Diagnostic Ultrasound - Abdomen and Pelvis


Splenic Cyst TERMINOLOGY Definitions • Cystic parenchymal lesions of spleen IMAGING General Features • Best diagnostic clue ○ Anechoic to hypoechoic, avascular, sharply defined spherical lesion with posterior acoustic enhancement • Location ○ Usually subcapsular (65%) • Size ○ Variable • Key concepts ○ 2 classification schemes of splenic cysts – Primary (congenital) vs. secondary (acquired) □ Primary: Epidermoid cyst □ Secondary: Due to trauma (hematoma), infarction, infection, pancreatitis – True vs. false/pseudocyst □ True: Epithelial lined; includes epidermoid and parasitic (e.g., hydatid) cysts □ False: No epithelial lining; may have fibrous wall; includes post-traumatic, infectious (nonparasitic), or degenerative – "Primary" & "true" or "secondary" & "false/pseudo" often treated as synonymous □ However, not all secondary cysts are pseudocysts; hydatid cyst is an example of a secondary (acquired) true cyst ○ Congenital cysts comprise about 20% of splenic cysts – Epidermoid cyst most common – Splenic cysts related to autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) are rare (> 5% of ADPKD) – More commonly encountered in children and young adults ○ Acquired cysts are more common (about 80%) – Wall calcification more common (38-50%) than in primary cysts (10-15%) – Generally, higher incidence of debris and smaller size than primary cysts, though can be large ○ Often impossible to distinguish primary vs. secondary (or true vs. false) cysts by imaging Ultrasonographic Findings • Grayscale ultrasound ○ Well-defined anechoic or hypoechoic lesion ± posterior acoustic enhancement ○ Congenital cysts – Anechoic, smooth borders, nondetectable walls ± trabeculation (36%), posterior acoustic enhancement – If complicated: Septations, internal echoes (hemorrhage, inflammatory debris); floating debris within cyst may produce mobile, uniform internal echoes ("snowstorm" or "pseudosolid" appearance), thick wall ± calcification ○ Acquired cysts – Post-traumatic: Anechoic or mixed with internal echoes, echogenic wall, ± calcification, ± trabeculation of cyst wall (15%) – Parasitic (hydatid cyst): ± internal small daughter cysts and floating membranes ± calcification, hydatid sand • Color Doppler ○ Avascular on color or power Doppler Radiographic Findings • May see curvilinear or plaque-like wall calcification CT Findings • Congenital cyst ○ Solitary, well-defined, spherical, unilocular cystic lesion (water or near water HU) ○ If hemorrhagic, infected, proteinaceous: ↑ attenuation or septation ○ No rim or intracystic enhancement, may have calcified wall (uncommon) • Acquired cyst ○ Nonparasitic/post-traumatic: Usually small, solitary, sharply defined, water HU, ± wall calcification (may resemble eggshell) ○ Hydatid cyst: Peripheral calcification, ± daughter cysts; liver involvement far more common MR Findings • Congenital cyst ○ T1WI:↓ signal, variable intensity if infected or hemorrhagic; T2WI: ↑ signal • Acquired cyst ○ T1WI: ↓ signal, variable intensity (blood); T2WI: ↑ signal ○ Calcification or hemosiderin deposited in wall – T1WI & T2WI: ↓ signal ○ Hematoma: Varied intensity based on age & evolution of blood products – After 3 weeks, appears cystic: T1WI ↓; T2WI ↑ Imaging Recommendations • Best imaging tool ○ Ultrasound for initial evaluation; if needed, CT or MR for further characterization • Protocol advice ○ Patient is best scanned in supine or right lateral decubitus position following deep inspiration with US transducer along long axis of spleen DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Inflammatory or Infection • Pyogenic abscess ○ Solitary or multiple, well defined, ± irregular shape, hypoechoic to anechoic depending on stage of liquefaction/necrosis, ± gas within abscess • Fungal abscess ○ e.g., Candida, Aspergillus, Cryptococcus ○ Usually microabscesses: Multiple, small, well-defined, hypoechoic to echogenic, throughout parenchyma • Granulomatous abscesses ○ e.g., TB, atypical mycobacterium (MAC); cat-scratch ○ Multiple small, well-defined, hypoechoic lesions Diagnoses: Spleen 405

