avionics unit 1 notes

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UNIT-I<br />



SYSTEMS:<br />

‘Avionics’ is a word derived from the combination of aviation and electronics.<br />

The term ‘avionic system’ or ‘avionic sub-system’ is used in the aircraft which is<br />

dependent on electronics for its operation, although the system may contain electromechanical<br />

elements.<br />

For example, a Flyby-Wire (FBW) flight control system depends on electronic digital<br />

computers for its effective operation, but there are also other equally essential elements<br />

in the system.<br />

These include solid state rate gyroscopes and accelerometers to measure the angular and<br />

linear motion of the aircraft and air data sensors to measure the height, airspeed and<br />

incidence.<br />

The <strong>avionics</strong> industry is a major multi-billion dollar industry world-wide and the<br />

<strong>avionics</strong> equipment on a modern military or civil aircraft can account for around 30% of<br />

the total cost of the aircraft.<br />

Modern general aviation aircraft also have significant <strong>avionics</strong> content. For example,<br />

colour head down displays, GPS satellite navigation systems, radio communications<br />

equipment. Avionics can account for 10% of their total cost.<br />

Other very important drivers for avionic systems are increased safety, air traffic control<br />

requirements, all weather operation, reduction in fuel consumption, improved aircraft<br />

performance and control and handling and reduction in maintenance costs.<br />

In civil airlines<br />

The avionic systems are essential to enable the flight crew to carry out the aircraft<br />

mission safely and efficiently, whether the mission is carrying passengers to their<br />

destination in the case of a civil airliner.<br />

In the case of a modern civil airliner, this means a crew of two only, namely the First<br />

Pilot (or Captain) and the Second Pilot. This is only made possible by reducing the crew<br />

workload by automating the tasks which used to be carried out by the Navigator and<br />

Flight Engineer.<br />

The reduction in weight is also significant and can be translated into more passengers or<br />

longer range on less fuel.<br />


In Military<br />

In the military case, intercepting a hostile aircraft, attacking a ground target,<br />

reconnaissance or maritime patrol.<br />

A major driver in the development and introduction of avionic systems has been the<br />

need to meet the mission requirements with the minimum flight crew.<br />

In the military case, a single seat fighter or strike (attack) aircraft is lighter and costs<br />

less than an equivalent two seat version.<br />

The elimination of the second crew member (Navigator/Observer/Radar Operator) has<br />

also significant economic benefits in terms of reduction in training costs. (The cost of<br />

training and selection of aircrew for fast jet operation is very high.<br />

Military avionic systems are also being driven by a continuing increase in the threats<br />

posed by the defensive and offensive capabilities of potential aggressors.<br />




3<br />

Display systems:<br />

It consisting of 3 types of displays<br />

i. Head up displays (HUDs),<br />

ii. Helmet mounted displays(HMDs)<br />

iii. Head Down displays (HDDs).<br />

Head up displays (HUDs):<br />

Most combat aircraft are now equipped with a HUD. A small but growing number of<br />

civil aircraft have HUDs installed.<br />

The HUD now provides the primary display for presenting the essential flight<br />

information to the pilot and in military aircraft has transformed weapon aiming<br />

accuracy.<br />

The HUD can also display a forward looking infrared (FLIR) video picture one to one<br />

with the outside world from a fixed FLIR imaging sensor installed in the aircraft. The<br />

infrared picture merges naturally with the visual scene enabling operations to be carried<br />

out at night or in conditions of poor visibility due to haze or clouds.<br />

Helmet mounted displays(HMDs)<br />

The HMD is also an essential system in modern combat aircraft and helicopters.<br />

The HMD enables the pilot to be presented with information while looking in any<br />

direction, as opposed to the limited forward field of view of the HUD.<br />

An essential element in the overall HMD system is the Helmet Tracker system to<br />

derive the direction of the pilot’s sight line relative to the aircraft axes.<br />

The HMD can also form part of an indirect viewing system by driving a gimballed<br />

infrared imaging sensor to follow the pilot’s line of sight.<br />

Communications Systems:<br />

The Communications Systems play a vital role; the need for reliable two way<br />

communication between the ground bases and the aircraft or between aircraft is self<br />

evident and is essential for air traffic control.<br />

A radio transmitter and receiver equipment was in fact the first avionic system to be<br />

installed in an aircraft.

The communications radio suite on modern aircraft is a very comprehensive one and<br />

covers several operating frequency bands.<br />

Long range communication is provided by high frequency (HF) radios operating in the<br />

band 2–30 MHz.<br />

Near to medium range communication is provided in civil aircraft by very high<br />

frequency (VHF) radios operating in the band 30–100 MHz, and in military aircraft by<br />

ultra high frequency (UHF) radio operating in the band 250–400 MHz. (VHF and UHF<br />

are line of sight propagation systems).<br />

Satellite communications (SATCOM) systems are also installed in many modern<br />

aircraft and these are able to provide very reliable world wide communication.<br />

Data entry and control systems:<br />

The Data Entry and Control Systems are essential for the crew to interact with the<br />

avionic systems.<br />

Such systems range from keyboards and touch panels to the use of direct voice input<br />

(DVI) control, exploiting speech recognition technology, and voice warning systems<br />

exploiting speech synthesisers.<br />

Flight control systems:<br />

The Flight Control Systems exploit electronic system technology in two areas,<br />

namely<br />

1) Auto-Stabilisation (or stability augmentation) systems and<br />

2) FBW flight control systems.<br />

Auto-Stabilisation :<br />

Most swept wing jet aircraft exhibit a lightly damped short period oscillatory motion<br />

about the yaw and roll axes at certain height and speed conditions, known as ‘Dutch<br />

roll’, and require at least a yaw auto-stabiliser system to damp and suppress this<br />

motion; a roll auto-stabiliser system may also be required.<br />

Most combat aircraft and many civil aircraft in fact require three axis auto-stabilisation<br />

systems to achieve acceptable control and handling characteristics across the flight<br />

envelope.<br />

FBW flight control systems:<br />

FBW flight control enables a lighter, higher performance aircraft to be produced<br />

compared with an equivalent conventional design by allowing the aircraft to be<br />

