A field guide to mesozoic birds and other winged dinosaurs


Eastern Jixiang Bird Jixiangornis orientalis Time: 124.5 Ma ago Location: Liaoning, China Habitat: Lower Yixian Formation Size: WS ~1m (3.3ft); BL 70cm (2.3ft); TL unknown Features: Head triangular. Teeth either absent or very small & not preserved in known specimens. Tip of lower jaw expanded & prominent. Body long. Wings long but details of feathers unknown. Hallux not reversed, but may have pointed medially. Tail moderately long w/ rectrices restricted to the tip, shorter than that of the similar Jeholornis prima. Details of rectrices unknown, but may have been palm-like similar to J. prima. Biology: Very similar to J. prima, differed in shorter tail & apparent lack of teeth. First Jehol Bird Jeholornis prima Time: 120 Ma ago Location: Liaoning, China Habitat: Jiufotang Formation. Size: WS 1m (3.3ft); BL 60cm (2ft); TL 70cm (2.3ft) Features: Head triangular, w/ few small teeth in upper & lower jaws. “Chin” prominent, pointed in some specimens, but rounded in others. Wings long & somewhat pointed. Hallux not reversed. Tail long w/ short rectrical frond at the tip. Recrices narrow & curved outward w/ pointed non-overlapping tips. Biology: Known to have eaten seeds & probably foraged mainly on the ground. Small rectrical fronds lacked aerodynamic features, probably for display. Jeholornis palmapenis was named based on contemporary speciemens, distinguished among other things by presence of small teeth. However, this is probably preservational & the two likely represent the same species. The name Jeholornis prima was published on July 25, 2002 in a weekly journal, while another likely synonym, Shenzhouraptor sinensis, was published in a monthly journal with no day date. The ICZN rules that its publication date is therefore to be considered July 31, 2002 barring an actual print date. While a press release accompanying the Shenzhouraptor description was dated July 23, 2002, there is no published evidence that it & the print journal appeared at exactly the same time, so Jeholornis must be considered the earlier name. Long-tailed Yandang Bird Yandangornis longicaudus Time: 85 Ma ago Location: Zhejiang, China Habitat: Tangshang Group Size: WS >60cm (2ft); BL 60cm (2ft); TL ~65cm (2.1ft) Features: Head long, w/ a long and pointed but robust toothless bill. Wings long. Legs very long w/ strong muscle/ligament attachment at the ankles, likely good runners. Foot claws small & slightly curved. Hallux small, high on tarsus & unreversed. Tail thin & short. Rectrices restricted to tip. Biology: Probably inhabited muddy river or lake shores feeding on fish & invertebrates. 112



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