles to birds,<br />

but also in allometry of the brain and skull.<br />

Allometry is the proportional change relative<br />

to body size—specifically the brain and skull<br />

in this case. In this case, there was negative allometry<br />

between the brain and skull during<br />

development of reptiles, meaning that the<br />

brain is relatively large in early developmental<br />

stages, then becomes smaller with respect to<br />

the skull during growth. Birds, on the other<br />

hand, exhibit positive allometry with a large<br />

brain at the hatching stage relative to the skull;<br />

the brain continues to expand during development<br />

into adulthood. “This also shows that<br />

brains in Aves are peramorphic,” Fabbri said,<br />

meaning that although birds retain juvenile<br />

cranial characters observed in dinosaurs and<br />

other reptiles, at the same time, they also exhibit<br />

positive allometry in brain development.<br />

Such differences in development also cause<br />

the evolutionary differences between birds<br />

and reptiles to become more pronounced in<br />

the tree of life.<br />

A collaborative effort<br />

Combining the developmental research<br />

approach with the fossil research approach<br />

could be difficult at times. “We needed to<br />

create comprehensive and inclusive data, but<br />

also needed to be careful.” said Fabbri. “It can<br />

be easy to misinterpret data in the direction<br />

that you were going for.” Nevertheless, after<br />

many correlation tests, the statistical support<br />

was strong behind the embryo’s one-to-one<br />

correspondence between skull and brain development,<br />

showing their co-developmental<br />

relationship. While the fossil record is useful<br />

for examining morphological similarities<br />

and differences across species, it leaves out<br />

gaps in comparative morphology and can<br />

sometimes lead to mistakes in research. This<br />

research’s use of both comparative embryology<br />

and the fossil record more broadly serves<br />

as a reminder to interpret developmental<br />

data within a phylogenetic framework by<br />

fossil records or comparative morphology to<br />

determine homology as a whole.<br />

Moving forward<br />

Officially recognizing the link between the<br />

skull and brain patterning in reptiles and<br />

birds is a significant step in understanding<br />


►Coloring of skull patterning in a chicken skull. Pink represents the frontal skull area, green<br />

represents the parietal skull area, and white represents neurocranial skull area.<br />

how certain morphologies have developed<br />

in reptiles and birds. However, the fact that<br />

bird brains continue to grow further over the<br />

course of their lifetimes compared to other<br />

reptile brains may be due to bird-specific<br />

adaptations such as flight. The research also<br />

represents a larger statement about evolution<br />

itself. “Ultimately, this shows that evolution<br />

is simple and more elegant than it seems.”<br />

Bhullar said. “Now that we have this mapped<br />

out, we better know where to look for gene<br />

expression responsible for these changes.”<br />

The next stage in research may seem more<br />

complicated with a new lens at the genetic<br />

level, but the combination of fossil records<br />

and developmental biology methods and<br />

spirit of collaboration in asking these big<br />

questions are sure to lead to even bigger answers<br />

in the future.<br />



SARAH ADAMS is a prospective Ecology & Evolutionary Biology major in<br />

Morse College ‘20.<br />

THE AUTHOR WOULD LIKE TO THANK Matteo Fabbri and Professor<br />

Anjan Bhullar for sharing their time for this article.<br />


Fabbri, Matteo, et al. “The skull roof tracks the brain during the evolution<br />

and development of reptiles including birds.” Nature Ecology & Evolution,<br />

vol. 1, no. 10, Nov. 2017, pp. 1543–1550., doi:10.1038/s41559-017-0288-2.<br />

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FOCUS<br />

cell biology<br />



Specialized immune<br />

cells as targets for<br />

metabolism in aging<br />

before<br />

after<br />

now possible with specialized immune cells<br />

by Charlie Musoff || art by Sunnie Liu<br />

22 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2017 www.yalescientific.org

cell biology<br />

FOCUS<br />

Areceding hairline, a wrinkly forehead, and a saggy butt are considered undesirable<br />

hallmarks of aging, according to representations in popular media. When people<br />

think about anti-aging, they usually think about reversing this type of surface-level effect.<br />

Everyone has seen beauty campaigns promising to tighten one’s skin or prevent balding,<br />

but the larger causes and effects of aging go far beyond the symptoms in one’s appearance.<br />