designed with a reduced or even negative natural aerodynamic stability.<br />


It does this by providing continuous automatic stabilisation of the aircraft by computer<br />

control of the control surfaces from appropriate motion sensors.<br />

A very high integrity, failure survival system is of course essential for FBW flight<br />

control<br />

Aircraft state sensor systems:<br />

These comprise the<br />

i Air data systems and<br />

ii.The Inertial sensor systems.<br />

Air data systems:<br />

The Air Data Systems provide accurate information on the air data quantities, that is the<br />

altitude, calibrated airspeed, vertical speed, true airspeed, Mach number and airstream<br />

incidence angle. This information is essential for the control and navigation of the<br />

aircraft.<br />

The air data computing system computes these quantities from the outputs of very<br />

accurate sensors which measure the static pressure, total pressure and the outside air<br />

temperature. The air-stream incidence angle is derived from air-stream incidence<br />

sensors.<br />

Inertial Sensor Systems:<br />

The Inertial Sensor Systems provide the information on aircraft attitude and the<br />

direction in which it is heading which essential information for the pilotfor is flying in<br />

conditions of poor visibility, flying in clouds or at night.<br />

Accurate attitude and heading information are also required by a number of avionic subsystems<br />

which are essential for the aircraft’s mission – for example, the autopilot and<br />

the navigation system and weapon aiming in the case of a military aircraft.<br />

Navigation systems:<br />

Accurate navigation information, that is the aircraft’s position, ground speed and track<br />

angle (direction of motion of the aircraft relative to true North) is clearly essential for<br />

the aircraft’s mission, whether civil or military.<br />

i. Dead reckoning (DR) systems and<br />

ii. Position fixing systems<br />


Dead Reckoning Navigation:<br />

The Dead Reckoning Navigation Systems derive the vehicle’s present position by<br />

estimating the distance travelled from a known position from a knowledge of the speed<br />

and direction of motion of the vehicle.<br />

They have the major advantages of being completely self contained and independent of<br />

external systems.<br />

The main types of DR navigation systems used in aircraft are:<br />

(a) Inertial navigation systems. The most accurate and widely used systems.<br />

(b) Doppler/heading reference systems. These are widely used in helicopters.<br />

(c) Air data/heading reference systems These systems are mainly used as a reversionary<br />

navigation system being of lower accuracy than (a) or (b).<br />

The Position Fixing Systems:<br />

The Position Fixing Systems used are nowmainly radio navigation systems based on<br />

satellite or ground based transmitters.<br />

A suitable receiver in the aircraft with a supporting computer is then used to derive the<br />

aircraft’s position from the signals received from the transmitters.<br />

Outside World Sensor Systems<br />

i. Radar and<br />

ii. Infrared sensor<br />

Radar Systems:<br />

The Radar Systems installed in civil airliners and many general aviation aircraft aircraft<br />

provide weather warning. The radar looks ahead of the aircraft and is optimized to<br />

detect water droplets and provide warning of storms, cloud turbulence and severe<br />

precipitation so that the aircraft can alter course and avoid such conditions, if possible.<br />

These radars can also generally operate in ground mapping and terrain avoidance<br />

modes.<br />

The Infrared Sensor Systems:<br />

Infrared Sensor Systems have the major advantage of being entirely passive systems.<br />

Infrared (IR) sensor systems can be used to provide a video picture of the thermal image<br />

scene of the outside world either using a fixed FLIR sensor, or alternatively, a<br />

gimballed IR imaging sensor. The thermal image picture at night looks very like the<br />

visual picture in daytime, but highlights heat sources, such as vehicle engines,<br />

Task automation systems:<br />

i.Navigation Management<br />

ii.Autopilots and FlightManagement Systems<br />


iii.The Engine Control and Management Systems<br />

iv.House Keeping Management<br />

Navigation Management:<br />

Navigation Management comprises the operation of all the radio navigation aid systems<br />

and the combination of the data from all the navigation sources, such as GPS and the<br />

INS systems, to provide the best possible estimate of the aircraft position, ground speed<br />

and rack<br />

Autopilots and FlightManagement Systems:<br />

The Autopilots and FlightManagement Systems have been grouped together. Because<br />

of the very close degree of integration between these systems on modern civil aircraft. It<br />

should be noted, however, that the Autopilot is a ‘stand alone’ system and not all<br />

aircraft are equipped with an FMS.<br />

The tasks carried out by the FMS include:<br />

Flight planning.<br />

• Navigation management.<br />

• Engine control to maintain the planned speed or Mach number.<br />

• Control of the aircraft flight path to follow the optimised planned route.<br />

• Control of the vertical flight profile.<br />

• Ensuring the aircraft is at the planned 3D position at the planned time slot; often<br />

referred to as 4D navigation. This is very important for air traffic control Flight envelope<br />

monitoring.<br />

• Minimising fuel consumption<br />

The Engine Control and Management Systems:<br />

The Engine Control and Management Systems carry out the task of control and the<br />

efficient management and monitoring of the engines.<br />

The electronic equipment involved in a modern jet engine is very considerable: it forms<br />

an integral part of the engine and is essential for its operation. In many cases some of<br />

the engine control electronics is physically mounted on the engine.<br />

Many modern jet engines have a full authority digital engine control system (FADEC).<br />

Other very important engine avionic systems include engine health monitoring systems<br />

which measure, process and record a very wide range of parameters associated with the<br />

performance and health of the engines. These give early warning of engine performance<br />

deterioration, excessive wear, fatigue damage, high vibration levels, excessive<br />

temperature levels, etc.<br />


8<br />

House keeping management:<br />

House Keeping Management is the term used to cover the automation of the<br />

background tasks which are essential for the aircraft’s safe and efficient operation.<br />

