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May 2019

May 2019


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B A N N E R N E W S L E T T E R<br />

May 2019


Barrington United Methodist Church<br />

98 Algonquin Road, Barrington, IL 60010<br />

Chapel Worship, Sundays at 8:00 a.m.<br />

You are invited to be a part of this welcoming, caring community that worships<br />

God in an intimate setting. Essential elements of this service include: a time of<br />

gathering, liturgy, hymns, sermon and a sending forth into the world to live our faith.<br />

Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month.<br />

Classic Worship, Sundays at 9:30 a.m.<br />

Please join us in the soaring, light-filled Sanctuary for this more formal worship<br />

experience. Essential elements of this service include a mix of traditional and current<br />

hymns, liturgy, organ and choir, sermon and a time for children every Sunday.<br />

Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month.<br />

Crossroads Worship, Sundays at 11:00 a.m.<br />

There is a place for you in this casual, compelling worship service. The relaxed<br />

atmosphere invites us to interpret scripture in today’s context with challenging<br />

questions, a variety of musical genres and an open, interactive format. Communion is<br />

celebrated regularly.<br />

Rev. Chris Winkler<br />

Senior Pastor<br />

cwinkler@barringtonumc.com<br />

Rev. Matthew Johnson<br />

Associate Pastor<br />

mwhjohnson@barringtonumc.com<br />

Pastor Joane Patton-Seaton<br />

Interim Pastor<br />

First UMC, West Dundee<br />

jseaton@barringtonumc.com<br />

Pastor Maddie Johnson<br />

Director of Youth Ministries<br />

mjohnson@barringtonumc.com<br />

Luis Vega<br />

Lay Pastor<br />

Comunidad Cristiana<br />

lvega@barringtonumc.com<br />

Comunidad Cristiana | Christian Community Worship, Sundays at 4:00 p.m.<br />

1647 Ravine Lane, Carpentersville, IL 60110<br />

You, and your neighbors, are invited to join this emerging worship. A welcoming,<br />

caring community shares worship and a delicious meal on Sunday evenings.<br />

Experience Hispanic-style worship offered bilingually with a mix of traditional and<br />

contemporary worship elements. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of<br />

every month.<br />

First UMC of West Dundee<br />

318 W. Main Street, West Dundee, IL 60118<br />

Classic Worship, Sundays at 10:00 a.m.<br />

All are invited to experience this multi-generational blended worship service,<br />

which incorporates traditional worship elements like hymns and liturgy with<br />

more contemporary elements like thematic altar displays, video and occasional<br />

contemporary music selections. There is a children’s message weekly, scripture<br />

lessons and sermon. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month.<br />

Sign up to receive our weekly<br />

e-news through the sign-up<br />

form on our website,<br />

www.barringtonumc.com.<br />

Nursery care is available on<br />

Sundays for infants and toddlers<br />

ages 0–3 from<br />

8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

It's a Matter of Faith<br />

by Rev. Chris Winkler<br />

17<br />

For I am about to create new heavens and a new earth; the former things shall<br />

not be remembered or come to mind. 18 But be glad and rejoice forever in what<br />

I am creating; for I am about to create Jerusalem as a joy, and its people as a<br />

delight. 19 I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and delight in my people; no more shall the<br />

sound of weeping be heard in it, or the cry of distress. 20 No more shall there be<br />

in it an infant that lives but a few days, or an old person who does not live out<br />

a lifetime; for one who dies at a hundred years will be considered a youth, and<br />

one who falls short of a hundred will be considered accursed. 21 They shall build<br />

houses and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit. 22 They shall<br />

not build and another inhabit; they shall not plant and another eat; for like the<br />

days of a tree shall the days of my people be, and my chosen shall long enjoy the<br />

work of their hands. 23 They shall not labor in vain, or bear children for calamity;<br />

for they shall be offspring blessed by the Lord—and their descendants as well. 24<br />

Before they call I will answer, while they are yet speaking I will hear.<br />

—(Isaiah 65:17-24)<br />

When the prophet Isaiah brought this word from the Lord to<br />

the People Israel, hope was a rare commodity. For decades<br />

the People had watched as the land they had worked so hard<br />

to develop, the land they loved had experienced incredible devastation and<br />

destruction. The Temple, the center of their worship life, lay in ruins the great<br />

City of Jerusalem was itself destroyed. The Babylonian empire had overtaken<br />

their country and exiled many of their most important citizens—just as the<br />

prophet had warned would happen. From where they sat and observed the<br />

world around them, there seemed to be little to be excited about. Their future<br />

was far from certain. Everything they thought they knew was in question and<br />

everything they could count on had been dismantled.<br />

Just then, at this incredibly low moment in their history—and when trouble<br />

and turmoil seemed to be in control—now, that same prophet stands and<br />

delivers a new word from God, “I am about to create new heavens and a new<br />

earth, the former things shall not be remembered or come to mind.” It is an<br />

interesting and informative word for our church today. Perhaps God is getting<br />

us ready for a new thing, a new creation—one the will bring us great joy and<br />

delight. One thing I know from scripture is that our God is not a God of death<br />

and destruction. Our God is one of new life and new beginnings. Throughout<br />

our faith story—both at Barrington Church and throughout the biblical<br />

continued on page 4<br />


It's a Matter of Faith<br />

continued<br />

record—God constantly turns the tables on despair and creates something new<br />

and wonderful.<br />

In our own history, it happened when God turned the fire that destroyed this<br />

church’s former building into a new campus that has expanded and multiplied<br />

our mission and ministry. The people of Barrington United Methodist Church<br />

had to believe and trust that God was leading them four miles south, out of the<br />

