04_28_2019 0730 Service WEB

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“But the Lord is in His holy temple; let all the earth be silent before Him.” - Habakkuk 2:20 NIV<br />

Let the people begin silent meditation.<br />

7:30am WORSHIP<br />

9:30am Sunday School<br />

Lections<br />

Theme: Testimony To The Risen Lord<br />

Acts 5:27-32; Psalm 150 (UMH 862); Revelation 1:4-8; John 20:19-31<br />

Good Morning! We extend a warm welcome to each of you worshipping with us today!<br />

It is our hope that this experience of prayer, praise and preaching will enrich you and bring you into a<br />

meaningful relationship with God, His people and His church!<br />


Opening Song<br />

*Call to Worship Leader: Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul!<br />

(Please Stand) People: I will sing praises to my God all my life long.<br />

Leader:<br />

People:<br />

Leader:<br />

People:<br />

The Lord is gracious and merciful,<br />

slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.<br />

The Lord is good to all,<br />


Music Ministry<br />

And his compassion is over all that he has made. Amen.<br />

Hymn of Praise “He Lives” Page 275 (AAHH)<br />

Opening Prayer<br />

(Please Be Seated)<br />

Prayer Response<br />

“Hear Our Prayer”<br />

Hear our prayer, O Lord;<br />

Hear our prayer, O Lord;<br />

Incline Thine ear to us and grant us<br />

Thy peace. Amen.<br />

Pastor's Notes and Welcome of Visitors<br />

Passing of the Peace / Time of Sharing<br />

Song of Inspiration<br />

Male Chorus<br />

1<br />

*Please Stand/+Remain in Sanctuary

*+Altar Call<br />

Scripture John 20:19-31<br />

Song of Preparation<br />

+Proclamation<br />

(Please Remain in Sanctuary)<br />

The Reverend Christopher M. Grimes<br />

Pastor of Intergenerational Ministries<br />

Male Chorus<br />

*+Invitation to Christian<br />

Discipleship<br />

(Please Stand & Remain<br />

in Sanctuary)<br />

“Because He Lives”<br />

Page 364 (UMH)<br />

The Offertory Invitation<br />

Lord of life, Conqueror of death, you draw all people to you and by your<br />

resurrection you restored to humanity all that we had lost through sin.<br />

All praise is yours, now and throughout eternity.<br />

The Offertory Prayer<br />

Our Father, as you took Christ’s sacrifice and filled it with your life<br />

and power, so use our gifts and transform our lives, that we may be<br />

the living presence of your return on earth, now and always.<br />

Divine love through me blesses and multiplies all that I have, all<br />

that I give, and all that I receive, in the name of Jesus. Amen<br />

+Tithe and General Offering<br />

(Please Remain in Sanctuary)<br />

+Song of Celebration<br />

*Doxology<br />

(Please Stand & Remain in<br />

Sanctuary)<br />

*Blessing of the Offering<br />

(Please Stand)<br />

*Recessional<br />

*Benediction<br />

*Benediction Response<br />

“All Things Come Of Thee”<br />

All things come of Thee, O Lord,<br />

and of Thine own have we given Thee.<br />

“God Be With You”<br />

“Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow,<br />

Praise Him All Creatures Here Below,<br />

Praise Him Above ye Heavenly Host,<br />

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen”<br />

Male Chorus<br />

*Please Stand/+Remain in Sanctuary 2

Jesus Appears to the Disciples<br />

19 When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of<br />

the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus<br />

came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” 20 After he said<br />

this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when<br />

they saw the Lord. 21 Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the<br />

Father has sent me, so I send you.” 22 When he had said this, he breathed on<br />

them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive the sins of<br />

any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”<br />

Jesus and Thomas<br />

24 But Thomas (who was called the Twin), one of the twelve, was not with<br />

them when Jesus came. 25 So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the<br />

Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and<br />

put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.”<br />

26 A week later his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with<br />

them. Although the doors were shut, Jesus came and stood among them and<br />

said, “Peace be with you.” 27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here<br />

and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but<br />

believe.” <strong>28</strong> Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” 29 Jesus said to<br />

him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who<br />

have not seen and yet have come to believe.”<br />

The Purpose of This Book<br />

30 Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are<br />

not written in this book. 31 But these are written so that you may come to<br />

believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing<br />

you may have life in his name.<br />

John 20:19-31 (NRSV)<br />


Dear Hope visitors and friends,<br />

If you would like to become a member<br />

of Hope UMC Church and don’t want<br />

to take that long walk down the aisle,<br />

you can join Hope Church just by<br />

calling Reverend Green at 248-262-<br />

5129. We will begin the process with<br />

your call or you can stop by the<br />

church office Tuesday through Friday.<br />

$10 Sunday School<br />

HOPE Online Giving<br />




Reverend Dr. Anthony J. Shipley<br />

Sunday, May 19, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Immediately following the 10:30am Worship <strong>Service</strong><br />