Such tasks include:<br />

• Fuel management. This embraces fuel flow and fuel quantity measurement and<br />

control of fuel transfer from the appropriate fuel tanks to minimise changes in<br />

the aircraft trim.<br />

• Electrical power supply system management.<br />

• Hydraulic power supply system management.<br />

• Cabin/cockpit pressurisation systems.<br />

• Environmental control system.<br />

• Warning systems, Maintenance and monitoring systems.<br />


Major avionic systems generally comprise a number of smaller sub-systems which are<br />

combined to form an overall system. The combination, interconnection and control of<br />

the individual sub-systems so that the overall system can carry out its tasks effectively<br />

is referred to as ‘systems integration’.<br />

Aircraft/Spacecraft Design often involves integrating parts, large and small, made by<br />

other vendors, into an airframe or space frame (also called “the bus.”)<br />

Parts include engines, landing gear, shock absorbers, wheels, brakes, tires, <strong>avionics</strong><br />

(radios, antennae, flight control computers)cockpit instruments, actuators that move<br />

control surfaces, retract landing gears, etc...<br />

The number of sub-systems which need to be integrated to form a major system can be<br />

appreciated from the previous chapter on flight management systems.<br />

• Radar – target acquisition in all weather conditions.<br />

• Doppler – accurate ((4 knots) velocity sensor for DR navigation. (Note: IN<br />

systems capable of accurate initial alignment at sea on a moving carrier were still under<br />

development in the early 1960s.) The Doppler radar velocity sensor system is ussed to<br />

measure the aircraft’s ground speed and drift angle. The aircraft heading is provided by the<br />

AHRS.<br />

• Attitude heading reference system (or master reference gyro system – UK<br />

terminology) attitude and heading information for pilot’s displays, navigation computer,<br />

weapon aiming computer, autopilot.

• Air data computer – height, calibrated airspeed, true airspeed, Mach number<br />

information for pilot’s displays, weapon aiming, reversionary DR navigation, autopilot.<br />

• Radio altimeter – very low level flight profile during attack phase and all<br />

weather operation.<br />

• Navigation computer – essential for mission.<br />

• Autopilot – essential for reduction of pilot work load.<br />

• Weapon aiming computer – essential for mission.<br />

• HUD – all the advantages of the HUD plus weapon aiming for low level<br />

attack;<br />

for example, ‘toss’ bombing.<br />

• Stores management system – control and release of the weapons.<br />

• Electronic warfare (EW) systems – radar warning receivers, radar jamming<br />

equipment. Essential for survivability in hostile environment.<br />

• Identification system (identification friend or foe – ‘IFF’) – essential to avoid<br />

attack by friendly forces.<br />

• Radio navigation aids – location of parent ship on return from mission.<br />

• Communications radio suite – essential for communicating to parent ship,<br />

cooperating aircraft, etc.<br />

A significant degree of integration was required between the avionic sub-systems.<br />

For example, the weapon aiming system required the integration of the HUD, weapon aiming<br />

computer, AHRS, air data computer and the radar system.<br />

9<br />

Interconnections of avionic sub-systems by multiplexed data bus.

Civil integratedmodular avionic systems:<br />

As in military systems, the use of new hardware, software and communication<br />

technologies has enabled the design of new system architectures based on resource<br />

sharing between different systems.<br />

Current microprocessors are able to provide computing capabilities that exceed the<br />

needs of single <strong>avionics</strong> functions. Specific hardware resources, coupledwith the use of<br />

operating Systems with a standardised Application Programming Interface provide the<br />

means to host independent applications on the same computing resource in a<br />

segregated environment.<br />

The AFDX Communication Network provides high data throughput coupled with low<br />

latencies to multiple end users across the bus network..<br />

The basic Line Replaceable Unit, LRU, becomes an <strong>avionics</strong> application which is<br />

hosted on one, or more, Integrated Avionic Modules (IAMs), providing shared<br />

computing resources (processing and memory and I/O).<br />

External components like displays, sensors, actuators and effectors can be connected to<br />

standard or specific interfaces in the module or to Remote Data Concentrators (RDCs),<br />

normally located close to the sensors and actuators. The RDCs are connected to the<br />

IMA modules through data buses ARINC 429.<br />


Design constraints:<br />

i. Purpose<br />

ii. Aircraft regulations<br />

iii. Financial factors and market<br />

iv. Environmental factors<br />

v. Safety<br />

Purpose:<br />

The design process starts with the aircraft's intended purpose. Commercial airliners are<br />

designed for carrying a passenger or cargo payload, long range and greater fuel<br />

efficiency whereas fighter jets are designed to perform high speed maneuvers and<br />

provide close support to ground troops.<br />

Some aircraft have specific missions, for instance, amphibious airplanes have a unique<br />

design that allows them to operate from both land and water, some fighters, like the<br />

Harrier Jump Jet, have VTOL (Vertical Take-off and Landing) ability, helicopters have<br />

the ability to hover over an area for a period of time.<br />

The purpose may be to fit a specific requirement, e.g. as in the historical case of a<br />

British Air Ministry specification, or fill a perceived "gap in the market.<br />


Aircraft regulations:<br />

Another important factor that influences the design of the aircraft are the regulations put<br />

forth by national aviation airworthiness authorities.<br />

Airports may also impose limits on aircraft, for instance, the maximum wingspan<br />

allowed for a conventional aircraft is 80 m to prevent collisions between aircraft while<br />

taxiing.<br />

Financial factors and market:<br />

Budget limitations, market requirements and competition set constraints on the design<br />

process and comprise the non-technical influences on aircraft design along with<br />

environmental factors. Competition leads to companies striving for better efficiency in<br />

the design without compromising performance and incorporating new techniques and<br />

technology.<br />

Environmental factors:<br />

<br />

An increase in the number of aircraft also means greater carbon emissions.<br />

Environmental scientists have voiced concern over the main kinds of pollution<br />

associated with aircraft, mainly noise and emissions.<br />

<br />

Aircraft engines have been historically notorious for creating noise pollution and the<br />

expansion of airways over already congested and polluted cities have drawn heavy<br />

criticism, making it necessary to have environmental policies for aircraft noise.<br />

Noise also arises from the airframe, where the airflow directions are changed. [8]<br />

Improved noise regulations have forced designers to create quieter engines and<br />

airframes. Emissions from aircraft include particulates, carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), Sulfur<br />

dioxide(SO 2 ), Carbon monoxide (CO), various oxides of nitrates.<br />

Safety:<br />

The high speeds, fuel tanks, atmospheric conditions at cruise altitudes, natural hazards<br />

