Tales &Legends / Forgotten stories

A private non-commercial book about the world of Tyr and Lumina created by Niek Corstjens in his time being a Dungeon Master. Design — Natalia Agafonova. Illustrations — Tengu Arts, Clipart Courtesy FCIT. Text — Laszlo Pieper, Natalia Agafonova.

A private non-commercial book about the world of Tyr and Lumina created by Niek Corstjens in his time being a Dungeon Master.

Design — Natalia Agafonova.
Illustrations — Tengu Arts, Clipart Courtesy FCIT.
Text — Laszlo Pieper, Natalia Agafonova.


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accumulated knowledge<br />

forgotten <strong>stories</strong><br />

Tome 15<br />

collected and edited<br />

by entho'mere the alchemist<br />

recorded by Sharp Beak & Dim Wing

Dedicated to the Sun & the Moon, the Brains & the Muscles,<br />

the Big Heads, the Tiny People, the Salty Folks, the Lore Hungry,<br />

those who draw & and those who design, the Robots & the Fast Typers,<br />

the Trolls of the woods & internets alike, Meme & Anime Lovers,<br />

4am Shit-posters, the Great Plex, Diets & Alcohol, Matt Mercer,<br />

myself, and everything that makes the Kabouter club whole.

Powered by the Gods & the Heroes of Lumina and Tyr<br />

who shaped the world the way they did.<br />

Recorded by Dim Wing & Sharp Beak in Western Tower<br />

from the tales told by Entho'Mere the Alchemist,<br />

Orus the Bard, and Baqqan the Weirdo.<br />

Book binding by Talking Paper salon in Solstice.<br />

Art commissioned to Tengu Arts guild<br />

in Silver Mountains led by Michelle the Magnificent,<br />

and Art Courtesy FCIT in Mirage.

codex. .......................11<br />

Averdon .............................................12<br />

Augustus Mendenhall .........................13<br />

Birrafirth .......................................... 14<br />

Book of names ....................................15<br />

Bor pact .............................................16<br />

Cult of the Blue Flame ........................17<br />

Desert gnomes.....................................18<br />

Dragon-Born......................................19<br />

Dwarves ........................................... 20<br />

Eastern alliance ..................................21<br />

Eternals ............................................ 22<br />

Fizzlewick ..........................................23<br />

Flame Tongue .................................... 24<br />

Foggy Hills .........................................25<br />

Furlkos the Blue Flamed .................... 26<br />

Genasi .............................................. 27<br />

Giants .............................................. 28<br />

Goblins ............................................. 29<br />

Gorganos ............................................30<br />

Halflings ............................................31<br />

Humans .............................................32<br />

Ice Maidens ........................................33<br />

Kobolds ............................................. 34<br />

Lion-folk ............................................35<br />

Matthew ............................................36<br />

Maximilian Livingstone ......................38<br />

Minotaurs ..........................................39<br />

Minto the Godslayer .......................... 40<br />

Mushroom forest ................................ 43<br />

Norud ...............................................44<br />

Order of Bosa .................................... 45<br />

Order of Gorganos ............................. 46<br />

Orus ................................................. 47<br />

Qurio ............................................... 48<br />

Salim - Gnomish Cartographer........... 49<br />

The Stag ............................................50<br />

Tieflings .............................................51<br />

Rock gnomes .......................................52<br />

Wall of Oblivion ................................53<br />

<strong>stories</strong>. ......................55<br />

Furlkos the Blue-Flamed also known as<br />

Ignis the Son of Gorganos ....................56<br />

The Pussy & The Pillow ..................... 70<br />

9 •

10 •

Part 1.<br />

codex.<br />

11 •

c Averdon c<br />

he beautiful capital of Lumina could be recognised<br />

from afar by its nine towers rising high up in the sky. Each<br />

tower belonged to one of the guilds, which ruled the city.<br />

There is word of a legend that claims Averdon and four<br />

of its spiralling towers were raised into the sky as parts of<br />

Lumina ascended into the heavens. These parts of Averdon now make<br />

up the core cluster and its surrounding, Northern, Easter, Southern, and<br />

Western tower where the Owlmen<br />

reside and collect their<br />

knowledge.<br />

3<br />

12 •

c augustus mendenhall — the Bronze Baron c<br />

human baron who was the first noble man to be<br />

raised as an undead. He used<br />

to reside at Dunstead Castle†<br />

but when the castle got attacked<br />

by a Dwarven army his<br />

Court Necromancer Maximillian put a spell<br />

on him to be raised from the dead 2 years into<br />

the future when all danger has passed. Due to<br />

the spell being unrefined, the king woke up<br />

200 years later instead and forgot all of his<br />

past however. However, he was one of the first<br />

Dunstead Castle<br />

— a castle on the North-<br />

West of Lumina. Now<br />

stands in ruins with<br />

the memory of its history<br />

depicted on its walls.<br />

Also known as<br />

the Livingstone Castle.<br />

raised who got to keep their personality allowing him to remember his<br />

past with Maximilian’s help and thus gain an ambition to retake his family<br />

castle. Maximilian aided him by raising an undead army and retaking<br />

the castle, after which Maximilian renamed the castle into Livingstone<br />

Castle and used it as a base of his further<br />

operations whereas the thread<br />

of Augustus got<br />

lost.<br />

3<br />

13 •

c Birrafirth c<br />

ountain hold of Birrafirth is the predominant home<br />

of the Rock Gnomes†. Its walls<br />

are thick and its gates thicker. It<br />

is a real mountain side fortress<br />

that is tough to crack however<br />

the Gnomes of Birrafirth do not only sit idly<br />

rock gnomes —<br />

read more about them<br />

on page 52.<br />

inside their walls as their settlement also sprawls outwards where they<br />

trade with other surrounding<br />

civilizations.<br />

3<br />

14 •

c Book of names c<br />

he book of names is the one book that has the name<br />

of all demons from every demi-plane out there. The one<br />

that controls the book, controls a sizeable and relentless<br />

army of demons and other<br />

hell spawns that will fight<br />

for them without question. In name it is a<br />

well-known artifact amongst powerful warlocks<br />

of whom many seek the power of the<br />

book to aid them in fulfilling their agenda.<br />

Entho’mere, Varis, Maya, Baqqan, and<br />

Nodin were notified of the existence of this<br />

book after their adventures underneath<br />

Agidowa and inside Qurio. Here they fought of countless of swarms<br />

of bug like demons called Mezzoloth who all were summoned using<br />

the Book of Names. It was not until they met Maximilian’s spirit<br />

who explained them who had the book and what purpose it served.<br />

A powerful Yuan-Ti Warlock named Thueban held control over the<br />

book as he wanted to use it to subdue the world to his rule. Thueban<br />

was defeated but at a great cost as only Entho survived the encounter<br />

with him. The book was last seen in Entho’mere’s possession<br />

who held control over the demonic swarms of the demi-planes<br />

until the book somehow<br />

was lost once<br />

again.<br />

3<br />

15 •

c Bor pact c<br />

ed by a goblin fire mage Fizzlewick†<br />

the Bor pact was<br />

an independent union of goblins<br />

other comparable<br />

creatures.<br />

3<br />

Feaselwick —<br />

read more about him<br />

on page 23.<br />

16 •

c Cult of the Blue Flame c<br />

he Cult of the Blue Flame was started by Furlkos†,<br />

a Fire Genasi† who gained his power due to a bond with an<br />

extraordinary powerful artefact,<br />

The Flame Tongue†. Believing<br />

that his race, the Fire Genasi,<br />

were above the other mortal races that roamed<br />

the known world he gathered more and more<br />

followers as he raised the banner of racial purity<br />

and superiority. When the greatest necromancer<br />

of the Old World Maximillian† broke<br />

the border between Lumina and Hell, the Cult<br />

of the Blue Flame grew quickly as undead<br />

Fire Genasi now unified under their banner<br />

as well. As a result of this undead following<br />

a symbol was created specifically for them, a<br />

black skull wreathed in blue flame. The cult’s<br />

base was hidden in the Lost Lands where they<br />

burned the earth so much that nothing could<br />

ever grow there<br />

again.<br />

3<br />

Furlkos — read more<br />

about him on page 26.<br />

Genasi —<br />

read more about them<br />

on page 27.<br />

Flame Tongue —<br />

read more about it<br />

on page 24.<br />

Maximilian —<br />

read more about him<br />

on page 38.<br />

17 •

c Desert gnomes c<br />

ock gnomes that got cursed by the goddess Ivris for<br />

disrespecting their agreement. She cursed all the Gnomes<br />

to be blinded by daylight and in return gave them sight<br />

only in darkness. No longer being able to live within normal<br />

daylight society they fled to the desserts where they<br />

hid underground. As time passed the inventive Gnomes created goggles<br />

that allowed them to regain part of their vision in daylight as to not be<br />

depended on darkness<br />

for their<br />

sight.<br />

3<br />

18 •

c Dragon-Born c<br />

roud people from the Far East Kingdom of Esrestead.<br />

The Dragonborn live in a<br />

very closed off society. Those<br />

who travelled far and reached<br />

the capital of the DragonBorn,<br />

Draaqir†, told the <strong>stories</strong> about its citizens as<br />

Draaqir — is located<br />

on the far the South<br />

East of Lumina.<br />

a proud but reclusive race, strong and tough warriors between six and<br />

seven feet tall, who are able to breath elemental<br />

energy depending on their<br />

heritage.<br />

3<br />

19 •

c Dwarves c<br />

here are two types of Dwarves in Lumina, those<br />

that dwell in the mountains and those that dwell in the<br />

hills. The Dwarves that dwell in the mountains often<br />

mingled with the other mountain inhabitants such as the<br />

Gnomes of Birrafirth and the Earth Genasi of Hammerkeep.<br />

Although the mountain Dwarves were not the most common of<br />

the Dwarves in Lumina. Whenever someone would encounter a Dwarf<br />

it was more likely that they were a Dwarf of the Badland clans, who<br />

dwell in the hills in the West. These Badland Dwarves replaced an ancient<br />

Human Kingdom that they laid to waste in a great war. With no<br />

humans to rule, the Badland Dwarves took their still standing castles<br />

and fortifications above ground and made them their homes. From<br />

these fortresses they ruled the land better known as the Badlands<br />

with at their head a renowned<br />

Royal Dwarven<br />

Family.<br />

3<br />

20 •

c Eastern alliance c<br />

he eastern Alliance was formed to resist the<br />

growing power of the Cult of the Blue Flame. The<br />

members of it were: The Horned Serpents, Merchants<br />

of the Waste, Order of Bosa, Ice Maidens, and<br />

the Kingdom of<br />

Esrestead.<br />

3<br />

21 •

c Eternals c<br />

nce Maximilian† opened the passage between the<br />

world of the living and Hell, all the souls of the deceased<br />

flooded back into the world of the living. Those who could<br />

find their bodies became Eternals,<br />

or the undead. Those who<br />

could not became ghosts and apparitions.<br />

They cannot die unless killed. They worship<br />

Maximilian as their God and live in the Below<br />

Maximilian — read<br />

more about him<br />

on page 38.<br />

after the world got risen up. If a part of the body of an Eternal decomposes<br />

it gets replaced with a wooden or metal part. One can find completely<br />

wooden or metal constructs in the Below as long as there is one piece of<br />

their initial body that the soul can latch onto. Eternals use the new bodies<br />

falling from the Floating islands as a place<br />

to store the souls of those whose<br />

bodies decomposed<br />

entirely.<br />

3<br />

22 •

c Fizzlewick c<br />

oblin fire mage and leader of the Bor pact.<br />

Fizzlewick was known for being a pyromaniac as well as<br />

supposedly burning down several buildings in different<br />

towns and villages. Some of the more known incidents occured<br />

in Thuggan, or Thieves’ Narrow, where he disguised<br />

himself as a mad Dwarven shopkeeper who sold exotic magical items. Here<br />

he tricked travellers into buying his merchandise for a while until the city<br />

was attacked and he revealed his true form. Fizzlewick tried to add more<br />

fuel to the fire and burn the city from the inside as it was attacked from<br />

the outside but before he could a Halfling<br />

adventurer lobbed a javelin at him<br />

which forced him<br />

to retreat.<br />

3<br />

23 •

c Flame Tongue c<br />

eapon of extraordinary<br />

power bound to Furlkos†, the<br />

leader of the Cult of the Blue<br />

Flame†. This blade is engulfed<br />

in flames whenever it is held by<br />

a powerful person, but only the<br />

heritage of an owner can possibly<br />

colour the flames. This<br />

magical artifact gave<br />

the name to the<br />

cult.<br />

3<br />

Furlkos —<br />

read more about him<br />

on page 26.<br />

Cult of the Blue<br />

Flame — read more<br />

about it on page 17.<br />

24 •

c Foggy Hills c<br />

ome to the giants† these hills are covered in magical<br />

fog that never clears<br />

to protect the giants<br />

from being hunted by<br />

dwarves who brought giants<br />

to near-extinction by killing them<br />

for sport. The fog was created by the<br />

leader of the Ice Maidens Maggye† as an<br />

attempt to save the giants from total<br />

extinction.<br />

3<br />

maggye — read more about<br />

her on page 33.<br />

giants — read more about<br />

them on page 28.<br />

25 •

furlkos'es<br />

life story is told fully<br />

on page 56.<br />

c Furlkos the Blue Flamed c<br />

ire Genasi that deserted the Order of Gorganos after<br />

burning down a forest and losing his companions on<br />

a mission. Where the hairs and fiery higlights of his fellow<br />

Genasi were orange like a burning fire he sported blue<br />

flames instead. On his journeys he encountered a group<br />

of adventurers with whom he travelled and together they attempted to<br />

attack Bo'Gat who sent them to Hell. There Furlkos found a weapon<br />

which he referred to as the Flame Tongue. Later in his travels he found<br />

out that the sword could ignite with blue flames in his hands. After an<br />

audience with Lumina his beliefs were questioned that Gorganos was not<br />

a God but just a fire giant. After Gorganos’ death at the hands of Minto,<br />

Furlkos established a new cult out of his followers claiming that Fire Genasi<br />

were the purest race and thus they were obliged to purify this world<br />

of all that was unclean. Ignis the Son of Gorganos was the<br />

given name to Furlkos after he created the Cult of the Blue<br />

Flame. He was thought to be the son of Gorganos due to his<br />

possession of extreme fire elemental affinity. His following<br />

grew as his ideas radicalised. After Maximillian let all the<br />

souls out from Hell back to the mortal world, Furlkos got many undead<br />

followers who could be recognised by their skulls being engulfed in blue<br />

flames. The Cult of the Blue Flame scorched their surroundings to such<br />

a degree that nothing could ever grow there again. During the final<br />

battle of the great war with the Eastern Alliance on the outskirts Qurio,<br />

Furlkos and his cult were winning as he killed his former friend from the<br />

adventuring party Maggye and realised that he had gone too far. He allowed<br />

himself to get captured and have his weapon taken away from him.<br />

He was trialed for his crimes and sentenced to be locked away in a mountain<br />

vault for eternity where he was guarded day and night by Dwarves.<br />

3<br />

26 •

c Genasi c<br />

enasi are a humanoid race with<br />

an elemental ancestry. There are four<br />

sub-races known related to the four major<br />

elements: water, fire, earth, and air.<br />

Fire and Earth Genasi used to<br />

form the Order of<br />

Gorganos†.<br />

3<br />

Order of Gorganos<br />

— read more about it<br />

on page 46.<br />

27 •

c Giants c<br />

iants of the Old World roamed the Badlands† to the<br />

north where the Badland dwarves ruled from Dunstead<br />

Castle. Giants were rarely found anywhere else and most<br />

of them were hill and mountain giants. There were records<br />

of Goliaths, a sub species of more humanoid like half-giants<br />

that also roamed the Old World but it is not clear where exactly they<br />

came from. Within the Badlands the giants were never numerous as the<br />

Dwarves of the Badlands made a sport out of hunting and killing any kind<br />

of Giant as some sort of coming of age ritual. Many Giants perished as this<br />

