VIVA NOLA June 2019

Amanda Shaw cover story. New Orleans Scene. Leadership. Wellness. Food. Music. Events. Amanda Shaw cover story. New Orleans Scene. Leadership. Wellness. Food. Music. Events.


economic development Culture: A Fundamental Part of Economic Development By Alejandra Guzman @aleguzman During April and May, the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival welcomed hundreds of thousands of attendees while hitting its half century mark. This annual spring event has brought an array of concerts that expand to every genre of music. Some of the legendary artists who have performed throughout the years include Mahalia Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Fats Domino, Tina Turner, Ray Charles, Lenny Kravitz, Tony Bennett, Tito Puente, and the list continues! A 2019 local favorite was the Queen of Mayor LaToya Cantrell presents key to the city to George Wein. Photo: Mayor Cantrel’s Facebook Page. Bounce Big Freedia. Those in attendance reported that she was electric. Another 2019 highlight included Mayor LaToya Cantrell presenting George Wein the key to the City acknowledging his contributions to jazz festivals. Mr. Wein has been a jazz promoter and producer and his work has left an undeniable legacy. He was responsible for the Newport Jazz Festival, our very own New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival, and has represented festivals all over the world. In 1959, the jazz impresario married Joyce Alexander Wein, a lady who also left a great legacy to American culture. A chemist by profession, Mrs. Wein started her career as a biochemist at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, and later in New York at Columbia Medical School. In 1963, she joined her husband and others in founding the Newport Folk Festival, which is recognized as a major engine for festival culture. Her many contributions to society include establishing the Joyce and George Wein Professorship Fund in African-American Studies at Boston University and an Endowed Scholarship Fund at Simons College. Mrs. Wein passed away in 2005 leaving an important legacy. Festivals bring tremendous economic value, particularly to local businesses that benefit from the activity, and visitors driven by the event. For New Orleans, Jazz Fest also sets the stage for additional festivals throughout the year and helps maintain our cultural brand. What started as a small celebration of music and culture with just 350 attendees, has become an attraction of 680 musical acts in two weekends, and contributes $400 million to the city. To learn more about how culture contributes to the economy, plan to attend the New Orleans Business Alliance’s Annual Meeting on June 27th. The organization will present how its work promotes, supports and grows our culture while focusing on equitable and inclusive economic development. The theme of the event is focused on Economic Development Reimagined featuring acclaimed international business leader, Arnold W. Donald, a New Orleans native who serves as the president and chief executive officer of the Carnival Corporation. For more information visit Until next time! Viva NOLA Magazine - Page 4

TRANSLATION >> Nuestra cultura, una pieza fundamental para la promoción del desarrollo económico Por Alejandra Guzmán @aleguzman Durante el mes de abril y mayo, el New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival dio la bienvenida a miles de personas mientras celebraba sus cincuenta años de existencia. Por muchos años, este evento ha atraído una gran diversidad de conciertos de todos los géneros de música. Algunos de los legendarios artistas que han participado a través de los años incluyen a Mahalia Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Fats Domino, Tina Turner, Ray Charles, Lenny Kravitz, Tony Bennett, Tito Puente… ¡y la lista continúa! Este año incluyó a una favorita del público, la reina del Bounce, Big Freedia. Testigos de su espectáculo reportaron que tuvo un impacto eléctrico. Otro aspecto interesante del 2019 incluyó un reconocimiento de la alcaldesa LaToya Cantrell, en el cual entregó, las llaves de la ciudad a George Wein en honor a su contribución a los festivales de jazz. Wein ha sido un importante promotor y productor del jazz, y su trabajo ha dejado un incuestionable legado. Él fue parte del equipo responsable de fundar el Newport Jazz Festival, de nuestro propio New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival, así como la representación de festivales alrededor del mundo. En 1959, este empresario del jazz contrajo nupcias con Joyce Alexander, una dama que también ha dejado un legado importante a la cultura americana. La Sra. Wein empezó su carrera como bioquímica en el Massachusetts General Hospital, en Boston, y más tarde en Nueva York, en el Columbia Medical School. En 1963 se unió a su esposo y otros promotores para fundar el Newport Folk Festival, que ha sido reconocido como un motor importante para la cultura de festivales. Sus contribuciones a la sociedad son muchas, incluyendo el establecer el Fondo para Profesores Joyce and George Wein, que promueve los estudios afroamericanos en el Boston University, y otro fondo en el Simons College. La Sra. Wein falleció en el 2005, dejando un importante legado. Los festivales agregan un tremendo valor a la economía, particularmente a los negocios locales que se ven beneficiados por la actividad y por los visitantes que un festival atrae. Para Nueva Orleans, Jazz Fest también fija un precedente positivo para otros festivales en el transcurso del año, y ayuda a mantener nuestra buena reputación como un lugar rico en cultura. Lo que empezó como una pequeña celebración de música y cultura con tan sólo 350 espectadores, se ha convertido ahora en una atracción de 680 actos musicales, divididos en dos fines de semana que contribuyen con alrededor de $400 millones a la ciudad. Para entender más cómo nuestra cultura contribuye a la economía, marca en tu calendario el día junio 27, para acudir a la reunión anual del New Orleans Business Joyce Alexander Wein and George Wein. Photo:, Carolyn McClair Public Relations. Alliance. La organización estará presentando cómo su trabajo promueve, apoya y aumenta nuestra cultura, y a su vez, cómo se enfoca en promover el desarrollo económico de una manera positiva y equitativa. El evento, titulado Reimaginando el Desarrollo Económico, tendrá como orador al aclamado líder de negocios Arnold W. Donald, un oriundo de Nueva Orleans, y presidente y CEO de Carnival Corporations. Para más información, visita ¡Hasta la próxima!