PARLOR<br />


Hope family, if you have family members in the <strong>Service</strong> please e-mail their information to<br />

Rev. Rosaline Green at: rgreen@hopeumc.org, so we may support them. Thank you.<br />

Capt. Keturah J. Antongiorgi Terrell Hannah Sgt. Nikia Pearsall<br />

Pvt. 1st Class<br />

Christiano Badon<br />

Lt. Reginald<br />

Hughley<br />

Sgt 1st Class Dennis<br />

Richardson, Jr.<br />

Major Whalleon Babo Lt. Colonel Benjamin Johnson Sfc. David Richmond<br />

Sgt Carletta Denise (Richardson)<br />

Braden<br />

Pvt. 1st. Class<br />

Julian Johnson<br />

Col. Anna<br />

Savitch<br />

MSgt. Bobby S. Briggs Kevin Johnson Pvt. Hassan Anthony Sgeidifar<br />

Capt. Cameron Ross Browne Christopher Joiner Steven J. Shelton<br />

Sgt. James Curry Pvt. Lavar Jones SSgt. Darius Shephard<br />

Lt. Colonel Curtis Craft Cpt. Steve Marteen Seaman Eric Shorter<br />

Spc Nicholis Dubouis Wayne Mason Capt. Brandon W. Smith<br />

SSgt. Jorja Dudley Lt. Ronnie Vito McCullough Carlos C. Springs<br />

Robert Ellis Keith Meadows SSgt. Dwight Thomas Jr.<br />

Major Michael Flowers Alex Morrow Sgt. Leroy Troupe Jr.<br />

Pvt Aaron Finley Sgt. Rodney Mosley Adam R. Walker, III<br />

Nida Floyd (2/8 Golf Co. 2nd. Platoon) Seaman Joshua M. Myers MSgt. Terry L. Walker, Sr.<br />

Spec. Jonathon B. Glenn Bryant A. Nunn Sgt 1st Class Caesar Smith Jr.<br />

Capt. Katrina Patillo<br />

The Wall of Honor<br />

Hope’s Wall of Honor is an everlasting tribute to our Veterans. It was designed and<br />

donated to Hope by Brother Sid Taylor, a US Marine, Vietnam combat veteran and<br />

beloved member of Hope. It is a memorial tribute to commemorate the sacrifices our<br />

veterans have made for our country. We are grateful to Sid and his family for blessing<br />

us all with the<br />

beautiful Wall of<br />

New names are added to the Wall of Honor every Veteran’s Day. If you, a loved one, or<br />

a friend served in the armed forces and would like to be added to the Wall, please<br />

complete the Wall of Honor form located in the Literature Rack and place it in the Wall of<br />