Splenic Cyst 406 Diagnoses: Spleen Neoplastic • Benign: e.g., hemangioma & lymphangioma ○ Hemangioma – Variable size and echogenicity, solid ± cystic areas, rarely solitary large lesion involving entire spleen ○ Lymphangioma – Heterogeneous/multicystic appearance, intracystic echoes: Proteinaceous material • Malignant: e.g., lymphoma & metastases ○ Lymphoma – Hypoechoic/anechoic type of lymphomatous nodules: May resemble cysts, however reveal "indistinct boundary" echo pattern – Posterior acoustic enhancement absent ○ Metastases: Necrotic/cystic – Relatively common; e.g., malignant melanoma, adenocarcinoma of breast, pancreas, ovaries, and endometrium may cause "cystic" splenic metastases – Multiple focal, cystic lesions of variable size Vascular • Hematoma or laceration ○ Hypo-/iso-/hyperechoic, blood-filled cleft; nonspherical shape ○ Hematoma echogenicity depends on stage of bleed; fresh blood echo-free initially, later becomes echogenic ○ End stage: Cystic degeneration →pseudocyst • Infarction (arterial or venous) ○ Acute phase: Well-defined, wedge-shaped areas of decreased echogenicity ○ Subacute & chronic phases: Anechoic (due to liquefactive necrosis) • Peliosis ○ Rare; usually with liver findings; multiple indistinct areas of hypo-/hyperechogenicity that may involve entire spleen • Intrasplenic pseudoaneurysm ○ Post-traumatic; anechoic on grayscale, fills with color Doppler Intrasplenic Pancreatic Pseudocyst • In 1-5% of patients with pancreatitis • Direct extension of pancreatic pseudocyst; pancreatic secretions extend along splenic vessels to hilum, pancreatic enzymes cause erosion into spleen • Well-defined, rounded, cystic splenic lesion; associated inflammatory changes of pancreas PATHOLOGY General Features • Etiology ○ Congenital: Genetic defect of mesothelial migration ○ Acquired: Most often post-traumatic, end-stage of splenic hematoma/infarction – Pathogenesis: Liquefactive necrosis, cystic change Gross Pathologic & Surgical Features • Congenital cyst ○ Usually large, glistening, smooth walls • Acquired cyst ○ Smaller than true cysts, debris, wall calcification ○ Parasitic: Hydatid (Echinococcus granulosus most common form to affect spleen), Taenia solium Microscopic Features • True cyst: Epithelial lining present ○ Epidermoid (stratified, nonkeratinizing squamous epithelium), mesothelial (low cuboidal to low columnar), dermoid (squamous lining with dermal structures) ○ Epidermoid most common • False cyst: No epithelial lining, may have fibrous capsule CLINICAL ISSUES Presentation • Most common signs/symptoms ○ Depends on etiology, acuity ○ Often asymptomatic ○ Mild pain or tenderness, palpable mass in LUQ, splenomegaly Demographics • Age ○ 2/3 < 40 years old • Gender ○ M:F = 2:3 Natural History & Prognosis • Complications: Hemorrhage, rupture, infection • Prognosis ○ Good: Uncomplicated cases; after surgical removal ○ Poor: Complicated cases Treatment • Symptomatic: Surgery (total cystectomy, marsupialization, cyst decapsulation, or partial/total splenectomy) • Asymptomatic ○ Small: No treatment ○ Large (> 5-6 cm): Surgical removal (controversial) • Ultrasound-guided drainage ± injection of sclerosing agent is alternative option DIAGNOSTIC CHECKLIST Consider • Rule out infectious, vascular, and neoplastic cystic lesions Image Interpretation Pearls • Congenital: Larger, well defined, anechoic, thin wall; ± calcification and debris (less common) • Acquired: Usually smaller, well defined; often anechoic with thicker wall; ± calcification, ± debris • Often impossible to distinguish primary vs. secondary (or true vs. false) cysts by imaging SELECTED REFERENCES 1. Gaetke-Udager K et al: Multimodality imaging of splenic lesions and the role of non-vascular, image-guided intervention. Abdom Imaging. 39(3):570-87, 2014 2. Li W et al: Real-time contrast enhanced ultrasound imaging of focal splenic lesions. Eur J Radiol. 83(4):646-53, 2014 3. Caremani M et al: Focal splenic lesions: US findings. J Ultrasound. 16(2):65- 74, 2013