While it cannot be argued that the dramatic<br />

increase in the human lifespan over the past<br />

five hundred years reflects positive advancements<br />

in medicine, hygiene, and other health<br />

systems, a longer life comes with an increased<br />

risk of chronic disease. Age is the biggest risk<br />

factor for every chronic disease we know of,<br />

including cancer, cardiovascular disease, and<br />

neurodegeneration, but three different specialists<br />

treat each one. People are not getting<br />

older in a healthy way in large part because<br />

modern medicine does not treat aging in a<br />

disease in and of itself.<br />

Professor Vishwa Deep Dixit and post-doctorate<br />

fellow Christina Camell of the Yale<br />

School of Medicine took up this challenge<br />

and worked to understand aging and its effects<br />

together as one connected disease. They<br />

focused on inflammation, the body’s response<br />

to wound or injury, as a process known to<br />

be a primary trigger of age-related disease.<br />

While in young people, an immune response<br />

will respond to infection and then subside,<br />

in the elderly these patterns of inflammation<br />

never abate, which causes stress and dysfunction.<br />

Dixit and Camell drew a link between<br />

this inflammation and the fat accumulation<br />

also characteristic of aging. The nexus of this<br />

connection lies in macrophages, which are<br />

specialized immune cells. The researchers<br />

found that a class of hormones called catecholamines<br />

directly communicates with a<br />

previously undiscovered subset of macrophages<br />

called nerve-associated macrophages,<br />

which use the nerves to promote lipolysis, or<br />

fat breakdown. Sustained inflammation in<br />

aging increases concentrations of proteins<br />

that degrade these catecholamines, which,<br />

in turn, prevent lipolysis. In other words, as<br />

the mice they used aged, an inability to clear<br />

inflammation decreased catecholamine levels,<br />

which resulted in fat accumulation. This<br />

research implicates crosstalk between the<br />

immune, nervous, and metabolic systems in<br />

the disease of aging, which may provide new<br />

avenues for research to promote wellness in<br />

the elderly.<br />

The deficit<br />

To understand the immune system’s role in<br />

aging and lipolysis, Camell and Dixit initially<br />

needed to flesh out the intersection between<br />

these two processes and the role catecholamines<br />

played in them. Two-year-old mice,<br />

the equivalent of 65-year-old humans, were<br />

shown to release less fat from their adipose<br />

tissue, or fat reserves, than did young ones.<br />

Surprisingly, when the aged mice were given<br />

catecholamines, their rate of lipolysis and<br />

consequent fat release returned to normal,<br />

that is to say that aged fat acted like young fat<br />

when given catecholamines. When cells that<br />

store fat called adipocytes were taken from<br />

these aged mice and grown alongside macrophages,<br />

however, the bounce-back in lipolysis<br />

was no longer observed. Conversely, the addition<br />

of young macrophages to old fat restored<br />

lipolysis. These results were a first clue: catecholamines<br />

promote lipolysis, but something<br />

about aged macrophages specifically reduces<br />

this breakdown of fat. The first major finding,<br />

therefore, was that macrophages in the adipose<br />

tissue control the decrease in lipolysis<br />

observed in aging.<br />

The next step was to figure out the specific<br />

mechanism by which this deficit in fat breakdown<br />

occurs. The researchers analyzed gene<br />

expression in aged macrophages and found<br />

that they express more genes implicated in<br />

catecholamine metabolism than do young<br />

ones, which solidified the link between the<br />

age of the macrophages and their ability to<br />

facilitate lipolysis with catecholamines. One<br />

protein associated with both aging and inflammation<br />

is NLRP3, which forms part of<br />

a larger complex called the inflammasome.<br />

Dixit and Camell found that the activation of<br />

the NLRP3 inflammasome prevented the release<br />

of fats from adipose tissue. On the other<br />

hand, when the researchers engineered mice<br />

without the gene responsible for the production<br />

of NLRP3, they were able to break down<br />

fat normally even as they aged.<br />

Chit-chat<br />

The researchers wanted to see if they could<br />

uncover an underlying biological mechanism<br />

that would explain these observations. To<br />

accomplish this goal, they performed RNA<br />

sequencing analysis, which gives a complete<br />

picture of gene expression, and saw that the set<br />

of genes responsible for catecholamine degradation<br />

in aging macrophages was dependent<br />

on NLRP3. Sustained NLRP3 inflammasome<br />

activation—sustained inflammation—thus,<br />

seemed likely to shift the gene expression<br />

profile of macrophages towards the aged one.<br />

A gene called GDF3 that controls fat accumulation<br />

and showed the strongest positive<br />

correlation with aging was reduced down to<br />

the level of young mice when NLRP3 was<br />

knocked out, which corroborates this evidence.<br />

The NLRP3 knockout also showed<br />

restored-to-normal levels of genes implicated<br />

in fat breakdown and catecholamines’ proper<br />

functioning. On the flip side, this result<br />

indicated that an increase in NLRP3 and its<br />

resultant inflammation in aged macrophages<br />

promoted the degradation of catecholamines<br />

that results in reduced lipolysis.<br />

To visualize the location of macrophages<br />

relative to catecholamines, the research team<br />

used reporter mice, which are mice specially<br />

engineered to have fluorescent proteins<br />

in specific cell types. Using these markers,<br />

Camell was surprised to find macrophages<br />

in a pattern never previously observed. “The<br />

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FOCUS<br />

cell biology<br />

macrophages are actually lining the nerve,”<br />

she said. “They almost look like they’re hugging<br />

it.” This configuration led Camell to conclude<br />

that she had discovered an entirely new<br />

subset of macrophages, termed nerve-associated<br />

macrophages, that represents the intersection<br />

of the nervous, immune, and metabolic<br />

systems. These immune cells directly<br />

access the catecholamines from the nerves,<br />

which allows them to regulate levels of these<br />

hormones in the adipose tissue. Where before,<br />

the exact relationship of the nerve, the<br />

released catecholamine, and the adipocyte<br />

was unclear, now macrophages have been<br />

established as a direct and crucial link. This<br />

immediate connection allows the nerve-associated<br />

macrophages to influence both lipid<br />

metabolism and inflammation, two primary<br />

factors that contribute to aging, via their control<br />

over the concentration of catecholamines<br />

present in the adipose tissue.<br />

Learning how to manipulate this system<br />

was a final step to cement the validity of these<br />

findings. Aged macrohpages were found to<br />

overexpress an enzyme called MAOA that<br />

is implicated in catecholamine degradation,<br />

so the researchers treated aged mice<br />

with a MAOA inhibitor and saw increased<br />

fat breakdown. This result confirms the link<br />

between catecholamine degradation and resistance<br />

to lipolysis in aging. To sum up the<br />

model, when catecholamines are released by<br />

still functional nerves in aged individuals, inflamed<br />

macrophages have excess biological<br />

“machinery” like MAOA that degrades the<br />

catecholamines, so the hormones are broken<br />

down before they can act on the adipocyte to<br />

promote lipolysis. This more complete picture<br />

gives researchers a better comprehension<br />

of the complicated crosstalk between the nervous,<br />

immune, and metabolic systems and<br />

how it influences fat breakdown in aging.<br />

The life in your years<br />

Down the road, an understanding of these<br />

intersecting communication patterns has<br />

far-reaching applications in treatment for aging<br />

in line with its classification as a chronic<br />

disease. The aforementioned class of MAOA<br />

inhibitors is currently used as treatment for<br />

depression, but if research worked to localize<br />

these drugs such that they do not affect<br />

the brain, this therapeutic avenue would<br />

be promising. With lower levels of MAOA<br />

comes higher levels of catecholamines, which<br />

can restore lipolysis in aging individuals. An<br />


►Nerve-associated macrophages, shown in green, seem to hug sympathetic nerves, shown<br />

in white.<br />

alternative target is GDF3, the NLRP3-dependent<br />

protein that inhibits fat breakdown.<br />

While GDF3 is a single upregulated protein<br />

under the overarching control of the NLRP3<br />

inflammasome, NLRP3 itself is required for<br />

fighting off infection, so drugs to block this<br />

protein can increase the risk of certain infections.<br />

Instead, neutralization of GDF3 is an<br />

indirect way to achieve the same goal. If aberrant<br />

inflammation via GDF3 can be prevented,<br />

cells of the adipose tissue will show better<br />

lipolysis. Regardless of the mechanism, these<br />

strategies work to influence the crosstalk<br />

between macrophages and their associated<br />

nerves, which, in turn, influences fat metabolism.<br />

The communication between the nervous,<br />

immune, and metabolic systems that<br />

this research establishes integrates almost<br />

every organ system and so has clear potential<br />

to address the disease of aging as a condition<br />

that impacts all aspects of human health.<br />

When viewed through an even broader<br />

lens, this research is about improving people’s<br />

healthspan, the time during which an individual<br />

is in good health. To clarify the relationship<br />

between catecholamine degradation<br />

and inflammation is to draw the links between<br />

the immune, nervous, and metabolic<br />

systems that, for example, can be implemented<br />

to mitigate neurodegenerative and other<br />

age-related diseases. Ultimately this research<br />

may represent a key to healthier aging. “Our<br />

goal is not to simply increase lifespan,” Dixit<br />

said, “but to add life to the years that exist.”<br />

An understanding of the mechanisms controlling<br />

lipolysis, however narrow of a focus,<br />

can help to achieve this universal ideal: to add<br />

life to your years.<br />



CHARLIE MUSOFF is a sophomore molecular, cellular, and developmental<br />

biology major in Davenport College. Besides being Yale Scientific’s Outreach<br />

Designer, Charlie enjoys running, singing with the Baker’s Dozen, and<br />

teaching with Community Health Educators.<br />

THE AUTHOR WOULD LIKE TO THANK Christina Camell and Professor<br />

Vishwa Deep Dixit for their time and insights.<br />


Pirzgalska, Roksana M, et al. “Sympathetic Neuron-Associated Macrophages<br />

Contribute to Obesity by Importing and Metabolizing Norepinephrine.” Nature<br />

Medicine, 9 Oct. 2017, doi:10.1038/nm.4422.<br />

24 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2017 www.yalescientific.org