Village they knew to a new Crossroads. Like the People to whom Isaiah was<br />

preaching God’s word, in order to make God’s promise come true, they had to<br />

do their part, they had to build new houses and plant new vineyards. They had<br />

to plant seeds of hope in order to bear fruit for the future. God is—and always<br />

will be—in the business of new creation, new beginnings and new life.<br />

Even now, in the midst of troubled times, I believe that God is once again<br />

doing a new thing: creating a new and wonderful future for this church. And,<br />

as before, I believe God is calling us to participate by planting seeds of hope in<br />

order to bear fruit for the future. I believe God is calling us to tangible acts of<br />

faith that declare our trust in the God who has never abandoned or forsaken us.<br />

There have been times throughout my ministry when folks have said something<br />

to me like, “Ok Pastor, your sermon did a good job of describing what the<br />

problem is, how about telling us how to fix it?” If you are one who desires<br />

tangible, realistic, achievable solutions I am going to indulge you.<br />

First, plant seeds of hope by giving a special gift to the operating budget of<br />

Barrington Church. We are people who love to give to missions that help<br />

others in times of great need and do so generously and selflessly. This church<br />

is a mission—everything we do is a loving offering to the God who calls us to<br />

be the church.<br />

From the beginning, our God has faithfully continued to create and re-create<br />

the church. Let us respond with our own declaration of faith by increasing<br />

our support of this church. God calls us to vibrant worship, vital faith and<br />

friendships, and to change the world through ministries of service, outreach,<br />

charity and justice. We estimate that our pledges and other giving will leave<br />

us about $100,000 short of funding our missions and ministries for the year —<br />


our goal is to receive $50,000 now, in support beyond our current levels, as a<br />

tangible act of faith in our God and his work thru this amazing church.<br />

Additionally, please consider:<br />

• Planting seeds of hope, quite literally, by working in the congregational<br />

garden. It takes more than fifty people, working about two hundred<br />

hours each week, to produce the five to fifteen tons of vegetables that<br />

feed hundreds of people each year.<br />

• Giving generously to Growing Hope Globally, simply one of the most<br />

effective anti-hunger ministries in the world. This ministry that began<br />

as a partnership with local farmers has eliminated food insecurity in the<br />

regions of Malawi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Nicaragua<br />

where we have set up projects over the last fifteen years.<br />

• Supporting the mission group that will travel to Puerto Rico to plant<br />

seeds of hope among people who have struggled to recover from the<br />

devastating hurricanes of 2017.<br />

• Planting seeds of hope by purchasing trees, shrubs and perennials<br />

through the program our Trustees have undertaken to enhance the<br />

grounds of Barrington Church. We have made the land ready for new<br />

plants through our restoration project that has rid this property of the<br />

invasive, non-native species that have plagued it for years.<br />

We may have our times of doubt and despair—we are human, after all—but God<br />

is still with us and God is still in the business of reconciliation and restoration.<br />

So let us plant seeds of hope for the future. It is a matter of faith.<br />

Grace and Peace,<br />

Pastor Chris<br />


Planting Seeds of Hope!<br />

A Note About Our Identity<br />

You may have noticed that, although no official change has been made, our<br />

name has been amended in a number of places.<br />

The actions of the UMC’s Special Session of General Conference have<br />

unleashed wave after wave of troubling press that puts every local Methodist<br />

church in quite an unflattering and unfair light. And a great many of our<br />

friends in the connection have invested their energies into saying “we aren’t<br />

like that church.”<br />

We believe, however, this is the wrong time to emphasize what we aren’t.<br />

So, for the time being, we’re not going by our middle name as much as we once<br />

had. This is because we believe the gospel begs us to tell our neighbors good<br />

news. We want to tell the world who we are; who we’ve always been.<br />

We are a congregation with deep roots in Barrington. Our witness to the<br />

grace of Jesus here predates the municipalities in which many of us live and<br />

work. Presently, we are a church at the crossroads. This is quite literally the<br />

case because of the major intersection where our building and community<br />

garden sits, but it is also figurative as we navigate where God might be calling<br />

us in this moment of renewal.<br />

Like our forebearers, we believe the marks of a faith tradition are its<br />

practices. And for us, those haven’t changed. When our neighbors visit us,<br />

they will continue to encounter welcome in the spirit of the “high hospitality”<br />

first offered by the earliest methodist small groups. We extend welcome to<br />

everyone, and we embody that by sharing the most sacred gifts of faith —<br />

Christ’s table and the waters of baptism — with all.<br />

Those who worship, study and serve with us will find we are profoundly<br />

methodist. We preach, teach and practice living in God’s grace. And, like the<br />

traditions that united 50 years ago to launch what was then a new expression of<br />

Wesleyan Christianity, we value justice and equity.<br />

We don’t know what we will look like after the dust settles. To quote the<br />

Apostle Paul, right now we only see dimly. Yet, what we can see is this: there is a<br />

future for us in remaining vibrant, vital and inclusive. Right now, this is who we<br />

are. This is Barrington Church at the Crossroads.<br />

6<br />

The Church Leadership Council has formed a Task Force in response to the decisions<br />

made in February at the Special Session of the General Conference of the United<br />

Methodist Church. The Task Force’s goal is to engage in a comprehensive discernment<br />

and study of the options for a path forward for our church, our Annual Conference, and<br />

the United Methodist Church as a whole. As we work together to look at all sides of the<br />

issues, our congregation’s heritage and faith traditions will be honored. Our mission,<br />

vision, and values of who we are and have always been, will guide us.