Honor mailbox outside the Sanctuary. God bless you.<br />


Bereavements<br />

Anthony Carter, Hope Staff Member (loss of father)<br />

Anita McCalip (loss of husband)<br />

Michael Wilson, Hope Junior Staff Member (loss of mother)<br />

Family & Friends of Virginia Reynolds (friend of Hope)<br />

Roxanne Chatman (loss of cousin)<br />

Phillip and Sara Webb (loss of her mother)<br />

Erma Moss (loss of mother in law)<br />

Rachel and Leah Webb (loss of grandmother)<br />

Steven Jr. and Marla Moss (loss of grandmother)<br />

Genevieve Clark-Dench and Daniel Dench (loss of her father)<br />

Hospitalizations<br />

Jeremy Porter<br />

Health Concerns<br />

James Williams<br />

Valerie Robinson<br />

Elaine Johnson<br />

Rev. Dr. Patricia Green<br />

Thomas Lewis<br />

Sharee Booker<br />

Judge Shelia Johnson<br />

Robert Daniels<br />

Franklin Parker<br />

Mary Durham<br />

Ella Mae Ferrell<br />

Shirley Rawles<br />

Brenda Henderson<br />

Kinyel Ferguson Friday<br />

Beatrice Franklin<br />

Health Concerns<br />

JoAnn Edwards<br />

George Thornhill<br />

Lavora Morrison<br />

Louise Paradise<br />

Bennie Slate Jr.<br />

Victor Bell<br />

Murdic Coleman<br />

Sharon Beasley<br />

Lola Holton<br />

William (Bill) Hardy<br />

Carolyn Cole<br />

Dr. David Garrett<br />

Cierra Carter<br />

Beverly Miller<br />

Priscilla Deas<br />

7<br />

Prayer Requests for Family & Friends<br />

Evelyn Alcindor (mother-in-law of Peter Campbell)<br />

Lenny Willis (nephew of Charisse Young-Babb)<br />

Jack Richardson (brother in-law of Margaret Parker)<br />

Arnetta Howze (mother of Susan Howze)<br />

Renell Burton (friend of Roxanne & Robert Chatman)<br />

Keith Doetsch (Chanticleer Condominium Grounds Keeper)<br />

Ryan & Melissa Chatman (son & daughter-in-law of Robert & Roxanne Chatman)<br />

Monica Kelly (Crescent Academy Bus Transportation Supervisor)<br />

Inger Parnel (daughter of Theresa & Elroy Carroll)<br />

Cherry Parker-Hicks (aunt of Douglass M. Doggett)<br />

Terry Tramble (uncle of Douglass M. Doggett)<br />

Natasha Kirchoff (granddaughter of Daisy Marshall)<br />

Angenella Fleming (daughter of Velma Fleming)<br />

April Blakely & Family (cousin of Ernita Johnson)<br />

Jestina Stewart (mother of Diane Ferguson)

Prayer Requests for Family & Friends<br />

Norie Knight-McKinney (friend of Hope Church)<br />

Arthur Sheffield II (cousin of Roxanne Chatman)<br />

Dyron McCoy (friend of Troi Abner and Rosemary Williams)<br />

Yvonne Jackson (cousin of Cierra Carter)<br />

Jasmine Williams (cousin of Cierra Carter)<br />

Sheila Glasgow (friend of Susan Howze)<br />

Holly & David LaBelle (friends of Kinyel Friday)<br />

Greg Williams (son of Anita Glasker)<br />

Jim Boyle (friend of Loretta Brown)<br />

Toya Kelly (friend of Johna Treadwell)<br />

Timothy Johnson (uncle of Ernita Johnson)<br />

Minnie Davis (mother of Gail Williams<br />

and great-grandmother of Jeremiah Williams)<br />

Family and Friends of British Patterson (friends of Tillecha Harris)<br />

Nicholas French (son of Nikki Wright and grandson of Mary Powell-Wright)<br />

LaKita Holton (daughter of Lola Holton)<br />

Ruth Shuford (grandmother of Monique Jackson and great grandmother of Martin Finley<br />

Kay Andrews (cousin of Johna Treadwell)<br />

Marcellea Jones (mother of camper Dajanay Jones)<br />

Alcenia Stephens (grandmother of Calvin Stephens III)<br />

Keith Watkins (friend of Zelma Smith-Dexter)<br />

Lynda Charest Wood (sister of Alvin & Deborah Wood)<br />

Linda Watson (niece of Anita Glasker)<br />

Coby Wells (mother of Felecia Baker)<br />

Dr. Carolyn McBryde (aunt of Joseph Thomas IV)<br />

Cheryl Ervin (sister of Randall Ervin)<br />

Dominique Young (son of Debbie Cook-Young)<br />

William Tillman (brother of Rosaline Washington)<br />

Sharon Lothery Gilmer (cousin of Joe Thomas)<br />

Mary Jackson (friend of Carolyn Nixon)<br />

Ruby J. Cross (sister of Gene Cross)<br />

Joann Burton (sister of George Thornhill)<br />

Linda Crittenden (sister of Norma Jones)<br />

Shirley Staples (sister of George Thornhill)<br />

Mary Ballard (sister of Diane Cross)<br />

Claudette Scott (friend of Estella Carson)<br />

Brandon Canon (Camp HOPE Youth of Zelma Smith-Dexter)<br />

Melvin Anderson (brother of Hattie Anderson-Spight)<br />

Elliot Early (son of Pamela Early)<br />

Mary Johnson (mother of Alvin and Deborah Wood)<br />

The Family of Louise Spivey<br />

Dakarai Moore, Jr. (Blessed and Mighty survivor of flesh-eating disease)<br />

Paula Thomas (friend of Margaret Parker)<br />

John N. Greene (father of Rhonda Greene)<br />

Chris Anne Morrison (friend of Loretta Brown)<br />



Take pride in your church and help clean up.<br />

Work will take place on the grounds of the church (26275<br />

Northwestern Highway, Southfield, MI 48076). Volunteers<br />

are asked to bring rakes, brooms, garden tools and gloves.<br />

Other materials will be provided. Each participant will<br />

receive a free continental breakfast and snacks throughout<br />

the day. All workers should dress for the weather and work.<br />

This is a great opportunity for service clubs seeking a spring project, high school<br />