materials science<br />



A new microscope images surfaces 5000 times faster<br />



►The second harmonic microscope constructed by the<br />

researchers, used to image a glass capillary.<br />

Many industrial processes rely on chemical reactions occurring<br />

along surfaces, such as the Haber-Bosch process that produces<br />

ammonia on the surface of iron for fertilizer and other industrial<br />

products. It may seem surprising, then, that there are presently<br />

no good ways to observe these reactions on the molecular level in<br />

real-time because of their speed and scale (they occur on a scale<br />

smaller than the width of a human hair).<br />

Earlier this year, however, researchers at the École Polytechnique<br />

Fédérale de Lausanne, a research institution in Lausanne,<br />

Switzerland, constructed and tested of a new type of microscope<br />

that can do just that—look at surface chemistry on the micro-scale<br />

in real-time. Using their microscope, the researchers measured, in<br />

a matter of milliseconds, the variation in chemical properties of<br />

a glass surface over micrometers. Their results were published in<br />

August 2017 in Science.<br />

The first of its kind, this microscope is known as a “wide-field,<br />

structured illumination, second harmonic microscope,” which, as<br />

its name suggests, utilizes a phenomenon called second harmonic<br />

generation (SHG). SHG is a process that allows two photons—<br />

particles of light—to combine under certain conditions, resulting<br />

in a new photon with exactly twice the frequency. This is similar<br />

to how two water droplets, when colliding with suitable orientations<br />

and speeds, can combine to form a droplet with precisely<br />

twice the volume.<br />

For SHG, the new photon forms only when two original photons<br />

interact with a non-centrosymmetric material—a material<br />

without a central point about which the molecules can be reflected.<br />

For example, a pizza in five slices is non-centrosymmetric,<br />

while a pizza in six slices is centrosymmetric. The net number of<br />

photons generated by SHG depends on the orientation of this<br />

non-centrosymmetric material.<br />

This property is what allows the researchers to use SHG in their<br />

microscope. First, to reveal underlying chemical structures of a<br />

glass-water interface, the researchers wetted the surface, causing<br />

water molecules to selectively cluster on areas to which they<br />

were more attracted, akin to how shaking a tray of sand with a<br />

strip of glue collects sand along that strip. Next, the researchers<br />

shined light onto the whole surface, showering it with photons.<br />

Because water molecules are non-centrosymmetric, the amount<br />

of SHG depends on the orientation of the water molecules, which<br />

in turn depends on the surface’s underlying chemical structure.<br />

By measuring the output of SHG photons coming from different<br />

positions on the curved glass surface, the researchers were able to<br />

reconstruct the chemical properties of the different parts of the<br />

surface in 3D.<br />

Since this microscope captures the entire surface all at once, it<br />

captures images more than 5000 times faster than current second<br />

harmonic microscopes. Most importantly, this increase in speed<br />

does not sacrifice image quality. Sylvie Roke, the principle investigator<br />

of the project, was herself pleasantly surprised about the<br />

sensitivity of the microscope. “What I find amazing is that there<br />

are so few oriented water molecules—just one nanometer of oriented<br />

water molecules—and I can see them so brightly,” Roke<br />

said.<br />

The advantages of this new microscope hardly end there. Sapun<br />

H. Parekh of the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research<br />

in Mainz, Germany, added that this microscope offers the additional<br />

benefit of being operational even without precise control<br />

of the environment—unlike most other methods to study surface<br />

chemistry that require ultrahigh vacuums to operate. One<br />

straightforward application of this microscope could be to improve<br />

the industrial manufacturing of surfaces, such as solar cells.<br />

By examining the surface chemistry of manufactured surfaces in<br />

real-time, we can get immediate feedback on the manufacturing<br />

processes, making its optimization easier and more efficient.<br />

Roke foresees even more exciting applications for the new microscope,<br />

such as imaging biological processes like neurons firing.<br />

“Neurons communicate by electrostatic signals that travel across<br />

the membrane,” Roke said. “What if I could use this method to<br />

[image the] membrane of the neuron while it is signaling to other<br />

neurons, without modifying the neuron?” This would be an impressive<br />

step forward to understanding how neurons function,<br />

since current technologies only allow us to observe neurons by<br />

modifying them.<br />

While there are still some nuances in second harmonic microscopy<br />

that remain to be explicitly addressed, the researchers have<br />

certainly accomplished a proof of concept with the new instrument.<br />

As Parekh puts it, “What they showed is not the end application—it’s<br />

just the beginning.”<br />

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neuroscience<br />


The neural mechanisms that regulate water consumption<br />


Water is essential for life. Its consumption is so intuitive, you probably<br />

don’t recall the last time you drank up. The body must work<br />

constantly to combat water loss caused by urine production, sweating,<br />

and respiration, most often by inducing water intake. Though<br />

water regulation is an essential process, the brain mechanisms that<br />

govern thirst were unknown until now. “Thirst is an ancient and<br />

extremely powerful motivational signal,” said Will Allen, a graduate<br />

student in the Department of Biology at Stanford, where he and his<br />

colleagues study neural pathways that motivate thirst. Their results<br />

were reported in Science this September.<br />

Animal behaviors, including thirst, are known to be motivated<br />

by two distinct mechanisms. The first is “drive reduction,” whereby<br />

thirsty animals learn to drink to avoid the “aversive state” of thirst.<br />

The second mechanism works the opposite way: thirsty animals<br />

have greater incentive than their satiated counterparts to drink for<br />

the “reward” of satiety. Previous studies suggested that the latter reward<br />

mechanism is more likely in the case of thirst, but could not<br />

provide neural mechanisms to support this hypothesis.<br />

The study at Stanford provided evidence that thirst is an “aversive<br />

internal state” and is actually driven by the first mechanism. “This<br />

study provides a neural implementation of a long-discarded theory<br />

from psychology about how motivational drives produce behavior,”<br />

Allen said. The conclusion was enabled by recently-developed techniques<br />

that allowed researchers to selectively access, activate and<br />

manipulate neurons in the brain.<br />

To identify the specific group of neurons that encode thirst, the<br />

researchers altered the genetic sequences of mice so that cells would<br />

fluoresce in red during thirst. The fluorescence gene is aptly named<br />

tdTomato. By comparing tdTomato fluorescence between water-deprived<br />

and water-satiated mice, they were able to pick out the<br />

cells that had increased activity due to thirst.<br />

The researchers then isolated the tdTomato-positive cells before<br />

using single-cell RNA sequencing to determine individual genetic<br />

expression profiles. Based on these profiles, the researchers identified<br />

two cell types. One of the cell types was concentrated in the median<br />

preoptic nucleus (MnPO) in the hypothalamus region of the<br />

brain. Since the hypothalamus is known to regulate many metabolic<br />

processes, the MnPO neurons were expected to be the primary<br />

motivators of thirst.<br />

The researchers hypothesized that if the MnPO neurons indeed<br />

motivate thirst, then artificially activating them should induce water<br />

consumption. They inserted genetic “switches” into mice MnPO<br />

neurons to turn thirst on and off with a laser beam and a fiber optic<br />

implant. Photoactivation of the neurons in water-satiated animals<br />

induced water consumption, and the rate of water consumption<br />

scaled with frequency of stimulation. Water-deprived mice were<br />

trained to press a lever to obtain water, such that photoactivation of<br />

the neurons induced lever-pressing.<br />

To determine that activity of these neurons causes an aversive<br />

state, two experiments were performed. First, mice were put into<br />

a chamber, one half of which photoactivated the neurons. Mice invariably<br />

learned to avoid that half. In the second experiment, water-deprived<br />

mice were provided a lever that turned off photoactivation.<br />

They learned to vigorously lever-press, even though no<br />

water was provided upon pressing. Moreover, the higher the frequency<br />

of photoactivation, the higher rate of lever-pressing. Their<br />

response indicated that higher levels of MnPO neuron activity are<br />

more aversive, and result in stronger thirst.<br />

Finally, the researchers investigated how MnPO neuron activity<br />

decreases upon water intake. They proposed three mechanisms:<br />

first, that neuron activity decreases due to anticipation of water; second,<br />

that neuron activity decreases as water is consumed; and third,<br />

that neuron activity continues until a certain satiety threshold, after<br />

which it abruptly turns off. Once again, they inserted the tdTomato<br />

fluorescence gene into MnPO neurons, allowing the neurons<br />

to fluoresce with an intensity proportional to their activity. When<br />

mice were allowed to press a lever to obtain water, their MnPO activity<br />

decreased gradually over several minutes, much more slowly<br />

than during free drinking. Once neuron activity reached a minimum,<br />

the mice stopped lever-pressing. This indicated that MnPO<br />

neurons receive quantitative real-time feedback from the body, and<br />

adjust their activity accordingly.<br />

The study shows how MnPO neurons regulate animals’ water-seeking<br />

behavior, improving our understanding of how thirst<br />

is motivated. It remains to be seen whether the alternative reward<br />

mechanism has any role in thirst, how MnPO neurons know when<br />

satiety is achieved, and what makes up the myriad secondary pathways<br />

that enable such a small cluster of cells to elicit a coordinated<br />

response, supporting the survival of animals for hundreds of thousands<br />

of years.<br />


► Thirst is a primordial drive in response to the constant need to<br />

combat water loss.<br />

26 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2017 www.yalescientific.org

engineering<br />




Harvesting energy with carbon nanotube yarns<br />


►Carbon nanotubes are a carbon allotrope that exhibit remarkable<br />

electromagnetic and mechanical properties.<br />

Picture a bike ride along the seaside. Your T-shirt has a<br />

built-in heart rate monitor to track your activity. Floating up<br />

from the picturesque water are dozens, maybe hundreds of<br />

balloons that feed into a charging station on the beach, where<br />

you can recharge your phone to take a photo of the incredible<br />

scene. This is the future that Carter Haines, associate research<br />

professor at the University of Texas in Dallas, envisions.<br />

Haines and his collaborators have figured out a way<br />

to turn mechanical energy into electricity with the help of<br />

carbon nanotube yarns.<br />

At the heart of the method is a capacitor. The archetypal<br />

capacitor is called a parallel-plate electrostatic capacitor, and<br />

it consists of a positive and a negative electrode with some dielectric<br />

medium in between. This dielectric is a material that<br />

stores charge well; the electrodes, by contrast, are conductors<br />

through which charge is quickly removed as a current. You<br />

can charge a capacitor to a high voltage and then harvest the<br />

energy inside it at a later time.<br />

“You take a piece of rubber, coat carbon grease on both<br />

sides to get electrodes, and as you stretch and release this<br />

rubber you can change the capacitance and get energy out,”<br />

Haines said. However, the trouble with electrostatic capacitors<br />

is two-fold. First, of course, you have to charge them<br />

up with an electronic circuit to start with. Second, a human<br />

body, with its high conductivity, probably shouldn’t be near,<br />

let alone touching, high voltages.<br />

This is the beauty of electrochemical capacitors. Virtually<br />

all electrochemical capacitors today have electrodes made of<br />

carbon allotropes—different forms of carbon with its atoms<br />

interacting in different ways—with high surface areas. Carbon<br />

nanotubes are one class of such allotropes. First discovered by<br />

Soviet scientists Radushkevich and Lukyanovich in 1952, they<br />

are incredibly strong and stiff, with length-to-diameter ratios<br />

of up to 100 million. They are grown upright in what is called a<br />

forest, then pulled out into fibers and twisted into yarns. “The<br />

nanotubes are no longer in the yarn axis, but are following<br />

helical paths, just as you’d have with any yarn that you twist,”<br />

Haines said. If you continue to twist the yarn under pressure,<br />

it will actually form coils; you’ve probably discovered this phenomenon<br />

while playing with your shoelaces. With the right<br />

amount of tension on the ends of the yarn during the twisting<br />

process, you can get neatly packed coils.<br />

The dielectric in an electrochemical capacitor is an electrolyte,<br />

a solution of charged ions in a liquid. “Because there’s<br />

so much surface area on the surface of the nanotubes, the<br />

ions can just come and hang out on the surface,” Haines said.<br />

“When we compress the yarn, we’re actually getting rid of<br />

surface area.” By pulling one strand (one electrode) and tightening<br />

the twist, the ions on it pack closer together, increasing<br />

the voltage. Since the ions all have the same sign, they repel<br />

each other and are eager to escape. Even a small voltage on<br />

the surface area of the nanotubes will collect a large charge—<br />

much larger than the charge on their conventional parallel<br />

plate counterparts. Thus, electrochemical capacitors have<br />

earned the alternate name of “supercapacitors,” and their low<br />

voltage means no electrocuted humans.<br />

The most interesting application is the potential for embedding<br />

the yarns into clothing. The group has already tracked<br />

breathing, which Haines says is just the beginning. “You can<br />

measure things like pulse, heart rate and all sorts of things<br />

about the way the body is moving just by having different<br />

yarns embedded in the textile,” Haines said. The biggest roadblock<br />

to a commercial-scale use of energy-harvesting yarns is<br />

the production cost of the carbon nanotubes. The search is on<br />

for cheaper alternatives that have the same ability to host ions<br />

from an electrolyte on an easily changeable surface area.<br />

In the lab and in the fabrics, the electrolyte is some kind<br />

of synthetic gel. But it turns out that seawater, with its high<br />

salt concentration, also works well. Haines’ collaborators in<br />

South Korea did indeed attach a balloon to one end of the<br />

yarn and hold the other down to the seabed with a rock.<br />

“They can see the voltage coming out of the yarn as the waves<br />

are moving the balloon around,” Haines said. Harvesting the<br />

mechanical energy of ocean waves has been an open challenge,<br />

and one that these yarns may rise to meet—if scientists<br />

succeed in finding a way to affordably produce them on the<br />

industrial scale.<br />

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December 2017<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