Property Restoration Project Update<br />

With extensive clearing well underway, we are preparing for the planting<br />

of tree and shrubs species including Bur Oak, Swamp White Oak, Shagbark<br />

Hickory, Iowa Crabapple, and Serviceberry. The size of the trees will be<br />

approximately 1.0-1.25 inch trunk diameter. The average height of the<br />

trees at planting time will be 4-6 feet. The size of the shrubs planted<br />

will be standard 5-gallon containers. In addition to the trees and shrubs,<br />

wildflower plugs will be planted throughout the property. The cost of<br />

purchasing and planting is $450 per tree and $375 per shrub. The purchase<br />

and planting for each wildflower plug is $2. Please consider giving a<br />

donation to this renovation. Checks may be written to BUMC and note<br />

“Property Restoration” in the memo line.<br />

With your help, the<br />

restoration of the BUMC<br />

property can continue.<br />

Trees: $450 each<br />

Shrubs: $375 each<br />

Wildflower plugs: $2 each<br />


The BUMC Leadership Council has approved an operating budget of<br />

$1,240,207 for 2019 to fund the ministries and missions of our church. The<br />

budget encompasses all our programs for children, youth, and families; faith<br />

development; fellowship, music and worship; outreach and missions; and office,<br />

staff and pastoral leadership. It provides for the upkeep and ongoing expenses<br />

of maintaining our properties, and our connection support.<br />

We have embraced our three-legged stool of vibrant worship, vital faith, and<br />

life-changing outreach to describe our mission at BUMC. Vibrant worship<br />

that encourages each of us to encounter the living God requires $455,334 of<br />

our resources; growing in faith, friendship, and love as we seek to live out our<br />

faith in our daily lives $286,018, and serving God and our neighbor through<br />

acts of charity, kindness, mercy and justice<br />

an additional $300,555. The annual cost to<br />

maintain our buildings providing electricity,<br />

snowplowing, insurance, lawn care, safety<br />

and security—all those things our own homes<br />

require—is $198,300.<br />

Our pledges and other estimates of giving<br />

currently leave us about $100,000 short of<br />

fully funding this budget. We depend on the generosity and faithfulness of our<br />

members and friends to provide these resources. While some are able to give<br />

more and others cannot do as much, the average annual gift to Barrington<br />

Church needs to be about $3,000 per year, or $60 per week to meet our budget.<br />

While uncertainty and upheaval is swirling all around us, the most important<br />

thing we can do is continue to be the church we have always been – a beacon<br />

in this community – upholding and strengthening each other and reaching out<br />

to the world. Our long history reminds us that God is always faithful and with<br />

