Diagnostic Ultrasound - Abdomen and Pelvis


INDEX Biliary cyst. See Choledochal cyst. Biliary cystadenocarcinoma - amebic hepatic abscess vs., 219 - ciliated hepatic foregut cysts vs., 231 - hepatic Echinococcus cyst vs., 224 - pyogenic hepatic abscess vs., 216 Biliary cystadenoma, 210–213 - amebic hepatic abscess vs., 219 - ciliated hepatic foregut cyst vs., 231 - cystic liver lesion vs., 872 - differential diagnosis, 211 - hepatic cyst vs., 198 - pyogenic hepatic abscess vs., 216 Biliary cystic neoplasm. See Biliary carcinoma; Biliary cystadenoma. Biliary cystic tumor. See Biliary carcinoma; Biliary cystadenoma. Biliary ductal dilatation, 322–323 - differential diagnosis, 323 - peribiliary cyst vs., 229 Biliary ductal gas, 332–333 - differential diagnosis, 333 Biliary hamartoma, 200–203 - Caroli disease vs., 206 - cystic liver lesion vs., 873 - diagnostic checklist, 201 - differential diagnosis, 201 - diffuse liver disease vs., 870 - echogenic liver mass vs., 881 - hepatic diffuse microabscesses vs., 227 - multiple hepatic masses vs., 887 Biliary infection. See Ascending cholangitis. Biliary intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm, intrahepatic and extrahepatic duct dilatation vs., 916 Biliary obstruction, of various causes, choledochal cyst vs., 325 Biliary parasitic infestation, choledocholithiasis vs., 330 Biliary sand. See Echogenic bile. Biliary sludge. See also Echogenic bile. - gallbladder cholesterol polyp vs., 297 Biliary sonography, 280–285 Biliary stent, hyperechoic gallbladder wall and, 906 Biliary stricture - intrahepatic stones secondary, to recurrent pyogenic cholangitis vs., 344 - liver transplant, 277 Biliary system, 20–29 - arteries, 20 - nerves, 20 - veins, 20 Biliary tract gas, portal vein gas vs., 273 Biloma, 208–209 - biliary cystadenoma/carcinoma vs., 211 - ciliated hepatic foregut cysts vs., 231 - cystic liver lesion vs., 872 - diagnostic checklist, 209 - differential diagnosis, 209 - hepatic cyst vs., 198 - infected, hypoechoic liver mass vs., 876–877 - peritoneal space abscess vs., 636 Bladder, 83, 110–119, 125, 127, 141–142, 151, 160, 164, 420 - Bilharziasis of, abnormal bladder wall vs., 943 - gross anatomy, 110 - lumen, 114 - neurogenic, abnormal bladder wall vs., 942 - schistosomiasis, abnormal bladder wall vs., 943 - underfilled/underdistended, abnormal bladder wall vs., 942 - wall, 114 Bladder calculi, 546–547 - diagnostic checklist, 547 - differential diagnosis, 547 - intraluminal bladder mass vs., 940 - schistosomiasis vs., 549 Bladder carcinoma, 534–537 - abnormal bladder wall vs., 942 - diagnostic checklist, 536 - differential diagnosis, 535–536 - intraluminal bladder mass vs., 940 - prostatic hyperplasia vs., 526 - schistosomiasis vs., 549 - staging, grading, and classification, 536 Bladder diverticulum, 118, 542–545 - diagnostic checklist, 544 - differential diagnosis, 543 - extraovarian adnexal mass vs., 1037 - ureteral ectopia vs., 441 Bladder inflammation, bladder carcinoma vs., 536 Bladder mass, intraluminal, 940–941 - differential diagnosis, 940 Bladder neoplasm, bladder calculi vs., 547 Bladder outpouching. See Bladder diverticulum. Bladder sludge - bladder carcinoma vs., 535 - intraluminal bladder mass vs., 940 Bladder stones. See Bladder calculi. Bladder wall, abnormal, 942–945 - differential diagnosis, 942 Bland portal vein thrombosis, portal vein abnormality vs., 898 Blood clot - bladder calculi vs., 547 - bladder carcinoma vs., 535 - echogenic bile vs., 293 - echogenic material in gallbladder vs., 910 - intraluminal bladder mass vs., 940 - upper tract urothelial carcinoma vs., 505 Blood flow, abnormal, differential diagnosis, 553 Blood fluke. See Hepatic schistosomiasis. Bowel, 60–62, 67, 68–83, 100, 102, 104, 165 - dilated, hydrosalpinx vs., 832 - loops, 101 Bowel gas, 52, 58, 165 - cholelithiasis vs., 287 Bowel loop, 59 - extraovarian adnexal mass vs., 1037 - fluid-filled, ureteral ectopia vs., 442 Bowel-related masses, intussusception vs., 657 Bowel sonography - anatomy-based imaging issues, 642 v