(thunderstorms, hail and bird strikes) and human error are some of the many hazards<br />

that pose a threat to air travel.<br />

Airworthiness is the standard by which aircraft are determined fit to fly. The<br />

responsibility for airworthiness lies with national aviation regulatory bodies,<br />

manufacturers, as well as owners and operators.<br />

The International Civil Aviation Organization sets international standards and<br />

recommended practices for national authorities to base their regulations. The national<br />

regulatory authorities set standards for airworthiness, issue certificates to manufacturers<br />

and operators and the standards of personnel training Every country has its own<br />

regulatory body such as the Federal Aviation Authority in USA, DGCA (Directorate<br />

General of Civil Aviation) in India, etc.<br />


The aircraft manufacturer makes sure that the aircraft meets existing design standards,<br />

defines the operating limitations and maintenance schedules and provides support and<br />

maintenance throughout the operational life of the aircraft. The aviation operators<br />

include the passenger and cargo airliners, air forces and owners of private aircraft. They<br />

agree to comply with the regulations set by the regulatory bodies, understand the<br />

limitations of the aircraft as specified by the manufacturer, report defects and assist the<br />

manufacturers in keeping up the airworthiness standards.<br />

Design Optimization:<br />

Aircraft designers normally rough-out the initial design with consideration of all the<br />

constraints on their design. Historically design teams used to be small, usually headed<br />

by a Chief Designer who knows all the design requirements and objectives and<br />

coordinated the team accordingly.<br />

As time progressed, the complexity of military and airline aircraft also grew. Modern<br />

military and airline design projects are of such a large scale that, every design aspect is<br />

tackled by different teams and then brought together. In general aviation a large number<br />

of light aircraft are designed and built by amateur hobbyists and enthusiasts. [26]<br />

Computer-aided design of aircraft[edit]<br />

12<br />

The external surfaces of an aircraft modelled in MATLAB<br />

In the early years of aircraft design, designers generally used analytical theory to do the<br />

various engineering calculations that go into the design process along with a lot of<br />

experimentation. These calculations were labour-intensive and time consuming.<br />

. With the rise of programming languages, engineers could now write programs that<br />

were tailored to design an aircraft. Originally this was done with mainframe computers<br />

and used high level programming languages that required the user to be fluent in the<br />

language and know the architecture of the computer. With the introduction of personal<br />

computers, design programs began employing a more user-friendly approach

13<br />


The main aspects of aircraft design are:<br />

1. Aerodynamics<br />

2. Propulsion<br />

3. Controls<br />

4. Mass<br />

5. Structure<br />

All aircraft designs involve compromises of these factors to achieve the design mission.<br />

Aerodynamics (Wing design):<br />

The wings of a fixed wing aircraft provide the necessary lift for take-off and cruise<br />

flight. Wing geometry affects every aspect of an aircraft’s flight.<br />

The wing area will usually be dictated by aircraft performance requirements (e.g. field<br />

length) but the shape of the planform and other geometry may be influenced by wing<br />

layout factors. The wing can be mounted to the fuselage in high, low and middle<br />

positions.<br />

The wing design depends on many parameters such as selection of aspect ratio, taper<br />

ratio, sweepback angle, thickness ratio, section profile, washout and dihedral. The<br />

cross-sectional shape of the wing is its airfoil. The construction of the wing starts with<br />

the rib which defines the airfoil shape. Ribs can be made of wood, metal, plastic or even<br />

composites.<br />

Aerodynamics (Fuselage):<br />

The fuselage is the part of the aircraft that contains the cockpit, passenger cabin or<br />

cargo hold.<br />

Propulsion:<br />

Aircraft propulsion may be achieved by specially designed aircraft engines, adapted<br />

auto, motorcycle or snowmobile engines, electric engines or even human muscle power.<br />

The main parameters of engine design are:<br />

Maximum engine thrust available<br />

Fuel consumption<br />

Engine mass<br />

Engine geometry<br />

The thrust provided by the engine must balance the drag at cruise speed and be greater<br />

than the drag to allow acceleration. The engine requirement varies with the type of<br />

aircraft. For instance, commercial airliners spend more time in cruise speed and need

more engine efficiency. High-performance fighter jets need very high acceleration and<br />

therefore have very high thrust requirements.<br />

Weight:<br />

The weight of the aircraft is the common factor that links all aspects of aircraft design<br />

such as aerodynamics, structure, propulsion together. An aircraft's weight is derived<br />

from various factors such as empty weight, payload, useful load, etc.<br />

The various weights are used to then calculate the center of mass of the entire aircraft.<br />

The center of mass must fit within the established limits set by the manufacturer.<br />

Structure:<br />

The aircraft structure focuses not only on strength, stiffness, durability (fatigue),<br />

fracture toughness, stability, but also on fail-safety, corrosion resistance, maintainability<br />

and ease of manufacturing. The structure must be able to withstand the stresses caused<br />

by cabin pressurization, if fitted, turbulence and engine or rotor vibrations.<br />


i. Conceptual Design<br />

ii. Preliminary design phase<br />

iii. Detail design phase<br />

Conceptual Design:<br />

14<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

The first design step, involves sketching a variety of possible aircraft configurations that<br />

meet the required design specifications. By drawing a set of configurations, designers<br />

seek to reach the design configuration that satisfactorily meets all requirements as well<br />

as go hand in hand with factors such as aerodynamics, propulsion, flight performance,<br />

structural and control systems. This is called design optimization.<br />

Fundamental aspects such as fuselage shape, wing configuration and location, engine<br />

size and type are all determined at this stage.<br />

Constraints to design like those mentioned above are all taken into account at this stage<br />

as well. The final product is a conceptual layout of the aircraft configuration on paper or<br />

computer screen, to be reviewed by engineers and other designers.