became more of a tradition until it was barely possible<br />

to find any Giants in the Badlands unless you<br />

Badlands — are located<br />

on the North-West of Lumina. got lucky. At this point killing a Giant was more of<br />

a prestigious accomplishment as it was rare to do so.<br />

Some of the last Giants that remained in the Badlands were finally found<br />

out by an army of Badland Dwarves but as the Dwarves moved in to attack,<br />

they were halted by a little Heroic Gnome who had proclaimed to defend<br />

the last Giants in name of her deceased Goliath husband. This Hero was<br />

Maggye and with her she brought eight other heroes that fought off wave<br />

after wave of Badland Dwarves until their army was shattered and broken.<br />

The remainder of the Giants sided with the nine heroes and laid siege to<br />

Dunstead castle together with Maximillian and his army of the dead. Here<br />

the giants proved to be of much use as they lobbed large boulders at the<br />

walls which soon crumbled as Minto, the Brave led the charge through the<br />

breach. This event in history was one of the latest events that recorded<br />

the Badland Giants to be involved in anything. A millennium later a<br />

group of adventurers stumbled upon markings within ruins that depicted<br />

this epic battle which included the Giants of the Badlands. Some say it was<br />

their last hurrah before they too perished.<br />

3<br />

28 •

c Goblins c<br />

ittle creatures that are usually not taken into account<br />

which could be considered a mistake for they may<br />

be weak individually but together they can become a force<br />

to be reckoned<br />

with.<br />

3<br />

29 •

c Gorganos c<br />

ire giant that claimed that he created the<br />

first continent in Lumina. Also known as the leader<br />

of the Order of<br />

Gorganos.<br />

3<br />

30 •

c Halflings c<br />

alflings of the old world were not so numerous<br />

and spread out across the world as some races. Most of<br />

them were concentrated bogs and swamps in the Southlands<br />

where they built a settlement named Murkwell. The<br />

Halflings mastered their terrain and had adapted to their<br />

surroundings very well as they build inside and around<br />

large trees and roots that sprawled throughout the swamps.<br />

They built their settlements and outposts up high on stilts<br />

so swamp water and ground predators could not reach<br />

them. Indirectly this method of building also proved to<br />

goblins — read<br />

more about them<br />

on page 29.<br />

be useful in fending of any attackers which occasionally would happen as<br />

Goblins† and Orcs entered the swamps in search for loot. Even though<br />

the Halflings might seem simple and uncivilized given the area they chose<br />

to settle in, they had a structure of different Halfling clans that all took up<br />

different roles within their community. Living so secluded from most major<br />

civilizations the Halflings had few dealings with outsiders except for<br />

the occasional trading at Wailer’s Point. Given their solitary existence<br />

however, the Halflings were a proud and curious folk and it was not uncommon<br />

for them to go out into the world and explore or seek adventure<br />

for themselves beyond the Borders<br />

of their capital town of<br />

Murkwell.<br />

3<br />

31 •

c Humans c<br />

umans are lively and very adaptable<br />

friendly folk that live in — is located<br />

Merthington<br />

the city of Merthington†. Whereas on the South-West<br />

they not blessed with a greater life of Averdon.<br />

span like some other races, they<br />

are very quick learners and are always seeking for glory<br />

to immortalise their<br />

names.<br />

3<br />

32 •

c Ice Maidens c<br />

ce Maidens were a group of expertly trained female<br />

fighters under the command of Maggye the gnome. She<br />

had an affinity for ice magic and her spear was ice cold<br />

to the touch and could freeze friend or foe at an instant.<br />

Maggye set up this band of warriors that later joined in on<br />

the fight against the Son of Gorganos, and Maggye’s old friend Furlkos.<br />

Furlkos betrayed and killed Maggye and her Ice Maidens disbanded<br />

as most were killed<br />

during the<br />

war.<br />

3<br />

33 •

c Kobolds c<br />

hese small draconic island dwellers are the lesser<br />

cousins of the mighty dragonBorn†. They live in small<br />

and primitive communities that had<br />

almost no dealings with the outside<br />

world until the new continent was<br />

discovered and travellers from far and wide sailed<br />

the vast seas to reach it and built outposts on the<br />

dragonBorn —<br />

read more about them<br />

on page 19.<br />

many tiny islands for weary sailors to rest. Soon the small islanders were<br />

sucked into the business of the civilized world and their reasonably<br />

tranquil lives were uprooted and pulled into<br />

the maelstrom of<br />

society.<br />

3<br />

34 •

c Lion-folk c<br />

n the sprawling islands of Hellenia† where tyrants<br />

ruled there were the Lion-Folk. A strong willed and fierce<br />

race of feline warriors that lived by their<br />

own rules and who would bow to no tyrant.<br />

As the tyrants were subdued one by one the<br />

time of a free Lion-Folk came closer to an end. Their ancestral<br />

grounds engulfed in war as the armies of the Hellenian<br />

tyrant who vanquished all others pushed them back until every<br />

Lion-Folk was put in chains. Most of them were forced to do hard labour<br />

in quarries and mines while others were thrown into arenas to serve as<br />

local entertainment for the populace where they fought to the dead in the<br />

hope of obtaining a freedom<br />

that would never<br />

come.<br />

3<br />

prince of helenia<br />

— read more about him<br />

on the page 35.<br />

35 •

c Matthew c<br />

Thuggan — is located<br />

on the North-West<br />

of Averdon.<br />

Burrova — is located<br />

on the East of Averdon.<br />

atthew was a Halfling from the swamps of Murkwell<br />

who had interests in anything natural and unnatural that he<br />

could use for his alchemical concoctions. As most Halflings<br />

he grew up inside the swamps of Murkwell where there are<br />

plenty of alchemical sources to be found however this was not<br />

enough for him and Matthew set out on a journey to become what he, in his<br />

eyes, was destined to be, the greatest alchemist the known world had ever seen.<br />

On his journey he crossed with several other adventurers which he<br />

tagged along with for quite a while. He was good at getting in arguments<br />

with most of the other members of the party as he always questioned<br />

everything and everyone with the everlasting question of ‘why?’.<br />

Matthew’s main rivalry was the one with Orus†, as he always interrupted<br />

Orus’ adventures with the ladies which would, due to Matthew,<br />

end in disaster leaving a bitter after taste in Orus’ beak everytime.<br />

In the town of Thuggan†, or Thieves Narrow, Matthew laid the foundation<br />

of what would later become the Alchemist’s<br />

Guild. He set up a small shop where<br />

apprentice alchemists would gather and<br />

could learn from him and each other. But<br />

time was short and the guild had only been<br />

briefly established before Matthew set out<br />

with his companions on another adventure.<br />

The crew travelled towards Hammerkeep<br />

through the mining town of Burrova† where Matthew drugged a child as<br />

he tried to once again ruin Orus’ moment with the ladies. The child started<br />

panicking and running around as all he could see was spiders everywhere.<br />

Matthew quickly left the town with his companions to travel through the<br />

mountains where they found an illusionary inn that was owned by an old<br />

wizard. Our keen hero Matthew was the only one that saw through the<br />

36 •

norud — read<br />

more about him<br />

on page 44.<br />

Orus — read<br />

more about him<br />

on page 47.<br />

illusion but he failed at getting the attention of his friends. After he finally<br />

managed to get the wizard’s attention he could think of only one thing to<br />

do and he decided to shank the old man out of nowhere. In a feat of rage<br />

the wizard turn all four companions into chicken but due to severe ineptitude<br />

Norud† turned into a chicken permanently. A moment<br />

for Matthew and his concoctions to shine! Without<br />

further ado Matthew started brewing a serum that would<br />

relieve Norud of this polymorph curse. Thinking it was a<br />

good idea to add Gryphon’s feathers to the potion he mixed<br />

them in and fed Norud the chicken this potion who then<br />

turned into a large and majestic gryphon. Matthew did<br />

cure Norud as now at least he was not a chicken anymore.<br />

After several other adventures with his party the four decided<br />

to split up, with Matthew focussing on teaching alchemy to his pupils<br />

in Thuggan and later Averdon. He managed to become a well renowned<br />

and powerful alchemist who’s work often had odd side effects to say the least.<br />

He managed to find the solution to eternal life but subsequently this turned<br />

him into a potion. As he lived on for at least a thousand years, which is well<br />

beyond the lifespan of any Halfling, he survived the great cataclysm that torn<br />

the world asunder. He lived in a tower that floated around in the sky. Here<br />

he remained within an alchemical lab with little interactions until a band<br />

of heroes found him. Amongst them was an owlman who was keen to learn<br />

more about a potion of eternal life and turning oneself liquid, however time<br />

cut their sharing of knowledge short as they had to throw liquid Matthew<br />

out of a window into the below so he would not fall into the wrong hands.<br />

As far as we known that is the last thing that was ever recorded of<br />

Matthew. Whether he splattered all over the ground in the below and<br />

died right there or somehow survived remains a mystery to everyone.<br />

3<br />

37 •

c Maximilian Livingstone c<br />

orn as a human of noble origin he faced a mortal<br />

disease at a very young age which could not be cured by<br />

regular means. The thirst for life pushed him to search for<br />

a cure beyond the known and traditional means of medicine,<br />

including the dark arts of necromancy. He became<br />

the greatest necromancer of his time, made a career as a court necromancer<br />

first in the provinces and then in the capital, eventually occupying one<br />

of the guild’s towers in Averdon and becoming one of the<br />

9 most influential people in Lumina. He raised himself undead<br />

and released all the souls of the dead back to the world<br />

of the living by linking the two together. This event broke<br />

the balance of the world, so the Gods had to lift parts of<br />

the world up in the sky leaving the rest of the land for the undead to live<br />

separately from the<br />

living.<br />

3<br />

Maximilian's<br />

life story is told fully<br />

on the page 54.<br />

38 •

c Minotaurs c<br />

irates and traders from<br />

the town of Perlshaw† these<br />

horned beasts have always been<br />

known for knowing their way<br />

Perlshaw — is located<br />

on the North-East<br />

of Averdon.<br />

around a ship, making good deals through the art of speech<br />

or the art of<br />

war.<br />

3<br />

39 •

Hammerkeep — is<br />

located on the North-<br />

East of Averdon.<br />

c Minto the Godslayer c<br />

The Story of the Death of Gorganos†, how a god was<br />

killed. Deep below the streets of Hammerkeep†, within<br />

the molten core of the mountain, resided a god amongst<br />

man, Gorganos the fire giant. Norud† the deserter had returned<br />

to his order after he was recalled to come and help<br />

deal with troubles in the city he grew up in. Arriving in Hammerkeep his<br />

friends Matthew†, Minto†, and Orus† were put on trial and sentenced<br />

to venture into the mountain to sort out what was going on there. Norud<br />

was to go with them and be their guide as well as their supervisor to<br />

make sure they would not try to run and actually fulfil the task they were<br />

sentenced to accomplish. It did not take long before the four heroes<br />

stumbled upon Fire Genasi† cultists that revered Gorganos, the god under<br />

the mountain and as they ventured deeper inside it became clear how<br />

big all of this actually was. Many cultists and fire elementals guarded the<br />

fiery depths of Hammerkeep including a giant stone gate of a size none<br />

of the heroes had ever seen before. After the four heroes were captured<br />

and managed to escape again they slipped through the<br />

massive stone gate, who opened at given intervals, what<br />

followed was a staircase that seemed to go down to the<br />

heart of the mountain. On their way down they had an<br />

epic fight with an elemental being during which Matthew,<br />

as usual, casted a spell that severely hampered the party instead of being<br />

helpful. The elemental was destroyed and banished to the plane of fire<br />

but left behind his otherworldly hammer which Minto procured and slid<br />

down the stairs all the way to the bottom. After a journey of several<br />

hours long the party arrived in the heart chamber of the mountain<br />

where they encountered two Fire Genasi. An argument erupted between<br />

40 •

the party and the Fire Genasi after which Gorganos woke up from his<br />

slumber. The Fiery god stood up from his pit of lava and uttered the<br />

words ‘you… will… be… judged!!!’ after which a battle<br />

of epic proportions was unleashed upon the world. Minto<br />

started duelling one of the Fire Genasi whom he slammed<br />

into the ground with the massive elemental hammer after<br />

which the Genasi almost instantly died. The rest were<br />

still busy fighting the remaining Genasi as Minto stepped<br />

forward to go head to head with the god of fire himself.<br />

Gorganos punished the little Halfling again and again but<br />

he seemed near immortal as he kept taking hit after hit.<br />

When Minto finally took a final massive hit from Gorganos<br />

the room fell silent as Minto laid motionless on the<br />

floor underneath Gorganos’ hammer. It seemed it was<br />

over for Minto until a spark of life entered him once again<br />

and he stood up with renewed vigor. The party, who had<br />

joined the fight against Gorganos now as well, surrounded<br />

the God and as the situation seemed dire for Gorganos he,<br />

as a last ditch effort, tried collapsing the cave on top of our<br />

heroes. Just as they al thought this would be their end Galdar<br />

the Minotaur bounty hunter arrived and used his powerful<br />

magic to fend of the falling boulders. Gorganos tried<br />

getting away via the stairs as the room filled with boulders<br />

Matthew —<br />

read more about him<br />

on page 36.<br />

norud — read<br />

more about him<br />

on page 44.<br />

Orus — read<br />

more about him<br />

on page 47.<br />

Gorganos —<br />

read more about him<br />

on page 30.<br />

Genasi — read<br />

more about them<br />

on page 9.<br />

and lava but Minto was not done with him yet. The very elemental force<br />

of the place fused with Minto as he raged one last time and grew larger<br />

and larger until he almost was the same size as Gorganos himself. The<br />

now giant Halfling hit the God of Fire one last time crushing him under<br />

the weight of the elemental hammer Minto had been using all this time.<br />

As Gorganos died the eruptions within the cave became worse and worse<br />

41 •

and Galdar almost perished right after his heroic rescue action but the<br />

heroes managed to save him just on time. The five of them made it to the<br />

prison block of the caves where they managed to escape via a side passage.<br />

They slid down the mountain with Minto the Giant, sprinting down the<br />

mountain side, Orus using the hot air of the lava to float up and glide<br />

down the mountain side, and Norud boarding down the mountain on his<br />

shield while holding Matthew over his shoulder. As they made it to safety<br />

they saw Hammerkeep being engulfed by the eruptions, almost no one<br />

survived… To this day there are rumours that the Halfling<br />

Minto absorbed some of the powers of<br />

Gorganos on that very<br />

day.<br />

3<br />

42 •

c mushroom forest c<br />

nder the ground of the city of Qurio there is an<br />

ancient mushroom forest. Here lives the Sovereign Mushroom,<br />

king of all mushrooms who came to life due to<br />

growing on the soil where the bodies of countless powerful<br />

magic users had died many years ago. The Mushroom king,<br />

was the first mushroom that became sentient but his legacy is rapidly<br />

spreading due to the ability of his children to move on their legs<br />

and creating new mushroom<br />

forests across the<br />

world.<br />

3<br />

43 •

c Norud c<br />

arth Genasi paladin who created the Genasi order of<br />

BOSA to protect Lumina against the Cult of the Blue Flame.<br />

He used to travel with the leader of the cult Furlkos and<br />

believed he knew him well enough to stop him. He is also<br />

known for giving Maximilian Livingstone his first necromancy<br />

book which allowed him to survive and become<br />

the leader of the<br />

Eternals.<br />

3<br />

44 •

c Order of Bosa c<br />

aladin order that was created to eliminate the Cult<br />

of the Blue Flame. This order was once<br />

part of the Eastern<br />

Alliance.<br />

3<br />

45 •

c Order of Gorganos c<br />

ilitary organisation created by a fire giant named<br />

Gorganos used to maintain order in the world. The recruits<br />

were taken from Fire and Earth Genasi creating a system<br />

of two factions: offense and defence. Fire Genasi of that<br />

order believed that Offense was the most important aspect<br />

of combat, whereas Earth Genasi claimed that defence was the most important.<br />