INDEX - approach to, 642–645 - clinical implications, 642 - imaging technique, 642–643 - limitations, 643 - pathology-based imaging issues, 643 Bowel wall thickening, 1000–1005 - differential diagnosis, 1000 Branching trabeculae, 31 Breast cancer, metastatic, hepatic cirrhosis vs., 183 Brenner tumor, solid adnexal mass vs., 1033 Broad ligament, 149, 157 - ovary, 163–166 Broad ligament fibroid, extraovarian adnexal mass vs., 1036 Budd-Chiari syndrome, 268–271 - diagnostic checklist, 270 - differential diagnosis, 269 - hepatic cirrhosis vs., 183 - hepatomegaly vs., 866 - venoocclusive disease vs., 193 Bulbourethral (Cowper) gland and duct, 122 C Calcification - endometrial, endometritis vs., 767 - hepatic artery biliary ductal gas vs., 333 periportal lesion vs., 893 - parenchymal, portal vein gas vs., 273 Calcifying cholecystitis. See Porcelain gallbladder. Calcineurin inhibitor toxicity, renal transplant rejection vs., 579 Calculi - biliary, portal vein gas vs., 273 - bladder, 546–547 diagnostic checklist, 547 differential diagnosis, 547 intraluminal bladder mass vs., 940 schistosomiasis vs., 549 - renal emphysematous pyelonephritis vs., 483 nephrocalcinosis vs., 455 - upper tract urothelial carcinoma vs., 506 - ureteral, allograft hydronephrosis vs., 559–560 Calculous cholecystitis - acute, 300–303 acute acalculous cholecystitis vs., 305 diagnostic checklist, 302 differential diagnosis, 301–302 diffuse gallbladder wall thickening vs., 902 dilated gallbladder vs., 912 staging, grading, and classification, 302 Calyces - dilated, 117 - major, 48 - minor, 48 Capillary hemangioma. See Hemangioma, cavernous. Capsule, incised & peeled back, 46 Carcinoid - bowel wall thickening vs., 1000–1001 - solid peritoneal mass vs., 983 Carcinoma - adrenal. See Adrenal carcinoma. - adrenocortical. See also Adrenal carcinoma. pheochromocytoma vs., 599 - appendiceal appendiceal obstruction from, appendiceal mucocele vs., 653–654 appendicitis vs., 648 - bladder. See Bladder carcinoma. - cecal appendiceal obstruction from, appendiceal mucocele vs., 653–654 appendicitis vs., 648 - cervical, 730–735 diagnostic checklist, 732 differential diagnosis, 731 staging, grading, and classification, 732 - endometrial, 762–765 diagnostic checklist, 764 differential diagnosis, 763 staging, grading, and classification, 764 - endometrioid, solid adnexal mass vs., 1033 - fibrolamellar echogenic liver mass vs., 881 focal nodular hyperplasia vs., 240 hepatic adenoma vs., 243 hepatic mass with central scar vs., 890 - gallbladder. See Gallbladder carcinoma. - hepatocellular. See Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). - ovarian, sex cord-stromal tumor vs., 851 - pancreatic, infiltrating, acute pancreatitis vs., 355 - pancreatic ductal intrahepatic and extrahepatic duct dilatation vs., 916 solid pancreatic lesion vs., 924 - papillary serous, solid peritoneal mass vs., 983 - prostatic. See Prostatic carcinoma. - renal cell cystic renal mass vs., 965 enlarged kidney vs., 948 hypoechoic kidney vs., 956 solid renal mass vs., 968 - small cell cervical carcinoma vs., 731 enlarged prostate vs., 992 - squamous cell, enlarged prostate vs., 992 - testicular diffuse testicular enlargement vs., 1008 focal testicular mass vs., 1014 tubular ectasia of rete testis vs., 695 - urothelial dilated renal pelvis vs., 974 upper tract, hypoechoic kidney vs., 956 Carcinomatosis - diffuse peritoneal fluid vs., 980 - peritoneal. See Peritoneal carcinomatosis. Cardia, 71 Cardinal ligament, 151 vi

