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Leadership Challenges<br />

The severity of the<br />

world on the corporates.<br />

What it demands from their leaders?<br />

VUCA: the Origins<br />

VUCA—the term first produced and implemented by<br />

The U.S. Army War College to train their officers in the<br />

response of collapse of the USSR in the early 1990s.<br />

VUCA describes the volatility, uncertainty, complexity,<br />

and ambiguity of the world after the Cold War.<br />

Therefore, it was specifically a lesson learned from the<br />

conditions arose due to the Cold War between the US<br />

and USSR.<br />

VUCA, which was once a military training term has<br />

become trendy managerial acronym today. But what<br />

made corporates to follow this acronym? One of the<br />

reason is the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008—a<br />

once-in–a-century financial crash. Nearly a decade later<br />

we are still dealing with its fallout, and thinking of<br />

another, even larger, debt-caused crisis. Presently, VUCA<br />

is best acronym that encapsulates the impact of such<br />

thunderstorms which are just begun to unleash upon the<br />

globe.<br />

VUCA: Actual world scenario<br />

Therefore, VUCA designates unpredictable events in the<br />

world, whether in case of a country like Afghanistan or<br />

the case of an organization like Nokia. Afghanistan was<br />

once known as a fast developing country with a healthy<br />

economy. Similarly, Nokia was a leader in phone<br />

manufacturing and was selling the most number of<br />

phones across the world. In both cases, these two<br />

elements have suffered a drastic fall from prosperity to a<br />

great depreciation in their value.<br />

These downfalls are the recent examples of<br />

ineffectiveness in tackling rapid changes in defense and<br />

in technological world respectively. Thus, neither<br />

countries nor organizations and their leadership<br />

strategies are spared in the today’s fluctuating world. Just<br />

turning on 5 min news can show you the live volatility<br />

and uncertainty in the world. One can see the end of<br />

relative stability in the business, politics, or science<br />

which ultimately forcing humans to be more dynamic,<br />

aggressive, and prepared for upcoming disasters. This<br />


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