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YAPOK is another name for the Water Opossum, a marsupial<br />

mammal which lives in Central and South America. They are<br />

the only living aquatic marsupials, and spend much of their lives<br />

swimming in rivers, feeding on crayfish, shrimps and other water<br />

creatures. Yapoks have a number of special design features to suit<br />

their aquatic lifestyle. They have water-proof fur and webbed<br />

hindfeet to aid swimming.<br />

Yapoks build a nest on land, where they<br />

give birth to up to five young, which are<br />

very tiny, being born just 12-14 days after<br />

mating. Like all marsupials, Yapoks have a<br />

pouch, and as soon as they are born their<br />

tiny offspring make their way to it, where<br />

South<br />

America<br />

Green areas show the<br />

Yapok’s main habitats<br />

they find her nipples and feed on milk.<br />

Unlike land-dwelling opossums and almost<br />

all other marsupials, the Yapok has a backward-facing<br />

pouch. There is also another<br />

unique feature: a ring of special muscles on<br />

the female’s pouch provides a water-tight<br />

seal. Together with the backward-facing<br />


According to evolutionists, the fact that all insects<br />

have the same basic body plan means they must<br />

have all evolved from a common ancestor. However,<br />

in the absence of fossil evidence for this, a<br />

common body plan could just as easily mean a<br />

common design.<br />

Manufacturers of motor cars follow a basic<br />

design. For example, most cars have four wheels,<br />

brakes, headlights and a steering wheel. No-one<br />

would suggest that this means that all cars came<br />

from the same factory. The common design just turns out to be<br />

the most economical and efficient, so why start from scratch?<br />

In the same way, a wise Creator wouldn’t use a different body<br />

plan for the many different kinds of insects when one basic plan<br />

works so well. Human engineers have designed robotic insects.<br />

Although inferior to real insects, they involved much intelligent<br />

Alberto D'Ottavi: CC by 2 licence<br />

A robotic insect<br />

thought and planning. The whole natural world, including insects,<br />

shows similar evidence of intelligent design.<br />

We believe the Designer is the God of the Bible, who revealed Himself uniquely in Jesus<br />

Christ. “Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been<br />

made. In him was life.” (The Bible, John 1: 3-4). Jesus is not only the source of all physical<br />

life, but also of spiritual life. We have all sinned against God in various ways, which leads<br />

to spiritual deadness. But through the death and resurrection of Jesus we can know our<br />

Creator, discover life’s real purpose and receive eternal life. Jesus said, “Truly I tell you,<br />

whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be<br />

judged but has crossed over from death to life.” (The Bible, John 5: 24).<br />

The Yapok or Water Opossum<br />

design, this means that it doesn’t fill with water and<br />

drown her babies while she is swimming underwater!<br />

They remain quite safe in that watertight pocket<br />

with a supply of air. At the age of around 5 weeks<br />

they become too large to fit in the pouch, but are still<br />

looked after by their mother for a while, and sometimes<br />

ride on her back.<br />

We know that natural selection enables creatures<br />

to adapt and change within limits. However,<br />

it’s hard to believe that natural selection could<br />

cause the Yapok’s pouch to gradually change its<br />

orientation and at the same time develop the<br />

special muscles to make a water-tight seal. How<br />

could there be a transitional stage? And how<br />

would the young survive before everything was<br />

complete? The evidence suggests that the<br />

Yapok had this special design from the start.<br />

TEACHER: John, why are<br />

you doing your math<br />

multiplication on the floor?<br />

JOHN: You told me to do it<br />

without using tables!<br />

How would you describe a<br />

car crash involving a<br />

dinosaur?<br />

A Tyrannasaurus wreck!<br />

Original View is published three times<br />

a year by the Creation Resources<br />

Trust (Reg. Charity No. 1016666).<br />

Editing, design and layout by Geoff<br />

Chapman. Unless otherwise stated,<br />

articles are written by the editor.<br />

There is no subscription charge, but<br />

donations are invited. Contact <strong>CRT</strong> at<br />

P O Box 3237, YE<strong>OV</strong>IL, BA22 7WD.<br />

Phone: 01935 850569. E-Mail:<br />

info@crt.org.uk. Other resources,<br />

e.g. DVDs, CDs, books, literature,<br />

etc., also available by post or on-line<br />

at www.crt.org.uk Unless otherwise<br />

stated, Scriptures are taken from the<br />


AL VERSION © 1973, 1978, 1984 by<br />

the International Bible Society. Used<br />

by permission of Hodder &<br />

Stoughton. All rights reserved.<br />

Illustrations in this issue from<br />

Clipart.com and Wikipedia.com<br />

© 2019. Printed by CPO Worthing<br />

By Christian Fischer: Wikipedia<br />

The<br />


VIEW No. <strong>88</strong><br />

The Abominable (Butterfly) Mystery<br />

Insect Flight Puzzle<br />

The Miracle of Metamorphosis<br />

Bible-believing Scientist with 9 degrees!<br />

Did Social Insects Evolve?<br />

Well Designed: The Yapok<br />

Why we need Insects<br />

Why not a Common Design?<br />

Insects make up about 85% of all known species. There are believed to<br />

be around 200 million insects for every person on earth! Did they<br />

evolve? The evidence says “No!”<br />

A living silverfish<br />

1. Sciencedaily.com January 23rd 1918.<br />

2. Livescience.com. 6th November 2014<br />

of<br />

The oldest confirmed insect fossil is that of a wingless, silverfish-like creature, claimed<br />

to be “385 million years old.” Then, according to the evolutionists’ dating system, there<br />

is a gap of “60 million years” before the fossils of other insects appear. Sandra Schachat<br />

of Stanford Earth, told Science Daily: “There’s been quite a bit of mystery around how<br />

insects first arose, because for many millions of years you had nothing, and then just all<br />

of a sudden an explosion of insects.” 1<br />

According to entomologist (insect expert) Professor Karl Kjer: "If<br />

you had a time machine and you went back to the Jurassic, we<br />

entomologists would recognize all of the insects and we could<br />

[classify] them into their proper order. Many of them would look<br />

very similar to what we see today.” 2 There were modern-type<br />

insects such as grasshoppers, crickets, butterflies and dragonfiles<br />

living alongside the dinosaurs. The only change is that<br />

modern insects are much smaller than those in the fossil record.<br />



Why is it so hard to swat<br />

a fly? It’s because flies,<br />

like most insects have<br />

compound eyes (left)<br />

with thousands of lenses<br />

which enable them to<br />

see all around them. Did<br />

compound eyes evolve from something simpler?<br />

The evidence suggests the answer is “No.”<br />

Fossils of a strange<br />

creature called Anomalocaris<br />

(right), dated<br />

at about ‘515 million<br />

years old’, revealed it<br />

had compound eyes<br />

Thomas Shahan: Wikipedia<br />

on stalks. Each eye<br />

had around 16,000<br />

facets (flies have<br />

Reconstruction by<br />

Nobu Tamura: Wikipedia<br />

around 3,000). Evolutionists are perplexed, and<br />

say this shows that compound eyes must have<br />

evolved very rapidly. We suggest this shows that<br />

eyes didn’t evolve at all.

By Dr Alexander Mayer: Wikipedia<br />

Wikipedia photo by Falconaumanni<br />

1. Accessed 09/01/2019<br />

2. C F Alexander 1818-85<br />

pexels.com<br />

A moth pollinating a Zinnia, using its<br />

specially designed proboscis<br />

reveal: “The particular type of fossils found mean we have to rethink Lepidoptera [butterfly<br />

and moth] evolution. They imply that the long tube butterflies and moths use to suck nectar<br />

from flowers actually developed before flowering plants did, so it must have originally evolved<br />

for a different purpose.” (15th January 2018)<br />

Charles Darwin called the evolution of flowering plants "an abominable mystery." The new<br />

mystery is why would those insects have the special mouth parts millions of years before there<br />

were any flowers? We suggest the evolutionists’ dating system is totally inaccurate and a more<br />

convincing explanation is that both the insects and the flowers were designed in the beginning<br />

to compliment one another. There is certainly no fossil evidence that these insects evolved<br />

from earlier, less specialisedancestors.<br />

Close-up of a dragonfly’s wing<br />

By Kara Stenberg: Flickr.<br />

Creative Commons Licence<br />

DISCLAIMER: Although we quote the dates evolutionists have assigned<br />

to fossils, we do not accept them. For an article about this, go<br />

to: creation.com/flaws-in-dating-the-earth-as-ancient<br />

Wikipedia photo by Totodu74<br />


The life cycle of a Monarch Butterfly:<br />

egg to caterpillar, to chrysalis, to adult<br />

The abominable (butterfly) mystery<br />

Some butterflies and moths pollinate flowers, and have special mouthparts, called<br />

proboscii — hollow tongues designed to suck nectar from flowers. Until recently<br />

evolutionists had a neat theory about the origin of these pollinating insects: they<br />