Preliminary design phase:<br />

The design configuration arrived at in the conceptual design phase is then tweaked and<br />

remodeled to fit into the design parameters. In this phase, wind tunnel testing and<br />

computational fluid dynamic calculations of the flow field around the aircraft are done.<br />

Major structural and control analysis is also carried out in this phase.<br />

Aerodynamic flaws and structural instabilities if any are corrected and the final design<br />

is drawn and finalized. Then after the finalization of the design lies the key decision<br />

with the manufacturer or individual designing it whether to actually go ahead with the<br />

production of the aircraft.<br />

At this point several designs, though perfectly capable of flight and performance, might<br />

have been opted out of production due to their being economically nonviable.<br />

Detail design phase:<br />

This phase simply deals with the fabrication aspect of the aircraft to be manufactured. It<br />

determines the number, design and location of ribs, spars, sections and other structural<br />

elements.<br />

All aerodynamic, structural, propulsion, control and performance aspects have already<br />

been covered in the preliminary design phase and only the manufacturing remains.<br />

Flight simulators for aircraft are also developed at this stage.<br />


Major Ilities of Avionics System<br />

• Capability<br />

• Reliability<br />

• Maintainability<br />

• Certificability<br />

• Survivability(military)<br />

• Availability<br />

• Susceptibility<br />

• vulnerability<br />

• Life cycle cost(military) or cost of ownership(civil)<br />

• Technical risk<br />

• Weight & power<br />

Capability:<br />

• How capable is <strong>avionics</strong> system?<br />

• can they do the job and even more?<br />


• Designer to maximize the capability of the system within the constraints that are<br />

imposed.<br />

Reliability:<br />

• Designer strives to make systems as reliable as possible.<br />

• High reliability less maintenance costs.<br />

• If less reliable customer will not buy it and in terms of civil airlines the<br />

certificating agencies will not certify it.<br />

Maintainability:<br />

• Closely related to reliability<br />

• System must need preventive or corrective maintenance.<br />

• System can be maintained through built in testing, automated troubleshooting and<br />

easy access to hardware.<br />

Availability:<br />

• Combination of reliability and maintainability<br />

• Trade of between reliability and maintainability to optimize availability.<br />

• Availability translates into sorties for military aircraft and into revenue flights for<br />

civil aircrafts.<br />

Certificability:<br />

• Major area of concern for <strong>avionics</strong> in civil airlines.<br />

• Certification conducted by the regulatory agencies based on detailed, expert<br />

examination of all facets of aircraft design and operation.<br />

• The <strong>avionics</strong> architecture should be straight forward and easily understandable.<br />

• There should be no sneak circuits and no noobvious modes of operation.<br />

Avionics certification focus on three analyses: preliminary hazard, fault tree, and<br />

FMEA<br />

Survivability:<br />

It is a function of susceptibility and vulnerability.<br />

Susceptibility: measure of probability that an aircraft will be hit by a given threat.<br />

Vulnerability: measure of the probability that damage will occur if there is a hit<br />

by the threat<br />

Life cycle cost(LCC)or Cost of ownership:<br />

It deals with economic measures need for evaluating <strong>avionics</strong> architecture.<br />

It includes costs of varied items as spares acquisition, transportation, storage and<br />

training (crew and Maintenance personnel's), hardware development and test,<br />

depreciation and interest.<br />


Risk:<br />

Amount of failures and drawbacks in the design and implementation.<br />

Overcome by using the latest technology and fail proof technique to overcome<br />

both developmental and long term technological risks.<br />

Weight and power:<br />

Minimize the weight and power requirements are two fundamental concepts of<br />

<strong>avionics</strong> design.<br />

So the design must be light weight and power consuming which is possible<br />

through the data bus and latest advancement of electronics devices.<br />


The cockpit of an aircraft is a typical location for avionic equipment, including control,<br />

monitoring, communication, navigation, weather, and anti-collision systems. The<br />

majority of aircraft power their <strong>avionics</strong> using 14- or 28-volt DC electrical systems;<br />

however, larger, more sophisticated aircraft (such as airliners or military combat<br />

aircraft) have AC systems operating at 400 Hz, 115 volts AC.<br />

There are several major vendors of flight <strong>avionics</strong>, including Panasonic Avionics<br />

Corporation, Honeywell (which now owns Bendix/King), Rockwell Collins,.<br />

One source of international standards for <strong>avionics</strong> equipment are prepared by the<br />

Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee (AEEC) and published by ARINC.<br />

Communications:<br />

Communications connect the flight deck to the ground and the flight deck to the<br />

passengers. On-board communications are provided by public-address systems and<br />

aircraft intercoms.<br />

The VHF aviation communication system works on the airband of 118.000 MHz to<br />

136.975 MHz. Each channel is spaced from the adjacent ones by 8.33 kHz in Europe,<br />

25 kHz elsewhere.<br />

VHF is also used for line of sight communication such as aircraft-to-aircraft and<br />

aircraft-to-ATC. Amplitude modulation (AM) is used, and the conversation is<br />

performed in simplex mode. Aircraft communication can also take place using HF<br />

(especially for trans-oceanic flights) or satellite communication.<br />

Navigation:<br />

Navigation is the determination of position and direction on or above the surface of the<br />

Earth. Avionics can use satellite-based systems (such as GPS and WAAS), groundbased<br />

systems (such as VOR or LORAN), or any combination thereof.<br />


Navigation systems calculate the position automatically and display it to the flight crew<br />

on moving map displays. Older <strong>avionics</strong> required a pilot or navigator to plot the<br />

intersection of signals on a paper map to determine an aircraft's location; modern<br />

systems calculate the position automatically and display it to the flight crew on moving<br />

map displays.<br />

Monitoring:<br />

The Airbus A380 glass cockpit featuring pull-out keyboards and two wide computer<br />

screens on the sides for pilots.<br />

A "glass" cockpit refers to the use of computer monitors instead of gauges and other<br />

analog displays. Aircraft were getting progressively more displays, dials and<br />

information dashboards that eventually competed for space and pilot attention.<br />

Glass cockpits started to come into being with the Gulfstream G-IV private jet in 1985.<br />

One of the key challenges in glass cockpits is to balance how much control is automated<br />

and how much the pilot should do manually. Generally they try to automate flight<br />

operations while keeping the pilot constantly informed.<br />

Aircraft flight-control systems:<br />

Aircraft have means of automatically controlling flight. Today automated flight control<br />

is common to reduce pilot error and workload at key times like landing or takeoff.<br />

