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Ali w as born in 1994 and has lived all his days in t he village.<br />

His fat her, Baray Mian, w as spoken about w it h respect by t he<br />

villagers as a craft er of good st anding in t he parish. His<br />

m ot her, Am na, died at t he birt h of Ali?s younger brot her, Zain.<br />

Since his early childhood, Ali has developed t he abilit y t o<br />

w it hst and cont em pt uous sit uat ions am icably. His fat her<br />

hardly m akes ends m eet . As an elder brot her, Ali had, since his<br />

early childhood, decided t o shoulder t he responsibilit y of his<br />

fat her. He w ould am icably do m enial jobs, w hat ever w as<br />

offered t o him at a young age eit her it could be dishw ashing in<br />

a rest aurant , as a launderer, or st reet haw ker. His dream w as<br />

t o com plet e his educat ion but am id t he fragile econom ic st at e<br />

of his fam ily, he could foresee he w ouldn't accom plish his<br />

dream . He endeavored t o m anage t he fam ily econom ics from<br />

an early age. During t his t im e, he changed several jobs for<br />

bet t er prospect s and higher earnings. During t his t im e, his<br />

int erpersonal skills have im proved dram at ically in cont rast<br />

w it h ot her children of his age. He has t he abilit y t o adapt w it h<br />

t he changing t rends, and learn skills.<br />

As he grew older, he developed m ult i-t asking skills but , he w as<br />

lacking vision in his life. Once, w hile w orking in a m ot el as a<br />

room cleaner, he cam e across a m usical inst rum ent w hich w as<br />

played cerem onially at night by an individual. Whenever t he<br />

m usic w as being played, he involunt arily drift ed t ow ards it ,<br />

and for a considerable t im e he w as at t ract ed t o it . The<br />

follow ing conversat ion is bet w een Ali and t he Coke St udio<br />

m usician, Zeeshan, w ho w as busy in packing aw ay his<br />

inst rum ent s aft er playing

Ali: Excuse m e, I w ant t o enquire... Do you have t he t im e t o<br />

t alk?<br />

Zeeshan: Well....Yes I have, but please be short as I have t o<br />

rush t o anot her m ot el t o play<br />

Ali: Can you help m e t o play guit ar as I have had a burning<br />

desire since m y early childhood t o play, but due t o m y<br />

unt ow ard sit uat ion, m y at t ent ion has been divert ed from it t o<br />

ot her chores?<br />

Zeeshan: Well have you ever played it in t he past ?<br />

Ali: Yes, during m y childhood and I could show it t o you, t hen<br />

you can bet t er judge m e. Though I am not as good as you are,<br />

m aybe you can guide m e<br />

Zeeshan: Okay, m eet m e on Sunday at 3pm , at Venice m ot el,<br />

room #35, and t hen let m e see<br />

Ali: I am obliged, for your cooperat ion<br />

Zeeshan: Be sharp, as on Sunday I also have a t ight schedule,<br />

see you t om orrow<br />

Zeeshan after packing his musical instrument hurried towards the<br />

exit door of the motel. Next day at 2:55pm Ali was standing in front<br />

of Room #35, at Venice Motel. He was watching the time on his<br />

wrist watch and waiting the moment it would be 3 pm and he<br />

would knock at the door. When his wrist watch showed exactly 3<br />

pm, he knocked at the door<br />

Zeeshan: Who is it ?<br />

Ali: It ?s m e Ali, t he person w hom you m et in t he m ot el and<br />

have given t oday?s t im e of 3pm t o m eet t o play guit ar<br />

Zeeshan: Yes com e in, t he door is open

Ali opened t he door, Zeeshan w as st anding near t he m usical<br />

inst rum ent and w as com posing his not es, he signed t o Ali t o<br />

sit and play. Ali w hile sit t ing inquired<br />

Ali: What shall I play<br />

Zeeshan: Play anyt hing you like, just give it your best shot<br />

Ali aft er aw ait ing for few seconds asked again<br />

Ali: Shall I<br />

Zeeshan: Go ahead<br />

Ali played t he Mission Im possible t une, it w as such a<br />

t ant alizing sound t hat Zeeshan w ho w as com posing his<br />

t une, st opped and list ened t o his inst rum ent in<br />

bew ilderm ent and w as w at ching t he w ay Ali w as playing it ,<br />

Ali played it for m ore t han 3 m inut es. Aft er som e t im e, he<br />

st opped.<br />

Zeeshan: You are rem arkable, just few fine t uning, but it<br />

w on?t t ake long and it w ould be perfect t oday if you w ould<br />

accom pany m e, are you having job t oday<br />

Ali: No, I am off from w ork. I w ould be delight ed<br />

Zeeshan: Okay, list en carefully at 4pm w e have t o visit t he<br />

Grand Mot el, t hen at 8:30pm t here is a birt hday part y event<br />

scheduled t oday at Vancor Villa, at 11:30 pm at Mars Mot el,<br />

