From the Taking of Jerusalem by Antiochus Epiphanes to the Death of Herod the Great - Flavius Josephus

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Chapter 8<br />

Alexander Makes an Expedition Against Hyrcanus<br />

1. In <strong>the</strong> mean time, Scaurus made an expedition in<strong>to</strong> Arabia, but was<br />

s<strong>to</strong>pped <strong>by</strong> <strong>the</strong> difficulty <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> places about Petra. However, he laid waste<br />

<strong>the</strong> country about Pella, though even <strong>the</strong>re he was under great hardship; for<br />

his army was afflicted with famine. In order <strong>to</strong> supply which want, Hyrcanus<br />

afforded him some assistance, and sent him provisions <strong>by</strong> <strong>the</strong> means <strong>of</strong><br />

Antipater; whom also Scaurus sent <strong>to</strong> Aretas, as one well acquainted with<br />

him, <strong>to</strong> induce him <strong>to</strong> pay him money <strong>to</strong> buy his peace. The king <strong>of</strong> Arabia<br />

complied with <strong>the</strong> proposal, and gave him three hundred talents; upon which<br />

Scaurus drew his army out <strong>of</strong> Arabia (1)<br />

2. But as for Alexander, that son <strong>of</strong> Aris<strong>to</strong>bulus who ran away from<br />

Pompey, in some time he got a considerable band <strong>of</strong> men <strong>to</strong>ge<strong>the</strong>r, and lay<br />

heavy upon Hyrcanus, and overran Judea, and was likely <strong>to</strong> overturn him<br />

quickly; and indeed he had come <strong>to</strong> <strong>Jerusalem</strong>, and had ventured <strong>to</strong> rebuild<br />

its wall that was thrown down <strong>by</strong> Pompey, had not Gabinius, who was sent<br />

as successor <strong>to</strong> Scaurus in<strong>to</strong> Syria, showed his bravery, as in many o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

points, so in making an expedition against Alexander; who, as he was afraid<br />

that he would attack him, so he got <strong>to</strong>ge<strong>the</strong>r a large army, composed <strong>of</strong> ten<br />

thousand armed footmen, and fifteen hundred horsemen. He also built walls<br />

about proper places; Alexandrium, and Hyrcanium, and Machorus, that lay<br />

upon <strong>the</strong> mountains <strong>of</strong> Arabia.<br />

3. However, Gabinius sent before him Marcus An<strong>to</strong>nius, and followed<br />

himself with his whole army; but for <strong>the</strong> select body <strong>of</strong> soldiers that were<br />

about Antipater, and ano<strong>the</strong>r body <strong>of</strong> Jews under <strong>the</strong> command <strong>of</strong> Malichus<br />

and Pitholaus, <strong>the</strong>se joined <strong>the</strong>mselves <strong>to</strong> those captains that were about<br />

Marcus An<strong>to</strong>nius, and met Alexander; <strong>to</strong> which body came Oabinius with his<br />


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