Pesticides, Honey, and Dead Bees<br />

|| global honey contamination with neonicotinoids ||<br />

by Jiyoung Kang<br />

art by Zihao Lin<br />

As the weather gets colder,<br />

most of us love bundling<br />

up with a cup of hot tea<br />

with honey. Not only do<br />

bees provide us with delicious honey,<br />

but they also pollinate about a third of<br />

all food we eat. We admire bees as hard<br />

workers, marvel at their waggle dance,<br />

and thank them for honey and other pollinated<br />

foods. However, their population has<br />

been rapidly declining across the world due to threats<br />

such as habitat loss, disease and pesticide use.<br />

One class of pesticides known to be toxic to pollinators<br />

is the neonicotinoids (termed “neonics”),<br />

the most widely-used class of insecticides.<br />

They affect the bees’ health, interfering<br />

with their metabolism, learning<br />

and growth. They even threaten the

health of queen bees, which can be severely detrimental to colony<br />

population sizes. In a study recently published in Science, a team of<br />

researchers at University of Neuchâtel and the botanical garden of<br />

Neuchâtel found that most honey samples around the world are contaminated<br />

with these dangerous neonics.<br />

The project stemmed from an exhibition on bees organized by the<br />

botanical garden of Neuchâtel in Switzerland. The director came up<br />

with the idea of gathering global honey samples and asked visitors,<br />

friends and colleagues who were travelling to bring back local honey.<br />

Edward Mitchell and Alexandre Aebi, researchers at University of<br />

Neuchâtel, saw the potential to use the university’s analytic capabilities<br />

to do something more with this worldwide collection of honey—and<br />

thus the collaboration began. Because of the controversy about pesticides<br />

and pollinator populations and because of neonics’ wide use and<br />

well-known effects on pollinators, they decided to construct a global<br />

map of honey exposure to neonics.<br />

Over one hundred colleagues, friends and relatives joined forces to<br />

collect honey from every continent except Antarctica. The researchers<br />

then selected and tested almost 200 samples for five different neonics.<br />

Their results were shocking. The pesticides were found in 75% of all<br />

samples, and 45% were contaminated with more than one of the five<br />

tested compounds. The effects of exposure to this “cocktail” are still<br />

not fully understood, but such combinations are suspected to be much<br />

more lethal for bees than individual compounds alone. Additionally,<br />

levels of neonics in nearly half of the samples exceeded the lowest<br />

concentration at which they are known to be harmful to bees. The<br />

detected levels were below the limit for human consumption according<br />

to current EU regulations, although the long-term consequences<br />

of consuming these “safe” honeys are still unknown.<br />

According to the researchers, the significance of their work is several-fold.<br />

“Many people will say that it is not surprising that there are pesticides<br />

in honey, but we put a figure to this; we mapped it out,” Mitchell<br />

said. Although there have been previous studies analyzing the pattern<br />

of neonics and their impact on pollinators, this study is unique in that it<br />

provides a global perspective. It was shocking, even for the researchers,<br />

that such a high percentage of honey samples from all around the world<br />

were contaminated with neonics.<br />

Mitchell also believes that their work generates many new questions.<br />

Although the neonicotinoid levels were below the limit set by regulations<br />

on human consumption, the researchers cannot definitively say that it is<br />

safe to eat contaminated honey. “We still don’t know how consuming<br />

low concentrations of pesticide over a long period of time affects the<br />

human body,” Mitchell said. Plus, more evidence is emerging that neonics<br />

might have detrimental effects not only on non-target invertebrates<br />

but also on vertebrates, which include humans.<br />

This study focused only on a subset of neonics—only five out of the<br />

several hundred pesticide types used throughout the world. “So, there<br />

is this big question mark about what else there is in honey, and not<br />

just in honey but even in every food we eat,” Mitchell said. Although<br />

their research cannot provide the answer, he believes it is important<br />

to continue raising these questions and conducting more research on<br />

the topic. “We should be more cautious about the way we develop and<br />

use these pesticides and look for alternatives in case these pesticides<br />

turn out not to be absolutely essential,” he said. Neonics are used to<br />

coat seeds so that insects that later feed on the plants will be exposed<br />

to the toxic compounds. Therefore, they are used preventively to minimize<br />

future attacks, rather than as a direct response to a specific attack,<br />

which is why Aebi believes that their necessity should be reevaluated.<br />

ecology<br />


There have already been cases in Switzerland in which a partial ban<br />

on specific pesticides did not lead to yield losses in crops, contrary to<br />

farmers’ worries.<br />

Aebi has been a beekeeper for 15 years, in addition to being a biologist<br />

and an anthropologist. He has experienced the changes in bee<br />

population and honey first-hand. When the researchers first started<br />


►Alexandre Aebi, one of the researchers behind this study, has<br />

been a beekeeper for 15 years and has witnessed changes in bee<br />

populations first-hand.<br />

the project, they wanted to develop a technique to chemically analyze<br />

the global collection of honey. They needed pure honey for their<br />

protocol, so they could contaminate it with a known concentration of<br />

neonics and calibrate their machines. Aebi recollected how he naively<br />

thought that it would be easy, assuming that his honey was pure. It<br />

turned out that his honey was contaminated with three molecules,<br />

even though he has been taking care of his bees organically. “It is not<br />

easy to keep the bees in purely harmless surroundings, because bees<br />

can travel up to twelve kilometers to collect nectar,” he said. Despite<br />

bans on neonics for certain crops, bees can still travel far away and be<br />

affected by the pesticides in other farms or private gardens.<br />

He has also heard from his beekeeping friends that not long ago, their<br />

queen bees lived for around five years, but now the queens have to be<br />

replaced every two years. When the queens are exposed to neonics,<br />

they lose the ability to store spermatozoids, which decreases their ability<br />

to produce new bees.<br />

As such, the effects of neonics on bees are real and detrimental. The<br />

researchers believe that political actions are crucial to minimize further<br />

damage. A total ban on all neonics is in the works in France, and<br />

partial bans are in effect throughout the EU, although their impacts are<br />

yet unknown. More research must be initiated and funded to assess<br />

such long-term consequences of pesticide exposure and regulations,<br />

and to develop new alternatives and re-analyze the necessity of these<br />

toxic compounds.<br />

As a next step, the researchers would like to create maps for individual<br />

countries or smaller regions, and possibly for different categories<br />

of pesticides such as herbicides and fungicides. Aebi believes that<br />

analyzing changes in wild bees and populations of other organisms<br />

is also important. The researchers envision a future where both crop<br />

yields and the environment are protected, with bees happily and safely<br />

buzzing around, making honey.<br />

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December 2017<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />



astronomy<br />



Hydrothermal seafloor deposits on Mars send us back in time.<br />

by: YULAN ZHANG | art by: EMMA WILSON<br />

The search for the origin of life often leads deep<br />

into the annals of Earth’s geological record. Based<br />

on fossil evidence, scientists believe that early life<br />

may have thrived in a hydrothermal seafloor environment<br />

3.8 billion years ago; however, because<br />

of Earth’s active plate tectonics, most geologic evidence<br />

from this time period has been altered or<br />

overwritten by younger, or more recent, geological<br />

activity. A group of researchers led by Professor<br />

Joseph R. Michalski from the University of<br />

Hong Kong, however, recently uncovered strong<br />

mineral evidence of contemporaneous hydrothermal<br />

activity in the Eridania basin on Mars.<br />

Since Mars and Earth share a similar early history,<br />

these deposits could potentially lend insight<br />

into conditions on early Earth. This research was<br />

published July 2017 in Nature’s Communications.<br />

Earth and Mars both formed about 4.6 billion<br />

years ago, at the same time as the rest of the solar<br />

system. Theoretical models combined with<br />

chemical and geological evidence suggest that<br />

their early environments were very similar; thus,<br />

their early geological records are thought to hold<br />

analogous information. Furthermore, whereas<br />

Earth’s early geological record has been mostly<br />

deformed or destroyed, Mars’ remains largely<br />

pristine because Mars, unlike Earth, no longer<br />

has active plate tectonics.<br />

Earth’s interior is divided into three main layers:<br />

the crust, the mantle, and the core. The crust<br />

is the Earth’s surface, the core is the Earth’s center,<br />

and the mantle is the thick layer of molten rock<br />

in between. The theory of plate tectonics posits<br />

that Earth’s crust is divided into several sections,<br />

or plates, that push and rub against each other to<br />

produce mountains, volcanoes, earthquakes, and<br />

other geological phenomena. These movements<br />

are driven by convection within the mantle, a<br />

process of heat transfer that results in the creation<br />

of a sort of cycling current. This process is<br />

analogous to a pot of water on a stove: the burner<br />

directly heats the water at the bottom of the<br />

pot, causing it to rise. When this water reaches<br />

the top, it loses some of its heat to the air, causing<br />

it to cool and sink back to the bottom, where it<br />

is heated again. This repeated process of heating,<br />

rising, cooling, and then sinking creates a sort of<br />

current inside the pot. The Earth’s mantle undergoes<br />

a similar process, except instead of a stove, it<br />

is heated by the Earth’s core.<br />

One of the consequences of plate tectonics is<br />

the constant recycling of oceanic crust. When<br />

two plates push against each other, one of them<br />

is sometimes pushed beneath the other, causing<br />

it to sink and melt in the mantle. This process,<br />

called subduction, is particularly prevalent in<br />

oceanic crust. As a result, ancient oceanic crust<br />

is often destroyed or altered over time, meaning<br />

that clear geological records documenting the<br />

emergence and early development of life are difficult<br />

to find on Earth.<br />

Geological evidence suggests that Mars may<br />

have once also had plate tectonics; however, due<br />

to its relatively small size, this stopped long ago.<br />

All planets radiate heat, meaning that they slowly<br />

cool over time. Since Mars is much smaller in size<br />

than Earth, it loses heat at a faster rate, similar<br />

to how a cup of tea would cool faster than a pot<br />

of soup. Since plate tectonics depends on convection,<br />

which in turn depends on the presence<br />

of a heat source, this heat loss means that Mars’<br />

plate tectonics eventually shut down. Thus, Mars’<br />

ancient geological record remains relatively undisturbed,<br />

making it a valuable “Rosetta Stone”<br />

for studying environmental conditions on early<br />

Earth.<br />

The Eridania basin is one of the oldest regions<br />

of Mars’ crust. Previous research has shown that<br />

it is composed of several smaller, connected<br />

sub-basins that were once filled with water to a<br />

depth of up to 1.5 km, making it the site of an<br />

ancient sea. The Eridania basin contained more<br />

water than all other Martian lakes combined, and<br />

it would have had almost three times the volume<br />

of the largest lake on Earth, the Caspian Sea.<br />

Michalski’s group expanded upon these findings<br />

by analyzing Eridania’s mineralogy using<br />

data collected via high-resolution satellite imaging<br />

and infrared spectroscopy. Infrared spectroscopy<br />

uses infrared light, a type of light invisible to<br />

30 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2017 www.yalescientific.org

astronomy<br />



►The study determined that Eridania’s deposits had a hydrothermal<br />

origin, meaning that they formed as a result of underwater volcanic<br />

activity.<br />


►Previous research has shown that the Eridania Basin is composed<br />

of several sub-basins that were filled at most up to the 1,100 m<br />

elevation line. This suggests that the parts of the lake were between<br />

1-1.5 km deep.<br />


►The study used spectral data collected by NASA’s CRISM, an imaging<br />

spectrometer that was built to search for mineralogical evidence of<br />

water on Mars’ surface.<br />

the human eye, to “look” at chemical compounds. This enables<br />

scientists to see minerals in “colors” absents in visible light, allowing<br />

them to identify the minerals. The infrared data used in<br />

the study was collected through NASA’s CRISM (Compact Reconnaissance<br />

Imaging Spectrometer for Mars), an instrument<br />

on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) that searches for<br />

mineralogical evidence of past water on Mars’ surface. Satellite<br />

images were used to help the researchers to contextualize their<br />

results in terms of the planet’s actual geography to create a better<br />

interpretation.<br />

The researchers discovered that the Eridania basin contained<br />

iron- and magnesium-rich clays. These substances are widespread<br />

across Mars’ surface; however, the specific types and distribution<br />

of clays present were unusual and sometimes matched<br />

better with terrain on Earth’s seafloors than terrain on Mars.<br />

In addition to clays, the researchers also found evidence of<br />

carbonates, silica, and sulfides—compounds all formed through<br />

hydrothermal activity, or underwater volcanism, on Earth. Using<br />

a crater-counting function, the researchers also determined<br />

that the deposits were about 3.8 billion years old, contemporaneous<br />

with the oldest evidence of life on Earth.<br />

Eridania’s clays may have formed through evaporation. However,<br />

this would have resulted in the production of chemical<br />

compounds not present in the deposits, making this hypothesis<br />

unlikely. An alternative explanation for the deposits is air<br />

fall—for instance, wind could have carried ash from a nearby<br />

volcanic eruption into the basin. However, since no deposits of<br />

similar age were found anywhere outside of the basin, this too<br />

is implausible. Thus, the researchers concluded that the deposits<br />

were most likely created in a hydrothermal context. This is<br />

supported by the presence of large volumes of lava on the basin<br />

floor, indicating that significant volcanic activity occurred at<br />

some point during the basin’s history.<br />

The Eridania basin is unique among other sites on Mars in its<br />

ability to illuminate the conditions surrounding the origin of<br />

life on Earth. Not only does it represent an ancient hydrothermal<br />

environment, but it was also active around the same time<br />

early life thrived on Earth. Michalski hopes that future studies<br />

will continue investigating the details of his group’s current results.<br />

He also hopes for a rover visit to the Eridania basin in the<br />

future. “If we can visit it with a rover and obtain some physical<br />

samples of the terrain, we would surely learn a lot about how<br />

life originates, even if we don’t find direct evidence of life,” Michalski<br />

said.<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

December 2017<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


FEATURE cell biology<br />


Programing Bacteria to Make Materials<br />

by MINDY LE || art by JASON YANG<br />

In the past few decades, scientists have increasingly delved into<br />

the field of synthetic biology. As its name suggests, synthetic biology<br />

combines the realms of biology and engineering to produce systems<br />

never before seen in nature. Often, these systems are inspired by<br />

what is found in nature, but they proceed a step further by undergoing<br />

“engineering” to become something more beneficial. In the<br />

context of synthetic biology, engineering typically refers to the introduction<br />

of foreign genetic material with “instructions” that tell the<br />

organism of interest what to produce. However, synthetic biology is<br />

not limited to simply expressing a biological product. In fact, scientists<br />

have come up with a number of ways to engineer organisms to<br />

do unexpected, beneficial things. For example, have you ever considered<br />

designing bacteria that act as pressure sensors?<br />

While such a physical device made up of microorganisms seems<br />

difficult to imagine, researchers at Duke University have accomplished<br />

just that. By engineering self-patterning bacteria that can<br />

be printed on permeable, three-dimensional scaffolds, they generated<br />

pressure sensors out of microbes. The sensors are domeshaped<br />

and are made of both organic and inorganic materials,<br />

namely gold nanoparticles applied onto the bacteria.<br />

In a study published in early October, the researchers engineered<br />

a specific strain of Escherichia coli (E. coli), a bacterium commonly<br />

used in biological research, to produce a protein that composes the<br />

pressure sensor. “The main motivation is to demonstrate the following<br />

principle: living cells can be engineered to form self-organized<br />

2D or 3D structures, which in turn can be used to assemble structured<br />

materials with well-defined physical properties,” said Lingchong<br />

You, the head researcher on the study and a biomedical engineering<br />

professor at Duke University.<br />

The team chose to develop pressure sensors based on previous work<br />

at Harvard and MIT, where bacteria were engineered and applied onto<br />

pre-patterned, 2D surfaces to make electrically conductive biofilm<br />

switches that were controlled by an external electrode and supplemented<br />

with inorganic nanoparticles for conductivity. “Pressure sensing<br />

happens to be a function we used to demonstrate the idea above,” You<br />

said. “Our work represents a fundamentally new strategy to assemble<br />

32 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2017 www.yalescientific.org

structured materials with well-defined physical properties.”<br />

To engineer a genetic circuit in E. coli that produced the pressure<br />

sensor’s scaffolding material, the researchers introduced foreign<br />

plasmids into the bacteria. Plasmids are circular pieces of DNA that<br />

carry a set of instructions telling the bacteria what to do. In this experiment,<br />