students in need of community service credits, anyone who wants to improve their<br />

community or members who wants to help improve their church.<br />

Pre-registration is appreciated.<br />

Volunteers can sign up at tables set up outside of Fellowship Hall.<br />



AFTER SUNDAY, APRIL <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Sunday, April <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2019</strong> will be the last day hot breakfasts will be provided<br />

on Sundays. Beginning Sunday, May 5, <strong>2019</strong>, continental breakfast will be<br />

served featuring items such as sliced bread with butter/jam/honey, bagels,<br />

croissants, pastries, rolls, cream cheese, fruit, juice and various hot<br />

beverages. The Continental breakfast prices will range between $3 and $5<br />

per person.<br />

The decision to discontinue hot breakfast on Sunday was made in an effort<br />

to reduce the costs associated with the purchase of food in addition to the<br />

shortage of volunteer staff to manage the kitchen on Sundays.<br />

We want to thank you for your continuous business and loyalty to the<br />

Culinary Ministry!<br />










Just For Fun Events @ Hope!<br />



Join the Creative Prayer Circle for knitting,<br />

crochet, embroidery & fellowship!<br />

Tuesday<br />

6:30pm—8:00pm<br />

Wednesday<br />

11:00am –1:00pm<br />

Thursdays @ 6PM<br />

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly<br />

I tell you, whatever you did for<br />

one of the least of these<br />

brothers and sisters of mine,<br />

you did for me.’<br />

Matthew 25:40 (NIV)<br />


Hope, we need your help to stock our pantry to feed our neighbors in<br />

need for the upcoming year. Your donations can be placed in the<br />

Missions food barrels near the kitchen and Room 24 anytime during<br />

the week.<br />

The following items are of special need:<br />

Cereal, canned tuna and salmon, canned fruits and<br />

vegetables, canned soups, rice, beans,<br />

mashed potatoes, boxed macaroni and cheese, pancake mix,<br />

syrup, canned pasta meals, canned chili, peanut butter, jelly<br />

and juice.<br />

Last year Hope blessed approximately 400 families with a food<br />

basket!<br />

Your donations do make a difference!<br />

Barbara Battle, Chairperson Missions<br />

HOPE'S WISH LIST <strong>2019</strong><br />

Please consider making a donation from the Hope Wish List as another expression of praise and thanksgiving.<br />

Thank you and may God bless you!<br />

1. Six (6)-3-Shelf 220 lb. Capacity Large Utility Bus Cart @ $99.00 Each @ Restaurant Equippers Greenfield @<br />

Total $594.00. (Board of Trustees)<br />

2. 600 Bags Landscaping Brown Mulch @ 5 Bags for $10.00 (Lowe's & Home Depot) @ Total $1200.00. (Board<br />

of Trustees)<br />

3. 50 Yellow Silk Flowers @ $1.00 Each @t Dollar Store @ Total $50.00. (Culinary Ministry)<br />

4. Eight (8) White 60" x 108" Open Hand Crochet Tablecloths @ $7.00 Each @ Total $56.00. (Culinary Ministry)<br />

Also:<br />

Items Area Cost<br />

Carpeting (1) Parlor $6,000<br />

Treadmills (2) Weight Room $1,500<br />

Commercial 8ft. Tables (2)<br />

Church/Trustees<br />

Top Soil (Large Bags) (6)<br />

Church/Trustees<br />

Digital Bulletin<br />

Announcement Boards (3) Church/Trustees $2,000 ea.<br />


PRAYER REQUEST FORM Tele-Care Ministry<br />

PRAY FOR<br />

Name:___________________________________________________________<br />

Telephone Number: (________) ______________________<br />

(Area Code) (Phone Number)<br />


Spiritual Healing Physical Healing Deliverance From<br />

____ _____________________ ____ ___________________ ____ __________________<br />

Family Problems Financial Problems Emotional Problems<br />

____ _____________________ ____ ___________________ ____ ___________________<br />

Other<br />

Prayer Information __________________________________________________<br />

Submitted by: _______________________________________________________<br />

Please return the form to Elaine Johnson, Rev. R. Green or place it in the Tele-Care Ministry mailbox.<br />