Autopilot was first invented by Lawrence Sperry during World War II to fly bomber<br />

planes steady enough to hit precision targets from 25,000 feet.<br />

. Nowadays most commercial planes are equipped with aircraft flight control systems in<br />

order to reduce pilot error and workload at landing or takeoff.<br />

The first simple commercial auto-pilots were used to control heading and altitude and<br />

had limited authority on things like thrust and flight control surfaces.<br />

In helicopters, auto-stabilization was used in a similar way. The first systems were<br />

electromechanical. The advent of fly by wire and electro-actuated flight surfaces (rather<br />

than the traditional hydraulic) has increased safety. As with displays and instruments,<br />

critical devices that were electro-mechanical had a finite life. With safety critical<br />

systems, the software is very strictly tested.<br />

Collision-avoidance systems:<br />

To supplement air traffic control, most large transport aircraft and many smaller ones<br />

use a traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS), which can detect the location<br />

of nearby aircraft, and provide instructions for avoiding a midair collision.<br />

Smaller aircraft may use simpler traffic alerting systems such as TPAS, which are<br />

passive (they do not actively interrogate the transponders of other aircraft) and do not<br />

provide advisories for conflict resolution.<br />


To help avoid controlled flight into terrain (CFIT), aircraft use systems such as groundproximity<br />

warning systems (GPWS), which use radar altimeters as a key element.<br />

One of the major weaknesses of GPWS is the lack of "look-ahead" information,<br />

because it only provides altitude above terrain "look-down". In order to overcome this<br />

weakness, modern aircraft use a terrain awareness warning system (TAWS).<br />

Black Boxes:( Flight recorder):<br />

Commercial aircraft cockpit data recorders, commonly known as a "black box", store<br />

flight information and audio from the cockpit. They are often recovered from a plane<br />

after a crash to determine control settings and other parameters during the incident.<br />

Weather systems:<br />

Weather systems such as weather radar (typically Arinc 708 on commercial aircraft)<br />

and lightning detectors are important for aircraft flying at night or in instrument<br />

meteorological conditions, where it is not possible for pilots to see the weather ahead.<br />

Heavy precipitation (as sensed by radar) or severe turbulence (as sensed by lightning<br />

activity) are both indications of strong convective activity and severe turbulence, and<br />

weather systems allow pilots to deviate around these areas.<br />

Lightning detectors like the Stormscope or Strikefinder have become inexpensive<br />

enough that they are practical for light aircraft. In addition to radar and lightning<br />

detection, observations and extended radar pictures (such as NEXRAD) are now<br />

available through satellite data connections, allowing pilots to see weather conditions<br />

far beyond the range of their own in-flight systems.<br />

Modern displays allow weather information to be integrated with moving maps, terrain,<br />

and traffic onto a single screen, greatly simplifying navigation.<br />

Modern weather systems also include wind shear and turbulence detection and terrain<br />

and traffic warning systems. In-plane weather <strong>avionics</strong> are especially popular in Africa,<br />

India, and other countries where air-travel is a growing market, but ground support is<br />

not as well developed<br />

Aircraft management systems:<br />

There has been a progression towards centralized control of the multiple complex<br />

systems fitted to aircraft, including engine monitoring and management.<br />

It has been used in fourth generation jet fighters and the latest generation of airliners.<br />

Mission or tactical <strong>avionics</strong>:<br />

Military aircraft have been designed either to deliver a weapon or to be the eyes and<br />

ears of other weapon systems. The vast array of sensors available to the military is used<br />

for whatever tactical means required.<br />


As with aircraft management, the bigger sensor platforms (like the E-3D, JSTARS,<br />

ASTOR, Nimrod MRA4, Merlin HM Mk 1) have mission-management computers.<br />

Police and EMS aircraft also carry sophisticated tactical sensors.<br />

Military communications:<br />

While aircraft communications provide the backbone for safe flight, the tactical systems<br />

are designed to withstand the rigors of the battle field. UHF, VHF Tactical (30–<br />

88 MHz) and SatCom systems combined with ECCM methods, and cryptography<br />

secure the communications.<br />

Data links such as Link 11, 16, 22 and BOWMAN, JTRS and even TETRA provide the<br />

means of transmitting data (such as images, targeting information etc.).<br />

Radar:<br />

Airborne radar was one of the first tactical sensors. The benefit of altitude providing<br />

range has meant a significant focus on airborne radar technologies. Radars include<br />

airborne early warning (AEW), anti-submarine warfare (ASW), and even weather radar<br />

(Arinc 708) and ground tracking/proximity radar.<br />

The military uses radar in fast jets to help pilots fly at low levels. While the civil market<br />

has had weather radar for a while, there are strict rules about using it to navigate the<br />

aircraft.<br />

Sonar:<br />

Dipping sonar fitted to a range of military helicopters allows the helicopter to protect<br />

shipping assets from submarines or surface threats.<br />

Maritime support aircraft can drop active and passive sonar devices and these are also<br />

used to determine the location of hostile submarines.<br />

<br />

Electro-Optics:<br />

Electro-optic systems include devices such as the head-up display (HUD), forward<br />

looking infrared (FLIR), and passive infrared devices (Passive infrared sensor).<br />

These are all used to provide imagery and information to the flight crew. This imagery<br />

is used for everything from search and rescue to navigational aids and target<br />

acquisition.<br />

ESM/DAS:<br />

Electronic support measures and defensive aids are used extensively to gather<br />

information about threats or possible threats. They can be used to launch devices (in<br />

some cases automatically) to counter direct threats against the aircraft. They are also<br />

used to determine the state of a threat and identify it.<br />

Aircraft networks:<br />


The <strong>avionics</strong> systems in military, commercial and advanced models of civilian aircraft<br />

are interconnected using an <strong>avionics</strong> data bus. Common <strong>avionics</strong> data bus protocols,<br />

with their primary application, include:<br />

Aircraft Data Network (ADN): Ethernet derivative for Commercial Aircraft<br />

Avionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet (AFDX): Specific implementation of ARINC<br />