the foreign plasmids instructed the bacteria to produce a<br />

protein called curli, which acts as the building block to assemble the<br />

pressure sensor’s dome-like structure.<br />

Following plasmid introduction, the researchers laid out a scaffolding<br />

design with a permeable membrane template—outlined using a<br />

modified inkjet printer—underneath growth media. The membrane<br />

provided structural support for both bacterial growth and the later<br />

addition of gold nanoparticles. After constructing the membrane support,<br />

a liquid culture of the bacteria was applied over the membrane.<br />

Individual bacterial colonies grew into the dome-like shapes, which<br />

researchers could control by adjusting the pore size and hydrophobicity<br />

(the extent of water-repulsion) of the membrane.<br />

To complete the pressure sensor, gold nanoparticles were overlaid<br />

onto the bacterial colony domes after the colonies were fixed into<br />

place. The researchers hypothesized that the viscoelasticity—or resistance<br />

to shear stress and distortion—of the organic curli matrix, combined<br />

with the conductivity of the gold nanoparticles, could contribute<br />

to a functional organic-inorganic hybrid pressure sensor.<br />

Indeed, this is what they observed. When two bacterial domes were<br />

moved to face each other and a constant electrical voltage was applied<br />

to the edge of a dome, the contact between both domes allowed electrical<br />

current to flow. One way to visualize this is by imagining that each<br />

bacterial dome is someone’s face. Just like the spark of a first kiss, when<br />

the two bacterial domes make contact, an electrical current is produced.<br />

Importantly, the strength of the current reflected the strength of the<br />

externally applied pressure. After further testing this relationship, both<br />

verifying and modeling the association, the researchers established that<br />

the bacterial domes could act as robust pressure sensors.<br />

The investigation is a key step toward improving our understanding<br />

of how to program spatial patterns in cell populations, a topic<br />

within synthetic biology that has often been neglected. While this<br />

neglect is partially due to the difficulty of modeling spatiotemporal<br />

patterns over just temporal ones, other concerns include the difficulty<br />

of demonstrating such dynamics experimentally. In this investigation,<br />

the researchers not only addressed such concerns but also took a step<br />

beyond previous work by introducing the programming of self-organization.<br />

Here, the engineered bacteria were able to grow into their<br />

desired structure without any pre-patterning.<br />

What do these bacterial pressure sensors hold for the future? “There<br />

are many opportunities and we’re currently pursuing some of these.<br />

We can imagine the generation of hybrid materials with other properties<br />

that can be used for diverse applications, including environmental<br />

cleanup and medicine,” You said.<br />

Additionally, the researchers discussed the possibility of using curli<br />

to form other structures with different inorganic materials introduced.<br />

For example, if the gold nanoparticles were replaced with catalytic<br />

metal nanoparticles, catalytic structures could be built for many chemical<br />

and physical applications. Likewise, the curli protein itself could<br />

be replaced by other organic molecules to produce materials such as<br />

hydrogels. There is also the possibility of using other organisms, such<br />

as yeast, to create different pattern formations.<br />

The future of this technology holds much promise. “I expect that the<br />

research in this direction will need to simultaneously address two related<br />

►An artist’s rendition of nanoparticles in a cell<br />

cell biology<br />



issues. One is to push the limit in terms of the diversity of materials that<br />

can be generated by living cells. The other is to generate specific types of<br />

materials for specific applications,” You added. Moving forward, their<br />

team hopes to expand on this work. “As the next step, we’re focusing<br />

on two directions: the generation of different kinds of spatial patterns,<br />

which remains a fundamental challenge in synthetic biology, and the<br />

implementation of different types of hybrid living materials,” You said.<br />

Here at Yale, researchers at the Yale Microbial Sciences Institute are<br />

also employing synthetic biology to make new materials. One such<br />

scientist is Nikhil Malvankar, an assistant professor in the Yale Department<br />

of Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry. Malvankar’s laboratory<br />

focuses on engineering soil bacteria that produce pili, a naturally conductive,<br />

filamentous protein that functions similarly to copper wires.<br />

His group aims to uncover the mechanisms of electron movement<br />

within these filaments, which act as nanoscale “wires” with tunable<br />

conductivity, to better understand how this system works at the molecular<br />

level and then to apply this knowledge to improve other bacterial<br />

systems. “The long term goals are to use synthetic biology for designing<br />

biomaterials and bioelectronics devices that will complement<br />

and extend current semiconducting technology,” Malvankar said.<br />

Regarding the growing potential of synthetic biology, Malvankar<br />

highlights critical points to consider when working with microorganisms.<br />

“Bacteria are very adaptable organisms and employ multiple<br />

components and redundant pathways for cellular processes.<br />

Furthermore, bacteria can only function in limited environmental<br />

conditions such as physiological pH and aqueous environment,”<br />

Malvankar said. He also provided ideas for improving the bacterial<br />

pressure sensors. “In the future, it should be feasible to use living<br />

cells rather than fixed cells and also avoid expensive and toxic gold<br />

nanoparticles and use all-organic, biological systems.”<br />

With all of these applications and more, the future of synthetic<br />

biology is very exciting. “In the current state of synthetic biology<br />

and bioengineering, one fundamental question is what things we<br />

can actually fabricate using living things. I hope to see different<br />

examples emerging from the community, which can further stimulate<br />

our imagination,” You said.<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

December 2017<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />





Understanding forest regrowth is crucial to predicting and<br />

mitigating environmental damage, and with over half of the word’s<br />

tropical forests currently recovering from human land use, insight<br />

into forest regrowth mechanisms is more important than ever.<br />

To accurately model and fully leverage the potential of regrowing<br />

forests to act as carbon sinks for climate-changing atmospheric<br />

carbon dioxide, we must comprehend the mechanisms that augment<br />

and limit the growth rates of these recovering forests.<br />

Trees need a variety of resources to grow, and their growth is limited<br />

by the scarcest of these resources. Often, this limiting resource is<br />

nitrogen. Nitrogen becomes available to plants when nitrogenfixing<br />

bacteria on a host plant’s roots convert nitrogen in the air into<br />

a plant-usable form available to both the host (called a nitrogenfixing<br />

plant) and its neighbors. This has led many researchers who<br />

study forest regrowth to posit that more nitrogen-fixing trees leads<br />

to more overall forest growth. However, a team of researchers<br />

from Columbia University, the University of Connecticut, and<br />

Rice University recently called this conclusion into question. They<br />

found that in moist Costa Rican tropical forests, areas with more<br />

nitrogen-fixing trees actually had a lower growth rate than did those<br />


►The primary nitrogen-fixing tree examined was Pentaclethra macroloba,<br />

a tree native to moist tropical forests such as those noted in the study.<br />

with fewer nitrogen-fixing trees. The results of this study call for a<br />

reevaluation of the influence of nitrogen fixers on the forest around<br />

them.<br />

In order to test whether nitrogen fixers augmented forest growth,<br />

the researchers searched for connections between the presence<br />

of nitrogen-fixing trees and growth of surrounding trees. In onehectare<br />

plot areas, they compared the number of nitrogen-fixing<br />

trees with both annual tree growth and the growth of the fixer’s<br />

neighboring trees. Surprisingly, in both cases, the researchers<br />

observed a negative trend that suggested that more nitrogen fixers<br />

lead to slower forest growth.<br />

The researchers proposed several possible explanations for these<br />

unexpected results. While nitrogen-fixing trees provide usable<br />

nitrogen to the trees around them, they may crowd out their nonfixing<br />

neighbors. Fixing-trees have high growth and survival rates,<br />

as well as high nutrient demands. Their resource consumption and<br />

the shade they produce may inhibit neighboring trees from growing.<br />

Additionally, nitrogen may not be the limiting factor in the growth<br />

of these neighboring trees—in fact, the limiting resource may be<br />

something that the presence of nitrogen-fixing trees is making even<br />

scarcer.<br />

The results from this research run counter to several similar<br />

studies. Two studies on regenerating moist tropical forests in Brazil<br />

and Panama found that the number of nitrogen-fixing trees was<br />

positively correlated with total biomass accumulation. Why do the<br />

results conflict? A difference in the ages of forests and genera of trees<br />

may contribute to the disparity, but the researchers believe that the<br />

disparity is more likely due to differences in baseline soil nutrient<br />

availability between the sites analyzed in the studies.<br />

Benton Taylor, PhD student at Columbia University and first<br />

author of the paper, highlighted the implications of the study for<br />

Earth systems modelers and their assumptions on the effect of<br />

nitrogen-fixing trees on growth and atmospheric carbon dioxide<br />

levels. “If modelers assume that places with high nitrogen-fixer<br />

abundances will have high nitrogen inputs and, thus, have high rates<br />

of growth and carbon sequestration, the results of their models may<br />

be misleading,” Taylor said. He further noted that, although several<br />

pieces of evidence suggest that the study’s results may be typical,<br />

the questions of when and through what ecological factors nitrogen<br />

fixers have an effect on forest growth remain unanswered. These are<br />

the questions Taylor plans to pursue.<br />

Forest regrowth is having and will continue to have a pivotal effect<br />

on the world’s climate. Climate predictions and climate mitigation<br />

both hinge on a better understanding of forest regrowth and<br />

the mechanisms through which it may be augmented. The nowprevalent<br />

regrowth of tropical forests ought to serve as a focus for<br />

curbing climate change—but it’s clear that fixing nitrogen won’t<br />

necessarily fix everything.<br />

34 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2017 www.yalescientific.org