The Order ruled by one simple rule: Terrain and Nature can be<br />

altered as long as it keeps its original function. They believed that any<br />

chaotic force can be tamed by equal power. Thus their battle cry was:<br />

‘Order through Power. Unity through<br />

force.’<br />

3<br />

46 •

c Orus c<br />

arakocra bard from Aaqa who is a co-inventor<br />

of the new business idea: Brothel &<br />

Breakfast. Together with his companions<br />

he set up the first ever establishment<br />

to follow this model named<br />

the Pussy & the<br />

Pillow.<br />

3<br />

orus' business<br />

success story is told<br />

fully on page 70.<br />

47 •

c Qurio c<br />

merchant city welcoming<br />

to all with an eye for enterprise<br />

and a knack for business and<br />

commerce. The city of Qurio†<br />

was predominantly of human<br />

nature but as event unfurled<br />

the city came to be known as<br />

the capital of the Eastern alliance<br />

and housed many different<br />

races for the time<br />

being.<br />

3<br />

Qurio — is located<br />

to the East of Averdon<br />

on the main continent<br />

of Lumina.<br />

48 •

c Salim - Gnomish Cartographer c<br />

reator of the map of Lumina and the gnome responsible<br />

for disrespecting the deal with Ivris which resulted in<br />

the curse placed on his people. There are rumours that he<br />

was granted an extremely long life to watch his race suffer<br />

and that he was lifted together with the New World so he<br />

might still be<br />

alive.<br />

3<br />

49 •

c The Stag c<br />

od of nature and balance. He looks like a humanoid<br />

stag and he was the God that created the New World<br />

together with the most powerful<br />

magic users of<br />

Lumina.<br />

3<br />

50 •

c Tieflings c<br />

oming from the island of Ivris they were mostly<br />

the followers of Xylon the God of Trickery. After the<br />

rumours of their demonic ancestry many Tieflings have<br />

been abducted by mages of the<br />

wizard capital at Mirstone† to<br />

serve as living test subjects for Arcane experiments.<br />

When the New World was created<br />

by the Gods, the race of Tieflings were left<br />

behind entirely in the Below, making Tiefling kind<br />

very rare in the New<br />

World.<br />

3<br />

Mirstone is located<br />

on the South-West<br />

of Averdon.<br />

gottem!<br />

51 •

c Rock gnomes c<br />

ock Gnomes are known for being keen inventors and<br />

inventing all kinds of apparatuses that are renowned and<br />

much wanted around the wealthier places of the old world.<br />

As a result many of their outgoing<br />

trade revolves around<br />

the tinkered creations they produce as well<br />

as raw materials from the mountains itself.<br />

Of course flourishing trade also attracts lesser<br />

wanted visitors such as Orc raiders whom<br />

Birrafirth —<br />

is located on the South<br />

of Averdon, read more<br />

about it on page 14.<br />

the Gnomes had difficulty dealing with for very long as their small statures<br />

did not help them much in fighting the much larger and stronger<br />

Orcs. It was not until they started employing mercenaries from Saevar to<br />

fight of Orc raids and protect their Borders that the people of Birrafirth†<br />

could mind their daily business without much meddle from the outside<br />

world. As a result of this trade in services and daily dealings the shrewd<br />

Rock Gnomes grew fond of their savage and barbaric Saevarian allies as<br />

they formed a natural bond with each other over time. Birrafirth prospered<br />

for a long time under the protection of their allies until the great<br />

war of fire with the Son of Gorganos sparked and they retreated behind<br />

their thick mountain walls and secluded<br />

themselves from the<br />

world.<br />

3<br />

52 •

c Wall of Oblivion c<br />

ig layer of thundering clouds separating the old<br />

World from the New World. The creator of the wall was<br />

one of the magic users who helped the Gods to raise the<br />

world up named Joakim. He was a storm cleric and he<br />

poured his life essence in the clouds sworn to protect the<br />

Border between the worlds. If a living body falls through the Wall it is<br />

very likely for it to be struck by very powerful lightning. There are also<br />

rumours that there is a giant serpent<br />

living in these<br />

clouds.<br />

3<br />

53 •

54 •

Part 11.<br />

<strong>stories</strong>.<br />

55 •

Furlkos the blue-flamed<br />

also known as<br />

ignis the son of gorganos<br />

have spend so much time at the Order<br />

of Gorganos, training myself to be ready<br />

for the future. It has been quite some time<br />

ever since I took the vows and joined the<br />

order but it is finally<br />

time for me to show<br />

them what I am worth<br />

for the next mission I<br />

will venture on, I will be<br />

in command of the lot. From this moment on I<br />

can start rising through the ranks of the order and<br />

achieve something for myself. The job itself is<br />

nothing special as we are tasked to go hunt down<br />

several bandits that used the forest as a base of<br />

operations to strike from. Those pesky bandits<br />

56 •

won’t know what hit them after we are done with them! We will<br />

show them our true power. • We were strolling through the dark<br />

forest and could barely see anything as too<br />

much light would give away our positions.<br />

At some point we thought we were on the<br />

bandit’s trail as we tracked them down<br />

through some of the hidden paths in the<br />

underbrush. The forward tracker gestured<br />

to me that their hideout would be close.<br />

At that exact moment I heard something<br />

coming from the dark forest and everyone<br />

froze in place, a moment of silence followed<br />

by the sound of something all too<br />

familiar and all too dangerous, the twang<br />

of a crossbow releasing a deadly bolt.<br />

Without warning several bolts hit their<br />

marks and Flare and Boros immediately<br />

fell to the ground lifeless, dead. How could I have been so stupid!<br />

We walked right into their trap like lambs to the slaughter and I<br />

was the one in command… I was the one to… blame. Several bandits<br />

revealed themselves from the dark thicket and charged at what<br />

remained of our group. I felt a fiery rage well up from deep down<br />

below, I had felt anger before but this was something anchored<br />

into my soul. Blind rage took a hold of me as I slaughtered those<br />

that had wronged me, fires danced around me and arced from my<br />

body as our very surroundings caught fire. • As the last of the<br />

bandits fell and the fires died down I managed to calm myself and<br />

perceive the damage that had been done. The once lush forest had<br />

turned into a plain of ash and charcoal with not a single living<br />

57 •

eing in sight, not even my companions. All of them had fallen<br />

and I failed to uphold the honour of my order by severely altering<br />

nature. I realised I could not return to the order after what had<br />

transpired here. I failed what was asked of me and brought shame<br />

to the order of Gorganos. I had to leave this place for once and for,<br />

my only option was to desert from the order and not look back.<br />

Roaming the land leaving the order behind<br />

I travelled south into the realms of<br />

men. Here I was arrested and detained<br />

for no valid reason whatsoever and held<br />

captive near Wailer’s Point. • As I spent<br />

several days inside the prison I came across<br />

several fellow prisoners that I could get along<br />

with. It was a welcome change of pace after<br />

having been on the road all by myself for a<br />

while. Several days we had been stuck in the<br />

same cell and so we ended up sharing names<br />

and other simple niceties. They were an odd<br />

collection of bodies consisting of an elderly gnome named Maggye, a<br />

misshapen Elf who didn’t speak much, a sinister Tiefling who called<br />

himself Aranakas, and a fellow made of bone and not much more who<br />

introduced himself as Augustus Mendenhall also known as Bronze Baron.<br />

No clue what my fate would be sitting in this godsforsaken cell until<br />

one day we all were addressed by a godly being claiming to be Ivris the<br />

goddess of illusions. She granted us a way out for some of us to fulfil a<br />

destiny. • With the divine assistance of the goddess of illusions we freed<br />

ourselves from our chains and were kept in the shadows no longer. We<br />

broke free and I quickly armed myself taking the fight to our captors<br />

and the rest followed foot. The garrison had been caught off guard as we<br />

58 •

fought our way to the outside world. Standing atop the ruins of our<br />

former prison after showing a great feat of teamwork we all decided to<br />

band together for the time being as we set<br />

our sights on the south, Murkwell and its<br />

surrounding swamps. • Never before did I<br />

have many personal dealings with any others<br />

beyond the Fire and Earth Genasi of the two<br />

orders and so travelling with this varied began<br />

to teach me their ways and customs. I<br />

remained doubtful of them but when we arrived<br />

in the swamps and encountered a massive<br />

Slaad named Bo’Gat much of my appreciation<br />

for others sank through the floor as<br />

Aranakas could not keep his hands to himself<br />

deciding he would steal from the Slaad who clearly was a potent magic<br />

user. Bo’Gat banished us from the world of the living as we all took a<br />

one way trip directly into the plane of hell. • As we entered the plane<br />

of death, another divine being revealed herself to us with this time<br />

it being Lumina, the very goddess of the continent. Surely an honour<br />

to meet such a powerful being. It was<br />

here that Lumina uttered false premises<br />

to me, telling me that Gorganos is not a<br />

real god and that my entire race is being<br />

kept on a leash by a fire giant. I did not<br />

take her words for granted but something<br />

deep down started eating at my<br />

conscience, gnawing away every day always<br />

rationalising that it might not be<br />

true, but why would a god lie to me?<br />

59 •

One thing was certain, I had to find<br />

out whether she was speaking the truth<br />

or not. As the<br />

questions churned<br />

around in my head<br />

Lumina provided<br />

us with a task that<br />

would allow us to<br />

return to the world<br />

of the living, by<br />

killing a demon.<br />

• Travelling along<br />

the paths we stumbled<br />

upon a small<br />

town where strangely<br />

enough another<br />

skeletal man, similar to Augustus remained.<br />

One that went by the name of<br />

Maximilian and seemed to even know<br />

Augustus from a lifelong lost to the passing<br />

of time. Maximilian called him the<br />

“Bronze Baron” and explained he could<br />

travel to hell and back. He thought he<br />

would never see Augustus again and was<br />

happy to see him once more and offered<br />

us his help. • As we crossed the vast<br />

planes of hell a great battlefield laid<br />

strewn in front of us or so it seemed.<br />

As if a battle had raged on here many<br />

60 •

decades ago but was never cleaned up and all of the remains were<br />

right there. We waded through the carnage as something caught<br />

my eye, a sword that seemed to be in perfect condition<br />

while everything around it seemed to have<br />

been long forgotten and ruined. Something pulled<br />

me towards it I cannot explain what it was but it<br />

was as if it beckoned me to pull it from the very<br />

ground and wield it as mine. The sword itself felt<br />

familiar to me as if it had been a long lost heirloom<br />

that had always been a part of me ever before. After<br />

the battlefield was located a strange forest with<br />

kobolds hiding inside it. As we nearly exited the<br />

forest I accidentally sparked a fire by walking into<br />

a branch and the forest caught fire. Unable to do<br />

much against the raging flames we watched it burn<br />

down and those inside were burnt alive. Somehow<br />

burning down this forest felt kind of good to me, to see those<br />

flames devour the trees. • We continued our journey to seek out this<br />

demon who would serve as our way back from hell and we stumbled<br />

upon a crossing we had to get past. Everyone made it across but lost in<br />

thought of what Lumina had said earlier I lost my footing and dropped<br />

down into the river of souls and at that moment a demon appeared.<br />

Striking down at us from above we were in a tough spot as we fought<br />

back against the hellish being. It seemed futile just as the skeletal man<br />

that Augustus had met with earlier appeared and banished the demon to<br />

another plane of existence. We thanked him for his aid and continued<br />

to seek out our target. As time passed Augustus got upset with Aranakas<br />

as he was once again tricking and fooling around. To stop him from<br />

causing trouble Maggye accidentally broke his legs by trying to grab<br />

61 •

him. Without second thought Augustus picked him up and threw him<br />

into a pit where Aranakas would be doomed to suffer for an eternity.<br />

After out our arduous journey we finally met with the demon that we<br />

were tasked to rid this plane off so that we may return to the world of<br />

the living. A great battle followed foot but we managed to slay it right<br />

there and then and before I knew it I woke up in the swamps of Murkwell<br />

with myself in one piece once again. As I looked myself over I noticed<br />

that the sword I picked up had transferred to this plane as well.<br />

Everyone of my companions, except Aranakas, had returned to this<br />

world as well and then it came to me once again. Did Lumina speak the<br />

truth? Was Gorganos no god at all? The truth hast to be revealed.<br />

• Making our way back up north out of the swamps we arrived at Wailer’s<br />

Point once again where we managed to get on board of a ship that<br />

would sail us to Mirstone, here Augustus would meet up with Maximilian<br />

and I decided to travel with them for the time being. As we set sail<br />

and started crossing the see between Murkwell and Mirstone we were<br />

62 •

attacked by invisible creatures at sea and one of the ships crew members<br />

fell overboard. Augustus jumped after him to save the man and managed<br />

to help him back on-board via the anchor but Augustus<br />

himself sank to the bottom of the sea and had to<br />

walk to Mirstone. At least it would be no problem as he<br />

did not have to breath anyway. • Halfway across the sea<br />

a ship was sighted and I asked to close in on them as I<br />

spotted Fire Genasi on the deck. I had to know what they<br />

were doing out here so far from home. As I set foot on the<br />

other ship I found myself a predominant Fire Genasi<br />

crew, a group of deserters at that. Their captain’s name<br />

was Sizzle and I asked him what they were doing out here<br />

so far away from the boundaries they usually operate<br />

within. The answers I got were simple and short: Hammerkeep<br />

had fallen through a terrible cataclysm, and<br />

Gorganos had been killed. Like a flash of lightning it<br />

went through my head, all that Lumina said must have been true. Gorganos<br />

not a god, all that I strived for had been a lie all this time. Sizzle<br />

looked to my side and noticed the Flame Tongue I carried with me and<br />

he asked me if he could Borrow it. I complied to him and handed it<br />

over. He thoughtfully inspected it and was truly in awe as what he was<br />

holding was indeed a Flame Tongue. Without effort he lit up the blade<br />

as if he knew how to control it and asked me to join his crew and raid<br />

the coast. Had he no honour in him? Why resort to such lowly existence?<br />

I slowly filled with rage and recalled the burning blade back to me.<br />

As I grasped it firmly my personal fire and the flame of the blade lit up<br />

with a bright blue flame. Without hesitation I struck down the captain<br />

and the rest of the crew did not dare attack as instead they revered me<br />

for my now blue flames. • Together with the remaining crew I set off to<br />

63 •

Mirstone where I reunited with the others, even Augustus had made it<br />

by walking across the sea-floor. Before meeting Maximilian once more I<br />

tasked my newly acquired followers to spread the true word about Gorganos<br />

and about me the blue flame. Those who seek answers can join us<br />

in our quest. • Within Mirstone I found out about the true powers of<br />

Maximilian and his power to raise the dead, and his wish to reunite<br />

every deceased soul with the world of the living where they can live in<br />

harmony once and for all. It was here that I learned of a long lost Fire<br />

Genasi temple, our supposed origin hidden deep down south in the lost<br />

lands, but first we offered to help Maximilian and Augustus reclaim<br />

what was once theirs. • We set out to the Badlands towards Dunstead<br />

castle where Augustus used to reign from all those years ago with Maximilian<br />