God’s help and yours, we will meet our challenges and opportunities.<br />


Vibrant Worship<br />

$455,334.00<br />

Vital Faith<br />

$286, 018.00<br />

Building and<br />

Grounds $198,300.00<br />

Changing Lives<br />

$300,555.00<br />


The Twin River-Barrington Growing<br />

Project is entering its 16th year!<br />

The Who?<br />

Whoops, that is the renamed “Ottawa-<br />

Barrington Foods Resource Bank (FRB) Growing<br />

Project” which has helped over 8,300 people<br />

leave hunger behind!<br />

We are welcoming new farmers into our<br />

growing project and so expanded our name<br />

to include the whole area near where the Fox<br />

River enters the Illinois. At the same time, we<br />

are adjusting to saying Growing Hope Globally,<br />

or GHG, instead of FRB. While we are all<br />

familiar with FRB, it was always hard to explain.<br />

Now it is clear.<br />

Growing Hope Globally funds programs<br />

that increase the capabilities of smallholder<br />

farmers in developing countries. Working with<br />

16 member organizations including UMCOR and<br />

Church World Service, they empower women,<br />

help families pay for children to go to school,<br />

and enable farmers to feed their communities<br />

year in and year out. They Grow HOPE. We<br />

Grow HOPE.<br />

It is planting season, the time when Barrington<br />

and, partner, Trinity Lutheran in Ottawa are asked<br />

for contributions to pay farmers’ production costs.<br />

When the crop is sold in the fall, the proceeds<br />

from the acreage is donated and a program is<br />

selected to receive funding.<br />

Over fifteen years, our growing project<br />

has funded a program in Malawi, one in the<br />

Democratic Republic of the Congo, and two in<br />

Nicaragua. These programs have helped 10,100<br />

people and, by FRB’s effectiveness study, have<br />

helped 8,300 individuals leave hunger behind<br />

for a lifetime.<br />

Rafael, Reyna, and their children<br />

—Participants in work led by Casm<br />

Santa Barbara and CWS<br />


What if hunger was a regular occurrence,<br />

even a daily occurrence, in your life or your<br />

children’s lives? What joy, what gratitude would<br />

you feel to know that your own efforts to learn<br />

better ways to farm mean that your children<br />

can eat every day!<br />

How to help:<br />

Trinity Lutheran (Ottawa) and Barrington<br />

split the production costs for each acre the<br />

farmers offer. These costs are verified against<br />

information from the University of Illinois and<br />

have increased slightly. In 2019, each church<br />

is contributing $360 for each acre of land<br />

designated by our farmer partners. You can<br />

pay for an acre, several acres, or another<br />

amount by donating to BUMC and marking<br />

“GHG” or “Growing Hope Globally” in the memo<br />

line. (If you forget and write FRB, we’ll still make<br />

sure it gets there.)<br />

Every gift helps – our farmers thank you<br />

for enabling them to give more and smallholder<br />

farmers around the world thank you for<br />

believing in them. Thank you for planting<br />

seeds of hope!<br />

“The most helpful training I received was<br />

one about changing my mindset. Seeing that<br />

if I learn something today, no matter what<br />

happens, I’ll be able to still apply it in the future.<br />

Learning serves me today and tomorrow.<br />

That’s why I learned everything I could over the<br />

last five years. Everything big and small that<br />

they taught me, I took it, and I put it to work.<br />

Back then there were days we had nothing to<br />

eat. Now I have enough and enough to share<br />

with my neighbors. I share with them because<br />

I want them to see what’s possible when you<br />

work the land.<br />

I think if more people had training like this, we<br />

wouldn’t have this crisis of immigration. I want to<br />

stay here and be a model in my community and<br />

build something for the future of my country.”<br />

Johana, a farmer in the Nicaragua Mateare Carazo<br />

program led by UMCOR and Church World Service<br />

Facebook post by Alex Morse, GHG-CWS<br />

Honduras trip, March 27, 2019<br />


Planting Seeds of Hope!<br />

Congregational Garden<br />

On Tuesday, April 9, dedicated congregational<br />

gardeners planted the first seeds for 2019.<br />

Tomatoes, peppers, tomatillos, jalapeños,<br />

broccoli and cauliflower are all started in<br />

the greenhouses at Horchers Florist and<br />

Greenhouses in Wheeling. They spend 8 weeks<br />

in this protected environment before they are<br />

brought outside to harden off before being<br />

planted in our garden.<br />

In early and mid-June, these seedlings are<br />

set out in our fields and enter into competition<br />

with the native weeds to see which can be more<br />

productive! Throughout June and July, faithful<br />

gardeners plant seeds, pull weeds, plant tomato<br />

cages, and pull more weeds in preparation for<br />

the harvest.<br />

Those seeds that all fit into an 8 by 10-inch<br />

box will produce bushels and bushels of fresh<br />

produce for food pantries in Cook, Lake, Kane<br />

and McHenry Counties.<br />

We rely on the rain and the sun and the<br />

good Lord to help the little seeds grow. And,<br />

these little seeds of hope rely on your help<br />

throughout the season and during the harvest.<br />

Come spend a morning with the garden<br />

team any sunny weekday from June through<br />

September – all are welcome to come and learn<br />

and work together!<br />

For more information on ways to get<br />

involved, please contact Sharon Orr,<br />

sorr@barringtonumc.com.<br />

Lynn Grant, Carolyn Schneider, Ron Schneider (not pictured), Bell West, Norma Jung-Stein<br />


Offering Hope in Difficult Times<br />

Cookies for Kairos<br />

PADS of Elgin<br />

Thank you for the 1,944 cookies baked and<br />

donated! The Kairos team spent four days in<br />

April with 42 men incarcerated at Stateville<br />

Prison. They shared stories, experiences and<br />

cookies. They shared the news of God’s endless<br />

love and grace, prayed together, and gave away<br />

more cookies, because God’s love is neverending.<br />

Thank you for showing that you care.<br />

On Sunday, March 24 seven folks visited PADS<br />

of Elgin as part of our Lenten Spiritual Practice.<br />

PADS is a homeless shelter which works with<br />

clients to help them develop sound plans, seek<br />

employment and, eventually, an apartment<br />

or residence. After a tour of the facility, we<br />

assembled four shelving units and sorted boxes<br />

and boxes clothing for clients. We were careful<br />

to be sure everything was clean, wearable and<br />

suitable for men and women to wear to work.<br />

We shared fellowship and prayed for those who<br />

would wear the clothes we had sorted.<br />

JoAnne and Mike Rapp, Julia Hooper, Pat Gradt, Jody Antrim, Kerry and Rev. Chris Winkler<br />


Planting Seeds of Hope!<br />

Feed My Starving Children<br />

This amazing team helped pack at Feed My Starving Children in the new Schaumburg location on<br />

March 27. The 184 boxes packed contain 39,744 meals that will feed 109 kids for one year!<br />

Founded in 1987, Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a Christian non-profit that provides<br />

nutritionally complete meals specifically formulated for malnourished children. The process is<br />

simple. Donations given by people just like you fund the meal ingredients. Volunteers hand-pack<br />

the meals. Meals are donated to FMSC food partners around the world, where kids are fed and<br />

lives are saved. We look forward to future FMSC packs!<br />

Bob and Sheila Harrigan, Gail Rossow, Ron and Carolyn Schneider, Liberty, Emily and Pastor Matthew Johnson<br />


United Methodist Committee on Relief<br />

UMCOR Sunday was March 31 this year. We want to thank everyone who gave a<br />

gift to the United Methodist Committee on Relief.<br />

First UMC West Dundee:<br />

Noisy Offering for<br />

March & April $418<br />

Barrington Church:<br />

UMCOR Sunday Giving $5,374<br />

Lent Pence Boxes $108<br />

Total gift to UMCOR: $526<br />

The United Methodist Committee on Relief is a disaster relief and sustainable<br />

development agency. UMCOR operates sustainable development programs in 80<br />

countries, including the United States.<br />

Our gifts will go to offset the administrative costs of running a world-wide<br />

relief operation. UMCOR keeps its operating costs under 10 percent; whenever<br />

undesignated gifts exceed this amount the funds are channeled to underfunded<br />

programs or used to allow UMCOR to respond to disasters immediately.<br />

UMCOR promises that 100 percent of funds designated to a relief operation or<br />

development program go only there.<br />

UMCOR assists persons affected by crisis or chronic need without regard to<br />

their race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. UMCOR provides humanitarian<br />

relief when war, conflict, or natural disaster disrupts life to such an extent that<br />

communities are unable to recover on their own.<br />

If you would like more information about the ways BUMC and FUMC support<br />

UMCOR, please contact Sharon Orr, sorr@barringtonumc.com.<br />


Growing in Faith!<br />

United Methodist Men Pancake Breakfast<br />

The 10th Annual United Methodist Men Palm Sunday Pancake Breakfast was a success!<br />