Splenic Cyst<br />


Definitions<br />

• Cystic parenchymal lesions of spleen<br />


General Features<br />

• Best diagnostic clue<br />

○ Anechoic to hypoechoic, avascular, sharply defined<br />

spherical lesion with posterior acoustic enhancement<br />

• Location<br />

○ Usually subcapsular (65%)<br />

• Size<br />

○ Variable<br />

• Key concepts<br />

○ 2 classification schemes of splenic cysts<br />

– Primary (congenital) vs. secondary (acquired)<br />

□ Primary: Epidermoid cyst<br />

□ Secondary: Due to trauma (hematoma), infarction,<br />

infection, pancreatitis<br />

– True vs. false/pseudocyst<br />

□ True: Epithelial lined; includes epidermoid <strong>and</strong><br />

parasitic (e.g., hydatid) cysts<br />

□ False: No epithelial lining; may have fibrous wall;<br />

includes post-traumatic, infectious (nonparasitic), or<br />

degenerative<br />

– "Primary" & "true" or "secondary" & "false/pseudo"<br />

often treated as synonymous<br />

□ However, not all secondary cysts are pseudocysts;<br />

hydatid cyst is an example of a secondary (acquired)<br />

true cyst<br />

○ Congenital cysts comprise about 20% of splenic cysts<br />

– Epidermoid cyst most common<br />

– Splenic cysts related to autosomal dominant<br />

polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) are rare (> 5% of<br />

ADPKD)<br />

– More commonly encountered in children <strong>and</strong> young<br />

adults<br />

○ Acquired cysts are more common (about 80%)<br />

– Wall calcification more common (38-50%) than in<br />

primary cysts (10-15%)<br />

– Generally, higher incidence of debris <strong>and</strong> smaller size<br />

than primary cysts, though can be large<br />

○ Often impossible to distinguish primary vs. secondary (or<br />

true vs. false) cysts by imaging<br />

Ultrasonographic Findings<br />

• Grayscale ultrasound<br />

○ Well-defined anechoic or hypoechoic lesion ± posterior<br />

acoustic enhancement<br />

○ Congenital cysts<br />

– Anechoic, smooth borders, nondetectable walls ±<br />

trabeculation (36%), posterior acoustic enhancement<br />

– If complicated: Septations, internal echoes<br />

(hemorrhage, inflammatory debris); floating debris<br />

within cyst may produce mobile, uniform internal<br />

echoes ("snowstorm" or "pseudosolid" appearance),<br />

thick wall ± calcification<br />

○ Acquired cysts<br />

– Post-traumatic: Anechoic or mixed with internal<br />

echoes, echogenic wall, ± calcification, ± trabeculation<br />

of cyst wall (15%)<br />

– Parasitic (hydatid cyst): ± internal small daughter cysts<br />

<strong>and</strong> floating membranes ± calcification, hydatid s<strong>and</strong><br />

• Color Doppler<br />

○ Avascular on color or power Doppler<br />

Radiographic Findings<br />

• May see curvilinear or plaque-like wall calcification<br />

CT Findings<br />

• Congenital cyst<br />

○ Solitary, well-defined, spherical, unilocular cystic lesion<br />

(water or near water HU)<br />

○ If hemorrhagic, infected, proteinaceous: ↑ attenuation<br />

or septation<br />

○ No rim or intracystic enhancement, may have calcified<br />

wall (uncommon)<br />

• Acquired cyst<br />

○ Nonparasitic/post-traumatic: Usually small, solitary,<br />

sharply defined, water HU, ± wall calcification (may<br />

resemble eggshell)<br />

○ Hydatid cyst: Peripheral calcification, ± daughter cysts;<br />

liver involvement far more common<br />

MR Findings<br />

• Congenital cyst<br />

○ T1WI:↓ signal, variable intensity if infected or<br />

hemorrhagic; T2WI: ↑ signal<br />

• Acquired cyst<br />

○ T1WI: ↓ signal, variable intensity (blood); T2WI: ↑ signal<br />

○ Calcification or hemosiderin deposited in wall<br />

– T1WI & T2WI: ↓ signal<br />

○ Hematoma: Varied intensity based on age & evolution of<br />

blood products<br />

– After 3 weeks, appears cystic: T1WI ↓; T2WI ↑<br />

Imaging Recommendations<br />

• Best imaging tool<br />

○ <strong>Ultrasound</strong> for initial evaluation; if needed, CT or MR for<br />

further characterization<br />

• Protocol advice<br />

○ Patient is best scanned in supine or right lateral<br />

decubitus position following deep inspiration with US<br />

transducer along long axis of spleen<br />


Inflammatory or Infection<br />

• Pyogenic abscess<br />

○ Solitary or multiple, well defined, ± irregular shape,<br />

hypoechoic to anechoic depending on stage of<br />

liquefaction/necrosis, ± gas within abscess<br />

• Fungal abscess<br />

○ e.g., C<strong>and</strong>ida, Aspergillus, Cryptococcus<br />

○ Usually microabscesses: Multiple, small, well-defined,<br />

hypoechoic to echogenic, throughout parenchyma<br />

• Granulomatous abscesses<br />

○ e.g., TB, atypical mycobacterium (MAC); cat-scratch<br />

○ Multiple small, well-defined, hypoechoic lesions<br />

Diagnoses: Spleen<br />


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