INN VATI N<br />


Optimal Leaps in Optimizing Fat Burn<br />


Society’s embrace of dietary interventions and increased<br />

physical activity ensues to relieve obesity as a global health<br />

threat, but such interventions can only go so far. Dieting and<br />

exercise have seemingly helped athletes and those who wish<br />

to shed a few extra pounds, but the market lacks an affordable,<br />

accessible and accurate technology to monitor progress in<br />

body fat loss. Consider bringing a ten-thousand-dollar mass<br />

spectrometer—the necessary machinery to collect fat loss<br />

data, comparable in size to an office printer—to the gym.<br />

It may seem extreme to go to such lengths to measure fat<br />

burning, but until now, there was little else to rely on.<br />

New research curtails these concerns. Investigators at ETH<br />

Zurich and the University Hospital Zurich have recently<br />

developed a real-time breath acetone sensor to detect fat<br />

burning through a person’s exhalations during physical<br />

exercise. Andreas Güntner, a co-author of the study and a<br />

postdoctoral researcher in the lab run by professor Sotiris<br />

Pratsinis, explains that the group targeted acetone because<br />

it is the most volatile byproduct of body fat burning, or<br />

lipolysis. During body lipolysis, byproducts like acetone<br />

move into the bloodstream and eventually find their way<br />

to the pulmonary alveoli in the lungs, where they can be<br />

released from the body via exhalation.<br />

Detecting acetone in exhaled breaths is not very simple,<br />

however. “It is rather challenging to accurately detect<br />

acetone in breath as it occurs at trace level concentrations—<br />

typically parts per million—among more than 800 chemical<br />

species,” Güntner said. To solve this, the researchers decided<br />

to coat the sensor with a highly porous film of tungsten<br />

trioxide doped with silicon atoms. The highly porous nature<br />

of this film allows for easy diffusion of gas molecules and<br />

offers a large surface area for sensing acetone at various<br />

concentrations. The researchers used silicon to stabilize the<br />

tungsten trioxide because the resulting chemical compound<br />

is highly sensitive, selective and stable, allowing for the<br />

sensor to detect acetone exclusively.<br />

To test the sensor, the team collaborated with pulmonary<br />

specialists including the Director of the Department of<br />

Pulmonology, Malcolm Kohler, at the University Hospital<br />

Zurich. Twenty volunteers completed three thirty-minute<br />

sessions of moderate cycling on an ergometer to stimulate<br />

lipolysis, followed by a resting period. During and after the<br />

periods of exercise, the researchers measured breath acetone<br />

profiles by asking the volunteers to blow into a tube that was<br />

fixed to the acetone sensor.<br />

“We observed large variations from person to person,”<br />

Güntner said. “While some volunteers showed increasing<br />

breath acetone concentrations—indicating enhanced body<br />

fat burn—already after a short work-out, it took some others<br />

almost ninety minutes of training.” These results were confirmed<br />

by mass spectrometry and not only indicated that the sensor<br />

could successfully detect acetone as a marker of lipolysis,<br />

but interestingly also provided insight into each volunteer’s<br />

individual metabolic state. Parallel blood measurements of<br />

the biomarker beta-hydroxybutyrate—a standard method<br />

for monitoring body fat metabolism—agreed with the data<br />

collected by the acetone breath sensor, ensuring that the acetone<br />

sensor measurements were indeed accurate.<br />

Alongside these results, the small size and low cost of this<br />

acetone breath sensor prove it to be advantageous over other<br />

similar instruments. According to Güntner, the chip is the<br />

size of a one-cent euro coin (comparable in size to a US<br />

dime) and is fabricated from low-cost components, making<br />

it ideal for integration into a device that can be used at home<br />

or at the gym. Current systems used to measure breath<br />

acetone include indirect calorimetry and mass spectrometric<br />

techniques—methods which are complex, lack portability<br />

and cost thousands of dollars. Portable breath acetone tests<br />

are already available for use, but existing models are either<br />

inaccurate, not reusable, or incapable of detecting acetone<br />

in real-time.<br />

While the researchers refine their prototype breath<br />

acetone sensor, health and fitness fans can look forward to a<br />

new method of personalizing and optimizing their training<br />

routines. The researchers are optimistic about the future<br />

of their one-size-fits-all sensor. “I believe this device could<br />

be quite attractive for athletes to optimize their training<br />

regimens and personal fueling tactics,” Güntner said. “But<br />

also for those who would like to guide dieting toward<br />

effective fat loss.”<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

December 2017<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />





►BY ALICE WU<br />

Growing up five blocks away from the Museum of Natural History<br />

in New York, current senior Alexander Epstein (SY ’18) was constantly<br />

roaming around its exhibitions from a young age. As a child,<br />

he never stopped absorbing new information. Many of the museum’s<br />

teachings surprised him, jump-starting his interest in science;<br />

in particular, he was fascinated with the Vertebrae Evolution Hall<br />

at the museum. “It can prompt you to rethink your entire view of<br />

life,” Epstein said. For example, he discovered there that fish are not<br />

a valid evolutionary group: salmon are more closely related to humans<br />

than to sharks, so there can’t be an evolutionary group that<br />

includes salmon and sharks, but not humans. “As a kid, this made<br />

me rethink a lot of how I felt about the world. It got me into science<br />

again and again,” Epstein said.<br />

During high school, Epstein developed interests in other subjects<br />

as well; he especially enjoyed his history and English classes. He<br />

was on the robotics team and helped build a 120-pound metal robot<br />

to compete in various events. At Yale, Epstein chose to hone in<br />

on his passions by double-majoring in Chemistry and Molecular,<br />

Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB). He feels that Yale is<br />

a great place to study science because it cultivates a nurturing environment,<br />

especially in the upper-level courses. Aside from schoolwork,<br />

Epstein is a Cell Biology peer tutor and was the former Elementary<br />

Curriculum Coordinator for the MathCounts Outreach<br />

program, which aimed to make math accessible to students in New<br />


►Epstein posing next to two giant plush microbes in his lab around<br />

Christmas-time last year.<br />

Haven public schools. Moreover, Epstein is incredibly passionate<br />

about his academic interests, having dedicated his past three summers<br />

to cell biology research.<br />

Epstein began conducting scientific research in high school,<br />

where he worked at a private company near New York City. “In<br />

spite of every failure I had—because research is ninety-nine percent<br />

failure—I still enjoyed it,” Epstein said. As a result, Epstein<br />

was compelled to continue pursuing research at Yale, where he ultimately<br />

ended up working in the lab of MCDB Professor Thomas<br />

Pollard.<br />

Epstein’s research in Professor Pollard’s lab focuses on the actin<br />

filament cytoskeleton, which holds the shape of the cell together.<br />

Actin filaments are composed of protein building blocks that assemble<br />

together into long rods. Like Lego bricks, they can be assembled<br />

into a wide variety of different structures, each of which<br />

serves a special function inside the cell. Epstein is currently studying<br />

the Arp2/3 complex, a protein-based machine that builds huge<br />

branched networks of actin, pushing the front of a cell forward as<br />

it moves and helping the cell to take in nutrients through a process<br />

called endocytosis. He is exploring how the protein complex is regulated,<br />

so that these branched networks are assembled at the right<br />

time and in the right place, supporting successful endocytosis.<br />

Deservedly, Epstein has received recognition for his hard work.<br />

He was awarded the Beckman Scholarship as a sophomore in recognition<br />

of his research background and scientific promise. Each<br />

Beckman Scholar is given financial support to continue their research<br />

over the course of one academic year and two summers.<br />

Epstein was also awarded the Goldwater Scholarship in his junior<br />

year, which recognizes his commitment to research and potential<br />

for being a future leader in his field. The scholarship is one of the<br />

oldest and most prestigious undergraduate awards for students in<br />

STEM fields and provides a substantial scholarship.<br />

Despite his numerous accolades, Epstein is most proud of the<br />

knowledge that he has attained at Yale. “I went in knowing a little<br />

bit of biology and not very much of math and physics—I didn’t<br />

know multivariable calculus—and now I’m taking abstract algebra,<br />

physical chemistry, and have some understanding of quantum mechanics.<br />

What I could do then versus what I can do now… This difference<br />

is what I’m most proud of,” Epstein said.<br />

Next year, Epstein plans on finding a fellowship that will enable<br />

him to do research at Cambridge. He is interested in studying the<br />

structure of protein aggregates, or misfolded proteins clumped together,<br />

which contribute to Alzheimer’s Disease. This type of research<br />

would involve many techniques that Epstein has never performed<br />

before, which he views as a great learning opportunity.<br />

Much like the cells that he has studied at Yale, Epstein is always<br />

moving forward.<br />

36 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2017 www.yalescientific.org