by his side. On our way there we encountered a dwarf who held<br />

an egg of great value. I heeded him not, however our elven friend decided<br />

the egg should be his and attacked the dwarf on his own nearly dying<br />

in the process. I decided to not intervene up until the Dwarf wanted to<br />

deal the final blow. I drew my Flame Tongue and parried the blow to<br />

prevent needless bloodshed but only because we might need the Elf on<br />

our quest later on. The attack came in swift<br />

and hard and I suffered a great injury as a<br />

result and the Elf was to blame for it! • As<br />

we entered the Badlands we encountered an<br />

angry giant, one of the last obstacles before<br />

we would reach Dunstead and could fulfil<br />

this quest and obtain Maximilian’s gratitude.<br />

During the fight my Flame Tongue once<br />

again wreathed itself in flames as I landed<br />

blow after blow on the giant but I had to<br />

make distance as the giant swung at me. I<br />

64 •

threw my blade at him and as I recalled it as I had done many times<br />

before I made a mistake and cut of my own hand. Filled with never<br />

ending rage once again the Flame Tongue lit up as I felt I had gained<br />

control over this weapon at last. Now they would see that it is all their<br />

fault and theirs alone! Missing a hand I felt I had to do something to<br />

regain it and through sacrificing some of my fire magic I managed to<br />

replace my hand with one made of pure flame. • Maximilian tasked us<br />

to defend the last of the Hill giants so they in return would help us lay<br />

siege to Dunstead castle for our victory. For this another group of travellers<br />

was gathered amongst them, the slayer of Gorganos himself. A tiny<br />

being and absolutely worthless to say the least. If he truly was the one<br />

who struck down my former god than I am glad I do not have to devote<br />

myself to him any longer. • With the help of giants we stormed the<br />

castle and broke the Dwarven army inside of its walls. Augustus and<br />

Maximilian remained and I quickly parted ways to travel south once<br />

more to reunite myself with the crew I had sent off. The time had come<br />

time to build an empire for the Fire Genasi, a place where all those without<br />

purpose could band together. Due to the help of my first followers<br />

my fame ran before me and I came to be known as “The Blue-Flamed”.<br />

• As my following grew I remembered the rumours of the long lost Fire<br />

Genasi temple in the Lost Lands but after<br />

many years of searching we never truly managed<br />

to find them. Instead we stumbled upon<br />

several ancient ruins and I lied to all who followed<br />

me that these were in fact the ancient<br />

remnants of our past. • We abided our time<br />

as we grew larger and larger and raided the<br />

south-lands from all of its riches. Nothing<br />

was left in our wake of destruction. Never<br />

65 •

had I heard anything from those I travelled with for so long until on one<br />

the very sky seemed to tear open and the dead were once again reunited<br />

with the living. Maximilian had pulled of his scheme<br />

and I knew it was up to me to gather all those that had<br />

died before us to swear fealty to our cause, no… to me!<br />

Their one true leader! As the Genasi of the realm of the<br />

living and the dead joined forces I knew it was time to<br />

start the great plan and purge the world of all others for<br />

once and for all. With all our force we started the Crusade<br />

of Purifying flames as we ravaged through out the<br />

realm, once again burning everything around us. Those<br />

that opposed us would meet flame and sword and perish<br />

in our wake! • A pesky alliance was created to oppose<br />

us, but all resistance would be futile. My army could not<br />

be stopped by any army anymore. We clashed in the desert<br />

sands outside of Qurio and soon they all fell to our superior might!<br />

Not even all the armies and mercenaries in the world could stop us. At<br />

the forefront of the fighting I struck down brave soul after brave soul<br />

who sought me out to once and for all end this madness until a familiar<br />

face turned up. Maggye the small elderly gnome had come to oppose<br />

me?! All powerful me was not going to be stopped so easily! She put up<br />

a fierce fight but in done before so long ago, but there was no feeling of<br />

euphoria this time, only pure grief and suffering. • Cut off from my<br />

forces and in a state of apathy I was surrounded by alliance forces. Another<br />

familiar face appeared, Norud the paladin. He took hold of the<br />

Flame Tongue and brought it far out of my reach so I would never be<br />

able to repeat what I had started here. Leaderless and zealous my armies<br />

were crushed and I myself was taken prisoner and sentenced to be hidden<br />

away under the mountain for eternity so I could rot away like Gor-<br />

66 •

ganos had before me. • The feeling of apathy remained with me for<br />

days, weeks, months, years, up until I lost count for how long I had been<br />

chained in these vaults. I felt empty and purposeless once<br />

again they might as well not have chained me up as there<br />

was no will left in me to carry on anyway. • Under these<br />

mountains my mind rotted away, my sense of time lost to<br />

the ages, my perception destroyed through lack of stimulation.<br />

This lasted for who knows how long as I remained<br />

underneath the mountain undisturbed until I was forgotten<br />

by those that had buried me here long ago. • Under<br />

these mountains my mind rotted away, my sense of time<br />

lost to the ages, my perception destroyed through lack of<br />

stimulation. This lasted for who knows how long as I remained<br />

underneath the mountain undisturbed until I was forgotten by<br />

those that had buried me here long ago. <strong>Forgotten</strong> and found again by<br />

those that dwell in the mountains their minds poisoned by my presence<br />

they left their holds or went insane and<br />

died in the very halls they once called their<br />

home, a power below the mountain. • It<br />

seems that my shackles have been loosened<br />

after all these years. Is it really true or is my<br />

weakened mind just playing tricks on me<br />

after millennia in solitude and silence?<br />

Have I gone crazy after all or<br />

is salvation at<br />

hand?<br />

3<br />

67 •

68 •

69 •

the pussy & the pillow<br />

wner of the Pussy & the Pillow orus<br />

the awesome as he calls himself calmly<br />

finishes his morning coffee as we approach<br />

his table in this early hour for this<br />

establishment. He looks stunning and<br />

fresh as usual leaving us taken aback by<br />

his blessing of an incredibly melodic voice<br />

as he warmly greets us. a busy man that<br />

he running such a successful franchise he<br />

kindly requests us to proceed to the questions for this issue of<br />

‘averdon times’. without further ado let's proceed to the exciting<br />

read that his answers certainly are.<br />

70 •

idea & Development<br />

Where did the idea for the Pussy & the Pillow come from?<br />

My group and I were offered the opportunity to buy some property<br />

and out of impulse we bought it. We did not really have an idea<br />

what to do with it at first, but of course I came up with the brilliant<br />

idea of combining three needs for any traveller: Companionship,<br />

a warm bed and breakfast. And thus, the P&P was Born.<br />

How did you make investors interested?<br />

What was your financial model?<br />

Because we property was paid off immediately,<br />

we only had to finance the first<br />

round of salaries before the revenue of the<br />

establishment kicked in. Our group was<br />

fortunate enough to have that first round<br />

of investment on hand at that time. For<br />

us it was a gamble, of course, but I felt<br />

confident that our investments would pay<br />

off in the end.<br />

Are your taverns introvert-friendly?<br />

We try to cater to the demands of everyone.<br />

All our courtesans are trained to read the wishes of our client<br />

even if they have a hard time expressing them. They can let the<br />

client set the pace or if they read that the client has a hard time<br />

71 •

taking control, they will work with the client to make sure they<br />

have a great time.<br />

What is prohibited in your establishment?<br />

Our core values were set from the getgo:<br />

Courtship is something someone does<br />

out their own will and pleasure. So, our<br />

ladies, and guys, of the night set the rules.<br />

Besides the obvious, like unprotected intercourse,<br />

weapons in the room or drug<br />

use, there is not much that is strictly prohibited<br />

unless it is a personal rule from<br />

one of our courtesans.<br />

What specialties<br />

do your employees<br />

have?<br />

How explicit can I be in your gazette? We<br />

have a lady who can (redacted) with a ripe<br />

(redacted) while (redacted), and that is just<br />

the tip of the iceberg.<br />

What kind of innovation do you use in your<br />

business?<br />

Our innovation comes from the philosophy that our courtesans<br />

are in charge. They are the ones making new hires, decorating the<br />

rooms, setting the rules for customers.<br />

72 •

How do you get people excited about P&P?<br />

We rely heavily on word of mouth and occasionally we<br />

hire a venue or tavern and use it as a pop-up brothel so<br />

to speak. We also run a loyalty program: Returning customers<br />

can make reservations with their favourite courtesan<br />

and if they collect enough golden stamps they can<br />

be treated to a deluxe package for the price of a normal<br />

package.<br />

How do you deal with competition?<br />

Fuck the competition.<br />

Figuratively speaking obviously.<br />

We make sure our courtesans<br />

are happy and healthy. Have<br />

you seen the ladies at the Moan<br />

Shack?! They don’t seem very<br />

happy. How do you expect them<br />

to give you a good time if they<br />

are miserable themselves? We<br />

hate to see forced courtship and<br />

we try to give those poor souls a<br />

roof for a few days, we provide<br />

food and medicine as well. It’s a<br />

win-win: we put our competition<br />

in a bad spot, and we save a soul.<br />

73 •

Running a successful business<br />

How do you spend time running a business?<br />

My time spent at the P&P is mostly taken<br />

up by meetings with the leads of their respective<br />

department to go over any wishes<br />

or investments.<br />

What do you enjoy the most about your<br />

work? What is your personal favourite service?<br />

I make it a personal rule that I do not get high of my own supply,<br />

if you know what I mean.<br />

Is your work taking a toll on your physical and emotional well-being?<br />

Oh, very much the opposite. Have you seen those<br />

male courtesans? They are in tip top shape and they<br />

would put me to shame if I let my body whither in<br />

any way. They keep me reminded and are friendly<br />

enough to give me tips as well. As for emotional or<br />

physic well-being… (Orus pauses, seemingly thinking<br />

about something), I’ve never been better…<br />

How do you award and motivate your staff?<br />

We are a family here. You can imagine that for some<br />

that choose this line of work, out of their own will,<br />

74 •

their bond with their family might not always be the same as it was<br />

before. We offer counselling to those who need it. In the end, we<br />

want to offer a workplace where people can be who they are. Even<br />

if that someone is a nymphomaniac.<br />

The future<br />

Is there anything in the near future of P&P<br />

that you are excited about?<br />

We are planning to completely renovate<br />

our existing location in Solstice and I will<br />

give you a scoop as well, because you have<br />

been so kind to me in this interview. We<br />

are currently in talks to open a P&P in<br />

Al-Jafer.<br />

What are your goals for the next 10 years?<br />

While being an entrepreneur is great, I do<br />

miss adventuring quite a bit. I used to<br />

have this group of friends who I did amazing<br />

things with. I might retire early and<br />

pick up where I left off in that regard.<br />

75 •

Personality<br />

Being nominated an entrepreneur of the year by the Traders guild of<br />

Solstice is not a small deal, how did you feel?<br />

Finally, we are talking about me. Yes, it is<br />

about damn time I get nominated. Frankly,<br />

it is a disgrace it hasn’t happened before.<br />

To be honest though, I do not give<br />

a rat’s ass about awards, but I should have<br />

won it ages ago.<br />

What character trades and personal history<br />

made it possible for you to become entrepreneur?<br />

Why could you create something<br />

arguably nobody else could?<br />

I’ve always had a way with words, I guess.<br />

As a bard, you learn how to make people<br />

listen to you, add a little flair to your <strong>stories</strong><br />

or embellish some facts to make them<br />

work in your favour.<br />

Your stunning looks don’t go unnoticed. Could you give some style tips<br />

for starting entrepreneurs?<br />

Ah, thank you for noticing, you are not bad looking yourself. My<br />

greatest tip is: treat yourself like you treat your business. You are<br />

76 •

part of your brand. If you walk into a tavern and the chef is<br />

a slobby sweaty mess you would lose your appetite, right?<br />

Present yourself in a way you want people<br />

to perceive your<br />

business as<br />

well.<br />

77 •

78 •

79 •

80 •

81 •

82 •

83 •

84 •

85 •

87 •

89 •

accumulated knowledge<br />

<strong>Tales</strong> and <strong>Legends</strong><br />

Tome 27<br />

collected and edited<br />

by entho'mere the alchemist<br />

recorded by Sharp Beak & Dim Wing

Dedicated to a great Dungeon Master Niek Corstjens<br />

and to our wonderful friends who have gifted us with many happy<br />

hours of forgetting that we are boring adults.