“co-evolved” along with the flowers themselves. This theory has been blown apart<br />

by the discovery of fossil remains of butterflies and moths in “200 million year old”<br />

strata in northern Germany. They are said to be “70 million<br />

years older” than the oldest known fossils of flowering<br />

plants, yet these fossils point to them already having those<br />

special mouth parts. This presents evolutionists with a<br />

puzzle, as these words from online science journal Phys.org<br />

Fossils of Montsechia, the<br />

oldest flowering plant, said<br />

to be “130 million years old”.<br />

The<br />

The Wikipedia entry on the Origin of Insects states, “The In the 1830s a German naturalist<br />

named Renous was arrested<br />

first insects were land bound, but about 400 million years<br />

ago in the Devonian period one lineage of insects evolved in Chile, accused of heresy for<br />

flight, the first animals to do so.” 1 . Although it is claimed claiming he could turn caterpillars<br />

into butterflies! Of course,<br />

that insects “evolved flight” the first flying insects to appear<br />

in the fossil record had fully-fledged wings, including giant caterpillars really do turn into<br />

dragonflies with wingspans of up to 75cm (30 ins.)<br />

butterflies after passing through<br />

According to evolutionists, the chrysalis stage. After hatching<br />

from the egg, caterpillars<br />

after the first appearance of<br />

insects there is a gap of feed greedily for a while, before<br />

around “60 million years” spinning a cocoon around them-<br />

with no insect fossils of any<br />

kind. Then a huge range of<br />

insects, including many kinds<br />

of flying insects, appears suddenly<br />

in the rock record with<br />

A fossil dragonfly<br />

no ancestors. It is within that<br />

gap that wings are said to have evolved! So the evidence<br />

suggests that flying insects didn’t evolve from anything.<br />

Like non-flying insects, flying insects have six legs, so what<br />

could their wings have evolved from? They also needed<br />

special muscles for moving and folding their wings. The<br />

wings of insects are very delicate and often beautiful, and it<br />

seems impossible to believe<br />

they evolved by chance. Creation<br />

makes more sense.<br />

Maybe the 19th century<br />

hymn writer was right after<br />

all: “He made their glowing<br />

colours. He made their tiny<br />

wings.” 2<br />

selves and becoming a chrysalis. The caterpillar’s body then<br />

dissolves into a kind of mushy “soup” with no trace of the original<br />

body parts. After a while, the chrysalis spilts open and a beautiful<br />

butterfly emerges!<br />

The life cycle of dragonflies involves only three<br />

stages, but is still amazing. When dragonflies lay<br />

eggs, they hatch into nymphs (left), which spend<br />

several years in rivers and streams. They are<br />

ferocious predators, feeding on water creatures.<br />

They moult (change their skin) several times before<br />

they eventually climb up a stem, their skin<br />

splits, and a beautiful dragonfly emerges, spreads<br />

its wings and flies away!<br />

How did these processes originate? In<br />

each case the adult bears no resemblance<br />

to the juvenile stage. All the instructions for<br />

these changes must be coded in the DNA<br />

of the insects which laid the eggs. Can<br />

evolution explain it? Apparently not. “The<br />

evolution of insect metamorphosis remains<br />

a genuine biological mystery even<br />

today.” 1 No credible theory to explain a<br />

step-by-step origin of metamorphosis has<br />

been proposed.<br />

1. Scientific American, 10th August 2010<br />

See: Inexplicable insect metamorphosis” at https://tinyurl.com/ya8eoylj<br />

A dragonfly emerging<br />

from its old skin<br />

before taking flight.<br />

By Laurie Williams: Publicdomainpictures.net<br />

By Clinton & Charles Robertson: Wikipedia<br />

Dr Gerald Bergman – nine academic degrees<br />

Dr Gerald (’Jerry’) Bergman (right), instructor of science at Northwest State College,<br />