economic development<br />

Culture: A Fundamental Part of Economic Development<br />

By Alejandra Guzman<br />

@aleguzman<br />

During April and May, the New Orleans<br />

Jazz and Heritage Festival welcomed<br />

hundreds of thousands of attendees<br />

while hitting its half century mark. This<br />

annual spring event has brought an<br />

array of concerts that expand to every<br />

genre of music. Some of the legendary<br />

artists who have performed throughout<br />

the years include Mahalia Jackson, Stevie<br />

Wonder, Fats Domino, Tina Turner, Ray<br />

Charles, Lenny Kravitz, Tony Bennett,<br />

Tito Puente, and the list continues! A<br />

<strong>2019</strong> local favorite was the Queen of<br />

Mayor LaToya Cantrell presents key to the city to<br />

George Wein. Photo: Mayor Cantrel’s Facebook Page.<br />

Bounce Big Freedia. Those in attendance<br />

reported that she was electric.<br />

Another <strong>2019</strong> highlight included Mayor<br />

LaToya Cantrell presenting George Wein<br />

the key to the City acknowledging his<br />

contributions to jazz festivals. Mr. Wein<br />

has been a jazz promoter and producer<br />

and his work has left an undeniable<br />

legacy. He was responsible for the<br />

Newport Jazz Festival, our very own New<br />

Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival, and<br />

has represented festivals all over the<br />

world.<br />

In 1959, the jazz impresario married<br />

Joyce Alexander Wein, a lady who also<br />

left a great legacy to American culture.<br />

A chemist by profession, Mrs. Wein<br />

started her career as a biochemist at<br />

the Massachusetts General Hospital<br />

in Boston, and later in New York<br />

at Columbia Medical School. In<br />

1963, she joined her husband and<br />

others in founding the Newport Folk<br />

Festival, which is recognized as a<br />

major engine for festival culture. Her<br />

many contributions to society include<br />

establishing the Joyce and George Wein<br />

Professorship Fund in African-American<br />

Studies at Boston University and an<br />

Endowed Scholarship Fund at Simons<br />

College. Mrs. Wein passed away in 2005<br />

leaving an important legacy.<br />

Festivals bring tremendous economic<br />

value, particularly to local businesses<br />

that benefit from the activity, and<br />

visitors driven by the event. For New<br />

Orleans, Jazz Fest also sets the stage for<br />

additional festivals throughout the year<br />

and helps maintain our cultural brand.<br />

What started as a small celebration<br />

of music and culture with just 350<br />

attendees, has become an attraction of<br />

680 musical acts in two weekends, and<br />

contributes $400 million to the city.<br />

To learn more about how culture<br />

contributes to the economy, plan to<br />

attend the New Orleans Business<br />

Alliance’s Annual Meeting on <strong>June</strong> 27th.<br />

The organization will present how its<br />

work promotes, supports and grows<br />

our culture while focusing on equitable<br />

and inclusive economic development.<br />

The theme of the event is focused on<br />

Economic Development Reimagined<br />

featuring acclaimed international<br />

business leader, Arnold W. Donald, a<br />

New Orleans native who serves as the<br />

president and chief executive officer of<br />

the Carnival Corporation.<br />

For more information visit<br />

Until next time!<br />

Viva <strong>NOLA</strong> Magazine - Page 4

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