Part 1.<br />

The portraits of those first who went through<br />

extra materials.<br />

the wall of oblivion and returned. may their<br />

names forever stay in the Owlmen history.<br />

Portraits were commissioned to Tengu Arts guild<br />

in Silver Mountains by Entho'mere the Alchemist<br />

for his latest study volume.<br />

6 •

7 •<br />

Laurence Sullivan

Entho’Mere<br />

8 •

9 •<br />

Flynn Sizemore

Aderyn<br />

10 •

11 •<br />


Rodas Korudon<br />

12 •


Based on the world created by Niek Corstjens<br />

for Dungeons & Dragons games.<br />

Written by Laszlo G. Pieper & Natalia Agafonova.<br />

With contributions by Mitchel Alberts,<br />

Yoram van de Vall, and Randy Schouten.<br />

Designed by Natalia Agafonova.<br />

www.talkingpaper.nl<br />

Images by Tengu Arts, and Clipart courtesy FCIT.<br />

www.tenguarts.com<br />


codex ....................... 25<br />

Agidowa ............................................27<br />

Al-Jafer .............................................28<br />

Armour of Gorganos ...........................29<br />

Barnabus Blastwind .......................... 30<br />

Black Needle ..................................... 31<br />

Bo'Gat — Creator of the Slaad ........... 32<br />

Book of Names .................................. 33<br />

Broxmore ..........................................34<br />

Cloud Dwarves ................................. 35<br />

Core..................................................36<br />

Desert Gnomes .................................. 37<br />

Dragon-born .....................................38<br />

Elves ................................................. 39<br />

Flame Tongue ....................................40<br />

Floating Islands .................................41<br />

Galeb Duhr ......................................42<br />

Genasi ..............................................43<br />

Goblins ............................................ 44<br />

Coven ...............................................45<br />

Harmattan Straits .............................46<br />

Maximilian Livingstone .....................47<br />

Minotaurs .........................................48<br />

Mirage ..............................................49<br />

Mushroom Forest ............................... 50<br />

Norud ................................................51<br />

Owlmen............................................ 52<br />

Prince of Hellenia .............................. 53<br />

Qurio ............................................... 54<br />

Solstice ...............................................55<br />

Slaad ................................................ 57<br />

Song-birds ......................................... 58<br />

Thueban ........................................... 59<br />

Tieflings ............................................60<br />

Reaper .............................................. 61<br />

Wall of Oblivion ................................62<br />

Wyvern-born ..................................... 63<br />

<strong>stories</strong> .................. 65<br />

Elves and Magic ................................66<br />

Maximilian Livingstone .....................72<br />

23 •

24 •

Part 1.<br />

codex.<br />

25 •

26 •

c Agidowa c<br />

his magnificent dwarven capital sits atop the Silver<br />

Mountains and holds the seat of power of the Cloud<br />

Dwarvess† from which lady<br />

Thenmida Agidowan leads her<br />

people. The city is protected by<br />

a layer of clouds that only a Cloud Dwarf can<br />

disperse or traverse and after that large stone<br />

Cloud Dwarves —<br />

read more about them<br />

on page 35.<br />

doors bar the entry to the city before one can enter and see the large<br />

spacious halls that lie beyond the outer walls. Rumors say that this<br />

ancient city was built upon the remnants of a city within the mountain,<br />

an ancient city that held captive an<br />

unyielding force for<br />

centuries.<br />

3<br />

27 •

c Al-Jafer c<br />

Desert Gnomes —<br />

read more about them<br />

on page 37.<br />

l-Jafer is a vast capital-city<br />

where the Desert Gnomes†<br />

have started a sprawling settlement<br />

of trade and splendour.<br />

Many exotic goods, including Gnomish inventions,<br />

are traded here with locals and travelling merchants. The entire<br />

city was built in a canyon so the Gnomes do not have to suffer day<br />

light while they tinker away and<br />

drive trade with<br />

outsiders.<br />

3<br />

28 •

c Armour of Gorganos c<br />

long time ago an expedition of Owlmen† archaeologists<br />

accompanied by an Elf† set out to learn more about<br />

the continental Cores of Tyr. As they started excavating<br />

the land to look for clues about the Cores they instead<br />

stumbled upon something much larger,<br />

a dark secret hidden beneath the very earthen crust. The<br />

excavation unearthed a massive armour far too large for<br />

any existing creature to ever wear and make use of. They<br />

halted their research of the Cores and started looking for<br />

answers to who or what could have worn this armour. As<br />

they kept on searching for clues, several pieces were found<br />

that made up an entire set. A helmet, a breastplate, greaves,<br />

and vambraces all made of a near black metal that seemed<br />

almost not from this world. No clear answer was to be found amongst<br />

the excavations, no bones, no other remains, just an armour as if it had<br />

been placed there. Although one thing seemed certain to<br />

the archaeologists, this armour would only<br />

fit a Giant of a<br />

man.<br />

3<br />

Owlmen — read<br />

more about them<br />

on page 52.<br />

elves — read<br />

more about them<br />

on page 39.<br />

29 •

c Barnabus Blastwind c<br />

n ancient dwarven wizard<br />

that claims the Cloud<br />

dwarves† came from Below<br />

the Mountain and used to live<br />

in the underground city and do<br />

mining.<br />

3<br />


read more about them<br />

on page 35.<br />

30 •

c Black Needle c<br />

powerful dagger-like artifact of unknown origin<br />

made of black obsidian. It was known to ‘whisper’ to<br />

Ivywood — an island<br />

on the South-West<br />

of the Tyr Core.<br />

its owners and drive them<br />

mad. The last known owner<br />

who got possessed by the<br />

artifact was the Mayor of Ivywood†. With<br />

the help of the Black Needle he supposedly<br />

drained the Core of the island of all its power and then used the<br />

dagger to kill his only daughter just before he was driven mad by it.<br />

The draining of the islands power Core resulted in it falling from<br />

the sky and through the wall<br />

of oblivion into<br />

the below.<br />

3<br />

31 •

c Bo'Gat — creator of the Slaad c<br />

druid so powerful that he could send an entire<br />

adventuring party straight to hell. He is known and revered<br />

for managing to find a way to produce Slaad from<br />

a Spawning stone. By doing so he became<br />

the God of the<br />

Slaad.<br />

3<br />

32 •

c Book of names c<br />

he book of names is the one book that has the name of<br />

all demons from every demi-plane out there. The one that<br />

controls the book, controls a sizeable and relentless army<br />

of demons and other hell spawns that will fight for them<br />

without question.<br />

In name it is a well-known artifact<br />

amongst powerful warlocks<br />

of whom many seek the power of<br />

the book to aid them in fulfilling<br />

their agenda. Entho’mere, Varis,<br />

Maya, Baqqan, and Nodin were<br />

notified of the existence of this<br />

book after their adventures underneath<br />

Agidowa and inside Qurio. Here they fought of countless of<br />

swarms of bug like demons called Mezzoloth who all were summoned<br />

using the Book of Names. It was not until they met Maximilian’s spirit<br />

who explained them who had the book and what purpose it served.<br />

A powerful Yuan-Ti Warlock named Thueban held control over the<br />

book as he wanted to use it to subdue the world to his rule. Thueban<br />

was defeated but at a great cost as only Entho survived the encounter<br />

with him. The book was last seen in Entho’mere’s possession<br />

who held control over the demonic swarms of the demi-planes<br />

until the book somehow<br />

was lost once<br />

again.<br />

3<br />

33 •

c Broxmore c<br />

country and a continent part of<br />

which, Ivywood, fell down in one of<br />

the Tyr time-lines as the result of the<br />

island’s Core being drained of its<br />

power.<br />

3<br />

Broxmore —<br />

a continent on<br />

the South-West<br />

of the Tyr Core.<br />

34 •

c Cloud dwarves c<br />

loud dwarves live on the so called Silver Mountain<br />

continent† in the city of Agidowa. Most of them<br />

follow the Goat God but some follow other animalistic<br />

gods such as the Bear. They despise the underground<br />

and never go below the ground surface. They are ruled<br />

by Queen Themida Agidowan. Dwarves are known for their welcoming<br />

and cheerful nature, any traveller is always welcome in Agidowa. Entry<br />

the Silver Mountains<br />

continent —<br />

is located on the North<br />

of the Core.<br />

to the mountain-top city is obstructed by<br />

the elements and large structures made out<br />

of stone including a set of massive doors.<br />

The city itself is guarded by a huge marble<br />

Galeb Duhr that goes by the name Turwe,<br />

whose head resembles an amalgam of<br />

books and scrolls. The Dwarves possess great knowledge hidden behind<br />

the walls of their archives, where only<br />

very few are allowed<br />

entrance.<br />

3<br />

35 •

c Core c<br />

he floating islands are rotating around the magical<br />

Core that is so strong in arcana that nobody but Owlmen<br />

skilled in arcana wearing special<br />

protection can come close to it.<br />

The information about the Core<br />

is secluded deep in the Owlmen archives and the<br />

only commonly known facts are that the Cores<br />

Wall of Oblivion<br />

— read more about it<br />

on page 62.<br />

of each island are connected to the main Core, thus if the main Core will<br />

go missing or gets drained of its magical powers the world will fall into<br />

the Wall of Oblivion†. The Core creates powerful winds that allow the<br />

flying-folk and the air-ships to move only in one direction –<br />

counter-clockwise and from<br />

the center to the<br />

outskirts.<br />

3<br />

36 •

c Desert gnomes c<br />

he only gnomes known in<br />

the world live in the desserts<br />

of the Harmattan Straits†<br />

where it is so dry and hot<br />

Harmattan Straits<br />

— are located to the East<br />

of the Core.<br />

that nothing can ever grow there. Accomplished tinkerers,<br />

they are cursed to never see in sunlight without protective<br />

goggles.<br />

3<br />

37 •

c Dragon-born c<br />

egendary race which has probably never existed. It<br />

is generally believed in Wyvernborn†<br />

society that they are cursed<br />

descendants of the Dragon-born<br />

race, and one day they can become<br />

Dragon-born ‘again’. Despite having no<br />

Wyvern-born —<br />

read more about them<br />

on page 63.<br />

proof, this powerful mythology leads hundreds of Wyvern-born to seek<br />

for ways to increase their powers and size risking their<br />

lives every day until they either make<br />

headway or perish in<br />

the attempts of<br />

doing<br />

so.<br />

3<br />

38 •

c Elves c<br />

lves of Tyr are of a hardy and adventurous breed<br />

with a pinch of pride. They are unlikely to settle as they<br />

are firm believers that the free spirit should not be contained<br />

between four static walls, a floor, and a roof. The<br />

Elves formed different clans that roam the wilds and live of<br />

the land wherever they decide to set up their camp<br />

for the time being. Due to their nomadic lifestyle<br />

they developed a keen sense for surviving in harsh<br />

conditions and traversing terrain that most common<br />

folk would deem far too dangerous to cross.<br />

mirage —<br />

read more about it<br />

on page 49.<br />

They are known to distrust others and in particular the Miragians†.<br />

Grief was was caused by Miragian raids that killed many Tyrian Elves and<br />

even wiped out several clans. This led to animosity between the Elves and<br />

Miragians who often will give no quarter to each other under any circumstance.<br />

Even though the Tyrian Elves mostly keep to themselves due to<br />

their innate pride and distrust of strangers they sometimes venture near<br />

cities and villages in order to trade exotic goods with locals. Most of the<br />

large cities within Tyr that are not on the continent of Mirage are bound<br />

to have Elves in them, either for trade, or to skulk in the dark for<br />

whatever purpose<br />

necessary.<br />

3<br />

39 •

c Flame Tongue c<br />

ysterious artefact of extraordinary power that was<br />

sealed off in a Pyramid in the<br />

deserts of Al-Jafer† where the<br />

weapon was guarded by some<br />

eternal entity for hundreds of<br />

years. Rumours are that it can ignite when<br />

held by an accomplished warrior possessing<br />

Al-Jafer — is a<br />

city located within<br />

the Harmattan Straits<br />

on the East of the Core.<br />

some elemental affinity. Some say that the artifact has been stolen by<br />

an Owlman artificer, Entho’Mere,<br />

but nobody dares to go in<br />

the pyramid to<br />

check.<br />

3<br />

40 •

c Floating Islands c<br />

ystem of the islands floats in the air by the means of<br />

magic, provided by the main Core in the centre of the islands<br />

complex. Each of the islands has a smaller Core within<br />

itself that keeps the islands afloat. These smaller Cores are<br />

linked to the main Core that resides in<br />

the centre of<br />

Tyr.<br />

3<br />

41 •

c Galeb Duhr c<br />

uardians of islands and their magical Cores, these<br />

ancient creatures live as long as their arcana connection<br />

with the Core stays strong. To fulfil their guardian duties,<br />

GalebDuhr are granted extreme magical powers<br />

scaling up with the size of an island. According to Owlman<br />

research, Galeb Duhr can survive without connection to the Core<br />

but they get expelled from their service and thus their life loses meaning<br />

as they are designed to protect their island. However, such cases<br />

are extremely rare as there is no known way to unbind a Galeb Duhr<br />

from its Core. There are four types of Galeb Duhr known to this day:<br />

made up of different materials: Rock,<br />

Crystal, Sand, and<br />

Marble.<br />

3<br />

42 •

c Genasi c<br />

enasi are a humanoid race with an elemental ancestry.<br />

There are four sub-races known related to the four major<br />

elements: water, fire,<br />

earth, and<br />

air.<br />

3<br />

43 •

c Goblins c<br />

ittle creatures that are usually not taken into account<br />

which could be considered a mistake for they may<br />

be weak individually but together they can<br />

become a force to be reckoned<br />

with.<br />

3<br />

44 •

c Coven c<br />

oven consisting of powerful hags and their hagspawns<br />

located in the Miragian†<br />

countryside. Their goal is mirage — read more<br />

to gain power within the Miragian<br />

government through poli-<br />

about it on page 49.<br />

tics and take down their enemy, the king of Mirage. The coven is led by<br />

the three sisters: The Maiden,<br />

the Mother, and the<br />

Crone.<br />

3<br />

45 •

c Harmattan Straits c<br />

esert continent where nothing can ever grow as if<br />

the land was completely burned.<br />

3<br />

46 •

c Maximilian Livingstone c<br />

od of death. 3<br />

Maximilian's<br />

life story is told fully<br />

on page 72.<br />

47 •

c Minotaurs c<br />

ir ships and piracy are their two favourite<br />

things to do. 3<br />

48 •

c Mirage c<br />

ostly living on the continent of Mirage, humans are<br />

a very racist race that generally believes to be supreme to<br />

others. They are so hateful to other races that their army<br />

has a special witch-hunt department<br />

where soldiers are trained to<br />

slay beasts and non-humans. There were several<br />

major witch-hunts on elves and other races and<br />

countless smaller ones. In the capital of Mirage,<br />

Mirage — is<br />

located on the West<br />

of the Core.<br />

Flemont, sits the king of Mirage who is believed to be an immortal god.<br />

Miragians pray to nobody but their God King but Owlmen research has<br />

shown that every life span of a human the king disappears and reappears<br />

about twenty years later. The king’s reappearance usually leads to major<br />

political changes as if someone else was put in charge. The Miragian<br />

society is very militarised and known for advancement in the art of war<br />

and what surrounds that. Outstanding examples of fine Miragian weaponry<br />

would be battle air<br />

ships and fire<br />

arms.<br />

3<br />

49 •

c mushroom forest c<br />

nder the ground of the city of Al-Jafer there is an<br />

ancient mushroom forest. Here lives the Sovereign Mushroom,<br />

king of all the mushrooms who is believed to be the<br />

first ever sentient mushroom that ever developed thought<br />

and could speak the common tongue. Through spores the<br />

mushroom network covers the whole world of Tyr and allows the Sovereign’s<br />

offspring to gather and share information. Standing in the centre<br />

of all the connections, the Mushroom King might be one of the most<br />

knowledgeable beings the<br />

world has ever<br />

known.<br />

3<br />

50 •

c Norud c<br />

ystical creature guarding the Flame Tongue from<br />

outsiders hidden within the Pyramid in Al-Jafer.<br />

3<br />

51 •

c Owlmen c<br />

roficient with arcana and knowledge Owlmen are<br />

the chroniclers of Tyr. They spend their days in study and<br />

collecting new knowledge. Many Owlmen travel around<br />

the world to gather more information, but those who stay at<br />

home live in the four towers around the central Core. Each<br />

tower focuses its research on one of the world’s parts. The Nothern Tower<br />

is focused on the Silver Mountains, the Eastern Tower collects data about<br />

Harmattan Straits and Bog of Alagus, the Southern Tower is focused<br />

on Broxmore, and the Western<br />

Tower is studying<br />

Mirage.<br />

3<br />

52 •

c Prince of Hellenia c<br />

eep underneath the sands roamed a large rat,<br />

Whose real character was assumed to be long dead,<br />

Reduced to a lurking thief,<br />

Who felt no remorse nor grief,<br />

Only fear made him upset.<br />

When the contract was found,<br />

And learned to whom he was bound,<br />

They uttered his real name,<br />

Besmirched with great shame,<br />

As the rat turned from creature to a man once crowned.<br />

3<br />

53 •

c Qurio c<br />

mpty city located on the<br />

bottom of the Harmattan<br />

Straits facing the Wall of<br />

Oblivion†. The only way to get<br />

there is through the pyramid<br />

of Al-Jafer and the Mushroom<br />

forest†. One can only traverse<br />

there by flying or by climbing<br />

and using ropes. The only<br />

living creatures there are the<br />

Galeb Duhr† who live in<br />

a cave and cannot<br />

leave<br />

it.<br />

3<br />

Galeb Duhr — read<br />

more about them<br />

on page 42.<br />

Mushroom forest<br />

— read more about it<br />

on the page 39.<br />

Wall of Oblivion<br />

— read more about it<br />

on page 62.<br />

54 •

c Solstice c<br />

olstice is one of the capital Human settlements of<br />

the world of Tyr and the capital of Broxmore. The city is<br />

divided into three islands. The Crescent Isle, the Gibbous<br />

Isle and the Full Isle. Each of these islads holds different<br />

layers of society ranging from the richest and most influential<br />

to the poorest and insignificant people. The different isles create<br />

a very visual border between the classes of Solstice as the lower isles are<br />

poverty ridden criminal breeding grounds, where you have to watch your<br />

every step or fall prey to get swindled, mugged or otherwise involved in<br />

any criminality. While on the other hand the isle where all the rich people<br />