Rev. Rosaline Green, Clergy Advisor<br />

____<br />

___________________<br />

Call (248) 356-1020 ext. 146 for a ride to the<br />

10:30 <strong>Service</strong>!<br />

Call and leave your name, address, phone<br />

number, and any special needs by 1:00 pm every<br />

Friday! We will confirm by 1:00 pm Saturday.<br />

Thank you!<br />

Please note: The bus will depart 20 minutes after<br />

the end of the 10:30 am service to return you to<br />

your residence.<br />


CD SALES!<br />

CD videos will no longer be sold from the Media Center.<br />

All CD of sermons or any other type of event recordings will now be available for purchase<br />

at the Welcome Center.<br />

CDs are $5.00<br />

Sermons on CDs will continue to be available<br />

by filling out the Sermon Order Request Form below.<br />

Sermon orders will be ready for pick up at the Welcome Center<br />

seven (7) days after receipt of the order form.<br />

The Welcome Center is open every Sunday immediately following<br />

the 7:30am and 10:30am Worship <strong>Service</strong>s.<br />

Thank you for your support of this ministry!<br />

..................................................................................................................<br />

Hope United Methodist Church<br />


TODAY’S DATE: _______________________<br />


________________________________________________________<br />

TELEPHONE NUMBER: (______)<br />

________________________________________________<br />

SERMON<br />

REQUESTED:______________________________________________________<br />

SERMON DATE:___________________________________CD__________<br />


7:30 AM________10:30 AM________OTHER_________<br />


DATE:___________________________________________<br />




Hope United Methodist Church Counseling Center<br />

Sometimes a listening ear can provide the perspective we need to make<br />

it through difficult times as families, and as individuals. If you need a<br />

spiritual counselor, please call Pastoral Care at 248-262-5129 to<br />

schedule an appointment. All calls and appointments are<br />

confidential.<br />

Stepping Stones To Wholeness<br />

Are you or someone you know experiencing the pain associated with grieving?<br />

If so, we can help with the journey through the loss.<br />

Call Rev. Rosaline Green at (248) 262-5129 for an appointment.<br />

Members and Non-Hope members welcomed<br />

Rev. Rosaline Green, Executive Pastor, Facilitator<br />

Have you changed your address, phone number or email in the last year?<br />

Please complete the form below to verify and/or change information on your records.<br />

Place your form in the Membership Secretary mailbox in the Narthex.<br />

*************************************************************************************************************************<br />

Date: _____________ Name: _________________________________________________<br />

OLD Street Address: ________________________________________________________<br />

OLD City, State, Zip:<br />

________________________________________________________<br />

NEW Street Address: ________________________________________________________<br />

NEW City, State, Zip: ________________________________________________________<br />

Home Phone: ____________________ Business Phone: ____________________________<br />

Cell Phone: ________________________________________________________________<br />

Email Address: _____________________________________________________________<br />

Are there other family members? Children? That should also have updated records?<br />

Include their names:__________________________________________________________<br />




The Reverend B. Kevin Smalls, D. Min.,<br />

Senior Pastor<br />

Office: (248) 356-6566<br />

RevKSmalls@hopeumc.org<br />

The Reverend Rosaline Green<br />

Executive Pastor<br />

Office: (248) 262-5129<br />

rgreen@hopeumc.org<br />

The Reverend Christopher M. Grimes<br />

Pastor of Young Adults & Emerging Ministries<br />

Office: (248) 262-5127<br />

cmgrimes@hopeumc.org<br />


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J o in us every Sunday!<br />

W o r s h i p<br />

7 : 3 0 a m a n d 1 0 : 3 0 a m<br />

C o m m u n i o n e v e r y 1 s t S u n d a y<br />

S u n d a y S c h o o l — 9 : 3 0 a m<br />

S e r v i c e s f o r C h i l d r e n & Y o u t h<br />

I n f a n t & T o d d l e r N u r s e r y<br />

W e e k d a y B i b l e S t u d i e s<br />

W e d n e s d a y<br />

A d u l t B i b l e S t u d y<br />

6 : 3 0 p m - M u s i c R o o m<br />

Y o u n g A d u l t B i b l e S t u d y<br />

1 s t & 3 r d W e d n e s d a y<br />

7 : 0 0 p m - I n T h e P a r l o r<br />

T h u r s d a y B i b l e S t u d y<br />

L i f e T o o l s<br />

1 1 : 3 0 a m t o 1 : 0 0 p m - I n T h e P a r l o r<br />

26275 Northwestern Highway ● Southfield, Michigan 48076<br />

248-356-1020 — Church ● 248-356-2084—Fax<br />

www.hopeumc.org<br />

The Reverend B. Kevin Smalls, D. Min., Senior Pastor<br />

The Reverend Rosaline Green, Executive Pastor<br />

The Reverend Christopher M. Grimes,<br />

Pastor of Intergenerational Ministries

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