Over the years, our congregation has generously donated thousands of dollars at our annual<br />

United Methodist Men (UMM), Palm Sunday Pancake Breakfast. This year we raised $2,560, which<br />

provides approximately 100,000 servings of food to the “Meals for Millions” program of the Society<br />

of St. Andrew, a UMM national partner. Thank you to all for your continued support of this mission<br />

and for making a difference in the lives of so many.<br />

Rich Gray and Mark Grebner cooking<br />

George Gill serving<br />


Worship Service at The Garlands<br />

Barrington Church offers a monthly service at<br />

The Garlands on the third Monday of the month at<br />

7:00 p.m. Through this service we have the opportunity<br />

to share music, companionship and God’s word to<br />

those unable to attend services held in our building.<br />

We are always in need of participants (monthly<br />

commitment not required) to help in such roles as a<br />

Greeter, Scripture Reader and Prayer Leader. If you<br />

are interested and/or able to assist, please contact<br />

Nancy Middleton at (847) 989-4636<br />

ngmiddleton.com@gmail.com.<br />


Growing in Faith!<br />

Lent and Easter are a very rich time of year, spiritually and liturgically. Our multisite<br />

congregations are blessed to have many musicians, actors and visual artists who offer their<br />

gifts, drawing us all closer to God and enhancing our worship experience. This abundance<br />

of gifts is nowhere more present than in the Lent and Easter season. Join me in thanking our<br />

artists for their generous offerings of time and talent this spring.<br />

Worship Arts Team<br />

led by Patricia Hughes Mangis<br />

Jody Antrim<br />

Joan Dehnert<br />

Nancy Jensen<br />

Pam Kocian<br />

Lynn Pampalone<br />

Instrumentalists:<br />

Lynn Pampalone, organist<br />

Denise Calderon, flute<br />

Sam Oliver, flute<br />

Bob Hudson, guitar<br />

Walter Preucil, cello<br />

James Preucil, viola<br />

Anthony Preucil, violin<br />

Olivia Jones, handbell<br />

Laura Olsen, handbell<br />

Kerry Winkler, handbell<br />

Tech crew for drama:<br />

Dave Snyder, Dane Granholm,<br />

Lynn Grant, Del Haagen<br />

Multisite Drama Team<br />

directed by Patricia Hughes Mangis<br />

Amy DeLamoureux<br />

Steve Granholm<br />

Sandy Hagan<br />

Lauren Jiles-Johnson<br />

Rev. Matthew Johnson<br />

Fred Kocian<br />

Dennis Rossow<br />

Gail Hamilton Rossow<br />

Dave Snyder<br />

Linda Snyder<br />

Sierra Travez<br />


Big Sing at McGonigals Pub<br />

A good time was had by all in song and fellowship!<br />

Thank you Pastor Matthew and Emily Johnson<br />

for your musical leadership and to our friends<br />

at Salem United Methodist Church for<br />

the wonderful fellowship.<br />

Good Friday<br />

Worship Service<br />

Holy Thursday<br />

Worship Service<br />


Vocal soloists and ensemble members:<br />

Suzanne Bible<br />

Robin Fox<br />

Amy DeLamoreaux Taylor Fox<br />

Rosalyn Wesley<br />

Gloria Grebner<br />

Gail Rossow<br />

Dennis Rossow<br />

Tom Fox<br />

Emily Johnson<br />

Jim Streed<br />

Sierra Travez<br />

Handbell Choir<br />

directed by Laura Olsen<br />

Olivia Jones<br />

Jody Antrim<br />

Kathy Pearson<br />

Jeanette Burger<br />

Lynn Pampalone Suzanne Bible<br />

Karen Strothers Lisa Buboltz<br />

Kerry Winkler<br />

Sue Dyon<br />

Donna Alexander Lynn Grant<br />

Patricia Hughes Mangis<br />

Chancel Choir<br />

directed by Patricia Hughes Mangis<br />

Suzanne Bible<br />

Norma Jung-Stein<br />

Taylor Fox<br />

Shirley Tetteh<br />

Lynn McKiernan Jim Streed<br />

Gail Rossow<br />

Bill Bible<br />

Mary Ulery<br />

Doug Bible<br />

Rosalyn Wesley<br />

Jim Finn<br />

Nancy Jensen<br />

Tom Fox<br />

Sydney Whitley Keith Leoni<br />

Pat Ziebart<br />

Ralph Henrikson<br />

Gloria Grebner<br />

Ken Slack<br />

Carol Henricksen Jim Stein<br />

Robin Fox<br />

Allegro Children's Choir<br />

directed by Patricia Hughes Mangis<br />

RyAnn Brown<br />

Caitlynn McKay<br />

Kaylee Coleman Pundit Tetteh<br />

Clara Davenport Plaudit Tetteh<br />

Abigail Grebner Plucky Tetteh<br />

Liberty Johnson<br />


Big Sing at McGonigals Pub<br />


Growing in Faith!<br />

Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary has established a scholarship in honor of<br />

the ministry of Pastor Chris. Dr. Lallene J. Rector, President of Garrett-Evangelical<br />