ESTHER CHOO (JE ’94, MD ’01)<br />



When Esther Choo posted a chain of tweets about her interactions<br />

with racist patients in the emergency room, she never expected it to receive<br />

tens of thousands of retweets and over a hundred thousand favorites.<br />

One responding tweet reads, “We’ve got a lot of white nationalists in<br />

Oregon. So a few times a year, a patient in the ER refuses treatment from<br />

me because of my race.” Another says, “Sometimes I just look at them,<br />

my kin in 99.9% of our genetic code, and fail to believe they don’t see<br />

our shared humanity.” The enormous response to Choo’s tweets is bittersweet;<br />

while her words clearly resonated with many, they also demonstrated<br />

how deeply discrimination continues to plague society.<br />

Choo has been using Twitter for almost a decade. Besides her personal<br />

account, Choo also promotes @FemInEM, an organization dedicated to<br />

women in emergency medicine, and @WomenDocs4Hmnty, a group of<br />

women physicians serving those affected by humanitarian crises. “Over<br />

time, I’ve actually started to view it as part of my personal and professional<br />

obligation,” Choo said. “Going on Twitter and talking about some<br />

of these really tough topics is part of my identity now.”<br />

Beyond Twitter, Choo works with organizations like FemInEM and<br />

Physician Mothers Group (PMG). She is a senior advisor to FemInEM,<br />

which addresses the issues holding women back in medicine and what<br />

can be done to overcome these gender disparities. PMG, a group of<br />

70,000 physician mothers across country, has a research arm that studies<br />

how to best support women throughout their careers. Choo also recently<br />

co-founded a company called Equity Quotient, which measures and<br />

addresses the culture of gender equity within healthcare organizations.<br />

Before obtaining her medical degree from the Yale School of Medicine<br />

in 2001, Choo graduated from Yale College in 1994 with a degree<br />

in English. She returned to school and earned a Master’s in Public<br />

Health in 2009 from Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU),<br />

where she is now an associate professor.<br />

Choo believes getting an MPH was the best decision she ever made.<br />

She recognized her interest in health disparities after working in several<br />

safety-net hospitals, which provide care for economically disadvantaged<br />

populations. Her research background now helps her address<br />

how to take care of society’s most vulnerable patients. “I understand<br />

data much better,” Choo said, “When I’m talking about a problem, I’m<br />

able to communicate it better. Then when I work a shift and I’m curious<br />

about things like ‘why do we do that?’, as a researcher, I can turn<br />

that into a research project.”<br />

According to Choo, the biggest obstacle in fighting discrimination in<br />

medicine is that society does not yet fully understand the problem itself.<br />

“I honestly think we’re a bit stuck on characterizing the problem,” she<br />

says. “If you look at the medical literature, there has been a surge of data<br />


►Esther Choo (JE ‘94, MD ‘01) uses her expertise in public health and<br />

her social media presence to fight the discrimination she witnesses<br />

in healthcare.<br />

coming out about the existence of the inequities experienced by physicians<br />

based on race, ethnicity, gender, and more, but there’s still incomplete<br />

data about the nature of problem. We all thought we could jump in<br />

and fix the problem, but to have solutions we need to understand it first.”<br />

Choo’s advice is twofold: first, not to be blind-sided by discrimination<br />

and second, to foster conversation by calling it out when it happens.<br />

“As we move up to positions of influence, we need to realize it’s<br />

our responsibility to change the landscape of medicine for the next generation,”<br />

she said. Joe Robertson, the president of OHSU, demonstrated<br />

this last December when he released a statement saying that hate-speech<br />

and requests for specific physicians based solely on ethnicity would not<br />

be tolerated. Choo thinks the importance of this statement was not an<br />

immediate change of behavior but the solidification of OHSU’s culture.<br />

Many institutions lack such an explicit statement.<br />

Being an activist can be frustrating, but Choo has identified the<br />

things that inspire her to persevere, such as her children and her<br />

Christian faith. She also draws inspiration from the responsibility she<br />

carries as an alumna of an elite institution. “The minute you walk into<br />

Yale, you’re given a position of incredible privilege that almost nobody<br />

else gets,” she says. “My friends were the type of people who recognized<br />

this privilege and didn’t take it for granted. Every minute since<br />

has been about how we pay back.”<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

December 2017<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />



science in the spotlight<br />




How does an animal transform from a violent hunter into a loyal<br />

companion in the space of just a few generations? Or, put more simply:<br />

what defines a dog? American evolutionary biologist Lee Dugatkin and<br />

Russian geneticist Lyudmila Trut explain the mystery in their new book,<br />

How to Tame a Fox (and Build a Dog). The authors paint a thrilling<br />

portrait of the longest-running experiment in animal behavior: an<br />

attempt to recreate domestication of silver foxes. The conception and<br />

details of the project are placed in the historical context of the Soviet<br />

Union under Stalin and beyond, making the story a mix of scientific<br />

discovery, folk tale and spy novel.<br />

Dmitri Belyaev, the Russian scientist who devised the experiment,<br />

selected silver foxes from commercial fur farms scattered throughout<br />

Russia and gradually turned them into pets. Belyaev’s method was easy:<br />

select the tamest fox pups, breed them, and repeat. The domestication<br />

of wolves was estimated to have taken 15,000 years, but Belyaev’s team<br />

observed changes within only a few generations. To date, they have<br />

bred 56 generations and counting. The first foxes snarled and lunged at<br />

the researchers, who approached wearing thick gloves. Now, the foxes<br />

race towards people, lobbying for pats and nuzzling their caretakers.<br />

Interestingly, these tamer foxes physically resemble dogs more than<br />

their wild predecessors. Their ears are floppy, their fur is piebald, and<br />

their tails wag wildly. New work aims to understand the genetic changes<br />

behind this transformation.<br />

The research setting itself is dramatic, located in freezing Siberia.<br />


Dugatkin and Trut inspire a continual<br />

sense of awe, relaying multiple anecdotes<br />

of the workers’ strength and devotion.<br />

One research project required midnight<br />

blood samples from the foxes. Shifts<br />

lasted three weeks, with temperatures<br />

below -40°F, yet none of the workers<br />

complained, despite having multiple<br />

children at home to care for. Trut<br />

remembers their attitude as “if it was for<br />

science, let’s do it.” Yet, perhaps the most<br />

surprising of the novel’s traits was its<br />

successful evocation of “fear of missing<br />

out,” otherwise known as “FOMO,” in the<br />

reader. Not only was the story gripping and the book hard to put down,<br />

but one feels nearly ready to head to Siberia and meet the foxes—despite<br />

the freezing cold weather!<br />

Tightly-woven, accessible, and engaging, How to Tame a Fox has<br />

received praise from across the board. By incorporating the social<br />

and historical context of the experiment, the authors make the book a<br />

compelling read. Ultimately, the book investigates the interplay of genes,<br />

evolution, and environment on behavior: a new take on the age-old<br />

debate of nature versus nurture. This fantastic and entertaining story is a<br />

relevant reminder of the wonders research can uncover.<br />



Intelligence is simply the ability to solve complex tasks—or so says<br />

Max Tegmark, founder of the Future of Life Institute and author of the<br />

new book Life 3.0: Being Human in an Age of Artificial Intelligence. By<br />

his definition, what separates our problem-solving and thinking abilities<br />

from those of a supercomputer or a calculator? Are we already inferior to<br />

chess-playing computers and statistical models? And most importantly,<br />

what makes us human, if not our superior intelligence? Tegmark poses<br />

and addresses these questions as he seeks to answer both what it means to<br />

maintain our humanity as we develop AI technology and why this issue<br />

is important.<br />

According to Tegmark, Life 1.0 was primarily comprised of bacteria<br />

working towards replication and survival, and Life 2.0 consisted of animals<br />

pursuing goals beyond survival by manipulating their environment. The<br />

first two versions were limited by living creatures’ inability to modify<br />

themselves, but Life 3.0 does not have the same constraint, Tegmark<br />

writes—calling it the “master of its own destiny.” The implications of<br />

computers with an awareness of their own abilities and the cognition<br />

for self-improvement are massive. For one, as he describes, intelligence<br />

is power, and it could be dangerous to give machines with no inherent<br />

ethical mind a position of power. Even though these machines would<br />

theoretically be under human control, artificial intelligence involves<br />

determining the subtasks relevant to successfully completing a larger task,<br />

and with no way to predict these subtasks, it may be impossible to program<br />

a moral, legal and practical mindset into<br />

these machines.<br />

However, Tegmark remains<br />

overwhelmingly optimistic, explaining<br />

that technology is responsible for nearly all<br />

the improvement in quality of life since the<br />

stone age and it will undoubtedly continue<br />

to be moving forward. In bite-sized<br />

chunks of easily-digestible computing<br />

and philosophical concepts, Tegmark<br />

convincingly illustrates the necessity<br />

for further evaluation of our goals as<br />

a society and further planning for AI’s<br />

incorporation into our world—a discussion that Tegmark says may be the<br />

most important conversation of our time.<br />

As either an introduction into the complexity of artificial intelligence<br />

or a further exploration of its potential and moral implicativons, Life 3.0<br />

serves as a magnificent guide with a series of examples and shameless<br />

illustrations. Despite these easily-manageable explanations, Tegmark<br />

never shies away from an issue due to its complexity. Regardless of one’s<br />

field of study or profession, the reader is forced to consider how AI may<br />

impact one’s life and what preparation is required. It may be wise, or<br />

possibly even intelligent, to pick up a copy on the way home today.<br />

38 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2017 www.yalescientific.org

Research: Expectations vs. Reality<br />


cartoon<br />



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