Diagnostic Ultrasound - Abdomen and Pelvis

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Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm (IPMN)<br />


Abbreviations<br />

• Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN)<br />

Synonyms<br />

• Intraductal papillary mucinous tumor, duct ectatic<br />

mucinous cystadenoma, mucinous hypersecretory<br />

neoplasm, mucin-producing tumor<br />

Definitions<br />

• Cystic neoplasm of pancreas arising from mucin-producing<br />

epithelium of main pancreatic duct (MPD) &/or side branch<br />

pancreatic ducts (SBD) with variable malignant potential<br />


General Features<br />

• Best diagnostic clue<br />

○ Grossly dilated MPD without obstructive mass<br />

○ Cystic lesion in pancreatic head or uncinate process with<br />

small cystic loculations <strong>and</strong> communication to MPD<br />

• Location<br />

○ Typically in head/uncinate<br />

○ May be multiple (21-40%); can involve entire pancreas in<br />

up to 20% of cases<br />

• Size<br />

○ Side branch cysts typically 0.5-2.0 cm; can grow > 3 cm<br />

• Morphology<br />

○ MPD type: Dilated MPD (> 5 mm); no obstructive cause<br />

○ SBD type: Multicystic lesion contiguous with the MPD<br />

○ Mixed type: Findings of both types<br />

Ultrasonographic Findings<br />

• MPD type: Dilated MPD, may contain low-level internal<br />

echoes (mucin vs. mural nodule)<br />

• SBD type: Anechoic or hypoechoic cystic mass ± septations;<br />

may see communication with PD if it is dilated<br />

Other Modality Findings<br />

• Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)<br />

○ Higher spatial resolution than transabdominal US; can<br />

depict internal septations, mural nodules, wall thickening<br />

○ Used to guide aspiration of cyst contents <strong>and</strong> biopsy of<br />

soft tissue components<br />

– Cyst contents: High CEA levels with malignancy; < 5<br />

ng/mL excludes mucinous lesion<br />

Radiographic Findings<br />

• Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)<br />

○ Bulging "fish eye" ampulla of Vater, pathognomonic for<br />

IPMN<br />

○ Dilated MPD with filling defects due to excessive mucin<br />

production; cystic dilatation of branch ducts<br />

○ Traditionally used to show communication with MPD<br />

CT Findings<br />

• MPD type: > 5 mm, tortuous; segmental or diffuse<br />

• SBD-type: Multilocular cystic lesion with possible<br />

communication to MPD<br />

○ Grape-like clusters of small cysts or tubes <strong>and</strong> arcs; may<br />

be multifocal<br />

• CECT may show enhancing soft tissue thickening or mural<br />

nodularity<br />

MR Findings<br />

• T1WI: Hypointense<br />

• T2WI: Hyperintense for both SBD <strong>and</strong> BPD-types<br />

○ SBD: Focal or multifocal, lobulated, cystic lesion with thin<br />

internal septations<br />

– Clustered small T2-bright cysts; ± curvilinear T2-<br />

hyperintense connection to MPD<br />

• MRCP<br />

○ T2-hyperintense ductal communication best depicted<br />

with thin slice <strong>and</strong> thick slab techniques<br />

○ May show intraductal nodules as filling defects → raising<br />

concern for malignant conversion<br />

○ Can assess for biliary obstruction in setting of malignancy<br />

• T1WI C+<br />

○ Typically shows lack of enhancing components<br />

○ Enhancing soft tissue thickening or nodularity within<br />

duct or cystic mass suggests malignant conversion<br />

Imaging Recommendations<br />

• Best imaging tool<br />

○ CT or MR important in identifying features associated<br />

with increased risk of malignancy<br />

○ EUS: ↑ overall accuracy for diagnosis over CT <strong>and</strong> MR<br />

– Invasive technique<br />

– Best morphologic evaluation <strong>and</strong> can guide cyst<br />

aspiration/biopsy<br />

○ MRCP<br />

– Best noninvasive imaging modality for identification<br />

of ductal communication<br />

• Protocol advice<br />

○ Initial evaluation <strong>and</strong> morphologic characterization of<br />

pancreatic cystic lesions > 1 cm<br />

– CECT with curved planar reconstructions; or CE MR<br />

with MRCP (angled to MPD)<br />

– To assess for high-risk stigmata or worrisome features<br />

○ Follow-up surveillance imaging with CE MR/MRCP<br />


Mucinous Cystic Pancreatic Neoplasm<br />

• Solitary; no communication with MPD; may contain<br />

peripheral calcification<br />

• Typically in body/tail of pancreas in middle-aged women<br />

Pancreatic Serous Cystadenoma<br />

• Solitary; no communication with MPD; may contain spoke<br />

wheel calcification<br />

• Commonly in body/tail of pancreas in elderly women<br />

Chronic Pancreatitis<br />

• Atrophic pancreas, dilated ducts, parenchymal calcifications<br />

Pancreatic Pseudocyst<br />

• Possible communication with MPD or SBD<br />

• Findings &/or history of acute or chronic pancreatitis<br />

Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma<br />

• Solid, infiltrative mass obstructing the MPD<br />

Diagnoses: Pancreas<br />


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