Seminary, celebrated the ministry of Pastor Chris in worhip on Sunday, May 5.<br />

For more information about this scholarship, please contact Sydney Whitley,<br />

sparkerwhitley@gmail.com or Pam Kocian, pamkocian@yahoo.com.<br />

Barrington Church welcomes<br />

new staff member, Michael Rees, in June!<br />

Bread Pretzels<br />

1 1/4 cups water (85°)<br />

1 tablespoon dry yeast<br />

Michael Rees, organist<br />

Michael studied the organ with Dr. William Peterson at<br />

Pomona College while earning his B.S. in Mathematics<br />

from neighboring Harvey Mudd College. He started<br />

piano lessons at the age of six, and in high school<br />

began accompanying various musical ensembles in<br />

his native Southern Colorado. While in college, he<br />

accompanied and coached singers for community<br />

theater productions of “Into the Woods” and “Ordinary<br />

Days.” He moved to Houston and became Organist at<br />

First Presbyterian Church of Sugar Land, TX in 2017.<br />

He continued his organ studies with Daryl Robinson,<br />

both through private lessons and in the University<br />

of Houston’s new class, “Collaborative Skills for<br />

Organists.” He has a deep love of both choral and<br />

congregational accompaniment, and is excited to<br />

continue his service at Barrington Church.<br />



Unafraid: Living with Courage and Hope<br />

in Uncertain Times<br />

Sundays at 11:00 a.m. through May 26 at Barrington Church<br />

Facilitated by Rev. Fred Eisenhut<br />

Break away from your worries and fears, and learn to live with courage and<br />

hope in an anxious age! Author Adam Hamilton explores the most common<br />

worries and fears experienced by Americans today and offers practical<br />

solutions along with insight from Scripture. Copies are available for purchase<br />

at the Adult Faith Development Table for $15.<br />

The Value of Doubt<br />

United Methodist Men Bible Study and Discussion<br />

Saturdays at Barrington Church: Coffee, pastries and camaraderie start at 8:30<br />

followed by the class from 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.<br />

The Value of Doubt by Bill Tammeus tells why a growing faith depends on<br />

questioning and studying scripture, tradition, reason, and past Christian<br />

experience rather than blind acceptance. All men are welcome to join and no<br />

previous Bible study is required. Copies of the book are available at the Adult<br />

Faith Development Table for $11. For more information, contact John Maxson,<br />

(312) 933-3239 or jsmaxson@aol.com.<br />

Love Wins<br />

Sundays at 8:45 a.m. in the First UMC West Dundee Library<br />

Bell, influential pastor of Mars Hill Bible Church and author of Velvet Elvis,<br />

aims to provide an introduction to some of the big questions of Jesus’ life and<br />

message. Claiming that some versions of Jesus should be rejected, particularly<br />

those used to intimidate and inspire fear or hatred, Bell persuasively interprets<br />

the Bible as a message of love and redemption. He is clearly well-versed in the<br />

scriptures, and for support, his arguments look to everything from the parable<br />

of the prodigal son to Revelation to the story of Moses, in addition to his own<br />

personal experiences as a pastor, many of which are the book’s highlights.<br />

Bell’s vision of Christianity is inclusive, as he argues against some traditional<br />

ideas in favor of a God whose love and forgiveness is all encompassing.<br />


Growing in Faith!<br />

United Methodist Women of Barrington Church<br />

It’s A Birthday Celebration! | Thursday, May 30<br />

Everyone loves to celebrate birthdays, and that’s what we’ll be doing at the United Methodist<br />

Women’s Picnic on Thursday, May 30. We’ll begin gathering at 11:30 a.m. in the church dining<br />

room, with a potluck luncheon to begin at noon. Please bring a salad or main dish to pass;<br />

beverages and dessert will be provided. This is our second annual birthday party honoring<br />

women from Barrington Church who are 90 years or older and recognize their lifetime work in<br />

UMW in the churches they have served. Reservations are appreciated, so we know how many to<br />

plan for, but not necessary—if you can come, we will love to see you! Please contact Norma Jung-<br />

Stein, (847) 516-3936 if you have questions or to reserve your spot.<br />

The 86th Annual Rummage Sale is coming! | Friday, October 4–Saturday, October 5<br />

We will be collecting items Sunday, September 29 through Wednesday, October. 2. It’s a great<br />

opportunity to clean your closets and put those old “treasures” to good use, join in on a service<br />

project, and meet new friends! We know you have many opportunities to donate to other<br />

organizations, but will greatly appreciate your holding on to them until fall to help with the<br />

success of this sale. Proceeds go to missions benefiting women, children, and youth; some of the<br />

agencies receiving gifts in 2018 were United Methodist Women, Center for Changing Lives, FISH<br />

Food Pantry, UMCOR, and Meals on Wheels. And, if you haven’t helped in the past, this is the time<br />

to start! Come be one of our husband and wife teams or bring the family to volunteer! Spread the<br />

word to neighbors and friends—to save, to serve, to have fun!<br />

This year marks the 150th Anniversary of United Methodist Women and has been a time to remember<br />

women who have been a part of its history. Theressa Hoover made sure to leave a legacy.<br />