live is as safe and clean as can be. The way this is kept this way is by<br />

not letting your average joe inside of the higher isles at any times, so the<br />

rich can always look down on the poor and the poor will always look up<br />

and see what they’ll never have. Solstice is not governed by a king or<br />

any single person at all, instead it’s a republic governed by the Court of<br />

Nine, the nine masters each representing their houses. Houses function as<br />

ministries and deal with their associated part of ruling the realm. Some of<br />

the known houses are those of Law, Culture, Knowledge, War, Resources,<br />

and Trade. The House of Culture involves anything concerning the fine<br />

arts of painting, theatre, music and much more that has to do with the<br />

fine arts. The House of Knowledge deals with all flows of knowledge<br />

that come into and flow out of the city. They want to keep control over<br />

what information is shared with outsiders and obtain more knowledge<br />

in the long run to advance their civilization and learn from the past with<br />

a perspective on the future. The Trading House has an emphasis on<br />

everything concerning money and goods that come in and go out of the<br />

city. Where there is money there is power and as a result the rich mer-<br />

55 •

chants of the city have much to say within politics as well. The House of<br />

Law and House of Resources function accordingly to their names and<br />

prefer to stay in the shade of other houses while increasing the riches of<br />

the city. The House of War is effectively an order of Paladins that swear<br />

fealty to Solstice. They protect the borders of Solstice and enforce law on<br />

the streets and every important governmental building. Once they were<br />

led by Vandal Felton, a renowned Paladin who would live to see Solstice<br />

expanded across the known world but after losing his family he jumped<br />

into the abyss never to be seen again. He supposedly was responsible for<br />

trying to set up the Lizardfolk of Rahuuz in order to have a reason to<br />

expand eastwards in the name of Solstice. House of Law and House of<br />

Resources function accordingly to their names and prefer to stay in the<br />

shade of other houses while increasing<br />

the riches of the<br />

city.<br />

3<br />

56 •

c Slaad c<br />

rog-like humanoids populate the Bog of Alagus and<br />

hold The Spawning Stone as their capital. They are not<br />

born to this world as humans are but instead their spores<br />

are infested into humanoids<br />

with the help of the Spawning<br />

Stone allowing the baby to grow on its victim<br />

and feast upon it after hatching. Slaad are<br />

Bo'Gat — read more<br />

about him on page 32.<br />

known to have three skin colours defining their strengths and weaknesses:<br />

Blue Slaad are prime magic users, Green Slaad have the best connection<br />

with nature, and Red Slaad are accomplished warriors. The colour gets<br />

defined by the victim that gets infected. Lately, however, the their reproduction<br />

method has stopped working and thus the Slaad get fewer in<br />

numbers every day without being able to reproduce.They look to their<br />

god Bo'Gat† for aid and deliverance before they all perish into the annals<br />

of Owlmen written<br />

history.<br />

3<br />

57 •

c Song-birds c<br />

nown to be great bards those<br />

Bird-Folk live on the Phoenix Isle†<br />

and entice travellers with their flamboyant,<br />

sassy<br />

behaviour.<br />

3<br />

Phoenix Isle — is<br />

located on the South-<br />

West of the Core.<br />

58 •

c Thueban c<br />

uan-Ti Warlock who spent his<br />

life collecting all pieces of Maximillian’s<br />

Soulstone scattered<br />

across Tyr in various artefacts such<br />

as the Black Needle†. He succeeded<br />

in his life time work to become more powerful<br />

through abducting Maximilian’s† soul and<br />

feeding of its magic, but soon after he got killed<br />

Black Needle —<br />

read more about it<br />

on page 31.<br />

Maximilian —<br />

read more about him<br />

on page 47.<br />

by Varis and Entho’mere’s adventuring party, resulting in death of all but<br />

Entho’mere.<br />

3<br />

59 •

c Tieflings c<br />

ieflings are a rare race with no home town or clear<br />

ancestry. <strong>Legends</strong> say that they are related to demons but<br />

no proof has been<br />

found.<br />

3<br />

60 •

c Reaper c<br />

fter the Stag and the most powerful magic users of<br />

Lumina raised parts of the Old World up and separated the<br />

two worlds with the Wall of Oblivion,<br />

they created the Reaper – a creature<br />

who had no will of its own and<br />

was bound to hunt down anybody who knew anything<br />

about the Below. Knowledge of the below<br />

Owlman — read<br />

more about them<br />

on page 52.<br />

was to be kept secret as well as all the knowledge of undead creatures and<br />

necromancy. Owlman† alchemist Entho’mere uncovered a big part of the<br />

secrets about the Below, named Lumina and when the Reaper came for<br />

him, Entho’s travelling companion Varis killed him breaking the forbid<br />

dance for the knowledge. Most of it, however, has<br />

been lost to the<br />

ages.<br />

3<br />

61 •

c Wall of Oblivion c<br />

ig layer of thundering clouds below tyr. No one<br />

knows what lies underneath these restless clouds thus it is<br />

considered the end of the world.<br />

3<br />

62 •

c Wyvern-born c<br />

he crag has several layers of social standing and<br />

privilege decided by the leading Wyverns. The leader of the<br />

Crag is the Great Wyvern — an ancient Wyvern like no<br />

other, who is not actually a Wyvern, however a Wyvernborn<br />

that lived a relatively long time. While the Wyvern-<br />

Born with strong genes and great influence settle towards the safe centre,<br />

weaker packs are pushed outwards to harsher weather and beasts alike.<br />

The struggle of power is never-ending however, as the Great Wyverns<br />

themselves feel responsible for their minions, so do the greater packs feel<br />

responsible for the weaker packs. Each pack consists of a Wyvern at the<br />

head, with one or more Broodmothers having responsibility over day-today<br />

matters. All packs answer to a singular Great Wyvern, leader of the<br />

Crag. The Wyvern-Born hatched from a Broodmother are automatically<br />

considered part of the aforementioned Broodmother's pack. Each Broodmother<br />

might have their own unique morals or traits, usually born from<br />

either their preferred trinkets or genes. Packs can range from 20 to over a<br />

100 in numbers. In order to reinforce a pack's position within the Crag,<br />

they sometimes give themselves a family name of sorts. There are several<br />

types of privileged members of Crag society known to the scribes. Sky<br />

Darkeners are known for their huge pack size and sharp eyes. The name<br />

is derived from their mass use of crude archers. Court of Ilhazze are the<br />

most powerful of magic casters within the Crag. Drogon’s Fury are the<br />

warriors of larger than usual size. Infighting is not unusual, for all want to<br />

prove they are the strongest. The strongest is the Broodmother’s personal<br />

guard, a great honour indeed. The Sky Carvers are wyvern-born with<br />

smaller bodies yet larger wings, this pack is known for being more covert<br />

than other packs, gliding through the air silently with their large wings.<br />

3<br />

63 •

64 •

Part 11.<br />

<strong>stories</strong>.<br />

65 •

elves and magic<br />

Research paper by Entho'Mere the Owlman<br />

have never really considered asking<br />

questions about elves and magic previously<br />

because there is so much to learn from this<br />

world, but now that I have an incentive<br />

to study it given the current<br />

circumstances I started reading<br />

back several books about elves and<br />

their incapability of casting magic.<br />

I now have a willing test subject who<br />

wants to discover magical powers within elves as well so I am starting<br />

this journal to track the progress I make.<br />

Day 1: Yesterday an Elf and a Half-Elf arrived at the Core. They<br />

seemed well travelled and were looking for help in researching why<br />

Elves, and sometimes Half-Elves, are incapable of casting any magic. No<br />

66 •

one was willing to assist them in finding their answers and devote time to<br />

such a topic, which possibly had to do with them the Half-Elf being quite<br />

loud and obnoxious. That aside I offered my help as I saw opportunity to<br />

turn my findings into another research paper<br />

if we proved successful. • They are currently<br />

residing in the guest quarters of my home and<br />

we will start the research tomorrow, first thing<br />

in the morning.<br />

Day 2: I asked Varis for a demonstration of<br />

his martial skills as he proclaimed to be a sure<br />

shot with the bow, and was able to wield a<br />

blade with finesse even though he is blind,<br />

which of course I tested and I can scientifically<br />

assure myself and the<br />

world that the Elf is indeed<br />

blind. • Without much effort he hit the mark<br />

repeatedly with great accuracy without the use of his<br />

sight which is remarkable to see to say the least. After<br />

he proved to not be a fraud I sat down with him and<br />

asked him why exactly he was looking for the power<br />

to use magic and he pulled out a book about ancient<br />

archery techniques that tapped into the arcane. We<br />

came to an agreement that he and his Half-Elf sister,<br />

Maya, would remain here for as long as needed and<br />

in exchange they would help me run the place and<br />

allow me to study their practice fights. • I am very<br />

happy for this opportunity but I will see how long I<br />

will be able to handle Maya, as she seems to make a<br />

mess everywhere she goes.<br />

67 •

Day 79: According to the book Varis handed me a while<br />

back the user has to performing certain breathing and<br />

movement techniques which are hard to translate to a<br />

blind man to say the least… With the help of Maya, to<br />

my great surprise, we managed to teach Varis these and<br />

well I am not getting any arcane readings yet, but he is<br />

determined to keep on going.<br />

Day 124: I read up one alchemical concoctions that enhance<br />

magical capabilities within living creatures. It<br />

worked on Woodscrape as his mage hand was able to lift significantly larger<br />

objects after consuming a potion of sorts. We tried the same oneVaris<br />

and I mamanged to get some faint magical readings but other than that<br />

no effect. Perhaps the readings were just magic essence shining through<br />

from the potion inside of his stomach. • On a side note, Maya threw a<br />

tantrum and trashed part of my personal library, luckily Varis managed to<br />

calm her down and we’ve now set her up with a personal trainer as well so<br />

she won’t bother us as much… damn child!<br />

Day 348: I have created a device that channels<br />

magical energy into a person, we did several<br />

test runs to make sure the dosage would<br />

not be too high. The plan is to have Varis be<br />

a conduit of arcane which hopefully would<br />

spark magical powers hidden deep inside of<br />

the Elven race and thus his body.<br />

Day 364: We have tried the arcane conduit<br />

technique several times and by combining<br />

68 •

this together with the techniques from the<br />

book Varis managed to conjure up several arcane<br />

arrows out of seemingly thin air. • Some<br />

of them pierced right through everything,<br />

while some he could bend around corners,<br />

or would explode on impact even! Today was<br />

quite the breakthrough, knowing that all of<br />

this is indeed possible, however a magical<br />

spark has yet to be found.<br />

Day 1084: This morning Varis and Maya came<br />

to me and proclaimed they had to continue<br />

their journey once again. Varis thanked me for<br />

my service and hospitality and with much effort he also managed to get<br />

some words of thanks out of Maya. • After a lot of testing we came to the<br />

conclusion that magical powers were not going to appear out of nowhere<br />

for Varis so we decided to put it on hold for now. I managed to document<br />

a lot on the matter and perhaps it will come in handy in the future. • I<br />

surely will miss that grumpy Elf it was a real pleasure working with him. I<br />