Archbold, Ohio, has nine earned academic degrees. He started in 1985 as a graduate<br />

student in biochemistry at Medical College of Ohio, and also taught biology, chemistry and<br />

physics, He has over 700 publications in scientific and popular journals, and has been a<br />

consultant for more than 20 science textbooks. His work has been translated into 12<br />

languages and he has spoken widely in the United States, Canada and Europe.<br />

Following a 35-year study, Dr Bergman, a committed Christian, rejected evolution, which he now labels “the<br />

greatest deception in history”, and came to believe that special creation fits the evidence much better. His<br />

anti-evolution views led to much opposition from the evolutionary establishment, and he was forced to relinquish<br />

his post as assistant professor at Bowling Green State University. Since then he has been heavily involved in the<br />

modern creation movement.<br />

Dr Bergman is very critical of the evolutionists’ claim that all life evolved from some hypothetical first cell. He<br />

writes: “A cell can come only from a functioning cell and cannot be built up piecemeal, because all the major<br />

organelles [subunits] must have been created and assembled instantaneously for the cell to exist.” In his view,<br />

“One of the most compelling evidences in support of the instantaneous creation worldview is the daily observation<br />

that information does not come about by chance and, if left to itself, disorder usually soon results. Archaeologists<br />

are normally easily able to discern if an object found in their field research digs was produced by<br />

humans or by natural events such as wind or rain.” He concludes: “Since the law of biogenesis states<br />

that life proceeds only from preexisting life, various forms of preexisting life must have been parents<br />

of all living organisms. And since life cannot create itself, the source of life must be God: “O Lord …<br />

.For with you is the fountain of life” (Ps. 36:69)” 1<br />

Dr Bergman is very critical of the harmful impact of evolutionary philosophy, especially in giving rise<br />

to such ideologies as Hitler’s nazism. His recent book The Dark Side of Charles Darwin reveals some<br />

disturbing facts about Darwin and his motives<br />

1. Quotes from In Six Days: Why Fifty Ph.D. scientists choose to believe in Creation, Master Books, 2001.<br />

Above: bee on<br />

flower, dung<br />

beetle, ladybird.<br />


Insects may sometimes annoy<br />

us, especially when they buzz<br />

around our head. However, the<br />

fact is that we couldn’t exist<br />

without them. They are a vital<br />

part of the “web of life”, and<br />

perform numerous important<br />

tasks. These include the pollination<br />

of plants, without which<br />

many plants and trees would<br />

never bear fruit, and we would<br />

starve! Insects also perform a<br />

valuable “clean-up service”,<br />

eating rubbish and decaying<br />

animal and vegetable matter.<br />

Dung beetles feed on animal<br />

droppings!<br />

Some insects are useful as<br />

pest controllers. For example, ladybirds and hoverflies<br />

eat aphids which attack and harm many<br />

plants. Organic farmers and gardeners buy natural<br />

predators instead of using chemicals.<br />

It surely takes a lot of faith to believe that all of this<br />

is the result of millions of years of random, chance<br />

processes. It looks very much as though the natural<br />

world was designed for a purpose.<br />

Photo: www.ant.org<br />

This ant, trapped in Baltic<br />

amber, and claimed to be<br />

‘46 million years old’, is<br />

clearly a worker ant.<br />

ants which are removed from the<br />

colony and forced to live alone, soon<br />

die. So they are clearly designed to<br />

live as part of a community, and<br />

can’t function alone.<br />

Bees, wasps, ants and termites<br />

work together to construct their complex<br />

nests, and appear to be preprogrammed<br />

to do this. The huge<br />

mud nest on the right, photographed<br />

in Australia, was made by tiny termites.<br />

The ability to do this must be<br />

coded in their DNA, and could not<br />

have arisen by random chance.<br />

There are a number of insects,<br />

known as social insects, which live<br />

in societies. How this communal living<br />

originated has been a puzzle for<br />

evolutionists ever since Darwin’s<br />

time. These insects are totally dependant<br />

on one another and can<br />

only function as a unit. The fossil<br />

record suggests that ants have<br />

aways lived in communities.<br />

Scientists have discovered that<br />

By Ray Norris: Wikipedia

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