Theressa Hoover was the first African-American<br />

chief executive of United Methodist Women’s<br />

national policy-making body. An outspoken<br />

advocate for women and children, she was the<br />

leader of the Women’s Division (predecessor<br />

organization) from 1968 to 1990. As a leader,<br />

Hoover made sure to lay solid groundwork for<br />

future United Methodist Women by emphasizing<br />

the need to understand its membership and<br />

mission. Traveling across the U.S. as a black woman<br />

in Jim Crow days required sacrifices that others<br />

did not have to make, but her steadfast optimism<br />

persevered, and her strong leadership left a legacy<br />

of transformation.<br />

In 2004, Ebony magazine<br />

named Hoover one of<br />

the 100 most influential<br />

African-American women.<br />

In 1983, Hoover chronicled<br />

the work of United<br />

Methodist Women in her book With Unveiled Face.<br />

The Theressa Hoover United Methodist Church<br />

in Little Rock, Arkansas, was named for her, an<br />

exceptional honor, as few churches are named for<br />

women in their lifetime. Over the years, the church<br />

has built new homes and supported projects for<br />

women, children and youth. Theressa Hoover’s<br />

legacy lives on to this day.<br />


Northern Illinois Conference UMW Opportunities | We invite men and women to<br />

consider these educational and enriching opportunities! Scholarships will be available from Elgin<br />

District UMW; forms for this and registration forms are on the bulletin board in the BUMC Lobby. For<br />

more information, please contact Linda Osikowicz, (847) 540-5634 or Norma Jung-Stein, (847) 516-3936.<br />

Mission u Weekend Event<br />

Carmelite Spiritual Center, Darien, IL<br />

Thursday, July 11—Sunday, July 14<br />

Mission u is an opportunity to study current issues<br />

impacting society. It is open to everyone: men, women,<br />

children and youth. The topics this year are: Practicing<br />

Resurrection–The Gospel of Mark and Radical<br />

Discipleship; Women United for Change–150 Years in<br />

Mission; and What About Our Money? A Faith Response.<br />

The Mission u Weekend Event includes a time of<br />

study, worship, small group sessions and reflection<br />

beginning with dinner and concluding Sunday at<br />

noon. Attendees will attend the spiritual growth study<br />

(the Gospel of Mark), and one of two other studies.<br />

Cost is $340, double occupancy.<br />

Mission u One Day Event<br />

South Suburban Korean United Methodist Church,<br />

Flossmoor, IL Saturday, July 27,<br />

The Mission u One Day Event presents an overview<br />

of all three studies to adults and includes children<br />

and youth classes. Marked: A Mission Journey with<br />

Jesus in the Gospel of Mark is the children’s (ages<br />

5-11) study. The youth study (ages 12-17) is also a study<br />

of the Gospel of Mark, Who Do You Say That I Am?<br />

(Youth 18 and over attend the adult class.) Cost for<br />

the One Day event is $50 for adult, $15 for one child,<br />

maximum $45 per family. The teachers for all classes<br />

go through rigorous training and bring a day of fun,<br />

hands-on activities in a small group session.<br />

Practicing Resurrection<br />

The Gospel of Mark and Radical<br />

Discipleship explores what it<br />

means to live a life of radical<br />

discipleship today using the<br />

Gospel of Mark as the foundation.<br />

Wolf explores the timeless<br />

issues of poverty, gender, justice,<br />

liberation, equality, and others<br />

using Mark as a guide.<br />

Women United for Change<br />

150 Years in Mission looks at<br />

women who established vibrant<br />

societies to support mission. First<br />

organized in the United States,<br />

those societies sent missionaries<br />

overseas and later engaged<br />

in mission at home. Each was<br />

a heroine who was willing to<br />

stand over and against what her<br />

culture—and sometimes even her<br />

church—expected of her.<br />

What About Our Money?<br />

A Faith Response explores how<br />

we understand money within<br />

the context of our faith. We<br />

will explore our relationship<br />

with money, the money choices<br />

available to us, and how we<br />

individually and collectively<br />

respond to economic inequalities.<br />


Growing in Faith!<br />



Youth Lock-In | May 26 beginning at 6:00 p.m. through May 27 at 9:30 a.m.<br />

Come join us as we celebrate the end of this year’s youth group programming with a<br />

lock-in at the Barrington Church! With inspiration from Harry Potter, Marvel, Chronicles<br />

of Narnia and Star Wars, we will be playing games, eating themed food and celebrating<br />

an incredible year of youth ministry! All 3rd-12th graders are welcome... invite friends!<br />

Chaperones will be there.<br />

Contact Pastor Maddie at mjohnson@barringtonumc.com for more information.<br />

Summer Bible Studies for Youth!<br />

Enneagram Coffee-hop | High School<br />

Tuesdays, 6:00-7:30 p.m., rotating coffee shop locations across the multisite campuses<br />

Come learn more about yourself, how we relate to one another and to God through<br />

the personality test, the Enneagram, as we coffee shop hop throughout the multisite.<br />

Pastor Maddie will send text reminders of location in advance!<br />

Bible 2.0 | Tween/Middle School<br />

Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30 p.m., in the lower level of First UMC, West Dundee<br />

Continuing from last year’s summer bible study, Bible 1.0, we will be growing in our<br />

understanding of Scripture and biblical stories through conversation and games!<br />

For more information about these studies, contact Pastor Maddie,<br />

mjohnson@barringtonumc.com.<br />

God’s<br />

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SQUAD<br />

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Growing in Faith!<br />

Registration for the 2019–2020 school year is well under way.<br />

If you are interested in learning more about the school or would like<br />

a tour, please feel free to call, stop by or contact Susan Brown,<br />

Director of Noah’s Ark Christian Academy at sbrown@barringtonumc.com.<br />

Be sure to register for VBS and Summer Camp! (see next page)<br />

We are busy preparing for our summer camps and need your help! We need paper<br />

towel tubes, toilet paper tubes, foil, colored duct tape and rubber bands to help<br />

transform our space and provide materials for our campers. Please bring donations<br />

to Susan Brown in the preschool wing at BUMC.<br />


Sunday Morning Opportunities for Children<br />

Children ages 3 and up are invited to be a part of our Sunday morning programs that boost<br />

discovery and invite kids into relationship with Jesus and with each other. Growing in faith<br />

takes time; we welcome all children to join us each week for faith, learning and fun!<br />