664 (ADN) for Commercial Aircraft<br />

ARINC 429: Generic Medium-Speed Data Sharing for Private and Commercial Aircraft<br />

ARINC 664: See ADN above<br />

ARINC 629: Commercial Aircraft (Boeing 777)<br />

ARINC 708: Weather Radar for Commercial Aircraft<br />

ARINC 717: Flight Data Recorder for Commercial Aircraft<br />

IEEE 1394b: Military Aircraft<br />

MIL-STD-1553: Military Aircraft<br />

MIL-STD-1760: Military Aircraft<br />

TTP – Time-Triggered Protocol: Boeing 787 Dreamliner, Airbus A380, Fly-By-Wire<br />

Actuation Platforms from Parker Aerospace<br />

TTEthernet – Time-Triggered Ethernet: NASA Orion Spacecraft<br />

Disaster relief and air ambulance:<br />

Disaster relief and EMS aircraft (mostly helicopters) are now a significant market.<br />

Military aircraft are often now built with a role available to assist in civil obedience.<br />

Disaster relief helicopters are almost always fitted with video/FLIR systems to allow<br />

them to monitor and coordinate real-time relief efforts. They can also be fitted with<br />

searchlights and loudspeakers.<br />

EMS and disaster relief helicopters will be required to fly in unpleasant conditions, this<br />

may require more aircraft sensors, some of which were until recently considered purely<br />

for military aircraft.<br />


Advances in fusing EFVS with SVS:<br />

Development of operational credits for enhanced flight vision systems (EFVS) by FAA<br />

and certification agencies in other countries is expanding the operational utility of the<br />

technology for both bizav and airline operations.<br />

EFVS technology allows a pilot to see using a weather-penetrating real-time imaging<br />

sensor when the human eye cannot due to low visibility.<br />

Bombardier's launch of the Global Vision flight deck with Rockwell Collins Pro Line<br />

Fusion is aimed at integrating EFVS and SVS on the HUD. In an industry first,<br />


Transport Canada and FAA recently approved the display of SVS on HUDs by<br />

Bombardier.<br />

The tests are also evaluating the integration of EFVS and SVS as an additional means to<br />

support the head-down to eyes-out transition during the visual segment of landing.<br />

FAA has also moved recently to increase the use of HUD and auto land for lower than<br />

standard minimums at selected Cat I runways, with a new 150 ft DH in visibility as low<br />

as 1400 ft RVR.<br />

FAA Order 8400.13D is based on the agency's recognition that new technology in the<br />

aircraft may be compensating for a lack of ground infrastructure.<br />

In addition, FAA has commissioned RTCA Special Committee 213 with developing a<br />

path for future system standards and system safety criteria in parallel with industry.<br />

This group has provided FAA with minimum system performance standards for<br />

displays, EFVS sensors and SVS for current instrument operations, which have been<br />

incorporated within the new AC 20-167 for EVS.<br />

Potential uses of EFVS for trajectory based operations, first proposed by Gulfstream,<br />

could save tremendous amounts of fuel (read money), but will require a new mindset by<br />

air traffic control to clear an operator at the top of descent 200 miles away at 50,000 ft<br />

for an approach in 1000-ft RVR fog.<br />

SVS on the Bombardier Global Vision flight deck for the HUD and PFD. Bombardier,<br />

in collaboration with Rockwell Collins, is now moving to the next phase of fusing the 2<br />

images—SVS and EFVS IR sensor—to provide continuous vision to the pilot in all<br />

phases of flight.<br />

For NextGen implementation, FAA is sponsoring NASA in advanced testing of EFVS<br />

and SVS technology in low visibility to explore the potential for additional operational<br />

credit.<br />

Testing includes having sample pilots from industry, the military and FAA conduct<br />

landings in low visibility to validate potential new operations.<br />

Current flight testing requires sample pilots to fly and evaluate EFVS's ability to<br />

provide the required visibility at standard minimums, and then continue to land in<br />

visibilities as low as 1000 ft RVR solely on enhanced vision. FAA's end goal is<br />

expanded EFVS operational rules.<br />


Communications:<br />

Communications connect the flight deck to the ground and the flight deck to the<br />

passengers. On-board communications are provided by public-address systems and<br />

aircraft intercoms.<br />


The VHF aviation communication system works on the airband of 118.000 MHz to<br />

136.975 MHz. Each channel is spaced from the adjacent ones by 8.33 kHz in Europe,<br />

25 kHz elsewhere.<br />

VHF is also used for line of sight communication such as aircraft-to-aircraft and<br />

aircraft-to-ATC. Amplitude modulation (AM) is used, and the conversation is<br />

performed in simplex mode. Aircraft communication can also take place using HF<br />

(especially for trans-oceanic flights) or satellite communication.<br />

Navigation:<br />

Navigation is the determination of position and direction on or above the surface of the<br />

Earth. Avionics can use satellite-based systems (such as GPS and WAAS), groundbased<br />

systems (such as VOR or LORAN), or any combination thereof.<br />

Navigation systems calculate the position automatically and display it to the flight crew<br />

on moving map displays. Older <strong>avionics</strong> required a pilot or navigator to plot the<br />

intersection of signals on a paper map to determine an aircraft's location; modern<br />

systems calculate the position automatically and display it to the flight crew on moving<br />

map displays.<br />

Monitoring:<br />

The Airbus A380 glass cockpit featuring pull-out keyboards and two wide computer<br />

screens on the sides for pilots.<br />

A "glass" cockpit refers to the use of computer monitors instead of gauges and other<br />

analog displays. Aircraft were getting progressively more displays, dials and<br />

information dashboards that eventually competed for space and pilot attention.<br />

Glass cockpits started to come into being with the Gulfstream G-IV private jet in 1985.<br />

One of the key challenges in glass cockpits is to balance how much control is automated<br />

and how much the pilot should do manually. Generally they try to automate flight<br />

operations while keeping the pilot constantly informed.<br />

Aircraft flight-control systems:<br />

Aircraft have means of automatically controlling flight. Today automated flight control<br />

is common to reduce pilot error and workload at key times like landing or takeoff.<br />