think we really grew to become friends, yes! I believe we did.<br />

Till then my friend!<br />

69 •

day 5912: Years later we met again and I have witnessed<br />

the most incredible thing: Varis successfully<br />

used magic to start a fire. I must run several whenever<br />

tests whenever I can and investigate this phenomenon<br />

further. I shall proceed without further<br />

hesitation!<br />

day 5925: Varis used magic in combat to shoot arcane<br />

arrows thus becoming the first Elf known to Owlmen being<br />

able to cast magic! Hoot, I am excited! Maya has proven to be<br />

proficient with Arcana too despite my solemn belief in her only being<br />

proficient with obnoxious and annoying behaviour. Perhaps, I<br />

should call my next study paper 'The influence of the annoying<br />

traits of character on the magical abilities'.<br />

day 6153: Varis and Maya died today protecting the world from<br />

the great evil named Thueban. This puts an end to my studies of<br />

Elven and Half-Elven magic as I am certain that those two were the<br />

only people capable of it. Today I lost not only the subjects to my<br />

studies but two of my closest friends. Nothing can be changed now,<br />

my grief is immense.<br />

Purposelessly wondering why he is still alive,<br />

useless to the point of being unable to save those he loved<br />

70 •

day 6160: Loud, obnoxious, annoying as<br />

a mosquito swarm, pointy ears, human posture,<br />

shooting magic as easily as her irritatingly<br />

stupid jokes... For the love of Science, I cannot<br />

believe I have found another Half-Elf magic-user!<br />

For further information on this Aderyn<br />

specimen refer to tome 17 of my studies called<br />

'The influence of the annoying traits<br />

of character on the magical abilities<br />

of the Half-Elves'.<br />

Reunited with his curiosity<br />

and love for Science<br />

71 •

maximilian livingstone<br />

n the old world stood a timeless estate<br />

owned by the Livingstone family who<br />

were influential nobles that lived off to<br />

the North of Averdon. Amidst the walled<br />

Livingstone estate my family lived and<br />

I was born, a boy who was aptly named<br />

Maximilian, what a wonderful name. I<br />

spent most of my time living within the<br />

safety of the estate, having little dealings<br />

with the outside world as children often do. An ordinary life of<br />

nobility was plotted out for me until one day I fell terribly ill while<br />

playing outside. Some of the servants picked up my slumped over<br />

body and brought me inside the manor and put me in bed where I<br />

slowly recovered and the family waited for a doctor to arrive from<br />

the capital to examine my worsening condition. • Every possible<br />

72 •

and known medical treatment was performed on me only for them<br />

to find out there was no cure to the disease. My parents were grieve<br />

struck and I felt impaired by this news, why me? It was not fair<br />

why exactly I would befall something as dire as this. No exact time<br />

could be given to me but it was certain, I would not<br />

grow old. • As I grew up I more often suffered episodes<br />

from this... illness, episodes that made me feel<br />

weak and frail and resulted in my bedridden existence<br />

more often than a young man would like to be. This<br />

sorry state of living ate away at me, at my very being<br />

and soul. I was so young! I had brilliant ideas to change<br />

this world, to make it a better place and all I could do<br />

was throw all of them away, sit in this small stupid<br />

mansion in the middle of nowhere waiting for my last<br />

breath to come. I grew more bitter and irritable by the<br />

day as I sneered at servants and family alike if they<br />

ever so slightly crossed my path the wrong way. I wished I would<br />

die sooner to end this daily torture of knowing that my dying day<br />

is right around the corner. • Unable to come to peace with such<br />

fate and spending much time indoors and not being able to go<br />

outside and experience the world I knew so little about, I desperately<br />

started looking for a way to outlive this wretched curse of a<br />

life. Many books were bought in name of my seemingly futile research<br />

as not a single cure could be found for what he had. I had<br />

lost hope up until the arrival of four peculiar travellers crossed<br />

paths with me. Norud, a paladin from Hammerkeep, accompanied<br />

by two Halflings and a Birdman from the east stepped into the estate<br />

and were led inside by one of the servants. • It soon became<br />

clear these travellers did not merely wander into our estate as they<br />

73 •

specifically requested an audience with me of all people. As always,<br />

my ignorant mother opened the door to tell me there were guests<br />

specifically for me. A large earthen man entered the room followed<br />

by a smaller Birdman and an<br />

even smaller Halfling. I<br />

sneered at my mother and<br />

told her to go away as she left<br />

in a hurry. Then Norud came<br />

closer and started asking<br />

about the undead and a black<br />

book of some sorts. I never<br />

heard of the likes of such dark<br />

material but it intrigued me<br />

up until Norud got too close<br />

and agitated me with too<br />

many questions. I drew a<br />

knife from under the sheets<br />

but the bird saw my intentions<br />

as he quickly pushed<br />

Norud aside and out of the<br />

window and as he pushed him<br />

a book fell out of his sash on<br />

top of the bed, a black book.<br />

• I was breathing heavily and<br />

looked around only to see the<br />

guests all having left already in a hurry. I stumbled to the window<br />

and looked outside, no Norud lying on the ground underneath the<br />

window. It all felt so strange almost like a dream, as if they never<br />

were there but the book was still there lying on top of the bed<br />

74 •

sheets. I felt the book pulling me towards it almost commanding<br />

me to open it as if mesmerized by magic I crawled back in bed and<br />

made sure no one was around before I<br />

opened it. What I discovered was pages of<br />

dark arts, of necromancy and the art of<br />

sustaining life beyond death, life beyond…<br />

expiration. Finally! A moment of<br />

fairness and justice in my dire situation!<br />

Perhaps this held the answers to all of the<br />

questions I had been asking for so many<br />

years, this could be my ticket out of this<br />

misery and into the world. I could not help but feel eerie about<br />

these travellers coming in here and disappearing into thin air but it<br />

mattered not as I found myself a future, one where I might live the<br />

way it was intended. Years later I figured out that the person who<br />

saved my life was me myself, to no surprise to yours truly due as<br />

nobody else could have mastered such an ingenius plan. My older<br />

self left the very same book in my then long forsaken house and set<br />

a time travelling trap allowing those travellers to fall there and deliver<br />

the book to me. But let's get back to the story... • On the<br />

days I felt strong enough to go out of the<br />

house I went into the cellar behind our<br />

manor to start learning more about the<br />

arts of Necromancy. First I read the basics<br />

but quickly I began with live experiments<br />

on critters brought to me by the servants.<br />

Many perished in horrible ways as the<br />

magical powers seemed… uncontrollable. It was horrible to watch<br />

at first, their suffering and their lifeless bodies suddenly so small<br />

75 •

and useless, turning from living and breathing beings with desires<br />

and intentions into the piles of rotting flesh. Shocked by this horrible<br />

sight, I nearly gave up but the<br />

was no stronger feeling in me than<br />

the will to survive, the need to go<br />

on. I simply could not allow death<br />

to do the same to me! My ideas, my<br />

feelings, me life was too precious to<br />

be eaten by worms and mixed with<br />

dirt. That day I decided that if I am<br />

destined to die, I shall do so trying<br />

to conquer Death, attempting to become<br />

its equal if not its master. As I<br />

felt my time was growing short, I<br />

needed to find something more suiting<br />

to test on, something a bit more<br />

resembling of me a man of flesh and<br />

blood. • I thought long about how<br />

to get my hands on larger test subjects<br />

but could not think of a clear way until the answers came<br />

walking right into my arms. One of the chamber maids had gone<br />

into the cellar and stole a medallion that was of the utmost importance<br />

to my work so I made sure she would be pay for her crime<br />

and be useful for my experiments rather than uselessly rot away in<br />

a dungeon. So I asked her to come down one evening and as she<br />

entered I sat her down to talk to her about what she had taken<br />

from me. as I spoke I got more and more angry and irritated by her<br />

whipping and begging for her pitiful life so I swore right there and<br />

then I would take something valuable from her and in a rush of<br />

76 •

fury I slit her throat and watched her bleed out struck by what I<br />

have just done. It was… much easier than expected to take the life<br />

of another, perhaps it was because I knew I would bring her back?<br />

Or so I thought. • I took preparations for this eventful moment<br />

and made sure everything was perfect as it might be the only shot<br />

I have at ever trying this on another human. I spoke the incantation<br />

and weaved the magic and for a moment there was silence and<br />

it seemingly had not worked. I was about to drop on my knees<br />

from despair as the lifeless body of the girl started to slowly move<br />

and rise up on her feet. It was a magnificent sight to behold and I<br />

had not been more happy for a long time after seeing her lifeless<br />

body re-join the world of the living, however my celebration was<br />

short-lived as she remained unresponsive to anything I asked of<br />

her. She just remained standing there up until she had enough and<br />

started flailing around nearly knocking me off my feet. I panicked<br />

as it seemed my lab was in danger of getting smashed or discovered<br />

by other servants who would be alerted by the noise. I opened the<br />

book to use a reversal spell and as it fired off the girl fell over, and<br />

once again remained lifeless on the floor of the cellar. Stood there<br />

I watched down on her for a moment realizing how far I’d come, I<br />

could not give up now could I? Witnessing the death of a human<br />

was even more threatening than animal death. Her face turned into<br />

a leather mask of horror she looked so helpless and small like a doll<br />

forgotten by a child. Everything she could have accomplished,<br />

could have felt and thought was now thrown away forever by one<br />

move of the blade. There is no times when human weakness is<br />

shown as clearly as in death. I could never bare the humiliation of<br />

looking so weak, the mere thought of all my life being for nothing.<br />

Still shuddering from what had transpired earlier I was ever deter-<br />

77 •

mined to continue my research and find a way to save myself. •<br />

Many moons passed as I picked off the servants… one… by… one.<br />

First the stable keeper’s boy, then the gardener,<br />

and so on. Every face distorted by fear and pain<br />

reminded me of my motivation to keep going. My<br />

beautiful noble face was not made to look like<br />

that. Long did it take them to find these servants<br />

had not left the estate or got lost, but were being<br />

utilized for my necromantic experiments. The spells seemed to become<br />

more and more stable and the dead would even obey my<br />

commands at times. Of course my mastery of the<br />

dark could not go unnoticed for ever I was found<br />

out. They came to my lab and were too weak and<br />

scared to understand my reasoning, they simply<br />

could not hear my arguments blankly staring at the<br />

pile of dead bodies. Feeling lonely and misunderstood<br />

by my own family in a flash of anger I took the lives of those<br />

that remained. All at once… my father… my mother… my sister.<br />

I did not grieve for them as they did not want to join me in my<br />

immortality and thus they would be dead relatively soon<br />

anyway, so they simply had to die sooner for my work to<br />

go on. • Many days I spent exerting myself to my full<br />

extent as I felt it all was within reach! A cure to my disease<br />

was right there at the tips of my fingers. It nearly was the<br />

death of me as I pushed myself ever onwards up until I<br />

had a breakthrough, a way to cleanse a body of all harm but there<br />

was a catch, it meant I had to die and come back somehow. This I<br />

feared the most ever and I retreated to my chambers for several<br />

days pondering on my next course of actions. What if I would not<br />

78 •

e able to reanimate myself? What if I end up like the hand-maiden<br />

and become a raging husk of my true form? What if I<br />

just stay dead… then all this was for naught. • It was on<br />

my fifth day of pondering that I went to look through the<br />

remaining supplies of the estate, who were rapidly dwindling<br />

as there was no one to restock them. I<br />

reluctantly rationed my meal for that day<br />

and as I crawled underneath my bedsheets I<br />

fell in an uneasy sleep. I dreamed of my potential<br />

success I could have and startled wide awake. Determination<br />

filled every bone in my body as I got out<br />

of bed and paced down the stairs and into my lab in the middle of<br />

the night. • I opened the black book and carefully examined the<br />

spell of reanimating oneself one last time before committing myself<br />

to it. There was a brief hesitation in my actions but I steeled<br />

myself and thought it was now or never. Tomorrow I will<br />

walk out of here a changed man! • A ritual was to be performed<br />

and I drew the six symbols all intersected by a large<br />

circle on the floor and retraced all lines multiple times to<br />

make sure they were correct. A candle was lit on top of<br />

every symbol and I took one last deep breath and looked at<br />

the embalmed corpses of my family and servants that were<br />

stowed away throughout the lab. Lying down with my back<br />

on the floor and my eyes at the ceiling I clasped the medallion<br />

and slowly uttered the incantation as the circle around<br />

me started to glow and drain the life out of me. I wanted to<br />

fight this horrific sensation but all energy was sapped out of my<br />

body as I felt something cutting itself loose from me. I started to<br />

float up and out of my body and as I looked back I saw myself, now<br />

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motionless in the middle of the circle and yet I was myself? I had<br />

taken on the form of my own soul and watched myself die as bright<br />

green energy seeped into my body from the individual symbols of<br />

the circle. One by one the<br />

symbols poured their energy<br />

into my body and left to snuff<br />

out their candle as if looking<br />

at a countdown. Number six…<br />

five… four… three.. two…<br />

and as number one was about<br />

the fulfil its cycle two ethereal<br />

hands grabbed my soul and<br />

pulled me back into my body.<br />

My eyes opened wide and my<br />

breath uncontrolled I sat up<br />

and looked at my hands. Did<br />

it work? Was I cured? I certainly<br />

felt greater than ever before.<br />

I got up and seemingly all frailty had left my body at an instant,<br />

I felt like a renewed me and immediately opened the hatch<br />

of the cellar and climbed out of there to inhale the a nightly breeze.<br />

No coughing blood, no weak legs, I must be cured. I cheered into<br />

the night as I had never done before with no around to hear. •<br />

With nothing grounding me to this dead estate I packed my things<br />

and set out south to go into the world. There was nothing for me<br />

here anymore and curiosity made me want to further possibilities<br />

of this fine art of Necromancy. • Being limited in what I could<br />

bring with me I had to find a way to sustain myself in this world<br />

that had opened up to me just now. I set out to find myself a place<br />

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where I could practice my arts and live in comfort. It wasn’t long<br />

before I crossed the Badlands and came across a large fortress that<br />

stood there amidst the hilly landscape. The fort was owned by humans<br />

so getting in there was not an issue for me. I boldly requested<br />

an audience with the lord of the castle and was granted this request.<br />

Several guards escorted me to a banquet hall where the lord<br />

was seated. He was introduced to me as Augustus Mendenhall, the<br />

Bronze Baron of the Badlands. He and I got a long quite well and<br />

I must say it helped that he was rather gullible. I spoke to him in<br />

riddles and secrecy as of not to raise awareness of the dark arts that<br />

I was mastering. Intrigued by my <strong>stories</strong> of granting immortality<br />

and curing disease he employed me as court Necromancer where I<br />

would use my dark arts to assist him with my arts. I saw it as a…<br />

small price to pay for the mastery of the arts. I helped Augustus<br />

while I had room to study, I would dare say we even developed<br />

somewhat of a friendship while I remained at Dunstead castle. All<br />

was well up until those damned Dwarves<br />

decided to come out of their hidey holes<br />

and rue my plans for good. A great war<br />

between the Bronze Baron and the Badland<br />

Dwarves broke out with the final result<br />

being an unwinnable siege of Dunstead.<br />

Augustus and his knights fought<br />

hard but there were too many Dwarves.<br />

Retreat into the keep was inevitable and<br />

the last remaining troops holed up inside<br />

together with Augustus and yours truly. There was a way out or so<br />

Augustus told but due to an injury he had suffered he requested me<br />

to leave without him. I felt compassionate to help out a dying man<br />

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and came up with a plan. I snapped my fingers at two of the remaining<br />

guards and told them to carry Augustus into the crypts<br />

underneath the keep. We hurried ourselves down there as I told<br />

Augustus I would help him overcome this evil, I would have him<br />

come back from the dead as I did to myself many moons ago, with<br />

a slight alteration to the spell that would revive after a delay. •<br />

Seeing no way out Augustus agreed to my plan and I once again<br />

drew the symbols inside one of the empty coffins that were standing<br />

in the crypt, ready for deceased lords to be buried eternally. I<br />

had to hurry as we could hear the Dwarves battering away at the<br />

gates of the keep, short on time I finished drawing the symbols and<br />

the two guards lifted Augustus into his coffin. He thanked me for<br />

my service and I nodded in acceptance as I uttered the incantation<br />

and the Bronze Baron was no more. I waited a brief moment to see<br />

if the symbols would not extinguish as fast as they did for me.<br />

When I realized the spell worked the lid was raised over the coffin<br />

and I sealed it magically. Without second thought I sprinted towards<br />

the hidden passages in the crypt that would lead me out of<br />

the castle. With my most prized possession I traversed the dark<br />

tunnels underneath Dunstead and made my way out into the hills<br />

from where I saw, what had been my home for quite a while, the<br />

castle lit up with fire and smoke. • Knowing that in two years<br />

from now Augustus would rise up again, I set out down south to<br />

remain safe so I could return and retrieve Augustus’ body in safety.<br />

As I travelled south through the woods of Merthington I stumbled<br />

upon a town where magical experimentation was the norm.<br />

Mirstone was the name. Here I decided to settle for the time being<br />

as I waited for Augustus to revive. During my service for the Bronze<br />

Baron I earned enough coin and mastered my arts enough that I<br />

82 •

could easily find myself a place in Mirstone to stay and study for<br />

the time being. Once again I experimented further and raised all<br />

sorts of corpses of different sizes, shapes, and races including the<br />

rare and exotic Goliath people! • Two<br />

years quickly passed as I strictly kept track<br />

of time to make sure I would be back at<br />

Dunstead to see if my spell had worked on<br />

Augustus. Somewhere deep down inside I<br />

cared for him a little but the big question<br />

was if my altered spell had worked or not.<br />

Travelling back north I made my way to<br />

Dunstead, snuck in through the secret<br />

passages which seemed to be compromised<br />

by the current filthy Dwarven inhabitants,<br />

ughh I cannot stand the likes of<br />

those Badland Dwarves. As I was about to<br />

enter the crypts I heard Dwarven tongue<br />

being uttered, yet they sounded drunk as<br />

usual. I abided my time and waited for<br />

the voices to pass before I set foot in the<br />

crypt where I left from two years ago. Not<br />

much had changed apart from that large<br />

keg of beer were stored here now and some of the coffins had been<br />

moved around. I silently walked into the room where the Bronze<br />

Baron was supposed to be but where his coffin was now was just an<br />

empty stone altar. The coffin had been moved! I quickly looked<br />

around to see if I could find the coffin that had my magical seal on<br />

it but the coffin was not there anymore. Where could it be? At that<br />

moment I heard footsteps shuffling down the stairs and I hid in the<br />

83 •

shadows. A lone dwarf came down the stairs to tap a beer from one<br />

of the kegs. In a split second I decided to jump him and threaten<br />

answers out of him and so I<br />

did. The startled dwarf almost<br />

buckled over in fear as I raised<br />

a spell in my hand and questioned<br />

him about the missing<br />

coffins. He immediately caved<br />

and spoke how some of the<br />

coffins had been thrown out<br />

to make space for the beer<br />

while others were sold to<br />

make a profit as they seemingly<br />

had valuables in them. I<br />

could not believe my ears as I<br />

sucked the life force out of the dwarf and raised him from death<br />

directly after. Filled with rage I left the crypts and took my new<br />

Dwarven servant with me back to Mirstone. • As time passed and<br />

I started mastering the arts of the black book I questioned the<br />

realms of the dead, where the spirits of the unliving roam and demons<br />

linger. To know more about life after death I had to go there<br />

and so I dabbled into travelling between the demi-plane of the living<br />

and the dead which actually is rather simple if you are as talented<br />

as me, Maximilian the great necromancer. • As the years<br />

passed and people around me died of old age I seemingly kept on<br />

going, my body became older and yet I did not feel myself getting<br />

older. Years and years passed as my body slowly withered away but<br />

my soul remained. The very flesh withered off my bones and all<br />

that remained of me was a walking skeleton and a masterful mind,<br />

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I never lost my sense of fashion though. Not even death would top<br />