JAM – Jesus and Me (9:45 a.m.) and (11:00 a.m.) at Barrington UMC<br />

Children 3 years through grade 5 are invited to grow in their faith while learning about the<br />

Kingdom of God through Bible stories, games and activities during the 9:30 worship service,<br />

following the Children’s message, and at 11:00 a.m. during Crossroads Worship.<br />

Sunday School at First UMC West Dundee<br />

Children 3 years through grade 5 are invited to grow in their faith while learning about<br />

the Kingdom of God through Bible stories, games and activities during the 10:00 a.m.<br />

worship service following the Children’s message.<br />

JUNE 17–21, 9:00 a.m. –12:00 p.m.<br />

Get ready for an African adventure that engages the whole herd! Life is<br />

sometimes wild, but God is always good! Come experience Roar VBS where<br />

kids discover a ferocious faith that powers them through this wild life.<br />

Potty trained age 3 through grade 5, register online today,<br />

barringtonumc.com!<br />

I love Exploring Nature" SUMMER CAMP<br />

Children ages 3–5! Be sure to register for Summer camp and secure your child’s<br />

spot for some outdoor fun. You can sign up for one, two, or all three weeks.<br />

Summer camp is from 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m., May 28 – June 14. For more information<br />

or to register, contact Susan Brown, sbrown@barringtonumc.com<br />

Roots<br />

Shoots<br />

Canopies<br />

May 28–31<br />

Seeds, Nature Walks,<br />

Nature Art,<br />

Digging, Dirt & Mud!<br />

June 3–7<br />

Gardening, Flowers,<br />

Crawling Insects,<br />

Magnifying Glasses,<br />

Seedlings, Sprouts,<br />

Colors in Nature!<br />

June 10–14<br />

Birds, Flying Insects,<br />

Flying Kites, Up In<br />

The Sky, Trees, Leaves,<br />

Nature Art!<br />


Growing in Faith!<br />

The Fellowship Team would like you to join them on Wednesday evenings in July and the first part of August<br />

for Barrington’s Summer Concert Series held at Citizen’s Park in Barrington. The concerts start at 7:00 p.m.<br />

but come at 6:00 p.m. or so, enjoy some picnic Fellowship time. Bring a dish to pass or just your own supper<br />

and enjoy the evening. We will try and reserve a picnic table, but feel free to bring your own chairs. The dates<br />

and performers are listed below.<br />

July 10: Karma Committee<br />

July 17: Piano Man<br />

July 24: Ethan Bell Band<br />

July 31: Rosie & The Rivets<br />

August 7: SM6<br />

The Women’s Retreat | We had a very wonderful an<br />

worthwhile One Day Women’s Retreat at BUMC on March 2.<br />

Rev. Dr. Cynthia Anderson gave a great class on Forgiveness and<br />

Wendy Mospan and Liz Penick gave a presentation and practice<br />

of Centering Prayer. Want to thank all that participated and<br />

especially the United Methodist Men who served us breakfast<br />

and lunch! It was much appreciated.<br />

Save the Date for our Fall Weekend Retreat at the Delavan Lake<br />

Resort in Delavan, Wisconsin. It will begin on Friday evening,<br />

September 20 and end on Sunday morning, September 22. The<br />

Theme this year is “Wonder Full World,” where women explore<br />

God’s love and wonder. The retreat will include worship, Bible<br />

Study, travel-themed activities and lots of fellowship time.<br />

Watch for more details coming soon.<br />

Congratulations to Lou Schairer,<br />

medalist in the Illinois Masters Swimming Association<br />

(ILMSA) on April 13!<br />

Lou received the following medals: 1st place 50 yard Freestyle,<br />

1st place in 100 yard Freestyle, 1st place 200 yard Freestyle,<br />

1st place 500 yard Freestyle and 1st place 50 yard Breaststroke,<br />

all in the men 85–89 category. Lou is now ranked 6th of 7 in the<br />

country in his division. Congratulations Lou!<br />

Illinois Masters Swimming Association is a not for profit<br />

Local Masters Swimming Committee (LMSC) of U.S. Masters<br />

Swimming (USMS). U.S. Masters Swimming (USMS) is a national<br />

organization that provides organized workouts, competitions,<br />

clinics and workshops for adults aged 18 and over. Programs<br />


Barrington Area<br />

Handbell Festival Concert<br />

Sunday, May 19 at 7:00 p.m.<br />

Barrington United Methodist Church Sanctuary<br />

Featuring Bell Choirs from the following churches:<br />

St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Salem United Methodist Church, Lutheran Church of Atonement,<br />

St. Paul UCC, The Village Church and Barrington United Methodist Church<br />

This event is free and open to the public.<br />


98 Algonquin Road<br />

Barrington, IL 60010-6145<br />

barringtonumc.com<br />

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First UMC West Dundee<br />

318 W. Main Street, West Dundee, IL 60118<br />

sermon series<br />

Sundays at 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. through June 9<br />

The only proper response to the resurrection<br />

is to celebrate the new life that God gives us –<br />

not only on Easter but every day.

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