INDEX<br />

Biliary cyst. See Choledochal cyst.<br />

Biliary cystadenocarcinoma<br />

- amebic hepatic abscess vs., 219<br />

- ciliated hepatic foregut cysts vs., 231<br />

- hepatic Echinococcus cyst vs., 224<br />

- pyogenic hepatic abscess vs., 216<br />

Biliary cystadenoma, 210–213<br />

- amebic hepatic abscess vs., 219<br />

- ciliated hepatic foregut cyst vs., 231<br />

- cystic liver lesion vs., 872<br />

- differential diagnosis, 211<br />

- hepatic cyst vs., 198<br />

- pyogenic hepatic abscess vs., 216<br />

Biliary cystic neoplasm. See Biliary carcinoma; Biliary<br />

cystadenoma.<br />

Biliary cystic tumor. See Biliary carcinoma; Biliary<br />

cystadenoma.<br />

Biliary ductal dilatation, 322–323<br />

- differential diagnosis, 323<br />

- peribiliary cyst vs., 229<br />

Biliary ductal gas, 332–333<br />

- differential diagnosis, 333<br />

Biliary hamartoma, 200–203<br />

- Caroli disease vs., 206<br />

- cystic liver lesion vs., 873<br />

- diagnostic checklist, 201<br />

- differential diagnosis, 201<br />

- diffuse liver disease vs., 870<br />

- echogenic liver mass vs., 881<br />

- hepatic diffuse microabscesses vs., 227<br />

- multiple hepatic masses vs., 887<br />

Biliary infection. See Ascending cholangitis.<br />

Biliary intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm,<br />

intrahepatic <strong>and</strong> extrahepatic duct dilatation vs., 916<br />

Biliary obstruction, of various causes, choledochal cyst vs.,<br />

325<br />

Biliary parasitic infestation, choledocholithiasis vs., 330<br />

Biliary s<strong>and</strong>. See Echogenic bile.<br />

Biliary sludge. See also Echogenic bile.<br />

- gallbladder cholesterol polyp vs., 297<br />

Biliary sonography, 280–285<br />

Biliary stent, hyperechoic gallbladder wall <strong>and</strong>, 906<br />

Biliary stricture<br />

- intrahepatic stones secondary, to recurrent pyogenic<br />

cholangitis vs., 344<br />

- liver transplant, 277<br />

Biliary system, 20–29<br />

- arteries, 20<br />

- nerves, 20<br />

- veins, 20<br />

Biliary tract gas, portal vein gas vs., 273<br />

Biloma, 208–209<br />

- biliary cystadenoma/carcinoma vs., 211<br />

- ciliated hepatic foregut cysts vs., 231<br />

- cystic liver lesion vs., 872<br />

- diagnostic checklist, 209<br />

- differential diagnosis, 209<br />

- hepatic cyst vs., 198<br />

- infected, hypoechoic liver mass vs., 876–877<br />

- peritoneal space abscess vs., 636<br />

Bladder, 83, 110–119, 125, 127, 141–142, 151, 160, 164,<br />

420<br />

- Bilharziasis of, abnormal bladder wall vs., 943<br />

- gross anatomy, 110<br />

- lumen, 114<br />

- neurogenic, abnormal bladder wall vs., 942<br />

- schistosomiasis, abnormal bladder wall vs., 943<br />

- underfilled/underdistended, abnormal bladder wall vs.,<br />

942<br />

- wall, 114<br />

Bladder calculi, 546–547<br />

- diagnostic checklist, 547<br />

- differential diagnosis, 547<br />

- intraluminal bladder mass vs., 940<br />

- schistosomiasis vs., 549<br />

Bladder carcinoma, 534–537<br />

- abnormal bladder wall vs., 942<br />

- diagnostic checklist, 536<br />

- differential diagnosis, 535–536<br />

- intraluminal bladder mass vs., 940<br />

- prostatic hyperplasia vs., 526<br />

- schistosomiasis vs., 549<br />

- staging, grading, <strong>and</strong> classification, 536<br />

Bladder diverticulum, 118, 542–545<br />

- diagnostic checklist, 544<br />

- differential diagnosis, 543<br />

- extraovarian adnexal mass vs., 1037<br />

- ureteral ectopia vs., 441<br />

Bladder inflammation, bladder carcinoma vs., 536<br />

Bladder mass, intraluminal, 940–941<br />

- differential diagnosis, 940<br />

Bladder neoplasm, bladder calculi vs., 547<br />

Bladder outpouching. See Bladder diverticulum.<br />

Bladder sludge<br />

- bladder carcinoma vs., 535<br />

- intraluminal bladder mass vs., 940<br />

Bladder stones. See Bladder calculi.<br />

Bladder wall, abnormal, 942–945<br />

- differential diagnosis, 942<br />

Bl<strong>and</strong> portal vein thrombosis, portal vein abnormality vs.,<br />

898<br />

Blood clot<br />

- bladder calculi vs., 547<br />

- bladder carcinoma vs., 535<br />

- echogenic bile vs., 293<br />

- echogenic material in gallbladder vs., 910<br />

- intraluminal bladder mass vs., 940<br />

- upper tract urothelial carcinoma vs., 505<br />

Blood flow, abnormal, differential diagnosis, 553<br />

Blood fluke. See Hepatic schistosomiasis.<br />

Bowel, 60–62, 67, 68–83, 100, 102, 104, 165<br />

- dilated, hydrosalpinx vs., 832<br />

- loops, 101<br />

Bowel gas, 52, 58, 165<br />

- cholelithiasis vs., 287<br />

Bowel loop, 59<br />

- extraovarian adnexal mass vs., 1037<br />

- fluid-filled, ureteral ectopia vs., 442<br />

Bowel-related masses, intussusception vs., 657<br />

Bowel sonography<br />

- anatomy-based imaging issues, 642<br />


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