me from looking fancy. For countless years, I am not sure how<br />

many.. fifty? Two-hundred maybe? I am<br />

not sure but it does not matter. I surpassed<br />

the black book and returned it to<br />

my original home as I now created my<br />

very own necromantic spells and incantations,<br />

yes all I needed for the whimsical<br />

spells of that book was a mere flick of the<br />

wrist or a snap of my finger. I could cast<br />

them with my eyes closed. I do say life<br />

does get a bit mundane and boring if you<br />

are alive for so long which is a shame. It<br />

felt almost like perfect timing when like<br />

out of nowhere I caught a glimpse of Augustus once again, he<br />

looked similar to me and had forgotten who he was all together. •<br />

He told me how he just woke up not that long ago and I started<br />

counting back and realized I set the spell to two-hundred years<br />

instead of just two. I might be bright but hey even a great mind can<br />

make a mistake while they are in a hurry. I never really accounted<br />

for ever seeing Augustus back ever again but I did promise to help<br />

him and so I did. Together with his... friends we took the fight to<br />

the Dwarves at Dunstead as I raised the first army of the dead ever,<br />

how exciting! My unstoppable horde of skeletal warriors laid siege<br />

to the castle as I still let Augustus and his “heroic” friends do the<br />

heavy lifting because I couldn’t be bothered. As the castle fell to us<br />

I made sure to chase down the last of the Dwarven nobility that<br />

had made their escape through the tunnels. With my horde of undead<br />

I cut off all routes of escape and victory was within my grasp<br />

85 •

as one of those filthy Dwarves jumped at me and pulled me into<br />

the river. The king and his son managed to escape only just but at<br />

least I wiped out most of their insignificant brethren. • As we remained<br />

in Dunstead for a while, the heroes parted ways and Augustus<br />

sat back on his seat in the keep of Dunstead castle. Augustus<br />

thanked me for his service as<br />

he did right before he died and<br />

this time I thanked him right<br />

back just before I dispelled the<br />

spell that kept him together<br />

and he fell apart in a miserable<br />

pile of bones. It seemed that<br />

Dunstead was in need of another<br />

ruler, and what a coincidence<br />

that I am here at this<br />

opportune moment right? •<br />

From the Badlands I expanded<br />

my rule over the dead as I took<br />

control over large parts of the<br />

continent to the West of the mountains. As good and comfortable<br />

as my seat of power was in Dunstead I felt like I needed an upgrade<br />

and decided to go take a rightful place in the capital of Averdon so<br />

I marched my hordes of the dead to its gates and took control of<br />

the city, expelling those that seemed useless to me which happened<br />

to be the lame druids. Now I had one of the spires of Averdon all<br />

for myself and my people who now called themselves the Eternals.<br />

• I have achieved a lot during my long and fruitful life but my<br />

biggest dream was yet to be fulfilled. From the moment I succeeded<br />

in bringing myself back to life I set out a bigger goal for myself:<br />

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to end all the grief in the world and to become a true master of<br />

Death by undoing all of its horrible deeds. I wanted to end suffering<br />

by reuniting all the living with their deceased loved ones and<br />

vice versa. I felt that my life had a purpose and all the sacrifice I<br />

had to make on my path was for the greater good after all. I had<br />

outdone myself in creating an ambitious plan to make the world a<br />

better place once more! There was only one solution to this and<br />

that would be to pour open the gates of hell into the world of the<br />

living, let all of the souls of the dead return to their bodies and<br />

roam the earth but for that a most powerful magical source was<br />

needed in order to do so. I looked through the great libraries of<br />

Averdon and tasked my undead to help me find them but that did<br />

not prove as useful as I had hoped. Nothing that I found seemed<br />

powerful enough until I came up with the crazy idea of using my<br />

own soul as a conduit of power to open the gates of hell. Would<br />

that work? I did become quite powerful over all these years and<br />

definitely am one of the most powerful magic users out there in<br />

this world? But if I failed I would not only possibly end my life but<br />

also would rob the world of such master mind as my own! On top<br />

of that, all of the Eternals I have raised that enjoyed their lives now<br />

might be gone as soon as my soul would get destroyed since there<br />

would be no more magical power keeping them in this world. I<br />

carefully weighed all the risks as I made my decision to try. After<br />

all if I succeeded there would be much more happiness in this<br />

world: no kid would fear deadly diseases like I did in my young<br />

years, no mother would be mourning untimely death of her child,<br />

no families would be broken by death of the loved ones, no wars<br />

would happen as there would be no point in killing each other<br />

anymore. I simply had to try and thus I sent out my undead hordes<br />

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to procure me a soulstone large enough to hold my power and ego.<br />

The largest they could find really was what I tasked them with. •<br />

After months of searching they returned with a large soul conduit<br />

that I deemed worthy to use for my grand experiment of bringing<br />

the living and the dead closer together. I had spent my time conjuring<br />

up a spell that would allow me to transport myself into this<br />

soulstone so that the two realms of the living and the dead may<br />

join each other, a bit like an unholy marriage actually. • The spell<br />

was cast and my corporeal body disappeared as I was transposed<br />

inside of the conduit and I watched from the inside how hell<br />

opened up and souls from every corner of the demi-plane reunited<br />

itself with its former body if it remains could be found. If no remains<br />

could be found they remained wandering<br />

spirits amongst the living dead. It was<br />

magnificent to behold and I surely would<br />

have cried a tear of joy if I would still have<br />

flesh and actually could cry, man it has been<br />

at least a century since I cried what a weird<br />

thought... • Trapped inside of the stone in<br />

peace, not every living being agreed with me<br />

and uniting the dead and the living once<br />

again. Some weird alliance of druids, gods<br />

and clerics weaved magic into the land to<br />

create a new world far away from this hell. I<br />

knew expelling those druids would come<br />

and bite me in the boney ass one time. •<br />

They weaved their elemental magic and large chunks of the land<br />

raised up into the air and I definitely did not want to go up and<br />

away from the paradise I had created but there was little I could<br />

88 •

do. I was raised into the sky with the land as a large wall of clouds<br />

and thunder closed underneath the land. Now I was trapped in this<br />

here soulstone without being able to do anything, far<br />

away from my fabled utopia and so I decided to<br />

slumber and conjure up a plan to return to the world<br />

below, my living hell. • One day as I remained in<br />

slumber a sudden and severe pain sprung in the back<br />

of my neck and skull, very odd and intriguing for<br />

someone who has not really been feeling much for<br />

centuries. I awoke from my slumber and found myself<br />

in the dark and before I could collect myself another<br />

pain tore through my ethereal body as copies<br />

of my being were pulled outwards in different directions.<br />

I started to shrink in size as it felt as if my soul was being<br />

chopped into small pieces. The pain stopped but I felt drained,<br />

near powerless and nowhere near how I felt all those years ago.<br />

What had happened to me? Was this a side effect of transposing my<br />

soul into this conduit or was someone or something tempering<br />

with it. The pain stopped and in order to preserve my energy I<br />

once again fell asleep only to wake up in the hands of a poor sod of<br />

a human. He didn’t look too good really. Missing quite a few teeth,<br />

seemingly malnourished, he looked at me with great interest but I<br />

don’t think he could see me so I tried talking to him and immediately<br />

his face changed into one of agony and fear. He was not having<br />

a good time for certain, although he looked like he smelled bad<br />

as well so if he’d pissed himself it wouldn’t have mattered anyway.<br />

I kindly asked him where I was but the man just dropped me on<br />

the ground and ran off in panic. Great first impression of this shit<br />

world up in the skies I will tell you that. • I changed hands sever-<br />

89 •

al times from this moment and all of those that held me were surprisingly<br />

easy to manipulate and bend me to my will. Even though<br />

I felt weakened after what had happened before I certainly<br />

still had strength in me, now all I had to do was<br />

use that strength in order to get back down to my world.<br />

• As time passed I overheard scholars and politicians<br />

talk about how their world stayed afloat and I saw that<br />

as a ticket out! What if I manage to get someone to destroy<br />

a Core and have the whole island fall down with<br />

me! It is a win win, I get to go home and I can resurrect<br />

those that fall to their death with me. • Shortly after I<br />

was handed over to an important man, a mayor of some<br />

sorts. It feels rather bad being presented to someone else<br />

as a simple gift. The mayor was very keen on this gift<br />

which I felt like was rather great, he held the soul stone<br />

very often and admired its beauty which made me feel<br />

good about myself, it’s always nice being admired by<br />

someone. • I waited an apt amount of time before<br />

striking until one day there was a festival. What better<br />

moment to strike while everyone is surrounded by loud<br />

celebrations? As the mayor separated himself from the crowd for a<br />

brief moment I took my one chance. I enticed him to seek out the<br />

Core as I could see its location through his mind. We set foot in<br />

the Core chamber underneath the ground, and I have to say that it<br />

seemed quite wonderful for druid magic I will give them that.<br />

With no time to lose I ordered the mayor to stab the Core with the<br />

black needle that was the soulstone and I did the rest of the work<br />

draining it of its power from within the conduit. The Core quickly<br />

destabilized as I guided our good old mayor out of the cave but as<br />

90 •

we turned up outside a small rock creature got in our way and tried<br />

to stop me. I saw no other solution but to have the mayor stab it,<br />

and oddly enough it also was filled with<br />

some kind of magic that I absorbed, leaving<br />

behind only a small pile of rocks. •<br />

The mayor hurried to the stables of the<br />

village he governed as the very earth underneath<br />

us started rumbling and falling<br />

apart. There his terrified daughter was<br />

hiding inside, scared of all the noise and<br />

destruction that was going on. I made the<br />

mayor comfort her and then quickly have<br />

him take her life. A cruel act most would<br />

say but a sacrifice I was willing to make,<br />

besides I will reunite them after we get<br />

down in the below anyway as a token of<br />

my gratitude. I am such a benevolent ruler. • As my control over<br />

the Mayor faded his heart immediately broke as he held the lifeless<br />

body of his daughter in his arms. He dropped me as the doors<br />

opened and some sort of Birdman entered the stables. Are those<br />

loud bird people here as well that came to my house so long ago? I<br />

hope not, they are very annoying. As the island started to collapse<br />

and I felt myself nearing home I was picked up and caught off<br />

guard as I was stowed away in a bag. My plan foiled I was outraged<br />

as I was put on display in some sort of storage room once again.<br />

Now what, when will I get a chance like this again! • Not much<br />

later after I was stowed away in this dark room that same bird man<br />

appeared and he actually seemed to resemble more of an owl. He<br />

was accompanied by a large stone man, who oddly reminded me of<br />

91 •

someone but I could not put my finger on it exactly. And there was<br />

another small bird which looked more like the annoying bird people<br />

I remembered from before, a young human and a small flying<br />

dragonborn? What is up with this world? What in hell’s name happened<br />

up here? How long had I been asleep for this to happen? •<br />

The five examined me and I got them good as I darkened the very<br />

air around them and spoke up. I am not sure exactly what I said<br />

back then but it sure got them good. Perhaps not the best course of<br />

actions as I then rotted away in that damned storage for a while. I<br />

once again slumbered to sit on conjuring up a new plan as I appeared<br />

to be underground somehow. I don’t know how these things<br />

keep happening to me but I seem to end up in these weird situations<br />

all the time somehow. • Down in these caverns I managed to<br />

free my soul from the stone, or what was left of it at least. Once<br />

again I was free and I could move about and stretch my non-existent<br />

ethereal legs. I know it sounds odd but believe me that even if<br />

your legs are ethereal it is a real treat to stretch them once in a<br />

while. Wondering how I ended up here I crossed paths with five<br />

travellers of whom I recognized the Owlman once more, and his<br />

small weak dragon friend that seemed like it should not be alive<br />

really. • He now was accompanied by a nosey elf that either was<br />

over confident and did not believe in eyesight or was actually<br />

blind, I am not sure which of the two it was. And then there was a<br />

Dwarven druid with him as well. What are the odds! I really had to<br />

refrain myself from instantly killing him as I needed allies in order<br />

to get down. They all seemed rather confused and so I cursed the<br />

little dragon friend to die if they would not help me get down right<br />

before I disappeared. The looks on their faces were priceless really.<br />

They also were seemingly very confused about reanimating the<br />

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dead for some reason, very strange if you ask me. • One day later<br />

I felt they were not making enough progress and then I just found<br />

them lounging about in a magical floating tower and so I decided<br />

it was time for them to pay up. Just as I was about to punish their<br />

insolence a secret admirer came knocking<br />

on the door. He introduced himself as<br />

Thueban a warlock of great power and<br />

with greater admiration for my work. He<br />

entered the room but not before I made<br />

sure that the Owlman and his travelling<br />

friends would remain invisible to Thueban.<br />

The snake-like warlock was very<br />

nice to me and hearing compliments<br />

about my accomplishments for the first<br />

time in a long while was like music to my<br />

ear-holes. The foul serpent betrayed me<br />

however and absorbed my soul essence<br />

claiming I was weak and no longer needed<br />

in this world. What a pathetic way to trick me like that, very<br />

uncalled for. He absorbed part of my soul and it felt like this was<br />

the true end to it all, being silenced by some second rank warlock<br />

that thinks he is better than me. • I found myself surrounded by<br />

darkness for a long time, it was similar to my slumber inside of the<br />

soul conduit, however now I was wide awake and all I could do was<br />

stare into the darkness for what seemed to be an eternity. Until I<br />

felt a pull from beyond, it felt like what I had experienced all those<br />

years ago when I resurrected myself for the first time ever. As if my<br />

soul was pulled to a plane of existence once again, but how could<br />

that be? Was it a delayed spell that I set off ages ago? Surely I would<br />

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have remembered doing that. • The pulling sensation kept going<br />

on until I was drawn away from the darkness and into the light. As<br />

if I was reborn onto this world I crept out of the darkness and into<br />

the plane of existence once again. I felt weak and feeble as I did<br />

before yet alive… alive and well. I looked around me as I was surrounded<br />

by kneeling and bowing undead of all shapes and sizes.<br />

Was I back in the world that I created? I asked them if this was a<br />

dream and one of them step forward and assured me it wasn’t as he<br />

welcomed me back as their god of Undeath. • Much time and effort<br />

was needed to get me back to my full potential but those that<br />

brought me back into this world were ever determined to help me<br />

achieve this once again for the greater good of the land I shaped a<br />

millennium ago. Day in and day out rituals were conducted in order<br />

to restore my former strength. I grew rather tired of sitting<br />

around helplessly like a cynical and small child, in need of assistance<br />

of those around him. One day as it was time for one of the<br />

rituals again some of the followers were late and<br />

started acting up strangely. It was rather weird as a<br />

whole and it felt as if they were not from this world<br />

at all. They seemed very much like they were from<br />

the world I made however they did not expel an<br />

aura of death as everyone does down here. Something<br />

was amiss and I called them forth only to discover,<br />

unmistakably, that these impostors were<br />

from the world above! They travelled down and did<br />

not die which means they also can go back up again<br />

somehow? Perhaps this will allow me to breach into<br />

that horrid world above after all? • For the very<br />

least this should be interesting (a rare thing for<br />

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someone who has lived for centuries and centuries) since I have not<br />

had an alive worshipper as a God. How will this sack of half-elven<br />

flesh be serving me? Why did she choose me? What will this Aderyn<br />

girl be able to accomplish in my name in the Above? I surely<br />

sense great potential and power in her as inferior as it it is to my<br />

own of course. But she has the one thing I do not... an alive body<br />

which grants her the entrance to places none of my great powers<br />

do. I shall bless her with my power, teach her the art of necromancy<br />

and with her hands I shall fix the mistakes that were made all<br />

those years ago and bring back the<br />

balance to this<br />

world.<br />

3<br />

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