so you w ill be occupied w it h m e t ill 3am , is it okay<br />

Ali: Absolut ely fine<br />

Zeeshan: Good, your job st art s now. Give m e a couple of<br />

m inut es and t hen let ?s go

At 3:30 pm Ali and Zeeshan reach t he Grand m ot el, Zeeshan<br />

began playing his m usical inst rum ent at 4pm sharp and Ali<br />

w as sit t ing on backst age. At 7 pm he invit ed Ali t o play t he<br />

m usical inst rum ent and t old him t o play 3 or 4 of his<br />

favorit e not es, w hich Ali played professionally. Zeeshan<br />

began t o adm ire Ali at backst age and encourage him t o<br />

play, t he ent ire day passed like t his, at 3:15 am w hile t hey<br />

w ere packing t he m usical inst rum ent , Zeeshan said<br />

Zeeshan: Would you quit your current job, and accom pany<br />

m e, I assure you I w ould offer bet t er rem unerat ion t han<br />

your current job is offering, for t his you?d have sign<br />

cont ract w it h m e for 3 years. You are bound t o st ay w it h m e<br />

and can?t change your job again<br />

Ali aft er t hinking for couple of m inut es, said "I am in"<br />

Then for t he next 14 m ont hs Ali and Zeeshan paired up w it h<br />

each ot her. The chem ist ry bet w een bot h becam e im m ense<br />

t hat m any cust om ers of m ot el w ould ext end t heir st ay t o<br />

list en t o t he m usical inst rum ent being played by t hem bot h,<br />

and Zeeshan?s m arket reput at ion im m ensely increased<br />

w hich m eans m ore rem unerat ion for Zeeshan, but aft er 14<br />

m ont hs, suddenly, Ali left t he cit y. Zeeshan roam ed t o his<br />

house, inquired from his friends, his relat ives w ho knew Ali<br />

but t hey w ere unable t o t ell Zeeshan anyt hing about Ali.<br />

Zeeshan?s ent ire day w as spent in searching for Ali w hich<br />

m eant less t im e t o play t he inst rum ent and less m oney for<br />


Ali w ent t o his village and he w as unable t o t ell about his<br />

lifest yle t o Zeeshan as he w as asham ed of it . The reason for<br />

quit t ing his passion and suddenly becom ing anonym ous<br />

w as, he had encount ered a cat ast rophe w hich had<br />

darkened his ent ire vision and dream , he had gradually<br />

becom e deaf<br />

He couldn't w it hst and t he cat ast rophe, and gradually lost<br />

his fervor for life. He m ot ivat e him self t ow ards negat ive<br />

ext ernalit ies of life and he increased his int ake of drugs<br />

w hich he t hink w ould relieve him from depression. Wit h t he<br />

beginning of a new day, he cursed him self w hich furt her<br />

lead him t ow ards depression and t o relieve him self from<br />

depression he w ould t ake drugs w hich gradually increased<br />

w it h t he passage of t im e.<br />

His fat her and his brot her, Zain, becom e m ore concerned<br />

about Ali?s healt h. Init ially t hey urge him t o give up t his<br />

habit but w it h t he passage of t im e t he relat ionship becam e<br />

est ranged and Ali left t he house and began t o live in t em p<br />

houses t hat w ere available. Zain once arrived his t em p<br />

house and aft er list ening t o Zain

Ali: Why are you over here, t o see w het her I had died or w as<br />

current ly scram bling for life or t o see how m uch life I have<br />

left . Go t ell fat her t hat soon he is going t o hear good new s<br />

Zain: For God?s sake! You have becom e m ore insane! We are<br />

all your w ell w ishers over here, t his w as w hat dad and I<br />

have been fait hful t o you, but you don't need any at t ent ion.<br />

Okay, I?ll com e t o t he point . As I knew you w on't t olerat e<br />

m e for a prolonged t im e. So in short , you knew Dr Shafi,<br />

Dad friend,The specialist ?<br />

Ali nodded his head, w hile looking out side t he w indow<br />

Zain: Well w e have bad new s for you, Dr Shafi has assured<br />

us t hat t here is no cure available for pat ient s like you<br />

Ali: What are you t alking about ?<br />

Zain: I am really sorry. I w ish I cam e w it h good new s, sorry.<br />

Ali ent husiast ically m oved ahead t ow ards Zain, hugged him<br />

and asked for his forgiveness. Ali w ent out side hugged his<br />

fat her and said sorry for his behavior. There w ere t ears in<br />

bot h of t heir eyes as Ali w as lost t he t hing, he w ant ed m ost<br />

t o hear som et hing t o play m usic<br />

One year lat er<br />

In t he Coke St udio, Ali is playing guit ar t hrough t he<br />

vibrat ions and he is playing it bet t er t han before. Everyone<br />

applauded as Ali finish playing it and w hen som eone cam e<br />

t o int erview him , he can?t answ er because he is deaf w hich<br />

m ake everyone w as even m ore inspired by him

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