Autopilot was first invented by Lawrence Sperry during World War II to fly bomber<br />

planes steady enough to hit precision targets from 25,000 feet.<br />

. Nowadays most commercial planes are equipped with aircraft flight control systems in<br />

order to reduce pilot error and workload at landing or takeoff.<br />

The first simple commercial auto-pilots were used to control heading and altitude and<br />

had limited authority on things like thrust and flight control surfaces.<br />


In helicopters, auto-stabilization was used in a similar way. The first systems were<br />

electromechanical. The advent of fly by wire and electro-actuated flight surfaces (rather<br />

than the traditional hydraulic) has increased safety. As with displays and instruments,<br />

critical devices that were electro-mechanical had a finite life. With safety critical<br />

systems, the software is very strictly tested.<br />

Collision-avoidance systems:<br />

To supplement air traffic control, most large transport aircraft and many smaller ones<br />

use a traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS), which can detect the location<br />

of nearby aircraft, and provide instructions for avoiding a midair collision.<br />

Smaller aircraft may use simpler traffic alerting systems such as TPAS, which are<br />

passive (they do not actively interrogate the transponders of other aircraft) and do not<br />

provide advisories for conflict resolution.<br />

To help avoid controlled flight into terrain (CFIT), aircraft use systems such as groundproximity<br />

warning systems (GPWS), which use radar altimeters as a key element.<br />

One of the major weaknesses of GPWS is the lack of "look-ahead" information,<br />

because it only provides altitude above terrain "look-down". In order to overcome this<br />

weakness, modern aircraft use a terrain awareness warning system (TAWS).<br />

Black Boxes:( Flight recorder):<br />

Commercial aircraft cockpit data recorders, commonly known as a "black box", store<br />

flight information and audio from the cockpit. They are often recovered from a plane<br />

after a crash to determine control settings and other parameters during the incident.<br />

24<br />

Weather systems:<br />

Weather systems such as weather radar (typically Arinc 708 on commercial aircraft)<br />

and lightning detectors are important for aircraft flying at night or in instrument<br />

meteorological conditions, where it is not possible for pilots to see the weather ahead.<br />

Heavy precipitation (as sensed by radar) or severe turbulence (as sensed by lightning<br />

activity) are both indications of strong convective activity and severe turbulence, and<br />

weather systems allow pilots to deviate around these areas.<br />

Lightning detectors like the Stormscope or Strikefinder have become inexpensive<br />

enough that they are practical for light aircraft. In addition to radar and lightning<br />

detection, observations and extended radar pictures (such as NEXRAD) are now<br />

available through satellite data connections, allowing pilots to see weather conditions<br />

far beyond the range of their own in-flight systems.

Modern displays allow weather information to be integrated with moving maps, terrain,<br />

and traffic onto a single screen, greatly simplifying navigation.<br />

Modern weather systems also include wind shear and turbulence detection and terrain<br />

and traffic warning systems. In-plane weather <strong>avionics</strong> are especially popular in Africa,<br />

India, and other countries where air-travel is a growing market, but ground support is<br />

not as well developed<br />

Aircraft management systems:<br />

There has been a progression towards centralized control of the multiple complex<br />

systems fitted to aircraft, including engine monitoring and management.<br />

It has been used in fourth generation jet fighters and the latest generation of airliners.<br />

Mission or tactical <strong>avionics</strong>:<br />

Military aircraft have been designed either to deliver a weapon or to be the eyes and<br />

ears of other weapon systems. The vast array of sensors available to the military is used<br />

for whatever tactical means required.<br />

As with aircraft management, the bigger sensor platforms (like the E-3D, JSTARS,<br />

ASTOR, Nimrod MRA4, Merlin HM Mk 1) have mission-management computers.<br />

Police and EMS aircraft also carry sophisticated tactical sensors.<br />

Military communications:<br />

While aircraft communications provide the backbone for safe flight, the tactical systems<br />

are designed to withstand the rigors of the battle field. UHF, VHF Tactical (30–<br />

88 MHz) and SatCom systems combined with ECCM methods, and cryptography<br />

secure the communications.<br />

Data links such as Link 11, 16, 22 and BOWMAN, JTRS and even TETRA provide the<br />

means of transmitting data (such as images, targeting information etc.).<br />

Radar:<br />

Airborne radar was one of the first tactical sensors. The benefit of altitude providing<br />

range has meant a significant focus on airborne radar technologies. Radars include<br />

airborne early warning (AEW), anti-submarine warfare (ASW), and even weather radar<br />

(Arinc 708) and ground tracking/proximity radar.<br />

The military uses radar in fast jets to help pilots fly at low levels. While the civil market<br />

has had weather radar for a while, there are strict rules about using it to navigate the<br />

aircraft.<br />

Sonar:<br />

Dipping sonar fitted to a range of military helicopters allows the helicopter to protect<br />

shipping assets from submarines or surface threats.<br />


26<br />

Maritime support aircraft can drop active and passive sonar devices and these are also<br />

used to determine the location of hostile submarines.<br />

Electro-Optics:<br />

Electro-optic systems include devices such as the head-up display (HUD), forward<br />

looking infrared (FLIR), and passive infrared devices (Passive infrared sensor).<br />

These are all used to provide imagery and information to the flight crew. This imagery<br />

is used for everything from search and rescue to navigational aids and target<br />

acquisition.<br />

ESM/DAS:<br />

Electronic support measures and defensive aids are used extensively to gather<br />

information about threats or possible threats. They can be used to launch devices (in<br />

some cases automatically) to counter direct threats against the aircraft. They are also<br />

used to determine the state of a threat and identify it.<br />

Disaster relief and air ambulance:<br />

Disaster relief and EMS aircraft (mostly helicopters) are now a significant market.<br />

Military aircraft are often now built with a role available to assist in civil obedience.<br />

Disaster relief helicopters are almost always fitted with video/FLIR systems to allow<br />

them to monitor and coordinate real-time relief efforts. They can also be fitted with<br />

searchlights and loudspeakers.<br />

EMS and disaster relief helicopters will be required to fly in unpleasant conditions, this<br />

may require more aircraft sensors, some of which were until recently considered purely<br />

for military aircraft.

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